tv MSNBC Prime MSNBC June 8, 2022 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT
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would be happening on capitol hill, tomorrow. when a hearing, a hearing showing actual evidence of an attempt to violently take over the country by overturning a legitimate presidential election. so, why isn't fox showing these hearings again? >> they're all upset the foxes in covering it, live. we actually do something called, you know, cater to our audience. our audience knows with this is. >> cater? like a restaurant, not a news organization. >> well, the truth matters, but only if you hear it. and to hear the truth, tune into msnbc for our special coverage of the january six committee, beginning right here at 7 pm eastern. tell your family, tell your friends. this matters to america. and on that note, i wish you all a very good night. from all of our colleagues across the networks of nbc news, thanks for staying up late with us, i will see you at the end of tomorrow. e en of tomorrow.
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tonight on a special addition of all in. one year, five months and three days ago, was a protest that spun out of control, with the violent culmination of an attempt to steal the presidency. this week, for the first time, the nation will hear the evidence live in primetime. tonight, we will talk to the people on the frontlines against the mob. >> it was an attack carried out on january 6th. and a hitman sent them. we should get to the bottom of that. >> people defending democracy from the inside. >> i was ready to fight. i saw a lot of -- back in my day i was not going to die bleep on the floor of the house of representatives. >> a key member of the committee investigating the coup. >> the hearings will tell a story that will really blow the roof off the house. >> and the republican congressman who wore a
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bulletproof vest on january 6th joins me live. >> he always brings up, we've got to rescind the election, you've got to take biden out and put me in. >> now he still says that? >> yes. >> a special two hour edition of all in, an american coup, starts now. good evening from new york, i'm chris hayes. in 24 hours, the first public hearings on the january 6th insurrection will finally begin. and while the story has been fairly front and center for a year and a half, the true horror of that day, the terrifying threat, the violence directed at members of congress and the police at the capitol, the vice president of the united states himself and our democracy, the reality of that fades over time. it just does.
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some of it is natural. some of it, of course, is the result of an organized effort to force us to forget the truth of that day. the truth of how bad it really was and how very much worse it almost became. but on that day -- but on january 6th, 2021, we all, democrats, republicans alike, we knew it. >> breaking news tonight, the deadly siege on congress as an angry pro-trump mob stormed the u.s. capitol. and we've seen shocking image of chaos, rioters rushing past barricades and police, up the capitol steps, forcing their way inside. >> tonight, the horror and chaos and the sadness over what has played out in our nation's capital. >> we are witnessing history and what can only be described as a national disgrace. >> the mob pounding on doors, smashing windows. the armed standoff inside the building. police there with guns drawn, trying to hold them back. members of congress, diving to the floor -- >> it was a terribly violent
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day, one of the worst days of injuries for law enforcement since september 11th. about 140 officers sustained injuries, ranging from losing part of a the finger to fractured ribs. head trauma. five officers died following the attack. for members of the crowd also lost their lives. the capitol was ransacked, rioters left windows and doors smashed, furniture destroyed and graffiti and debris left all over. those members of congress who were inside and heard the mob coming through breaking doors and windows, they all feared for their lives. shortly after 2:00, the rioters smashed the first floor windows of the capitol and started streaming in. the senate and house quickly locked down their chambers and called their sessions to recess and rushed to get their members to safety. the top republican in the house, house minority leader kevin mccarthy of california, first retreated to his office, until his security detail --
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insisted he le for a secure undisclosed location. as he waited, hiding out from the mob that was tearing through the capitol, he desperately called the president, donald trump, begging him to call off the mob. and then, he dialed into both fox news and cbs to publicly express how upset he was about what was happening. >> this is so un-american. i condemn any of the violence happening right now. i could not be satyr or more disappointed with the way our country looks at this moment. people are getting hurt. anyone involved, if you are hearing me, hear me very loud and clear -- this is not the american way. this is not protected by the first amendment. you must stop now. i have spoken to the president. i asked him to talk to the nation, to tell them to stop this. this is not who we are. >> we now know how donald trump reacted to that request from kevin mccarthy. they spoke on the phone, and
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trump reportedly said, well, kevin, i guess these people are more upset about the election than you are. that is according to republican congresswoman jamie herrera beutler of washington, who heard it straight from mccarthy himself, because he was terrified about what was happening. around that time, a little after two in the afternoon, the secret service rushed vice president mike pence off of the senate floor, where he had been presiding over that day's big event, the source of the mob's anger. the certification of the electoral votes that would transfer power peacefully from donald trump to joe biden. washington post journalist philip rucker and carroll leonnig reported on what happened next -- quote, the lead special agent in charge of the protective detail twice asked pence to evacuate the capitol. but pence refused, saying he was not leaving. the third time it was more of an order than a request. pence's detail guided them down a staircase to a secure subterranean area that rioters couldn't reach, where vice president's armored limousine
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awaited. mike pence, though, didn't want to get into that car. that's despite the fact that the mob put a gallows with a noose outside the capitol. and a crowd was chanting, hang mike pence, hang mike pence. marc short, chief of staff to mike pence, explained his boss's thinking. >> he said, i am not leaving. and the reason he said he is not leaving is, he said, he did not want our adversaries across the globe to see a 15 car motorcade fleeing the capitol. it's enormous leadership under enormous pressure. and i think he, again, despite efforts to have the evacuation take place, said, i don't want that visual for the world to see. i'm going to stay here. >> the optics certainly would have been bad. they were pretty bad already. there is also evidence that the vice president may have been afraid of what would happen if he got in that car. who would be controlling where it went? rucker and leonnig reported on this exchange that took place back at the white house while pence was holed up in that
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underground garage. a man by the name of anthony ornato, a trump loyalist, and the senior agent overseeing the secret service movements, told pence's national security adviser, keith kellogg, that pence's detail was planning to move the vice president to joint base andrews. kellogg replied, you can't do that, tony. leave him where he's at. he's got a job to do. i know you guys too well. you'll fly him to alaska if you have that chance. don't do it. clearly, members of the pence team believed the president wanted mike pence physically out of the picture, whatever it took. and they wanted that, the president, because pence would not go along with the coup. it was not just that. new reporting indicates that pence may have feared for his own safety, because of donald trump. as maggie haberman reports in the new york times, on january 5th, the day before the insurrection, quote, marc short called pence's lead secret service agent to the west wing
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office. the chief of staff for mike pence had a message for the agent. the message that trump was going to publicly turn against the vice president and there could be a security risk to mike pence because of it. you've got that right. didn't he? mike pence knew what his boss was capable of. and he was, one could deduce, scared. he was, as far as we can tell, horrified about what's happening, so much so that pence's chief of staff reach out to pence's security detail with concerns, again, about pence's personal safety, as he is in that building, as the mob is shouting, hang mike pence, as trump is doing nothing to stop them. and yet ultimately, the vice president stayed and did the right thing. that's in spite of the risk. and that comes on top of more reporting from the times that while the angry mob was storming the capitol enchanting, famously, hang mike pence, trump was at the very least, open to the idea. quote, his chief of staff, mark
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meadows, told colleagues that trump said something to the effect of, maybe pence should be hanged. hopefully, we will learn more about all of this during the public committee hearings. there is a lot more i want to know. marc short is expected to be called to testify. chief counsel for mike pence, greg jacob, will reportedly testify next week. as pence waited in that underground garage, and members of congress hide or fled from the mob descending on the capitol, fearing for their lives, trump chief of staff, mark meadows, was being bombarded with frantic, harried messages from people trying to get through to trump, telling him he needed to do or say something, anything, to stop the violent insurrection taking place on live tv. and texting from the president's own son, apparently unable to get through to his dad -- don jr. wrote, quote, he's got to condemn this asap. the capitol police tweet isn't enough.
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we need an oval office address. he has to lead now. it's gone too far and got out of hand. and this is when you go to the mattress on this. they will try to f his entire legacy if this gets worse. even trump's faithful, docket and loyal supporters up fox news were distraught, begging him to do something -- >> quote, mark -- the president needs to tell people in the capitol to go home. this is hurting all of us. he is destroying his legacy, laura ingraham wrote. please, get him on tv, destroying everything you have accomplished, brian kilmeade texted. quote, can he make a statement? ask people to leave the capitol, sean hannity urged. >> it's notable they all appeal to trump's vanity. in their intriguing, because they know the man. now, another of the trump
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children, ivanka, reportedly spent much of the afternoon trying to convince her dad to do something. philip rucker and carol leonnig, write, quote, she spent several hours walking back and forth to the oval trying to persuade the president to be stronger in telling his supporters he stood with law enforcement and ordering them to disperse. just when ivanka thought she had made headway, meadows would call her to say that the president still needed more persuading. i need you to come back down here, meadows would tell her. we've got to get this under control. the cycle repeated itself several times that afternoon. the people around donald trump, including his own kids, his flesh and blood, they all knew. they all saw what was happening. they were all aware of how dangerous, and how awful the situation was a at the capitol. trump was holed up in his private dining room at the white house. everyone there knew according to stephanie grisham, press secretary, trump was gleefully watching on his tv, saying, look at all the people fighting for me, hitting rewind, watching it again.
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trump and his mob were the only people enjoying the insurrection at that moment. i feel confident in saying that. across all kinds of lines of difference, race, religion, ethnicity, faith, partisan affiliation, i think just about everyone else was horrified. that night, after law enforcement was able to regain control and clear the capitol, after hours, the joint session finally resumed and trump's closest supporters rose up to condemn what happened. >> trump and i, we have had a hell of a journey. i hate it being this way. oh my god, i hate it. from my point of view, he has been a consequential person. but today, first thing you will see. all i can say, is count me out, enough is enough. >> united states senate will not be intimidated. we will not be kept out of this chamber by thugs, mobs or
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threats. we will not bow to lawlessness or intimidation. >> violence, destruction and chaos we saw earlier was unacceptable, undemocratic, and un-american. >> it was the saddest day i've ever had serving as a member of this institution. >> kevin mccarthy went even further a few days later on this leaked call with republican leadership. >> i've had it with this guy. what he did was unacceptable. nobody can defend that, and nobody should defend it. the only discussion i would have with him is that i think this will pass. and it would be my recommendation that you should resign. >> remember those words. remember those words. -- them in your memory.
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nobody can defend, it nobody should defend it. then kevin mccarthy, seeing republican colleagues, all began the process of, well, starting to defend it. at least the process of a kind of willful collective amnesia. one week later, when it came time to vote, on whether donald trump incited the insurrection, just ten -- ten house republicans, voted to impeach trump. kevin mccarthy, notably was not one of them. just seven republican senators voted to convict trump. they did not convict graham or mcconnell, who is so cheerful about what he had seen and -- about cops getting their brains that in a few feet away, before. when it time came to investigate, some of those same republicans were shocked. in the immediate aftermath, it works. to prevent the truth from coming out. kevin mccarthy, the guy who said, nobody can defend it, nobody should defend it. it's the saddest day. that kevin mccarthy nominated republicans who he knew would try to suppress the fact. in fact, three of the five
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members he tapped, jim jordan troy nehls and jim banks after the attack on the capitol. that is the site, they voted with the mob. and we soon learned that one of them was directly involved in the conspiracy. >> i think that congressman jordan may well be a material witness. he is somebody who was involved in a number of meetings in the lead up to what happened on january 6th. and involved in what was happening for january 6th. certainly, for the objections that day, as he said publicly. so, he may well be a material witness. >> we know that jim jordan spoke to donald trump multiple times on january 6th, including a ten minute call that morning. even though he spent months dodging the question. >> on january 6th, did you speak with him before, during or after the capitol was attacked? i'd have to go -- i spoke with him that day, after.
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i think after. i don't know if i spoke with him in the morning and out. i just don't know. i would have to go back and -- i mean, i don't know. i don't know when those conversations happened. all i know is i spoke with him all the time. >> we also know that jordan was intimately involved in the planning and preparation for january 6th. he attended crisis meetings with the trump team days after the election was called for joe biden. he met with trump and fellow members of the freedom caucus near the end of december. and he pushed trump's big lie about a stolen election, even forwarding a text to mark meadows outlining a legal strategy to overturn the election. last month, a committee issued jim jordan a subpoena, after he did not comply with an early request to cooperate. >> again, we all saw it. we all bore witness to the same things on january 6th. the incitement, the terror, and the violence, the attempt at mob intimidation. republicans saw it all to. a lot of them where there. nobody's sweating. and the immediate aftermath, they had the same reaction as
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the rest of us. you can see and hear the adrenaline in their voices. there early condemnations of the insurrection are a matter of record. we have played some for you because we have the recordings. and the interviews and the speeches. but here is what happened. in the first days after january 6th, two divergent projects began. one was an attempt to whitewash or even to erase the very reality we all saw that day. a concerted effort to lie, to place lie -- atop lie about the election, to ignore donald trump's involvement in inciting the coup, and to further subvert our democracy. >> and the other project was a fact finding mission.
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and the attempt to uncover the full, unvarnished truth about who planned and participated in the insurrection. and will hold responsibility for the horror and havoc it wreaked. that effort resulted in the select committee to investigate january 6th. tomorrow night, at this time, you will get to hear, straight from them, what they have found. worry me? absolutely. sensodyne sensitivity & gum gives us the dual action effect that really takes care of both our teeth sensitivity as well as our gum issues. there's no question it's something that i would recommend. for adults with generalized myasthenia gravis who are positive for acetylcholine receptor antibodies, it may feel like the world is moving without you. but the picture is changing, with vyvgart.
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vo: climate change has hit california hard. ...problems urinating, vision more wildfires, more drought, unhealthy air, destroying property, hurting the economy and taking people's lives. some say it's a problem. they say we shouldn't act. tell that to our kids. this is about their future. we need to act now to reduce carbon emissions and prevent wildfires from destroying our state. before things get worse. he called me and said we will
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meet you down at court. we've got a warrant for you. what did they do? they intercepted me getting on the plane and they put me in handcuffs to bring me here. they put me in leg irons, stick me in a cell. by the way, i was in john includes cell. they said that was an important historical moment. >> peter navarro is one of the 91 people and seven organizations we know the january 6th committee has subpoenaed. they have spoken to more than 1000 witnesses, received more
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than 140,000 documents. they have held video depositions with two dozen people including the daughter of the ex president ivanka and his son-in-law jared kushner for a combined 14 hours. video of the committee plans on using in hearings. all that is not included in the pile of evidence in the public domain from reporters digging into what happened behind the scenes. and then there is the stuff that the committee is yet to share, the focus of these upcoming hearings that start tomorrow. an opportunity for the bipartisan committee to display findings to the american people, to give a full understanding of what happened that deadly day at the capitol. norm eisen was u.s. envoy from 2011 to 2014 to the czech republic, served as special counsel for the house judiciary committee. he is the coauthor of the brookings institution report titled, trump on trial, a guide to the january 6th hearings. editor of overcoming trumpery, how to restore ethics and democracy.
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norm it's good to have you on tonight. as someone who has some experience in all this, was with the house judiciary committee during the impeachment trial, what is your conception of what these hearings are? how would you describe what you are expecting? >> chris, thanks for having me back on the show. i'm expecting that the committee is going to do watergate hearings for the age of streaming. they know they need to provide new information to grab the attention of the american people. they know that they need to have a gripping narrative that they tell. they know that they have to wake up the country to the alarm of democracy. listening to your monologue, watching mr. navarro's outrage, this is the man who is responsible for the green bay sweep. a plan to illegally overturn an
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election, to sweep the constitution into the trash, chris. they need to convey a sense of the importance of what happened and it is not just january 6th, as important as that is, it is the long run up, the conspiracy, a federal judge has found a likely criminal conspiracy led by trump. of course, the aftermath, the big lie still burns in american politics. >> i think, it's funny, obviously there was an impeachment trial for what the president did in inciting the mob that day and that was a high crime or misdemeanor committed in plain sight, we saw him inside the mob. we saw him invite them to the capital, right? what wasn't known at that time was just how much work had gone into what looks like plausibly a criminal scheme to defraud the united states. i do think the crime that was committed hangs over all of us,
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even though this isn't a criminal inquiry. i thought the guide that you coauthored was really useful on this, talking about the conspiracy to defraud the united states, obstructing official proceeding. i wonder how much you expect that framing, the understanding of this as a crime, to frame this year. hearing. >> chris, the commendment of the committee with a strong voice from both sides of the aisle is to get the truth out to the american people of that whole story. all the new things we know about january 6th since the second impeachment but also the long run up in the aftermath. they would be ill served to argue the case as prosecutors would. i believe that prosecutors will starting with the da down in georgia. that is not the committee's role. they need to put the facts out there, then, and they need to keep the objectivity, chris, so the american people will listen. then after they have laid out
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all of the evidence at the end of their hearings, they will need to decide if they're going to do formal referrals where they say hey, crimes were committed. much like the substantial evidence that we lay out building on a federal judge who found that there were likely federal crimes by donald trump. will they do a watergate style roadmap where they lay out all the evidence for prosecutors but make no mistake. even though they are not arguing the case to a criminal jury, they are arguing that the jury to the -- american people they need to set up the ultimate accountability, the ultimate impact of these hearings will come when, as i believe, there are prosecutions down the line after the hearings. >> something that i think is important here is consciousness of guilt because it goes into the story that is being told. there is an exculpatory view that donald trump doesn't understand difference between right and wrong, therefore he is essentially psychologically incapable of forming --
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basically an argument used in the first impeachment trial and subsequently. you have these little bits of evidence that i think, again, we will see focused in the hearing. just a little glimpses. in washington repossessed, the fake trump electors in georgia were told to shroud plans in secrecy, any male an email shows. we also have a new, former thomas clerk, whose emails as we turn over because they are subject to the crime fraud exception, he talks about not bringing their strategy to court prematurely because of a negative ruling which could tank the strategy, right? these are some of the examples of this conscious guilt that it strikes me as an important part of the story to tell. >> chris, i think that's right. we explain in our bookings report that when we look at all of the evidence, it is
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extremely implausible that donald trump didn't know what was going on here. there is overwhelming evidence and one of the things we will watch the hearings for, will we get to the point where we can all say hey, there's proof beyond beyond a reasonable doubt. donald trump knew what he was doing and the indicators you point to. there is another eastman statement where he admits that it is illegal. that is all there but chris, you can't say as trump did that washington post story you talk about, trump said in georgia just find 11,000 votes no matter if you believe your ripped off. you can't take vigilante election fraud into your own hands. in a sense, the intent questions are beside the point. >> there are still a lot of facts like this that we learn, we have been learning, i've been covering this as closely as anyone and i expect we will learn more in the days coming. thank you very much. >> thank you chris. >> we are just getting started on this wednesday night, 24 hours before the committee
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starts the hearings. they say will blow off the roof of the congressman, jamie raskin. he will join me live for more what we can expect on prime time. later, we have capitol police officer harry dunn, don't go anywhere, we will be right back. ...pivot... work bye. vacation hi! book with priceline. 'cause when you save more, you can “no way!” more. no wayyyy. no waaayyy! no way! [phone ringing] hm. no way! no way! priceline. every trip is a big deal.
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an officer had a heart attack. an officer lost three fingers that day. two officers have taken their own lives. senators, this cannot be our future. this cannot be the future of america. we cannot have presidents inciting a mobilizing of violence against our government, in our institutions because they refused to accept the will of the people of the united states. >> it's been almost a year and a half since maryland emerati congressman jamie raskin led the second impeachment trial of donald trump for inciting the insurrection. congressman raskin is now a key member of the january 6th committee, which is kicking off its public hearings 24 hours for now. congressman raskin, thank you for making time to join us tonight. i really appreciate it.
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>> thank you, chris. my pleasure. >> let me start with the polling context from this. i mean, look, again -- we have talked about this. i worked in a business that work is the new cycle business, the attention business. it's hard be keep people focused on things. lots happens in our world. but if you look at polling from quinnipiac, back in august 2021 you say, like, should it never be forgotten, january 6th? or is it time to move on? it was sort of a forced choice. what you see is we are getting closer to 50-50 on, should never be forgotten versus, it's time to move on. how does that inform what your committee is doing with these public hearings? >> well, people have come to understand that this is an
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ongoing struggle that we are in. i think it was congressman mo brooks who said not long ago that former president trump is still trying to get gop politics to rescind the election. and there is an ongoing assault on voting rights. and the integrity of our elections taking place around the country. but look, to my mind, it goes to the question of, how exactly these hearings will be different from what the country saw during the second impeachment trial of donald trump in the senate. and that series of events and discussions that we have focused on one guy, donald trump, and one crime, inciting insurrection against the union, our charge today, in the select committee is far broader than that. because we are looking not at one crime but multiple crimes. we are looking more generally at the assault on democracy. inciting insurrection had to do, basically, with the mob and the domestic violent extremist groups that have been mobilized against the congress and the capitol and vice president. but behind all of it was an assault on the election. an attempt to overturn the results of the 2020
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presidential election. that's a story that we can only begin to tell just several weeks after the attack during the impeachment trial that took place in the senate in february of 2021. this is a story which we can now tell in far greater detail. it was a multi-level, multi-step process of trying to negate, nullify and destroy joe biden's majority [inaudible] and overthrow the results of the popular election, despite the fact that he won by one more than 7 million votes and had a 306 to 232 victory in the electoral college. we are going to tell that. then we are going to tell about the incitement of the election, the mobilization of the extremist groups. and how these two streams of activity converged on january 6th. >> there is another challenge here, as someone who has reported on and covered this quite closely, that --
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my colleagues at nbc news, this is their writing. so much about the failed coup is already known that many americans may see no compelling reason to watch. text messages published recently by news outlets revealed how then-president trump's allies can try to keep in power after his defeat -- recordings of house republican leaders kevin mccarthy's private phone call showed you how just alarmed he was by trump's actions. and on and on. we have gotten an avalanche of information. are there new things to learn? >> well i think the whole comprehensive story has not been told at all. we do have -- leaks or appearances of particular details. they were counterfeit electors out there. they were connections between different domestic violent extremist groups. the tweets exhorted the mob, at pivotal moments. but i don't think anybody has put the whole thing together. certainly, it is eye-opening for me to see the story that we are about to tell america. and you are right, chris, it's
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not an agatha christie whodunnit, as i think you and i talked about before. we know who did it, but we don't know exactly how they did it. that is what we will do. we will explain exactly how it happened and why it happened. and also, we need america to know that this is an ongoing assault on the democracy. and so this is deadly serious business for us. we are in the middle of a process of fortifying democratic institutions and democratic values. >> yeah, there are a number of audiences here. one, obviously, the public. but if you think about the audience and the folks that you serve with, the members of congress, particularly republican members of congress, many of whom, most of whom were there that day. if you have any faith that there is some part of them that
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is reachable -- obviously, there are a few, there are two on your committee. there are some others. but whether you think that there is a part of them that is reachable, just to remind them of what they are feeling was that day in the aftermath, which was the correct instance. >> it's interesting. one of my republican colleagues who is not on our committee told me about 15 minutes ago, before i came out to talk to you chris, that he was a little bit jealous that i was on a bipartisan committee where the two sides were actually working together. and it has been an amazing, remarkable experience. because most of america is familiar with hearings on capitol hill being a series of combative diatribes and mutual denunciations. and suddenly we have a committee where everyone is working for one purpose, which is to arrive at the truth. so i think that there will be multiple breakthroughs and epiphanies for people along the way. and at the end, i think everybody is going to be able to answer for themselves, including members of congress, is this something that we ever want to allow to happen again?
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and if not, then they are going to have to listen to the final act of our committee, which is, we will be issuing recommendations on what should be done in order for -- in order to fortify ourselves against coups and insurrections in future. >> i look forward to that. congressman jamie raskin, we are very much looking forward to tomorrow. thanks for making time during a very busy period. i appreciate it. >> you bet. >> still to come -- >> i use an analogy to describe what i want as a hit man. if a hitman is hired and he killed somebody, the hitman goes to jail. but not only does the hitman go to jail, but the person who hired them does. there was an attack carried out on january 6th. and a hitman sent them. i want you to get to the bottom of that. >> nearly one year after his testimony, officer harry dunn is about to find out if the committee has his answer. he joins me next. recommend the new
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we wednesday home because we knew it was going to happen. we would show up. that's courageous, that's heroic. what i ask from everyone is to get to the bottom of what happened. >> u.s. capitol police officer harry dunn, who testified before the january 6th committee about what he experienced during the insurrection. harry dunn grew up in d. c., graduated with a masters degree before joining the capitol police. he's a 14 year veteran of the force. the day of the interaction he was posted on the steps leading to the senate chamber. during the assault he defended an area inside the building where officers were recovering from their injuries. he was victimized by pepper sprayed tear gas. dunn and a colleague wrote quote, we urge the justice department not only to bring appropriate prosecutions of those who defy congressional subpoenas, but also to fully investigate whether additional into jewels including former government officials should be held criminally liable for their conduct in connection
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with the attack on the capitol. u.s. capitol police officer harry dunn joins joins me now. it's good to see you again. i wanted to start by asking how you are, how have you've been? what has it been like to do your job day in and day out in the wake of all of this? >> thanks for having me on, it is good to see you too. i appreciate you asking how i'm doing. i'm doing all right. i'm a little anxious, not necessarily in a good or excited kinf of way. i'm gonna find out some information, some may not be good, some may not be pleasant but we would find out some things that we did know 24 hours ago. that could possibly shape the future of this country so i'm a little anxious to see what happened there. doing my job is still doing my job. i focus on what is important and why i do what i do. i try to block out all the
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background noise, even though it's very loud. >> is it still loud, the background noise? obviously this was a traumatic day, you were in the public eye. i know that can be disruptive to peoples lives and it is something i know a little bit about. are you able to block it out? >> i don't have a choice, what choice do you have, right? you succumb to it and then what. it's all for nothing. i'm just trying to make the most of this opportunity or this platform, whether you want to call it that i have. people are listening to me now and i appreciate that but i just want the truth about what happened that day. i want to applaud, or echo what the congressman said about the recommendations that the committee, not only did i ask for finding out what happened,
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but also how we can make sure this never happens again. what the congressman said about making recommendations to prevent this from happening. that is a huge part. not just holding the people accountable but making sure that doesn't happen again. what is to stop this from happening again? there is nothing that has been in place, put in place to stop this from happening again. a couple of different security postures and stuff like that. but what's to say that this can happen again? i'm encouraged that the congressman said that. >> one of the themes that we've been talking about, i talked with a congressman of fourth course is the fact that on that day in the aftermath, the days after that they, everyone knew what had happened. they knew it at an intuitive level. this was a horrible, awful, unacceptable, and indefensible act, right? there has been an effort to whitewash that.
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i wonder what it looks like from you to see members of congress or politicians, media figures tried to say these were just nice old patriots who are upset about the country and wanted to protect american democracy. >> you know, what is crazy, i just came to this realization. the more information that the committee has put out, the more damming it has been for the people that are involved, the more convictions, the more charges have been brought against the perpetrators of that day. the more that comes out the further away certain individuals pivot from how bad it was. on january 7th, or even later that night on january 6th when congress did reconvene. there were people talking about
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how dangerous this is. as you get more evidence and information that comes out, that confirmed what a lot of people thought would happen that day and who was responsible for it. the evidence that confirms that, you think that more people would go towards that. the opposite has happened. a lot of people are pushing back away from it and attempting to change the narrative about what happened that day. sure, a lot of things went wrong that day, a lot of things. everyone involved on every single level should be investigated but let's keep it real. what happened to us, to this country, when i say us i'm in this country, would happen to us was that. who would have thought that cops getting their ass whooped would be a bipartisan issue. >> that is something that i
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keep coming back to as well. who would've thought that. it's a strange time and harry dunn, i appreciate the work that you've done and for speaking out, coming on the show. i wish you well, thank you very much for joining us. >> thanks for having me on, have a good night. >> all right. we have plenty more to come in the special edition of all in. our second hour, we will bring you the unique story of vice chair liz cheney. plus my interview with the congressman who is prepared to fight for his life. i'll talk to the republican congressman wearing body armor as he riled up the crowd on the morning of the attack. that's coming up next. macular degeneration may lead to severe vision loss. and if you're taking a multivitamin alone, you may be missing a critical piece. preservision. preservision areds 2 contains the only clinically proven nutrient formula recommended by the national eye institute to help reduce the risk of moderate to advanced amd progression. "preservision is backed by 20 years of clinical studies" "and its from the eye experts at bausch and lomb" so, ask your doctor about adding preservision. and fill in a missing piece of your plan.
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bipartisan committee investigating january 6th. over the past 11 months, republican congresswoman liz cheney of wyoming, the vice chair of the committee, has emerged as the public face of the investigation. >> if those responsible are not held accountable, and if congress does not act responsibly, this will remain a cancer on our constitutional republic. undermining the peaceful transfer of power at the heart of our democratic system. we will face the threat of more violence in the months to come and another january 6th every four years. >> cheney is a very odd figurehead for the movement to prosecute the ex-president's attempted coup in the court of public opinion. she provides an interesting case study for the question, what does a politician do when they want to be part of a political party that doesn't want them? i've covered cheney's political career for almost a decade now. to be honest, i spent much of it viewing her as kind of an object of scorn. i mean, she is a hard r
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