tv MSNBC Reports MSNBC April 5, 2022 8:00am-9:00am PDT
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made recently to our congress. and we're truly honored by his presence here under the circumstances that he and ukraine face today. madame president, last night, i returned from a trip to moldova and romania. i saw with my own eyes the refugee crisis caused by russia's unconscionable war. i spoke to refugees who indicated to me their desires to return to their home. and we've all seen the images on tv, of the bombed-out buildings. but what we have not seen is that behind those destroyed buildings are destroyed lives and destroyed families. i met with women and children who had fled ukraine, who stuffed their lives into
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backpacks and left the only home they had ever known. these were sobering conversations. one young woman i spoke to came with her 6-year-old brother, who had autism and is struggling with cancer. their single mother helped them escape to save their lives. but russia's war has interrupted the care her brother desperately needs. another woman i spoke to fled with her 8-year-old from odesa. the father, who they left behind, told them they were shelling right next to their apartment that very night. they could have died had they not left. a third woman i met told me that she used to love to travel. but never expected her next trip would be to flee her life.
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flee for her life. when i asked her where she was from, she started to say and with tears in her eyes, he said, i'm sorry, i don't know how to say it, but i live in kyiv or whether i used to live in kyiv. she was realizing in the moment just how dramatically her life had changed because of this senseless war. these are three stories of more than 10 million people, 6 million internally displaced, 4 million who have left ukraine altogether. 4 million people who have reied on the big-heartedness of countries like moldova, romania, poland, slovakia, hungary, and others across the region and the world, to welcome and support all those leaving ukraine in search of safety. ukraine's neighbors are bearing the brunt of europe's most
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significant refugee crisis since world war ii. and i want these countries to know they have a committed partner in the united states. and that is why the united states announced recently that we are prepared to provide more than$1 billion u.s. in new funding toward hmanitarian assistance to those affected by the war in ukraine and those impacted around the world. that's why we're welcoming up to 100,000 ukrainians and others fleeing russia's aggression, to the united states. we will continue to assist humanitarian efforts to help the people of ukraine and all those fleeing putin's violence. as heartwrenching as the stories are, in moldova, there are
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stories we'll never get to hear. those are the people we saw in the images out of bucha. we've all seen the gruesome photos. lifeless bodies lying in the streets, apparently, executed. as we recall the events in these images, i would remind this council, that based on the information, the united states has assessed that members of russia's forces have committed war crimes in ukraine. and even before seeing the images from bucha, president zelenskyy, along with others in the region, were reporting that children were being abducted and we heard him say that today. also abducted are mayors and doctors, religious leaders, journalists and all who dare defy russia's aggression. some of them, according to
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credible reports, including by the mariupol were taken to camps, where russian forces are reportedly making tens of thousands of ukrian citizens relocate to russia. reports indicate that russian federal security agents are confiscating passports and i.d.s, taking away cell phones and separating families. from one another. i do not need to spell out what these so-called filtration camps are reminiscent of. it's chilling. and we can't look away. every day, we see how little russia respects human rights. that's why i announced yesterday, that the united states, in coordination with ukraine and many other u.n. member states, will seek
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russia's suspension from the u.n. human rights council. given the growing mountain of evidence, russia should not have a position of authority in a body whose purpose, whose very purpose, is to promote respect for human rights. not only is this the height of hypocrisy, it is dangerous. russia is using its position on the human rights council, for propaganda to suggest that russia has a concern for human rights. in fact, we will hear some of the propaganda here today, i know. and i will not dignify the lies with a response. only to say that every lie we hear from the russian representative is more evidence that they do not belong on the human rights council. 140 u.n. member states voted to
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condemn russia over its unprovoked war and humanitarian crisis it has unleashed upon the people of ukraine. here's my message to all of you -- now is the time to match those words with action and show the world that we can work responsibly. and i share president zelenskyy's view that this moment requires responsible world powers and global leaders to show some backbone and stand up to russia's dangerous and unprovoked threat against ukraine and the world. the secretary-general said that confronting this threat is a security council's charge. it is. it is also the responsibility of u.n. leaders and leaders around the world, every single member state, with a voice in the g8.
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no one can be a shield for russia's aggression. expelling russia from the human rights council is something we have the power to do in the general assembly. our votes can make a real difference. russia's participation on the human rights council hurts the council's credibility. it undermines the entire u.n. and it is just, plain wrong. let us come together to do what is right and do right by the ukrainian people. let us take this step to help them start to rebuild their lives. and let us match the courage of president zelenskyy, who we are honored to have with us today. president zelenskyy, i want you
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to know that we stand with the people of ukraine, as you face down this brutal attack on your sovereignty, on your democracy, and on your freedom. thank you. >> good day. this is a special edition of "andrea mitchell reports" live from brussels. you have been listening to linda thomas greenfield. tony blinken will arrive here today, with meetings on how to punish vladimir puti atrociies in ukraine. this is after president zelenskyy details what he called genocide in bucha, over russia's objections. >> i'm addressing you on behalf of people who honored the memory of the deceased every day, in the memory of the civilians who died, who were shot and killed in the back of their head after
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being tortured. some of them were shot on the streets. others were thrown into the wells. so, they died their in suffering. they were killed in their apartments, houses, blowing up grenades. civilians were crushed by tanks while sitting in their cars in the middle of the road. just for their pleasure. >> secretary of state blinken will lead the diplomatic efforts here in europe, joint chiefs chairman, mark milley are briefing congress for efforts to arm ukraine, for what intelligence officials are saying is going to be months of war. >> you're seeing forces that are optimized to fight in rural, wooded, rolling hill terrain, will have difficult times in urban train. that's proved true and that's one of the reasons they left kyiv. >> we start with the war in ukraine and president
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zelenskyy's message to the united nations security council, his first appearance there. joining me now, "new york times" chief correspondent, and political analyst, peter baker. and allen coe, who served as the legal adviser of the state department during the obama administration, and argued against russia on behalf of ukraine. it's good to talk to you again. i want to start with your reaction from what we heard from president zelenskyy, and our u.n. ambassador at the united nations security council today. >> well, we heard a characterization and a response. and journalists like yourself and peter, who have been through many of the tragedies, know that different conflicts and chains of atrocity start to develop an interesting character. so, in bosnia you had ethnic cleansing. in east timor, you had scorched
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earth. here, is a pattern of war crimes as a tool of naked aggression. and we're seeing two kinds of patterns of activity. indiscriminate shelling of civilian targets that are marked as civilian. and secondly, brutal, face-to-face torture and summary execution and dismemberment as a strategy, which is incredibly shocking. i think what we're seeing with bucha and mariupol, are two incidents that will have the flavor of sarajevo. president zelenskyy is not explicit about what he wants to do these. he'll take the one that movers quickly. i think ambassador greenfield said time to kick russia off of the u.n. human rights council, it's 47 members, they should not be there voting and helping to set the agenda.
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>> in fact, that may happen this week because they can't act with russia on veto on the security council. they are going to the general assembly, where they got 141 votes in favor of condemning the invasion in the first place. before i get to you, peter, i want to bring in nbc chief correspondent richard engel, who shared this reporting from bucha in the last hour. let's watch. >> reporter: this is the center of bucha or what's left of it. and russian forces didn't just bomb and destroy this area. residents say that russian soldiers were going door-to-door, house-to-house, kicking down the doors, shooting the locks and searching for young men, they say. that if anyone gave them any kind of resistance, argued with them, tried to talk back to them, they would quickly be shot. there were so many bodies that
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people started to bury the bodies in their backyard. they talk about snipers. how civilians would have to cross through this area to go from house-to-house and they would hear the whiz of sniper bullets going past their heads. scenes of terrible destruction also accounts of horrible, horrible brutality in this one suburb just on the outskirts of kyiv. >> you know, my colleague, richard engel, has seen it all. but clearly, what people are describing in bucha, peter and harold, is really beyond anything as, harold, you pointed out, is to bring milosevic to
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justice. peter, you've been there and in moscow, as the bureau chief. it's impossible to imagine how ukraine in a protracted war, where u.s. military and the national security advisory said that russia is regrouping. they're going to go east and pin down the ukrainian forces. >> it's amazing the images you showed. you know, vladimir putin said he was invading ukraine to save it. it's a situation where to save the village he is going to burn down. he is using force against civilian targets. they are practicing brutality against women and children, as well as men. it reminds me so much of what we
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saw in chechnya, in the beginning of putin's reign. i was in grozny. what they did to grozny, is what they're doing in ukraine, at a more massive scale. they had concentration camps. they were pulling men from house-to-house. this is a pattern we've seen in putin's tenure. he's applying it on a larger scale in front of the world's eyes. people didn't get into chechnya to see it the way they are in ukraine, the way it is the rest of europe, and under russian control. what they are doing, is a pattern of two decades of brutality of anybody who stands up to them. the difference is that the ukrainians are the russians' slavic brothers. they are doing this to people they say to consider to be part of their own nation. and it's rather -- it's
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heartbreaking and tragic and horrific. >> stand by, harold and peter. i want to bring in nbc's gabe gutierrez, who is four hours southwest of kyiv. how does zelenskyy's address add urgency to what is happening on the ground right now in ukraine? >> well, andrea, a lot of urgency. president zelenskyy calling out the united nations and his descriptions of the atrocities in bucha made all of the more powerful, because they were done, he says, by a permanent member of the u.n. security council. >> gabe, i have to interrupt you because we're about to see the video that didn't play earlier. and it's very graphic. please -- a caution, with children at home. these are the images provided by ukraine's government.
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sharing that video with us. the images are harrowing. speaking in my national capacity, we are appalled by what we have seen and we iterate our solidarity with ukraine. i resume my function as the council president. and i now give the floor to the representative of gabon. >> you just heard the president of the council, the u.n. ambassador from the u.k., from great britain, acting in her capacity as the british ambassador to the united nations. now, she is returning to her
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position as president of the council this month. gabe, i want to go back to you because i don't know if you have seen the images that the ukrainian government provided. and we saw the ukrainian ambassador there, just horrific. i don't think the world has seen anything like it. it is comparable in some ways to some of the construction we saw isis wreak in syria and parts of iraq, which was referred to by president zelenskyy when he said that the u.n. is not upholding its mission with russia as a vetoing member of the five-member security council. they need to rewrite the charter or eliminate russia or change the rules or come up with a news for new forum. he was scolding the u.n. or the rest of the world for not doing
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what it was designed to do in 1949. >> that's right, andrea. president zelenskyy, asking where is the security in the security council? where is the peace? i was able to see part of the video, which, as you heard earlier, was not played right after zelenskyy did not address because of the technical glitch at the time. nonetheless, so powerful, andrea. these are images that we have begun to see the worst of it. and many ukrainians we have been speaking to on the ground, think this is just the tip of the iceberg, sadly. places like mariupol, has been shelled. but there's no way to get images out of there. the images we're seeing in bucha and surrounding cities are just the tip of the iceberg. and president zelenskyy says he
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expects the death toll around kyiv, to be even higher than bucha. those images you just saw there, it's powerful because you might remember, that a short time ago, a few weeks ago, there was another video, that was played in front of the u.s. congress. at that time, the reaction -- the international reaction was just near unanimous. i will point out, andrea, something that has stuck out at me, being here in ukraine. of course, everyone we have spoken with here has been so outraged by the images coming out of bucha. we're hearing that the russian propaganda, state television in russia, there's been independent polls coming out that suggest that putin's popularity is up in that part of the country. it was difficult to see those images coming out of the u.n. security council, the people we have been speaking with on the ground in ukraine, the images out of bucha are outrageous.
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they expect to see more, sadly. andrea? >> thanks to you, gabe. harold koh, i want to play a little bit of what secretary of state blinken said about an hour and a half ago, on his way to brussels, about the horrors in bucha. >> it's a deliberate campaign to kill, to torture, to rape, to commit atrocities. the reports are more than credible. the evidence is there for the world the see. this reinforces our determination and the determination of countries around the world to make sure that one way or another, one day or another, there is accountability. >> we do know how long it takes. i want to clear something up because you're the best legal expert that one can have on the subject. the president said yesterday
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that they are war crimes but not genocide. i know the definition -- the legal definition and why there is a difference. why don't i ask you since you're the lawyer and i'm not, to explain to our lay audience, the different between deciding that something is genocide versus a war crime. >> well, on its face, you can see that it's a war crime. it's when you target civilians or otherwise violate the laws of war by indiscriminate shelling and the like. it's a higher level of proof as on national lawyer to prove that you intended to destroy a religious, ethnic or national group, as such. obviously, they are killing all of the ukrainians they see in this town. but the question is, do they intend to destroy permanently the ukrainians as a people? that goes to what is in the mind of the people who are acting.
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andrea, i want to point out three things. there's a reason before the security council in april because last night the united arab emirates who had been the chair, had voted against the initial resolutions. this month, it's the u.k., ambassador woodward. you're going to see a lot of activity because the british government is very committed on this issue. secondly, what are the chinese saying? are they being more moderate now in their defense of the russians? they still want to operate within the system. they want to be committed to the rule of law. if they're seeing the images, do they want to go all-out in defending putin? and third, president zelenskyy, who is doing a brilliant job in rallying support, still has to get to a negotiation and a cease-fire. and in that cease-fire accountability has to be
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preserved. they can't negotiate for immunity. that's what happened at dayton, as you will recall, that neither milosevic or did not get immunity. secretary blinken said, it's deliberate. it's a campaign. it's much more than credible evidence. he thinks that the evidence is strong and overwhelming. but that we will not pick the tribunal that will pursue these. one way, one day, we'll get to accountability. that's the point. we're not going to take it off the table because putin asks for it as a way of extricating himself from this mistake he made by going into ukraine. >> harold koh, thank you so much for that. i just wanted a little coda,
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that it was madeleine albright, in 1989, who made sure that milosevic was going to be held to account, when she was secretary of state. coming up next, from top u.s. defense officials this morning in the house, the armed services committee, the aide to ukraine, and what more we can do. this is andrea mitchell reports, live from brussels, only on msnbc. than your highs and lo. your creativity can outshine any bad day. because you are greater than your bipolar i, and you can help take control of your symptoms - and ask about vraylar. some medicines only treat the lows or highs. once-daily vraylar is proven to treat depressive, acute manic, and mixed episodes of bipolar i in adults. full-spectrum relief for all bipolar i symptoms. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. call your doctor about unusual changes in behavior or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants can increase these in children and young adults. report fever, stiff muscles or confusion
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welcome back. live right now in brussels, this is andrea mitchell, defense secretary lloyd austin and joint chief mark milley is testifying before the armed services committee. this is what general austin just said about struggles in the battlefield. >> just because you have the capability doesn't mean you're going to overwhelm another force easily. russians had to have significant mechanized capability. when you look at the techniques and tactics, procedures they use, they were not effective. joining me now are clint watts, msnbc analyst and eileen cooper, pentagon correspondent for "the new york times" and msnbc political analyst. helen, let's expand on what we played from the house armed
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services hearing. do you see russia learning from its mistakes as it regroups in belarus, comes back down into the east, where they do have great support among those separatist groups and still keep tying down the ukraine military by hitting potentially odesa or lviv or other parts of ukraine? >> hi, andrea. it's good to see you. it's been sort of a two tales of this war with the russian military. you know, their abysmal performance on the battlefield. and then, their destructive performance, as we saw in bucha, against civilians. you know, they've done not very good job, not very competent job against ukrainian soldiers and ukraiian troops. they have not managed to subdue them at all. they've taken out -- they've taken out their ire on
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civilians. we see a military behaving in this way it usually is because they have been cut off in other ways. the bucha images shows that in stark -- puts that in stark relief. this is an effort. it all goes back to a pentagon official yesterday. and he says he believes this goes back to an inability -- this is an effort, now, what you saw in bucha, and what you see in the attacks on civilians, is an effort to break the will of the ukrainian people and to sort of stomp out their will to fight. what has stymied russia so far has been that will to fight in ukraine, which they were not expecting when they came in. they were not expecting the level of resistance, from the ukrainian military and also from the ukrainian population, that
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they received. if response, they are going after ukrainian people in an effort to break this will to fight. and it's a horrible circular almost firing squad we're in, right where you see russian troops now acting out against civilians. it is a sign of how much they have managed to not perform on the ground. you see they have not managed to take -- they barely managed to take one or two population centers. and those -- even those, they are fighting to keep. they're in a defensive position now, in mariupol. they are trying to maintain the land bridge. russia's performance on the ground has been abysmal. and to get to your original question, how they learn from their mistakes and adapt.
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it's hard to make a prediction because nothing that anybody thought would happen in this war, nothing that anybody thought would appear with the russian military performance would happen. the pentagon thought early on that russia would correct its mistakes and fix them. and they still haven't. >> clint, a senior defense official says the u.s. is continuing to see russia position forces. go to the map and talk to me about the forces they are expecting to come on the other side in the east? >> that's right. what we see in the north are these forces pulling back towards belarus. this is a near constant at this point. also, around chernihiv. this is when they were moving in and they are essentially moving back out. also, in bavaria, the russians
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never had success. ukrainian doing artillery strikes. they are heading back to the russian border. that takes us to the bigger picture here in the east. this is the story from here on out. the big change is what is once all red, is littered with light blue. that's counteroffensives from ukrainians. the battle will come down to this portion right here. from kharkiv down here to the southeast. the russians are trying to push through this corridor. from luhansk, they are trying to get to izyum. we will see the reposition of forces from the north, bringing them around to the east. and you see the russians push and probe on many fronts, trying to essentially wink -- link the forces and seal off parts of donbas.
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slovyansk is a battle today. when you look at a close way, you see where russians are trying to put forces together. around slovyansk, the ukrainian military is fighting back. which is reposition quicker? the russian forces with combat power from the north, or the ukrainian military that has farces that can push to the east. >> clint watts, thank you at the map. helen cooper, of course. reunited, former president barack obama will be back at the white house today, for the first time since leaving the oval office. why he is joining his former vice president for that rare event. you're watching "andrea mitchell reports" only on msnbc. ♪ we believe there's an innovator in all of us. ♪
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obamacare. carol lee is at the white house. what do we expect to hear from the former president and president biden? >> reporter: well, andrea, they are going to celebrate the affordable care act on its anniversary, which is a signature achievement for democrats and particularly for former president obama. the policy that president biden will announce is two-fold. he will announce the fix to what is called the family glitch. a new federal regulation that allows families that are paying more than 10% of their income on health insurance to receive financial help. right now, under the affordable care act, the subsidies apply to individuals. so, it doesn't include people that put spouses and children on the health care plan. the policy that the president is announcing today will take effect in january, once it goes through the process. president biden will be signing an executive order, that the administration says could strengthen medicare.
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there's not a lot of specifics around it. it's directive to the agencies. but the administration says this could give 200 uninsured people new coverage and also 1 million americans would be able to receive more affordable coverage. that's analysis of that. this is about optics. this is a nostalgic moment for democrats. many worked in this white house and worked for president obama. president obama and president biden, appearing together, side-by-side. they will have lunch before they step out and hold this event. they will amplify this message of providing affordable health care for americans and draw a little attention to president biden's domestic agenda, which has struggled, to happen a little bit. the administration has struggled to get attention there. and president biden's poll numbers, obviously, are rather low right now. president obama is still very popular among democrats.
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all of this, andrea, happens against the backdrop of the midterm elections this year. and democrats hoping that this is something that might energize the party a little bit. >> we all remember that day when they signed that bill, when the president signed that bill in the east room. there was a famous open mic incident with the then-sitting vice president. look it up. google it. thanks, carol. thanks to you. bipartisan backing. how judge ketanji brown jackson won support from three republican senators, all but assuring her confirmation this week. i'll be talking to amy klobuchar of the judiciary committee coming up. you're watching "andrea mitchell reports" on msnbc. n msnbc.
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court nominees because it's important for public confidence. >> at some point, there's going to be a president of one party and a senate of another. and if we just vote party lines, that would make it difficult to staff a judiciary. we would have to consider what adjustments and changes would have to be made in that kind of setting. >> republican senators mitt romney and susan collins with garrett haake on capitol hill, speaking about the security confirmation process. they will vote yes to judge ketanji brown jackson. she is set to be confirmed to the security. joining me now is amy klobuchar, the democrat from minnesota and member of the senate judiciary committee. you have lisa murkowski, susan collins and mitt romney all supporting judge jackson. how important is that to you democratic members? that evenly divided judiciary
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committee, i should point out. you were 11-11. >> well, first, i appreciate their courage. these are thoughtful senators that have worked with us on infrastructure and so many things. ability to understand every opinion impacts real people and how she showed that grace under pressure when she got hit upon and attack and she was just sitting there looking strong. and i think they saw something else, which we realized after the hearing. because of that grace under pressure, because of that historic moment, many polls showed something like 66%, two-thirds of the american people thought she belonged on the bench. i'm very, very honored to be part of this committee and excited about that moment when
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judge jackson, no matter what attacks were lodged against her, she stood tall and she's going to walk in to that court house with her head held high and every little girl and boy in america is going to know anything and everything is possible. as the first black woman will be in the room where it happens in the u.s. supreme court. >> andus to get through a little bit of the details coming up. steve breyer, justice breyer is going to complete his term. he's announced his retirement at the end of the term, which is usually end of june/beginning of july and she'll be sworn in as a supreme court justice in october when they return in the fall, correct? >> yes. and the other thing about this is that though the votes -- we're not going to wait. i wonder why we wouldn't want to wait until then for the vote, andrea? the vote is going to be this week. and it's now 53-47. not a lot of drama.
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that's great to not have drama in the u.s. senate. we won't need a tie-breaking vote from my friend, the vice president. and in any case, that vote will be on thursday or friday. the sooner the better. and then it sets the stage for her to walk in to that court house. >> we did hear senator durbin, the chairman of the judiciary committee criticizing the process. certainly, you heard from mitt romney and from lisa murkowski criticizing both sides. i mean, this goes back to judge bork who did not get on the court, clarence thomas, who did get on the court. lot of other issues with clarence thomas and his wife. do you think it can ever get to the stage where a supreme court nomation, no matter how qualified the judge mightby, is actually dealt with in a constructive way and people can
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finally bury the hatchet and not be fighting more? >> i do. i hope so. and let me tell you that some of these nominees have come in the most extraordinary circumstances where the seat was held open, the nomination was rammed through in the case of mitch mcconnell and amy coney barrett. those were very unique circumstances, let's face it. and right now, we have a number of members, even those that voted, some against her on the judiciary committee, like senator grassley, who allowed the process to move forward and didn't put up any procedural road blocks did show some civic ability to handle a nomination process. so, that is my hope. we obviously have a number of members on that committee, especially, who are trying to score points and unfairly attacked her. i have think every member on the
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democratic side did a very good job in our own ways of pushing back on the facts. only 3% of the opinions were reversed. only 3%. and you look at how her rulings stand up for the test of time. you look at republican appointed judges who have done similar things. you look at her support from the fraternal order of police and her brother a police officer, her a public defender. just adds up to someone who has the balance we need for supreme court justice. >> you and senator blount were in charge of some of the january 6th hearings on the senate side. now the january 6th house committee, the select committee, is going to hear from ivanka trump. this is getting very much closer to the former president. your take away -- >> and of course, senator blount
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and i shared a different piece of this and that was the security needs of the u.s. capitol and what went wrong when it came at the defense of the capitol, which was very, very important to do immediately and that was a bipartisan report. i am really impressed by the fact that you have two republicans involved in this, including liz cheney and that the house is moving ahead. on looking at something else and that is the deeper story of what went on and who was involved in funding this and how this occurred, that we literally had an insurrection and attempt to over take the capitol of the united states and overturn an election. that is a big, big deal and kblb glad they're doing such a thorough investigation and looking forward to their report. and what they have already uncovered. >> senator, amy klobuchar, thank you very much. a big day --
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>> thank you. thank you. >> thank you. and coming up in our next hour of coverage, i'll be talking to ukraine's ambassador to the u.s., her reaction to president zelenskyy's address at the united nations and her remarks. remarks. i have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. now, there's skyrizi. with skyrizi 3 out of 4 people achieved 90% clearer skin at 4 months, after just 2 doses. skyrizi may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. before treatment, your doctor should check you for infections and tuberculosis. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms such as fevers, sweats, chills, muscle aches or coughs, or if you plan to or recently received a vaccine. ♪ nothing is everything ♪ talk to your dermatologist about skyrizi. learn how abbvie could help you save.
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that's seeing no limits. varilux lenses by essilor. welcome back to a special edition of "andrea mitchell reports" from brussels. as ukraine's president takes his pleas for more support to the u.n. security council, scolding the u.n. after witnessing the horrors first-hand. >> now, the world can see that the russian -- what russian military did in bucha while keeping the city under their occupation. but the world has yet to see what they have done in other occupied cities and regions of our country. geography might be different of various but cruelty is the same.
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