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tv   MSNBC Reports  MSNBC  May 27, 2022 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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good morning. i'm jose diaz reporting from uvalde, texas. happening now, grief is turning to outrage among many parents, teachers and members of the
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uvalde, texas, community. there's no details here about the police response at robb elementary. police called and waited for back-up and tactical teams. those teams didn't arrive until an hour later. we're now hearing from the shooter's family. our correspondent spoke to the gunman's grandfather about the tragedy. [speaking foreign language] tragedy. [speaking foreign language >> the shooter's grandfather sending blessings to the family and facts. he also criticized the gun laws that allowed his grandson at 18
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to get a gun. we're also hearing from survivors, including the lengths one little girl went to. >> she had a friend next to her that she was pretty sure was already dead and laying on the ground bleeding out. she put her hands in her friend's blood and then smeared it, she said, all over her body. she wanted to look like she was dead. she was scared the gunman was going to come back through that adjoining door back to the classroom and she wanted to be able to play dead. >> also telemundo correspondent spoke to another survivor from this very school. caitlyn martinez is 10 years old. listen to what she told them. o m
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just, you know, that 10-year-old girl said my friends who died were really good people. she says that she misses them a lot. she now knows what it feels to see a teacher die in front of her students. we're joined by nbc news correspondent ken delaney who has been following this story. jasmine, we see each other now and these 48 hours, how do you just describe what it is that
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people are feeling? >> it's amazing, jose, 12 days ago i was in buffalo for another mass shooting and here we are in texas for another mass shooting of babies. this is a close-knit community. everybody knows one another. they know these babies. they know these kids. they know these teachers. what's compounding the grief is what we heard in the press conference yesterday. the questions that still exist about the actions of the shooter and the inaction it seems we're hearing from the local police. 12 minutes that shooter sat outside the school before he entered through an unlocked door. 11:54 we saw a video posted by someone outside the school, parents wanting to get in. it was a full hour later they took out the shooter, a full hour.
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imagine as a parent standing outside knowing your baby is inside that school and you can't get in to save their life. >> i can't. jasmine, our communities, the communities here, salt of the earth, hard working, here to make sure their children have a better future, a future they didn't have. by being in the land of opportunity they can have that dream. >> then they come here. >> then this. >> and then this happens. so many of the people in the community i've been speaking to over the last 24 hours that i was here -- i was at the area where there's a memorial in the town square. they want answers. i spoke to a pastor. i spoke to a physician who delivered some of these kids, took care of them throughout their life. they've been speaking to the parents and providing some solace to them and comfort to them. they need answers because he talked to me about this, jose --
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we know this from the coverage, the golden hour. the hour in which you need to get a trauma victim to the hospital in order to get them treatment. within that golden hour you have a better probability of being able to save their life. within that hour, as of nows from information we know, the police were outside. >> literally outside the rooms. >> right, outside the rooms and not inside. we know from columbine -- i spoke to a source from the nypd saying when children are being killed you do not hesitate no matter what. no matter what. i spoke to a dps police officer. i said what firearms do you have? he said a handgun, shotgun and ar. dps officers have that in their vehicle when they arrive on scene. >> i saw a couple ars, m-4s,
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semi-automatic, full body armor. there are a lot of question. >> one other thing, there's a s.w.a.t. team trained. >> a nine-people s.w.a.t. team. >> the pastor said we need people trained in school shootings. i said, you do. he said, we do? where were they? where were the resource officers? >> i think they said four resource officers for eight schools. >> i just want to play something. >> some are angry. so are in shock. it's very early in this thing. i'm sure they're mourning their children. >> we need prayer. if you want to talk to somebody, we're here for you. this is a close community. >> the emotions are raw,
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palpable, the whole community is hurting. hopefully we'll get more answers from the press conference. the governor speaking later today as well. >> let's ask ken, ken, talk about this thing jasmine was mentioning about when there's the golden hour and it's in many way the golden minutes which is a time when going in and getting people that may be injured can be the difference between life and death. talk to us, ken, about the decisions or apparent nondecisions for this tactical unit. >> i'll tell you what experts are saying. they're saying this is not how police are trained to response to mass shootings. when districts are trained, the man that trains them, called this hour-long wait disgusting. police are taught to force in because most studies are showing
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most victims are killed within minutes. most here in uvalde did rush in. they were met with gunfire and hit with gunfire and had to retreat. some police officers went into the school to evacuate students. apparently none tried to breach the classroom where the student was holed up until the border patrol entered the room in a stacked formation with shields. that happened an hour after he entered the school. there are painful questions about whether this delay caused the lives of children wounded and bleeding in the classroom. >> hopefully we get some answers. there's going to be a press conference in about an hour from now. the one that we had yesterday didn't give us any concrete information other than
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clarification about somethings and other information. this morning, a new death has been tied to the deadly shooting. joe garcia, the husband of irma garcia, one of the teachers killed yesterday, joe came here yesterday. he left some flowers. he died of a fatal heart attack 48 hours after her death. family members say he died of a broken heart. nbc's sam brock is at a memorial in downtown uvalde. joe's death happened hours after he dropped off those flowers here. how is this community dealing with this unexpected death we must add to the number of people that were massacred here? >> 21, but really 22. behind me you have a fountain. encircling that fountain are 21
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crosses. if you look at the crosses, you see messages, daddy is missing you, mom loves you. there are parents robbed of their children, but also children robbed of their patients. joe and irma married 24 years, but high school sweethearts before that. a love affair 30 plus years. the nephew of joe said he suffered a heart attack, connected to grief. >> reporter: irma garcia lost her life tuesday thrusting herself between a mass shooter and her fourth grade students. now her family facing even more heart break. joe garcia, her husband of 24 years, dying just 48 hours later. his nephew john martinez telling nbc news garcia collapsed at home shortly after delivering flowers for irma, adding they tried chest compressions but nothing worked. martinez tweeting the father of
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four passed away due to grief. >> they were such a close family. such a close family. you could tell that there was so much love between the parents. he was a wonderful young man, wonderful. >> reporter: teacher ida hernandez seen comforting a student. not only did she teach joe garcia, but also jackie cazares. >> what brought you here? >> to offer help, services, prayer. >> reporter: at a resource van food and counseling for people who need help as relatives tackle unanswerable questions like the grandmother of eliahna
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garcia torres. >> where was this baby seated when this monster -- >> reporter: the energetic little girl is not coming home. torres says she needs help and healing. >> how big of a hole does this leave in your heart? >> my heart is -- my heart has this big a hole. >> reporter: so many families are experiencing -- one of the things lois told me was how a door at the side of the school could have been open, jose. we talked about the police response and the hour it took after they first entered the school to get back inside with customs and border patrol. what about the fact you had a door unlocked? we can invest so much money into security at schools, but if
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simple procedures aren't followed, tragedy can strike? jose? >> certainly. sam, the fact that the police say they were here four minutes after he got to that door, if that door were locked, if that door was hardened, i don't know if it was or wasn't, if that door was locked maybe those four minutes would have been enough. there's all these questions one has. let's see if we get any answers. sam, thank you very much. firearms are the number one leading cause of death for children in the united states. let me say that again. firearms are the number one leading cause of death for children in the united states according to the new england journal of medicine. some doctors across the country say they've had enough. #thisisourlane is trending. joining us now is dr. bindy
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knight, a pediatric surgeon at baylor college of medicine. doctor, i keep thinking -- i've covered wars in the past. when you see how bullets -- i want to say this -- bullets -- how they -- when bullets penetrate a small child, it's -- it's different than an adult. i'm just thinking, when you're saying this is a health emergency, talk to us about what you see. >> sure. thank you so much for inviting me to this program. first of all, thank you for excellent coverage. i want to say that me and all my colleagues in my community, pediatric surgeons are devastated, outraged by this, this killing of innocent babies.
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i have a son the same age as these children. i save kids lives for a living. i study violence prevention for a living, gun violence prevention. i feel like we failed. i feel like we failed. this is horrific. to your point, assault -- particularly these types of assault-style weapons are even more dangerous. children are shot by guns every single day and very sadly death by guns is the leading cause of death in children. this doesn't happen in other countries. it's completely preventible. it's an american problem. however, in the shootings we see, they're from handguns. they're different than these assault weapons. the bullets from assault weapons are high velocity. they cause much larger damage. they're much harder to salvage.
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the bleeding is much faster. you talked about the golden hour earlier. the golden hour came from blunt trauma, like car accidents and things like that. it's very important. for this type of penetrating trauma, minutes matter. an hour is too long. minutes matter. these children needed to be in the operating room within minutes because these injuries are so destructive. even then depending on where they were shot, a lot of surgeons probably couldn't have salvaged some of them. they could have salvaged more if it had been faster. this shouldn't have happened in the first place, bottom line. >> no, it shouldn't have happened. doctor, just wondering, if -- again, i don't know. we don't have that information yet. we're on friday. if there were children that were grazed by these high-velocity bullets where they would have
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had some traumatic injury, but not immediately life threatening, would that have been different if they could have been taken out less than an hour and three minutes after this started? >> very, very possible, especially if they were injured in their extremities. the ones that are probably immediately fatal are ones to the head, chest or abdomen. there's so many things that go into how these injuries occur. absolutely time is of the essence. in these types of injuries minutes is of the essence. >> it is indeed. dr. bindy, thank you. i want to tell you, doctor, that when i -- when we talk about these issues, i'm really aware of the fact that there are no doubt families around us that
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are going through this unimaginable hell and they may be watching. we just -- i just want them to know and all of you that that's why i'm careful. that's why this is not a matter of discussing things in an easy light, scientific way. that's why, doctor, i appreciate you having the sensitivity and the way you transmit the information. i know, i know, i know there are people here in this community that are watching and we respect and send our -- [speaking foreign language] -- hopes and prayers to them. next the nra is still holding its meeting in houston right now, four hours east of where i am right now, just days after the tragic shooting. we'll go to the convention center there where the nra is
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meeting. you're watching jose diaz reports on msnbc. z reports on msnbc latuda could make a real difference in your symptoms. latuda was proven to significantly reduce bipolar depression symptoms and in clinical studies, had no substantial impact on weight. this is where i want to be. call your doctor about sudden behavior changes or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants can increase these in children and young adults. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. report fever, confusion, stiff or uncontrollable muscle movements, which may be life threatening or permanent. these aren't all the serious side effects. now i'm back where i belong. ask your doctor if latuda is right for you. pay as little as zero dollars for your first prescription. ♪ ♪ ask your doctor if latuda is right for you. ♪ ♪
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23 past the hour continuing our breaking coverage here at uvalde at robb elementary school. today the nra is holding their annual meeting. some speakers including governor greg abbott and the lieutenant
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governor are no longer attending in person. former president trump is. joining us now is garrett lake, msnbc contributor. what's the latest, garrett? >> reporter: the nra is a formidable political draw. former president trump is going to be here, senator ted cruz. 14 acres of gun and ammunition for attendees here to peruse through. they'll be greeted by protesters. in fact, they're already here. dozens of people across the street from the convention center shouting shame and connecting these events here with the events in uvalde, texas. beto o'rourke will be there leading profits. totally different viewpoints
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here in downtown houston. >> carol, how much influence does the nra still have? >> the nra has been weakened. it used to be described as this unbelievable juggernaut in power, in lobbying. it had an incredible hold over republicans, but also democrats who wanted the nra's support and money. now after four years of lawsuit, internal blood feuds, disputes with its own character, it's main public relations firm and enormous legal bills as it faces a civil lawsuit over wayne lepierre's use of the money, after that it's significantly drained. what we're finding is plenty of
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harder lined gun rights individuals and groups have filled the void and have driven harder lines in the sand to try to squelch anything approaching a restriction on guns, high-capacity magazines or even -- >> carol, i'm losing you on audio. i don't know if it's on my end or yours. let me, if i could, very quickly -- i want to get to -- garrett was talking about 14 acres of arms, exhibits, et cetera. what exactly is the nra today? >> reporter: the nra is more of a symbol of the power of the gun rights lobby. the people who represent the gun
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rights groups, activists, conservatives, gop lawmakers, they're filling the void of that weakened nra. they're pushing harder and harder to stop any gun control restriction. you may remember famously, jose wayne lepierre when the wake of sandy hook where we were all gob smacked, wayne said a good guy with a guy is what stops a bad guy with a gun. now we're seeing the falsity of that claim. there were good guys with guns outside robb elementary and it didn't make a difference. all of this to say the gun rights organizations that filled the void by the nra continue to push against any restrictions, no matter who's killed, no
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matter how many are killed. to insist that no gun control measures would have protected these little babies inside their classroom -- >> carol and garrett, thank you for being with us. right now the families of the 21 people who lost their lives -- i should add 22 lives because of joe garcia. they're still trying to make sense of all. next i'll talk with a parent who knows what these families are experiencing. experiencing and in it. mostly. here to meet those high standards is the walgreens health and wellness brand. over 2000 high quality products. rigorously tested by us. real world tested by you. and delivered to your door
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more protection, more sun, more joy. beach defense® from neutrogena® the suncare brand used most by dermatologists and their families, neutrogena® for people with skin. 32 past the hour. the families of the victims in uvalde are part of a growing group of parents, friends, loved ones in our country who have lost someone to gun violence, including this mother and daughter. maria and jamie martinez, they drove from houston yesterday to deliver these flowers and you see a stuffed animal to this growing memorial at robb elementary. jamie is 18. she was 15 when she lost her
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brother to gun violence. they were kind enough to stop and chat for a bit. i asked her how do you heal from something like that? >> you never do. you're going to feel that way every single day. you'll never get that person back, no matter what. so i know what it feels like. their life changed so quickly just like mine did. all because of the guns. >> i want to bring in someone who knows very well this pain. mark barden lost his 7-year-old son daniel at sandy hook. mark, thank you for giving us the opportunity speak with you. when you hear these stories and thinking of jamie and her mother who drove the four hours from houston, dropped off those flowers and the stuffed animal and drove back those four hours.
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they didn't know anybody here, but they did know every single one of those families. how, mark, can you deal with this? >> you know, just listening in those words resonated with me. it's ten years this december 14th since my 7-year-old son daniel was shot to death in his first grade classroom at sandy hook elementary. i agree with jamie, this changes you. it's rewired my dna. it's not something that we went through nearly ten years ago. it's something we'll live with for the rest of our lives. it's important for folks to know that these stories are not just about the victims and their families. it's about the circles of impact throughout the community and uvalde is about starting this horrific, horrible journey that no family, no community shoulder
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have to do, never have to endure this, especially because it's preventable. >> i keep thinking about, mark, the justice of the peace that we had on msnbc yesterday who was saying -- the day before yesterday that was saying i don't know how the time is clear in my mind anymore. he told us the remainder of the bodies that were authority's hands will be delivered back to the families. i'm thinking, mark, how do you process that? that's what's going on today for 21 families here in this community of 17,000. it changes your dna, but you have to continue living. you have to continue breathing and you have to continue for them. what is it that we can tell them now in this moment when they're
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just getting back their children who they dropped off alive and happy and ready to enjoy their school day two days before the end of school for summer? what do we tell them? >> first of all, the grief process is so unique and individual to every person. with that in mind, i think it's important for them to know there's no playbook here. there's no right or wrong way. there's no wrong way to grieve and to basically just immerse yourself in the love of your friends and family to the best of your ability and find whatever works for you. just take this a minute at a time, which is what i'm still doing, taking it a minute at a time. folks will surround you and want to help you. if you'll get some comfort from that, let them help you. they need to do something. they can't take away the pain, but they feel the need to want
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to help. if that's going to help for you, feel no shame accepting that help and let things cook for you, or make things easier for you, or insulate you from folks you don't have time to talk to. people will understand. they'll wait to talk to you. it's okay. whatever works for you is okay. i would just add to that that if there's ever a time in this process that those folks feel like they would get any comfort from talking to me, from crying with me that i'm here for them. >> mark, that's going to mean the world to them. i can categorically state that. i thank you. i want to thank you for your time and just say daniel, never be forgotten. thank you. >> thank you. that means a lot. appreciate that. next, can washington pass
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anything in the wake of this tragedy? will it? we'll talk with the democratic congressman from rhode island. n. for severe eosinophilic asthma. not for sudden breathing problems. allergic reactions can occur. get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue, or trouble breathing. infections that can cause shingles have occured. don't stop steroids unless told by your doctor. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. may cause headache, injection site reactions, back pain, and fatigue. ask your asthma specialist about a nunormal with nucala. if you've been living with heart disease, reducing cholesterol can be hard, even when you're taking a statin and being active. but you can do hard. you lived through the blizzard of ninety-six... twelve unappreciative bosses... seventeen fad diets...
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based on clinical data, i recommend salonpas. agreed... my patients like these patches because they work for up to 12 hours, even on moderate pain. salonpas. it's good medicine senators met yesterday to see if they can find a path forward on gun violence. mitch mcconnell urged senator john cornyn to meet with democrats to find an outcome related to the problem. with us now is jeff bennett, msnbc political contributor. jeff, what does mcconnell's saying this mean to the talks? >> thanks for having me, jose. that's for your heart felt coverage. to answer your question, it's not entirely clear what
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mcconnell's support means, if anything. we've seen this grim but all too familiar ritual where after a mass shooting there's cries for change, members of congress talk about gun reform legislation, but it all too often has been stymied by a gridlock government or republican obstruction. now you have senator chris murphy who represented the connecticut community that lost 26 children and educators in the newtown massacre leading this effort with democrats and republicans to find some common ground. the reason why this time might be different, and i underline and emphasize the word might in this assessment, is because what senators right now are talking about is a fairly narrow set of measures. they're talking about a government grant program that
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would encourage states to enact red flag laws, that would allow law enforcement to confiscate guns from people who might be a threat to themselves or others. it would also allow for an expanded background check system to cover gun sales. senators are not talking about an assault weapon ban or raising the age by which people would be required to purchase assault-style weapons. that i'm told is one reason why lawmakers are hopeful this could be different. on the other end the senate is on a prescheduled recess. they'll be gone for ten days. the passage of time can undo this. senator murphy said he's not under any idea that republicans, if they go for too long and try to negotiate a bill, that he's willing to cut this off and have the senate majority leader take a vote on the gun legislation
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democrats are already considering, jose. >> jeff, thank you so much. joining us now to continue our conversation is rhode island congressman david cicilline. he sits on the judiciary committee. congressman, always a pleasure to see you, especially in these very difficult times. are you encouraged that something could come from these bipartisan discussions, talks? >> i hope so. look, guns have become the leading cause of death for america's kids. we have a gun violence epidemic in this country. we've already passed two bills, one to strength criminal background checks, the other to close the loophole where if the background check has not returned, you can't buy a gun. i'm pleased there seems to be some interest. we've been through this before. we have a horrible shooting. 21 people are dead, 19 children
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and there's always the same lowering of the flags, prayer vi vigils and then nothing happens. americans are demanding we take action to reduce gun violence in this country. i hope something comes of it. i hope we pass more common sense gun safety bills and get them to the house floor and send them to the senate. >> you know this, but the house has passed bills on universal background checks, the charleston loophole, et cetera. are there things that maybe step by step could make a difference in things that everybody agrees could be talked about? >> yes. >> not, you know, gun owners, second amendment, just are there step by step things that could or should be done?
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>> certainly the bill that we passed would strengthen background checks, which we know background checks work. 3.5 million individuals have been denied the ability to buy a gun because they had a criminal record. we know they work. thousands and thousands of gun sales happen without background checks. we need to close that loophole. it's supported by 90% of the american people. it's not controversial. that should get to the president's desk immediately. same thing with red flag laws. 84% of americans support laws that make sure people who are seriously mentally ill, pose a threat to others, can't buy a gun. that's a common sense proposal. there's a number of other bills to ban high capacity magazines which is highly popular. i introduced the assaults weapon ban, that's a harder lift.
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we should pass as many common sense proposals as we can, get them to the senate and whatever the senate vote can be and get it to the president's desk. the senate needs to pass the two bills we already sent them. let's be honest, republicans are presenting passage of these two common sense bills. we need our republican colleagues to understand the american public is pleading with us to do something. when parents can't send their kids to school without worrying whether they'll come home alive, we have failed. they have a responsibility to work with democrats, to get something to the president's desk to respond to this epidemic. if they don't, they'll pay a political cost. the american people have had it. they expect us to do something to create safer communities and reduce gun violence in this country. >> congressman cicilline, thank you for being with us this morning. you know, in the face of all of this horror, the 19 children,
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the 2 teachers, joe garcia, the husband of one of the two teachers who came here and left flowers and went home and died of a heart attack, the question is how do you start to heal? what can we even say to people? we'll talk about that in just a minute. you're watching jose diaz reports. you're watching jose diaz reports. pression can take you to a dark place. latuda could make a real difference in your symptoms. latuda was proven to significantly reduce bipolar depression symptoms and in clinical studies, had no substantial impact on weight. this is where i want to be. call your doctor about sudden behavior changes or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants can increase these in children and young adults. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. report fever, confusion, stiff or uncontrollable muscle movements,
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which may be life threatening or permanent. these aren't all the serious side effects. now i'm back where i belong. ask your doctor if latuda is right for you. pay as little as zero dollars for your first prescription. ♪ ♪ we believe there's an innovator in all of us. that's why we build technology that helps everyone come to the table and do more incredible things. ♪ ♪
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miss allen over there isn't checking lesson plans. she's getting graded on her green investments with merrill. a-plus. still got it. (whistle blows) your money never stops working for you with merrill, a bank of america company. 52 past the hour. we are expecting to get an update from texas officials about their investigation. they set up this podium.
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we will bring that to you live. in our community of uvalde -- i say our, because we have been here and we feel for them. there's so many questions that are still unanswered. issues like dealing with the funeral plans for the victims. joining me now is the executive director of the ecumenical center. the organization has been here providing counseling to the community. you have done that in other school shootings and in other mass events like this. the pain is similar in every case, regardless of what the circumstances were. how can someone start to heal? when you drop your fourth or third grader at school and many in the morning went and celebrated their diploma and then you never got them back. >> there are no words to really
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express the emotions that these family members, these parents, those who work in the school and this community at large are feeling right now. it's overwhelming. it's a state of shock in many cases. as you mentioned, jose, they will need to make funeral arrangements next. the center is here to support them through this process and beyond. it's important that we are here today and we are not going to be gone in two weeks. this is something they will need support for a long time along with other partners. >> i keep thinking about the -- lester holt's interview with that little child and the survivors and some of the stories about how one little girl actually had the presence of mind and just -- how do you do that to take some of the blood from her little friend that had been shot and then get
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that and cover herself with that? that stuff is like -- those children -- how do you go forward from that? the parents of the children. >> absolutely. >> what do we say to them? >> it's important to listen. instead of what you say, sometimes it's important to listen, watch their sadness, isolation, depression, if they are not sleeping well. make sure you are listening to the kids. make sure you are answering their questions with just the simplest of facts. we know it's re-traumatizing every time they walk back through, for those children in the school, as you mentioned, for those families with children in another state or around the world, the same is true, seeing -- there's a secondary trauma that's occurring at the same time. >> we need to have also help in spanish for some of the families. >> we do. we actually have several counselors who have been here all week, will continue to be here that are spanish speaking. >> quickly, very quickly, how do
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you go back to the school? >> that's a great question. i don't think anybody knows the answer to that at this point this time. >> thank you very much for what you do, for the important service that you give to us. that wraps up the hour from uvalde, texas. we will get an update from officials about the investigation. thank you for the privilege of your time. before we go, i just want to take a moment to reflect, to remember, to pray for the 19 children, two teachers and the husband of one of them who lost their lives here at robb elementary school. so many memories they leave behind. so many families that will forever be changed. it changes your dna, mark was telling us. indeed, it does. these are extraordinary little
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boys and little girls, extraordinary teachers who were waiting for the last days of school before going on their summer plans. just want to leave those pictures up there. if you get a chance, give a prayer out for them and for their families that will be living through this for the rest of their lives. thank you for the privilege of your time. ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪ and in it. mostly. here to meet those high standards is the walgreens health and wellness brand. over 2000 high quality products. rigorously tested by us. real world tested by you.
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to get things done for us. i approve this message, and all these shoes too. good day, everyone. i'm chris jansing in for andrea mitchell. questions and frustration are mounting. new details about what happened at robb elementary school are being uncovered three days after the town's tragedy. in the last 24 hours, we learned that much of what we were first told was not true. the shooter entered the school unobstructed. there was no school resource officer who engaged with the shooter. the doors were unlocked. for 12 minutes after crashing his vehicle, the gunman fired on civilians before


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