tv MTP Daily MSNBC April 13, 2022 10:00am-11:00am PDT
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if it's wednesday, president biden accuses vladimir putin of genocide, as the u.s. plans to expand its military support. a member of ukraine's parliament joins me outside of kyiv. investigators are poring through a trail of evidence. we'll have the latest on the investigation. and, later, alabama is now the first state in the nation to mak -- we're live in montgomery. who is it that would be arrested for this? that's coming up. e arrested for this that's coming up
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good afternoon. three senior administration officials tell nbc news the white house is preparing to announce a new aid package. we want russia to lose, is how one official is putting it. they're saying is anonymously, it's not formal policy. let that he then hours, president biden for the first time accused moscow of genocide. >> your family budget, ability to fill up the tank, none of it should hinge on whether a dictator commits war. >> yes, i called it genocide.
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it's becoming clearer and clearer. the evidence is mounting. it's different from last week, with more evidence coming out literally the horrible things that the russians have done in ukraine. we're going to only learn more and more about the defer station. we'll let the lawyers decide internationally whether it qualifies, but it sure seems that way to me. >> if you like the rule of three, this is the third biden ad-lib that all seemed to be in the direction of being tougher on what our policy should be. it's rhetoric that seems to be escalating faster than our policy is keeping up with it. first, it was about what putin being a war criminal, then putin most go and then the genocide. in ear all supposed misspeaks, it doesn't appear to be abaccidents.
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right now russia continues to amass troops in eastern europe. in the region, more atrocities against, the mayor of mariupol say 100,000 still need to be evacuated and 20,000 in this one city have been killed. the mayor also confirmed the russians deploying an unknown substance on the city. putin now says peak talks have come to a dead-end, and is vows military operation until it's full completion. he does not define that. let me start, though, in
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ukraine with gabe gutierrez in kyiv. gabe, the ukrainian government, we're preparing for another round of military weapons being sent over there, but as much as we're claiming we're sending more than we ever have, more lethal weapons, for some in ukraine, it's not enough. >> reporter: slings can i say -- as -- as you mentioned, just today, in the last 24 hours, ukrainian authorities say that several dozen people have been injured in the region, and right here in the kyiv region, though, this morning we went to the outskirts yet again where there's an urgent effort
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underway to take a look at bobby traps, tripwires, landmines after the russian retreat several weeks ago. i want to show you the second kindergarten we visited in as many days that has been bombed out. thankfully all of the students had been evacuated before the shelling happened, but right now those residents in the western part of kyiv are picking up the pieces. take a listen to what the principal said earlier today. how hard is it to see like this? >> this is the oldest in the district, 53 years old. it happened on the 7th of march. somebody called me and said it was destroyed. i couldn't believe my ears. then i came here and it was so difficult. i couldn't sleep for two nights after that. when i called my staff, my
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teachers, and i told them what had happened, they couldn't believe it either. they came here and said, well, you know, so much soul had been put into this building. they had made so much with their own hands. teachers had been working here for many years, and everything was destroyed in one day, one minute. they should we will restore it back. it was like paradise. >> after the russian retreat, shock again. there's still heavy recovery underway here in and around kyiv. as you said, the war really continues and intensifying now in the eastern part of this country, new satellite images as well, the convoy moving slowly near kharkiv. i'll have that question for the
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general, how long should we sit back and watch? let me move other to carol lee. what weapons are we sending over? it did seem as if we were taking a step to give more offensive weapons, including his helicopters that were pretty important and then the mi-17 helicopters were off the list. >> my colleague and i were worting the $750 million aid package, another aid package, but it's different, to your point that some of the weapons are new, and some of them are more offensive type of weapons, particular will i the mi-17 russian attack helicopters. earlier yesterday we were told this was part of the package, and then later last night we
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were told that those had been pulled out, so i think this underscores how the debade one the administration is still a very live debate. >> it's sort of a head scratcher. the president used the word "genocide" and then we seem to have having a debate about what weapons to send. >> and jake sullivan told you a sunday that he and the joint chiefs of staff were on call with the ukrainians going through a list item by item prioritizing things. the posture from the administration is they are doing everything they can. now, they have said privately to us that they have conveyed no planes and no tanks, but if you're the ukrainians, look, there's some level of you talk to an administration official,
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they're never going to stop asking for stuff they have to. we understand that, but at the same time the ukrainians are having expectations and then, just in the way that our reporting went, you can imagine how they might feel. they think they're getting something, then they're not, and it goes back to this debate about what exactly is the right thing to provide to meet this moment. we're also told those helicopters could be in a later package, but for now they're not going into this package. that tells you they don't know exactly where the line is, oz there are not entirely agreement there. the president's words show that, too. >> no, you can see it. it really is something that i want to get at and see if there's something there. on this issue of balancing ukraine and the domestic struggles that the who you is doing, i sat down with ron klain on monday for an extended podcast. carol, i want to play something
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for you. i know the president is going to north carolina tomorrow. he was in iowa yesterday to talk gas prices. ron klain admitted to me in this podcast how hard it is to break through the ukraine story. take a listen. >> obviously what dominates the news is ukraine. i don't know how successful we were in getting at these doi things outs to the merge people to hear. that's not a criticism of the media, not a criticism necessarily of us, it's just the reality. people want to hear what we're doing here at home. >> they do seem intentional that president is ramping up into battleground states? >> yeah, they're ramping up into
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any state. the president hasn't been traveling around the country all that much. a lot of his events are here in washington. we have heard repeatedly from the administration, the white house, that the president will pivot to the agenda, we heard that more earlier this year. a lot of that is covid, but it's also he has -- a lot of his attention is being occupied by ukraine. what they have had tried to do is mesh the two issues. i have the president and how he got into talking about again oside was blaming putin for inflation, higher gas prices, things like that. they're still giving it a try. that's where you see the intersection of the ukraine issue. part of the struggle is it's hard to -- the polls show the people don't feel good about
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what the president is doing. >> it's like he's wear a strip of velcro, every negative headline is sticking to him, whether it's fair or not. carol, thank you. let me bring in admiral stavridis. jim, it does seem as if the president's rhetoric is much farther ahead than or policy. is that a fair critique? >> it is, chuck. i'm glad it is. i think the president has consistently been ahead of the curve in call out what's going on in all of its awful functionality. i think the more he does that, the more the system will work to catch up with him. >> there's a part of this that's very uncomfortable to match, when you hear, if we believe they're implying war crimes or genocide, and yet we're staying on the sidelines as they regroup to continue to commit war crimes
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and genocide, it is hard to square that sentiment that the president is expressing versus the action. we're not even sending fighterer jets. you have jake sullivan on sunday saying we're only saying no to fighter jets if they come from germany, essentially winkwink, poland. is that a good idea? >> it's not a good idea. in my view, we should be providing them essentially anything they ask for. i get that it's complicated. they have to have russians systems if they're going to immediately start operating them, but s-300s, s-400s, the mig-29s, i think without question you want to give them
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antiship missiles to wake up those russian slips at sea. by the way, in addition to the hard stuff like that, we need to increase the targeting, the intelligence, the cyber overwatch. i think the president will have to kind of nudge his team a little harder to get that package across the breakers, because this is the moment, chuck. the russians have consolidated everything in the southeast in the country that makes them much more pain to rink, and they have got through a of the of being effectively humiliated, in their view, but thinks ukrainians. they're dangerous, consolidated, the ukrainians need the help now. >> we're letting them regroup. we don't have to let them regroup, but we are.
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are we going to regret this in six months. it looks like the russian strategy is, all right, we can't beat them quickly, so let's bleed them slowly. the more nato watches and arms ukraine, we're essentially playing into that strategy. is there a point where that strategy doesn't make sense? >> i they are we are at that point. we need to recognize russia has flipped the table here. they came in with a very bad battle plan, stretching their forces across the entire boarder of ukraine and belarus. now they consolidated -- they're on plan b, and their plan b looks to me to be very dangerous, shorter logistics chain, a more professional force at this point. they probably bled out the cannon fodder of the recruits and reservists.
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this will be a tough fight. now it's time, to put it in american vernacular, throw the kitchen sink at this thing. >> is there a point at where it is, a month ago, our intervention was considered escalatory. are you convinced it's escalatory if nato got more involved? >> i'm looking at russian activities, war crimes and genocide, and there's no question, we're seeing that, actively terrorizing the population, not a shred of interest in negotiations or peace talks, and in my view, nato can do absolutely anything at this point with the possible exception of putting up a no-fly zone or putting boots on the ground. i would said anything else goes -- intel, cyber, heavy
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weapons, all of that. and, oh, by the way, if we don't do it now, we will come to regret this in the pretty immediate future. we really appreciate you coming on and share your your spect tiff. the new epps spoke of the podcast is out today. and our feed is fantastic. still to come, i'll speed with a ukraiian member of the parliament. and nypd has announced a press conference at 2:00 p.m. eastern with an update, as the manhunt continues with the lead suspect, frank james. much more ahead. you're watching "meet the press
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the white house just announced that president biden spoke with president zelenskyy this morning. in my monday podcast with ron klain about the u.s. policy towards ukraine, i asked him exactly what is our policy now? will it ever shift to our policy being officially, appointing blank, ukraine has to win this war? hard stop. here's part of the interview. >> well, i think what ends the war will always be up to the ukrainian people, and so i'm going to leave that to them to decide whether the final lines are. we're going to stand with ukraine for as along as ukraine is in this war. joined now by a member of ukraine's parliament, lisa
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yasko. i appreciate you suspensioning a few minutes here. you hear that from the white house, from american leaders, they're with whatever the ukrainian government wants, whatever that means. can this end with a negotiated peace at all with putin and the russians? >> well, our position, for obvious reasons, is we don't have trust as a diplomatic way of solving any possible deal with putin, because deals with putin at this stage are not possible. he continues to target ukraine with an aim to destroy ukraine, and, you know, i'm not -- i'm not staying in kyiv anymore because since the war has started, it's not safe there. many people are abandoning their homes. it means that many of our houses
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remain as the main targets. which means that putin is not going to stop in the near future. if we don't provide enough new weapons to the military assistance to ukraine. as zelenskyy said, we need to win this war, and we need freedom. we're not going to leave with slavery, with hatred, that terrible approach. >> tell me about the reports you are seeing. we what are our u.s. president say what's happening there is genocide. tell me what you're hearing, i'm sure, plenty of stories people are sharing with the brutality of this russian assault. >> there are so many tragedies right now in the families of
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thousands of ukraiukrainians. it concerns everyone. we lost friends already. we lost people. we lost so much already, and it doesn't stop at this point. we saw the footage of bucha, but the situation in mariupol is worse. now we know that putin wants to targets eastern ukraine. he still believes he can create more buchas. we're not going to run away even if it costs us lives of people. we are ready to give our lives for our freedom. of course, the fact that so many children were wounded or even
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killed, it's a big, big tragedy that is not going to disappear tomorrow. it will stay for many years with us. even when you -- the war on over. let's assume the best, the ukrainian arm pushes the russians out completely. it's going to take years to build and the world community will have to help. correct? >> exactly, but of course, it won't return the lives of people. rebuilding is infrastructure, everything is possible. we are very strong, and we are very determined. we know that ukraine is very united, but of course when it's almost already 50 days of war, i can tell you in the first weeks i would hope it would be over soon. now i feel i shouldn't have that
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hope, because every day there are more and more tragedies happening. the real war crimes that are committed by putin, but i'm sure that all the world is watching this and helping ukraine to reach peace and freedom, and to kill the evil of war crimes that as putin is committing right now. >> lisa yasko, i appreciate you sharing your stories with us, your perspective. i think everyone needs to hear from as many government officials as they can to understand what you need and what you're fighting for. so thank you. >> thank you. coming up, the 3/8est on the manhunt for the suspect in that new york city subway attack, level ten people shot, over a dozen others injured. thankfully no one has died.
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james. pete, it is sometimes surprising it takes us this long so end a manhunt. we're so used to digit at lift by so requestic to surround this. are you surprised? >> it's a big city. it's possible to hide in this. i think this press conference will largely asked for public health. they're offering $50,000. i don't know if they'll increase that value or not. one of the things they're looking at is what is he doing after the shooting, and one activities is they're investigating whether he was still using the subway after the shooting. there's some indication that maybe he was still on the subway afterwards. but, chuck, he left behind such an enormous amount of evidence, not only that bag the fireworks that the owner said, yes, i sold to frank james, but most importantly he left the gun. so atf has been able to say
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that's the fire armed used in the shooting because of the shell casings left. he bought it 11 years ago in columbus, ohio. it was his gun. that was the critical thing that led to stop calling him a person of interest, and start calling him an interesting. >> what do we know about him? >> he's a troubled man. i don't think he's had a full-time job the last few years. he recently moved to philadelphia. he was for a short time in a transient hotel in chicago, a storage unit he rented in milwaukee, but he closed all of that up and left behind several hate-filled social media posts, youtube posts, hours-longs videos in which he would rail about various things. his sister has talked to "new york times", and said she
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doesn't talk to him often. he himself said that he was suffering from some sort of post traumatic stress of some undetermined kind. lots of hate, lots of racism in his posts, but i want to come back to just a moment about the huge amount of friendsive evidence recovered. really, they moved to discover who this was -- >> that's my point, it's so hard to high anymore. >> but he left behind a credit card. you know, that's one thing that could have been used to trace him. >> he was living in new york city or visitvisiting? >> i think it appears he schlep overnight in the u-haul van. they'll know when the van came in, because theft license plate readers when you cross the bridge. >> and given everything we seem to have learned about him, it's
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highly unlikely he got help? >> there's no indication of that. >> they also recover a cell phone from them. to see if he was talking to anyone else. but you know, cell phones can be used to retrace a person's movements by looking at the towers they pinged off. they just have a lot of evidence. our understanding is the local and federal officials are deciding what charges will be filed. there are a number of federal options they are looking at. >> in 25 minutes, we will find out for sure. pete williams, as always, thank you. coing up, we're going to head to alabama it's the first state to enact a law that criminalized some health care for some tran-gender minors.
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on friday governor ivey of alabama signed a law that seems -- in florida, and arizona, which bars transgender kids as well from youth force. some bars from when you talk about same-sex parenting and couples, but alabama's law goes a step further. doctors who recommend any gender-affirming interventions could themselves face up to ten years in jail. the lawmakers who sponsored the bill said he's trying to protect children from life-altering choices. >> these decisions are very, very different for children, and parents just want to help their children, but these drugs are so powerful. we want to make sure we protect their minds and their bodies.
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>> my colleag colleague yamicher is there. you had a governor vetoing the bill, because he worried about the kids themselves who we've seen have had higher suicide rates. >> reporter: alabama has gone further than any other state, in making it a felony to provide that care. i've talking to people on bo sides of the issues, but the families affected say it would be detrimental to these children's health. lisa walk says this is has helped her child, and i want to
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play shout from molly walker, who said without in medical care, she would probably be in a severe depression. >> they're saying things like we have to protect children from surgery, but that's never an option. doctors are not doing surgery on anybody under 18. i see people say, how can you do this? it's child abuse. it's hard to hear. it's the opposite of child abuse. it's kind of helped me express myself on the outside and kind of have my body start to match who i was on the inside, eye specially with the medicine, but it's also helped me become harley, who i truly am. it's built this foundation for me to be a girl, because that's who i am. it's meant so much to me to get this care, and it's almost saved
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me. >> they both say their family might have to move if this law goes into effect. heartleigh's brother is in the alabama national guard, so this is literally splitting up their family. the doctor also has to decide whether she will go to jail or continue to -- there are 268 other states in 2021 that proposed in, and about seven or eight of them became law. this year you already have 325 states proposes this legislation, and there's a number -- so this is an issue that is going to continue throughout the country. people are really scared about what it may mean for the kids and for their families. >> yamiche, the question i have
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here on parental rights, that's obviously a buzzword for some when it comes to what's happening in schools here. i parents targeted in any of these laws, or just trying to criminalize the medical community for this? >> reporter: at this point, it's my understanding it's not the parents, but the healthcare people. parents here tell me this is not what the government is supposed to be, but -- >> it does son -- we have selective memories a lot in our politics. yamiche, thank you very much. another headline reminder, we are still in the midst of a global pandemic. the cdc announced it will extend
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the mask man dade by 15 days as health officials monitor the spread of the ba.2 subvariant. flights attendens are exhausted from having to essentially enforce the man dade. in an interview with nbc, the delta ceo simply sis, it's time for the masks to go. a political win from president biden as he takes heat over his handling at the crisis at the southern border. he sthour l at your favorite diner... or waiting for the 7:12 bus... or sunday afternoon in the produce aisle. these moments may not seem remarkable. but at pfizer, protecting the regular routine, and everyday drives us to reach for exceptional. working to impact hundreds of millions of lives... young and old.
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at pnc private bank, we'll help you take care of the how. so tell us - what's your why? ♪♪ welcome back. we'll turn to domestic politics. president biden's decision to end title 42 isn't being attacked by just republicans. mandela barnes wants to be a senator from wisconsin, as well as maggie has son. even former texas congressman o'rourke says he doesn't think the policy should be lifted. they're all on the ballot this year. nicholas wu, and sochi hinohosa
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is here as well. it seems like the democratic lost of stopping title 42 is only going to grow. at what part did schumer let it happen? the politics seem toy way ahead. the debate is what held up the covid funding, but even if they put this in the covid funding bill, which means it may not push through the house. the hispanic caucus has drawn a pretty hard line. i don't know how you resolve this. >> first of all, schumer will not let it go through.
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republicans are using in as an elect year -- it's a public health authority. what democrats have to do is actually message about how they're going to help things on the border. democrats were elected to fix things, right? instead of going and trying to embrace right-wing policies, they should talk about how title 42 isn't a border policy. they need to talk about thousand he surged border people to deal with -- so talk about the solution to make sure things are under control and not necessarily embrace the right-wing tactic. >> i had a conversation with ron klain about this. hey, we introduced the bill on day one.
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uh-huh. where is democratic leadership on an immigration bill? >> i think a lot of democrats are eager to pass something, because they know the polls is there. they know the vast majority of americans should not be embracing a wall. democrats should not be embracing the end to the asylum. i think ron is right and i think they need to do more to pass a bill to make an eviction issue and reform our immigration system because it is with congress. >> jim? the politics of this is on the right, it favors the right? >> it's a disaster for the democrats. how can you take away title 42 and it's bordering on hypocritical. you have one policy that covers everything or no policy that
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covers everything. this is a political loser for democrats and they need to be careful about it. >> there is no middle ground. there is no middle ground, a path to citizenship and it doesn't exist anymore. >> the middle ground is, you know, there are haitian refugees that are having a hard time and need to seek asylum. we are not saying open borders. we are saying let them go through a process. they may end up being rejected and deported, but there needs to be a process, and go back to the status quo versus embracing the trump policy. >> the problem is it is an open border and that's the impression every voter in this country has, and as long as that is there, it's a huge problem for the
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democratic party? >> i respectfully disagree. it's not an open border. we are spending more on the border than ever before, and where democrats need to message more, they need to talk about their plan. you heard biden really lean into how he was going to, you know, beat this pandemic. how he was going to help ukraine. he gave speeches on these issues -- >> not immigration. >> -- facing america and we need to talk about what we are doing on the border instead of running away from it, and there will be a surge which every president has gone through that before, and you need to have a president who leads and says what their plan is. >> the democrats on the ballot, they want it off the fall table. >> this is something a lot of hill democrats would be prefer to talk about -- >> even inflation?
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>> well, okay. a lot of these things are related to issues outside of democrat's control, whether it's inflation or a surge of migrants at the border. there are not a lot of easy solutions for democrats here. it speaks to the relative lack of action on capitol hill to try and address any of this as well. immigration reform on the hill has not really gone anywhere, and we are seeing a continued gridlock over covid. >> here are where things is where you wonder if there's an overreach. there's a rough re-election in alabama, and there's testing the theory that there is no such thing of going too far to the right in a republican primary in alabama. look at the immigration-focused ad she's airing right now. >> if joe biden keeps shipping illegal immigrants into our states, we will have to all learn spanish. my message to biden.
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the left can try and cancel me, i don't care, but here in alabama, we're going to enforce the law. i can't believe i have to disrupt this, and breaking news from new york city and the subway situation with pete williams. pete, what do you got? >> we're checking out reports that frank james has been arrested in manhattan. law enforcement officials tell our affiliate, wnbc, that an arrest was made at st. marks and 1st avenue a short time ago, and the suspect was involved in some type of altercation, possibly a stabbing and has been taken to the local police precinct for prosecuting, and authorities believe it's frank james, the man they were looking for since 8:30 yesterday morning when shots were fired aboard a new york subway train as it was headed into manhattan. the gun has been traced to him. his van was found and
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authorities believe he spent the night last night sleeping in the van, and $50,000 reward was offered. we don't know what tipped police off to his presence, and perhaps it was the altercation, and in any event we are awaiting a news conference at 2:00. this news conference was about a request for public health in finding him, and now they could have something different to say, perhaps reports that frank james has been arrested in manhattan, chuck. >> that's a relief for those living in new york city and folks that have family in news. pete williams will be awaiting that nypd presser in four minutes. just got a lot more interesting. that's for sure. pete, thank you. obviously that was an awkward moment for us to break into what you just heard there.
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we have regressed on the right right now, and you and i have talked about this in the past, jim, about where your party has headed. alabama, seriously, does this not open the door for alabamans to talk about immigration? >> yeah, that's way over the top in my opinion. i think she's pandering to the base -- >> talk about stereotyping your base. i mean, that is what makes it so involved in making that. >> i can't find an excuse for it for my party. i hate that we are going down this road. i really do. just -- i just hate it. >> look -- >> i am flabbergasted. is this the way democrats get comfortable talking about it if
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they are going to go too far with the rhetoric? >> democrats have to talk about not only their plan, but republicans don't do themselves favors, and they seem to think the far right rhetoric will win the election, and it doesn't work. we have seen this year after year, and guess what, democrats are in power and not republicans. the fear mongering on immigration and the far right tactics, those won't work ahead of a mid-term election. >> to see how many republicans are going down this road. she did the big lie. she talked directly to the camera, and for the ad to air, she had to utter the lie, and she talked about the election being stolen and then she did this. republicans wish the party was not going down this road but they say it's what the polls
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show us. >> i think what this shows now is a drift in the republican party trying to embrace more of that native space, in the former president continues lies about the election, and we can only expect more of this. >> what that is going to do, chuck, is continue to chase people like me out of the party, or steve hayes, or -- >> yeah, we have seen it. well, you washington right house. nicholas and my rhino friend over here -- what is happening? good to see you my friend. appreciate you coming in and watching. msnbc's coverage continues with katy tur. we await the breaking news on what appears to be the arrest of frank james. hopefully we will get confirmation from the nypd in minutes. ♪ i want the whole world ♪
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