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tv   Yasmin Vossoughian Reports  MSNBC  May 29, 2022 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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>> welcome back everybody, and, coming to you live in uvalde, texas. looking for answers and action. the president arriving a short time ago, meeting with the families of victims of the shooting, as well as survivors earlier. he and the first lady placed foul flowers, two teachers killed and that deadly shooting. that president will be hearing personal stories of loss, and also hearing a plea for action. to stop this from ever happening again. action, that biden's democratic
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-- not sure it's going to happen. until the redemptive power of the love of all of our children is greater than the destructive power of the love of our guns and money, and power, until that redemptive love of our children turns into action, then nothing is going to change. >> this can be different. because i think that we have to make it different. and so we cannot give into this feeling that nothing can be done. that works in favor of the status quo that allows our children to live under this threat. we cannot live under this, we have to organize. >> what will be done, i'm not going to be getting into that over the next hour or so, but i want to start here in uvalde, where i have liz with us. she is just across the way in the town square, in front of
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the memorial that has been built over the last few days. and nbc's victoria, in front of rob elementary with me. that let me start with you, this has been a story that has not been covered as much because we've been overtaken by the victims who are no longer with us, but you have been outside the hospital, inside the hospital in santa fe, for the last few days, speaking to the victims that survived, but families and the doctors there. we give us a status update as to what's happening. >> as of today, as of a few minutes ago we have breaking news. i'm told that the 66-year-old victim has been upgraded to fair condition, she's arriving in critical of few days ago, that's an improvement. the ten-year-old patient isn't serious. and the nine year old is in good condition. a few days ago, one of them was released.
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that's good news from that family. but the remaining victims have a long road ahead of them. they have many surgeries to go and it is likely that a few will remain in the hospital for sometime. >> how many more victims are there when you say remaining? >> in this particular hospital, there are three. two more take into the harvey medical center, and a few others took into more local centers. but at least for that remain in the hospital. this is the same on that dealt with the santa fe shooting the last time. this hospital in particular, the university hospital, dealt with the southern springs church shooting a few years ago. two of the doctors i spoke with earlier this week treated patients from that mass shooting as well. they were really prepared this time, when the victims arrived. >> what did they have to say about all of this? about the fact that this keeps happening? >> there is a feeling of being overwhelmed, of anger, and
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frustration, is the word that they use multiple times. at least one of the doctors, ronald stewart, shared with me that he is very encouraged right now because he is very happy with the medical response for the victims of this shooting. there's a lot of lessons learned since 2017, and that included getting blood to the scene, immediately treating the victims, not waiting for them to be transported. but at the same time there is a feeling of frustration that this keeps happening. both of them are parents themselves. there is a level of guilt, they have their children with them, and these families don't. there is a human relationship that these humans have, even though they are preeminent professionals. >> so from that, and thank you, i want to go to you, liz,
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standing in front of the memorial, the families, the victims that did not survive and those that were discovered inside the classroom and did not make out make it out water. they saying as the crowd builds, as the president visits and the community tries to pick up and move on somehow? >> well these people and the community are hurting. they are asking for change and want to be heard. victims found in the lease, biden is meeting with some of them right now and some of them met with investigators last night and came out of it frustrated and feeling like there wasn't going to be justice served here. this was such an emotional event, you look for a way to
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make it better. a way to understand how and why this happened. because the shooter is dead we may never know this last question. but there's still the looming question of how did this 18 year old get to ar-15 rifles within a couple of weeks and this much ammunition until this community is really just grappling and we are talking to folks here today and the memorial, all over the state and country locally here. looking forward to this visit from biden as a method for change. as a way that they can reach the government and hopefully have a community not have to go through this again. behind me, 22 crosses stand. two teachers and one of them, irma garcia, died of a heart
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attack just a few days later. we added his heart -- his cross to this cross. trying to understand as this community tries to heal. tries to get answers as there's so many questions looming around the police response. looking at the gunman manufacturer, with the history of controversial ads, including a toddler holding a gun. just a couple weeks ago they put it out on twitter. they were supposed to be at the nra convention, they pulled out quietly. does a lot of attention here on the many things that led up to this tragic event. >> liz, alicia, thank you so much. i want to bring in my next guest. thank you for joining us. we appreciate it.
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i want to repeat for you what we are hearing from the presidents visit so far. that is, there was a moment as the president exited the sacred heart church before he went on to meet with the families, the victims, and they were focused outside the church chanting, do something. as they were here, outside the school. the president now announced, i will. i think the overarching question is, how? considering what we have seen happen in washington over and over on the federal level, and the lack thereof that the democrats have, besides the vice president tie breaking rule. what can be done here? what should be done here? what should the president be doing? >> i think the president's right to be with the families of those who have tragically lost their children in this horrific killing. and i think he's right to say
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that we will take action and the time to take action is now. ideally they would take action at the federal level to pass common sense gun safety laws. universal background checks are supported by the vast majority of americans. but if congress won't act, then texas must act. and do what we can for our own to keep our children safe. this is happening with way too much frequency in texas, and he cannot stand by, and allow our children to be slaughtered. there's so much we can do, and this notion that because we are texas and we have this gun flinging culture that does not allow us to take common sense steps and legislate with integrity is nonsense. we absolutely can come together, and the strongest values in texas are family, very, and
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hard work. and through hard work we can come together and protect our families. i have a need that we can do that. >> i know people are inspired by what you're saying, they want to feel ten. and not at a federal level, by at the local level. and there's a reality of this, you have to recognize it. you had a governor who said he's didn't seem he was going to budge. last 70 to 80 years, he said this all week. 18 year olds buying a ours. nothing like this is happening. the technology of we ar's has changed, we live in a different world than we did 70 to 80 years ago, but you have a republican legislature that holds the nra. that is the reality of the
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state. >> the people of the texas need to say no more. and hold our governor responsible. it's where the killers, 60 years we've been buying a are fifteens. we've been allowing 18 year olds to buy long guns but those were to kill rattlesnakes in a mostly rural state. it's not that they were buying ar fifteens, it wasn't until the early 90s until you could even carry a handgun in the state of texas. this notion that we have always been armed, to the teeth, with ar fifteens and anything else is ridiculous, it's not our history, it's not our culture. our culture is family first. families are hurting. children are scared and we must have an emergency session, to take common sense -- to make
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common sense laws in the state of texas, so that we have minimal safety standards when it comes to gun safety in the state of texas. and we must do it before the small doors open in august. we owe that to our families, we owe that to our kids, and our communities. >> texas state representative gina, thank you. i'm going to bring back mayor san antonio, and texas state rep. let's talk about. this we've been talking a lot for the last couple days, sadly, because we are here to get there because of this. and we've talked a lot about looking ahead to the midterms. a lot of this seems like it's going to be hinged on the elections. that is the reality of washington right now. it just is. and it's a reality of the state of texas right now, and so many states that have republican legislators in place that don't want to address gun reforms at all. how do you use the momentum,
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the anger, that has been built up here, pent up here, this frustration and sadness that something needs to be done? is it chanting at the president and him melting i will? how do you notice that, and take it all the way to november, and turn it into votes? >> it has to be done on the couple levels, immediately, right now, harnessed by democrats whether we are in washington or austin. do i really think we can to push, and push, and push, for some compromised measures. you're not going to get the full vote but maybe we can get enough for something right now. come up with a common ground plan, with something done. for the public, maybe that's more important, especially for the long term and in november and all that. we're just heard about, go out and vote. hold people's feet to the fire on this issue, and on the other
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side, people who want easy access. they have made this their single issue got the vote on. there hasn't been quite as much passion usually on the other side of that more common sense gun safety reforms. people need to make it a more important issue that they vote on. >> you know what i think it's interesting, we covered a lot of the supreme court in the last few months. of course, the abortion rights measures, we are waiting for a decision from that. coming in june, and i have many discussions with democrats saying is this going to be your issue to take this november? the abortion rights issue? is the supreme court going to be your issue? what is it going to be? and now, is gun control? gun reform going to be your issues? what should be the issue? how do you make them all the issue. or is that to scattered? what is the strategy to go forward? >> i think we are living through a time where things
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that we took granted, for instance, the right to choose, roe stood for 15 years and now it's overturned. we see these casualties and mass shootings, happen with so much frequency that it leaves you in a super. and we are fighting not to normalize it. i think it's not feeding one thing it's all of that. and what i feel is, if you're watching this, and whether it's a row or what we see here, the assault the last few days in buffalo to, if you're not prompted to do something, then something is wrong. folks should at least register to vote. >> i was talking to jules duster, our correspondent at the ground in delaware, talking about how there might be some openness to reform when it comes to age requirements in ban an assault rifle. i was wondering, if you buy
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that? from accra beacons, or if it's a political play because they know that that is with the country wants to hear, and they are hopeful we will move on? and so will they. >> in my heart of hearts i think this is part of their playbook. >> so you're not buying it. >> yeah, you've gotta prove yourself. but is it better than mitch mcconnell asking to go talk to chris murphy and then -- sure. i think at the end of the day the only way you're making real changes if those talks happen, if you try to find a common compromise, and senator murphy has about ten days to work with his colleagues to come up with something. you have to try. you have to push. and the public has to push them we >> thank, you appreciate it. the president biden's visit continues, a look at the lives
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of the 21 victims not just their names but what they loved, what they accomplished in their short time on earth. and later in the hour i will be joined by democratic congressman adam smith, who says bots and prayers won't cut it. i talked to him about how congress can actually act on gun control, and expand on the conversation the secretary and i were just having. we'll be back. ving we'll be back. most common side effects, in less than 3% were nausea, indigestion, stomach pain.
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-- these >> the president meeting right now with the families of those lost in the uvalde town, as well was the survivors, trying to comfort them. he is not the only one trying to find words of hope and comfort for a devastated community. in a visit to the memorial, i talked to a pastor daniel, about worship. >> we are just right now
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praying for this father and daughter. those are void there, nothing on this earth can replace that void. as a pastor, we encounter a lot of calamities, a lot of tragedies, especially in times of these, but there is no words. in my heart, not pushing my church or nothing, but if you want prayer, if you need to talk to somebody, we are here for you. and this is serving our community. we are a small community of 16,000. the city hall has pictures of kids graduating. one bear in high school bigot ready to play a game out of town, they get a police escort. we make a big deal of our kids
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here. something like this, it's unspeakable. and it hurts a lot. >> 21 victims, it is a big and incomprehensible number. but for each of these families, president biden is meeting them right now, each number represents a unique and vibrant life taken from them that they no doubt want the world to remember. ten year old tess mata, a fourth grader, whose family said she loved tiktok radios. ariana grande, day and getting her hair curled. maite rodriguez, dreamt of attending texas university. and wanted to become a marine biologist. maranda mathis had just turned 11, described as lobbing and often asked friends and family
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to do her hair. fourth grader amerie jo garza had just won an honorable award shortly before her death. xavier javier lopez attended the awards ceremony as well, i talked to his brother who talked to a kid -- about a kid who loved dancing and fortnite. he died along with a girl who his brother says was his girlfriend, annabell guadalupe rodriguez, also an honor roll student. uziyah garcia, carson's grandmother says, was the sweetest boy she has ever know. not just because he was her grandkid. jose flores jr. he loved going to school, loved his parents, and to laugh, and have fun. jacklyn jaylen cazares, her great and says she was her little diva. always trying to be the center
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of attention. she had her first communion two weeks ago. eliahanah cruz torres, a softball player. looking forward to the last game of the season. said to take place the day that she was killed. and ellie garcia, who liked basketball, 70, and don't think. rojelio torres, whose father said that he was very intelligent, hardworking, and will never be forgotten. alithia ramirez, her father says she loved to draw, she wanted to be an artist. jaliah nicole silguero, who didn't want to go to school the day of the shooting. she loved making tiktok's. she died along with her cousin, jayce carmelo luevanos. the family said he always had a smile on his face. and he was full of life.
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there is more. alexandria rubio, known as lexi. given a good citizen award. nevaeh alyssa bravo, whose cousin called a princess, who put a smile on everyone's face. makenna lee elrod, who said she made friends everywhere she went, loved animals and dramatic gymnastics. layla salazar loved swimming, dancing to tiktok's. they all liked a lot of tiktok. her dad says every morning, they sing sweet child of mine. and of course the two teachers who gianna died trying to protect their little ones. armand garcia, mother of four, died of a heart attack shortly after she was killed. and eva morales, whose daughter described her as her hero. marcellus it's a hiker, proud
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of her job. the families of the victims are no doubt share more, as they talk to the president and first lady. our live coverage at the shooting at robb elementary school, up next as we wrap up in houston today, the right makes it clear. they will blame anything but guns. for this epidemic. >> i think it has to do with some video games. it has to do with mental illness. it has to do it like a parenting. >> what's stops armed bad guys's armed good guys. n all of us. ♪ ♪ that's why we build technology
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once upon a time, at the magical everly estate, landscaper larry and his trusty crew... were delayed when the new kid totaled his truck. timber... fortunately, they were covered by progressive, so it was a happy ending... for almost everyone. >> welcome back, i'm yasmin, coming to you from uvalde, texas.
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president biden having this interaction with the crowd when he left mass today to go to a meeting with the families. [inaudible] >> president giving a thumbs up there, pointing at the crowd and saying we will. when they are asking him, chanting at him, to do something about the continued gun violence in this country. i want to get more into this discussion. with me is democratic congressman from washington. he's been in some proposals to prevent a -- events like this from
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happening. we've heard a lot from chris murphy on this. he has been leading the charge on this a lot as, well i know about your legislation to, and i know that murphy, along with our correspondents in the ground as well, have indicated that republicans may in fact be open to some sort of move on legislation. whether it be an increased age in obtaining an assault rifle, but we know where the majority of democrats stand when it comes to legislation like this. that's not the problem. it's the republican legislature. how confident are you that they are ready to move? willing to talk and then ready to move? >> if i'm perfectly honest, i'm not terribly confident. you see some comments from senator cruz and others from the nra convention. i think we have to seize the moment and put maximum pressure on them. we know what to do. by the assault weapons ban. make sure people have to go
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through background checks. limit the number of weapons people can own. but i want to draw this point home. you saw it in some of the clips you were showing from the nra. their fundamental belief is that the more weapons that exist in a community, the safer we are. and they are very wrong about that. we have to make that argument. we have to drive home that point. the other argument which you have not heard as much but is frequently made, is that people need to own weapons to protect themselves from the tyranny of government. that, too, is not true. but those are the two arguments that we have to go at. i want to put in a plug for gaby gifford's gun safety organization. she's a good friend of mine. they're approaching it in the rightly, pushing legislation as well but also very active in communities that don't typically support gun safety legislation. making the arguments, and
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building grassroots support for politicians who are advocating for these policies. we have to get the people of this country to see that the fundamental pro gun argument that you heard ted cruz make just a minute ago, is completely wrong. the more guns in a household, the more guns in a community, the more at risk they are. that is the argument that has to be made. so that we can sense more laws that make sense to protect our communities. congressman i need to take a second and addressed what's going on over my shoulder, i'll just step out of the way for a moment. that is not to show what's happening beyond the ambulance, but as we've been standing here, and congressman, i've you've been speaking, a congressman -- underlines has driven up. a woman is having a reaction to the heat. it's about 100 degrees out here. texas heat in white, mayor lee june, pretty unbearable. at times. especially with the emotions
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people feel that serving robb elementary school, you can imagine, and people having a reaction to that heat. i expect that is what is happening. if it's anything more we will talk a bit more about it later but i wanted to kind of address what is going on behind me, congressman, and as you are speaking of course, of possible logistician that can come from all of, this you can't help but address the money that is being flooded towards lawmakers, especially coming from one of the biggest lobbyists groups from the country, that is the national rifle association. having a convention here over the weekend, just a couple hundred miles from uvalde, texas. we're continuing to have that, and the former president speaking at it. we knew he used to be against guns, a decade and a half or so. now he's taken a heck of a lot of money from the nra. >> i'm sorry to interrupt -- >> doors by the nra in 2020 as well. no no, please. let me just get this in.
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which, is how do you combat that? >> well you combat that with an education campaign on the other side. and again, i mentioned the giffords organization. there's a lot other ones to. spending money to advocate for gun safety legislation. i think you have, it is a political agreement, and if you want to win this fight we have to win in that arena. we have to get out there, and make the opposite case for pleitgen sleepy legislation is better for our communities. we spent a lot of time, complain about the nra, and what they're doing. and certainly, that hurts. but in america, that is the way politics work. people organize this for money and what they believe in. if you want to defeat that, you have to spend money on the opposite argument. that is where it is so important that we get out into communities that were not traditionally supporting gun safety, and educate them on the importance of what it will do to make our communities safer. that is why i come back to that argument.
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that more guns in our communities, that does not increase safety, it does the exact opposite effect. and it makes that case, broadening support, my district is 70% democratic. i have a trump -- that's gonna support the legislation, and i will enthusiastically push it. but we have to be able to get both denial, ohio, new hampshire, texas, we have to make the case in those places. that is why it is so important to organize and do that. >> adam smith, thank you. i mentioned a little earlier that the nra convention happen in houston, we have nbc chaperones around joining us now from inside the convention center. jack, i checked in with you yesterday, we know a bit about what is going on on the ground. the protesters happening outside as well, i'm not sure if there's more people outside or inside, just a couple hundred miles away from where i stand. talk me through what you are seeing there today.
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we >> definitely more people inside the convention center. this is the third and final day of the convention. it's the people coming to check out the newest model of guns, looking at scopes, gear that they have here, and the conversations with them, they are saying that, yes, they are heartbroken about the tragedy in uvalde. they're seeing what's taking place, and the images, but they believe that their solution is different. they say it should be a focus on mental health, on school security. those were the similar themes we heard from the speakers at the beginning of the convention on friday, when we heard from trump and ted cruz. as folks come into the convention, those protesters outside. down for a few dozen or so. the solutions include things like a assault weapons ban, background checks, red flag laws, and one common theme that you hear from both sides that they want something to be done, but just different things they want to be done. and they feel like the other side isn't listening to that
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perspective. listen to the conversations we've been having today, and yesterday. >> i think it's horrible that children were shot. you know? why heart -- i mean, that's terrible. but it didn't have anything to do with a gun, it had everything to do with the person. >> up until this mental illness stuff has hardened up. and i think it's, i think it has to do with some video games, it has to do with mental illness, and it has to do with lack of parenting. not knowing what your kids are up to. >> you heard in the background of the conversations how loud and passionate both sides, people on both sides were. this is something that draws out a lot of passion and it is a conversation that we will continue to have in the country as we see more mass shootings. >> jack, thank you my friend, good to talk to you. still ahead everybody, our parents of survivors of this
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mass shooting how they are dealing with the trauma of their children faced. >> i'm like, it's okay to be sad. it's okay. these are kids, you're not gonna see anymore, they're your friends. it's okay to be said. it's not normal. normal. you get bigger... ...badder... ...faster. ♪ you can never have too much of a good thing... and power is a very good thing. ♪ you know liberty mutual customizes your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need? oh, like how i customized this scarf? wow, first time? check out this backpack i made for marco. oh yeah? well, check out this tux.
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angry community members in uvalde taken to the streets and protest. saying enough is enough. voicing outrage and concern after the delayed police response, putting endangered the safety of their children in the school district. joining me now on set with the story is sambro. we are here in different sides of town covering the arrival of the president. i saw here is the president arrived there were people shouting towards the governor, initially. >> the contrast. >> yes, the contrast. and they said do something.
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do something to the president as well. he said i will. we will. you saw an aspect quite different on the other side. >> all these people that were out here in the hundred-degree heat to pay respect, so much that some are suffering heat -- according to gps, i'll donda was the person -- kept authorities outside the school for a period of time. no one has seen him. no one has seen them not since tuesday after the initial attack. there is the accountability here. what is going on? people were holding up signs. cowards. using very strong language. they believe there's an abdication of responsibility here. if you were to see the slightly -- police cars flying down the streets. you had kids shot inside of a
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building and there are officers who were waiting. here's a sample of some of the people we talked to and how they felt about this. >> they waited too long. those kids were tortured. your cowards! >> do you feel there's been any kind of explanation? >> hell, no. no explanations. nothing! >> how is this upsetting? >> they didn't go in there. they're quick to stop you here for any little reason, though. >> as in if you commit -- >> if i commit a little speed limit they will stop you. they searched you known, but they could not go in there and break that effing door? they're nothing but cowards. cowards. they let those kids get slaughtered. those kids had dreams. those dreams were shattered. just because those cops were cowards to go in there.
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school shootings need to stop. they need to do something. they need to stop this crap. we're tired of it. enough is enough. anne >> that was one of the victims whose ten year old aliana taurus, and i interviewed her grandparents, her grandfather and aunts about an hour ago. her mom alyssa met with president biden at some point. the grandfather gave her a letter to give to the president. one of the things he said in the letter was the american model might as well be in god we trust, but for all intents and purposes in the united states it is now in guns we trust. it's pretty clear right now. it does not matter whether it was an r or d or i am beside your name. it's not an issue about politics. it's an issue about community safety and a complete lack of care and engagement from lawmakers to do something to prevent this from happening again because it's not a question of it's going to happen but when.
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it's inevitable. >> it shouldn't be an issue. this is why question this incident reporting filed coming out from the justice department saying one of the reasons -- this is a way to establish and reestablish credibility. i thought to myself, i believe that's long gone. in this community. >> they want to identify best practices. the best practices are out there. when it comes to police responses -- the gun policy matters in this -ish state is an entirely different matter. >> thanks for bringing that to us. up next, everybody. a look at some of the other top stories today. plus, the shocking amount of time americans stay sad and angry in the wake of the mass shooting. we better act fast if we want change. we'll be right back. fast if we wan change we'l
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>> mr. garcia talking to me about the assault rifle. we're gonna do much more but right now i want to turn things over to richard louis to look at stories that are happening right now. richard? >> moments ago police near savannah -- about collision that killed five people. authorities are saying the 45 year old man taken into custody is being held on voting under the influence. investigators say the collision happened yesterday when two boats slammed into each other on the river. women's national-backed basketball players association is renewing calls for the release of britney griner who has now been detained by russian authorities for 100 days. griner was originally arrested in russia and drug charges back in february. one of the five gop house members subpoenaed by the january six committee, arizona congressman andy biggs confirming he has formally objected to the subpoena.
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we will speak to nbc news -- he denied knowing about knowing calls of violence or's plans to storm the capital. that's a look at some of the top headlines this hour. yasmin's live coverage from uvalde texas of the shooting of the elementary school continues right after the short break. right after the short break. elementary school o you want to leave behind? right after the short break. what do you want to give back? what do you want to be remembered for? that's your why. right after the short break. every step of the way to achieve it. at pnc private bank, we'll help you take care of the how. so tell us - what's your why? ♪♪
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classroom that were still at risk. that is with texas dps director steve mcgraw said friday during questioning. about law enforcements nearly hour long delay. in breaking a classroom in. here's part of my conversation with a local doctor who is actually the family physician to two young children killed in the shooting behind me. this is what he told me about the importance of rushing trauma victims to the hospital. >> no matter what kind of trauma, it doesn't matter. the faster there at the hospital, the more likely they are to survive. the faster you get there [inaudible] if you could get somebody to the hospital within an hour -- >> within an hour? >> well you have a much better probability of survival. >> within an hour. and unaware they waited to
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penetrate those classrooms and save those babies. before i go today, i want to leave you with a number. four, as in four days. patrick starkey pointed out that evidence suggests four days is the amount of time americans are angry in the wake of the mass shooting like the one that happened here in uvalde. just four days. the gallup surveys done about peoples sadness and anger, and that's where they came up with. the national rage over this. it lasts just four days. not even a whole school week. we are past that four days. near novelty -- uvalde, the anger has not faded. it's still here. especially given what they have learned about the police in action. but around this country it is far to doubt the anger is fading and people are moving on. --
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with they have to deal with every single day away from uvalde. it is with the opponents of sensible gun reforms count on. that it will all go away and people will move on. including the media. and what it stays is the status quo that has made the killing of 19 kids and their teachers just another day in this country. i so as we look at the memorial behind me at the robb elementary high school, the people are continuing to file in and put flowers and honor the victims loss. maybe this time we stay angry. maybe this time we demand action. maybe this time we save lives. anne i'll be back tomorrow live from uvalde. back in the chair next saturday and sunday. symone takes it from here.


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