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tv   Dateline  MSNBC  June 4, 2022 12:00am-2:00am PDT

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on that note, i wish you all are very good night. and a safe weekend. from all of our colleagues across the networks of nbc news, thanks for staying up late with us all week long. i'll see you on monday. ♪ ♪ ♪ [interpreter] [interpreter i thought it was not for the faint of heart. >> you didn't wear a versace dress if you didn't want to be seen. >> gianni versace was a true original, life always came with fireworks. >> i don't think there was a model that wasn't involved with him. >> he was on top of a mountain. >> andrew cunanan lusted for a taste of that world, versace seemed to personify a lot that he wanted to be. >> he always had a big want, oh, i want that, i would like that -- >> what was he willing to do to get it? >> he looked at me and he said,
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you have no idea what i am capable of. >> there was a rug that was rolled up and there was a body inside. >> he killed the guy for his truck. >> and then he really became their prime, and only suspect. >> by that time, he was far away. >> it seems like we were always one step behind him. >> andrew, just walked up right behind him and shot him. >> we just heard another gunshot. it's gianni versace. >> a lot of things were left unanswered. >> he was determined to be remembered. >> the only way to be remembered is to kill for fame. he was willing to kill for fame. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> once there was a true genius who conquered the capital of fashion, and earned worldwide
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fame. and once, there was a man who earned fame another way. this is the story, of how brilliance met bitter envy. and how, the great light that was gianni versace, was snuffed by a failure named andrew cunanan. >> he was fixated by celebrities. he was determined to be remembered. >> and what andrew cunanan had killed, was indeed true magic. no one understood that magic was the power of fame, the pull of celebrity quite like gianni versace. >> he was a major star. >> that's why the stars would want to go and be there. >> yes. >> all of them dying to see versace's latest surprise. he dispensed the tailored suits, shoulder pads, and baggy pants
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of the 80s. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> he set out to celebrate the body. suddenly, everything went sexy. everything went sexy, it had colors, and it was loud. it was different. >> legendary model beverly johnson, watched from the runway. as versace, exploded on the world. >> even the name had that kind of appeal. >> versace, his big brother santo, and little sister donnatella, were born on the very toe of the boot of italy. growing up, literally among the rules of the ancient empire. his parents were modest, hardworking people, versace learned at the knee of his dressmaker mother. learned that every stitch mattered, that quality was paramount, he was 25 when he set out to the capital of italian couture, milan. >> this was the versace house, it was here that we met, antonio d'amico, versace's
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partner in life and in business. >> -- he told us his story behind for versace's logo. the medusa, and how gianni spotted it right on the front door of his new house. >> it was already there. and that was the idea to keep the medusa as a logo. >> what did the medusa say to you? >> medusa is a seductionist. you can't look at her and you can't take your gaze off of her. >> you can't look away. >> -- that is why seduction is like that. that was the fashion of versace, seduction. >> whoever looks on the face of medusa, turns to stone. in reality, the fashion behind that logo were impossible not to look at. >> badly, movie directors, rock stars, came running. elton john became a friend. and remember miami vice, in its final season, the stars wore versace.
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>> some of these photographs of famous people, and those clothes are iconic. they are world famous, still. like princess diana, in that blue dress. >> she didn't want to wear an english old style. so she asked gianni versace to make dresses for her. >> his fashion shows made history. like the one in 1991 with cindy crawford, naomi campbell, linda evangelista, and kristie truman, all on the same runway. unforgettable said the noted fashion journalist, hal rubenstein. >> the men and women were breathtaking. this was him. this is how you wanted you to see life. life always came with fireworks. >> gianni versace, was not for the faint of heart. because when you put that on from the time that you walk out of your door. all eyes are on you. >> well there were some famous ones too, right?
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>> oh, yes. >> the safety pins. >> elizabeth hurley, 19994, at her boyfriend hugh grant's movie premiere. she wasn't really a star back then, but she was after she wore the versace safety pin dress. >> it was a celebration of the woman's body, and really being proud of your sexuality. >> and versace, wasn't just a brilliant designer, as an openly gay man he became a champion for a community, badly in need of one, by embracing his sexuality, and showing others they could do to. >> it was even more amazing to realize what he did when you realize why and when he did it. especially in america having come through the 80s, when aids was so devastating. we became terrified of sex. >> but not versace, his designs made a statement. be bold, be brave.
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>> i loved the audacity of what he did. i loved his fearlessness. >> he is not apologizing to anyone. it is a force to be reckoned with. >> he talked to katie couric about his fashion philosophy when he visited the today show in 1996. >> it is very important for people to look at themselves, express themselves. that is the only thing to do, to be yourself. and i think that we as designers, help people to be happy and alive. >> by 1997, he was ready to take his company to a new level. >> this was an auspicious time in versace's life. >> maureen orth covered the versace story at the vanity fair. >> he wanted to be the very first italian decided to get on the new york stock exchange. and he was getting his business ready for an ipo. >> taking his company public. >> he was on top of a mountain, he was happy, everything was going right. >> so, have you met the money man in new york? gianni versace retreated to his
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luxurious mansion in miami beach. blissfully unaware, that the name versace would soon again be splashed across headlines. put there by a killer intended on stealing the fame of a genius. and who, even now, was alluding policed as he drove an extremely towards his destiny. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> coming up, -- >> a very different path to fame. >> andrew spent time with wealthier men who could help keep him in a life that he aspired to. >> a life that would take on one strange turn after another. >> he looked at me and said, stacy, you have no idea what i am capable of. >> when dateline continues. continues ♪ at lowe's, you'll find products from veteran-owned businesses all throughout our store. 26,000 veterans and military spouses work here.
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and our no annual limit discount program saves military members and spouses 10%. every day of the year. at lowe's, our dedication to you is limitless. ♪ ♪ i didn't win the lawsuit, but everybody knows i wrote that song. flo? gosh, it's been forever. you look fantastic. it's jon. hamm, from the blind date we went on years ago. ah, the struggling actor who didn't believe he could save with snapshot based on how and how much he drives. i'd love to talk about it over dinner sometime. well, i usually don't talk on the phone during dinner, but for potential customer tom hamm, i will make an exception. oh, boy. >> around the world in san
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diego, a lifestyle away from the versace empire, andrew
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cunanan started small but also had designs of doing big things. andrew was not born with a silver spoon in his mouth, but he was raised as if he was. >> he was the adored baby, fourth child, and he was treated like a little emperor. >> maureen orth, a dateline consultant wrote a book on cunanan, it was called vulgar favors. >> he was the product of an extremely dysfunctional family, a very unhappy marriage, a filipino father who was incredibly materialistic and pretentious, and a sicilian mother who was sort of beaten down by the father and who had her own mental health issues. >> andrew adored his father, mostly ignored his mother, and focused on getting what he wanted for himself. according to his close friends, stacey lopez. >> he always had a big want list, i want that, i would like this. >> fancy car? >> yes, and i think going to a
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school like bishops. some kids drove to school in a lamborghini. >> the exclusive bishops school in ritzy, la jolia. andrew's father pinched pennies to send him there. -- to get in, andrew wrote this admissions essay, -- despite the misspellings. and long look forward the -- envisioning classrooms and teachers miss -- and miss--. i was not disappointed. >> he knew even then that flattery won't get you anywhere. >> roman jimenez >> -- was editor of update a san diego -- >> -- had brains, and he had looks, and he had charms. >> i remember when he came to school he just had such a big personality. >> even at that age? >> oh yes. i thought he was very brave because back in the early 80s, generally people were not openly gay, and he was.
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>> out and proud, but never at home. >> due to religious reasons, he felt his family would not be as accepting. >> he hid his homosexuality from his family forever. >> but andrew and stacey accepted each other unconditionally, as his inscription in her yearbook contests. >> can you read that? >> sure. >> it's too bad i'm gay, or i'd be madly in love with you. love always, andrew. >> andrew started dating at bishops but did not voice his own age. >> andrew spent time with wealthier men, who could help keep him in a life that he aspired to. >> he was a boy toy? >> sure. >> a boy toy who liked to show off the gifts he received. >> he had come to the dance in this red leather jumpsuit, and i ended up going, wow, andrew! he said, yes, my boyfriend
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anthony bought it for me. >> stacy liked to tease andrew about his dating choices. >> i said, oh, who's your sugar daddy now? and, he said, wouldn't you like to know. >> at bishops, andrews cruised along academically. >> most of us had to study, but you never saw him in the library studying. >> coasted through? >> exactly. >> so, it was a prophecy when on graduation in 1987, he was voted most likely to be remembered. >> he just had a very dynamic personality and was very funny, everybody loved him. >> after bishops, andrew tried college. but the boy who coasted through high school found uc, san diego all too demanding, and costly. so, he bailed. >> there were problems at home too, andrew's father, a stockbroker, was accused in a
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civil lawsuit of embezzling $100,000. and, he fled the country, left his family of five, never came back. >> without telling them, he sold their house out from under them. he took the money and he went to the philippines and completely abandoned them. >> andrew was now on his own. and he turned to the older men he knew they could support him. he cruised hill crest, san diego's gay area. and fell deeper into his world of sugar daddies who took care of his financial needs. >> i think andrew grew up thinking that maybe the world owed him a living. and he didn't really have to work for things. >> for the older men in his life and others, andrew invented a new identity for himself. andrew desilva, he made up stories about a gilded past, about accomplishments that never were. and impress those men by appearing well read and cultured. told them he loved art and opera. so, andrew was being in more elite circles now and traveling. he went to the san francisco
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opera house in 1990, a chance meeting afterwards would change his life. and change history. that meeting was with gianni versace, who was in san francisco designing costumes as the sketch shows for the opera capricious. >> there was a party where versace was going to appear, and andrew's friend scored some tickets, and so during the party he claimed, and other people claimed, that andrew met versace. >> mind you, antonio, remember him as versace's partner, he was at the party and claimed that meeting never happened. but andrew's excitement was off the charts, he couldn't contain himself with some of his friends. >> he jumped on the foot of their bed and said i met versace, i met versace! he was so thrilled that he had done it. >> he admired everything the superstar designer had achieved, fame, fortune, and freedom as a
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confident gay man. but there was one difference as big as a runway is long. andrew cunanan wasn't willing to work for any of it. and that meant disappointment and trouble might lay ahead. >> remember he looked at me and said stacy, you have no idea when i'm capable of. >> coming up, as versace star rises, -- finds a spotlight of his own. >> we pretend he's in the whole world he's so rich could with a trust from. >> when dateline continues.
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facing expensive vitamin c creams with dull results? olay brightens it up with olay vitamin c. gives you two times brighter skin. hydrates better than the $400 cream.
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[ growling ] still get nightmares? all the time. ♪ ♪ ♪
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>> in the 1990s, almost anyone might have gotten a little thrill, meeting the fabulous gianni versace. but andrew cunanan, something more than that for him. >> versace seems to be someone that he studied a lot. because versace seemed to personify a lot that he wanted to be. >> but in 1991, when versace was launching his fall line at dazzling supermodel standing event, andrew had dropped out of college. he was working a menial job at a drugstore. he was also dealing party drugs to his pals in six years everyone would know is.
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name but in 1991, andrew was living in obscurity, and scratching around for his next meal ticket. >> andrew didn't like to work really hard. but he liked nice things. i fully expected him to be in a relationship with somebody older, that was catering to his needs. >> sure enough, in 1994, andrew cunanan scored. he was still posing as another, as you met a another older. man who he had seen at the, time to pay the bills. >> he stayed by this very rich guy, who was an infinity to drive. >> now andrew was leaving at a beach front condo. this new relationship put andrew cunanan in verified company, the sort he liked. a lot. >> norman belonged to a very secretive, affluent, gay
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fraternity, called gamma moon. they would have these very lavish meals and branches. >> and when he wasn't bunching or dancing with the other guys, he liked hiking up with the beautiful young crowd in the hill crest neighborhood. san diego, as gay police, seem to be seen. >> this bar, right here -- >> marine, learned a lot about andrew. >> -- andrew would come here almost every, night he would put people together, he would hold courses here. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> he was the life of the party. and every night, was a party. >> he would just sort of sit, and watch and see if there were any new cute guys in town. and he would be the first guy to know who they were. and starred presenting them. >> like a non working man in bob. >> yeah. >> didn't seem any interest to having a job? >> no. i think he pretended to the whole world that he was this rich kid living off a trough fun.
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and he didn't need to work. >> and for some reason, people bought his story. jeff trail, for instance. an outstanding guy, who became andrew's friend. >> jeff trail was the all american boy. a graduate of the naval academy. politically conservative. he hated drugs, he didn't drink. >> one of jeff's closest friends, was john wayne. >> people like jeff. he just had a lot going on for him. >> jeff was very tentative about coming. out he never came out to his family. the friendship worked for a while, and while jeff shied away from drugs, andrew didn't. >> desperate to be, notice he do almost anything, legal or not. >> so he became the drug dealer. he became the procurer. he became the guy who connected people together. and he was the one who always picked up the dinnertime. >> with norman's money of course but in 1990, five as norman's kept man, andrew met a handsome
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young architects, name david, and fell in love. >> i think that david was a kind of do-gooder, lovely human being everybody remembers him from his small town. >> david, according to maureen orth did have a weakness for material things. which andrew was only too happy to cater to. >> he gave him fancy cartier watches, fancy suits. and david always accepted his gifts. >> and andrew? he was on top of the world, finally living the good, life he felt entitled to, this was the best it would ever get. >> they call him the mayor of hill? >> that was one of the titles and he reveled in it because it was a center of attention. >> but, and this is no surprise, andrew conan's happiness was built on a fragile foundation, for months he juggled his benefactor, and his lover david madson, until in the fall of 1996, the man with the money, got wise >> andrew wanted a mercedes.
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and he tells norman, that unless he could have a mercedes, he is going to walk. out and norman says, okay, go ahead. and norman let him walk. which stunned him, so that took away a big piece of his income. >> and that mattered to him? >> absolutely, because that was who we was. >> norman's rejection began a kind of implosion. john wayne saw it. andrea started to let himself go. >> he was looking unkempt, which was so unlike andrew. >> and then, like a line of domino social world came tumbling down. the love of his live, david madison, broke up with him. his friend, jeff trail, moved on. all friends had they've been falling out. and the mayor of her question can erupt decline. >> when the allowance went away, there were lots of reports that surface about him during this time, being more heavily involved in the drug trade. >> harder stuff now, like
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crystal meth. >> at some point, as he became more and more unhappy, i think he also became more dependent. and of course, crystal meth brings you up. who is still matt also takes you down. >> and as maureen orth discovered, and we developed a taste for violent sex. >> the s and m part of this was very disturbing to me, because i spoke to fbi profiler's, who told me that for certain people, if they don't have real relationships of any kind in their life, and then, they depend on this to excite them, then the fantasies have to escalate. and he was just living off a diet of porn magazines, s and m porn videos, they were always around him. but >> they were getting more intense all the time? >> they were getting more and more intense. >> by early 1997, both of them had moved away, both coincidently to minneapolis. and a ruthless and unwanted andrew cunanan had gotten fattened puffy. >> he had told me that he was
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very depressed. and he's like, come fact, and i don't look good, nobody's gonna want me. >> and when he picked up a fashion magazine now, he wrote about all the things he didn't have, would never have. he could read about elton john's glittering 50th birthday party in london, for instance. or that johnny versace was aghast. that is one in his own world in san diego, cunanan planned a party of his own, and last supper with his few remaining friends. he told them, he was moving to san francisco. but the first -- >> he was going to minneapolis to settle some business, as he put it. >> but it's clear now, andrew cunanan wasn't planning any move to san francisco. what his friends couldn't have known was that he bought a one way ticket to minneapolis. whatever happened there, he had no intention of coming back. >> i spoke to the waiter from
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the restaurant. and at the end of the meal, he remembers andrew cunanan leaning back in his chair, and looking at his friends and saying, all of you think you know the real andrew, but none of you really know the truth. >> coming up -- >> a mystery in minneapolis. >> there was a rug that was rolled up, and you could see that there was a body inside. >> when dateline continues. hen dateline continues and in the dark. but what if you could begin to see the signs of hope all around you? what if you could let in the lyte? discover caplyta. caplyta is a once-daily pill, proven to deliver significant relief from bipolar depression. unlike some medicines that only treat bipolar i, caplyta treats both bipolar i and bipolar ii depression. and, in clinical trials, feelings of inner restlessness and weight gain were not common. caplyta can cause serious side effects.
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here's what's happening. former economic adviser to president trump, peter navarro, was indicted on friday for failing to comply with a subpoena from the house january 6th committee. the indictment includes two accounts of criminal contempt of congress. and president biden touted the main jobs report friday, and a report showed u.s. job, quote, was strong for the month of may. 390,000 jobs added to the economy, led by the hospitality
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sector. the unemployment rate held at 3.6%. now, back to dateline. to dateline. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> andrew cunanan had shed his life in san diego like a man planning to die. >> he gave his clothes away, he gave his shoes away. he had it all marked out about who he wanted to have what. by the time he left san diego, for the last time, and came to minneapolis, he was completely, basically, broke. >> and angry? >> very, very angry. >> reeling from the loss of his benefactor, cunanan landed in minneapolis and this is where it all began to go wrong. he first called on his old friend jeff -- jeff may have sensed his visit may not have gone well. -- to talk about it. >> i could just tell that there was apprehension in his voice, he definitely wasn't happened
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about it but at the same time he invited andrew to stay with him. >> why would he do that? >> i think he knew andrew was on a downward spiral as well, so just trying to be a friend, being supportive. >> jeff left andrew in his apartment, while he and his boyfriend went away for the weekend. on sunday, andrew moved to his ex lover david madison's fourth floor loft in the cities eclectic warehouse district. and persuaded jeff to drop by for a visit. >> sometime in the next hour or so, a neighbor reported hearing somebody yell, get the f out of here, and heard banging. >> the neighbor appeared into the hallway, saw nothing, and the building went quiet again. but next morning, neither jeff trail nor david medicine showed up at work. >> jeff's boyfriend called the police and the police said go give me a break. we don't pay attention and less people are missing for 72 hours.
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>> but tuesday, worried friends persuaded the building manager to unlock ex lover david's apartment. david's dog darted out as the open door revealed something horrifying. >> in the main room, there was a rug that was rolled up, you could see that there was a body inside. >> dale barrenness was chief of the minneapolis homicide unit. >> bloods pattering on the wall, and on the floor -- we found out later a hammer. >> police assume david matheson was the victim, after all it was his apartment. but when crime texan rolled the rug, they found jeff trail. the attack was brutal and personal. 27 blows to the head and face, chest. david and his red jeep cherokee were missing. friends of both madison and trail told police someone known andrew was visiting from san diego, but he to have vanished.
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so if madison wasn't a victim, thought the police, maybe he and this andrew killed this giraffe. evidence at the scene pointed police to a possible motive. >> duct tape, some handcuffs, you know, stuff that people involved in sex would use. could've been a love triangle of sorts. >> witnesses even reported to the police they saw david and andrew together after the time of the murder. >> neighbor saw them walking the dog, means david was with andrew and did not appear to be trying to escape. >> police believe at this time, david and andrew cunanan are together, are together willingly. and, are on the run. >> minneapolis newspaper reporter jim walsh and chris graves, started digging, and quickly herders different story from david friends. who didn't buy the love triangle. >> everybody who knows davis said that can't be true, it's not his dna, it's not who he is. >> the reporters talk to those who said they too saw david and
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you're with the dog. but it looked like david had been crying. >> david was described moody, a bit withdrawn, and sort of grumpy is the word people used. it just didn't seem right. >> friends who knew david's dog -- insisted there was no way he was home at the time of chef's murder. >> madison walks the dogs and watches the news every night. >> right, and so the presumption is that jeff comes to the house, has to be buzzed in, walks up, the door gets open, there is a confrontation at the door because remember we know the neighbors here are, get out, get out. >> and sometime after the murder, when the theory, david in the dog return to the apartment. >> what we presumed happens, david not thinking anything, andrew had rolled up jeffrey trail in the rug and pulled him behind the couch. >> police searched david's
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bedroom and found andrews duffel bag, inside was an empty gun holster and 40 caliber bullets. but no gun. then that mean david and andrew were now armed? some investigators certainly suspected david and andrew killed jeff trail. yet they issued no bullets -- for david's missing jeep. no be on the lookout for either one of those men. it was the beginning of what maureen orth would call the largest failed man hunt in u.s. history. >> it's just one hapless mistake after another. >> i'm four days after they found jeff trails bludgeoned body. >> we're going up to east russia lake, we take 30 to 40 minutes to drive from minneapolis. >> saturday, may 3rd, chris hendrickson, a shift saga county deputy at the time was called to work on this day off. fishing season was starting and
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two men scouting a prime spot found a dead man instead. >> he was well dressed, he wasn't dirty, he didn't appear to be in a fight, he had his defensive win in his hand, and then a gunshot wound to his head. >> the police confirmed the victim by the lake was david matheson. >> and i said, whoa, wait a minute, this just changes everything. >> a 40 caliber gun killed madison, shell casings matched the ammunition found in cunanan's duffel bag in david's apartment. by this time, police knew the missing gun from the holster belonged to jeff trail, that andrew had stolen from trails apartment. an alert was now posted for matt since reggie and for the man they now feared was a double murderer. >> that's when i believe, and andrew cunanan really became their prime and only suspect. and by that time, he's far away.
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>> and, it was already too late. for victims number three. >> coming up, a killer who makes himself right at home. >> whoever was in the home have helped themselves to ham, some ice cream. they have gone upstairs and shaved. >> when dateline continues. ♪ ♪ at lowe's, you'll find products from veteran-owned businesses all throughout our store. 26,000 veterans and military spouses work here. and our no annual limit discount program saves military members and spouses 10%. every day of the year. at lowe's, our dedication to you is limitless. ♪ ♪ chicago.
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this is where america's romance
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with the skyscrapers beginning more than a century ago. a romance that is called dreamers ever since. >> when i saw that tower building, i said that looks pretty good. i think i could do. >> paul biker, made it happen when he joined forces with developer, meghan, more than four years ago. >> we were giants, and we didn't realize. it we were moving at a lightning speed, and changing the skyline, literally overnight. >> you too were tied at the hip. >> yes, he was my best friend. >> as their company prosper, meghan organized an annual thank you, for the singles for the employees. a special gold coin. >> and he, said you know, people can hold that gold in their hands, and they can say, this job got me this gold. >> at the same, time megan's, wife maryland, was beginning to build her own empire.
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a cosmetic line popular on the shopping network. >> he and she were the perfect team, they worked together very very well. >> and then one sunday morning, when marilyn flew home from an appearance on the shopping network lee wasn't at the airport, as. >> at their town house in chicago's fashionable posed, her worry turned to alarm. no sign of lee. and, then down the alley behind his, house a neighbor found lee dead in his garage. >> marilyn called biker. >> i was frozen. i couldn't believe what i was hearing. it didn't dawn on me to, ask what, have been door how it was murdered. or when. i had just lost the most important person in my family in my life. >> bikler, rushed to the michelin, home and headlong into chaos. it was like a three ring circus. in the front yard where all the news in media, with all the lights.
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>> investigators could see that this was not a typical robbery, homicide. these lexus was gone. as we're close, and more than $2,000. the killer had left evidence, looked like he spent the night. >> whomever was in the home, had helped themselves to some food in the refrigerators, some ham, some ice cream, that they had gone upstairs and shaved. apparently the bristled from his beard were on the floor. >> but, the most disturbing evidence, which -- there are aspectsw that indicate torture >> there were aspects of the homicide that indicate that there was some torture that occurred. >> more than some. much more. >> practically slid his whole throat with the bow saw, he put him in a kind of an snl mask, with just two holes for the nostrils, after he had been repeatedly stabbed, he'd been
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battered. there was so much hatred, and so much anger in that murder. >> suddenly she made a public plea for information leading to the killer. >> what do you say about a man you love, for 38 years? a man who exemplified courage and other dignity. >> thousands packed holy name cathedral to pay respect to the widely admired man of the chicago establishment. the days were going, bye in the investigation was going. nowhere until, police stumbled on a red jeep parked literally around the corner from the townhouse. >> you have a red jeep cherokee the has three tickets on, it nobody bothers to check the license plate on, it until after four five. days >> when the number came back to match david madison's, jeep it went to the police chiefs, who began reporting on the chicago case the question
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right away, was what's the connection between andrew cunanan and david madson who, was extremely wealthy over there. man >> he tried to stop the media speculation. >> would really like to make this known. the family does not know who andrew cunanan and there is no connection with the family whatsoever. >> then he discovered, a fuse chicago police, were leaking tips to the media. >> what did they say? >> they drew an inference that lee was known to be involved in the gay community in chicago. >> bikler, a major contributor, to return daily's, campaign called the police superintendent, told him to shut that down. to >> so this is a character assassination that is going on right, now if you have evidence, that you can bring forward that shows that what you're detectives are offering to the media is true, then let's see. it it didn't take much on the part of the various people within the police to top meant to realize that there was no upside to this investigation.
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that if they got out in front of this thing, to, far and they made a mistake this could be a career changer. >> it appeared, the investigation withered. >> you know, the chicago police were so intent on not finding that will happen. >> they were so intent on not finding? out >> they were intent on not finding out, whether lee mcclain was quote, a very happily married upstanding member of the community, all the most important influential people were calling, it a random crime. therefore, the police aren't too stupid. they realized, it was supposed to be a random crime. >> in a statement, to dateline, chicago police department said, impart we stand behind the work of department investigators who base their conclusion on verifiable facts and evidence. >> yet, in 1997, minneapolis reporter, jim walsh, flew to san diego. and he thought he found the connection between lee mcclain and andrew woo.
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>> i interviewed a bookstore owner, that said that andrew cunanan was friends with duke, duke was a small time actor, and he said, andrew cunanan always talked about, him talked about him all the time. knew him well. they played tennis together -- >> but, listen 24 hours later, the bookstore owner denied he'd ever heard about duke midland directly from one andrew cunanan. back in chicago, duke address the rumors, with his father. staff >> and he was very, forthright and he said, look i will tell you the truth, the truth is no, i don't know andrew cunanan i haven't been engaged with andrew cunanan her. but, by then andrew cunanan had escaped. another dead man in his wake.
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flushed with lee's cash, at the wheel of his lexus. which was his first miscalculation that fancy lexus was equipped with the cellphone, that could be trraced. who >> coming -- up >> authorities had confirmed, the chicago media that the fbi was tracking andrew in his car. that immediately went out all over media ways. >> and was andrew cunanan listening. >> he realized he had to get out of that car. >> when dateline continues. i started screening for colon cancer because of my late husband jay. i wish he could have seen our daughter ellie get married, on the best day of her life. but colon cancer took him from us, like it's taken so many others. that's why i've made it my mission to talk about getting screened and ask people to share their reasons why. i screen for my growing family. being with them means everything to me. i screen for my girls. they're always surprising me. i screen for my son. i'm his biggest fan. if you're 45 or older and at average risk, it's time to screen. today, there are more screening options than ever before, including cologuard. cologuard is noninvasive and finds 92% of colon cancers,
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you know, the stevensons told me they saved money bundling their boat insurance with progressive. no one knows who those people are. -it can be painful. -hand me your coats. there's an extra seat right here. no, no, no, no, no. we don't need a coat wrangler. progressive can't save you from becoming your parents, but we can save you money when you bundle home, auto, and more with us. no one who made the movie is here. >> gianni versace not only
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designed fashions for sexy, elegant supermodels, he made clothes that everyone could wear. in may 1997, he was unveiling his ready to wear collection on a runaway, in istanbul. and what was andrew cunanan doing that night? he was running away. he had a big jump on the chicago police, who had taken three days to figure out he had
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killed lee miglin and those two men in minnesota. police now realized an extremely dangerous killer was careening across the country. and they put the word out. >> police say the missing lexus is black jade -- >> he was driving east in the fancy lexus he had stolen from miglin. but had no idea that the car's built in cellphone was pinging off cell towers. or that by friday may 9th, he picked up a tail, it was the fbi. cellphone surveillance was primitive back then and lacked pinpoint targeting, but agents were closing in. >> that was when something really bad happened, the chicago authorities had confirmed to the chicago media that the fbi was tracking andrew in lee miglins car. that immediately went out all over the airways. >> in philadelphia, -- stolen lexus from taken from murder victim lee miglin. andrew obviously heard it. >> he couldn't miss it at that point?
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>> in her book, maureen wrote tipping off conan, quote, probably the most serious blunder of the attire -- >> he then try to destroy the antenna of the car. he tried to rip out the phone. but the phone box was in the trunk of the car which he didn't know. in any case, he realized he had to get out of that car and had to find a place where he could get a vehicle. >> a place where he could fly under the radar. weight off the beaten path. where no one would know he was coming. with a gun. he drove through miles of marshland before finding this unlikely spot. this civil war burial ground, finn's point national cemetery, and pence ville, new jersey. >> if i gave you directions or told you to put it in your gps, you probably wouldn't be able to find it. >> at the time, allen cummings was a 32-year-old patrolmen. >> i've never heard of andrew cunanan before that date. >> neither had this man, william reese, 45 years old,
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the caretaker at the cemetery. he was a kind and gentle man, said his wife rebeca. she spoke with us in 1997. >> he was the kind of husband who would keep alyse in tire ear of things you said you wanted, so christmas time he had them. >> when my mom and i had off from school, we would always go see my dad and his workplace and supply him with picnics. >> troy reese, was adopted by william and rebecca when he was six. they raced him with love and special nurturing, you've been born with fetal alcohol syndrome. that friday, 12 year old troy was waiting for his father to pick him up from school. but he didn't show up. >> and then my mom said, let's go look for your dad. >> at the cemetery, rebecca noticed his red chevy pick up truck was gone. and its place a, black lexus with illinois plates. parked in front of the garage. >> i could see a look at her
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eyes that, a kid never wants to see, because she knew something was wrong. >> she was right, something was very wrong. coming up, what happened to william reese? >> from what my mom told me, there was the holy spirit guiding her away from the basement. >> when dateline continues. is turning into their parents. -not those two. -yep, they're gone. -forever? -yep. that there is progressive's homequote explorer website, where i compared home insurance rates. we don't need to print the internet. some are beyond help. i will give you $100 if you can tell me what this is. -scotch egg. -it's a meatball. progressive can't help you from becoming your parents, but we can help you compare rates on home insurance with homequote explorer. we've got a lot of work to do. ♪ ♪ with homequote explorer. at lowe's, you'll find products from veteran-owned businesses all throughout our store.
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no-show, to pick up the suntory from school the boy and his mom started to worry. they went looking for william at the cemetery, where he worked. and it wasn't with the phone that concern them. it was what they didn't find. his red pick up truck, for starters. then, they walked a williams office, the door was wide open.
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>> we went upstairs, searched for him, and then we went to the middle, floor searched for -- him >> the only place they did not, look was the basement. >> from what my mom told, me there was a holy spirit guarding her away from the basement. >> she contacted the local, police and we sent an officer down there to look for him. >> and there he was. william reese, shot once in the back of the head. >> when my mom was crying, i knew something bad happened to my dad. she told, me your dad is never coming home, but he is a better place, in heaven. >> troy, asked to watch his mother's interview, from back in 97. he had never seen. it >> and at that point, i think my entire world, and my son's world, begin to crumble. >> this would not be troy's only loss. his mother died at pancreatic cancer in 2005. forcing him to fend for himself, at age 19. >> i just wish we could have a happy family like we once had. when i was a kid.
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>> the different police agency lacking coordination had been slow to understand how dangerous, and apparently desperate andrew was. but they realized now. >> the fbi has now joined the local law enforcement agencies in san diego, minneapolis, chicago, and new jersey in the search for andrew cunanan. >> they could piece it altogether because andrew cunanan left so much evidence at the cemetery. >> in the basement, this shell casing from the same 40 caliber, gun that killed david matheson. outside lee miglin, were his credit cards, and a bloody screwdriver, evidently used in his brutal stabbing. >> the pd was now part of the man hunt. but officer, cummings wondered then, and still wondered, whether races murder could've been prevented. >> we have to find out whether the police was aware of him being in the area, but our police was not advised of him
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being in our vicinity. whether the information was put out to our community, whether we could've prevented this horrible tragedy. >> one of the things about this investigation, was that there were so many different police entities, and for a long, time they didn't cooperate sufficiently >> and because of, that by friday night andrew cunanan had escaped another murder scene, and sped away in william reese pick up truck, with jersey plates. >> which could be fairly easy to identify. >> yes, but he stopped in carolina, he stole somebody's license plate, to switch out reese's license plate. >> clever? no, mostly lucky. the stolen carolina plate was never reported missing. and, now the red pick up truck was in the clear. and andrew, was in the wind. >> he was hurdling down the east coast, wanted now in four murders
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some of them quite gristly. and police, so to realize we, was had no idea where he was. so now they sounded the alarm. and after william reese was shot to death, just for his car. the national media jumped over the story. time and newsweek both focused on the unlikely killer. a gay gigolo from san diego. and network television, notice. too >> police say there's a serial killer, tonight law enforcement's are racing against time >> with murders against three states, the fbi was now overseeing the qanon in case. and no one seemed saved after the random murder of victim number four. >> new york city two hours from plentiful new jersey was on high alert. particularly in the gay community >> cunanan could be in new york, on the way to new york. he seems to be targeting game.
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he was nowhere near manhattan. in fact, he was 1300 miles away. heading towards another popular island. on the night of may 11th, cunanan slipped into miami beach, in that stolen pick up truck, with the switched up plates. >> andrew cunanan came here, to the south beach, the crowd, the noise, the music. the llook lous, staring at each other strange place to come for to know he was a subject of a massive manhunt. andrew cunanan, decided to hide in plain sight. >> under an assumed name, he shelled out 29 99 plus tax. the daily rate, the stay at the plaza hotel. five miles north of the versace mansion. it may as well had been 5 million miles as far as luxuriously living goes >> the plaza. >> what was the reputation of the place? >> it was a dump. >> correspondent, cover the scene for nbc news. >> he drive-by, and lock the,
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door and rolled the windows. up it was a nasty place. >> which is why, without a, business and it was boarded out. back then, it was a good place to hide out, especially for an unconventional tourist choosing to avoid the sun, live in the shadows. >> he was lying low during the day he was out at night he was an easy guy to blend then he was have filipino, half italian. he could've passed for any number of ethnicities. >> once he lived large in a rich man's, allowance in an oceanside condo, and picked up tabs for pricey dinners. now? >> he's living golf of maybe one submarine sandwich a day. >> and once again, he was doing drugs, turning tricks. >> getting some old, guys that probably have some money, and he was robbing, doing petty robbing, he did one guy in and he was wearing a cardio braces, and when he left, he was no
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longer wearing >> by mid june, cunanan had been in miami beach for a month. and it settled in to his routine. he wasn't moving, but for some, reason he decided his truck needed to. >> he drove that red pick up truck, to this garage. just two blocks, from the versace mansion. versace wasn't home, he was preparing with this super models to show his fall winter collection in paris. cunanan in his own way, was also making a big name for himself. the fbi had just put him on his ten most wanted list. publicizing it on some relatively new computer technology. >> he was one of the very first people that they put up on the internet as a fugitive. >> the fbi had received a few tips that could man in might be in florida. but they did not communicate that to the miami beach police. >> well, the fbi is notorious for sharing information one-way. that is from you to them. >> richard was of miami beach police chief at the.
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>> they could've done a better job of frank sharing some information. >> though it had nothing to do with the fbi. america's most wanted did a story on cunanan, and the countermand at the sub shop near cunanan hotel side. >> i looked up, and i saw's face, and i automatically recognized him from america's most wanted. >> he dialed 9-1-1. >> he's inside the store now. >> and they told us to try to delay his order. >> miami police, responded instantly, but it was too late. >> if it was him, he had already taken himself to minnesota, and left. there was no, doubt however, that it was cunanan walked into the cash on the beach pawnshop. >> running low on money, he decided to pawn a gold coin. the shopowner, who didn't recognize him, and paid him $190. cunanan actually signed his own name. and the owner, submitted the paperwork to the miami pd,'s requirement by law. then andrew cunanan returned to
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the normandy plaza. but the closest he got to his past life, and cultural wannabe, was in fantasy. >> he was surrounded by vogue, vanity fair, upscale skill magazines. and he had art books and books of history, and architecture. so obviously, during the day, or the times and he couldn't go, out he just lost himself in that world of antiques and antiquity, art, architecture. the lives of the rich and famous. all of the things he'll aspire to and pretended in his own fantasy world that he was part of. >> no way of knowing what was in that mind of his. but we do know, that the latest vanity fair, that had just come out, it had a splash-y story, that featured the richest and
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gaudiest house of all of south beach. owned? by a man who cunanan begged about meeting in better days. gianni versace. the superstar designer, was coming home. >> coming up -- >> he was astounded by what he saw >> what did he see? >> beauty everywhere. >> johnny versace's love affair with miami beach, it was neutral >> gianni versace faith was always begin open, his eyes were always wide, and he was looking at everybody, so he was always making eye contact. how are you not gonna say alone? >> but someone had a different greeting in mind. when dateline, continues. ask buick to start my enclave. starting your buick enclave. i just love our new alexa. dad, it's a buick. i love that new alexa smell. it's a buick. we need snacks for the team. alexa, take us to the nearest grocery store. getting directions. alexa will get us there in no time. it's a buick. let's be real. don't make me turn this alexa around. oh my. it's painful. the buick enclave, with available alexa built in.
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ask “alexa, tell me more about buick suvs.” >> in the late spring of 1997,
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the fugitive andrew cunanan was living in the shadows, turning tricks, dealing drugs, scratching around for a little sandwich money in miami beach. all the while, his one-time idol was on top of the world. and enjoying a very different kind of life. may found gianna versace in
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milan, attending a press conference about his new men's collection. a stop in venice for the city's famous art expo. then, paris, for the premiere of his new haute couture line. the new collection was a smash. >> i eventually showed in paris, it was amazing. >> after paris, -- stopped in new york to take his company public. on july 10th, they joined their friend hal rubenstein for dinner in manhattan. >> johnny left to go out to me, he said he would go eat anything, but frankly he would only eat at places that had some version of pasta. so he would eat chinese food because they had low mein. and then, it was time to relax. >> he was coming down to south beach, where he often loved to just kick back after having an intense time. he was a fixture in south beach, he was the biggest celebrity they had in the gay world down there.
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he loved it. it was his playground. and he and antonio, his companion, partied hard down there. they had fun. >> versace's love affair with south beach, the vibrant gay mecca on the island of miami beach began five years earlier when the town was enjoying a dazzling -- that's when you got to know hal rubenstein -- >> gianni was on his way to cuba, and his plane was delayed ten hours, so he told his driver to take him somewhere that isn't boring. so they took him to the news café. we sat there for about five or ten minutes and he was astounded by what he saw. >> what did he see? >> beauty everywhere, beauty everywhere. >> there was the music, the rollerblading, it was the bodies. it was the beauty. >> antonio was with him.
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>> he was saying, oh my gosh, this place is genius. >> he took one look at this and basically, in about five minutes, canceled his trip to cuba. >> to cuba? >> to cuba. and he said i want someone to show me around, show me around, show me around. >> -- new york times reporter -- a friend asked him to give versace a tour. >> so what did he say when he came here? >> he was deliriously happy. he got to see people, he got to see people interacting, he loved to watch people flirting and coming on to each other. there's a certain kind of exhibitionism, i think, that is exhibited in miami. the fact that everybody is eating outside, that everybody is watching everybody else. >> yeah. >> versace decided to make it permanent, he set his sights on a tired old mediterranean villa, on ocean drive, it would need a gut renovation, of course. >> it was beautiful, but inside we had to change this things.
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add the pool, add the second part of the house, and the garden. >> they made it spectacular in a versace kind of way. he chose every fabric, every bit of furniture, every stone and tile. insisted on getting it perfect, his way. perfectly over the top. and from here, he reigned as the crown prince of the new south beach. the today show came to call, in 1994. >> i think it's like a global village here, everyone is from cuba, and new york, and italy, and germany. and that's modern to me, the mixture of people. you don't care if you are black or white, you can just open your heart and your mind, it's cool, i like it. >> and the town loved him right back. >> people recognized him, and say, hi mr. versace, how are you? good, good, thank you.
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>> he had a very distinctive look, carried himself a certain way, gianni's face was always big and open, his eyes were always wide, he was staring at everybody, so he was making eye contact. how are you not gonna say hello? >> of course. >> did you worry about him? he was a big star. >> i never worried about him. but his brother worried, santo talked to johnny about hiring some protection. so that conversation happened? >> yeah. >> his brother wanted security guards? >> but he didn't want it. >> so there they were, in july 1997, fresh from a worldwide trip to europe, manhattan and then home to south beach, a rare chance to relax with dinner and a movie. >> we went to see a movie on coconut grove, and then we started to watch -- he was falling asleep on the couch. because after 9:00 it was always like -- >> but then he'd been pushing himself for weeks, a good night sleep was certainly in order. you never know what tomorrow
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will bring. >> coming up, two shots heard round the world. >> it's gianni versace, he was entering his house, we just heard gunshots. we ran outside his house. he's on the steps of the house. >> i heard the shot, my heart just stopped beating. something said to me that something happened. >> when dateline continues. if dupixent has your moderate to severe eczema or atopic dermatitis under control? hide my skin? not me. by hitting eczema where it counts, dupixent helps heal your skin from within keeping you one step ahead of eczema. hide my skin? not me. and that means long-lasting clearer skin and fast itch relief for adults. with dupixent, you can show more skin with less eczema. hide my skin? not me. don't use if you're allergic to dupixent. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe.
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just grab, squeeze and platinum's upgraded formula breaks down grease faster. tackle grease wherever it shows up. no flip, no mess. dawn ez-squeeze. hello i'm dara brown, here's
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our news. doctor oz will be there in the candidate for senate. the reporter david mechanic conceded friday. acknowledging that the recount would not have the methods to overcome -- . and queen elizabeth will not attend the event. this is the second event that she was pulled out of her platinum jubilee celebration. the monarch considered events
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only that she felt able to attend. now back to dateline! ck to dateline july 15th, 1997. a tuesday. johnny versace rose early and before he could get oppressive, he left the mansion on over strive and strolled down to the café. a morning ritual. >> he loved to buy magazines and newspapers and get his coffee. >> he was, uncommonly, alone. and reading up on the best fashion news. >> his runway show was over but not the competitions. >> so he went there early because he wanted to see what was going on in paris professionally? >> yes. usually we go together, he has to go by himself. he couldn't wait. >> that's a morning, adam awoke in the pickup truck that he had
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stone in his more -- two blocks in the mansion. and now, as the sun heated the air on ocean drive, he stood across from the mansion watching and waiting. >> andrew was wearing a pair of khaki shorts and a baseball cap and a t-shirt. >> just before 8:45 am, johnny walked home. three blocks. he timed his corals epps near his front gate. fidgeted with his skis. had no idea. >> andrew just very boldly cross the street, walked up right behind him and shot him in the head. >> two bullets, execution style. and andrew turned and walked away. >> i heard the shot! my hopped stopped beating. something said to me, something happened. anyways, i ran out and i saw johnny laying down on the
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stairs in the block. >> 9-1-1 emergency. >> ocean drive. >> from inside the mansion, for sochi chef called 9-1-1. >> it's johnny versace, he was entering his house. we just heard gunshots. we ran outside. he's on the steps of the house. >> there was a woman who had just walked her daughter to school, she saw it completely and just nonchalantly walked fast down the street. >> it's happening northbound, he is running with the gun. >> where were you? >> i was in charge without bike squad when the call went out. >> he was a sergeant then. >> what was the situation when you got here? >> rescue had already arrived. i saw a gentleman on the steps and i did not know at the time that it was him. it could be anyone walking by. this was a famous mansion, people stop by to take pictures. and it was versace. >> at 9:21, johnny versace was pronounced dead at the local
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trauma center. he was 50, murdered in blood daylight. the miami beach department was blocks from the mansion. it was the hour of shift overlap. the night officers still around. chief richard parental. >> we had a whole lot of law enforcement on the street, then we would an hour later. >> and when i as anybody walking by, did you see anyone running from here? >> one witness saw a man duck into the garage two blocks away. >> we need a mark to unit to the garage. >> other officers rushed over. >> what did you see here on the third level? >> truck parked here. at the safe place. >> but what looked suspicious was outside the truck. >> from what my recollection is it was closed when it was on the ground. >> they stopped the killer changed his clothes to stop being identified. >> how do you get out of here? >> go down the elevator, go down the stairs. people walking out. you blend in. >> and you try to lock down the
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island? >> try to lock it down as much as we could. >> the police chief, george navarro called in. he was taking charge on what would be the biggest one of his career. >> it was now just past noon. blood was still on the steps. but so was a dead bird. and that caused rumors to fly. >> was that the signature of a mafia hit or something? >> it was, back in the day. turns out we autopsied the pigeon and it was just a fact of one of the rounds that hit mr. versace. it was the first and last time that we autopsied a bird. >> it was that kind of a story. >> i quickly realized, that this wasn't just another homicide. because of the amount of media. they >> got there before you did? >> oh yeah we got there when they did. >> what did you see when you arrived? >> media from all over. we had to shut down ocean drive. >> and those satellite blocks? >> all over the place.
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from all over the world. crazy. >> the medias from around the world are covering the story of murder, mystery, and high fashion. >> versace's murder, was of course part of a much bigger case. but navarro, like the rest of his department, knew nothing about it. until. >> an fbi agent approaches me and says to me, can we talk about this case? >> i said sure. because i think we may know somebody who may have done this. >> the fbi man had eyeballed the shell casings at the scene. and told navara, they might match the other murders. >> what was it like to hear that story from the fbi agent? >> i got goose bumps. because now, this was bigger than just johnny versace getting murdered. and then he mentioned the last homicide of mr. william race,
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and the pick up clicked. >> navarro knew his guys in the garage were all over a red pickup truck that looks suspicious. >> so i called my detective that was running that scene, and i asked him to read the vin number on the vehicle. >> for navarro, it was like winning the lottery. >> it was matched, and it was mr. recess car. >> that night they held a police conference to tell the local media that andrew was the killer. and john versace was victim number five. >> this man is known to be a male prostitute, who services clientele. he is well educated, well dressed, is very articulate. >> so at the end of day one, chief investigator navarro knew he had his hands full with a slippery killer. who had gotten away four times before. >> and you're like trying to think like he thinks. a cat and mouse game. our job is to catch him, he's
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job is to allude us. >> he was still at large. armed, desperate, and more dangerous than ever. >> coming up, versace's family, obviously, was devastated. how could they not be? however. they wanted to get him out of there. >> the family quickly leave town. >> he was cremated immediately. and, they left with his ashes. and that was it! >> andrew, did he also make a quick getaway? >> good he was on my beat, he had slipped away. >> when dateline continues! teline continues flo: it's a good thing you bundled your home, auto, and rv insurance with progressive. you saved money and you get round-the-clock protection. so don't worry. it's all under control. [ screaming continues ] that's cool. we'll finish up here. bye! [ roars ] [ screaming continues ] that's why you go to the restroom before the movie starts.
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off-season in miami beach. temperatures that mirror the humidity, drive all the hardcore sun worshippers inside. and the days after gianni
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versace died on his mansion's coral steps, detective george navarro was most definitely feeling the heat. >> how much pressure was on you? >> oh, incredible. never had that much pressure on me, never. literally working around the clock, sleeping two hours, three hours. >> how did you keep going? >> i was young back then. >> so much they didn't know. would he kill again? was this a vendetta against people who upset him? was he targeting gay men? was versace, the most prominent gay man in town, one of the list? the versace family wanted no part of finding out. >> versace's family obviously was devastated, how could they not be? however, they wanted to get him out of there. they got all kinds of privilege treatment, all kind of protocols were broken. and he was cremated immediately, and they left with his ashes.
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and that was it. >> the family skipped the miami beach memorial service, which investigators attended in the hopes that cunanan would show up to re-live his kill. >> the police -- is intense in south florida. >> the 230 investigators now assigned to the case chased more than 1000 leads in the 18 square miles of miami beach. knowing, given the intense coverage, that cunanan had to be watching their every move. >> that's why we had to use runners and cellphones and land lines to serve our radios. >> in other words, you're trying to keep the media from finding out because the media would be telling him directly? >> right, but when you do that, it's kind of a double edged sword, you don't give the media what they're looking for, they kind of try to find it on their own. >> that's exactly what minneapolis reporter chris
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graves did. she followed the cunanan trail first to chicago than to miami. and discovered a missed clue. >> so, i'm in south beach, and there was a strip mall in the near vicinity. and i just start going door to door, to door, to door, to ask people if they knew andrew cunanan. >> at cash on the beach pawn shop, graves hit the jackpot. >> this woman came up and said, yeah, we know him. i said, what? >> it was the shop where cunanan had pawned that cold coin, signed his real name on the plan slip. gave the name of the plaza address, and provided his fingerprint. >> the guy doesn't look like a serial killer. >> and remember, as required by law, the pawnshop sent police the transaction. they got it five days before the murder. >> lo and behold, south beach police had a copy of that pawn slip days before gianni versace was dead. >> so, could they have prevented the murder?
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up in chicago, paul viper read grave's story. >> what do you remember finding out about this coin being found? >> i couldn't believe it, i knew immediately what those gold coins were. in fact, they were probably the coins that i had given to lee miglins. >> so, that coin tied cunanan to lee miglin's murder and where he was hiding in miami beach. that is, if police had been looking. but before the murder, they weren't. even though cunanan was on the fbi's most wanted list. >> he took a beating over the pawnshop, rightfully so. >> because the one officer whose job was to check the pawn slips, didn't get to it. he was assigned elsewhere that week. >> so, it was sitting on his desk for almost a week. >> what did that detective feel like when he realized would happen? >> felt terrible, but served murphy's law again -- adequate assistance we had back
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then. >> but the pawnshop discovery did point detectives to the normandy plaza. >> let's talk to everybody, let's interview all the employees. we'll show pictures of andrew, no one's ever seen this guy. >> and then the next day, a memory suddenly improved. >> when the manager of the hotel, all of a sudden remembered, andrew cunanan. >> okay. >> and remember that he's under this name, kurt demars from paris, france. >> by then, cunanan's long gone, skipped out on his rent, another miss and a growing list of misses across four states. >> what was that like? knowing that you can see him, he's seen not around, he's gone now? >> very frustrating, it seemed like we were always one step behind him. >> then, it got worse. >> the fbi pulled all their special agents except for four. >> why? >> the director felt that cunanan wasn't in miami beach.
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at the time i was pissed. because we had leads were still coming in. >> then, eight days into the search, just when it seemed police would never catch a break. >> so, we get a call on the radio from dispatch. >> blue houseboat -- >> shots fired at this house vote. and i thought to myself would a perfect place to hide. >> coming up, >> -- perimeter set around the house vote, we called marine patrol to cover the water perimeter, and then we call the swat team in. >> closing in on a killer. >> he was like a trapped rat. >> when dateline continues.
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and it's easier than ever to get your projects done right. with angi, you can connect with and see ratings and reviews. and when you book and pay throug you're covered by our happiness check out today. angi... and done. eight days after the murder of johnny versace, leads were still coming in. hundreds every day. and then, july 23rd, late
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afternoon. >> 9-1-1, do you have an emergency? >> the call came from appear in miami beach, a caretaker had been checking on a powder blue house vote, the owner was away. but it looked like someone was inside. and something was wrong. >> i'll light it up? >> yes. all the lights were on. >> he approached the door, and then a gunshot. >> i hear shot, boom! >> in an instance, hundreds of miami beach police, the fbi, her out of town investigators, and army of reporters were converging on the pier. it is gone now, the house vote was knocked down years ago. only a few rotting posts and the square of concrete mark the spot. but that day, that moment. >> but potter's? it >> it's the blue and. >> when we first got here, patrol had a perimeter around the house. we told marine patrol to cover the water parameter, to make
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sure whoever was in there did not get away. then we call the swat team in. >> where where the cameras? >> we took over that as a parking lot next to the fire station. that's where we set, up near the media station area. so all the filming was being done across the street. too dangerous to be here. >> they were on the other side of the water! >> on the other side. they snuck in. >> snuck in! what do you mean snuck in? >> we actually knew what he meant. >> some are just found a perch around the water roy, where we had a direct view of the house vote. and when police cordoned off the houseboat, nbc correspondent found another way to get closer. >> so police weren't letting anyone in, and i looked over to my left and saw construction worker, who is on his bicycle. and he was writing home on the sidewalk. and i ran to him and i go, can you give me a ride on your handlebars? so i hopped upon his handlebars, gave him $20, and he rode me
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down on the bicycle about four or five blocks to get to where this is all going on. >> a siege atmosphere settled in. >> how did you try to reach him? >> we had hostage negotiators on scene, from the fbi, from the local sheriff's office. and they attempted to make contact with the landline telephone. but he did not answer it. so we tried to pull hard. and no response. >> everybody waited. the world watching. at one point, some officers moving in quietly. busted a window, and tossed a listening device into the house vote. >> we were getting absolutely nothing from inside the house vote. so we were pretty confident that he was either gone or dead. >> gone? how would he be gone? >> he slipped away from us before. more than once. >> we give it 30 minutes, and then it was clear that someone was inside the boat. they were not gonna come out. there was a swat team standing
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by. armed with tear gas. when they went in what was it like? >> they cleared the house vote. and when they went to the second floor bedroom, they discovered a white male with a self inflicted gunshot wound. >> was it him? maybe. maybe not. the detective navarro had fans brought him to disperse the tear gas. and then an fbi man went in with the camera. the space looked more like an apartment than about. >> we went upstairs without touching anything, and we had booties on and gloves. and went up there, and looked at him. >> and they knew. after staring at pictures of that face for the so many days. it was certainly, andrew cunanan. >> we were very excited that it was over. we actually high fived each other. we were happy that nobody else was gonna die. >> the police camera captured
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his last refuge, his exit seat. >> what did he have in there with him? >> books, and magazines, and stuff. he was out of food, he was out of money. actually that house but kind of gave me the sense that he was like a trapped rat. >> in the living room, a spread of glossy magazines with their high fashion ads, and reminders of a life that he could never have. >> there was some precautions and stuff that were empty. there was no food left in the house. >> there was a tv on the boat. police believe he had been watching, and so new, he was finally a famous man,. >> and so at that stage of desperation where he knew he couldn't go anywhere, couldn't get food. >> i think that's why he killed himself. i think what happened was, in cunanan's mind, when he hears the caretaker walk in and say something, he thought that was the police.
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i think he kills himself then. >> and when he did, he took his secrets with him. he left no note, no explanation for why he killed jeff, david, lee, and greece, and finally johnny versace. but now we've learned more about andrew cunanan, and the consequences, the aftershocks of his terrible acts. >> coming up! looking for answers, and saying goodbye. >> he took somebody away at the height of his career, of their happiness. devastated the family, a close family. >> time is a decided healer, but it does not go away. >> when dateline continues. hen dateline continues starts the night before. the sleep number 360 smart bed senses your movements and automatically adjusts to help keep you both comfortable all night and can help you get almost 30 minutes more restful sleep per night.
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gianni versace brought celebrities to the runway, and celebrities pay their respects in kind. >> the world is coming, we >> state funeral? >> it is a state funeral. >> versace's memorial mass and a lawn. >> you took somebody at the height of their career, at the height of their happiness, devastated a family, a close family. >> we watched on television as donnatella made their entrance. fashion stars, like georgio armani -- naomi campbell. and the greatest star of the all, princess diana. most famous of her time. sitting with a tearful elton john. even then, people couldn't help but wonder, what would happen to the house of versace? >> didn't know that that another versace was willing to carry the torch, like so many others, model beverley johnson had their doubts. >> we thought that was it, we
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thought it was over. when donna tele-was going to take over, we were like, oh, wow. >> good luck with that. >> and then we realized how hoover talented she was. it was a testament of the genius that that family had. and just when you thought it couldn't get any better, gianna versace always lost, she just picked up the baton, and that's rare that a brand can continue. i think that's a real testament to johnny for sochi. >> in miami, moscow, new york, tokyo, or countless cities. reminders of the boys from sudden it early, who built a fashion empire. when we last spoke, antonio to me call was carrying on with his own designs, working honest new sportswear line. his first collection focus on
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gulps where -- living a quiet life outside milan. but -- >> you find yourself thinking about that? what you saw in the steps that they, does it come back to us often? >> it was a nightmare for years. >> yeah. >> but, you know, it's a question of timing. >> yeah. >> time as they say heals you. but it doesn't go away. >> the other man who lost their lives are equally -- the people who love jeff trail and david matheson understand that these two men simply befriended the wrong man. and lee -- and family will not fully recover ever. and even now, his death remains a mystery. was it a random killing? or was there some connection that made me call in the target? it's an unfinished chapter for paul piper. >> the only two people who can solve that riddle aren't on the earth anymore.
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>> are you done? have you found a string, would you pull it? when >> i pull it. i haven't given up. and if there's somebody out there that can solve this problem in this riddle, and has more information, love to hear it. >> now you live with it? >> yeah. >> what does he mean to you and memory? >> only good. only good. he was a giant of a human being. >> george navarro, who w now runs his own security consultancy business, it's also frustrated that cucanan and took the easy way out. >> so, was it an upsetting thing to hear? >> upsetting because i had a lot of questions for, him you know? a lot of things that were left unanswered.
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that i'd like to know the answers to. why he did it? what that connection was with the victims, that sort of thing. >> the ordeal, five murders, three months, inexplicable violence, didn't teach law enforcement a tough lesson. >> one of the strong underlying themes of this whole story is just really the lack of participation, the lack of collaboration and cooperation among law enforcement authorities on so many different areas of the country. you've got miami, you've got chicago, you've got minnesota, san diego, and once the fbi comes in after reese, you've got all these different people working. and who is in charge? >> communication is so much better now, things to change. but one thing hasn't. the world's fixation with the famous. and the puzzle, what you're all of a guy like andrew coon and in, what made him a killer?
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i'm stacey lopez doesn't have any answers. to this day she thinks about her friend andrew and feels only confusion and pain. >> and it's not something that i talk about often, i mean, who do you talk to you about something like this? yes, i loved a serial killer. it sounds so awful that he was a big part of my adolescents, and he was my friend. >> did you find yourself mourning his passing? >> i found myself mourning the friend that i knew. and i had a very hard time accepting what he had done. >> have you spent any time thinking about what he was about? >> tell, i don't really care. i'll be honest, i'm gonna cut you short on that. i don't care. and to put it this way, he's a footnote in history. just one more person with a gun. so, we -- screw you. you get nothing. >> paul reuben seen would rather talk about his friend johnny, but what that man taught him about life. >> if you're going to still be
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here, don't sit there with one foot in the back door waiting to stop, no, no, you grab life as long as you get the chance. and you grab it yourself and you make the most out of it. >> i'm craig melvin. >> and i'm natalie morales. >> and this is dateline. >> i texted him, he wasn't answering. i arrived at the office, i could see that something was really, really wrong. i called somebody that steve worked with. he said, steve's been shot. and i said, did he survive? he said no. >> steven pitt was unforgettable. >> i think he's one of a kind. he just completely broke the mold. >> he was the first to die that week. hunted down by a man with a gun and a grudge. >> i fel


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