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tv   Politics Nation  MSNBC  May 29, 2022 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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carolina, god's country. more massive paid men and women saw fit to give a proper burial for the fallen union soldiers who risked their lives for freedom. they don't stop there, on may 1st, 1860, five 10,000 formerly enslaved people took the celebration to the streets, they held a parade around that racetrack. so, when i think a memorial day, i reflect on my ancestors who have died fighting for this country, and our freedoms to. this is history that we just can't forget y'all. with that i would add things over to my good friend reverend al sharpton, politicsnation stop starts next. politicsn thank you simone, good evening and welcome to politicsnation. today's lead, consoler-in-chief. ♪ ♪ ♪ thank you for joining us on this solemn memorial day
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weekend, right now president joe biden is in uvalde, texas. addressing privately those who've lost loved ones and last week's horrific school shootings. at robb elementary school. all afternoon we've watched the president, and first lady, a physical and emotional aftermath of that day. visiting, the towns memorial to the slain -- principle, and superintendent and attending catholic mass before sitting with the families of the two teachers that 19 students killed, and last wednesday's attack. america remains in shock as to what has been revealed about what happened in robb elementary. the growing firestorm over where, and how local police failed, corroborated by frantic emergency calls for children,
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literally trapped in a killing field. and the justice department just announcing today, a federal review of the law enforcement response. but that shot cannot take precedent over two things, remembrance which is the debt we owe the grieving. and the taking. and action which is the price our society must play if we actually gonna condemn what happened. so, tonight i joy the president in his condolences and uncertain his anger. the presiden in his condolencestwo weeks ago, e teamed -- this one also harmed with an assault weapon. battlefield gear. in addition, a white supremacist ideology that drove him to murder. walked into a black neighborhood and ended ten lives. three of which i've spoken to
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their funerals. i eulogized since that unforgettable saturday. one of which of those eulogies that i did in less than 24 hours ago, i don't ever want to know how those families and buffalo are feeling. like president biden today, i do know what it is to grieve with someone. while at the very same time thinking about how to fight for them. joining me now, senator bob casey of pennsylvania. democrats. senator, first of all thank you for joining us this evening. on this uniquely solemn memorial day weekend. president biden in uvalde texas in when i am sure has been a challenging afternoon for them both. earlier in the day the justice department announced it would
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launch a federal investigation into the law enforcement response to the mass shooting in robb elementary school. but even as this storm over that response grows, i wonder if we are risk of missing the point here. that this apparent failure by the police to act faster or better should not deflect the focus that our trouble teenager for two weeks in a row now has managed to legally by a weapon of war and use it to kill large numbers of innocent people. i don't want estimates miss that. >> no question about it, reverend. when you consider with the nation experienced this week. a horrific massacre occurring at a time when one person can have access, and 18 year old in this case, can have access to a high powered weapon, walk into a school with the equivalent of
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a suit of concrete, almost and being able to gunned down that many children as much as i think the nation hopes that there is a federal review, as apparently there will be no, the timeline and the actions by law enforcement, the most important thing the federal government can do is to act, and i mean stay night at state senate, 50 republicans get to finally take action and join us and passing then reforms that will provide at least a background check and other measures that will make these kinds of horrific massacres a lot less likely. but i think a lot of people right now want the federal government to act on a range of steps to make these tragedies less and less likely. no one believes that there is one measure, but we've got to take action. >> there is no question about it. that's my point. yes, there must be a follow-up investigation of what law enforcement did or did not do.
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but last night, these 18 year olds -- could legally buy military weapons and legally kill -- they don't want to talk about that. in texas where they fought for voter i.d. laws. but they don't want background checks to buy guns? senator, my understanding is that line of your colleagues in the senate are working through this to see if some kind of compromise can be reached for gun safety legislation. the majority leader chuck schumer saying he will give the group basically this next week to call out a bipartisan deal -- to expand background checks to the senate floor. do you expect a breakthrough from these talks, or do you share senator schumer skepticism? >> reverend al, i think i'd
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like to start with commendation. i'd like to commend senators who are working on this and all those senators on my side of the aisle who have been voting for and supporting these measures for a long time. senator chris murphy, for example, has worked for years talking to republican colleagues. i hope we are about to see is a result of all the years of work and not simply conversations that happen in the aftermath of a tragedy, but there's no question that the republican party has to ask itself a basic question. are you saying to the world and to our country that there's absolutely nothing the most powerful nation can do? the republicans have to ask themselves are you going to surrender to the gun lobby and are you going to surrender to the problem, contrary to all of american history, where when the attack on 9/11, we did not surrender. we took action to stop them. we did not surrender to a virus.
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we put our heads together and great scientists came up with a vaccine. right now this is a tough problem for the country. republicans have been surrendering to this problem and surrendering to the far-right gun lobby for too long. america wants them to act. >> as we learn more about what went wrong in uvalde last week, both democrats and republicans have called for school safety practices to be reassessed with some lawmakers and texas and elsewhere calling for schools to be quote, hardened. ranging from single entries to school buildings to arm volunteers patrolling campuses. i know you're introducing legislation on this matter just before the last shooting. what does your prep for all students act do in terms of ensuring up schools against these kinds of attacks, senator? >> what we tried to do in this
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bill is speak to a very basic problem that arises when you have an active gun violence in the school or you have a natural disaster or some other emergency. some kids are not prepared, even with the drill. for example, the child has a disability or the child has other challenges. we want to make sure that every child is prepared, so when we are planning for these emergencies, whether it's a shooting or whether it's some other natural disaster or merge and see we've got to make sure that every child is prepared for that and that a lot of schools don't have that. as it relates, reverend to the questioning of hardening schools i think people across the board support that. a lot of schools have been doing that for years and sometimes even the best security, physical security measures cannot do much if you have someone with a high powered weapon that's able to get in the school. we saw in this incident aside from the question of law
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enforcement's failure to go at him, even if they were able to approach him, we don't know if that would have been successful because they may not have had the same flower power. the problem here is the weapon of war in a school and synagogue, church, grocery store in buffalo. that's the problem. i think a lot of republicans have kind of dodged that by talking about everything else including security. >> that is the problem. and some are trying to dodge that. big let me ask a question that thousands of americans are dealing with tonight. the scarcity of baby formula that the biden ministration is cramming to correct, obtaining millions of bottles of baby formula from foreign producers by trying to boost american protection at the recalls and supply shortages. you've been sounding this alarm for months now. he joined several democratic
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senators to push a bill to essentially -- formula disruption -- for can you tell us about? that >> reverend, this is a different kind of crisis, but a crisis that also requires action. senator patty murray, is the chairman of the health education committee. she and i wrote a letter way back in february to the manufacturer to get a report on what that manufacturers doing to make sure it never happens again. the contamination problem. though as much as this is about contamination of one particular baby formula and they may manufacture that produces almost half of the supply, this is also in addition to being a contamination, but also notification problem. the food and drug administration has to be in power to have more authority to provide better notification and to work with these companies and mandate that these
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companies provide information earlier when they know of a supply chain disruption. but in the near term, reverend, the most important thing that is happening right now is president biden acted to make sure that we comply -- can fly more supply into this country, and now we have to get the specialized formula that children need, equivalency know of one and a half million eight ounce bottles already available. we've got to keep those shipments flying, and but we have to deal with these other near term and longer term issues about the authority of the fda, notification earlier and making sure that these manufacturers are not producing formula that has been contaminated. we cannot allow this to happen ever again. >> quickly. i'm out of time. i must ask you in the midst of what happened in texas last week. you had an nra convention being attended by a message by its
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governor. one of its senators spoke, reaffirming the right to own assault weapons. of course, the former president danced at the end of this speech. his message was the same. if democrats find themselves disappointed by republicans on gun control, can they use this kind of response against them in november and midterms? >> i think what you saw, reverend al, those who appeared gave a message that was despicable. it was insulting to america. the american people know that we take on tough challenges. they don't back away from them. they don't say i can't because i answer to a gun lobby. with the american people expect us to do right now initial some basic courage and integrity. some character that is part of being a public official. i've been saying no to the gun lobby in taking even the first steps. you know this, because you
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studied the procedure. all we are asking republicans to do on a background check bill or red flag bill or any other bill that might come before, it's just a debate it once. it's a vote to debate. then we have to get the final passing. i think we've got a lot of republican power so far. >> don't even want to debate it. thank you for being with us, senator bob casey. coming up, big why are republicans still so afraid of donald trump? well the support of him put more americans at risk of gun violence? that's next. if the tragedy in texas does not tug on your heartstrings and the heartstrings of lawmakers, and urge them to act on gun control, maybe tugging on their purse strings will. first, my colleague richard louis with today's top news stories. richard? >> have a good sunday afternoon. some of the stories we are
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watching this hour, ukraine president volodymyr zelenskyy made his first appearance outside of ukraine, capital kyiv, he visited the troops on the frontline of the war torn eastern region. and zelenskyy's office posted a video of him wearing a bulletproof vest and viewing destroyed buildings in the kharkiv area. the first hurricane of the eastern pacific season is now arriving. agatha has sustained winds of 75 miles an hour. landfalls expected across the mexico coast monday. millions are feeling the effect of near record high gas prices across the country. the natural average for and let it is now $4.59 a gallon. the record is $4.60. this is a 40% increase over this year. last year's average was just three or four according to aaa. some california areas have seen prices as high as $6 a gallon. more politics nation with reverend al sharpton right
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tennis lives in buffalo new york, here we are again with another tragedy. this time, 19 third and fourth graders and two of their teachers were killed at a school. many people are calling on congress to stop this carnage, but sad reality is many republican lawmakers are so beholden to donald trump and the nra, that it's difficult to believe they would agree to any substance of gun control legislation. right now, the national rifle association form is being held in houston, just a four-hour drive from where those school children were gunned down. ironically, no firearms will be allowed at the convention,
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meaning there are more rules to pretend to protect the nra showcase from guns and there is for this nation. several politicians -- including donald trump were in the same breath of offering condolences to families and victims. he said quote, the biden ministration is considering putting human bureaucrats in charge of your second amendment rights. end quote. in the new york times, this was a reference to reports that the biden administration was considering really entering an international arms treaty, but trump is grossly exaggerating with that treaty would do or no. it does not put officials at the united nations in charge of gun laws in the united states. texas governor greg abbott sent a video message anne. under his leadership it's become more easy to get a gun
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in the lone star state and it is to drive a car. last year a new law was passed allowing anyone to purchase a gun without a license or testing, or training, or even a background check. few republican lawmakers would dare to denounce trump or the nra for the insensitivity they displayed this week. even as there are signs and even republican voters are growing weary of air red meat politics. if you take the recent primary elections in georgia, trump failed to exact revenge on any of the republican incumbents he touted in the state for not going along with his big lie about the 2020 election. it was his most striking review. yet, during this primary season, but not the only one. trump endorses bergeron also
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lost. in idaho and nebraska and the pennsylvania state and senate primaries remain too close to calls it a week after the election. my question to moderate republicans, what are you afraid of? trump's inflated power is waning and the nra is according to multiple reports played by corruption and losing its power and image in the eyes of many in the public. if there ever was a time to work with democrats to pass common sense gun reform, now which seemed to be the moment, but instead we get comments like those made by alabama senator made by tommy tuberville who after this week's tragedy said quote, it's a people problem, not a gun problem i. i do agree with the senator. people in positions of power like himself are the problem.
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tragedies out of buffalo, new york in uvalde texas, survivors, parents, activists and citizens all over the country are calling for action from the legislative bodies who were elected to represent them. joining me now is democratic congressman emmanuel cough. thank you for joining me today, congressman. let me raise this with you. this week, you introduced a bill in the house that would withhold a month of pay from all members of congress every month, at a mass shooting occurs defined as four more people getting killed from one
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incident, calling it the no pay until peace act. what impact are you hoping to see by introducing this bill? >> -- >> i cannot hear you. i think you are muted. you seem muted, congressman. >> thank you. i apologize. as you know, your number of millionaires and multimillionaires and congress, but there are also a lot of people who've or having difficult times financially. but the difficult time we would have with the money is the insignificant when compared with the pain that people are experiencing all around the country every single day. it just breaks me when i think about these little babies being
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shot down. and members of congress with the responsibility of leading this nation, will not even take a little tiny steps toward making this country a little bit safer, so we have to pay the price. every time there's a massacre, they happen now almost every other week, we should not get paid. we should not take taxpayers money if we are not doing the taxpayers business. >> i was in buffalo the last couple days. i delivered the eulogy for geraldine talley and ruth whitfield, two of the victims tragically killed at the tops supermarket shooting. finally, this heinous crime, hate crime at that, republican senators ended up blocking house passed domestic terrorism bill. democrats are pushed, failed in 47 to 47 vote, which is short of the 60 votes needed to
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overcome a republican filibuster. what can congress realistically do to address hate crimes in this country, considering the filibuster's presence, congressman? >> let me just add, that was just two days after the mass killing in texas. that they failed to take actions. what i think can be done is for americans to realize, and i think you and i big who have been called to deliver messages around the country, and you more so then, we let people know we are in the majority whip. we cannot forget that we are in the majority and we are being slaughtered by people who are in the minority. who refused to act. we are able to get things done. but look, i hear people talking about boy -- or upset because the democrats
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did not get everything. that they promise. all of that. we've got to get a majority of members in the senate. the least we've got to get is 54 in the senate. so that we can begin to do the things that the people, the majority of the people want. republicans, democrats, vegetarians, everybody wants something done. it just bothers me. i've got kids in my church. i look at some this morning. i'm thinking -- a lock the door until the school is out, because of how dangerous it's become. it's not only in schools. it's dangerous to go to a grocery store. to go to a venue for an entertainment venue. we are the majority. we demand things happen, but we've got to go out and vote. >> following the mass shootings over the last few weeks, we've seen a slew of outrageous conspiracies and misinformation online. and in media outlets.
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meanwhile, members of the senate and elections administrators are raising concerns about the challenges of election officials will face this fall for the 2022 midterms. emphasizing coordinated misinformation campaigns as a problem that could affect confidence in american democracy. bob the bills introducing the house to educate against misinformation and disinformation. but it has yet to be advanced. does congress have any plans to act on the misinformation crisis online ahead of the midterm elections this fall? >> i think senator schumer -- it needs to pass. let's keep in mind that these drama due to her out here creating or trying to create an atmosphere in this country that
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will cause people to war against guns. i've been in congress almost 18 years. i've never seen a bill to take guns from anybody. i had an argument with a guy couple of days ago who said you democrats want to take our guns. i said show me the legislation. i know it's there. when he's talking about is people -- some of the names you just called or old saying that. and we want to take peoples guns. there is no evidence, just like there's no evidence that donald trump won the election. there's no evidence that people are trying to take their guns. and somehow, people are going to have to get educated. that's difficult when some people only watch and listen to things that already correspond with what they believe. and you have the drama dudes out running around the country's this kind of hostility and grievances, and we've got to be careful,
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because they're trying to take over this country. the majority of them, black, brown, jewish people trying to take over our country. there are millions of people who believe that. >> congressman, reverend emanuel cleaver, thank you for being with us. just ahead, after the uvalde shooting, the gop seems to want to put more on teachers plates. but that avoids the real issue. it is this week's rise up. how we can truly make change in our classrooms for students and educators. before we go to break i want to take you live to uvalde texas. the most recent mass school shooting took place and where president biden is there visiting the families of the victims of that attack. he's later going to meet with first responders there. if he talks to the media we will bring it to you live.
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humans and dinosaurs can coexist. and i could usevery your expertise. we're on the verge of extinction. let's all try to stay positive. let's take a moment to reflect on the school children and their teachers we lost of this week in a senseless mass shooting in texas. he's innocent lives did not deserve to be killed, but now the onus is on lawmakers to
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lessen the chances of this happening again. it's time we stopped playing politics in our schools and stand in solidarity with teachers and educators. we've watched recently how republican lawmakers waged culture wars on school curriculums and several gop led states. the legislature's, moved to ban critical race theory. as a result, many books which deal with racial politics or the lgbtq community are being taken off the shelves. we have seen in places like florida where the don't say gay bill was passed. it prevents public school teachers from holding classroom instructions about sexual orientation or gender identity. now more states like north carolina are looking to pass similar legislation. republicans are placing extra emphasis on what is being taught in schools instead of focusing on how to make our
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schools safer. putting new tension on subjects that make teachers jobs harder. an opinion columnist for the washington post rates quote, teachers after two years of being asked to put themselves at risk during a pandemic, and a traditionally low paying and difficult position, has sacrificed enough. we elect people in congress and pay them to represent us all to ensure we get a chance at life and liberty. they have failed and it has cost us too much. and quote. it's frightening to think of similar attacks that could happen again. republicans should be more concerned with banning assault rifles and banning books. protect our kids and not protect the lobbyists. and focus on kids after they are born instead of just when they are in their mothers wombs. as we mourn the 19
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schoolchildren and two of their teachers, let's not fail our kids anymore. we must rise up and support our teachers during these tough times. we lift them up for their sacrifice, but also take it as a challenge to do better by them. now i want to bring my political panel for other stories that caught my attention. joining me now is adrian l rock and carlos, former senior aide for the biden harris campaign. let me start with you, carlos. donald trump -- list cheney in her own backyard of wyoming last night. listen to what he said in her
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backyard. >> there is no -- america who has thrown in her lot with the radical left more than liz cheney. terrible. she has gone crazy. now i get it. i've been hearing all the stories for years. now i get it. she's gone totally crazy. that is why in two months from now the people of wyoming are going to tell her liz, you are fired. get out of here. get out of here. >> trump's attempt to oust cheney columns as poll political big -- political poll shows trailing by 30 points in the trump -- primary. how do you see liz cheney bid for reelection going in the next couple of months? what are her chances of winning with these kinds of attacks? >> reverend, certainly liz cheney isn't the underdog.
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wyoming is a conservative state. trump is popular in wyoming and we know that cheney is his number one target. it will tell you this. donald trump is anxious and nervous. he got clobbered last week in alabama and georgia. mitch mcconnell's candidate beat his candidate in alabama, and in georgia of course, to his big targets, governor kemp and the secretary of state both were comfortably supported in their republican primaries. trump is now moving on, because he is wounded. he has suffered wounds and not just in alabama and georgia, but also north carolina where representative cawthorn -- trump is really going all in now, making sure liz cheney gets defeated, but the trend in republican primaries is not good for donald trump right now. maybe liz cheney does have a chance to survive. >> adrienne, just hours after the mass shooting at the robb
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elementary school in uvalde, texas, conspiracy theorists started spreading rumors that the attack was a false flag operation. how dangerous is it that polls from the fringe online communities are making the public sphere -- what can be done to rein the misinformation? >> reverend, it's disturbing to see the trend that started with donald trump. there is always going to be conspiracy theorists out there and there are going to be conspiracy theorists that will make an impact, because donald trump allowed them to have a platform big -- sources like 08 and a newsmax on fox news -- it's even more disturbing that look, it doesn't work. we saw with our own eyes, the horrific tragedy that happened
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in uvalde this week. we know what happened. they can skew off of these conspiracy theories that they want, but ultimately -- >> the new york times argues that the gop has gone even farther right than expected ahead of the midterms. how are republicans going into november, given their reluctance to do anything on gun control? plus, a supreme court possibly overturning roe versus wade? will these to play a significant role among voters in the elections? >> reverend, we know that republicans have historical structural advantages. this is a midterm election. the government is -- typically the other party does tend to do well in these scenarios. one's abortion. the way it activates the liberal base. that's a more contained problem for republicans, because again,
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it's an issue that is very important to the liberal base, but it's also important to the republican base. that could even. oh but i think republicans have some real liability is that they failed to work with democrats in the senate to reach a consensus on gun reform. i think that's why you're seeing mitch mcconnell pushing -- in texas to work with democrats to try to come up with something, because that's an issue where the center of the country, and in addition to the democratic base, it's very angry and frustrated with republicans. a lot of the suburban areas [inaudible] anne [inaudible] really do want to see meaningful gun reforms in this country. republicans risk potential gains and they do not pay attention and act on this issue. >> adrienne, in recognition of the two year anniversary of the police murder of george floyd, president biden on wednesday
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sign an executive order to reform some aspects of federal law enforcement. i attended the ceremony my capacity dog and big along with families of george floyd dug -- an opinion writer for nbc challenges this saying quote, the problem is that history has taught us that policies and while policies may reduce some harm they are more symbol than a sign of any change to the foundation of policing. i disagree with that. what do you make of the criticism that the executive orders not enough? >> i certainly understand that sometimes we will enact policies whether it's an executive order and it doesn't seem to have a significant difference, but any kind of incremental movement that we could get to and stopping police brutality and putting an end to these mass shootings in
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grocery stores and public spaces is a step in the right direction. president biden wants to see what's gonna happen with congress. he wants to see what's sort of legislative deal that senator chris murphy and senator john cornyn leading the charge for republicans, with sort of consensus they could find, but if they don't come to a census quickly he's going to do when he can. turn to the executive branch to try to enact -- i'm hoping this will be the moment we can actually see some real reform on guns. congressman carville was just saying, 80 to 90% of the country supports keeping roe v. wade, the law of the land and over 9% of the country supports simple measures like background checks and red flags being enacted. this is the time for congress to act. i remain optimistic. we will see what happens in the next few weeks. >> i agree, we must have congress and we need legislation that executive orders can help lead to that.
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let's not forget the emancipation proclamation -- it led to the 13th amendment. we need both. carlos big curbelo and adrienne elrod, thank you. before we go to break, president biden has finished his meetings with the families of the victims and those injured in uvalde, texas. the sight of america's most recent massacre shooting. here you see his motorcade on the way to meet first responders there. if he talks to the media we will bring it to you live. we will be right back. media w media w will bring it to we will be right back. you live. we will be right back. and now you can too by asking your healthcare provider if an oral treatment is right for you. oral treatments can be taken at home and must be taken within 5 days
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we saw this week where asked today, president biden is in texas meeting with family members and first responders. yesterday, vice president kamala harris was in buffalo and a funeral -- one of the victims of the racist attack and stood there with her husband at the scene of that carnage. we saw on wednesday president biden signing an executive order on police accountability. these three acts contrast when you saw former president trump at the nra convention this week, and where he and others continue to defend the right to -- guns. even assault weapons. politics is not even about perfection. it's about choices.
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american voices, live from uvalde texas. starts right now. >> thank you so much, reverend sharpton. hello, everyone. i'm alicia menendez live from uvalde, texas. moments ago we saw the president arrived to meet with first responders here in uvalde. this after biden and the first lady paid respects to the 19 children and two adults killed at robb elementary. three more victims are recovering at a local hospital, including a ten-year-old girl in a serious condition. it's the presidents second trip to a mass shooting memorial just this month. the buffalo and uvalde attacks killing nearly three dozen people in total. the justice department now investigating the uvalde shooting response as residents express their fury over the police is delay. >> it was upsetting. they did not go in there. but they are quick to stop you here for any little reason. >> as an if you commit