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tv   The Mehdi Hasan Show  MSNBC  June 6, 2022 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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dust he was left in. and so he'd probably tell her, if such a fantasy were possible, that he lived all a lot in her heart. t. tonight, on the mehdi hasan show, no royalty sadly but the republicans are coming and republicans have started planning for their takeover of congress, how come democrats can't do big wide ranging investigations of their opponent, we'll tus. and we'll speak about a new democratic primary fight and a proposal for fixing our broken supreme court. and mehmet oz and his
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candidacy. and co-host of the good lies trying to make sense of the continued allegiance to the nra, at the nra meeting. stay tuned for that chat. good evening, i'm mehdi hasan, if you support the democratic party, you probably don't want to hear this forecast from election expert and political analyst dave wasserman of the cook political report because he posted this tweet last week projecting that republicans would gain a hefty 20 to 35 seats in the house in november's midterm elections. ouch. exactly the kind of defeat president barack obama once called a shellacting, and republicans are planning for that victory for control of congress for what they're going to do and i tell you this won't be health care policy or tackling prices at the pump, top gops have conservative think tankers on the tony eastern
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shore of maryland ways to investigate the biden administration as soon as they get congress, and looking for flimsy excuses to launch congressional probes according to axios, that retreat was paid for by the heritage foundation, by the conservative partnership institute, and by the american accountability foundation, which apparently is run by trump administration alumni. yes, the account act foundation. as if there is any such thing as accountability when it comes to trump and his people. i'm joking sort of. but the republicans take this stuff seriously. aides from the house transportation and infrastructure committee, i would keep my head down if i were you, pete buttigieg from the house ways and means committee and from the house oversight committee and from jim banks, they will be there, and aides from the senate banking committee banking committee interest were, there in other words the run-up to the 2024 presidential election could look a lot like this.
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>> trying to stay above the fray. unlike in 2013. >> what difference at this point does it make? >> this time, hillary clinton was poised, practiced and pushing back with put-downs. >> i wrote a whole chapter in my book, hard choices, i would be glad to send it to you congressman. >> i'm sorry it doesn't fit your narrative, congressman, i can only tell you what the facts were and i know that is not the facts you want to hear. >> happy to bring breakfast in but we'd ask you to answer the question, and it wasn't a trick question. >> my eyes, my ears, please, not mike pompeo, never mike pompeo, the thing it, it was a trick question, they were all trick questions, in may 2014, not satisfied with the previous seven committees, seven, found no major wrong doing other than
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the failure to respond to a failing security situation in benghazi, a special committee to investigate benghazi and clinton again. a probe that would see congress investigating benghazi than the september 11th attacks or watergate ort jfk assassination or pearl harbor and $8 million taxpayer dollars doing it. secretary clinton answered questions about benghazi on capitol hill for more than 16 hours. that's compared to the one, two, three, four, zero hours trump has spent answering questions about anything in front of congress. you know how kevin mccarthy has refused to recognize the very existence of the january 6th committee? not so the democrats, when it came to the benghazi committee. which despite having contended that the political attempt to smear the likely presidential front-runner on the democratic side, you think, democrats gave
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the stunt legitimacy by participating in it. you know, it becomes much harder to denounce the circus once you have joined it. i'm just saying a pattern that repeats again and again and the obsession with hunter biden and the president's son and dr. anthony fauci would be prime targets of a gop senate, if the party wins back the control of the senate committee in november and what they would want to investigate, here is what the wisconsin gop senator said, quote, like everything, it's like a mosquito in a nudist colony, it's a target-rich environment which is odd considering the days before his committee raised its report in the run-up to the 2020 election, this is how senator johnson set expectations for hunter biden probe, even if he wouldn't shut up about the report's alleged findings quote. mr. johnson conceded in an interview there would be no massive smoking guns saying there was a misconception on the part of the public that there would be.
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you get that? you're wrong for expecting anything to be there but he won't stop talking about the findings of his report which are not much really. it's maddening. but it's also smart from the gop point of view. these gop bogus investigations, they're a pattern that keep going and going and going. because the republicans, they work. just this week, on tuesday, a federal jury found hillary clinton campaign, not guilty of lying to the fbi. he was acquitted. it az all flowed from the trump administration era probe into the investigation into trump's ties to russia. he was supposed to find the smoking gun for the gop and the fact that he didn't doesn't matter to gop, they got to attack clinton again and again. mean whirl the lack of anything happening there with increased pressure on the justice department to ditch, excuse me, wrap up that ridiculous politicized gop-led probe and yet the only thing that still moves glacially amid global warming is merrick garland.
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the gop is successful at launching endless probes and investigations that create lots of heat but shed very little light while the democrats who have very legitimate things that need investigating seem to have an allergy to going big on probes and investigations, into actual scandals and crimes. yes, the 1/6 hearings begin this thursday, perhaps the exception, but even, that it took half a year to get the committee off the ground, and you know, after what, 11 months of investigating, to get to public hearings. is it likely the members will achieve what they need? in those hearings? before republicans take the reins? in january, 2023, as the poll suggested? i don't know. meanwhile, there will be no subpoena of trump. no criminal referral of him to the justice department. and speaking of merrick garland, the attorney general made the decision this week not to indict former trump chief of staff mark meadows or ex-aide dan scavino
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for fail our to comply with the 1/6 subpoenas. maddening. far more headlines of clarence thomas complaining that trust in the supreme court has been eroded by others than headlines calling out the very real conflict of interest posed by the political activist of clarence thomas' wife guinea who wanted to overturn the election result. where is that investigation, congressional democrats? or the mountain of corruption that occurred on donald trump's watch, the millions made by jared and ivanka in and out of government. i sorry to have to break it to you but it is almost certain that democrats will use their gavels come november and they will see how investigating is really done by ruthless, relentless, shameless republicans. we will have much more on this after the break. and later, it's a packed democratic primary in new york's brand new tenth district. congressman jones joining me to
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talk about his plan for supreme court reform. e court reform . thanks. not you, garoppolo! ♪♪ subway keeps refreshing and refreshing and refres-
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we're talking about the republican party's obsession with investigating its opponents on the democratic party's allergic reaction to investigations. and we have more from mondaire jones and molly jones, contributing writer of the atlantic and author, co-host of the podcast the new abnormal. thank you both for joining me. moll lick let's cut to the chase. are congressional democrats cut out for this political moment that we are in? >> i would like them to be. i think there's an opportunity here. i mean they've got it together. they've got, you know, they've got the information, right, we know a lot of stuff, we know there's going to be, you know, tapes and videos and photos, and there's a lot of proof out
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there, clearly trump, you know, did a lot of crime-based stuff, so the hope is, yes, i mean they tried to, you know, they steer away from such things, because they work so well, or because they don't want to seem partisan or they think that since they're the good guys, they'll win anyway, and as we've seen from benghazi, these congressional investigations are extremely effective, and successful, and so let's hope this january 6th committee does change hearts and minds. >> indeed. david, you often hear from democrats off the record, well, we can't go after trump, the chief of staff or subpoena members of trump, we can't set precedent that republicans have done plenty prior to democrats taking the house, you covered the benghazi hearings, how do you think the democrats have handled the 1/6 committee and how the d.o.j. has handled medcos and co. compared to the handling of
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benghazi a ginned up controversy compared to what happened in the capitol. >> i think those are two different question, what the d.o.j. is doing and what the january 6th committee is doing. having talked to the grefbl investigations, covered the congressional investigations over the decade, i think in the last few decade, the whole ark of congressional hearings has really become the base. not just because it is politicized not only with benghazi but democrats in general have not done a good job at their investigative hearings, you know, a lot of that is because the republicans obstructionism is, about the ukrainian phone call, and the democrats didn't figure out how to get around the republican obstructionism, am impressed with the january 6th committee up to now, they have been smart with the information they have put out and the hearings they
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have held, i think the structure of the hearings that they have coming up seems very sound to me, they have them in the evening and daytime and releasing new information and creating narratives. at the same time, i'm not sure there is a lot of persuasion left to be done on this. remember, just wait until robert mueller testifies, that will change everything with trump and it didn't. so i'm not saying, you know, this will be because of the january 6th committee, but i still think there are, you know, tens of millions of americans who just don't understand what happened on january 6th or worse yet, don't care. >> so molly, david makes a very good point, how many people are left to persuade, to put persuasion to one side, the basic law enforcement, you talk about crimes and where or where is merrick garland, is he playing 4d chess and the rest of us don't get it and two steps behind him? or a small conservative court judge who was once beloved by republicans like the late senator orrin hatch, just not
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the right a. g. for this historic moment >> i hope he is because it seems unlikely to me that biden will put someone else in. there are still cases going. there's still a lot happening. look, people too don't care about things until they do, right? this january 6th committee, it can change hearts and minds and i think as we've seen a lost things happen recently, like the roe leak, the roe opinion leak, and when that happened it didn't immediately change hearts and minds but it did eventually change hearts and minds, so i don't know that there's, we don't know what's going to make people care and we don't know what will be the tipping point, i think that this is an important historical event, and i think that people care about this kind of thing, much more than we even assume. so i don't know how it's going to go. i do think merrick garland has a big job on his hands. there are people who think he is making a case. i certainly hope that is what is happening. a lot is resting on this.
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this could be, you know, this midterm could be it. >> i myself as regular viewers of the show will know, i'm very pessimistic about garland but never have i been wanted to prove wrong more. you have written a book about how broken and deranged the modern gop has become, do democrats understand what kind of party is on course to take control of congress and what they're about to do when they get power back. do the democrat, do the democratic leadership, do they understand what is coming their way in a matter of months? >> they may understand. but they're not talking about it publicly. they're not creating a narrative that the republican party, when they come in, they're going, to you know, as we know, they will have 30, 40, 50 investigations going on, with hunter biden and hillary clinton and they will make sure that you can't expand medicare or give debitle coverage to people who -- dental coverage to people in west virginia and elsewhere. democrats have done a pretty
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poor job of saying this is what the republican party is and this is what it will do, if it regains power, in terms of, you know, benefits, social benefits, social welfare programs, or threats to democracy. whatever you want to pick and choose here. and i think that, i think that's unfortunate. and if merrick garland is prosecuting cases, you would have more basis for a narrative there but trump is out there saying democrats are destroying the country and democrats are saying we're doing the best we, can that is not a fair even fight. and they're in for a world of hurt. if republicans gain power. >> well, later in the show, we will play some tape of one democratic congressman who does seem to be doing a good job of picking a fight with republicans. stay tuned for that. for now, david corn, molly, thank you. we appreciate your analysis. and a quick programming
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note, please join me thursday on the peacock msnbc hub, the special coverage of the january 6th hearings, you will be able to watch the hearings in full, live, with analysis kicking off at 7:00 p.m. eastern continuing with rachel maddow and nicole wallace, and the house investigates, beginning thursday. now, listen to this, there's not been a single week so far this year without at least four mass shootings. not a single week. that's according to the nonprofit the gun violence archive. in the last 24 hours, have been at least two mass shootings, one in philadelphia, pennsylvania, and one in chattanooga, tennessee. as a brand new nbc news poll shows that the vast majority of americans, 70% believe in enact can new gun laws, new laws to reduce gun violence, and it should be a higher priority, than protecting the rights to have a gun. and in fact poll after poll shows most americans support some sort of gun reform and yet nothing seems to be able to get done. and even if the lawmakers were
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able to pass some gun reform bills then they face one huge problem, the supreme court's 2008 decision, dc, versus heller, the 5-4 conservative majority decision assistant essentially re-wrote the second amendment to guaranteeing the first time the american's individual right to possess a gun and the decision is made in case after case to strike down local, state, and federal laws, dropped it to reduce gun violence. and, drafted to reduce gun violence. the same supreme court is deciding on a new york case which centers on restrictions whether you can carry a gun in public. the current 6-3 ultra-conservative court is likely to strike down that law. so it's clear that there can be no progress on issues like gun reform without also fixing the gop pact, the stolen seat, the super right wing supreme court, the democrats have yet to make moves on this issue. joining me now is new york congressman mondaire jones, and he has in fact sponsored bills
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to rebalance the supreme court and running the democratic primary for the newly-redrawn new york tenth seat against bill deblasio. you have the supreme court about to overturn roe, probably about to overturn new york's gun control law, too, so why is there seemingly no support from democrats like nancy pelosi or chuck schumer or president biden for real supreme court reform, for expanding the court, rebalancing as you propose? >> when i speak to my colleagues behind the scenes they tell me that they think it is a great idea to add seats to the supreme court, but what typically happens is that for one or more reasons, they don't feel like now would be the appropriate time to push that policy. but we know that it is the only policy that will ensure that the crises that have been created, and advanced frankly by this far
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right 6-3 majority are actually ending, is through rebalancing the court. this is something that has been done before, and it's something that is urgently needed now, where as any number of fundamental rights are on the chopping block. >> congressman, do you believe democrats in congress can defy recent history, defy the polls, and win the midterms, hold on to power, with strong blunt messaging on preserving abortion rights, on doing gun reform, and calling out republicans, and if so, what do you think that message and that characterization of the current gop should look like? >> i think that we've still got a good chance of keep can the majority in the house but we got to course correct, we got to make sure we have up or down votes on any number of broadly popular pieces of legislation and that starts with the legislation passed out of the house judiciary committee a few days ago on which i serve. in addition to a ban on assault
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weapons. we've also got to make sure that we are pushing forward other legislation that is broadly supported, legislation that's going to bring down the price of gas, and the cost of groceries. and we've got to make sure that we are addressing other existential problems like the 6-3 majority in the supreme court, and messaging that we are willing to do whatever it takes, whatever it takes to help working people, to build an economy that works for everybody, and to stop the cascade of rights being undermined by the supreme court. and decision after decision. starting this term. we've got make sure that the american people know that the democrats are fighting tooth and nail for the things that we say we believe in. rather than trying to negotiate with folks on the other side, who know full well that they are not going to help do anything in service of the american people. because they want to paint democrats as an abject failure, in order to further their goals at the ballot this november.
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>> so congressman, let's talk about you. you are running, you announced this past week, you are running new york's newly formed tenth congressional district and you put out a new campaign ad. let's have a watch. >> since stonewall riots in greenwich village, the neighborhoods in new york's tenth congressional district have been the heart of progress in new york city. these communities have given so much. they gave me the courage to live an authentic life as an openly gay man when i was wondering if there was a place for me in a world filled with injustice. >> stop. so you say you are running there, because you are a gay man with a personal connection with stonewall and the west village, and you currently live in, and represent the district, an hour's drive away, so make the case tonight, why should voters pick you over someone more experienced, someone with a home in that district, i'm thinking former new york city mayor and
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self proclaimed progressive bill deblasio. >> this is a work i have worked in and i have spent significant time in, and have a deep personal connection to. it is a district that deserves a progressive champion, with a track record of actually delivering results. and for whom policy is personal. and someone who has been fighting for the communities that comprise this district. i've not been an inactive member of congress. i've been a leading progressive in congress who plays a role in passing the american rescue plan which cut child poverty in half and vaccinated a nation in the midst of a deadly pandemic, in addition to keeping small businesses, including small businesses, in lower manhattan and in brooklyn, open. and keeping our public schools open. and more recently i played a leading role in passing not just the infrastructure investment and jobs act, which is going to bring billions of dollars to new york state and millions to new york's taxpayers but the house version of build back better whose universal child care provisions i co-authored. i'm a guy who had the courage to
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defy the president of the united states even. in pushing him at the capitol steps, to extend the cdc's moratorium, and of course i co-authored the freedom to vote john r. lewis can't and fighting tooth and nail for the communities that some price this great district and i look forward to make a case over the next two and a half months that when you put me against the other candidates there is no question who you should vote for. >> let's talk about candidates, and new york magazine reports that you accused the head of the democratic campaign committee in trying to nudge you to run against black proves and a long-time incumbent in the gronks district, and also citing sources who say you planned to challenge him anyway without maloney's endorsement. can you confirm or deny any of that reporting? it started to look pretty messy with the congressional democrats in new york, isn't it? >> redistricting has been a disaster in new york state. and anyone who has been paying attention to that realizes that we've got a primary between two
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of my colleagues and new york's 12th congressional district which is deeply unfortunate. i doesn't want to run against malone y, the person whose john job it is to help us keep our majority. and have any majority ruling for it. because the alternative of having republicans control the house of representatives, is too grim to even contemplate. as you know, as you noted earlier on your show. i'm excited about this district that has done so much for me, a district by the way that has burdied the movement in this country, and has not had an open lbgtq candidate, and i was represented in congress and proud too to make history in 2020 as our nation's first openly gay black member of congress and dock the work and deserve to stay in congress and i think people will see that over the last two and a half months and been noticing in the last year and a half since i've been in congress. >> i want to ask quickly, you once served in the d.o.j. what do you make of the biden d.o.j. and attorney general merrick garland's decision this
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week, what we learned about, that he is not planning to charge mark meadows or dan scavino, former trump officials for context of congress. >> i disagree with the decision. and think we have to use the fullest extent of the law and there is no option for people not to comply with subpoenas issued by congress. no one is above the law. not even the president of the united states of america. and i think when you start to not treat everybody equally, it sends the wrong message to the american people, it stymies the ability of congress to exercise its constitutional prock tives, in this case, investigating fully the attempt to overthrow the federal government on january 6th, and i think it puts us in a situation where we may see something like what happened on january 6th again, if we don't get to the bottom of it, and hold everybody accountable. >> well said. we'll very to leave it there.
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congressman mondaire jones, thank you for your time. appreciate it. >> thank you. coming up, the republican senate candidate and former tv star dr. oz, does he have a self-cure for flip-flopping? first, richard lui is lear with the headlines. >> stories we're watching this hour, a mass shooting in center city philadelphia, leaving three dead, and 11 injured, late saturday night, multiple gunmen fired shots into a crowd on south street, that's a popular night life area. suspects are still at large. the suspect who shot a retired wisconsin judge in his home friday appeared to have done so in a targeted attack. the judge had sentenced that suspect to six years in prison in 2005, and he allegedly created a hit list targeting prominent politicians. the suspect suffered a self-inflicted gunshot wound and is in critical condition right now. queen elizabeth made a surprise appearance on the balcony of buckingham palace
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sunday. the final day of her platinum jubilee celebration. she was accompanied by three generations of her family. in a statement, the 96-year-old monarch says she was quote humbled and deanly touched by the thousands who -- deeply touched by the thousands who gathered to honor her. more of the mehdi hasan show right after this. right after this . you gotta refresh to... uh line? (♪ ♪)
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refresh italiano subway now has italian-style capicola
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on the new supreme meats and mozza meat. just like my nonna makes when she cooks! i don't cook. wait, what? it's a good thing he's so handsome. subway keeps refreshing and refre- it's time nor a 60 second wrap because on friday, dr. oz made the official nominee for the vacant pennsylvania senate seat and if elected in november he will become the first nation muslim american senator and i'm all for device diversity in congress and explain why i'm cheering for dr. oz, start the clock, he represents everything that is wrong with american politics, a multi millionaire tv
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guy with no experience, and a combination of name recognition and a rather useful donald trump, and having the endorsement, by doing that the worst thing a politician could do, openly and shamelessly principles, and sucking up to the donald, and the angry gop base. you want brazing new terms? how about this, dr. oz, was for gun control and against it, and for choice on abortion and against. it and obama care and against it, on fracking, and against it, and for covid lockdown during the pandemic, and copying china, and he said he was against it, and dr. fauci, with a probe and against him and he was for standing up for kids and then don't get me started on the miracle diet pills he uses, with a platform for members that he profited off of which were miracles and dragged upon with congress and let's get more diverse, with capitol hill, and let's go to the senate, and we can't do that, and mehmet oz, really? next, why republicans won't
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budge on gun control. reality be damned. and plus, you can now listen to the show on the go, any time through our podcast. me through our podcast. and refreshing and refreshing and re-
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this week, in the aftermath of america's latest mass shooting of school children in uvalde, texas, republicans on capitol hill finally began to express an ernest interest in reckoning with this nation's gun violence epidemic, and passing laws to stop it. i'm being facetious of course. and of course they didn't. instead we were treated to a charming series of congressional committee hearings, circus acts like this one.
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>> right here in front of me i have a p-226, coming with a 21 round magazine. a 320. here is a gun i carry every single day. this is amd an xlp-365. i hope that is not loaded. i'm in my house. i can do whatever i want with my guns. >> that gentleman showing off his firearms, as if it is a collection of poke mon cards is a congressman of the republican party, and i bring up this stuby's hijacking of the judiciary hearing on gun control because it perfectly encapsulated a not so new but immensely troubling phenomenon in american politic, the chief cultural symbol of american conservatives has been the gun. gone is the reagan era iconography, now it is the gun,
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lawmakers on the left, with bumper stickers, with i believe in science, and lawmakers on the right, as many assault rifles as they can get their hands on. the 2021 christmas card. the family christmas card. if that doesn't convince you, that is considered some of the most prominent gop campaign ads in just the last year. >> i have been shooting and hunting my whole life. people say i won't support guns, they're dead wrong. >> i'll make sure we always have the rights to protect ourselves, and our families. >> this is why i'm so frustrated with certain establishment democrats who so often see the solution of this crisis as them adopting the most moderate position on gun control, in
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order to find common ground with republicans. i'm sorry, the gop is out there touting ar-15s akim bow. what common ground do you expect to find? democrats need to get tougher on republicans, on gun pushers, they need to learn to frame this crisis differently, and if you're in need of a model, look no further than this message right here. >> 19 kids are dead. 19 children are dead. and so to my republican colleagues, i ask, who are you here for? are you here for our kids? or are you here for the killers? >> democratic congressman eric swalwell of california there. look, forget civility and bipartisan, kids are lying dead on a classroom floor, this is real life, and if this is a crisis, as you say, democrats, then please act like it. don't put up with nonsense from the gop. call it out. up next i'll chat about this
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topic and the visit to the nra convention in texas. y'all get! subway keeps refreshing and- ♪ ♪ ♪ (sha bop sha bop) ♪ ♪ are the stars out tonight? (sha bop sha bop) ♪ ♪ ♪ alexa, play our favorite song again. ok. ♪ i only have eyes for you ♪
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the eat fresh® refresh just won't stop! now, subway® is refreshing their catering. we're talking platters fit for any event, like throwing yourself an over-the-top party. who would do such a thing? yeah, i wonder. subway keeps refreshing and refreshing and re-
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at the nra's houston convention last week, which took place three days after the massacre of 19 children at an elementary school, a short drive away, part of the agenda was reserved for members of the audience to ask questions, a man stepped up to the microphone and spoke directly to wayne la pierre, the embattled ceo of the radical gun group. >> whenever there is a plas shooting, they all say that, a mat shoo shooting they all say that wayne la pierre is not doing enough to stop these mass shootings implying that wayne la pierre has played a part in making it easier for these shooters to get guns. and frankly, that's not true. the nra, under wayne la pierre's leadership has provided thoughts and prayers to the victims and their families.
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and if we care enough about these, give enough of these thoughts and these prayers, these mass shootings will stop. so i want to thank you, wayne la pierre, for all your thoughts and all your prayers. >> of course that man was not a member of the nra, but the good lies, and co-host of the good lies pod gast, welcome to the show this evening, jason, first up, i'm deeply impressed that you are willing to keep a straight face throughout all of that and i keep chuckling when i keep saying la pierre's face, around kind of confused and what was the reaction from him, and to your speech, from the people in the hall, you know, you got some applause at the end, did people get it, was your sarcasm lost on them? what happened next? >> i think that wayne la pierre's definitely got it and making eye contact with him that
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whole time was a little nerve-wracking because he was just kind of staring at me the whole time. but people in the hall, i think also, were on to it. maybe about 50% of them. but as you heard at the end, there was applause. i think just because i was staying the line, so many times, and that is the red meat, i guess there, at the nra, is saying those lines. >> indeed, they just think more thoughts and prayers and they genuinely believe it. >> and in addition to addressing wayne la pierre you spoke to a man at the nra convention including a man with a t-shirt ex blazening the confederate flag. >> why would anyone want to erase our heritage. >> some people would say that flag symbolizes racism, and it symbolizes slavery, and it might have some valid points there. >> that's their opinion. they're welcome to their opinion if they want it. >> are you for slavery, against slavery. >> i have no comment.
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thank you for the interview. >> i'll give you one more chance, pro or antislavery? >> no comment. >> i'll give you one more opportunity to say if you're pro or antislavery. >> no comment. >> so well, that exchange is deeply amusing, it is also deeply disturbing, a lot of people told us for years that was what was driving the politics on the right was economic anxiety, economic anxiety in that discussion, it is pretty simple in 2022, to condemn slavery. >> yes, that was shocking. i mean you can see on my face, i was genuinely shocked there, and i gave him the three opportunities to say that you're against slavery, and we see that a lot with people on the road, talking with people with the flag, paraphernalia and it can
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be a pro slavery symbol that you're wearing and it has been used as forms of intimidation for years and years and years. but this gentleman, i think also wanted me to get away from him as fast as i could. and once i asked him that question. >> so rolling stone is out with a new piece, that sums up the strategy used by the right, by republicans, by the gun lobbying nra, after each mass shooting and it essentially boils down to, stay cool, run out the clock, scare some gun touting, but don't worry this moment will be over soon, did you get a sense of that on the nra convention, we know we're under fire now and the media will move on to something else and we can keep on carrying on business as usual? >> i actually think that the gun makers see this as an opportunity to make more money. because the thing that we kept sharing over and over, from
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people there, is we need to arm the teachers, and which to me seems like the most out there idea that there is. i mean my ninth grade english teacher mr. campbell was great at teaching the odyssey but he shouldn't be i don't think carrying a firearm. i don't think he should have to be thinking about shooting a gunman, or shooting one of his students. that should not be a thought that teachers should have to deal with on top of their teaching responsibilities and that is a way for the gun maker to make more profit and the nra, you know, there is a whole new market for guns there, if they can arrangement teachers. >> yes, they want to arm the same teachers who they expect in the last 18 months saying are trying to groom our kids around indoctrinate them into marxism but give them weaponry as well. no consistency there. but jason, of we appreciate you, we appreciate you asking the tough questions.
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thank you for your time tonight. >> thank you for having me. coming up tonight, on msnbc, at 10:00 eastern, a three-part msnbc and sky original series, "devil's advocate," the mostly true story of the giovanni, known for representing charles manson and saddam hussein and a past he wants to keep hidden, the true identity that he kept hidden, a fascinating story, 10:00 p.m. eastern on msnbc. we'll be right back. :00 p.m. ea. we'll be right back. man, i love parties. subway keeps refreshing and refreshing
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2:00 am
thank you for watching. we'll be right back here next sunday, 8:00 p.m. eastern. you can now find this show on the mus in nbc hub on peacock, and you can find thes had nbc hub and stream my show any time. new episodes of the mehdi hasan show will post every day monday through thursday and we're back next sunday on this channel. another deadly weekend in america. with more than a dozen mass shootings over three days. we'll tell you where negotiations stand on effort to curb gun violence. plus, russia launches new attacks in kyiv. as vladimir putin warns the west against sending advanced rocket systems to ukraine. we'll get a live report. and breaking news overnight from the united kingdom. prime minister boris johnson


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