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tv   MSNBC Reports  MSNBC  June 8, 2022 8:00am-9:01am PDT

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and these gun control policies are not the solution. thank you. thank you. >> thank you. thank you, all, for your powerful and meaningful and gut-wrenching testimony. we will now pause. you are excused, and we will pause while we seat the next panel for their testimony. >> reporter: and while they seat the next panel which we will, of course, be monitoring and we will keep you, of course, informed of every single thing happening at that capitol hill hearing, what an emotional, gut-wrenching hearing. garrett haake is back with us from capitol hill. garrett, you were telling us before we witnessed this how difficult part of this testimony that we are going to hear was, and indeed, you were right. the pediatrician, the parents of
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lexi, it's such a powerful statement, and the little girl, the little girl who survived by bathing herself in the blood of her best friend who had been shot already to survive. garrett haake, what are your thoughts? >> reporter: i mean, calling it gut-wrenching doesn't do it justice. miah, the girl who survived, participating remotely from texas having made the decision not to travel here to testify, to me it's the little details of each of those witnesses that kind of caught in my throat, whether it's miah talking about hiding behind the backpacks in the classroom, as though that would do anything, and the doctor talking about treating a girl in a lilo & stitch shirt covered in blood.
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and lexi won the good citizenship award on the morning she was shot in her classroom. for many people it's too easy to think about these issues in these very broad ways. hearing parents talk about those kinds of specific details, the doctor talking in those specific details, i think that's what other human beings connect with. it was certainly what shook me listening to that testimony. i am curious, jose, about the political implications of what we're hearing today, and i have a good person here to discuss that with me. from california, on the oversight committee, you've been listening to this. i'm curious what your reaction was of this powerful testimony in the last few minutes. >> i was listening to the father. it was just heart-wrenching to hear kim rubio talk about lexi and say she was going to win a
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scholarship for softball, that she wanted to study math, wanted to be a lawyer. it showed the loss of life, the loss of potential. i think she spoke for the country, which was are we going to value guns more, or are we going to value our children more? she put it simply and that's really the question for entire congress. >> reporter: how does the republican congress, how do you think what we heard here informs that decision making? >> if anybody can take this decision beyond politics, it's the testimony of these parents. it forces people to say, what can we do? they're not going to vote for a number of the provisions we have. i don't know why they're not for universal background checks. even rubio said, can you do something? can you at least raise the age?
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can you have some progress on red flag laws so we know if someone is threatening to kill someone, that you can put it on social media that someone wants to kill someone. . she's from a gun rights group here in d.c., that guns aren't the issue. we should improve the laws on the books that would have helped protect her son. >> she lost a son, and there's no doubt we have to have strong law enforcement. we need police to protect communities. but that doesn't mean that be don't always need gun laws to
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protect them. let's do everything we can to protect our children and our community. >> i believe you're watching the senate negotiations like i am, and the grant protection orders, there is not such a program in texas. allowing for a background check toly, the shooter in u -- uvalde, is that a valuable first step in your view? >> i will take everything to move the ball closer. we haven't passed a substantive thing. we've had mass shooting after mass shooting, so if we can pass something that has some form of delay for young people to get
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those guns, which is what background checks would do, that's at least better than nothing. i don't understand why ilts so hard, though, to say people under 21 shouldn't have military style weapons. lily zlz if they think it's going to move the needle, i would support that. >> the things like why an 18-year-old can buy an ak-17 rifle but he can't buy a beer. how do you vote for these people in the republican primaries? the ones in the room who can pass legislation are saying no. what do you do with that dynamic? >> i think it will take a few to
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come out for these common sense policies, and i think you'll p find you need to make the case based on data the that problem should be something the country can get around. and no, we're not going to of the. >> democrats have to figure out how to speak the language. congresswoman ro khanna, i appreciate it. you heard it there. the congressman said he was listening to this as a father. i'm an expectant father and i was listening to it in much the same way.
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we are failing, the members would be failing if we fully divorced the personal from the political, right? it is to keep a focus of action in these buildings, not to imagine how horrible these moments were. >> gary, thank you so much. to switch over from if the, and he's someone i got the opportunity to spend time with in uvalde. hello, senator. how are you today? this hearing brought the country to uvalde and uvalde to the country and to the suffering of parents and, senator, just listening to dr. guerrero, who i
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know you know very well, i just want your thoughts so far. >> first of all, thank you, because we need all the voices in uvalde and austin as well. i hope the people in highland park and dallas, river oaks, all the fancy neighborhoods, i hope the people in texas understand we have a congress to rely on here. you'll go to your city or town hall and it will be called something else. it will be called a reunification center. you'll see family in prayer, waiting for a response to an official. they'll be asked to give dna.
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they'll quietly do that and wonder to themselves here p. you can't even hug or talk to them at this time because they're so quietly waiting. then like smr those bnsz, that news turned into the loudest, and there's not ah bad thing. it will help people feel better. i want people across the state to understand it could have been any of those parents, civic centers turned reunification centers. it's horrible. >> just listening to lexi's mom,
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and that day, right, that morning of dropping her daughter off at 7:00 a.m. as we parents do every day to our children at schools throughout the country. dropping off that little girl and coming back an hour later to celebrate her as a straight a student and her little brother as well. then those final moments when the promise of ice cream in the evening, and that final look that she will live with that guilt, although there is absolutely no way to tell her, convince her that she has no guilt. it's not her issue. but, senator, you and i spoke i guess that next morning right outside robb elementary, and some of the things that you mp
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-- were told about those children and that dr. guerrero talked about. he mentioned that one of the children had been decapitated by a bullet. you know, it's so important to talk politics, it's so important to talk about what should or should not be done, but i think we kind of have to always remember that this is the destruction of families. this is tearing through our families. senator, how do you, you know, underline the importance of policy but never losing that realization that this is the
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destruction of families? >> for 14 days straight, i stayed in uvalde trying to be there for families and talk to them. i've gone to too many viewings where i've seen too many little babies in coffins. it shouldn't be. it's not normal. the last one i went to, a beautiful little girl. she had a shroud over her and she was so beautiful, so angelic. and, you know, you're right, the devastation that happened to some of these kids is something i can't bring myself to think about. i cannot even bring myself to think of the pain some of these families are having to deal with. imagine the last funeral is not until the 16th of june, a full 22 days after this disaster. i think folks at home can
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probably imagine for themselves why the necessity of that is. this town didn't deserve this, these families didn't deserve this. we deserve better from our state officials here in texas. we deserve that when a problem like this happens to fix it, or at least try to fix it. none of this is normal. i feel like every day i'm in this groundhog day when i'm in uvalde. none of this is normal, and the people of uvalde deserve so much more than what happened. we had a system creator, we had human error, but it goes back to not just what happened on that day, it goes back to years and years prior to human massacres and nothing was done in this
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state, except the same things happening now. another committee, another roundtable. just more of nothing. it's time. we have to do something. these families deserve to know that their children didn't die in vain. >> senator, you know, the 16th of june is the final one. there are 21 lives that were taken, and yet it's still an open wound, and it will be an open wound forever. i'm just wondering, how are those families doing today? are they receiving help? when i was there with you, we heard of local funeral homes who were willing and said they would pay for the costs, and one company that was -- came forward and said, we'll make the baby coffins because they're just not
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available, you know. how are those families? are they getting help? this is just such a 360 destructive process. >> yes. so we are -- for my part we opened an office there this past week and that was something that took an effort to find a location where we could amass people to try to unify families. i've spoken to a little less than half of the families because a lot of them still don't want to talk to others, outsiders and so on. we've been very respectful. i want to make sure that the resources that are being collected in their children's images, in the families' names, are given to those families. when i talk to families, we want to make sure the victim
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assistance programs that the state has to offer, that these families are leveraging every possible bit they can. if they have to go see a psychiatrist to prove up their disability so they can prove up lost wages, so be it. i'm going to make sure one psychiatrist is going to be able to make that possible for them. there is no way in the world that we should ask these folks -- these are hard-working people. many of them hourly wage workers, many of them farmers in the rural area. we shouldn't be asking them, hey, man, go bury your kid and go back to work. i called a local grocer to advocate for someone who was concerned about his job, and he said, don't worry, he can take all the time he needs paid. it's those little things that myself and my staff can do for families that we're trying to do
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for them and just to let them know that we're here. in the interim we want to eventually get them all together, organize them so they can speak with one voice, whether it be congress or to whoever will listen. hopefully this governor will begin to listen because his family deserves something we never gave them in texas. >> yeah. and, you know, you talked about this groundhog day. it's a groundhog day of tears, suffering and loss that will continue. and for those families, i just don't know when they can go back to what they did before that day. because their groundhog day is going to be of tears for the rest of their lives. senator, i thank you very much for being with us. i thank you for your voice, i
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thank you for continuing to raise that voice, and we here will continue to raise that voice. those families that dropped their children off at 7:00 in the morning, two days before summer holiday with celebrations at that school right there that you see where there are 21 crosses of those children and the two teachers who that morning, filled with hope, with a groundhog day dream of celebration and of ice cream. it will never occur. senator, thank you for being with us. we're going to have a house oversight on gun violence. we're also going to the capitol for a rally to stop gun
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violence. you're hearing a report this morning from los angeles. repors morning from los angeles a bank of america company. ♪ ♪ we believe there's an innovator in all of us. that's why we build technology that helps everyone come to the table and do more incredible things. ♪ ♪ if you wake up thinking about the market and want to make the right moves fast... get decision tech from fidelity. [ cellphone vibrates ] you'll get proactive alerts for market events before they happen... and insights on every buy and sell decision. with zero-commission online u.s. stock and etf trades. for smarter trading decisions, get decision tech from fidelity. when you order the new
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23 past the hour. we are hearing testimony from those in uvalde and buffalo. i want to bring in someone from moms demand action, shannon watts. thank you for being here. what do these stories mean to you? >> it's so heart-wrenching that people had to even share what happened to them to get action, and it's even more tragic that it happened in the first place. so while those families are in the capitol sharing their
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stories, activists are out here saying we won't let this end until there is a vote that will prevent the kind of tragedies we're hearing about in so many survivor stories. >> so, shannon, what would be the kind of things that would help what happened in uvalde or new york from happening again? >> look, the data is clear. too often we hear if one law won't stop gun violence, nothing will. that includes background checks, that includes regulating assault weapons, that includes red flag laws, appointing a director, on and on. because america is made up of this patchwork of different gun laws, some strong, some weak,
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we're all only as safe as the closest state with the weakest gun laws. that is why we need our senators to act. that is why we need federal protections in place to save everyone, to protect everyone in america. >> shannon watts, thank you so much for being with us this morning. i so appreciate your time. >> thank you. we're also keeping a close watch on that hearing. but i want to turn to some other headlines we're following for you as well. president biden is about to leave washington to make his way here to los angeles for the summit of the americas. he's going to be spending the next couple days meeting with leaders and delegations from dozens of north, central and south american nations to talk about democracy, to talk about immigration and many other issues. nbc news white house correspondent mike memoli is here in los angeles as well. mike, what are some of the things the president is facing when he comes to l.a. today?
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>> we spent the last few days talking about the mvps, right, who is invited, who is not invited, and who is not attending because of who is invited. the president is hoping they can focus on the substance of the agenda here at summit of the americas. he will be giving a keynote speech in which the administration says he will outline a hemisphere that is both prosperous and free. a big situation looming is the border crisis, what we've been seeing, and the thought is that it will only grow worse. it is in part because of the pandemic that has led to this surge of migration, so the white house is structured in terms of
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migration. they have improved the health infrastructure, the u.s. leading with a $1,000. and then tomorrow they will be unveilingly, they hope they'll buy into, dealing with supply chains, improving trade connection as well. then, of course, on friday they will get to the heart of the matter, the issues of migration, and there have been reporting of the significant commitments that might be on the docket of not just other nations in the hemisphere, but those sharing the burden and refugees not just leaving central america but haiti, as we've seen, to try to deal with this situation.
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president biden's first stop when he comes here is to sit on the set with jimmy kimmel. and friday he'll be speaking at the port of los angeles on issues of supply chains as well, which is an administrative challenge this president is facing. so a lot of things planned when he lands here. >> i hope they focus in on this as well, the presidential summit in 1994 was to talk about democracy. we see venezuela, millions of people have been forced, millions of people, to leave their country with an uncertain future because of the situation happening, and in haiti the situation continues to deteriorate, and yet there are
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people still being deported today in the united states of a dreamily. they say america should not be hearing some of this. we're going to get an update on the arrest of a man near the home of chief justice brett kavanaugh. we're going to have the latest on that and a whole lot more. we report from los angeles. more we report from los angeles that's right, jamie. but it's not just about savings. it's about the friends we make along the way. you said it, flo. and don't forget to floss before you brush. your gums will thank you. -that's right, dr. gary. -jamie?
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chevy chase, maryland. a man from out of state arrived by taxi carrying a handgun, a knife and pepper spray and was detained by law enforcement before he actually got to justice kavanaugh's house. this arrest was near the house. when he was detained, law enforcement officials say, he said he was there to kill justice kavanaugh. the supreme court has issued a brief statement. it's just two sentences long. it says, at approximately 1:50 a.m. today a man was arrested near justice kavanaugh's residence. the man was armed and made threats against justice kavanaugh and he was transported to the local police district, but it's our understanding this is probably going to end up being a federal case, although there is apparently some discussion now about exactly how he'll be prosecuted. this sort of thing is, thankfully, very rare. i'm trying to think back to the only time somebody has ever tried to attack a supreme court
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justice, and the one that comes to mind is 1985 when a bullet was fired through the window of the home of justice harry blackman who lived in arlington, virginia. he, of course, was the author of roe v. wade. there has been so much tension, so much more concern since the draft opinion leaked last month of the supreme court's decision in the mississippi abortion case which said the court was prepared to overturn roe. that touched off protests at justice kavanaugh's house and the home of some other justices, and it's also caused an enormous amount of security now around the supreme court building, jose. >> pete williams, thank you very much for that update. i'll turn back now to our coverage of the house oversight hearing on gun violence. garrett haake is back with us on capitol hill. garrett? >> reporter: we're waiting for the next portion of this to get going, but as we've been covering this today, of course this is not the first mass shooting in this country, obviously, and it is not the
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first time that the house has tried to shine this kind of emotional light on this phenomenon. we try to use an oversight type hearing to push people forward on gun legislation. i want to bring in congresswoman veronica escobar who represents el paso. you had 23 killed, if i remember correctly, the judiciary committee is in the courtroom. we ask a lot of doctors and witnesses to give testimony. what do you think it is that actually moves the needle in legislation? >> garrett, thank you for this conversation. the problem with gun violence is that we have is to sanitized it over the years that i don't know if america, or even legislators,
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understand the carnage that comes with an ak-15 or ar-17 type rifle. that house judiciary committee hearing that you referenced, i asked one of our trauma surgeons who was there on august 3rd and had to deal with essentially what were injuries that he would have seen in a war zone in our community hospital, i wanted him to share his story. and i will tell you we do ask a lot of the victims and of the survivors and of of the family. they have to relive the trauma over and over again that. surgeon broke down as he was telling what happened that day. it was in graphic detail and all of us on the committee were stunned. anyone who remains unmoved with
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that level of detail, it's shocking to me. >> the standards in my industry are built around an age where people sat down and watched the news together as a family over dinner, or they watched it in the morning before heading to school. there is a debate in this industry about how we cover these things. does the public, and therefore representatives in congress, need to be faced more directly with the true grizzly cost of these shootings? >> yes, but only those victims and survivors who are willing to do so. i will tell you i am really concerned about all those babies who witnessed the carnage around them in uvalde. >> how do they go back to that school? >> how do they go back to that school, but we have millions of children living with ptsd,
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garrett. ptsd. and when you live, so we have to be sle conscious about bholt, but with regard to the public, sthooefg information, that's different. every member of the public, every legislator has an obligation -- >> there are really two types of communities here, there are those who understand what this is like and there are those who are probably preparing themselves to understand what it's like. that's what these hearings are about. that's what stopping these kinds of things from happening in the
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future are about. there are probably a lot of us who know too much about how much these shootings cost. >> garrett, we will never understand what happened for the indescribable, for the unacceptable. the biggest news out of last night's primary race. steve kornacki will be with us on the big board, next.
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steve kornacki is with us. steve, big takeaways from last night for you. >> similar themes in that recall from san francisco, and what you're looking at here, the primary here, rick caruso is a billionaire businessman, expressing issues of crime, of homelessness. it looks like he'll finish first in the primary round. it looks like caruso, congresswoman karen bass will advance to the general election. those are the issues that have animated that race in los angeles, and they are similar to the issues that animated the recall campaign in san francisco that succeed. you're seeing the results there. jessa bodine, one of the prosecutors taking a criminal
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approach. he's recalled by a pretty overwhelming margin here. the context, remember, this is how san francisco voted in the 2020 election. this is one of the most democratic, one of the most liberal cities in the country, and yet by a 60-40 margin it is recalling an aggressive prosecutor. some outstanding business in california. here's a big one in the 22nd district, the central valley of california. we've been watching this one closely because the incumbent, a republican, voted to impeach donald trump following the january 6 attack, and you can see the way it works here in california, democrats, republicans, they all run on the same ballot in the primary and the top two regardless of party, advance in the general election.
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valadao is leading there in second place. there is one chris mathys said he got in the race because of valadao trying to impeach trump. it can take them a long time to count everything up. valadao is coming in second, but if valadao does make first place, this district voted for biden by 13 points in 2020. valadao, tough position in the primary, will face a tough election, and one of the problems, he's going to need to unite the republican party to have a chance there holding onto the seat if he does, indeed,
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make it to november, jose. >> there is that final vote in november for this specific race as well because they didn't get to 50. >> in california the 50 rule doesn't apply in these primaries. you can 22 in the primary and they'll both run again in november. new pressure on president biden to take action on abortion rights. before they happen... and insights on every buy and sell decision. with zero-commission online u.s. stock and etf trades. for smarter trading decisions, get decision tech from fidelity. homegrown tomatoes...nice. i want to feel in control of my health, so i do what i can. what about screening for colon cancer?
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that's why we build technology that helps everyone come to the table and do more incredible things. ♪ ♪ 53 past the hour. president biden is facing new pressure from members of his own party to take more action when it comes to abortion protection. a group of 20 senators have signed a letter urging the president to issue an executive order to defend reproductive protections, including the right to access abortion care. ali vitali joins me with the details. what have you learned? >> reporter: this is a letter we reported here first on nbc news, basically half of the democratic caucus in the senate writing this letter to president joe biden, led by senators patty murray and elizabeth warren, two of the lawmakers who have been leading the charge on protection for reproductive access,
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especially in the wake of the leaked supreme court. the lawmakers taking this step of asking the white house to do what it can to shore up these protections at the federal level. they are asking the government to leverage its whole of government response. then those six specific things that you see on your screen, they are asking to increase access to medication. the pill is approved. but it's one of the most prevalently used forms of abortion case. they are asking for resources for people crossing state lines. travel vouchers and other things like childcare to help people as they try to access abortion care in states where it's more restrictive. they are talking about installing a head of reproductive at dhs. getting free choice of provider.
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redefining language around data collection through websites and mobile applications. that's something that senator warren has been focused on. she's asking certain data fi fi to share how they share their information so you don't end up in a situation where if someone accesses abortion care by going to a planned parenthood, that that can't be used against them later on. the final pound is increasing abortion accessibility where possible through the federal government. asking federal agencies to give people trying to access abortion care time off so they can travel and get the care they need. i think the larger point here is the question we were all asking after the women's health protection act failed to codify the roe v. wade protection at the federal level, the question was, what else can democrats do? the real answer is, not very much. a legislative solution is really the only answer. or it can be found in the courts. what we see in this list is that there are tangible things that the administration can do, even
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if that list is pretty short. >> yeah. ali, i'm wondering about the con -- roe v. wade. is there talk of codifying roe v. wade more specifically? >> reporter: it was broader. it's not the conversation that's happening. there are people who say that that might still be the -- may be the best way for the senate to get at this problem. >> ali vitali, thank you very much. great seeing you. i appreciate it. at the top of the next hour, we are expecting to see attorney general garland in a news conference. he will reveal the team investigating the shooting in uvalde, texas. that's it for me today. follow the show online. thank you so much for the privilege of your time.
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