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tv   The Reid Out  MSNBC  May 6, 2022 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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it's only fair that bourbon on the rocks. visit me @ari melber or ari and let me know what drink you might want going into this weekend. that does it for us. thanks for spending team with me as always. "the reidout" starts now. good evening, everyone. i'm jason johnson sitting in for joy reed. we begin "the reidout" tonight with the battle for ukraine. russian forces continue their brutal and unrelenting assault on the steel company in mariupol where 200 terrorized civilians remain hunkered down and looking for a way out. united nations is racing to rescue more civilians from the labyrinth of tunnels under the besieged steel works factory. with two busloads leaving today. people who were able to flee describe horrifying conditions with little food, water or medicine. roughly 2,000 ukranian fighters
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remain holed up in plant refusing to surrender to the russian invaders for fear of being tortured or imprisoned. steel factory remains the last bastion of resistance in the city that putin desperately wants to vanquish. the autocrot wants and basically need to claim victory over you a crane or at least part of it ahead of russia's biggest patriotic holiday on monday, may 9th or victory day is an annual celebration marking the defeat of nazi germany that showcases the country's military might with thousands of soldiers, tanks and vehicles marching through moscow's red square. it's also bomb an annual display of bellicose anti-war nationalistic brand arkt. we're getting a glimpse of that on state television where a pro-putin filmmaker warned that every barbaric tool was on the table, including concentration camps, re-education camps and
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sterilization. today amnesty international confirmed that russian forces have committed a series of war crimes outside of kyiv, and the agency demand russia face justice for their crimes this. comes as another putin ally was visiting ker shon, told citizens that russia will be in the region forever than there would be no return to the past. despite what russia might say american defense officials report that russian progress has been slow and uneven due in part to the fierce pushback from ukranian forces that have stalled their overall momentum in the north. late this afternoon president biden announced that he was sending additional as tabs to ukraine, including additional artillery munitions, radar and other equipment. given those realities, tom nichols, contributing writer for "the atlantic" warns that the west should brace itself on may
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9th, quote, putin will be keep to help his military avenge the humiliation of abysmal performances in a war where every advantage and size appears to be on the side of the russians. we're joined by a historian and phd student at the university of pennsylvania. thanks so much for joining us to start off this show. tom, i'll start with you. when you talk about what putin is going have to say and how he's going have to describe this, i want you to go into detail. i liked your piece in "the atlantic," but this idea that pete will be have to explain to his own people and the world watching how his underperforming army is somehow still something to be proud of. >> well, it depends on which avenue he takes. one way he could go is to say, yeah, it's been a really tough slog because we're really fighting nato. that's been the -- the narrative in the russian media.
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that's been the new position, newish, i meaning the war is only two months old, but that's been a relatively recent position that the russians have started to emphasize because that's the only thing for them that makes sense. we can't possibly be losing to the ukranians. that the was never supposed to happen. therefore, there must be some other culprit involved here, and it has to be the united states and nato. the other possibility is that he could simply take advantage of the fact that his own people have no idea what's going on in ukraine, and he'll say we've actually won. we've denazified the country, you know. we never really intended to roll into kyiv and we're created novo seavoyah in the south and severing going according to plan. i don't think he can sell that. he's pretty angry about the fact that there's a lot of internal dissent and even dissent within the kremlin.
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it's pretty clear that only putin and a handful of people thought this was a good idea and that a lot of people even in his closest circle didn't know or didn't think that this was a good thing to do, and so he may decide to say now it's really war. this is all-out war. i'm going to mobilize the country and all of its resources and -- and start drafting poem big time to fight this war as a way, not of fighting the war because you can't draft people fast enough to do this as a way of shutting everybody up. >> prove source, i want to dig into this idea more because tom mentioned a thing that i'm thinking about. how informed do we know that the russian people are about this -- this war in ukraine? mean, you know, the united states, we get a certain amount of information. the europeans get a certain amount of information, but do the people there, the people all throughout russia, do they really know what this war looks like? do they really have a sentiment of what's going on or are so
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they completely enclosed by a propaganda bubble by their own government that they wouldn't know if they are wing or losing unless putin tells them one way or another? >> i think depends on where are you in. if you think of the major metropolitan areas there's probably many avenues by which russian citizens can get outside information but many of them including facebook and instagram have been shut down or think about far out in siberia or even in the north probably not and so we have to think about this situation which the people who could know about these outside developments in ukraine are probably those taking to the streets in moscow st. petersburg, but the other people, the millions of russians who do not have access to mainstream media sources or american sources are probably buying the kremlin and point's take on this war because it's the only information they are getting. think about this. if you're in an information vacuum still easier to believe
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that the world is against russia and causing a war against its brother country and killing innocent civilians or is it easier to believe that nato is attacking you and you're fighting this war on your own? i think we have to remember that russia is so diverse, diverse in getting information that we can't blanket every russian the same. >> tom. i want to follow up on this idea of russia is at war with nato, right? ukraine is not a part of nato. ukraine has tried to get into nato at different times and nato has said no, so given the fact that the country is not in nato and is getting resources from nato countries because you were awac. if you say hey, i'm attacking these guys, they are nazis, then
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the russian state media can tell the story but isn't it hard to say you're going to wore where a yrm country that's not in nato at all? >> not hard at all. nato is an epithet. it's literally a four-letter word in russia and even people, you know, closer to may age who lived through the cold war in russia, even those who lived through the yeltsin did, the administration of boris yeltsin, a much friendlier time to america, still deep down believe that the united states and nato caused everything. i mean, it really is almost to the point if there's a blizzard it's because of nato. you know, if your dinner -- you got a bad dinner in a restaurant it's because of nato. russians have become over the course of 70 years, they have just become used to blaming nato for everything, and so it's a really easy villain to kind of
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just pull out of your hat to say, yeah, ukraine is not in nato but only way they -- in a way it's part of the russian inferiority complex. the only way, that you know, russians could really lose anything, it has to be nato because, you know, we're never as good as nato. >> right. >> so if we lose by definition there had to be some kind of shenanigans going on with nato which is, of course, you know, always more powerful and better than we are. >> yeah. it's the classic oh, you only won because my controller was broken and you had a bigger team and squad, yeah. that's part of what i think is interesting to me. again, the information of information, the lack of information, who understands it. professor, this is an interesting quote when we talk about what russian citizens may or may not be hearing leading up to the days of may 9. you have a quote from the president of belarus which is a nation generally in support of russia and generally considered an ale, and president lieu
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shenko says i'm not immersed in that conflict. asked about what's going on in russia. i'm not immersed in this conflict like i say it's going according to plan. i want to stress one more time. i feel like this operation has dragged on. now, i've got to tell you. if one of your allies is like this ain't working. is that the kind of if thing. one of your alsis couldn't. keep up with it anymore. this is a big spot for waving the russian flag for putin and i understand lukaschenko wasn't even be in moscow for the victory day celebration. this is not going the way putin
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thought it was going to go or lunge shenko thought it was going to go. lukaschenko is the president of a country who has been the base for the russian troops and those russian troops aren't leaving the area. perhaps he can see the writing on the wall to know that what happened in ukraine can happen anywhere. >> i thought most of the world thought this wouldn't last very long, that is zelenskyy would leave within a week or two and become a president in exile. i don't think anybody estimated this kind of resistance from ukraine. that being said, tom, president biden will be in a zoom with violency. obviously the united states has sent additional funding, additional aid. what do you think zelenskyy is still doing at this point? look, the money is being spent. he's not going to get into nato, a potential trigger for world
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war iii. what do you think he wants to tell president biden other than we're still here, we're still fighting? >> i don't think there's much more he can say other than send weapons and send them past because -- you mentioned what is zelenskyy doing every day. just trying to survive, keeping the army in the field and his people together and what's really important about the phone calls is the symbolism of it saying, yes, we're not forgetting about this. americans have a notoriously short attention span and russians have been counting on that. by the way, i'm one of those people who thought this would be over in a week. i over stmted the competence of the russian military, but i think that the russians now are kind of counting on, you know, if they just drags out and that's kind of an implies threat. don't count on anyone helping you. no one will save you.
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as the people you quoted in the beginning said. we'll here federal reserve. that's, of course, what the soviet union said and having biden call zelenskyy is his way of saying you're still here and so are we. >> right, right. it's the don't forget about us generation. i don't think anybody is forgot the around that conversation. thank you so much for starting off the show today. still ahead on "the reidout." jim obi rgefell joins us to talk about the risk to lbgt rights if roe fails. plus, rudy giuliani backs out of talking to the january 6th committee at the last minute, putting him on deck for a contempt charge, and later -- >> the supreme court ruled against us on the issue you about denying or texas having to bear that burden. i think we will resurrect that
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case. >> texas wants out of its commitment to educate all the kids in the state. what other supreme court discussions are suddenly at risk? "the reidout" continues after which. t risk "the reidout" continues after which. - [female narrator] five billion people lack access to safe surgery. thousands of children are suffering and dying from treatable causes. for 40 years, mercy ships has deployed floating hospitals to provide the free surgeries these children need. join us. together, we can give children the hope
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get a great deal on this limited time price with internet and voice for just $49.99 a month for 24 months with a 2-year price guarantee. call today. across a spectrum of issues where is the democratic party? where's the party? why aren't we standing up for firmly, more resolutely? why aren't we calling this out? this is a concerted coordinated
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effort and, yes, they are wings, they are. they have been. let's acknowledge that. we need to stand up. where's the counteroffensive? >> about time somebody said it responding to the impending end of "roe v. wade," california governor gavin newsom challenged the urgency of many that are feeling that the democrats need to mount a more forceful response. there's no doubt people are fired up as democrats raise $12 million in the 48 hours after justice a loto's draft opinion was leaked. for many this goes beyond just the assault on abortion rights. legal experts have made clear it's a slippery slope from alito's argument against roe to the erosion of other right like marriage equality. justice alito argued the right to abortion isn't protected by the constitution citing a previous court decision that due process rights must be, quote, deeply rooted in this nation's
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history. he made the exact same argument into dissent and obi rgefell, the supreme court decision in 2015 that legalized same-sex marriage. alito said then, quote, it's beyond dispute that the right to same-sex marriage is beyond these rights. and, of course, republicans have explicitly linked the two issues. the 2016 party platform which they basically photocopied in 2020 calls for the appointment of conservative judges who will enable courts to over turp activist decisions. with me now is jim obi rgefell, the lead plaintiff in the 2015 case obi rgefell versus hodges and is a democratic candidate for the house of cook. i don't get nervous so often. i have so many friends whose lives were changed in a wonderful way because of your
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courage and i'm extremely excited to talk to you this evening. i want to start with you. people are hearing with this case now. some americans paid attention. some didn't. how did you get involved in the supreme court case that eventually made same-sex marriage legal and constitutionally protected in this country. >> well, thank you for having me on, jason, and thank you for those kind words. this wasn't something that john and i had ever planned, my late husband john this. just happened when the supreme court struck down the defense of marriage act with the windsor decision i proposed and john and i simply got married because we wanted to do that. we had been together for so long and it was just a series of events we never could have planned or expected that resulted in us meeting a civil rights attorney who said you have a problem, and that started our case in federal district court in ohio and eventually ended up at the supreme court. it wasn't planned, wasn't dreamt
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up. wasn't something we ever expected. >> so after you saw the leaked roe ruling like everybody else i'm sure you became concerned and said, okay, what actions are next? i want to ask you this. as someone who knows that your life and your lifestyle decisions could be next after roe, do you feel that political forces in america have been aggressive enough and coming to the aid of the lbgtq party? do you feel like the demmics party, the aclu, enough hue and cry right now or are people sort of backtracking trying to figure out what to do? >> you know, there's definitely concern out there, and i'm hearing a lot of organization is, a lot of people talking about marriage equality and the threat that that right faces in the country as well as other lbgtq plus rights. this roe decision, it's a road
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map to take away so many rights that we've enjoyed in this country, the right to marry, the right to have relations with a people, the right -- this simply is a road map to take us back not to the 190s like people like to say but in my mind back to the 1850s because this court seems to think that the constitution can only be interpreted as of the time it was written, and that would -- that would talk away all of those -- all of the progress we have made in civil rights in this nation, and that should frighten everybody. i'm hearing a lot of noise. could we be louder and could we be doing other things? i think we could always say yes, we can do more. but we are spreading the word and wey are raising -- raising our rands in the air to say we
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are at risk. we are in dang are. our rights are very close to being taken away. >> the whole idea that the court will make any rowling. look, the history of the constitution says i rp countin year let's take a look at how this has emboldened the right. we had a group of congressman reported in "the hill." the tv ratings board has been called on to help of parents shield their kid from lbgtq characters. senators who signed, mike lee from utah, robert marshall. they told "kansas city star" they were worried about shows like cartoons that actually show
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lbgtq characters living peaceably with other people. do you see this leading, roe just loading to overall comfort and bigots coming after any representation of the clear community n. >> it's happening in our school books and our school libraries. let me just say this. seeing queer characters on television or sui -- that that will make someone change their sexual orientation or identity. that's simply ridiculous. if things work that way i would not be a gay men. i grew up seeing no gay men in pop culture. if -- if it worked that way, i would be as straight as they come because everything i saw -- i saw everything -- most of us saw for most of our lives was
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nothing but heterosexual, i would marry a works you would children and that was it. well, that did not groom me to be straight i want born straight. i was born a -- it's utterly ridiculous. it's become the late rope can war. the republican party, do what doe stand for, what are they going to take lives better? >> all they did do is aitarak people who not behave the way they do, look the way they do. jason, that's one of the reasons i'm running for office. they need people in state legislature would be can take up this slack. the supreme court will cake them away and it's going to be up to
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state legislatures to step in and say this does not represent who are you as well. this does not frep the values that we say yes, stands for. acceptsian. black, immigrant. >> we're all part of wet people. >> if the republican party thinks that theloushouse and disney are the greatest threats to the american people they don't deserve to stay in office. jim, thank you so much and best luck in your cane. >> thanks. >> ahead, judy giuliani pulls out of a scheduled interview and now he's on a potential
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fanduel and draftkings, two out of state corporations making big promises to californians. what's the real math behind their ballot measure for online sports betting? 90% of profits go to the out of state corporations permanently. only eight and a half cents is left for the homeless. and in virginia, arizona, and other states, fanduel and draftkings use loopholes to pay far less than was promised. sound familiar? it should. it's another bad scheme for california.
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cloud. to date the january 6th committee has interviewed more than 970 witnesses in connection with the capitol insurrection. today rudy giuliani was supposed to join that list, until he bailed at the last minute. according to a tweet from donald trump's former personal lawyer it was because he wanted his voluntary testimony to be covered live on national television or at least recorded which was denied.
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giuliani's lawyer said he nixed the meeting without the committee would not allow them to record it. it shouldn't be surprising that giuliani would want to turn his meeting into a public spectacle. all he did after january 6th traveling across the country peddling false claims. >> they don't decide the election. the call for joe biden -- who was it called by? >> oh, my goodness. all the networks. wow. all the networks. we have forget about the law. judges don't count. >> you can't make this stuff up or how about when he appeared behind sydney "unleash the "kraken powell as it looked like black hair dye poured down his
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face. how did we know he was acting as the pied piper of election misinformation? in it he said under oath he doesn't attempt to confirm the voracity of all his wild allegations before repeating them publicly. >> it's not my job in a fast moving case to go out and investigate every piece of evidence that's given to me. otherwise you're never going to write a story or come to a conclusion. >> joining me now is professor at the university of michigan school of law and a former u.s. attorney and an adviser to the dnc and dcccc. barbara, i'll start with you. i'm going to ask you the basic question that i ask every single time that most average americans who are not lawyers asking why is this man not in jail in why is he not in jail right now?
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he skipped a security hearing. if i skip a traffic hearing i'm in jail right now. why is giuliani not in jail right now? >> jurors an excellent point. we all agree with that. i think he's been working with the committee to try to work out some sort of negotiation and the committee, there are executive branch sensitivities, does try to work through what's called negotiation and accommodation process, and until recently he's actually been at least pretending to -- to want to negotiate. i don't know whether it's been genuine, and if you can work that out, then that's favorable. you can get the information that you need without going to court. burr at the end of the day he wants to call the shots. he wants it to be on television, no doubt and the the committee doesn't have to -- one power that they have is to refer this to the justice department for
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criminal proogs and they have not been incredibly eager to do that in most cases. they did charge steve bannon but there's been others they have not charged, at least not yet. >> look, i get giuliani saying i want this to be public, i want this to be a spectacle and i understand why the committee doesn't. this leads to a larger question that i'm concerned about, kurt. later on this year, we know the january 6th committee will have these public hearings. is there a legitimate fear and concern? giuliani wants it public because he knows how to manipulate the giroud. is there a chance that the people will lose the narrative. >> you know, jason, this is where i think kevin mccarthy really screwed up. when he vacated the committee and dictated that his members
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and caucus would not participate in that committee. he sundayed the ability really to make this a show. we see this all the time in other proceedings. we saw it with the supreme court confirmation hearings and steen with characters like jim jordan and matt gaetz hijacking the proceeding with their shenanigans and their cleanery. that's not going to happen because the two republicans on this committee, liz chain and adam kinzinger believe in the core mission of this meeting so it will be a lot harder for anybody who goes before this committee to try to hijack, it enough theier it, try to run out the clock and chance to redirect it with nonsensical questions not doing with the topic. they won't be able to do that because every single person believes in the work of the house select committee and that's where kevin mccarthy screwed up. donald trump is going to lose his mind when he seize no one is out there defending him.
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>> the january select commity had a couple of topics to talk to rudy giuliani about. wanted to talk about his promotion of claims that the 2020 election was stolen, attempt to disrupt, delay certification and contract with former president trump on or around january 6th. here's my question. can you ask rudy giuliani these things, but we kind of already know what his answers are going to be, and so at this point i -- i understand the need and the desire to public information as well, but the people needs to know this is just a handful of information handed to the department of justice. >> well, one of the things that you can obtain when you question people, of course, is helpful information, but as you say we probably know everything he's going admit to that could be helpful information, but there is have in putting someone under oat and looking them into a story, whether he says i don't
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recall or if he says this is the way it happened because it makes it more difficult later to back down from that, to say that something different happened, so even if it's not very helpful. we used to do this all the to imwhen we conducted grand jury investigations there. might be a witness that is confident, lock hem into to see what they can see later. on the theory they should listen to people and also information that might be exxon rate and what he knows. i think that's what's happening here 5. pokes person is said mr. ruslan khasbulatov is a possible reasons in a conspiracy to overthrow the government and remains under subpoena. if he refuses to comply with the
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committee we'll continue to enforce. >> we know they are not going to put voy lators in a orange jumpsuit. what do you think the option sflb. >> clearly done before. honestly. i'm of the of red sight that i can tell you this. if this type of sequence happened when i was there i would have been all right, let's call his bluff, okay. let's have a hearing tomorrow, put his ass upped oat and make him answer them. he doesn't want to do that. rope can trump enablers are assuming that the democrat on the committee don't have the some for some of these fights. completely below up away.
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he wants it on tape. put him in the -- i need a judge judy moment where the bailiff can crag the guy out. thank you both so much for joining us on "the reidout" tonight. up next, the trickle-down effect of a supreme court nominee poised to strike down "roe v. wade." what other advances of civil rights and liberties are now at risk and what impact will it have on the upcoming mid-term? we'll continue here on triedout. ? we'll continue here on triedout. life as we know it cannot exist without nad. as we age, nad can decrease by as much as 50%. tru niagen is proven to increase nad, to support heart and muscle health, and energy production that starts in your cells. address one of the root causes of aging
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overreacting to allergens all season long. psst! psst! flonase all good. just days after the leaked draft on roe texas governor greg abbott joined a right wing radio talk show to announce a possible challenge to a scotus decision from 40 years ago. mandating free public education to all children including undocumented immigrants. >> texas long ago sued the federal government about having to incur the cost of the education program. >> yes. >> case called tyler versus d o'and the supreme court ruled against us on the issue about denying or texas having to bear that burden. i think we will resurrect that case and challenge this issue again because the expenses are extraordinary and the times are different than when tyler versus
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toe was issued many decades ago. >> ah, yes. nothing like sarcastic pro-life republican declaring brown kids as a burden. joining us now are both msnbc contributors, very excited to talk to you tonight. usually i like to leave the twice impeached, you know, multiple times convicted president in the past but i have to start with this audio, and i have to get you all thoughts on this, not just on how this affects the mid terms but what this says what democrats are face when they do january 6 stuff. we have a quote and sound from mark esper. it the aired tonight on "cbs evening news." i want to play this sound and then get your thoughts. >> the president pulls me aside on at least a couple of of occasions and suggests that maybe we have the u.s. military shoot missiles into mexico. hi to explain to him we can't do that. it would violate their national
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law and be terrible for our neighbors to the south and impact news so many ways. why don't we do this instead >> you politely pushed back on the idea. did president trump really say no one would know it was us? >> yes. >> i can't believe 74 million people voted for this, sorry. juanita, what are your first thoughts as someone who works in washington, d.c. and members of the administration, what are your thoughts on hearing them? >> it's sickening, jason. it's sickening that esper has to play nice when he heard it and even after that esper said he still didn't think that was enough to remove trump from office so it just shows the hold that trump had on everybody around him who was too afraid to call him out. trump's history of violence towards black and brown people is no surprised. i'm not surprised by any of this. he also said let's shoot protests after george floyd's
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death. he also said let's shoot migrants at the border so he made it very clear what he thinks about black and brown poem and i keep coming to the fact that no one was willing to stand up to him and that esper really sat on this to write his book, collect his coin, sure, but still didn't think it was enough to remove him from office, was afraid about it, but we all know at the end of the day when trump was saying nobody would know it was us, he lives for the lie. he's still telling the lie about 2020. he's telling the lie through both impeachment trials and that's the thing that gets him goinging right. he's like we can do this, murder some people in mexico and bomb our neighboring country which is a trade ally and get away with it because he lives for the lie. >> this is the thing that gets me. intersante of him saying nobody else will know we did this. i'm the embodiment of we're trying to find out who did this meme. everybody would know it's the
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united states. where do you think the planes would come from? do you think the lack of frustration on the people in the part of this administration is because they all drank the kool-aid or because they heard so many crazy things from the president that they just stopped caring? >> oh, it's definitely shocking and disturbing as about what marc esther revealed it was when he does right, it means nothing, it's not gonna make a single difference because he said these remarks and revealed this to the world either in realtime or immediately after the administration and did and got before the cameras of the world and said, this is what trump said. it just feels now like politics as usual, and will be interpreted to -- it was evident from the first week of the trump administration that he was unfit, things that were set disqualify embittered fortunately because this is now looking like someone trying to cash it on a book deal, it
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doesn't have the potency that it would've had had mark esper said this when he was secretary of defense, or immediately after leaving it the office. >> for anand, ever in the league on monday have been wanting to chat with you, to me it's great democrats have raised $12 million since the leak that the supreme court is gonna try and overthrow roe v. wade, overrule it later on this year. all i care about are the poll numbers. where do we need to look, because there's pulling out now, just this week where we need to look in polling across the country to think or realize that that ruling is actually gonna help democrats, or does not really end up having that much of an impact on critical senate races in wisconsin and florida and pennsylvania? >> wow, let me get your first information on the polling which is so fundamentally important. we in the research community are all looking at the generic congressional ballot, and obviously the state where the senate races are taking place
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but the generic congressional, which right now is not looking great for the democrats. if we see movement there and significant movement, on talking three, four, five points that will start to indicate they may have overstepped their boundaries. but jason, let me tell you in america one of the great concerns about this revelation this week. for 50 years, roe v. wade was made law, they've been working for this moment, they knew this, at the same time for 50 years they have been warned, if you do this step you will incite the women of the united states -- you never hold office again. and that is why right now it is so fundamentally important, democracy is no longer on the ballot anymore for 2022, it's now theocracy that's also on the ballot. if they win, the majority of any control of congress, any house of congress, they are gonna use that as a mandate to say all of the protections that
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have happened the last 50 years, we've been now told by the american people, you can undo those. >> when eta and fernando stick around because they're up next, they're gonna tell me who won the week. we'll be back in a sack. wo the week the week we'll ? and this is bad? i'm doing it my way. meet plenity. an fda -cleared clinically proven weight management aid for adults with a bmi of 25-40 plenity is not a drug - it's made from naturally derived building blocks and helps you feel fuller and eat less. it is a prescription only treatment and is not for pregnant women or people allergic to its ingredients. talk to your doctor or visit to learn more. big game today! everybody ready? alexa, ask buick to start my enclave. starting your buick enclave. i just love our new alexa. dad, it's a buick. i love that new alexa smell. it's a buick. we need snacks for the team. alexa, take us to the nearest grocery store.
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under district attorney gascón, i prosecuted car break-ins. all repeat offenders, often in organized crime rings. but when chesa boudin took office, he dissolved the unit and stopped me from collaborating with the police on my cases. now home and car break-ins are on the rise because repeat offenders know they can get away with it. chesa boudin is failing to do his job. there's a better way to keep san francisco safe. i fought for freedom abroad. recall chesa boudin now. i'm not going to allow anyone to take away women's rights here at home. abortion is effectively banned in texas, and at least seven other states only have a single abortion provider. we need leaders in congress who will stand up to extremist politicians, and protect our right to choose everywhere.
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and i will fight for pay equity, too. i'm emily beach, and i approve this message because nothing is more important than standing up for- - [all] our rights. right now. people a frightening weaken america. we're gonna end on a positive sign him to play but, who won
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the week. back with me are juanita tolliver and fernand r. amandi. juanita who won the week? >> one of the week for me, jason, she got in the stated emily's gala just the next day after that draft supreme court ruling came out and she captured all the rage and frustration of women across the country when she declared, how dare they of the right-wing justices that are trying to take away our basic rights to abortion. i want more of that energy from the vice president. i want to see her doing more as we continue to fight for a basic right to access health care and i hope that she can see and translate that energy into action. whether that's helping to negotiate a filibuster that we saw's -- parliament or just months ago. or pushing to expand access to prescription medication for abortion. whatever it is, related to this issue i want vice president out there, she's got the heat right
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now. >> passionate warren, passionate harris, that's the kind of energy that the democrats need to have every single second from now until november. fernand, who won the week for you? >> jason, no question the winner of the week is the lead of the supreme court document that revealed to the world what happened, time will tell if they not only won the week, they may have won the election for the democrats. not all leagues are created equal, some hurt democracy, some in fact are guardrails for 45 democracy from within. despite chief justice roberts best efforts, this core is no longer seen as legitimate in the eyes of the american people. it is politicized supreme court, and the decision by this -- whether the conservative democrat doesn't really matter. to reveal this now it makes the stakes clear, these justices lied in their testimony and in their hearings about robust suede, the leakers showed the world they live, and democrats have six months to get ready
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and try to win -- the oranges that. needed >> i swear if that leaker gets arrested -- i'm going to scream. you are both wrong though, the winner of the week's corinn jean pierre, our dear friend formally msnbc, you know the white house press secretary she's the former -- as you could see her here. defending kamala harris, she's one of the nicest, best people started from the bottom, so happy that the crew is succeeding. really happy for. her juanita tolliver and fernand r. amandi thank you so much and that's tonight's reidout, all i'm chris hayes starts right now. tonight' reidout, all tonight on all in. >> i was just flabbergasted that not only was that idea proposed but that the people, people in my department are working on it. >> donald trump's defense secretary reveals just how fast statistic and barbaric the former president and stephen miller wanted to get, tonight congressman jamie raskin on the revelations. and


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