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tv   MSNBC Prime  MSNBC  May 19, 2022 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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american, that's not how we should be acting when we have disagreements about policy in this country, we need to learn how to be adults in the room, i don't have time for that childish initial, not a light silence in the, i'm gonna go forward and continue building awareness about this threat in the future. evening. >> good evening, chris. thank you very much, and thanks to you at home for the joining of this hour. cast your mind back for a moment to the days after the november 2020 election. one of the things that can be hard to remember about that moment now the stop the steal election deniers has metastasized so broadly is that the chorus of people insisting that there is massive fraud and that donald trump was the real winner of the election, was really quite small, it was very
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loud of course, because it included, you know, the sitting president of the united states, but in the first weeks after the election, it was really just rudy giuliani, and his ragtag bunch of conspiracy theorists and right wing lawyers, they spewed a bunch of nonsense at the infamous four seasons total landscaping press conference in pennsylvania. and the equally infamous hair dye presser in which rudy giuliani appeared to be melting. but they were losing court case after court case in they're tempt to get joe biden's victory overturned in various swing states. failing in court, they tried to get republican state legislate torious overturn the election results instead. but the republican leaders this would not play ball. but in pennsylvania, they did find one guy who would help them. a first-term republican state senator with overturning joe biden's win in pennsylvania. if the republican leaders in the legislature wouldn't help trump, he. >> would and he got an
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all-republican committee to hold a sort of fake hearing and couldn't do it at state capital itself and got together at the wyndham hotel in getysburg and invited rudy giuliani and supposed witnesses to voter fraud to give a presentation about how the election in pennsylvania was rigged. that would convince the state legislature to overturn the results. surely. and this was a special guest, too. >> one additional witness. of. >> please. >> i would say mr. president, you're connected. >> i really appreciate being asked to speak and i'm in the
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oval office right now and it's very interesting to see what is going on and this is an election that we won easily, we won it by a lot. between the voter suppression and all of the horrible things that happened to poll watcher, every single professional in the business, would have said there's no way of being, that we got 1 million votes more than we had four years before in 2016, they were in many cases wisked out of the room, not only in to pens that were 20, 40, 60 feet ai would and then you have two people -- >> president trump took time out of his busy day of presidency, to drone on as you're hearing for more than 10 minutes with all of the conspiracy theories about the election. as one of his election conspiracy lawyers held her phone up to the microphone. it was bizarre and this was unmistaking, not mistaking who
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is responsible for making it all happen. >> it goes without sighing
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they'll make sure joe biden doesn't win next time. joining us is history professor at new york university. she's also written "strongmen, mussolini to the present." thanks for being here tonight. what do you make of pennsylvania republicans nominating doug
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mastriano for governor? is this candidate different from your average republican election denier, and should we anticipate to see more of these going forward? >> well, one takeaway is that the trump leader cult is going strong. while not everybody trump endorsed won their elections, about 70% of voters, you know, voted the maga card. among politicians like mastriano, you know, showing your loyalty to trump is now the way to get ahead. in his case, it is like, leader, how many ways can i show my loyalty? you know, he's a far-right christian nationalist, and he's one of those people who believes that trump was put in the white house to -- by the will of god to save the nation. then, you know, as you mentioned, he participated in this bogus idea to have, you know, trump electors.
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you know, he helped to bus people to january 6th, and he went to the rally. there's this kind of, you know, fervent desire to help trump any way you can, and this is now the way to get ahead. interesting, in the clip you showed, his style of speaking is that he almost, like, strings together these trumpian phrases and that's the way he speaks now, which is interesting. that's a phenomenon where you have these imitators that populate the system. >> yeah. >> like ron desantis, who has, you know, the kind of hand gestures. this guy has kind of learned to speak like trump. that's just a -- >> we have -- >> it shows -- yeah. >> ruth, i was going to say, we have gone from sarah palin to michele bachmann to donald trump to marjorie taylor greene to doug mastriano. every republican extremism is more extreme than the previous one. as you mentioned, mastriano comes with this rather dangerous
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christian nationalism, which talks about getting rid of the separation of church and state. as you say, some kind of divine will for donald trump and other republican candidates. we talk a lot about qanon, but this christian nationalism is also very present in some parts of the republican party in places like pennsylvania. >> oh, absolutely. that's how it connects to the kind of white racism and the tradition, all of those things that are so important to millions of voters. but the other takeaway is that the gop is preparing to rule as an autocratic party by cultivating lawless people to run for office. we've seen dozens of insurrectionists who run with trump's approval. these people are election d deniers. the election denial thing, it is not just propaganda, you know, of a false fact. it's all these people gun refor,
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and now to get ahead in the party, he does mr. macho man. he released that campaign ad where he is shooting guns. he says that the second amendment is about the right to defend ourselves against an intrusive government, which is a very subversive thing to say. it's the remaking of a candidate. dr. oz shows how extreme the gop has it the true believes in the craziness or fake believers, who do it to get ahead, like dr. oz. kansas upheld a map that improves the chances of flipping the only seat held by democrats statewide. when you look at gerrymandering and the threat for democracy, this precedes donald trump and
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maga. there are fundamental, systemic problems with american democracy right now. for example, it already existed but what trump added and what trump years added, it kind of souped it up. it really changed the ethos of the gop and made lawlessness acceptable and rewarded lawlessness. all of a sudden, all these traditions like gerrymandering and redistricting, which already existed, they were integrated into this kind of extremist framework. you know, that's what autocrats do. orban is really a far-right party, which is doing things that anti-democratic parties do around the world. >> yes, indeed. let's not forget the democrats in the senate had a bill to try
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to fix gerrymandering. joe manchin and kyrsten sinema said, no, thank you. ruth ben-ghiat is an expert on authoritarianism. thank you for your time tonight. appreciate it. i should add as a side note, today, 28 house republicans including the number three republican in the house, the one responding to his incitement of a violent insurrection at the capitol that one. democrats control the house and according to fox news which got a copy, if passed, the resolution says it would make it as if the impeachment article quote had never passed the house of representatives. it would make it just, poof, magically disappear. kind of oarwellian. and they like the fact that their president was impeached,
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simply erased from history. even though we now know thanks to recent revelations by two "new york times" authors behind the scenes senior republican leaders were totally fine for president trump being impeached, the republican party, one thing in private and another thing in public. we'll be right back. te and anot public we'll be right back.
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take a look at this. these are the 108 public figures in pennsylvania who endorsed
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conor lamb ahead of the senate pry nare in that state. we have to shrink the font to fit them all in one screen, the list is multiple members of the congressional delegation, the mayor of philadelphia, the democratic leader in the state senate, the list goes on and on and often, a lot of names, take a look at this list, those who endorsed john fetterman, the mayor of scranton, pennsylvania's sixth largest city and john fetterman won that race by nearly 33 points yesterday days after suffering a stroke on the campaign trail. a front-runner in the primary since the day he entered the race, but the democratic party of pennsylvania threw their support behind lamb and a progressive plain-speaking candidate. not the most bizarre attempt to undermine a candidate in the
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primary election. this was worse. >> she calls herself a democrat. summer lee says she wanted to dismantle the democratic party. summer lee. more interested in fighting democrats than getting results. >> that was an attack ad targeting progressive candidate summer lee in the democratic pry race for pennsylvania's 12th congressional district. the message. summer lee is not a real democrat. if you want a real democrat, do not vote for summer lee. notice what it said at the end this. udp is responsible for the content of this ad. it stands for united dem praes , democracy project. set aside the fact that that attack ad had nothing to do with the goal of supporting israel. aipac is not a group, 109 of the 147 of the republicans who refused to affirm president joe
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biden's victory. and in an ad shoe not vote for -- you should not vote for a progressive candidate because she might fight against other democrats. and the apac spent $3.3 million in that one congressional race trying to defeat summer lee. right now, summer lee leads by less than 500 votes, all precincts reporting, and that may not have been money well spent. but we'll see. elsewhere they've had nor success. the super pacs including the two i mentioned spent millions in the fourth congressional district. an anti-hate platform after her friends were killed in an anti-muslim hate crime in chapel hill, north carolina. outside spending in that race favored her opponent by nearly 10 to one. she lost the primary last night
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by 10 points. also in north carolina, the same pac spent millions to defeat erica smith a pro-choice candidate running against a democrat with a history of supporting anti-abortion causes in north carolina's first district. outside spending favored her opponent by four to one and lost the primary by 30 points. a similar group has spent $2.2 million to try to defeat jessica sis naris ahead of the next week's runoff. what were the lessons for progressives last night and how can they stand up with the heavy of outside spending against them in democratic primaries going forward? joining us is the executive director of the group justice democrats which supports candidates in races across the country. held locations thanks for joining us this evening. hello, thanks for joining us this evening. justice democrats have been involved, aoc, janelle bowman,
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is it fair to say outside spending against progressive candidates has increased in recent election cycles especially this one? >> that would be absolutely correct. and i would argue that there are several organizations and entities that have formed since the beginning of justice democrats because they would rather, you know, you mentioned summer lee in pennsylvania, lighting on fire in a host cases, that invest in candidates that look like the base party, which is increasingly working class, progressive, and women, especially black women being the backbone of this party. so it's definitely been an increase in cycles. and one that we've expected but i think that's what is so exciting about this moment, is that at least in pennsylvania and in some of these other progressive races around the country it looks like it is will be a defeat of corporate super-pac spending and an establishment that consistently tries to buy our elections with corporate millionaire candidates
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and we're seeing working class people reject. that and so that's what we try to do at justice here, is to support these working class challengers. because it can feel really hopeless. i think across the country, as you pointed out, they're spending over $13 million trying to go against sometimes democratically elected candidates, and so we're trying to go up against it. >> in this particular pennsylvania race with summer lee, it's bad enough to have corporate-backed super-pacs spending money, et cetera, but why has apac gotten into the fight so aggressively and why have they not mentioned israel there which is an issue to be lobbied on? >> well, i think that what we have seen is that it's not just about this one issue. it is about defeating progressive women of color in a lost cases. it is about stopping this rising generation of diverse working class progressive leadership who is willing to take a stand on
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human rights across the board. no matter what country might be violating them. and so, you know, we have seen in this election that they're going to spend whatever they can, but there is, you know, they can spend a lot, but you know, it's about progressives building the infrastructure, cycle after cycle, which i think we're seeing, the first psyche million 2018, obviously we had -- the first cycle in 2018, aoc, and corey bush, and we are feeling really good, even though it is very hard right now for so many, because cycle after cycle we are growing against an institution of decades of support before. >> we're almost out of time and a quick last question. if summer lee wins the general election, gets elected to congress, joins, what is the strategy? is there a lot more flexing of progressive muscles in the
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house? >> well, i mean i think that, you know, we're all hoping we get through the general election and if she gets elected she would become the first black woman to ever represent the state of pennsylvania. and we are very explicit about what we're doing at justice democrat, which is building a mission-driven team on the inside of congress that will fight for the solutions that match the scale, slope and urgency of the problems we're facing and reject corporate pac money and we're going to make sure that, especially heading into november, where we don't know what the majority will look like, is going to be really critical. >> thank you so much for joining us tonight. we will have to leave it there. alexandra row has, executive director of justice democrats. appreciate your time. >> thank you. up next, after months of frustration by many that the justice department is not doing enough to investigate those responsible for planning january 6th, new report nath d.o.j. may be doing much more than we think. stay with us. be doing much more than we
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think. stay with us the one-year annive
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january 6th attack, attorney
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general merrick garland raised eyebrows when he slipped this single line into a half hour speech. >> the justice department remains committed to holding all january 6th perpetrators at any level accountable under law. whether they were present that day or were otherwise criminally responsible for the assault on our democracy. >> it remains the most public and direct statement we have from the justice department addressing its intentions and the public expectations regarding the federal investigation into the attempt to overthrow the 2020 election. until that speech, the department of justice had been mum on the issue of whether it was investigating anyone besides the rioters themselves. as for the people who planned january 6th, who incited the riot, financed it, ran fake elector schemes in support of it, or pressured election officials and state legislators to overturn results, we knew nothing. but now, we are starting to get
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a clearer picture of what federal investigators are up to. in a series of scoops since march, "the new york times" has reported that the justice department have substantially widened its investigation to include trump and its allies, the fake eel elector scheme, and the financing and planning of the rally that preceded the riot. one of the plan ergs of that rally is cooperating with the federal investigation and that the federal investigation has brought on a career federal prosecutor specifically to oversee the investigation into efforts to stymie biden's electoral certification. then in the middle of election night, last night, "the new york times" landed another scoop about the federal investigation. the times reports that late last month the department of justice asked the house committee investigating january 6th for transcripts of interviews it has conducted. the house committee has interviewed near lay thousand witnesses including trump white house officials and trump family members. that request was made last month. as for whether the committee will actually turn those transcripts over, it was the chairman of the committee
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speaking last night. >> are you planning on turning it over at some point? >> well, once we finish our work, but we are in the midst of our work. if they want to come and talk, just like we've had other agencies to come and talk, we'd be happy to talk to them, but we can't give them access to our work product at this point. >> you're more or less okay with like an in camera rv. >> if they want to take a look at something, they can come but we can't share, it you know, we can't give them, you know, unilateral access. >> the committee is going have several public hearings next month to showcase its work product to date. why wouldn't they be willing to share these transcripts with the justice department? and what is the justice department, why is the justice department asking for these transcripts in the first place tell us about how far long the investigation is. who better to ask is joyce vance, professor at the
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university of al laem school of law. thanks for joining us tonight. can you help us understand the distinction chairman thompson is making here. we be okay with letting the justice department review their transcripts but he won't just hand them over. how is that different? why does it matter? >> this is something that lawyers will be familiar with. he's offering d.o.j. the opportunity to come and sit in the committee's offices, review documents, take notes on them, but he is saying you can't have physical copies, you can't go back and put them in your computer system, and scan through them, and use them in whatever way you want to. you can use your notes but you can't have the original documents. >> so what could a justice department investigation use those transcripts for? >> a lot of different things. it's very interesting, this might be one way to streamline the process of deciding what witnesses you would like to interview or put in front of the grand jury, if you're d.o.j., you can look through the notes, decide who has information not
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on matters that the committee is interested in, but on criminal statutes that d.o.j. might be investigating. so that is one possibility. i don't think that these transcripts become a substitute for d.o.j. thoroughly investigating witnesses on its own. it is perhaps an aide and some cases d.o.j. can be obligated to turn over information from witnesses, although they're not typically when it's in the hands of another branch of government, but lots of good reasons for d.o.j. to want to take a look at these transcripts. >> so joyce, as you know, i'm one of those people who keeps saying, where oh, where is merrick garland, i'm impatient and the defendant of merrick garland, he can't comment publicly and we don't know what is going on behind the scenes and let me ask you this, from the public reporting we have so far, is it possible to tell how far along the d.o.j. investigation is or is that all still a black box? >> i think you can speculate, but to be honest, i think we'll find out how far along d.o.j. is
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in its investigation when we wake up one morning to find an indictment has been returned. this isn't really something that you can gauge by knowing that d.o.j. wants to see these document. it is suggestive of the fact that d.o.j. is engaging in a broadly-based investigation that fulfills that promise that merrick garland made on january 5th that he didn't care how high up people were, which were involved in january 6th which i took to mean the entire tist big lie, that d.o.j. was heading in to take a look. >> joyce, shifting gears a bit before we run out of time. in wisconsin yesterday, we saw a totally new legal approach to january 6th. the actual electoral college delegates in wisconsin filed a lawsuit against not just the ten republicans who pretended to be the state's electoral college democrats but a campaign lawyer for trump involve the in the scheme and the lawyer who helped come up with the scheme in the first place. that strikes me as a way for individuals who tried to overturn the election
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responsible in case the justice department doesn't. do you think that case has legs? >> this is a brilliant lawsuit. it uses wisconsin state law claims to try to hold the fake slate of electors accountable. it's a road map quite frankly for other states to file the same sort of actions using their state law. what i like about this lawsuit is because the state set of electors is still trying at this late date to overturn the election wisconsin results, they haven't yet succeeded, this lawsuit seeks declaratory in junct tive relief, the sorts of legaldy remedies that would prevent and deter future electors and this slate of electors, and would impose large amounts of punitive damages if successful. it is a very carefully crafted lawsuit designed to both deter and also make it very difficult for these sorts of events to
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take place in the future. >> let's us see what happens. joyce vance, former u.s. attorney, professor at the university of alabama school of law, thank you for your time and your analysis tonight. >> thank you. up next, in many states, abortion will soon be illegal if the supreme court rules the way they're expected to. but a judge in one key state just said not so fast. that story is next. state just said not so fast. that story is next restful sleep per night. save $1,000 on the sleep number 360 special edition smart bed, queen now only $1,999. only for a limited time. now only $1,999. only for a limited time. living with metastatic breast cancer means being relentless. because every day matters. having more of them is possible with verzenio. the only one of its kind proven to help you live significantly longer when taken with fulvestrant, regardless of menopause status. verzenio + fulvestrant is for hr+, her2- metastatic breast cancer that has progressed after hormone therapy. diarrhea is common, may be severe,
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here's candice... who works from home, and then works from home. but she can handle pickup, even when her bladder makes a little drop-off. because candice has poise, poise under pressure and poise in her pants. it takes poise. an obs light michigan law
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from -- an obsolete michigan law from 1931 received renewed attention a few weeks ago after the supreme court decision to overturn roe v. wade was leaked. the old michigan law might become relevant again because abortion rights would be left up to each individual state. the 1931 michigan law classifies almost all abortion as a felony. with a penalty up to four years in prison and no exceptions for rape or incest. it also criminalizes, providing or advertising medicines that could induce abortion. that ultra-conservative law has been dormant on michigan's books for more than 90 years. unnoticed because ro ex has protected abortion rights for 50 years. . this month the state's attorney general dana nessel, a democrat, says she would refuse to enforce the law if it comes into effect in the next few weeks. but nessel is up for re-election in november and her republican challenger has already said he will prosecute all abortions, with no exceptions. even if the life of the mother is at risk.
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faced with that grim reality, planned parenthood represented by the american civil liberties union of michigan sued to challenge the law. yesterday, a judge issued an in junction against that law, she temporarily blocked it, meaning that if, when the supreme court issues its ruling on roe, the state cannot enforce that law. it will remain blocked until the planned parenthood lawsuit is resolved. the judge wrote, quote, a preliminary injunction further the public's it, allowing the court to make a full ruling on the merits of the kate e-case without subjecting the manufacture and their patients to the impact of a total ban on abortion services in this state. she continued, quote, after 50 years, of legal abortion in michigan, there can be no doubt that the right of personal autonomy and bodily integrity enjoyed by our citizens includes the right of a woman, in consultation with her physician, to terminate a pregnancy. state attorney general dana nessel issued a statement saying she would not appeal the ruling. she said quote this injunction is a victory for the millions of
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michigan women fighting for their rights. a sentiment echoed by planned parenthood and the lawyers at the american civil liberties union. the deputy legal direct director of the aclu of plishz says we know there are prosecutors ready to prosecute individuals under this law, and we can now breathe a sigh of relief. at the very least, an interim victory for millions of people in michigan under thet of this trigger law. oons. joining me now is bonsitu kitaba, the deputy director of the aclu of michigan part of that planned parenthood lawsuit. thanks for joining us tonight. you said in that quote, people can breathe a sigh of relief after this injunction. if the supreme court does come out with a ruling that resembles the draft version we saw earlier this month, how long can that sigh of relief last in michigan? >> well, luckily, that sigh of relief can last until the case, the planned parenthood case is fully litigated to the merits. yesterday, the judge of the
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court of claims issued a very strong preliminary injunction that affirmatively states that the parties are likely to succeed, that the michigan state constitution protects the right to abortion through bodily integrity. so until we litigate that case to resolution, michiganders who need or will need to access abortion care in michigan will be able to do so. >> so this is just a preliminary injunction. the judge still has to issue a final ruling on the erits of the case. how do you expect this to end? >> we're hopeful as we continue to litigate this case, the curate is going to recognize that not only does the michigan constitution protect the right to abortion under bodily integrity but also the right to privacy and liberty and equal protection and issue a permanent injunction, permanently enjoining the 1931 law and permanently declaring that
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abortion access is legal and safe in michigan. >> and michigan attorney general dana nessel says she will not appeal. do you expect any other challenge to a potential ruling in planned parenthood's favor in michigan? >> it's possible that a party, a third party, the legislator or right to life, could seek to ent vene in the lawsuit and appeal the preliminary injunction. so far, no party has sought to formally intervene in the lawsuit until the preliminary injunction stands. but we'll still have to wait and see what happens in the coming weeks. >> an abortion rights act vist in the state, trying to pass a ballot right that would enshrine the right to an abortion in the state constitution and need 425,000 signatures to get that measure on the ballot in november. do you expect this case to be resolved before november? >> we are hoping and using every tool in our toolbox to make sure that the right to abortion is protected in our state. that includes both going to court and fighting as hard as we
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can to ensure that that right is protected by the judiciary, but also, voters can take it into their own hands and support the reproductive freedom for all ballot campaign. as you mentioned, we need over 425,000 signatures to qualify for the ballot. and what's critical about the ballot movement is that that constitutional amendment will enshrine not only the right to abortion in our state constitution but the full spectrum of reproductive freedoms that everyone is entitled to. so think about it as a one-two punch. we're in the court asking for the court to save us and protect the right to abortion now. but we need long-term solutions as well. and so the ballot campaign and the constitutional amendment will be the way that we enshrine these rights in our state constitution for generations to come. >> bonsitu kitaba, the deputy legal director at the aclu of
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michigan, which is part of the planned parenthood lawsuit, thank you for your time tonight. appreciate it. >> thank you for having me. now, i don't have a great segue here. but i absolutely have to play you this piece of tape we just got in. former president george w. bush was delivering a speech at his presidential center today, at southern methodist university, in texas, and while talking about russia, and its president, he made what must be one of the biggest freudian slips of all time. >> in contrast, russian elections are rigged. political opponents are imprisoned or otherwise eliminated if participating in the electoral process. the result is an absence of checks and balances in russia, and the decision of one man, to launch a holy unjustified and brutal invasion of iraq. i mean of ukraine.
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corrected. anyway. >> i'm not laughing. and i'm guessing no other families of the thousands of american troops and the hundreds of thousands of iraqis who died in that war. d in that war. you can sell your policy - even a term policy - for an immediate cash payment. we thought we had planned carefully for our retirement. but we quickly realized we needed a way to supplement our income. if you have $100,000 or more of life insurance, you may qualify to sell your policy. don't cancel or let your policy lapse without finding out what it's worth. visit to find out if your policy qualifies. or call the number on your screen. coventry direct, redefining insurance.
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in 1991, the u.s. women's soccer team won the world title but they did so wearing
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hand-me-down, jerseys that had previously belonged to a u.s. boys youth squad. players had to buy their own shoes. a mete meal stipend of $10 a day, meaning the best player of the tournament subsisted on peanut butter sandwiches and snickers bar and you would might think after winning the world championship the women's keem too earn respect from the soccer federation. but they didn't. they won the olympic gold medal. and for all that glory on the field, the players were making about $10 a day. when they asked for bonuses after taking home the olympic gold, the soccer official told them, don't be greedy. that official suggested they should be happy enough that they got to wear a jersey that said "usa" on it. the u.s. women's soccer team has been paying for pay equity for decades and even though the team has won a record four world cup titles as well as four olympic gold medals, they have being paid pitifully less than their
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male counterparts despite far more success on the field and gen rating much more money for the space. a federal equal pay complaint against the u.s. soccer federation in 2016, they noted that the women's team brought in $20 million more a year than the men's team but were paid almost four times less. it has taken a long time on what is a contentious gender discrimination lawsuit against u.s. socker to finally enact change but it has finally paid off. the u.s. soccer federation has announced it has reached a deal to give equal pay to the u.s. men's and women's national teams and for the first time players on the two teams will receive the same pay and same prize money in addition to guaranteeing the same paychecks for taking part in international match, the deal includes a provision that will pool the unequal payments the team received from fifa, for participating in the world cup, so it is truly a landmark deal. i should also mention that i
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woke up to this news this mornings and immediately told my youngest daughter who is also a soccer player and also rightly obsessed with the word misogyny, and she, well, she was ecstatic. that does it for us tonight. we'll see you again tomorrow. "way too early" with jonathan lemire is coming up next. the pennsylvania republican senate primary race is still too close to call. with dr. oz and david mccormick still neck and neck. now, donald trump, who endorsed oz, is back with the same election lies. we'll explain. and president biden takes new steps to address the baby formula crisis. including invoking the same law that was used to increase production of medical supplies during the height of covid. we'll tell you what else is being done to get formula on the shelves. and a market


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