tv MSNBC Reports MSNBC May 4, 2022 8:00am-9:01am PDT
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i am josé diaz-balart ticking off a busy hour. right now we have our eyes on the white house. that's the podium president biden is about to speak from about the economy. we will take you there when it begins. we are also looking at the fallout from the leaked memo on abortion rights. and lawmakers see this moment as an opportunity to mobilize americans ahead of the mid-term elections. already we are seeing americans fired up. >> i heard all this fuss about, oh, the privacy of the supreme court. wait a second, how about a woman's right to choose and her privacy? >> i would be totally elated if
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roe v. wade got overturned. i would. >> in moments i will talk with democratic congresswoman, pramila jayapal. we also have our eyes on ukraine. new aggressive rhetoric from russia. they say any nato transports with weapons would be considered as a legitimate target for destruction. more on that ahead. we start with president biden set to speak about the economy. kristen welker is at the white house. and i want to bring in jolene kent. you have new reporting on what we should expect to hear from the president? >> that's right, josé. good morning to you. the president's remarks on the economy come as we are expecting the fed to announce they are increasing interest rates by half a point, the second time since 2018, and jolene will break down all that. i am told we are going to hear from president biden, a defense
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of his economic policies. he's going to argue the deficit has been cut by $350 billion in his first year in office. there will be those that take exception to that, and of course, republicans blame him for the record high inflation -- >> here's the president. >> good afternoon. before i begin, let me tell you, i will be around to answer questions on a lot of things, but i have 600 olympians waiting for me and if you keep me too long they will rush the place. i am just kidding. and we cut the federal deficit by another $1.5 trillion by the end of the fiscal year. the biggest decline in a single year in history, and the biggest decline on top of us having a
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$350 billion drop in the deficit last year, my first year as president. and we learned the treasury department is learning to pay down the national debt issued to the public this quarter, and for all the talk the republicans make about deficits, it didn't happen a single quarter under my precedent. the bottom line is the deficit went up during the pandemic. it's gone down both years since i have been here. why is it important? because bringing down the deficit is one way to ease inflationary pressures in an economy where the consequence of a war and gas prices and oil and food, it all -- it's a different world right this moment because of ukraine and russia. we reduced federal barring and helped combat inflation. this process is a great deal -- it's good news but didn't happen
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by itself. the previous administration increased the deficit every year it was in office, and the $2 trillion tax cut was not paid for. was not paid for. a tax cut that largely benefited the biggest corporations. 55 of which earned $40 billion in profits paid not a single penny in 2020 taxes. and the wealthiest millionaires. the previous administration undermined the watchdog, the inspector generals whose job it was keep the pandemic fund from being wasted. i kept saying they were going to fire the inspector general, and they fired them, and in my administration those watch dogs are back, and we have a chief
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prosecutor to go after those that stole billions. when i came to office, with the american rescue plan we started to grow the economy from the bottom up and the middle out. rescue checks and tax cuts for working families gave them just a little breathing room and put food on the table and a roof over their heads. remember the first year all those vehicles lined up and going through a parking lot just to get a box of food in their trunk, and we got vaccination shots in arms, went to 220 million americans vaccinated, and saved them an average of $2,400 a year. as a result of these and other
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economic recovery plans, we recovered faster than protected. a record 6.7 million jobs created last year, the most in the first year of any president in history, and the fastest economic growth in any year in nearly four decades. looking ahead i have a plan to reduce the deficit even more. it's a plan that let's medicare negotiate the price of prescription drugs as they do with the department of veterans affairs. we can cap the price of insulin at $30 instead of hundreds of dollars and even $1,000 for some families, and my tax generates clean energies. i met with about a dozen of the utility ceos in the white house and they confirmed this plan will lower energy bills for
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families immediately. and my plan will save the typical driver $80 a month for not having to pay for gas at the pump, and more efficient windows ask doors for homes, and estimated savings $500 per year on average. we can do these things by making sure that nobody earning less than $400,000 a year will pay a single penny more in federal taxes. all we are asking is the wealthiest americans and largest corporations will pay part of their fair share. i am a capitalist. i believe you should be able to make as much money as you legally can, but just pay your fair share. there's no reason why a billionaire should be paying a lower tax rate than teacher or firefighter. that's in sharp contrast to what today's republican party is
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offering, and if they had not put it in print you would think i was making it up. senator scott released what he calls the ultra maga agenda. let me tell you about this agenda. it's extreme, as most maga things are. it will actually raise taxes on 75 million american families, over 95% of whom make less than $100,000 a year. among the hardest hit, working families, kids with folks. imagine a family and you don't make enough money to have federal taxes, because you don't make enough money to pay them, you pay all your taxes but you just don't make enough, and under this new plan, this tax plan, the ultra maga agenda, while big corporations and billionaires will pay nothing more, the working class folks
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are going to pay a hell of a lot more. it goes further than that. this extreme republican agenda calls for congress -- i'm not making this up either. you have to think about this. requires a vote, if it were to pass, every five years congress would have to vote to reinstate or eliminate social security, medicare and medicaid. social security, something seniors have paid in for their whole life and it has to be reauthorized? has to be reauthorized every five years? look, again, it's hard to make this up, but then again it's a mega agenda. meanwhile, millionaires and billionaires and corporations skate by. imagine that. just imagine that. it's truly outrageous. i offered a different plan that is rooted in the values of
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fairness and decency, and corporations will have to pay more and nobody making less than $400,000 will pay a penny more in federal taxes. we're going to protect and strengthen social security and medicare and not put it on the block every five years. let me remind you again. i reduced the federal deficit. all the talk about the deficit from my republican friends, i love it, i reduced it in my first year in office, and we are on track to reduce it by another $1.5 trillion billion. i don't want to hear republicans talk about their deficits and the maga agenda. income and equity grew to historic levels under the
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republicans, the maga republican -- mega -- i don't want to mispronounce it, the maga republicans. it's time to grow the economy from the middle up and out. that's what this is about. that's what this is about. everybody doing better. so i want you to understand, again, first year, $350 billion reduction to the deficit, and this year a trillion and five. it will bring relief. >> can i ask you about sanctions about -- >> about what? >> further sanctions? what is the next round for the u.s.? what is the next step on
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abortion once this -- >> no questions about deficits, huh? i will answer those two and then have to go out to the olympians. i will speak to the g7 this week about sanctions and what we are going to do and not going to do. >> the second one was on abortion. >> as i said when this hit, as i was getting on the plane to go down to alabama, this is about a lot more than abortion. i had not read the whole opinion at that time, but this reminds me of the debate with robert bork. bourque believed the only reason you had any rights is because the government gave them to you, and i was questioning him as chairman, and i said i believe i have the rights that i have not
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because the government gave them to me, which you believe, but because i am just a child of god, i exist. i delegated by joining this union here to delegate some obligation -- some rights i have to the government for social good, so the idea that somehow there's the inherent right that there is no right of privacy and there is no right -- remember the debate -- you don't remember, but we had a debate about griswold versus connecticut, and there was a law saying a married couple could not purchase birth control in their own bedroom and use it, and that was struck down, and griswold was proved to be a bad decision by bourque and the guy is on the supreme court now. and what about those that are lgbtq cannot be in classrooms with other children?
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is that legit under the way the decision is written? what are the next things that are going to be attacked, because this maga crowd is really the most extreme political organization that existed in american history, in recent american history. >> mr. president how can you combat it? >> president biden taking one question on two separate issues, sanctions on russia and further sanctions of the united states they may be contemplated, and roe v. wade and that leak out of the supreme court. i want to bring back kristen welker. >> you heard president biden essentially on defense, on his economic policies and calling on congress to pass more of his policies. he talked about his priority of
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lowering the price of prescription drugs. by the way, that's something that could garner bipartisan support, josé, so that's something to watch. he talked about other things like increasing taxes on wealthy americans and large corporations and that doesn't seem to have enough support to get passed through congress, and you heard the president blast what he tried to argue was extreme maga republicans, and he used that phrase over and over again, particularly notable in the wake of the ohio primaries last night where you have the trump candidate, vance, who won, and particularly the leak from political and the supreme court that says the justices are poised to overturn roe v. wade. what you are seeing from the president is an attempt to give democrats on the campaign trail a playbook, josé, heading into the tough mid-term elections. the biden advisers believe the
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leak from politico breathed new life into the democratic candidates, and he was happy to take that question on roe v. wade, and what we heard from him yesterday, it's essentially not just abortion rights that could be overturned but other liberties that have been guaranteed by the court, everything from contraception to same-sex marriage, and that's the type of argument you will hear from this president and he's clearly trying to signal to some of the democratic candidates is a winning argument. we will have to see because republicans have been energize in the wake of the politico leak as well, josé. >> this speech comes while we wait for the fed to announce moves on inflation, and the president announcing his administration reduced the federal deficit. >> president biden is tying the reduction of the deficit directly to inflation. he's speaking to voters who have up until the political leak said
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the inflation cost of living are the most important issues going into the polling. what we are seeing today and expecting from fed chair powell is an increase of the benchmark interest rate by half a point, and that would be the most since 2000. the idea is to strike this very delicate balance to bring inflation under control step by step into next year without triggering a recession. a recession here, if we begin to see cracks of that in the coming months would be disastrous for the democrats and support more of the republican arguments when it comes to where the economy is headed in the future. i find it very interesting that he continues to make this prerebuttal argument to what voters are going to be concerned about. when you look at how people are making purposes right now, six
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out of ten people right now are saying they have delayed a purchase or reconsidered a purchase because it's too expensive. there's so much inflation fatigue right now, especially with inflation at 8.5%. next week we will get another read. it's not expected to go down by very much. it's expected to hold steady. so what the fed does in addition to raising interest rates and reducing the balance sheet, that would take effect for certain loans and make it more expensive, and the impact will take time, into the summer. president biden coming forward to try and make the arguments about the deficit and linking it to inflation is targeted at voters saying they are trying to do something about this, and the real question is can they walk the high wire balancing act to
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prevent a recession. >> thank you both for being with us this morning. across the country, protests over that leaked supreme court opinion hinting the court may overturn roe v. wade. up next, we will speak with congresswoman, pramila jayapal, what what she says about protecting abortion rights. zuriel: st. jude gave us hope. stephanie: all you've got to do is take care of your child, focus on her healing, give her a life. that for mother means a lot. and-- and thank you to st. jude. (woman) oh. oh! hi there. you're jonathan, right? the 995 plan! yes, from colonial penn.
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your 995 plan fits my budget just right. excuse me? aren't you jonathan from tv, that 995 plan? yes, from colonial penn. i love your lifetime rate lock. that's what sold me. she thinks you're jonathan, with the 995 plan. -are you? -yes, from colonial penn. we were concerned we couldn't get coverage, but it was easy with the 995 plan. -thank you. -you're welcome. i'm jonathan for colonial penn life insurance company. this guaranteed acceptance whole life insurance plan is our #1 most popular plan. it's loaded with guarantees. if you're age 50 to 85, $9.95 a month buys whole life insurance with guaranteed acceptance. you cannot be turned down for any health reason. there are no health questions and no medical exam. and here's another guarantee you can count on: guaranteed lifetime coverage. your insurance can never be cancelled. just pay your premiums. guaranteed lifetime rate lock.
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under district attorney gascón, i prosecuted car break-ins. all repeat offenders, often in organized crime rings. but when chesa boudin took office, he dissolved the unit and stopped me from collaborating with the police on my cases. now home and car break-ins are on the rise because repeat offenders know they can get away with it. chesa boudin is failing to do his job. there's a better way to keep san francisco safe. recall chesa boudin now.
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court memo. good morning, and voters amended the tennessee state constitution to remove access to abortion. how are folks reacting this morning? >> reporter: that's right, tennessee is one of the trigger law states and what that means is if roe v. wade is overturned, 30 days later is when the abortion ban will go into effect, so essentially doctors and medical providers would be prosecuted and face prison time and up to a $10,000 fine, and the only exception would be if the pregnancy would somehow endanger the life of the mother. it's important to note this law was passed in 2019, so this set
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into motion actions by planned parenthood. they trained and hired more people to educate women they could turn to outside of tennessee to get abortions would be west virginia, illinois and north carolina. that still is several hours away from where we are. josé, as you know, tennessee is a very conservative state. it's a red state, but earlier this morning we were able to get reactions from both sides of the hotly contested issue. take a listen. >> the right for a woman to govern her own body and the right to have choice is an important one. we don't -- we don't put those kind of limitations on men. we don't expect men to get vasectomies or use birth control. >> i do not believe there should be abortions once that child is viable. it's really sad.
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you're killing somebody. those are my thoughts. >> josé, as you know, we have been reporting on rallies and demonstrations that have been popping up all across the country, including here in knoxville. in fact, as people were leaving work just a few blocks away from the federal courthouse we saw a large rally, roughly 100 people voicing their frustrations, their anger about the reversal of women's rights, and they wanted to protect roe v. wade, and we also heard from elected officials including the republican governor here in the state of tennessee. he released a statement saying he is bothered and troubled by this leak, but also said that it offers a glimmer of redemption as well. >> thank you so much. for more i want to bring in congresswoman, pramila jayapal, chair of the progressive caucus.
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it's always a pleasure to see you. i would like to start with your reaction to what we have been living through the past 36 plus hours? >> josé, it's great to be with you, as always. this is a tragic moment for our country. as you know, i am one of the one in four women across country who have had an abortion, and i didn't speak about it for 15 years but when i got in as a member of congress and these abortion bans across the country started popping up i felt it was my obligation, really, to tell my story. the rage that i feel and that women and really men as well, families across the country, pregnant people across the country feel with this idea that a 50-year-old question of settled law is being reversed by five justices, who, by the way, were all appointed by presidents
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who got the minority of the popular vote, not the majority of the popular vote in the country, and this is so out of step with where the country is today. it's our decision and our decision only to have control over our own bodies and to bring in our doctors and loved ones that we want to bring in, and nobody else is going to carry this child. this is government mandated pregnancy, and it is an outrage. i think it's really -- it really undermines and delegitimizes the supreme court as a body that can make decisions that are not just purely political, and supreme court justices that frankly lied under oath when they were testifying to congress about this question. >> senator elizabeth warren was on with my colleague, chris hayes last night, and he acknowledged the writing on the wall and short of winning more seats in november, is there anything democrats can do?
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>> look, i would say that senator warren is right, we should bring that bill up for a vote. it won't in this moment get 60 votes, but also there are a couple of senators on the republican side who say that they support abortion and yet voted to confirm justice cavanaugh and justice amy coney barrett. i think that it's very important to put the question to them about how serious they are about protecting a woman's right to choose. they could vote with democrats to carve out an exception to the filibuster. josé, we did it on the debt ceiling and we should be able to do it on a woman's right to choose. i want to be clear about something. the opinion by justice alito, and i read the whole opinion and it's really an important thing to read because it's so terrifying. in it he says essentially there's no right that is
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guaranteed to you unless it's specifically mentioned somewhere in the constitution, which is a document that was written 200 years ago. so are we really saying that the values of that time are going to hold to today? what does that mean about cases like loving v virginia on interracial marriage. i think it's not just about abortion, it's about a whole series of issues, including your privacy. >> it's interesting. i hear you talk about the possibility of reaching other legislators who so far have not been onboard. i want to read part of a tweet you sent out yesterday. you said the u.s. has the highest maternal mortality rate
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among developed countries. is there room for common ground on this issue so real and so visceral? >> one of the things -- look, i think we have to get there because this is a fundamental right. i think in our state, in washington state, i am very proud to be in a state where this right is protected and has been protected and will continue to be protected. frankly, josé, if this ruling from the supreme court goes through, we will see women from idaho coming over the border and we will welcome people to get the medical care they need in washington state where we will protect it. i think it's important to recognize that if we don't provide all kinds of reproductive choices for people across the country, you will see the burden fall on particularly black, brown low-income people that cannot access the care they
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need. they are already not getting the care through health care because they don't have access to health care, and then on top of that we put these additional barriers on. i hope that people will look at maternal mortality, and look at the life of a child that is born when the government mandates a pregnancy versus when a family is ready, when a woman is ready to make that choice to have a child, and to be willing to care for that child. i hope so and i think the ultimate thing is we are going to have to take to the streets and ballot box. both those things are essential. congress could do this today if we wanted to. we could codify this, and the house already passed the women's health protection act. >> thank you for being with us. >> thank you, josé. we are reporting the russian air strikes on a theater in mariupol was deadlier than first
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realized. and then a new plan to hold russia accountable, and a complete ban on rusian oil? is that a probability or just a dream? we'll talk about that, next. your shortlist of quality candidates, whose resumes on indeed match your job criteria. visit and get started today. ♪ life can be a lot to handle. ♪ this magic moment ♪ but heinz knows there's plenty of magic in all that chaos. ♪ so different and so new ♪ ♪ was like any other... ♪
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horrific air strike on a theater in ukraine was twice as deadly than first thought. the march 16th attack killed close to 600 people in the port city. and people coming and going constantly and memories blurred by trauma and an exact death toll may be forever impossible to determine. i am joined by a diplomatic correspondent for "the new york times." russian forces stepped up attacks across the country overnight? >> reporter: they have, yes, hitting several rail lines, they claimed and also power stations that were connected to the rail lines, really going after the infrastructure that they believe allows weapons to be transferred, weapons provided by the western countries and united
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states. in the meantime they are also going after o there's some light at the end of the tunnel, there's some hope for the people in mariupol to, you know, reach a cease-fire with the russians and leave, but we're just learning that the russian way of war, as we have seen in the past, including most recently in syria is incredibly brutal and unforgiving. the russians do not care about international condemnation or stigma, and humanitarian factors are -- the russians are going to try and achieve their military objectives and show very little mercy, i'm afraid. it's horrifying. >> you are so right, dictators and dictatorships don't really care about public opinion, inside or outside, right? and comments made about them. but embargoes do work. the european union is proposing a complete ban on russian oil by the evened of the year. hungry said they will not support that. what's the signal coming out of
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there? >> well, you know, there has been some friction over this issue in the eu, and keep in mind so different members of the eu of which there are more than two dozen have different imperatives and views of russia, and they have showed pretty good unity since the start of the war. we are seeing a little bit of internal argument on this, and vladimir putin is hoping that western unity will break. that has got to be one of his key long-term strategies here, and also step back and look at the larger context. europe oil imports are not insignificant, and this is not going to change vladimir putin's calculous, and for most of the countries their reliance is on russian gas and not oil, and they are able to do this because it's not going to be that painful to them and not that painful to vladimir putin. it's another step. putin is not happy about it but it's not going to alter the course of the horrific conflict. >> so important that you mention
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that. natural gas brings in billions of dollars to russia. >> yeah, billions of dollars. putin is clocking, you know, i think about a billion a day, and i am not sure if that's just gas or a larger bucket of energy imports, but the point is, russia is just raking in money on its energy experts despite the very tough sanctions imposed so far. putin is still continuing to mint money he can pump into his war machine, and i don't see him being particularly close to crying uncle for economic reasons. that will require more sacrifice from the west to get that kind of result, i would say. >> michael, thank you so much. appreciate your time. >> thank you. a big win for former president trump in ohio last night. his pick,jd vance, winning the primary. we will go live to cincinnati, next.
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have to go through. st. jude has given us transportation, treatment. to know that we don't have bills, they take every other stress off of your shoulders. (woman) oh. oh! hi there. you're jonathan, right? the 995 plan! yes, from colonial penn. your 995 plan fits my budget just right. excuse me? aren't you jonathan from tv, that 995 plan? yes, from colonial penn. i love your lifetime rate lock. that's what sold me. she thinks you're jonathan, with the 995 plan. -are you? -yes, from colonial penn. we were concerned we couldn't get coverage, but it was easy with the 995 plan. -thank you. -you're welcome. i'm jonathan for colonial penn life insurance company. this guaranteed acceptance whole life insurance plan is our #1 most popular plan. it's loaded with guarantees. if you're age 50 to 85, $9.95 a month buys whole life insurance
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that answer was answered last night, and vance decisively beat six others on the ballot. and nbc's steve kornacki joins us. vonn hilliard joins us. this was a night that the level of victory by vance was surprising by many? >> yeah, ends up being ten points for vance over mandel, and mandel also tried to land the trump endorsement. you look where vance was polling before trump got involved in the race a few weeks ago, and it's hard not to conclude trump
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probably did play a key role in pushing vance over the top and getting him the nomination. and if you look into the west virginia and pennsylvania border, these were some of the strongest counties in the state for donald trump when he ran for president. and some of the strongest counties for j.d. vance last night. if we look at the general, tim ryan will be the democratic nominee. he had no problem winning that primarily last night, and take a look at what ryan is up against. an 8-point win for trump, and since trump emerged on the scene ohio has changed and transformed politically, moved very dramatically in the republican direction. tim ryan's backyard, young's town, ohio, this is where tim
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ryan's base is, and youngstown, you can see that donald trump won this county by two points in 2020. eight years before when barack obama was running for re-election against mitt romney, this same county, barack obama won it -- that's not writing very well. i will try it over here. barack obama won it by 28 points. so it went from democrat to winning it nearby by 30 to donald trump carrying it. we saw a shift like that, sort of appellation ohio, some of the biggest shifts we saw anywhere in the country, they transformed ohio. it's a very uphill fight for him against j.d. vance in the election, and that's not talking about the national climate that looks like it will be favorable to republicans this year.
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>> how is the vance camp reacting? >> for j.d. vance, this was a long-time coming, he called donald trump an idiot, and now fast-forward, and it shows if they offer their loyalty to donald trump, and that's what j.d. vance did. that's how donald trump is using his influence and political capital in 2022, and he's weighting into some of the primaries like here in ohio, and he's unable to throw up a yacht sea and win all of these races, and it's ahead of a 2024 run for himself. j.d. vance was that first major test, and it would be of no
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surprise that he offered his praise for the former president last night during his victory speech. take a listen. >> i have absolutely got to thank the 45th, the president of the united states, donald j. trump. they wanted to write a story that this campaign would be the death of donald trump's america first agenda. ladies and gentlemen, it ain't the death of the america first agenda. >> now, he has other big tests ahead, donald trump. this upcoming tuesday in west virginia, he's trying to take an incumbent gop congressman there, and a week beyond that it will be dr. oz that he endorsed in the pennsylvania primary, and then back to the candidacy of david purdue, trying to break down the georgia governor, brian kemp. this first election here with
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vance's victory was a notable one. >> let's go back to the tim ryan district. you were telling us it's a plus trump district, right, but ryan has been winning that district . >> reporter: it's the story of ohio. ryan has been in congress for 20 years, based here. this is where youngstown is. this is a typical story of ohio politics the last ten years. this used to be a democratic bastion. long democratic history. it moved dramatically towards donald trump. ryan has continued to get re-elected from the district. in 2020, his margin of re-election was down to i think 7.5 points. it was starting to get closer, even for tim ryan, somebody who has been there representing it for 20 years. the place that democrats used to take for granted. win the democratic primary, you will win whatever office you are
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running for. donald trump changed the picture there. the premise of the ryan campaign is that he can talk to some of the voters and he can win over some of the voters, win them back in ways that maybe other national democrats have failed to do. >> interesting. steve kornacki and vaughan hillyard, thank you. that leaked supreme court opinion could have an impact on a tight texas runoff race for congress weeks away. in the last few hours, party leadership was called upon to withdraw support of the last democrat who is anti-abortion in the house. garrett haake is live with us in austin, texas. >> reporter: jessica told me abortion had been a key point of contrast in the race. the draft opinion that came out that was leaked out yesterday has heightened that moment of
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contrast. she thinks he is out of step with the democratic majority and that leadership's endorsements should reflect that. here is some of what she told me. >> i think right now, especially with everyone, including democratic leadership really trying to make the point that we need a pro-choice majority, he is not a part of that pro-choice majority. we need a champion for our rights and freedoms. on the ballot on may 24th, that's our campaign. >> reporter: leadership generally makes it their business to support incumbents. tonight, the house whip, the number three house democrat will hold a rally in san antonio for henry. this is very much a race that's going to divide the democratic party. it has done so. now on this issue in particular, we see that contrast. >> this was happening the last time he ran for re-election. the district that he is in is
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not -- what is that? what kind of a district is he running in? >> reporter: it had been comfortably a district for him. he has won re-election there several times. republicans see a pickup opportunity. they have seen this as border districts have moved in favor of republican candidates and some latino voters. republicans have been watching this runoff quite closely. they feel as though cisneros could provide them a pickup opportunity here. cisneros is in favor of lifting the title 42 restrictions along the border. he is in favor of keeping them in place. republicans see that as an opportunity they could run against in a border district where voters tend to be more moderate. it's going to be a fascinating runoff race in two weeks. then the november election, whichever democrat comes out of it. >> thank you very much for being with us. appreciate it. right now, the president and
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first lady are welcoming team usa from the olympics. miami memoli joins us from the event. what's it like? >> reporter: will offer a golf whisper. the president is paying tribute to 600 athletes who were not just participants in the beijing winter olympics last year or this year, but also the 2021 summer olympics in tokyo. the president talking about how he and dr. jill biden are huge sports fans. dr. biden represented the u.s. at the summer games. there was no olympic delegation from the administration to the beijing olympics. the president talking as he often does about the power of our example. our the hard work that these athletes have put into training to get to the point of being in the olympics pays off. he is praising them for how well they represented america on the world stage. >> mike, the president said whether we heard him, there's 600 athletes there?
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>> reporter: that's right. the paralympians as well. so many more behind me seated as well as in front of me as well as their families. what's interesting about this is that because we remember the olympics so affected by the pandemic, so many families couldn't join them in tokyo, in beijing. the president welcoming them here today to have a moment of celebration that they were really deprived of having at the olympics themselves. >> mike memoli, who could be the ideal sports narrator, raises during applause, lowers to a whisper when he has to. that wraps up the hour. follow the show online. thank you for the privilege of your time.
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reports" here in washington. i'm peter alexander in today for my friend andrea. the unprecedented leak of the supreme court draft opinion signaling the end of roe v. wade is fuelling more protest as well as democratic outrage about its impact on women's reproductive rights. an investigation into the leak is under way. speculation over who gave justice alito's february draft opinion to politico ramps up. >> this is about a lot more than abortion. the idea that somehow there is an inherent right that there is no right of privacy. what are the next things that are going to be attacked. >> on the war in ukraine, military officials report a new wave of russian
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