tv Morning Joe MSNBC May 6, 2022 6:00am-7:00am PDT
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roe v. wade. right, they didn't have to put up a vote measures that would criminalize abortion, that would subject women and doctors to the legal prosecution that would ban abortion in the first few weeks of a procedure so now all of a sudden the things -- that ruling is insolated from are right front and square of the political debate and they're not ready to enter that world yet. >> jonathan, a assume like you, massive amounts of pieces for the hunt for the leaker and yet among all of the things that i've read including in your fine piece in new york magazine, i have not read a certain date when this draft opinion may have been written. it could have been written a couple of months ago. it could have already been rewritten. have you read anything that would give a date certain around an approximate date certain of when it was written? >> no and the speculation i've seen is that this was an early draft that may well have been
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revisited since it has been leaked to the public. and that may have something to do the motive of the leak. that is the leading theory which why it might have been conservatived. we don't know. but this fear that kavanaugh was polling one of the other conservatives decided to leave roe in tact and then we may have already had a revision. that is the main theory, right. is that this early draft that was intended to lock in all of the conservatives behind the sweeping reversal of roe. >> all right, new york magazine jonathan chait, thank you. there is so many different propgs to this story. right now democrats are trying to pass legislation to codify abortion rights. it is not going to pass because republicans won't support it. so, wonder what the point of that is. we'll talk about that. we kick off the fourth hour of "morning joe" now. 9:00 a.m. on the east coast. 6:00 a.m. for the early risers out west.
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and coming up on this hour, in just about 30 minutes, the markets will open after a roller coaster few days. the dow dropping over 1,000 points and the nasdaq dropping 5% yesterday alone. the worst trading day since the start of the pandemic. and as the senate sets a date to vote as i said on codifying abortion right news law, a vote doomed to fail, the action turns to the states, especially with those so-called trigger laws. which will criminalize abortion. michigan is one of those states and it's secretary of state will join us in a few minutes. and later in hour, steve kornacki will break down the favorites for tomorrow's kentucky derby. but we begin this hour with the war in ukraine. more civilians have been rescued from that steel plant in mariupol. even as ukraine fighters make their last stand in the face of a relentless russian assault.
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we've got new video newly released by russian separatists showing bombs falling on that city. we've also gotten reports of heavy fighting inside of that plant. despite that, the wife of one ukrainian commander said they are vowing to stand, quote, until the very end. even amid the assault, ukrainian officials managed to evacuate more civilians from the tunnels beneath the plant earlier today. operations have been able to evacuate roughly 500 civilians in recent days. it is not clear how many are still trapped but what a story they have to tell. those that do get out, willie. >> absolutely. also this morning, american officials are telling nbc news that it was united states intelligence that played a key role in helping ukraine to sink the russian flagship moskva last month. one of the heaviest blows to the russian military since the war began. nbc news has learned ukrainian forces spotted the ship in the
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black sea and reached out to the united states. to help to identify the ship and to pinpoint its location. once the u.s. had done so. ukraine targeted and sank that ship. but u.s. officials say they were involved in the decision to launch the strike, merely they positively identified it as sea. nbc reporting is one day after "the new york times" revealed u.s. intelligence helped ukraine target and kill russian generals on the front line, in both cases, the intelligence sharing was meant to help ukraine to defend itself and say a directive forbids sharing intelligence that is about russian leaders and generals. this morning we spoke with pentagon press secretary john kirby and i asked him about those media reports including our own about u.s. sharing intelligence with ukraine. >> it is not helpful. it is hard to see how it is helpful for sources to be
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talking to reporters about intelligence that is being provided to ukraine to help defend themselves. on that report and you saw me at the podium, again we provide them what we believe to be useful information, timely information about russian units but we're not giving them targeting information for senior military leaders on the battlefield. again, i think it is unhelpful, in fact unconscionable for some of the leaks, for some people to be out there talking about specifics on the intelligence that we are providing the ukrainians. we want to continue that process, to help them defend themselves and part of that is not just the materials and the information, we wouldn't want to protect that going forward. >> do you think this vladimir putin is showing that we're not fighting just the united states or the war, this is a proxy war for the united states? >> yeah, absolutely do. in fact dimitri peskov said
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something similar yesterday acknowledging this is just the united states now so involved in some sort of proxy effort. so it is not helpful. and again, i mean, when you talk about intelligence, the less said the better. and if we want to be able to continue this effort to help ukraine defend itself, we need to be able to protect that kind of information. so again, totally irresponsible, the people out there talking about this. >> and so admiral, every day when we talk about the issue of the war in ukraine, and it is every day that we do it, as you know. in addition to wars like targeting that come up, the words logistics comes up almost every time we talk about the war. >> yes, sir. >> and a lot of people out there think the word logistics take a right and a left and you know the street signs. you could explain to our audience, the degree of difficulty for the russian army in moving an army across the battlefield with all of the component parts, mechanized
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units, military units, of what that encompassed. >> there is a saying that an army moves on its stomach. any army that needs to have supplies, food, fuel and ammunition and spare parts and if you don't properly plan to have that material available to your army as it tries to move forward, then you won't be able to move forward any more. or at least you won't be able to move forward as far as you want. and frankly that is what we're seeing in the donbas right now. the russians have made uneven incremental progress, not very far or fast and we believe that is the case because we think they are worried about getting too far out ahead of the suppose lie lines. they did that in kyiv and that is part of the reason it cost them the battle. so they don't have a very nimble process for providing support and reinforcements and resuply
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to troops in the fields, they use paved roads and railroads and they don't have a nimble process like we do. and it is continuing to cause a problem for them. not to mention it is the spring there and it is very muddy so they are limited to pave roads and railroads to get stuff to their troops. they can't go off road right now. >> so admiral, just looking at the map, you could see the strategic importance of mariupol to the russians. what are the concerns about what is going to be happening in mariupol over the next 24, 36, 48 hours, especially as we lead up to may 9th, victory day in russia. >> some day they're going to write a book about the resistance in mariupol, or probably many books. it is just incredible. that the ukrainians have been able to hang on at least in that steel plant and force the russians to devote fire power and effort to mariupol. they're still bombarding it. you've seen the video. you're showing the video.
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we know they still have russian troops dedicated to mariupol. some have left to go north. but there are still troops there and they're there because the ukrainians are still fighting back. and we know that they're fighting bravely and that the ukrainians are trying to get help to them but not able to do that and obviously we want to see all of the civilians that can leave safely. >> our conversation earlier this morning with pentagon spokesperson john kirby. joining us now, former u.s. ambassador to russia, michael mcfaul, director of the institute for national studies at stanford and an international affairs analyst. and also with us, with the cia, mark polymeropoulos. mark, let me start with you on the question of these leaks first to "the new york times" about the generals and then this morning to nbc news with the story that united states provided intelligence about the location of the moskva and it was ukraine that carried out the strike. as someone who has been involved in some of these conversations during your time at the cia, i
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take it this doesn't surprise you that the united states is doing that, does it worry you that it is made public, show? >> sure. it is not preferable when you see kind of intelligence and secret operations splashed across the front pages, of essentially every media outlet in the world. i think back to what the israelis do, the model is to carry out operations and then not comment on them and that kind of ambiguity instills more fear in our adversariesch but in terms of the substance, i don't think this is anything that the russians and vladimir putin didn't know already on their collection and analysis of the situation. so it is more on the overt side. is there is worry this will be he is callatory or not. and remember that the russians provided bounties to the taliban to kill u.s. forces so any kind of russian complaints on this could be a bit hypocritical. >> and ambassador mcfaul, what about if you have. this is understand that this was happening, maybe not so specific
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on the front page of the "new york times" but that the united states in addition to the hardware, the military hardware that it is providing is also giving training and intelligence to the ukrainian military. >> yes, and i think many of us have known that for a long time. and it is great, it is part of the war effort. and it is completely wrong to talk about it to "the new york times" or nbc. i'm sorry. what is the u.s. military security objective of doing it? all it does is fuel the flame inside russia that this is a proxy war. but, too, there is another piece of that. it makes the ukrainians look like they can't fight this war on their own. they don't like it. and i know that for a fact. so i worked in the government for five years, i read secret intelligence every single day. i was shocked when somebody just couldn't help themselves to talk to reporters and i get that it is the reporters' job to get this reporting, but i think it
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is wrong and maine it's illegal to leak classified information unless you're authorized to do so and if you listen to admiral kirby, right now, it didn't sound like he was too thrilled with whoever is giving this information to the press. >> mr. ambassador, i'm curious as these ukrainian fighters and civilians are faced being crushed in the last remaining building, a steel plant in mariupol, bearing the brunt really of russia's brutality, the strategic location. is there anything in the realm of sanctions that can be done to squeeze russia and really make them feel it, not the people of russia, but putin and the oligarchs, are there sanction triggers that haven't been pulled that perhaps europe and the u.s. might feel a little short-term pain but perhaps could have more of an impact on getting a message to vladimir
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putin? >> well, there are way more sanctions that should be implemented. i'm part of a working group that published a paper last week. >> like what. >> i applaud that european union is discussing the oil piece. we want them to discuss the gas pieces as well. second, declare russia a sponsor of state terrorism. that is giant financial implications for doing business in russia right now we have four countries on that list, north korea, iran, syria, and cuba. i don't understand how cuba could be on that list and russia not. and then individual sanctions. i think we're up to 900 or so entities and individuals that are on the the list. ukrainians have proposed 9,000 people to be on that list. and even the russian opposition leadering alexei navalny have proposed 6,000. and when i hear there is nothing left, i disagree with that. that all said, i don't think
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sanctions will stop this horrendous heinous assault on mariupol. just ten days ago putin when he met with his secretary of defense -- his minister of defense, excuse me, he said no more attacks, just don't let a fly get into that steel mill, right. i think that was the signal that we're not going to fight. he changed that because he wants mariupol, i believe, before may 9th so that they have some kind of victory before that holiday and that i think is why you're seeing this asaul escalating the way it is. >> it is horrible. i think that volodymyr zelenskyy has made it clear and president biden has made it clear that ukraine needs to feel the support of the world. and you just mentioned three sanctions that appeared to be just stalling. i mean, why not make russia a sponsor of state terrorism, what
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would be holding that back? >> was that to me? >> go ahead. >> ambassador mcfaul? >> it is a great question. ask senior administration officials, i know there is soup on it. in u.s. congress i spoke to speaker pelosi before b it and she supported it. and there is financial sanctions an all kinds of loopholes in the financial sanctions that we've put in place. there are oligarchs, pattanan, one of the closest to putin is still not on the list. so my message is it is great what has been done in the past. and every week that russia is still invading ukraine, they're there need to be new sanctions. and think about it this way. it is like a parking ticket, right. here is stanford, if you park in the wrong place, you get a ticket that day. but if your car is still there this the next day, guess what, you get another ticket and i think that ratcheting concept is what we need with sanctions
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until putin finally leaving ukraine. >> mark, as you certainly know, human nature is endlessly fascinating. and in this ongoing saga of the story of the intelligence leaks that have appeared in the front pages of the newspapers, my question to you is the russians have had to have known the capacity of american intelligence along the route of this war. but there is one intelligence leak that was given out clearly by human beings either in the pentagon or in langley or perhaps at the state department about the targeting of russian generals. what effect, if any, do you think that has internally in moscow? >> so, what a great question. because for last 20 years, the u.s. intelligence community and special operations forces have really perfected this art of manhunting. some people get uncomfortable talking about this but the fact is with our human intelligence capability and our signal
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intelligence and isr, eyes in the sky, we have a good track record of hunting down al qaeda. when you talk about support to ukraine and it is not a great thing to be discussing this, but it certainly will cause some nervousness within moscow and within the russian military because if russian generals go on the front line and getting killed in droves, they are at risk. so there is in some aspect a deterrent factor that the u.s. or the allies as they help the ukrainians, they can track these russian generals when they go to the front. again, i'm not a propoent of this whatsoever in terms of the leaks but this happened and so some positive its this will cause great worry in the russian military. >> the united states aid and the intelligence equipment is having a huge impact on the war. but let's give credit to the ukrainian milt. what you have seen over the last couple of months in terms of first pushing russia back away
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from kyiv, holding its own in the donbas but targing some of the key military leaders that has impressed you. >> the record of the special intelligence services has been extraordinary. there is going to be within the weeks and months and years to come some incredible reporting on this. doan forget, starting in 2014 of course just up until the war started, ukraine and military and their intelligence community has been in the east. and so i think you could take a look at and almost consider that was a lab experiment. taking a look at the russian military, and the tactics an techniques and their warfare and they learned about. and all of this talk about u.s. military intelligence assistance that it doesn't diminish the performance of the ukrainian special operations and personnel. they are on the front lines. their doing it, the u.s. and nato is a complimentary credit.
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but let's give credit where it is do. >> all right. thank you both very much for being on this morning. and coming up this hour, quote, we mourn and then we fight. that is what michigan secretary of state said after the supreme court leak on the opinion over turning roe v. wade. we'll talk to her about what that fight will look like at the ballot box. plus we're watching wall street after the dow and nasdaq had their worst days since 2020. and later wearing live to the preview of the kentucky derby. "morning joe" will be right back. "morning joe" will be right "morning joe" will be right back and, we're back! it's time to see which chew provides the longest-lasting flea and tick protection. bravecto's the big winner.
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it is been just over three days since politico published the leaks draft of a supreme court opinion that would overturn roe v. wade. senate majority leader chuck schumer said he will force a vote to protect abortion rights in federal law next week. and it is almost certain to fail. currently about half of u.s. states are certain to like or likely to ban abortions. if the court does overturn roe. including nine states that are already having laws on the book criminalizing abortion which would go into effect immediately. and that includes michigan. where clinics say they're already seeing a surge in callers, panicking about their options going forward. especially for contraception. democrats hope all of this will send a message to voters to turn out this november. joining us now, michigan's democratic secretary of state jocelyn benson.
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thank you very much for joining us. i know that the clinics are getting a lot of calls, do we know how michigananders poll on abortion rights. >> overwhelmingly in favor of these issues. 70% have stated their support for it so it really underscores this is not a decision that reflects the will of the people and that is exactly why we say our fundamental freedoms, our rights are on the ballot this year. >> so if that is the case, what are the options on the table to try and beat back or at least retain this right for women in michigan if it is the will of the people, if it polls very well and women want their right to an abortion, are there any options beyond performative politics that end you will failing? >> yeah. there are. there re three things. one, the governor has asked the supreme court to look into the
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current ban on the books in michigan. secondly there is an effort underway to amend our state constitution. through a referendum that would be on the ballot if it qualifies this fall to create a right to choose in our constitution and in our state constitution that would protect women in michigan. and thirdly as has been said, it is time for citizens to vote and vote like never before in larmer numbers than ever before. we already are coming off the highest turnout election in history in 2020. i expect many will react to the fact that their freedom to cluz choose is on the ballot and support that choice. >> do you -- do you think that this should be the democrat's number one message ahead of the midterms? something as clear as this, if you like your rights, vote democrat. i mean, i feel that in some ways republicans, because they take such liberty with the truth,
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especially on the trump wing of the republican party, it is not a fair fight because they'll say anything. but this is the law of the land overturned, and a constitutional right being taken away and this opens the door to other rights being taken away. this seems easy to talk about. >> exactly. i've said for a while democracy is on the ballot this fall and that is true. voters will choose who will oversee our elections in the future and that has ramifications for every issue we stand for. but now we're seeing our truly rights our freedoms are on the ballot and not just the right to vote but our freedom of choice and our right to privacy. that is all on the ballot this fall. and that is the message to voters. that you have a choice as to who you will support and you who will hold accountable this fall. and we hope that voters will recognize that power that they have to reject decisions that are made that don't reflect their values. and if that happens, if we see people turn out, if we see people support candidates who stand with them supporting their freedoms, their rights, then we
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can see a change and we can start to expand our rights again. but make no mistake, this attack on our right to privacy, our freedom to choose is one of a large number of attacks on rights that we've seen to trans kids to people who are marginalize in society and our rights and freedoms are on the ballot this fall. >> is this an area that perhaps democrats will look to get republicans support? in michigan, is there support for abortion rights? do we have any sense of how it polls among republican women? >> no doubt it is an issue that causes some division in the republican party but i think it is a nonpartisan issue. to have right over their body and their freedoms and that
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continue to be there for them. we could all come together across party lines to simply stand up for everyone's rights and freedom and for their voice to be heard and for their ashlt to choose who governors them and makes decisions that affects them. and that is what democracy is about and that is what i could hope we could come across party lines to defend this year. >> in a couple of weeks you'll be awarded the jfk profile on a courage award on a list that included volodymyr zelenskyy and liz cheney to defend the results of the 2020 election which you had to do again and again. recounts of the vote, recertification, defending this in court. what has that fight been like for you and are you confident that the vote is secure even this fall in 2022? >> well, yes, i am. i think the first thing to know is that we have a successful election in michigan in 2020. more people voted than ever before. it was safe and secure.
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people were able to vote and things went smoothly and it with stood eous scrutiny because the evidence showed that our procedures were secure and the results were an accurate reflection of the will of the people. nevertheless, we have been in the battle of truth versus lies that has continued prior to election day but continues escalating and will also be a clear choice that voters have this fall. will they support candidates who told them the truth, even if they didn't like or agree with the truth versus those who have lied them to further their political goals and partisan agenda. it is up to the voters this fall to decide. >> despite that you put out the evidence again and again and it is upheld in court and by sometimes trump appointed judges across country, you have candidates running right now on lie that the 2020 election was rigged and that it was somehow stolen. some doing better than others but it persists. what does that mean for you and people who are sort of this bastion between the lies and what could come on the other side of them? >> i always remember the truth
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and the law and constitution, it is on our side an the vast majority of people in the state of michigan and throughout this country know and recognize that reality is the truth of our elections and they have been affirmed not just by a republican state senator on the head of the oversight committee but also hundreds of audits all across our state. so the truth is there is feel want to see it and i hope there will be more republicans like congresswoman cheney and others who speak and reiterate that truth because that is what we need to move forward from a moment like this and i'll continue talking and listening to people throughout the state answering questions about the election with the fakes and evidence that we have. that work continues and that is what a moment like this requires. but i'm also calling on my republican colleagues across the country and republican secretaries of state to join us in starting to be truth tellers, spreading the facts versus the lies that many candidates are going to be touting over the next six months. if we keep doing that, we could break through but it is a very perilous moment for our democracy because of the ways that this big lie is not just
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escalating but taking root in a lot of communities. >> so the secretary of state of michigan, you're in charge of the ballot. people are going to point to you as the vote fixes, is it honest and stuff like this. this is a crazy dangerous time in american history that all of us are going through. you more specific than most because you're a public person. >> yeah. >> do you feel it is dangerous to you personally? >> oh, yes. yeah. undoubtedly. i started my car investigating white supremacist organizations in the deep south so i'm a baseline of courage and determination to stand up to expose the truth and ensure what is right prevails. and i've always been connected deeply to the work of the folks who stood at the foot of the edmond pettis bridge to ensure that everyone has the right to vote. so when there are people gathering outside of my home calling on me not to certify the election with threat of violence if i did, i connect back to that moment in our history and the work that has always been required for those of us who
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want to stand on the front lines protecting democracy and knowing we could move forward but if all citis stand up as truth sell tellers and stay engaged because the goal is -- >> it is dangerous? >> it is, yes. but defending democracy throughout the history of our country has always met up against certain threats and particularly in a moment like this where violent threats, hateful rhetoric and divisive balance in our political arena, it is what we have to sign up to encounter if we're going to defend the basis of who we are as americans and make sure our democracy em ernls out of this moment. i hope stronger than ever. >> and there is a whole new, madam secretary, issue being thrown into this fire burping in our politics and that is the issue now over abortion. michigan is one of nine states that has pre-roe laws that criminalize abortion and those laws are on the books, if roe
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gets overturned abortion will immediately become a criminal offense in the state of michigan. it is not even a trigger law. it is already on the books. so if and when roe is overturned, what kind of state is michigan going to be for women? >> first and foremost it will continue to be a state led by women who stand up for every citizens' right to choose and will continue and i know our governor in particular will use every lever at her disposal to make sure that right is respected an cut through the chaos and confusion around what is available and what is not. our state attorney general dana necessarile has been clear about her position on this and her desire to continue protecting women's right to choose. and so we may see a decision from our state supreme court sooner rather than later on this. i think that is some of the clarity that we're hoping for. and then again this fall, the voters will have potentially an opportunity to amend our state constitution to clearly put that right into law and support
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candidates who will support legislation that will protect their rights. so there are actions that can and will be taken and i'm proud to live in a state by women that believe in a right of autonomy over their own bodies and we will be there fighting alongside of them every step of the way to make sure all of their fundamentals rights an freedoms are protected. >> our viewers could see how impressive sect benson is but we have left out the detail, we confirmed in the commercial break that she ran the boston marathon and finished it while eight months pregnant. >> what? no, i love it. one foot in front of the other. determination and endurance. >> unbelievable. >> you just gave me a shred of hope. that is really good. >> i'm a fighter. >> that is good. that is good. we'll talk about that. thank you very much for being on the show this morning. we appreciate it. and coming you on "morning
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joe," a look at stories making headlines across the country including a new development in the conviction of one of the men who killed ahmaud arbery, and greg abbott's latest fight against undocumented migrants and what was behind wall street's worst day since the beginning of the pandemic. we'll go live to cnbc. we'll be right back. we'll be right back.
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what does it look like today? >> so right now we thought we were going to get a bit of a break, a bit of a reprieve, given a optimistic jobs number. we're still gaining jobs, 428,000 of them. but as you see on your screen, we're down 350 points for the dow, roughly a little over a percent right now. the nasdaq is down almost 2%. now what will that indicate again today is that the selling pressure at least in the morning hours will persist and it will be focused a lot more on some of the technology and media and growth oriented stocks as having led to the upside since the pandemic kind of bottomed out in march of 2020. and are now some of the biggest losers in the market over the last couple of weeks here. the macro big picture economic story didn't change a lot with the jobs picture as you're seeing right there. but what investors are going to be focused on now is whether or not the path for interest rates will continue higher. if it does, it will have an adverse effect on some of the
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tech names and some the huge point here right now is there are a lot of traders out there that believe there could be more down side. so if folks feel the market is on sale enough to step up and try to buy. they are not stepping up the way that they normally would. so in some ways they call it a buyer's strike or other folks will say there is no way to know whether the selling pressure is over. that is the reason why you're seeing this for now. now for right, for the moment, 300 points isn't as bad as the thousand and something that we saw yesterday. but it is a moment of pause for a lot of folks out there. >> more than a thousand points down yesterday after a rally the day before that offer the fed announcement and now down about 300 today. dom chu, thank you so much. coming up next on "morning joe." it is time to place your bets. steve kornacki joins us straight ahead to preview the odds for tomorrow's big kentucky derby. we'll have that and a look at
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morning papers when "morning joe" comes right back. joe" comes right back. i got a call from some scammer who had the nerve to ask for my medicare number. i was not born yesterday. when someone ask my medicare number in a text, i knew it was a scam. nice catch. and, your mother knew it wasn't a real email. go, mom! - i don't share my medicare number with strangers. - if you get a call, text or email - strike! - asking for your medicare or personal information, - delete! - shut it down. - nope! [ kimberly ] before clearchoice, my dental health learn more at was so bad i would be in a lot of pain. i was unable to eat. it was very hard. kimberly came to clearchoice with a bunch of missing teeth, struggling with pain, with dental disease. clearchoice dental implants solved her dental issues. [ kimberly ] i feel so much better.
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6:45 am
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6:46 am
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it's 46 past the hour. a pretty shot of dallas this morning. beautiful day this friday morning. let's take a look at the morning papers. in alabama, thea bush news reports that according to one of the nation's biggest meat backers, beef prices could be on the rise. cost of ground beef has already jumped 18% from one year ago. but it could be even higher on your next visit to the grocery store due to a rise in cattle prices. in georgia, the atlanta journal constitution has a front page story detailing new information on the conviction of one of the men who killed ahmaud arbery.
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according to a court motion, jackie johnson exchanged phone calls with greg mcmichael in the days following the murder of ahmaud arbery. the two had worked together previously. johnson had recused herself from the case but the phone call suggested she was keeping mcmichael in the loop. he and his son were convicted on murder charges in november and federal hate crimes in february. and in kansas, days after a powerful tornado barreled through the state, the wichita eagle reports certain neighborhoods didn't get any warning because they were outside of the range of the county's emergency system. some residents say they got text messages after their homes had already been flattened to the ground. now they're asking the state to expand the warning system before the next storm. willie. >> le's head to new mexico, where the daily times details fight to contain a massive wildfire burning now for weeks.
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the fire already has destroyed dozens homes and prompted thousands to evacuate. the times reports nearly 13 hub firefighters are working to battle that massive blade. in texas, governor greg abbott making the front page again, the austin american statesman reports that abbott wants texas to challenge a 1982 supreme court ruling that requires states to offer free public education to all children including undocumented migrants. the texas governor saying that it is time to limit the state's responsibility to educate non-citizens. and in florida, the "miami herald" has a front page story about a coast guardman who surprised his mom from broward college, yesterday. years ago she dropped out of high school to care for her siblings after her mother died but now at age 54, she finally accomplished her dream of getting that degree and her son was there to see it. you could see the joy in that
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>> the kentucky derby, with no restrictions. mitch mcconnell brought the spirit. he always hosts it on derby week. and gives his colleagues a bobble of bourbon. he gave them old crow this year, in a nickname that the president gave him. with an image of the gop leader. i think he is trying to trigger me. >> donald trump meant it as an insult. old crow is a beloved institution in kentucky. we go to louisville, kentucky. >> it is great to see you, a lot of people tune in to this.
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who is good, who is not. potentially a spoiler. what does it look like today? >> reporter: a lot of suspense around a couple of questions. by the way, facetime is difficult to see, i apologize. two horse, epicenter is one of them, the other is zandon, one is 3-2, the other is 3-1. which one emerges as the favorite. this guy goes to the sporting events, he is talking about making a three million dollar bet on one of the two horses. he will decide which one is the favorite. the other story line is all the controversy over the last year around bob bassert, it seemed he
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had won the derby with medinna spirit. later disqualified. bob baffert, two horses transferred to another trainer. this will be the third race in numbers for the horse have been astro nominal. the two former baffert-trained horses. he is not training them, but they have chances as well. >> are you great even on facetime. when our viewers tune n mike
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turico will use professional equipment. so, what are you looking at, mike? bob baffert, not there, but he has horses in the race. >> stripped of everything. took the plaques off the wall. i picked messier to win it, and modonegal, second, and his positions are based on nothing. >> nicely done. >> i got bad news, they just scratch? ed etheoremeal road.
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