tv Alex Witt Reports MSNBC May 7, 2022 10:00am-11:00am PDT
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from msnbc world headquarters here in new york. welcome everyone to alex witt reports. we begin with the breaking news. the evacuation of that besieged steel plant in mariupol is now complete. ukraine's vice prime minister said just in this last hour that all women, children, and the elderly are safely out. that is where the cities last defenders have been trying to hold on as the fighting intensifies around them. meanwhile, some new video from the southern port city of odessa, that's where officials say six cruise missiles were fired. officials also say that russian missiles have hit two locations in the north today. and we're getting a new look at pictures reportedly shove in the aftermath of the ukrainian attack on a russian island 20 miles or so off the coast. these satellite photos from friday, analyzed by business insider, show the thick black
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-- that smoke rising off of snake island after a series of drone strikes there. nbc news has not independently verify these images. asked ukraine defend itself, president biden has signed off on another $150 million in military aid. the president will attend a virtual g7 meeting tomorrow with president zelenskyy. a colleague at nbc's james gray is joining us from ukraine. you just broke that news in the last hour for us about the successful evacuation of the elderly, the women, and the children. so, where do things stand in mariupol at this, averaging? >> you're absolutely right, alex. there has been a point of focus for both sides for weeks. finally getting everyone out, civilian wise, but the men and soldiers remain. that's certainly a last stand in mariupol. they know they're not going to let that city be overrun by the russian troops, so they'll continue their battles there. battles that in the last few days have really intensified.
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described by one of the ukrainian soldiers as blood battles in the streets there. so, that's a fight that is building. you talked about the missiles in odessa. we know that there have been more frequent attacks in the donbas treason as well. but we also hear that ukrainian forces have pushed back russian artillery units outside of kharkiv, pushing them far enough away that they can't really attack that city. the second largest in ukraine. so they've successfully taken back some territory there as they move towards monday and victory day, celebrated by russia. a time when vladimir putin normally flexes his military muscle. and so there is still a lot of tension and what will happen in the lead up to that day, and monday as well. so, the tests of fighting in the east, refugees that don't have a place to live anymore, are heading here to the west, in areas like lviv.
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many coming directly from the front lines. the mayor describes what he's seeing in his city. >> i expect more after war in ukraine, we will have 20, 30,000 wounded. huge problem for the process you, you for -- that we face, a lot of different problems. but i must spend time thinking about future. >> and look. every day he says a specialized train brings him those wounded for the most severe fighting, not only soldiers, but families as well. his hope is to build a state-of-the-art rehabilitation center as he also works to find housing for those that continue
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to arrive. >> but jay from lviv, ukraine. thank you. let's go to the breaking news here in the u.s.. protests certainly underway in the supreme court as well as nationwide. this is support of abortion rights. it comes days after a leak of a supreme court draft opinion. the signal plans to overturn the roe v. wade decision protecting a federal right to abortion. we're going to take multiple protests, we're gonna show you what's happening on the ground as well as on capitol hill. the fight for reproductive rights headache for a big date next week. the senate is expected to vote wednesday on a key measure related to the democratic bill to codify abortion protection station wide. congressman diana pressley expresses the -- urgency of passing this legislation earlier on nbc today. >> the senate must act. that's it. we have got to codify roe v. wade. we should abolish the filibuster. it is clear that the supreme court continues to obstruct the
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will of the people, because a majority of americans support roe v. wade do not want it over weighed. we have to legislate, organize, mobilized, because lives of pant on. it because they do. >> covering today's forecast for us, julie circuses outside the supreme court. we have jesse cursed in chicago, and liz mclaughlin in houston. we welcome all of you right now, i know things are getting underway there, liz, talk about who's organizing it and what you're hearing from the people attending. >> absolutely, this is organized by daniel o'rourke, whose chao seeing greg abbott here in texas. thousands are joining us, the noises people -- thousands have come out to express their views, opinion, and passion on this topic. now, it's unclear if this will be enough to's slate the election here, but it certainly been a hot topic, and this
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campaign is around. it his speeches coming up next. texas is one of the strictest abortion laws in the country. they are one of 13 trigger states, so states with trigger laws if roe is overturned, then these laws will go into effect for an abortion ban. that means here in texas, abortions would be completely illegal at any point in the term, including, no exceptions for rape or incest. now, this is something that's really motivated female voters, democratic voters, but even wider texas public opinion. 78% of texas saying that they think abortion should be legal in at least some cases. we spoke with demonstrators here about how they feel. here's a listen at what they had to say. >> the idea is that is appeal happens of roe v. wade, you have basically outright ban of abortion in so many different states, that texas is leading the way, this is not where we
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want to be leading the way. we're not pro apportion, we're just pro-choice. pro women having the choice to do what is best for their own bodies. >> now, governor greg abbott has says this is a pro life state, but according to that pull this week, only 15% of texas think that abortion should be completely outlawed. it's clear we're public opinion lies on this, but it's not clear enough to galvanize voters here. alex? >> thank you for enduring the loud noise there is people are seeing around. thank you. let's go now to the protest in chicago, where we see jesse curse standing by for us. jesse, you're gonna join us with the governor of illinois, jamie pittsburgh. >> that's, right alex, we're here life with the governor, we've got hundreds of people gathering here already. you've called illinois and islands, a place where people can turn to for abortion rights, because if roe is in fact overturned, you expect multiple states around here to be either restrictor outright ban
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abortion. so first off, which states are you most concerned about, in terms of the influx of people? where do you think most people would be coming from? what are you doing right now to prepare for that possibility? >> we are expecting to see people from missouri, from kentucky, from indiana from, wisconsin, from iowa. really, all the states that touch illinois. all of them either have already started to restrict women's reproductive rights, or they have trigger laws that will revert them to becoming antichoice states. we're also seeing people from as far away as texas coming to illinois to exercise their freedoms, and we've of course prepared for that, trying to expand services for people coming to illinois, because we want them to be able to exercise those rights. we're going to defend all across this nation if they want to, if they need to get an abortion, they know they can come to illinois and be free. >> you expect to get more funding or more logistical support from the state on? that obviously, this clinic to do this separately, but on the state level, would added resources do you expect weeks term now, if, in fact roe is overturned? >> we've been working with
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planned parenthood and other clinics across the state, particularly around the border of illinois, to make sure that as people come to illinois, that they're well service, that they've got a logistics center to make sure they can find the place to stay, they can get the proper care that they need and if they need support, we'll get that. so, we're doing everything that we can to stand up for women's right to choose here in illinois. but the most important thing, and the sweat you're seeing today, it's people have to elect pro choice legislators. they've got to elect pro choice governors and pro-choice senators, because that's how we're going to preserve the woman's right to choose. talk about states with trigger laws. we are talking about how illinois, before you became governor, had removed trigger laws in the state. that would've gone into effect if roe is overturned. in illinois, you recently doubled down on supporting reproductive rights in this state and with the reproductive health act codifying support for abortion rights here. if roe is overturned, stands
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would states would decide what they want to do. there's a discussion of a federal legislation to restrict abortion rights. what does that look like in a state like here, in illinois, where you are in support of abortion rights. it is on the books as such. what is a state like this look like if there is federal legislation restriction that banning abortion. >> if they will restrict or ban abortion we are prepared here. we make sure that we are going to stand up for the woman's right to choose in the state of illinois. we might be an island but we are a protective island for anyone who comes here. we elected our united states senators. they are pro-choice. they are going to vote in favor of a law to support the twos. then we have to make sure that we win every congressional seat because we need pro-choice majorities in the congress. right here in illinois, we have a heated government race and i am running in it. we have state legislators and a races. we want to make sure that we elect the pro-choice majority
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that we need. that is with these people are here about. >> thank you very much. there are hundreds of people pouring in to downtown chicago and the federal power law in support of this. there are a small portion of peoples opposing this across the street. we will track this. >> thank you and the governor for us. we go down to the supreme court where protests are also underway. julie tsirkin is there. julie, more people have arrived. clearly the rain is not dampening spirits. >> no, alex, it is not dampening spirits. here you have a small group of pro life protesters. you can hear them behind me. a bigger crowd is along this wall of women, daughters, children, babies, man, all out here in the rain for supporting their right to choose. i want you to listen to my conversation with a woman named bethany who came with her eight month old baby. she received an abortion 20
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years ago and her mom received an abortion before roe. here's what you told me. >> i am absolutely terrified. the thought of her growing up with a less protection than i did absolutely breaks my heart. it is extremely frightening. she is always going to know that abortion is health care. what we know is that when abortion is criminalized it does not stop abortions from happening. it makes them a whole lot harder for millions of people to get for people who are each struggling to get care. these are the people who are struggling more to get care when it is criminalized. >> alex, i want you to take a look at this crowd over here. they have signs, they are passionate, they are going back and forth with a small group of pro life protesters. we do not see this ending anytime soon. they have been out here since tuesday in the rain, in the
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weather, and despite all of that, there is a small group of cops coming out with dogs to make sure that everything is going according to order. we tend to continue to see this here, alex. >> it is small and louder despite the size. thank you so much, julie tsirkin. joining me now is north carolina deborah ross a member of the congress judiciary. i'm glad to speak with. you thank you for joining us. as we look ahead to this week, they voted to codify abortion protections on wednesday. it is unlikely to have the support to break the filibuster or to pass without it. what are you hearing in the house about the outcome of this vote, and if it fails, why is it important to go through with it? >> thank you so much for having me on. this is such a crucial question at a crucial time. as we know, the house has acted to codify roe v. wade. to put roe v. wade in a women's
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reproductive freedom in the law of the land so that any woman, wherever she lives, does not have to fear that she will not be able to get reproductive health care, that she will not be able to get an abortion. the senate does not have the vote. it does not have the vote because of the filibuster which we talked about earlier. it is the super majority of 60 votes. it doesn't have the votes because they are democratic senators who are not in favor of this. what we need is for people to be on the record, to hear from their constituents. elections are going on right now. we have primary elections going on in north carolina word choices on the ballot. in november, choices on the ballot. we had a pro-choice majority in the u.s. house. we must have a pro-choice majority in the u.s. senate and
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people to get those votes to protect peoples rights. you are absolutely right. >> all that will guarantee that is underway across this country. let me talk about you and your experience having run the aclu for a decade. you have experience fighting reproductive rights. you have fought abortion cases before the circuit court. that was when you were a lawyer. what are your biggest concerns for your state of north carolina if they overturn roe v. wade? >> my experience is that i've worked with women at the most difficult point of their lives. with health care providers that were threatened with criminal prosecution, simply for providing care. making those arguments to the core, really puts things into relief. i still remember the first time i argued at the fourth circuit. the judges wanted the women to
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be showing up in court, asking for their rights. of course, it was roe v. wade. we had anonymity. women did not want to be put through the double jeopardy of seeking health care and then having to publicly show up in court to do that. i have dealt with that. in north carolina, governor roy cooper is all that stands between north carolina allowing for reproductive freedom and north carolina going backwards. he has vetoed multiple abortion restrictions. now -- we have a legislator that can uphold his veto. it was not a wasted case. choices on the ballot for the north carolina legislator without question. it is also on the ballot for our u.s. senate race and we clearly have a pro-choice democratic a woman of color who is running, cheryl beasley, who
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is the chief justice of our supreme court. up and down the ballot. this is an enormous issue in north carolina. everything hands -- hangs in the balance of this election. >> i want to get your take as a lawyer. how confident are you in our supreme court and its ability to operate without the influence of politics? what is your sense of how americans feel about that? >> amy coleman barrett said that when she was -- recently, our court is not full of partisan hacks. i would beg to differ. we have heard from both senator murkowski and senator collins, republican pro-choice women, that they felt deceived during confirmation hearings. that is unacceptable. it is completely wrong. we had ruth bader ginsburg got completely transparent in her confirmation hearing.
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she answered the question. she made the case. we cannot have judges who are wolves in sheep's clothing, lying to our senators when they get confirmed. we have a right to know who is getting a lifetime appointment. >> i'm curious how big of an impact these will have in the midterms. do you think it will drive voters to the polls and if so is it the abortion rights for the economy that will top the drive? >> i think that whatever people are passionate about is what is going to chop the drive. i have been getting texts and messages from women who came out in 2016 after the election in their pink hats saying they are taking them out again. they will make more. they are going to drive people to the polls. it is what people are passionate about. i believe we have the same energy that we had in 2018 for this midterm election. this is if the court does with
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targeting the upcoming primary elections ahead of the midterm. trump rally tough night in support of pennsylvania senate candidate doctor medulla. go to nbc -- 's at that rally. vaughn, welcome, my friend. what did you hear from the former president, as well as the crowd of voters that were there? >> alex, this was a muddy, rady event in rural pennsylvania yesterday. and this is donald trump coming off of a major victory. essentially, he took j.d. vance in a crowded senate republican field in ohio from about 10% to 32%. a major win that allows him to argue that his influence still
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reigns within the republican party. and that is what led him to pennsylvania, campaigning alongside doctor -- i want to hear from trump in his own words, talking about his relevance in the party today. >> earlier this week, our movement had a series of blockbuster victories in ohio and indiana. you know, that? right we nominated and amazing group of maga patriots to fight for us in november, including the future u.s. senator. we know who that is? j.d. vance. we endorsed shady, he was like a rocketship, he went -- >> he has perhaps been out of the office for a year and a half now. at the same time, he is investing himself into these primary races there. trying to push minute oz over the finish line. you look further down the end of the month there, you've got the georgia governor's race on the line. he's also endorsed herschel
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walker in that senate race there. these are primaries that trump is using to lay claim to his legitimacy and relevant as the leader of this party. also from last, night he said, we have a bunch of different parties that we did six years ago. we have a party, some people say, trumpism. and based off the result in ohio and the activity in which he's engaged in these other primaries, i think it's a safe bet for him to be able to make that claim. >> yep. okay. vaughn hillyard, thank you for that. well, they've been making payments for years, and some of them oh more now than when they started. how to solve the student debt crisis, coming up. crisis, coming up.
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you see, son, with a little elbow grease, you can do just about anything. thanks, dad. that's right, robert. and it's never too early to learn you could save with america's number one motorcycle insurer. that's right, jamie. but it's not just about savings. it's about the friends we make along the way. you said it, flo. and don't forget to floss before you brush. your gums will thank you. -that's right, dr. gary. -jamie? sorry, i had another thought so i got back in line. what was it? [ sighs ] i can't remember. here the times shows we are following for you right now. parts of the southeast are cleaning up today after a line of strong storms and one tornado swept through. you can see a severe storm in arkansas knocked down electrical transmission towers and wiped out power. in north carolina, a tornado
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destroyed several homes and a distribution center. so far, no reports of injuries. the man who police say attacked dave chappelle pleaded not guilty to four misdemeanors yesterday. the judge ordered isaiah lead to state 100 yards away from chappelle and anywhere he performs. his attorney says that he broke his arm during the onstage struggle with security. the bond was set at $30,000. in just a few hours, the kentucky derby will take off at churchill louisville. it comes after the doping center scandal that -- today will be the first time in three years that the race will have a full crowd of spectators. our state correspondent will be breaking it down for you on nbc which is a bonus that steep for you. we are going overseas to eastern europe where first lady jill biden will be spending her mother's day weekend. tomorrow she is visiting with
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refugees along the ukrainian border. it is also where we find mike memoli who is joining us from slovakia after getting a lot of frequent flyer miles. this is probably the most high-profile trip for the first lady yet. walk us through through what you have seen. >> it really is. it is the second solo foreign trip that dr. biden has been as the first lady. it is designed to give her a firsthand look in romania where we started the day and slovakia where we entered it. this is how ukraine's neighbors are dealing with the fallout of a russia's invasion. it is interesting alex that this trip is showcasing the issues and passions that she has had throughout her life. yesterday, for instance, she visited a military base. we know her work with the former first lady michelle obama during the obama administration she is joining forces with the initiative supporting military families. doctor biden continues to be a full-time teacher. you see her there today. she is in the classroom.
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she got a briefing this morning at the u.s. embassy. we heard some of the remarkable numbers. we know that 900,000 ukrainians have a flood into romania. two thirds of all ukrainian children are now sweeping the country or have fled their homes. 36,000 of those ukrainian children are still in romania. the first lady was visiting a school where she saw that they are incorporating the ukrainian refugees into their lives. we talked about what was an emotional moment for her at one point. i asked her about it afterwards. take a listen. >> the little girl that said her wish was to be with her daddy. another said that her wishes to go home. you can see that those children have suffered. in a lot of ways, the teachers are the glue that help these kids deal with their trauma and deal with the emotion and help give them a sense of normalcy.
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>> alex, one of the takeaways as doctor biden said from her time today was that the emotional scarring that has happened for these children and these families is so real. one of the things she is going to advocate for when she goes back to washington's for more mental health resources to be made available. tomorrow, it is shaping up to be a big day, not just because it is mother's day, but the first lady will spend time at the ukrainian border seeing firsthand some of these relief efforts and learning about what else could be done as well going forward, alex. >> mike, safe travels through slovakia. we will see you tomorrow. let's go now to an economic war about the growing a student loan debt. president biden is looking at debt relief saying a decision could be coming in a matter of weeks. as he deliberate, the future of many americans hangs in the balance as they face a price tag of tens of hundreds of thousands of dollars. for some, it is an inconvenience. for others, an unimaginable burden.
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>> shen brim will i earned her doctorate degree this year june. overshadowing what is the most important day of her life, crippling student loan debt. she owes over $300, 000, a summit she could be paying off for the rest of her life. >> i do not ever see myself paying it off. it will disappear when ida. it is terrifying to think about that debt looming over me for the rest of my life. >> she is one of the 43 million americans who owe a collective a 1.7 trillion dollars in student loan debt. this is a number that has doubled since 2008. the burden is falling hardest on black students. not only do black borrowers owe $25,000 more than their white counterparts, but almost half and up owing more than what they borrowed for years after graduating. another one of the fastest-growing groups as people over the age of 50, like mary heinous, who dropped out of law school to care for his
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wife after she had cancer. ten years later, he owes $114,000. >> i feel like i'm being punished because my wife was sick and died. >> larry has worked hard to save and pay off his loans. the debt keeps piling up. >> i have gone out to work every day. i went to work every day while my wife was dying. i am not a dead beat. yet i owed double what i owed after paying it back. that is my problem. the people who are writing the rules are wealthy. they never had to live my life. they have never been in my shoes. they do not know what it is like to make 40 or $50,000 a year. >> he is not alone. one major factor contributing to the factors is borrowers not being able to translate the college experience into better wages. while the cost of college has increased by 169% since 1980, in that same time period, earnings for workers in their 20s have only gone up 19%. >> i will make sure that everybody in this generation
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gets $10,000 knocked off of their student debt. >> pressure is mounting on the biden administration to live up to that campaign promise before payments resume in august. with that relief, shannon and larry say that it would only be a drop in the bucket. >> it would lower the payments but it essentially does nothing for me. even 50,000 would be a big help but still. >> as we reported, the president says it ruled out of $50,000 per borrower. a decision on if and how much will be given before payments resume in august. coming up next, why there is growing worry about it coming recession and what is being done to keep it from happening. ion d anwhat is bein ion d anwhat is bein done to keep now i'm down with rybelsus®. mom's a1c is down with rybelsus®. (♪ ♪) c
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incentives brings her d.c. insider perspective to msnbc weekends. she discusses the most pressing topics of the day. to get things off, someone sits down with an exclusive interview with our first lady, dr. jill biden. all of you, watch the premier of simone today at four eastern right here, on msnbc. a busy week of economic news came to a rough and on friday. the dow is all closing lower. it came after a stronger than expected jobs report and the federal reserve's interest rate hike on wednesday. joining me to make sense of it all is heather long, economic columnist at the washington
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post and one of those i turn to for all the answers. let's get to this. stocks. on thursday, the dow had the worst days since the 2020. all three industries dropped on friday. why this happened? how volatile will the stocks get? >> it was rough to watch what was going on. it did so awful on thursday. even when you think you should buy, hold, and forget about it. it is tough to watch. the big takeaway here is the economy is going through a big shift right now. you have those federal reserves hiking interest rates. we have not seen that in years. we also have the war in ukraine that is shaking things up a lot around the globe. we have a shift in how people are spending money. you saw a lot of stocks like netflix go down or those e-commerce companies like amazon, etsy, ebay. people are not sitting at home buying things anymore and watching movies all the time.
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they are getting out and about again. anytime there is a huge transition like this, there is a lot of transitions going on at once. it raises the risk of a recession. it raises the risk that something could go on. it doesn't mean it could go wrong but that is what we are seeing. there is a like to be more of a role in this. from a big picture perspective, the dow is down 10% from its high, the snp is down by 13% of highs. that is known as a course correction. people are taking a breather. we are reassessing where we are. you really start to get nervous when you are down 20%. that is when it is a bear market. that is when investors are thinking that a recession is around the corner. >> thank you for clarifying questions and those details. let me ask you about jobs. the u.s. added 428,000 of them in april. it is the 12th straight month that they have added over
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400,000 jobs. the unemployment rate stands at 3.6%. that is barely above the lowest level in a half century. will the jobs boom, continue with interest rates going up. do you see any red flags around the job market with these employment figures? >> it certainly has been incredibly strong. it is miraculous to see this hiring. this hiring happens across the board. it is not just across one sector. we saw hiring not just in bars and restaurants but also in education, health care, retail, across the board in finance. this is a good sign. again, if we were on the verge of a recession, companies are not having that firing, hiring side out front. is it going to continue to be this strong? i think the answer is no. a lot of economists naturally agree that there will be a slow down. instead of adding 400,000 to
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500,000 jobs, we might go back to something like 200,000. the big picture takeaway is how fast this recovery has been. we are on track to recover all the jobs lost during the terrible crisis by the end of the summer or fall. this has not happened in decades. we want to see something like this fast, after the recession, it took six years to get to a point like this. >> let me ask you one more question about housing. it is costly year than ever. rents have risen 11.3% in the last year. it is the fastest pace in decades. will interest rates drive rents even higher? does this translate to higher prices for rent? >> it is part of the market that i value the most. the federal reserve is taking this position because they are trying to cool off home buying and car buying. there are signs of people
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thinking twice about buying a home, given that the prices are up 30% in the past two years. the mortgage rates are going at the start of the year over 3%. now they are at these highest level since 2009. they are at 5.3%. you are right, the real thing that i worry about are those people with student loans who are trying to buy their first home and it is becoming more unaffordable. they need to turn to the rent market. unfortunately, what is really different in this latest crisis, we also saw a dramatic rise in rent. at the moment, there does not seem to be a lot of signs that rent increase are going to slow down. unlike a mortgage which is fixed, it's the same here amount year after year, rent goes up year after year. >> folks are not looking to renegotiate those leases. that is for sure.
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have a long, always good to talk to you. thank you for the straight story. a former supreme court clerk gives her insider view on the road via weighed wake. road via breeze driftin' on by ♪ ♪ you know how i feel ♪ copd may have gotten you here, but you decide what's next. start a new day with trelegy. no once-daily copd medicine has the power to treat copd in as many ways as trelegy. with three medicines in one inhaler, trelegy helps people breathe easier and improves lung function. it also helps prevent future flare-ups. trelegy won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. do not take trelegy more than prescribed. trelegy may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur.
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take a stand and start a new day with trelegy. ask your doctor about once-daily trelegy. and save at i know there's conflicting information ask your doctor about once-daily trelegy. about dupuytren's contracture. i thought i couldn't get treatment yet? well, people may think that their contracture has to be severe to be treated, but it doesn't. if you can't lay your hand flat on the table, talk to a hand specialist. but what if i don't want surgery? well, then you should find a hand specialist certified to offer nonsurgical treatments. what's the next step? visit today to get started. new protests happening now
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outside the supreme court as well as cities across the country like in chicago that we see to the left of your screen. demonstrators are taking to the streets like they have since monday night, of course, when the opinion signaling justices plan to overturn roe v. wade was leaked. the protests that come as a chief justice, john roberts, is condemning the leak. he spoke thursday at a judicial conference in atlanta calling the leak appalling. there are growing questions about how he is going to lead among this controversy. let's bring in caroline shapiro and law professor at chicago can't institute on the supreme court and former law clerk for justice stephen jhay breyer. i'm so glad to have you here. i have to ask what your
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reaction was when this document made headlines? being a former court clerk were you shocked? >> i was surprised by the leak. i am not aware of something like that having happened before. there were leak of outcome deliberations but never a fertile draft opinion. i was surprised by that. honestly, i was not surprised by the content. it is what i expected to see, unfortunately, after oral argument and before oral argument. the five most conservative justices have all various different ways signal they're deep unhappiness with roe v. wade and casey versus planned parenthood. i was not at all surprised to see the indication that they are going to overrule it. all of us, unfortunately, were surprised by that. >> i'm going to ask you to play detective here to some degree.
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you have firsthand understanding of how this court works, the roles of employees. why do you think this happened? do you have any theories about how or who could have leaked it? you do not need to give me specific names. job descriptions, who has access to draft opinions? >> the people who have access to draft opinions are the justices themselves, the law clerks, certainly the ones working on the case, and at least in an ordinary case, any other law clerk could easily get access to it. other staff in the chamber could include the secretarial staff and the aides. that adds up to a fairly decent number of people. i think there are competing theories of who might have been the person to lead it and what their intention was or whether motivation was. my speculation and i want to emphasize that it is
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speculation. there is more motive on a right that makes sense to me. it would be seen as a way of a locking in justices who may be wavering. they could be thinking of doing something is short of joining an opinion that over rules roe and casey. there are certainly people who have made an argument that it could be someone from the left. there's always a possibility that there is not someone within the court itself and that it is a family member, significant other, of a justice or other member of the staff. we could speculate about it for days. i am not in any position to make any progress difference of who it is going to be if we ever find out. >> it is all speculation. you are giving us an inter working look of the court and how it could be perceived and how the balls will fall and
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make damage. let me ask about the general tenor, the general tenor in the supreme court right now. speculate on that. it is something where there is finger-pointing? are people being quiet because they are afraid of who the leaguer's and they cannot say anything? what do you think this is like compared to how collegial it is ahead of something like this happening? >> i suspect there is a lot of unhappiness among the justices that there are a lot who are frustrated by the breach of norms, that it makes them feel like they cannot necessarily trust their own staff or the staff of their colleagues. there is an immense amount of frustration and there has definitely been some anger in the chief justice comments that we have heard. among the staff, certainly among the law clerks, things can get quite contentious. this is under normal circumstances. the law clerks, i think, tend
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to act out a little bit. the justice act out their own disagreements. the justices are only there for a year. they will work for the rest of their lives. the need for collegiality and the motivation is different. i would expect right now that the relationships between the law clerks are extremely tense. >> i cannot imagine. come back and see me again. we will have a lot of non speculative questions to ask of you in the future. >> i would be delighted to come back. thank you for having me. >> thank you. that will do this for me on my addition of alex witt reports. my friend yasmin continues the coverage. they are walking to the studio right now. coverage coverage they are walking to th right now. or the surprises they initiate. otezla. it's a choice you can make. otezla is not an injection or a cream. it's a pill that treats differently. chieve
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11:00 am
well, then you should find a hand specialist certified to offer nonsurgical treatments. what's the next step? hi everyone, good afternoon, visit today to get started. good to see. you i'm as yasmin for. suga to cover this. our growing anger over the draft opinion from the supreme court that would strike down roe. protests are happening across the country. we have correspondents in the field covering the latest action as americans are taking their anger public. we'll go to them soon. we're also following the latest in ukraine, with the vice prime minister confirming a short time ago that all women and children and elderly as well have been evacuated from the area by the steel plant. this is all happening, amid growing concerns about an escalation in attacks ahead of the russian holiday known as a
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