tv Andrea Mitchell Reports MSNBC April 7, 2022 9:00am-10:00am PDT
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ukraine's foreign minister, who told his foreign diplomats that it's critical to success on the ground during this respite while russian forces are regrouping. the u.s. and allies taking further action against russia, voting to suspend russia's membership in the u.n. human right's counsel, just days after viewing the horrors in bucha in a video played for the security council by president zelensky. and house speaker nancy pelosi says she's tested positive for covid. she was at a white house event attended by president biden and former president obama celebrating the passage of obamacare and the affordable care act. we're a few hours from history being made with judge ketanji brown jackson becoming the first african-american woman to be confirmed by the senate to serve on the supreme court.
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we begin with forces shifting to the eastern part of the country, unable to capture kyiv, so far. evidence of their assault scattered across the capitol and the surrounding areas today. this as civilian casualties are growing. including where we just saw the report from molly hunter. where crews are trying to find the remains of victims buried under debris. gabe gutierrez is northwest of kyiv. but we're going to take a brief break and go to brussels where nato where secretary state blinken will be addressing the press after a day of talks. >> necessary to maintaining peace and international security. together, we are sustaining and building on our support for ukraine. security, humanitarian. economic. together, we're sustaining and building on pressure on the kremlin and its enablers.
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including with unprecedented sanctions. together we're bolstering the defense of nato itself, including by hardening our eastern flank. just over the past 48 hours, i've had an opportunity to meet with my neighbor counterparts. for the first time ever, foreign ministers from the united states indo-pacific allies, australia, japan, new zealand, republic of korea participated in a group. from sweden and ukraine also took part as did the european union's representative joseph burr eland in addition, met with my counterparts from the g 7, the leading democratic economies. the participation of all of these allies and partners highlights the remarkably broad coalition from around the world that are united in standing with ukraine and against the russian government's agregz.
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countries that recognize moscow isn't just attacking one country but the entire international rules based order. the sickening accounts coming out of bucha and other parts of ukraine have only strengthened our collective resolve and community. in bucha, a woman described how russian soldiers forced her and around 40 other people to gather in a small square. the soldiers brought five young men there. and ordered them to kneel. then the russian soldier shot one of them in the back of the head. he turned to the people gathered and said of the victim and i quote, this is dirt. we're here to cleanse you from the dirt. that's just one person russian soldiers killed in bucha. according to the prosecutor general of ukraine, they've found 410 bodies of dead civilians in that one town alone.
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and it's not just bucha. and bud gene, the body of the 50-year-old mayor was found in a shallow grave along with her hands bound, along side the bodies of her husband and son. they were last seen alive being taken away by russian soldiers. in kharkiv, a woman was sheltering in a school with her five-year-old daughter and neighbors when a russian soldier picked her out and forced her to accompany him to an empty clasroom. he cut her face and neck with a knife, threatened to kill her and raped her repeatedly at gunpoint. with each day, more and more credible reports of rape, killings, torture, are are emerging. and for every bucha, there are many more towns russia has occupied and more towns it is
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still a ucue pieing. places where we must assume russian soldiers are committing more atrocities right now. here's what we're doing together with our allies and partners. to stop this aggression, to stand with ukraine and hold accountable those who are responsible. first, we continue to work in close coordination with allies and partners to raise the cost on the russian government for its aggression. yesterday we announced new sanctions on russia's largest financial institution and one of its largest private banks on 21 members of the russia's national security council. on the adult children of putin. for president biden signed an executive order prohibiting new investment in russia by any person in the united states. the european union is considering robust new measures, including bans on russian coal and vessels and on transactions with four key financial institutions.
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second, the united states continues to work at an unprecedented pace to help ukraine defend itself. last friday the department of defense announced $300 million in new security assistance. on tuesday, i authorized an additional 1 million to meet the urgent needs for more antijavelin armor systems. this will bring total u.s. security assistance sirns the beginning of the invasion in february to over 7000000002.4 billion since january of last year. more than 30 countries have joined in delivering security assistance to ukraine. aid that our ukrainian partners have putting to effective use as we see in the kremlin's retreat from kyiv and other cities and towns. today i met again with my colleague and friend, ukraine's foreign minister, to discuss how we can continue to provide ukraine's courageous defenders with what they need to keep pushing russia back.
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third, we continue to provide significant tide address the acute humanitarian crisis caused by the kremlin's war. more than a quarter of ukraine's population, over 11 million people have been displaced. that's roughly equal to displacing the entire population of belgium, the country we're in now, in the space of six weeks. president biden announced the u.s. government is prepared to provide more than 1 billion in humanitarian assistance to those effected by russia's war and aggression. that's on top of money in 2022 alone to vulnerable communities, including neighboring countries that have opened their arms and homes to 4 million ukrainian refugees. the global harm caused by the kremlin's aggression is growing. including the disruption it's caused to the distribution and wheat in ukraine on which so many countries rely. something i heard about and saw
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first hand a week ago when we were in morocco and algeria. in africa, where a quarter of the population is facing a food security crisis. russia's war has raised the cost of basic staples, worsening the hardship people were already feeling. we discussed we can mitigate the war's impact on the most vulnerable around the world. fourth, united states continues to work methodically to collect, to preserve, to analyze evidence of atrocities and to make this information available to the appropriate bodies. we're supporting a multinational team of experts that's assisting a war crimes unit set up by ukraine's prosecutor general with a view towards eventually pursuing criminal accountability. these efforts will insure that russia cannot escape the verdict of history. just moments ago, as i was coming into this room, i learned
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that u.n. member states have come together once again to condemn russia 's aggression and suspend it from the human rights counsel. the country that's perpetrating gross and systematic violations of human roipgts should not sit on the body whose job it is to protect those rights. today a wrong was righted. fifth, we discussed ways we can sure up the collective security of nato allies. as the president said we will defend every inch of nato territory. we have 100,000 u.s. troops in europe, nato's established four new multinational battle groups in roremainia, hungary, slovania and slovakia to reinforce our eastern flank. sixth, we discuss the support nato allies can provide to partners like georgia and
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bosnia, most vulnerable to russian threats from cyber security to misinformation. finally, we discussed at length a new nato strategic concept. this is the blueprint to how the alliance will continue to safeguard transatlantic security in what is a rapidly changing landscape. weal are release that at the nato summit in madrid in june. putin thought he would weaken and divide nato. this concept will make clear that nato is stronger, more united, it's more capable of addressing 21st century threats. and i can say, unequivocally, from my discussions with many colleagues here in recent days, from around the globe, the revulsion at what the russian government is doing is palpable. there's a greater determination than ever to stand with ukraine, to shore up and revitalize the international order that moscow is trying to offend, to bring to
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bear even greater costs on the russian government to insure the people are are held accountable for their crimes. thank you. >> well, secretary blinken completing the nato meetings, g 7 meetings and talking about, how you heard him say, the revulsion at what russia has done is palpable. and joining us now is the u.s. ambassador to the united nations who led the way with the general assembly in that historic vote. 93-24 with 58 extensions voting to suspend russia from the human rights counsel. ambassador, thank you very much for. >>ing over to be with us today. i know you have a very busy schedule and speaking momentarily. but tell us why this was an important vote. >> well, certainly you said it, andrea. it was historic, unprecedented that the general assembly voted
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to suspend a permanent member of the security council from the human rights counsel. and it really was extraordinary sitting in the room and hearing ukraine make that appeal to all of the members of the general assembly and being able to come away with that extraordinary vote. and you may have heard yesterday the russians were threatening countries if they abstained or if they voted for this resolution. and so many countries voted for the resolution and we were successful. and again, isolating russia, condemning russia, and supporting the people of ukraine. >> ambassador, do you think what was revealed in bucha and president zelenskyy's address the security council, the video, that graphic video, did that an mate the debate today?
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>> it certainly did. every single person who spoke, who were in support of this resolution, even many of those who abstained, talked about video, the images they've seen and how extraordinarily unacceptable and horrific those videos are. again, yes, i think that was something is that really influenced the voters today. >> there is a worldwide revulsion as the secretary was just saying, a global revulsion at what russia has done. the exposure in their withdrawal and its retreat but it's temporary. but the description that he just delivered and of course we heard from ukraine's ambassador to the united nations in your debate there today, just graphic
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descriptions of the horrors that people have been suffering there. but how does it end? because there's a lot of talk about war crimes and wanting accountability. but at some point, russia has to be at the table if there's ever going to be a ceasefire. >> well, certainly. and right now the ukrainians are making a real concerted effort to sit down at the table with the russians to find and negotiate it into this carnage. the russians have not been negotiating in good faith. the russians have come to the table but not been willing to stop the attack on the ukrainian people. so, we support their efforts to find a negotiated, diplomatic settlement to this. but it will not take away what the russians have already done. the human rights violations, the
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gross attacks on civilians, the war crimes that we have all seen with our own eyes, that will not be erased even at the negotiating table. >> one of the things they're finding in the areas around kyiv are these so-called smart land mines, which are difficult to disarm, dangerous to disarm. it's a whole new generation of land mines. unlike what we experienced when we were demining southeast asia and other post-conflict areas. is there anything that the united nations can do to try to deal with this problem? >> now, there is a u.n. agency that works on demining and we should start to look at how we can assist the ukrainian people in dealing with these mines because they will be there punishing and maiming and killing the ukrainian people for
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years to come if we are not able to find those mines and remove them. it also shows that russia will not -- will not leave the situation in ukraine in a way that will give the ukrainians any confidence that they can be secure until they sit at the negotiating table to have left these mines behind show that they're not negotiating in good faith. >> you heard president zelenskyy when he was really scolding the u.n. security council saying what's the good of a security council if it can't prevent these atrocities, stop russia from spilling false hoods and how does the u.n. respond to that? >> i have to say i understand his frustration.
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his country is under attack. and he has a sense that the world is not there. but we are there. we are there here at the united nations. we held the russians accountable today. i don't think -- when we decided to do this, that anyone thought we would succeed. and what i was hearing prom a lot of countries is we can't do this and fail. we didn't fail. we succeeded in condemning the russians and suspending them from the human rights counsel. we've had two votes in the general assembly in which we have condemned russia and supported ukraine. and even in the security council, we have isolated the russians. so, i know, if you're sitting on the ground in ukraine and watching your people die, it looks as if we're not doing enough. but we're doing everything possible to insure that the russians are held accountable
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for this. we're supporting, as you heard the secretary say today, the ukrainian prosecutors office in collecting evidence and preparing evidence so that we can hold people accountable. it's not going to bring back the lives of the ukrainians, the broken families, the destroyed buildings. that it won't be brought back. but we will hold them accountable. and then we will help ukraine rebuild. >> ambassador, linda thomas-greenfield, there's a long tradition of having u.n. ambassadors lead the way in conflicts. wars cold and hot, madeleine albright, jane kirk patrick. now you're in that chair and i think a lot of people fighting for ukraine are very grateful for it. thank you for being with us
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today. >> thank you so much, andrea. and joining us now, jeremy bash, former chief of staff at the cia and pentagon and retired colonel alexander vindman. ambassador greenfield was saying why this is important. people may not notice the u.n. human rights counsel, but it's a first strong signal to russia. showing how hard they fought behind the scenes to stop this from happening. >> and if you couple that with what secretary tony blinken talked about. not just our nato allies but from australia, japan, the republic of korea, including and partners including finland and other non-nato countries. this is a global response to russia's aggression. and the reporting that you had
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on earlier from molly hunter about the killings, the rapes, the war crimes that russia is undertaking in ukraine, i think only highlights that the world needs to come together to act to defend ukraine right now. but what i worry about and what i think colonel vindman also worries about is if russia's plan a has failed to take the major cities. then their plan b cannot be allowed to succeed. to go to the donbas, to claim the territory and have a permanent presence on ukrainian soil. we have to deprive the russian military of that capability by continuing to arm the ukrainians with high-capacity weaponry, stings, drones, other capabilities so the russians can never have a offensive. i don't think there's any peace process in the world that should allow to let the russians stay
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in ukraine. >> well, to that point, the chairman of the joint chiefs, general milley, was speaking at the senate arms services committee. let me ask you about it on the other side. >> this is not an easy fight they're involved in. the first part of it is probably unsuccessfully waged. they managed to defeat the russian onslaught on to kyiv. but there's a significant battle ahead in the southeast, around the donbas region where the russians intend to amass forces and continue their assault. i think it's an open question how this ends. >> so, colonel vindman, that is the question because there may be false hope after successfully pushing the russians back from kyiv. but this is only a pause. we've got a real war style come. >> sure. and i think we're entering a particularly dangerous phase
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because russia's going to be more focussed. amass their armor and achieved effects. ukraine cannot afford to lose the next battles or any battles. if russia is successful in the east and south in the next phase of the campaign, next four or six weeks, it's going to press its advantage and continue to places like kyiv and continue to commit atrocities. it's achieved the current success with the absence of nato, the u.s. the equipment is starting to flow in now, more sophisticated equipment. but so far largely javelins, largely air defense capabilities. what they need now is to replenish the losses they suffered. armored vehicles, tanks, artillery pieces that the ukrainians have slowly lost in a battle of atrition, the russians
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have widdled away in the course of six weeks and there's a great deal of resistance to providing ukraine the capabilities it needs. the theory is ukraine can't win too much, russia can't win too much because somehow that prevents a negotiated solution. both sides have to feel equally weak. the russians have any advantage, they're going to press the advantage. it's not conducive towards a compromise or negotiating solution. the only thing that's conducive is victory on the battle field. that's when russians start to decrease their demands and accept reality that they can't achieve their military aims. that's what we need to press for and what some leaders in the white house need to get through and need to understand that ukraine must win in order to have a -- any kind of rapid solution to the war, otherwise it does play out over the course of many months and potentially years.
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because russia can draw on 140 million people and vast depos of equipment. all soviet-era equipment, but nonetheless, large stock piles of equipment. they need to win and keep winning to end this war rapidly. >> and jeremy, to that point, what colonel vindman is saying is they need these weapons now. this is a critical pivot moment because russia has support in the east. those separatist groups. it's not the same as the battle around kyiv. and as hard as ukraine -- heart ukraine has in the fight, russia is going to continue to commit atrocities. they think the ukrainians would never do in terms of leveling their own country, which is what russia is doing. >> and on top of those weapons,
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it's cratically important we continue to provide ukrainians intelligence and recognizance. we saw the white house announced it's providing commercial satellite imagery to the ukrainians. i think this is important because the russian military has over extended itself. the force that capitalizes on the maneuverability has been able togo basically around and behind the russian forces. i think this is a critical moment as the russian forces retreat. they're retreating not because they're withdrawing but because they're replenish and position. that's a huge opportunity to cut them off from their forces so they're joined up from the forces. the assistance is critical to the battle field geometry. >> jeremy bash and colonel alexander vindman, thanks to both of you. and ukraine's foreign
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minister met in brussels today and had one main point he wanted to get across. >> i came here with a simple message. my agenda for the discussion had only three items. it's weapons, weapons, and weapons. to win the war, first and foremost, you need weapons. the point is very simple. >> and this as the senate voted today 100-0 to suspend normal trade relations between the u.s. and russia. lawmakers voted to codify a ban on oil imports from moscow coming to the u.s. and joining us a member of the foreign relations and armed services committee, which has spent a lot of time in ukraine. you know ukraine and the battle field. you heard he needs weapons. should the u.s. get more?
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and we're training some ukrainians on these advanced systems in the u.s. should we train more of them to operate our systems? >> i think the answer to all those questions is yes. and there's strong bipartisan support in the senate and congress to provide whatever the ukrainians need and to do it as quickly as possible. and the white house when the administration, i know i trying to move as expeditiously as possible. what you're hearing from us is we've got to provid what they need and one of the areas that we haven't really focussed as much on is what's happening in the black sea and the effort by the russians, not just on mariupol but also we expect them to focus on odesa and to try and really limit access into the black sea. and i think we need a strategy for how to respond to that.
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>> i was talking to, as you know, the former nato allied supreme commander and he was saying we've got to get antiship weapons to them. >> i think that's very important, as we look at how do they continue to have a port open so they can get supplies in. and the foreign minister talked about weapons but the other thing that's really important is providing humanitarian assistance. and are are there ways, now that the russians have pulledback, we have this window of time where we might be able to do some things around humanitarian corridors. there is some history of the u.n. providing peace-keeping troops for humanitarian corridors. are are there things we can do to help relieve some of the civilians and civilian suffering going on. >> i know the senate is taking a recess, an easter recess as of tomorrow for two weeks.
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is this pause in senate action going to slow the mobilization, the pressure on the military, the white house to get things done? >> i don't think so. i think there will be continued conversations over these next two weeks. with members of the senate and house and their committees and the darnlt of defense and state. over what's happening. there are a mb of people who are going to be traveling in europe over this period. and an opportunity to continue to raise these issues and to see first hand what's going on and i think all of that is helpful in informing our decision making. and providing some urgency about the need to do everything we can as quickly as possible. >> i know you're the sponsor of the bill that passed unanimous wlae.
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something zelenskyy was calling for a month ago. >> it was. and it's modelled on what we did in world war ii, before the united states entered the war, we provided equipment and arms to britain as britain was trying to fend off the germans. and we basically ran a tab for that equipment and weapons and that's the idea again. so that we can continue to provide what they need without having to deal with the issue of funding. and we had secretary austin, before the armed services committee today. and i asked him if the budget that had been submitted recognized the need to provide additional assistance to ukraine? and he said in fact, probably not. we probably are are going to need to increase the budget. and i think, again, there's a lot of support in the congress to do that. >> i wanted to play something
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you may have also heard today. defense secretary austin, when he was asked about his communication with his russian counterparts, which is traditionally happened in war time and peace time, they've been in close touch for decades during the cold war as well. let's watch his response. >> in terms of whether or not we're engaging russian counterparts, both the chairman and myself have frequently reached out to our counterparts in russia to try to insure that we maintain a dialogue that's in the last -- since midfebruary. that's not been -- we've not been very successful because the russians have not responded. in terms of whether or not -- you know, this is the right approach -- >> so, you heard what the secretary had to say. it's remarkable the russians are not responding to all of these calls from general milley and secretary austin.
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>> vladimir putin has not just over thrown the international world order in his war in ukraine but he's doing it round diplomacy, what has historically been an effort to try to keep lines of communication open, reduce tensions and instead of doing that, he seems bent on increasing tensions. and so, i -- again, i think we've got to look at this window of time we have and see if there are ways we can work with the ukrainians, that nato can work with the ukrainians to think about how to help change the dynamics of what's happening in this war. >> thank you so much. thanks for all you've been doing on this front. we really appreciate it. and fake feds. two men arrested in d.c. for posing as federal law enforcement and allegedly duping
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secret service agents. at least one of whom was detailed the first lady. we're live in brussels. this is msnbc. this is msnbc. why give your family just ordinary eggs when they can enjoy the best? eggland's best. the only eggs with more fresh and delicious taste. plus, superior nutrition. which matters now more than ever. because the way we care... is anything but ordinary. eggland's best. cage free and organic. ♪♪ trelegy for copd. [coughing] ♪ birds flyin' high, you know how i feel. ♪ ♪ breeze driftin' on by... ♪ if you've been playing down your copd,... ♪ it's a new dawn, it's a new day,... ♪'s time to make a stand. start a new day with trelegy. ♪...and i'm feelin' good. ♪ no once-daily copd medicine...
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and we want to turn back to today's breaking news on capitol hill. new details emerging about speaker of the house, nancy pelosi's positive covid test. she's asymptomatic and has received her second booster. the regular two shots plus the two boosters. back with us is garret. >> reporter: the speaker was on her way to her weekly press conference. was about to head down when they got the results the positive covid test. this has shaken the capitol a little bit here. but it's not a surprise. we've been in the midst of a mini outbreak over the last couple of days, a number of lawmakers up and down the chain
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of command on the democratic side, including adam schiff, the chair of the intelligence committee, announcing in recent days they have also tested positive. speaker pelosi was supposed to travel to asia next week. we're told that has been postponed. and the latest round is the speaker was at the white house a couple of times for an aca event, postal bill event and a short time ago the white house put out a statement saying they do not consider president biden to have been a close contact of the speaker, given the brief amount of time they spent directly around each other during 234r9 actions over the last two days. but there are are plenty of lawmakers who would have been considered close contacts to the speaker. and we're in the process of reaching out to all of them. obviously there's a pretty big vote scheduled to happen in just a few hours. the conformation vote for judge jackson. so, this kind of latest wave of covid around the capitol shaking things up.
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i think it's important to point out the speaker says she's asymptomatic and at least the self reported, self identified cases, lawmakers said they're asymptomatic or mild symptoms. >> another argument for the effectiveness of vaccines indeed. and the president did test negative last night as part of his regular cadence. he and the vice president and other top officials are tested regularly, as is the speaker. that's why when something like this happens, they learn right away. as she was supposed to head to a news conference with garrett and others. two men arrested for posing with federal officers and accused of giving lavish gifts to secret service agencies including one, at least one, assigned to dr. jill biden on her protective detail. cohanker of "weekend today" kristen welker.
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this does read something like a spy novel. there was a scandal a number of years ago in columbia on the president's detail. >> reporter: no stranger to scandal. but this is a bizarre one. here's what we know so far. we're still getting the details and drill down on exactly what happened. two washington d.c. men were arrested by the fbi overnight for impersonating federal agents. they tried to convince other law enforcement officials, including secret service agents. one of whom was detailed to first lady, jill biden. they were the real deal. they're accused of giving secret service agents gifts, including free apartments, surveillance systems, a gun case and other policing tools. one of the suspects owned multiple apartments in a building where federal officers lived. in a statement just out this morning, the secret service said quote, the secret service has worked and continues to work with its law enforce thement
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partners on this ongoing investigation. all personnel involved are on administrative leave and restricted from accessing secret service facilities, equipment and systems. according to the affidavit,b the two men have attempted to use their false and fraudulent affiliation to, quoteb ingragsiate themselves with the members of law enforcement and the defense community. the two were discovered when the u.s. postal am specter showed up at their apartment building to investigate a an alleged assault that the two men witnessed and that's when it raised alarm bells. there's still no word on why they did it, what they were hoping to gain and this investigation is very much ongoing, andrea. >> of course, as a member of the secret service, we don't know what the details are but you're not allowed to take free things from anybody. there are ethics rules for everybody involved in the government. so, that's strange.
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what was their motive? what were they hoping to get by giving at least one of -- allegedly giving all these free accommodations? >> reporter: your ror right and that's the key question right now for investigators. what were these two men after? why would they try to pull off such a heist? and of course, as you and i started talking about at the top of this, this is not the first time the secret service has been embroiled in controversy. one of the most notable incidents during the 2012 presidential trip in columbia where about a dozen agents were sent home for misconduct, including for hiring prostitutes. that set off alarm bells there were possibly structural problems in the agency. then a knife-wielding arack war veteran lept over the fence a little ways behind me, ran through the front door of the executive mansion before several agents stopped him and in 2015, two agents ran through a security barrier after a night of drinking for one of the
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agency's spokes people who was retiring. there have been big changes that occurered since all of this has happened. but this latest incident is going to raise new security questions. >> you bet there is. thank you very much, kristen welker, on the secret service beat at the white house. and making history. we're about an hour away from senate vote expected to confirm judge cutaumpy brown jackson to the u.s. supreme court. what it all means coming up. you're watching a special edition of "andrea mitchell reports." we're in brussels today only on msnbc. today only on msnbc. ♪ i want the world ♪ (production manager) ♪ i want the whole world ♪ (supervisor) ♪ i want to lock it all up in my pocket. ♪ (ceo) ♪ i want today. ♪ ♪ i want tomorrow. ♪ (warehouse worker) ♪ presents and prizes and sweets and surprises... ♪ (driver) ♪ of all shapes and sizes. ♪
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joining us nbc washington correspondent and robert gibbs, former white house press secretary in the obama administration and former republican national chairman, michael steele. first to you, vice president kamala harris is going to preside over the senate. we're told she's traveling to the capitol. obviously the great moment for her. first black vice president, first black woman vice president and now the first black woman on the supreme court, something president biden promised in south carolina. >> this is going to be an exn credibly historic moment with the first black woman to be vice president presiding over the conformation vote for the first black woman to be confirmed to the supreme court. of course, this took 233 years in the making for someone with her life experience to make it on to the bench. i've been talking to a lot of people who know judge jackson personally.
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and they say she is someone who was a serious student, who had been working for a long time to be a judge, for a long time tabe in this position. they said they were pained to watch her supreme court hearings and she, herself, was at times dirs rbed. but because of her background, as a descendant of enslaved people and parents who were both lawyers and educators, that she was ready for this moimt. and one of her friends said she was very caring and texting on her at 2:00 in the morning, checking on her children, even as she was going through the conformation process. this is going to be a moment that will also be a big win for the baden administration, given they have a lot of challenges ahead. this is a moment they can celebrate and there's talk that tomorrow, at the white house, they'll be celebrating her. but today will be at the senate where history will be made.
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>> and robert gibbs, as a political statement, they handled this well. because it's very clear her visits to mitt romney, lisa murkowski and susan collins made a big difference to those senators. >> yeah. this is a huge deal for the white house. i know there hasn't maybe been the tension that you've seen around other supreme court nominations, the ideological shift isn't really happening in this nomination, but it doesn't make it any more impactful. i think joe biden, the president, obviously made a very smart pick. the white house, senator schumer and senator durbin took this process as seriously as we knew they would and made sure that it went off without a hitch. and again, it's no small feat. she'll replace next fall justice breyer who has been on the supreme court or will have heard cases for 27 years. it gives you a sense of the
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impact of this nomination and this vote, that this is a judge and soon to be a supreme court justice that will likely play an important role in our nation over the course of the next three decades. so for this to happen without a hitch, to go off smoothly is a real testament to this white house and, quite frankly, also to the real competence of the nominee. >> and to michael steele, having watched supreme court nominees for decades and confirmation processes all the way back to judge bork in a failed case, it's true that she's replacing a liberal and so it's not changing, it's not altering the court, but she's bringing the sensibility of a black woman to the court. in these conferences, there's no telling the impact, because i watched it with sandra day o'connor, i watched it with judge ginsburg and then with sotomayor and elena kagan.
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they bring something because of their life experience. and that's what this is all about. >> they do. andrea, you put your finger on the least talked about aspect of her nomination and ascendance to the court and that is the woman herself and how she will interact with the other justices. having not just another female perspective, another african american perspective, but the fact that she's got young kids, the fact that she comes out of the defense community in jurisprudence brings elements into that conference setting that i think can potentially change the dynamic. i'll just say right now, i would not be surprised in some respects to see an alliance between this justice brown jackson and amy coney barrett around certain issues. you just don't know how these things turn out.
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i remember conservatives just lauding the chief justice, but then the obamacare decisions came. real life has a way of shaping jurisprudence. and the real-life experiences of someone like ketanji brown jackson will in fact i think have an impact on this court. >> how inspirational is this, yamiche, to young black women, children and students about what she's achieved? >> this moment 233 years in the making is incredibly inspirational for people all over this country, especially black women, black people who want to go into the legal field. i was talking to one of her dear friends who said that for her daughters, these are black young daughters, that they will be able to see her, judge jackson, doing this job at the supreme court and know that they can do
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anything, that they can shoot for the moon, that they do not have to be limited by any glass ceilings. and those glass ceilings, of course, for a black woman being doubly because of her race and her gender. i've talked to people who are just looking at judge jackson and saying this is a person who is also meant for this moment because she is someone who understands her place in history. she was poised and composed for so many hours during the confirmation process, but that one tear that she shed is when senator booker was talking about her as a great american, talking about her as being someone who was going to be walking into her destiny. her friend told me even when they were in law school, she told her that she was going to be the first black woman on the supreme court, a premonition of sorts. but i asked her today, why did you think that and what do you feel like now that it's coming full circle? she told me that essentially this was a moment that was going to be in the making, that people all over the country are going to be seeing a woman who is the
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embodiment really of what an american dream in this country can look like. i will also say, though, that there is a limit to representation. people have told me again that while of course it is important that she is a black woman on the supreme court, it can't be lost that this is a country that has a lot of work to do and symbolism is not the only thing that will move our country forward. >> yamiche, thank you so much. michael steele and robert gibbs. and now it is official and remarkable, tiger woods is one shot off the lead through seven holes at augusta national, beginning his first round of play at the masters in front of massive crowds just a year after that terrifying california car accident that left him with debilitating leg injuries. he almost lost his leg. and of course the big challenge from today is the walk. 18 holes is a lot of walking. tiger isn't the only big sports story today. of course it's opening day for major league baseball teams across america. a little later than expected due to labor issues during the off-season. the red sox and yankees are
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among a handful of teams pushing their openers to tomorrow due to severe weather along the east coast but my nats will be ready this evening when they kick off their season against the mets. that does it for this special edition of "andrea mitchell reports" live from brussels. remember, follow the show on facebook and on twitter. chuck todd with "mtp daily" starts after this. after this.
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in green energy. and also each other. digital tools so impressive, you just can't stop. what would you like the power to do? good day, everybody. welcome to "meet the press daily." i'm chuck todd on a truly historic day here in washington. later this hour, we expect the united states senate to vote on and confirm ketanji brown jackson as the next supreme court justice when stephen breyer officially retires. he's put in his papers but actually will finish this supreme court term, for what it's worth. a vote will make her the first black woman ever to sit on the nation's highest court. we'll take you to the senate as the vote is taking place, which we expect at the back end of this hour.
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