tv Morning Joe MSNBC June 15, 2022 6:00am-7:00am PDT
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the padres playing great as well. such a great division. >> can you believe the angels collapse? >> yankees initiated that and sent them into a tailspin. >> really? >> they lost 12 or 13 in a row before they finally won. loaded with talent but struggling a bit. >> stock futures are on the rise as investors anxiously await the federal reserve's action to tame surging inflation. this as president biden lashes out at republicans for blocking his economic agenda. msnbc's stephanie ruhle will join us to break it all down and the challenges ahead. >> and we -- >> walter isaacson with us. >> we were talking about presidents and inflation before. jimmy carter, i mean, you know, he had volcker, volcker tamed inflation. >> right. >> but there were so many global forces, external forces, you know, we like to think in america that presidents control the economy. there's so many external forces right now. >> especially now.
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>> especially now with two years of covid, the pent up demand. i understand biden striking out, biden attacking this group, attacking that group, that's what politicians want to seem like they're in control, but the fact is, this is all on powell, isn't it? >> i'm not blaming powell. i'm saying moving forward this is on what jerome powell and the fed does >> he's the only person with tools right now, unless biden wants to withhold some of the spending that's already been authorized, but that would be hard for him to do. as larry summers warned a year ago, and sometimes he turns out to be right, if you're going to have that massive spending it will add to inflation. but whether or not the president is totally to blame, when you go into the store and, you know, a loaf of bread is $1.50, $1.70 and gas is $5 people are angry and you know what it ain't going
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to help the. >> the whether you can put it to the, you know, 10, 15% of it on the covid relief bill or not, doesn't really matter. the president of the united states gets 100% of the blame. >> absolutely. >> people who are representatives get 100% of the blame. >> that's where the buck stops. >> and that's politics and if you don't like politics don't get into politics. >> the white house is trying to brand this as putin's price hike but that's not taking hold with americans who want this to change now. more on inflation in a moment. we begin with details surrounding tomorrow's january 6th house select committee hearing. the vice chair liz cheney previewed that hearing with a new video on twitter saying it will focus on donald trump's, quote, relentless effort to pressure vice president mike pence to reject the results of the 2020 election, something he ultimately refused to do. in the video cheney also says trump plotted wait lawyer named john eastman and others on january 6th and before to overturn the outcome of the
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election. cheney released a clip of testimony from eric hirschman, one of trump's white house lawyers, who described what eastman told him in the aftermath of the attack. >> i want to hear any other me. eventually he said orderly transition. i said good, john, now i'm going to give you the best free legal advice you're getting in your life. get a great fing criminal defense lawyer, you're going to need it and i hung up on him. >> eric hirschman talking to eastman. herman defended president trump in his first impeachment trial. tomorrow's hearing to include testimony from greg jacob and j. michael lutsig who advised the vice president. let's bring in alley vitally. good morning. today's hearing postponed to a
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later today. members of congress saying it was because of a video presentation that wasn't ready. now the focus turns to tomorrow and vice president pence. what do you expect to hear? >> you laid out the witnesses and i thought that teaser video from congresswoman liz cheney gives us a road map for where this was going to go. we're going to hear about the trump lawyer john eastman. the fact that greg jacob a senior adviser to the former vice president he was with him in the capitol and we know he was trading e-mails in real time with eastman on january 6th effectively laying some blame for what was happening at eastman's feet because of the tactics that he was trying to use to potentially subvert the election results with false slates of electors and other things. i imagine tomorrow is going to be a lot of conversation around john eastman. with that cheney video, says that she has said and other members of the committee have made the point, that a federal judge in california has found pieces that could be potential criminal wrongdoing in eastman's
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e-mails and that's why he was compelled to actually turn over some of those e-mails. what she's showing in the hirschman clip as well, conversations about doing something criminal were actually being had in real time with eastman from people like hirschman the day after the insurrection, sort of making this line that people thought that there could be criminal wrongdoing happening in real time. of course that's something that's a key conversation point with the committee, as i talked to other committee members here on the hill, that's the one thing we've been asking repeatedly, is a criminal referral on the table. chairman thompson now saying that it is, that puts him in line with other members of the committee like cheney, schiff and lawyer ya, but that becomes the central question when you do a hearing about wrongdoing the question turns to accountability. >> all right. thanks so much. >> ali, standby. we'll get to you on guns. >> you know, when we're talking about january 6th, we knew that there were going to be a lot of
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people in trump administration talking -- >> well deposed. >> and testifying and being deposed. i don't think i grasped just how powerful it would be to have one trumper after another trumper after another trumper after another trumper. people who were all-in for it. people who defended him in impeachment. >> powerful. >> powerful. >> also newsworthy because this is the first time you've heard these people from the inner circle speaking in a completely different language than they did during the time that they were serving trump. >> most importantly, they're saying that it's all a lie. >> yes. >> they told him it was a lie. these people who have been loyal to him to the end said this is a lie. there's no evidence of this. you can't do what you're doing. >> about to get into more, but walter, also, historically significant, correct? >> yeah. you know, great leaders are great leaders both in corporate life and in political life.
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one thing they have around them is people who can tell them the truth. you know, i wanted to ask steve jobs about that, and he said i tend to intimidate people, but we gave an award at apple to the person who stood up to me each year the best. you will be happy to know the first three years it was won by women and all got promoted. what happened that we've seen here is that donald trump tried to intimidate people, and you can divide all the people in this into the collaborationists or those who would tell truth to power. >> right. the normal team or something. okay. a new report in "the washington post" describes an oval office meeting just three days before the january 6th attack, focusing on plans to potentially overturn the election. the "post" details how mid-level justice department official jeffrey clarke wanted trump to name him as attorney general in a last-ditch attempt to reverse the election results.
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quote, clark, an environmental lawyer by trade, had outlined a plan in a letter he wanted to send to the leaders of key states joe biden won. it said that the justice department had identified significant concerns about the vote and that the states should consider sending a separate slate of lectors supporting donald j. trump for congress to approve. the paper reports clark's bosses warned him there was not enough evidence to overturn the election and rejected his letter days earlier. acting attorney general jeffrey rosen and his deputy richard donahue raced to the oval office when they learned clark was going to meet with trump. >> by the way, love the detail in the "post" story, donahue was walking on the mall, he had muddy jeans, an army t-shirt and got the call from rosen who said you don't have time to change, get to the white house now. >> he runs into the oval office looking like that.
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donahue urged trump not to put clark in charge calling him not competent and warning of mass resignations by justice department officials if he became the nation's top law enforcement official if according to donahue's account. clark and his lawyer declined to comment. >> one of the moments where, again, somebody loyal to donald trump is more loyal, though, to the constitution of the united states. >> we should make a list. pence republicans and trump republicans and the people who do it right, the people who say here is what i believe and i'm going to stand for it, and it also shows that i'm kind of worried that we haven't done something with the electoral count act, which was talked about -- >> i agree with you. >> you would think republicans would want to do it now instead of having kamala harris be in the same position two and a half years from now to certify the vote. it would seem you could get a bipartisan bill saying no, vice presidents can't overturn electoral slates and here's how
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we're going to do the count. >> by the way, willie, that's something that "the wall street journal" editorial page supports, "the new york times" editorial page supports, most people support it and the question is why can't it get passed? >> that's the -- they still talk about it, but they haven't taken it up in a serious way. "the washington post" story, everyone should go and read it. the details of it are extraordinary and there were people who stood in the door. this guy jeffrey clark just underlined it was an environmental lawyer in the department of justice, saw an opening, if i confirm for president trump that all his crazy conspiracy theories might be true, i might become attorney general of the united states, and he got a couple of meetings with donald trump without telling his bosses and in that letter that mika mentioned, one of the two points in the letter that he wanted to be acting attorney general to sign off on, was that the chinese government was controlling voting machines through internet enabled thermostats. >> my god. >> and so donahue gets the
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letter and says i will not sign anything like this, this or anything else you send me, and that's when all the flairs start going up. it's important to stop and note, that's the kind of stuff that was being discussed around january 6th. >> wow. >> in less than an hour, meanwhile, the senate judiciary committee will hold a hearing focusing on gun violence and children. that comes after last week's hearing in the house that featured testimony from survivors and families of victims in the shootings at uvalde and buffalo. senate minority leader mitch mcconnell says he is comfortable with the framework of a bipartisan deal on gun safety legislation. the kentucky republican said he would back the measure if it, quote, ends up reflecting what framework indicates. right now senators are crafting the legislation with the goal of finishing the text this week. the plan is to hold a vote on a bill next week before leaving town for two weeks of a planned recess. all of this comes as a new poll out this morning reveals widespread support again for many of the provisions raised in the gun safety legislation
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talks, including some that did not make it into the framework. the latest politico morning poll shows a majority of americans strongly or somewhat support requiring background checks on all gun sales. when i say a majority -- >> still at 90%. >> 89%. 66% of americans, two-thirds of americans, support banning semiautomatic rifle, assault-style rifles altogether. two-thirds of the country. banning high capacity ammunition magazines comes in at 68%. preventing sales of guns to people reported as dangerous to law enforcement by a mental health provider 87%. requiring a mandatory three-day waiting period after a gun is purchased is at 80% and requiring a person to be 21 to buy a gun, 79%. eight in ten americans say raise the age to 21. >> what's surprising here, walter, is how consistent those numbers have been for a decade. those are the numbers we saw after sandy hook, the numbers --
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where nine in ten americans want universal background checks. nine in ten americans. you know, i -- you read a lot of history. i've read a few books. i can't think of an issue where 90% of any electorate supported a certain public safety issue and one party just stopped it from happening. i know -- i salute the republicans that have sat down and we're finally moving forward and i am thankful that we're getting some progress and we should stop and salute congress for doing that, but there's still such a long way to go and still 90% of americans being ignored on a lot of issues that willie just talked about. >> exactly. you can go back historically, you remember because you were there, the brady bill in which they did do a lot of things you saw 89 and 90% support for then it expired. the thing that could happen now is you could have, based on this
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bill, which isn't doing a whole lot, but could have bipartisan support, you could see a slow progress. the poison in this country that has made us so polarized on things that most americans all agree on, but get polarized, has got to be stopped. maybe guns is the way we can start doing that. >> let's turn back now to ali vitali on capitol hill. ali, nbc news has learned senator john cornyn gave a presentation about some other polling at a meeting of senate republicans that helped sway support for the new legislation. tell us what we know about that. >> yeah. this happened yesterday in a closed door senate lunch for republicans where cornyn, the lead senate negotiator for the republican side on this gun violence prevention deal, showed polling of gun owner households that showed them supportive in overwhelming numbers just like the ones that you're talking about of pieces of legislation that are currently in the
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framework of the deal. things like red flag laws, but also closing the boyfriend loophole and supporting juvenile record checks being a part of that background check system for people 18 to 21. that was, of course, one of the sticking points and it's one of the things we're watching closely here as they start writing this bill text. that's one of the pieces that people have a little bit of tension over how it's ultimately going to be written. but i do think that immediately after that closed door luncheon, the fact that mitch mcconnell came out and said he wasn't just comfortable with the framework but supportive of it does give permission structure to the rest of the republican conference in the senate that they could get on board with this if they're feeling pressure from home or the fact the they see things in this bill that they like. i think it's less a question of the landscape changing because joe is right, back during sandy hook, background checks, universal background collection were at nine in ten americans supporting them. i think the thing that's really striking when you pull up that
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graphic of the ten republicans who are on board for this and speaks to the politics of this issue more than anything else, of those ten people, some of them are retiring, none of them are up for re-election this cycle, which means their political ramifications are not right around the corner. of course, that's a top concern here, too, unfortunately. >> there you go. nbc's ali vitali, thank you very much. also on capitol hill, a bill that will give security to the families of supreme court justices is headed to president biden's desk. yesterday the house approved the senate passed bill nearly a week after an armed man was arrested outside justice brett kavanaugh's home and charged with attempted murder. senators drafted the legislation last month in response to protests outside of the homes of justices which were sparked by a leaked draft opinion on abortion rights. only 27 house lawmakers voted against the bill. all of them democrats. it had passed the senate with unanimous support.
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>> walter, it's hard to imagine who would vote against a bill like that. hard to imagine, and again, you know, i -- i don't think you should -- you're free to protest outside of -- >> those protests were peaceful. >> you're not free -- >> to protest outside of a supreme court justice. you can't go on the property. >> i was going to say, if they want to get in the streets i understand that's their right. there's so many better ways to do it, especially, you know, you look at like, for instance, the kavanaughs with kids. >> yeah. >> everything else. >> outrageous. >> no. >> don't do it. >> outrageous people on twitter are like it's our right and they're taking away this. again, as are -- as my constitutional law professor always said when we were talking about the first amendment, time, place, manner. even if it's legal to do, it's just not the best, most effective way to do it. >> i'm so uncomfortable with it. >> what are you doing? like we're talking about 90% of americans on background checks. i think most americans seeing people protesting outside of a
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home like the kavanaughs or somebody else, they got kids inside, what are they doing? they're hurting the cause. >> the good news is, it did pass. >> right. >> may have had a few people vote against it. what i hope the good news is, when the president signs it, he'll make some statements. he's been on the judiciary committee of the senate. he'll say, this is a wrong thing to be threatening supreme court justices and especially going to their houses and he'll speak out in a way he hasn't yet done so against what happened to kavanaugh. >> just one note on the vote, some of those democrats who vote the against it said it didn't go far enough. they wanted to protect other federal judges. >> i like that. >> because of the tragedy in new jersey. >> we're not accusing abortion rights activists of making threats or doing anything threatening. we don't think going to the homes of supreme court justices is a good look. just not the place to do it. doesn't feel right at all. >> and, you know, the bigger point is also, i mean, it just doesn't help the cause.
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>> nope. >> it makes you feel good about what you're doing, i guess, but at the end of the day, most americans, walter, are like what you're saying. >> what are you doing? >> doesn't help the cause but worse yet, fuels what's happening in our society today, which is increasingly polarizing, increasingly violent, increasingly brutal ways of making statements and i think every morning we should get up and say, what can we do to bring the country back together a little bit. because that's the deepest poison we have right now. >> for sure. for sure. back to the economy now, the markets are set to open any moment now with investors bracing for a huge decision from the fed today. economists expect chair jerome powell to announce the fed is raising interest rates by three quarters of a point to cool down inflation, that's more aggressive than economists expected at first and it would be the largest interest rate hike in almost 30 years. it comes days after we learned
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consumer prices jumped 8.6% over the past year. signalling that inflation isn't going away any time soon. joining us now nbc news senior business analyst and host of "the 11th hour" on msnbc, stephanie ruhle, she works all hours. >> works around the clock. >> on the "today" show, she's everywhere, stephanie, so if he raises the rates as expected is that going to be enough? >> i mean, mika, that's the question. this is a big test for jay powell. he's definitively lost quite a bit of credibility. many are saying has the fed become politicized. during the trump administration when things were going vy well economically, we likely should have raised rates, he didn't. he was slow to do that. the administration had understandably very accommodative monetary policy during the height of covid and kept doing for some time with many saying hold on, maybe it's time to slow things down, and he didn't and here we are.
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could they raise rates half a percentage point, three quarters, yes. some are saying how about a full point. because the fed likes things to be around 2%. that's where inflation should be. and you just said it, it's approaching 9%. the problem is, if they raise too much too quickly, they can topple us into recession. but if they don't do enough, look where inflation is. none of this is good for the economy and none is good for the biden administration. >> yeah. so if he does what's expected or more, which might be needed, what else can be done? because isn't there going to be initial suffering? >> not that much. right. there is. so the question is, what can the biden administration withstand more? if they raise rates a lot right now, that's going to help us recover sooner, but it will be painful in the short term for your credit card, for your mortgages, for any businesses out there, right, when you raise rates, it is more expensive to borrow. it's difficult. the one thing we have to remember in defense of the fed,
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what is one of the biggest drivers of inflation? gas prices, food prices. what's pushing that? the war in ukraine. and very, very few people, unless you had a crystal ball six or nine months ago, were forecasting that we would see russia invading ukraine. the only thing on most people's minds was covid. >> stephanie, the white house, the president today wants to put focus and pressure on the big oil companies to increase their output. the president even saying he could use executive powers to force them to do it if they don't do it on their own. how does that work exactly? what is the role of the oil companies in inflation and gas prices right now? >> okay. so one of the things we have to add in here, because there's a lot of pushback, the president is now going to saudi arabia next month to talk about this and you're hearing a lot of people, especially democrats, say hold on a second. what are you thinking dealing with saudi arabia, given the human rights atrocities that go down there. all of those points are correct. but the pressure the president is putting on u.s. oil producers, it's not going to get
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him that far. they haven't done the drilling. they can't just turn on the spigots. we need this solved now and they can do it overseas. he is going to be putting this public pressure on oil and gas companies, but there isn't that much he can do. he's very angry. these companies are making a ton of money. we saw their first quarter earnings last week. exxon, chevron, shell, they're crushing it because who do they serve? they serve their shareholders and shareholders are winning. it's the american people that aren't. while jean-pierre says it's time for oil companies to do the right thing, they don't work for the government. doing the right thing for biden isn't necessarily doing the right thing for them. and i'm not defending them. that's just how the system works. >> stephanie ruhle, thank you so much. we will be watching the 11th hour week nights at 11:00 p.m. eastern right here on msnbc. she's amazing. so just really quickly, what should joe biden be saying? i feel like if they make too many bad guys here, and things don't change for the american
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people and potentially they even get worse before better this is not helpful? >> this is one of these times where you have to be explainer in chief. walter, the president needs to tell the american people -- >> who successfully has done this, though? >> listen, we've got a lot of systemic problems in this country, but we have a market that works well and during covid, they weren't producing a lot of oil because there wasn't demand. that's -- so it takes a while for us to ramp up. and we don't have the refineries that we need to ramp up. we need to talk about a that. we also don't -- we should have started doing what barack obama said years ago, and have an all-of-the-above approach. where you drill for fossil fuels, you do alternative energy, and you do nuclear. i think it is insane that this country has not moved aggressively and i've had this talk for 15 years with people in the energy sector that we have
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not moved towards an energy system that has nuclear power plants all over this country. no carbon footprint. no reliance on russia. it's safer than ever before. and yet we still, as a country, can't seem to do that. >> we need an all of the above strategy. democrats used to be for that. republicans used to be for it. yes, it includes nuclear. it's a little bit hard for president biden to be that convincing when he's hammering at the oil companies, when he has tried to demonize them because of climate change and understandably the democrats are focused on climate change. but if you're not giving out oil leases, stopping the keystone pipeline, you can make arguments for that, but then it's hard to tell canada you got to be sending more gas our way when you stopped their pipeline. and if the oil companies are going to believe they're not going to be able to keep drilling and refining after this
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crisis, they're not going to invest large amounts of money in it. we have to quit demonizing everything and say what's a sensible strategy. >> i mean, and again, the thing is, if you want to demonize oil companies you can demonize oil companies. i demonized oil companies on royalty relief when i was in congress. they did a lot of things i disagreed with. you can't have it both ways. right. you can't demonize the oil companies and then say come on, guys, help me out. and you're so right about keystone pipeline. i know it might cause some people watching for their heads to explode -- >> i hope they attack you and not me. >> the canadians are like what? do you know how many pipelines we have? you're stopping this for symbolic reasons. >> we're going to have to export liquified natural gas to europe if we're going to solve these things. we have to have more flexibility. so we need more export of lmg, liquified natural gas facilities. >> more plants. >> we need pipelines. we can't say all right, we're
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going to stop all these things and be shocked and outraged when oil and gas prices go you. >> right. >> those all involve creating jobs too. coming up we'll talk to steve kornacki about primary results including two races in south carolina where former president donald trump was looking to unseat incumbents he did not like. a look at some of the top stories making the front page headlines around the country including historic flooding in the northwest that has ravaged yellowstone national park. we'll be right back. one nation. we'll be right back.
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live look at seattle at 6:32 in the morning out west. welcome back to "morning joe." >> what are we doing in seat -- seattle? >> train tracks, come on. >> people need to get to work. >> and it also is time to take a look at the morning papers across the country and begin with a heat wave plaguing 27
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states across the country. in ohio, the dayton daily news calling it the worst in a decade. the heat has also sparked severe storms across the midwest as 100 million americans remain under heat warnings. >> big story in the mountain west in wyoming, the casper star tribune has the latest on the massive floods that are ravaging yellowstone national park. the paper noting the recovery will take years. the floods have washed away roads, bridges, even some homes with at least 10,000 locals and tourists being evacuated from the area. officials say that part of the national park will be closed for the rest of the summer. >> turning to texas, where the laredo morning times reports the first case of monkeypox may have been detected in the state. meanwhile in ohio, the independent reports that -- on that state's potential first case as well found in an adult male. so far there are 49 confirmed
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cases across the u.s. no recorded deaths. this comes as the world health organization announced this morning that it will rename the virus after concerns that it could stoke racism. >> "the chicago tribune" reports the construction equipment giant caterpillar announced it will move its headquarters from illinois, to irving texas, outside of dallas. the company said it is not receiving any economic or tax incentives related to the move. that announcement comes less than six weeks after boeing announced it would move its global headquarters out of chicago to arlington, virginia. >> stop here. it's not complicated, walter, is it? if you're working in illinois, or working in new york and paying massive taxes and you have a chance if you're boeing or someone else to move and lower your costs by moving to south carolina, or to texas, or to florida, you're going to do it. >> a lot of people moving to
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texas in particular. i'm learning about elon musk he moved the headquarters of tesla to austin and other things. you see a lot of california companies, in particular, moving texas and, you know, it's sort of the way the american system works. if it's hard to build a factory or hard to do business in illinois or california people move to other states. west virginia, the parkers burg news sentinel has a story on eric barber who was sentenced to 45 days in prison yesterday for participating in the january 6th capitol riots. barber pleaded guilty to one count of picketing in a capitol building. >> the arkansas gazette, a northeast arkansas native chosen to lead the southern baptist. bart barber, a pastor in texas, was elected in a vote last night. it came hours after church
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leaders approved the recommendations of the sex abuse task force which includes a database with the names of current or former ministers who have been credibly accused of sexual abuse. barber urged the nearly 14 million southern baptists to set aside their differences and become what he called an army of peacemakers. up next, the test of donald trump's political power in south carolina as he attempted to oust two gop incumbents. we'll get a live report from vaughn hillyard. a 2020 election denier is one step closer to overseeing all elections in a key swing state. steve kornacki is at the big board next. lemons. lemons, lemons, lemons. look how nice they are. the moment you become an expedia member, you can instantly start saving on your travels.
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he lowered our taxes, wages and employment were better for every hardworking american in our country. >> fascinating. donald trump tried to defeat republican congresswoman nancy macy of south carolina. i couldn't do that. people do that -- that's fine. i'm just saying, somebody tells me to go to hell, i'm going to tell them -- something worse right back. >> okay. >> but i'm saying we live in interesting times. well, it worked for her. she was on a field trip, of course, there to trump tower in february and she won last night. so let's go to steve kornacki at the big board. steve, trump has had some bad nights over the past month or two. last night was not one of them. he did -- his candidates did extremely well in nevada, and he split south carolina, right?
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>> yeah. he split in south carolina. as you say, in that first district race, the candidate who won he was going after was really trying to run back toward him. in some ways that might have been a victory for him. the big win for trump in south carolina, the 7th district, russell fry who had donald trump's endorsement. look at this margin. better than two to one. this is a ten-year incumbent republican congressman tom rice, absolutely trounced. fry getting more than 50%, wins this outright. there will be no runoff here. this is rice who voted to impeach donald trump. this was the first time we saw an incumbent republican who voted to impeach trump face republican voters with trump backing somebody else. take a look inside this district, obviously fry swept the district the heart of the district is here. this is the county. half the district, you're talking myrtle beach, conway. this county right here was donald trump's strongest county
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in the state when he ran for president back in 2016 in the republican primaries. so that's the kind of place that rice was running in. you can see how fry did in orry county and in the district. that is a win for trump and his candidate there. a decisive loss for tom rice. you mentioned nancy mace, mace also targeted by trump, katie arrington the trump-backed opponent. charleston, the low country, this was a closer race, but you played the clip there of what mace has tried to do. in the wake of january 6th, she condemned trump's behavior, condemned his actions, but then spent most of the race of her freshman tenure trying to make peace with the trump wing of the party. that strategy looks like it has paid off there as you can see an eight--point victory. >> to the ground in south carolina stay with us, steve, more to talk about. in charleston nbc news correspondent vaughn hill-yard. what's the reaction in south carolina to the results? i'm thinking back to mark
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sanford's stunning loss four years ago where he said the lesson i learned, don't cross trump if you want to win in my district. >> right. and that's exactly what you saw nancy mace's evolution look like over the last 16 months. when she was first elected to congress, she was quite direct saying she wanted to be a new voice for the republican party, it needed to go through reconciliation because donald trump, in her own words, put members of congress in harm's way on january 6th. you played that video of her outside of trump tower when i asked her if donald trump has a future in the republican party she suggested he could and in her words it's a, quote, big party here. compare that to tom rice, over in the myrtle beach area. tom rice ousted from office after a decade of representing his district here. he got just about 25% of the vote with russell fry, the trump-backed challenger ousting him here. i want to let you hear, though, from nancy mace.
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i was asking her that question. she is that one member of congress so far to sneak through, that one member who is on trump's opposition list, somebody he perceives is an opposition force within the republican party. i asked her now, now that she has snuck through and looking like she could potentially win a second term to office, what her role in the party looks like going forward. take a listen. >> donald trump tried to oust you from the republican party. what is your message to donald trump now? >> my message is the same to him as it is to anybody else on either side of the aisle. i am willing to work with anyone who is willing to work with me. >> after 2022 the republican party is going to be shaped more in the image of donald trump. based off of primaries we have seen take place the last months. what role will you play in the republican party going forward? >> i'm going to play as much of a role as i can, as i have so far. i am not unaccustomed to being called to the principal's office and sometimes it's the vice principal's office.
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i work hard to represent the values of my district and bring that voice to washington and that's why you saw us get elected. >> reporter: and now compare nancy mace to how she closed out the campaign and her messaging last night to tom rice, when i asked him about donald trump and the future, he said donald trump is not the future of the republican party. and look who is potentially back to congress and who is not after last night's results. >> vaughn, i have a question for you, these votes happened after the televised hearings of the commission, and it seems that maybe that didn't have much of an impact, it didn't sink in. have you heard people talking about these hearings and did it not in any way sway people away from trump? >> donald trump over the last 18 months has effectively been able to run his own campaign, not for re-election, but we've continually heard as we've traveled wyoming to ohio, to
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pennsylvania, west virginia, here to south carolina, covering these primaries from voters, that those members of congress, like tom rice, like liz cheney, the word is, betrayal. the other word being used is traitor. donald trump has effectively and, you know, propagated by other members of congress, from kevin mccarthy, alease stefanik to fox news mouthpieces, has been able to run a campaign leading up to the january 6th public hearings and again, yesterday, talking with voters, we were hearing the same thing from so many republican voters. 45% of the voters in nancy mace's district voted to oust her. in tom rice's district 49% pick trump aligned forces here. one other note as we're talking about this, brian kemp and brad raffensperger made their ways in winning re-election bids here, but when you're looking at the
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members of congress, not only is tom rice out of office, you have fred upton that retired, david mckinley lost his primary in west virginia last month, the requirements of kenzinger, senator toomey, burr. there is the reality in congress, among the republican conference, it will be shaped more in the image of donald trump by the time we get through these midterm primaries. >> vaughn hillyard reporting in charleston, south carolina, thank you very much. stay with us, steve kornacki will join us from the big board because supporters of the big lie won big in nevada. we'll be talking about that next. we'll be talking about that next. i brought in ensure max protein, with thirty grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks! (sighs wearily) here i'll take that! (excited yell) woo-hoo! ensure max protein. with thirty grams of protein, one gram of sugar, and nutrients to support immune health.
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. as promised we return to steve kornacki at the big board. steve, we were talking about nevada. a couple of big elections there because, in that primary, you have two candidates who support the big lie. in fact, helped fan the flames of that lie in 2020, now moving closer to positions of power. >> yeah. another state here where trump was heavily involved or loomed large. three races from nevada.
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catherine cortez masto the democratic incumbent senator, renominated and going to face a tough re-election campaign. republicans had to pick an opponent they havehosen adam laxalt, a former attorney general in nevada. he ran with donald trump's endorsement. laxalt, that's a name, if you go back a couple decades in nevada politics, his grandfather was a lum nary in the republican politics. laxalt filing suit after the 2020 election trying to contest the results. laxalt gets the nomination for the u.s. senate. again, this is a state joe biden won in 2020 by two points. the popular vote nationally in 2020 was biden by 4.5. while biden did win nevada, nevada is a bit to the right of the country. in a year like 2022, that makes any democrat on the ballot vulnerable. that's the senate race. on the governor's side democrat steve sisolak is running for re-election. a trump-backed candidate, joe
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lombardo the sheriff of clarke county, the biggest county in the state, he wins the republican nomination there. and then this is the one, the secretary of state primary, we didn't used to cover secretary of state primaries too much on but in the wake of 2020, we've seen the importance of the office of secretary of state, chief election officer in a lot of these states here's jim marchant, he has won the republican primary. this is an open seat for secretary of state. jim marchant a national leader in saying that 2020 election was stolen. he says he would not have certified, i showed you the result, he would not have certified that rults from nevada in 2020 had he been secretary of state. with the win in the republican primary, again, the climate this year, certainly possible marchant could end up the secretary of state of nevada when the 2024 presidential election plays out. >> that suddenly becomes a huge election for democrats if they don't want him to be in power around the 2024 presidential
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election. in the 34th congressional district of texas why was that significant? >> this is a district that is going to be eliminated at the end of this year, but it is in a part of texas we've been talking a lot about. south texas, the rio grande valley, heavily hispanic and check this out. this is significant because this is, by population, the second most heavily hispanic congressional district in america. and last night a republican, mayra flores, won the special election in this district. she will serve from the seat only for the next few months. she's nominated to run in a different district this november. she's going to face a tough race. but this just speaks to what we started talking about election night 2020. the whole region along the border of the rio grande valley used to be staunchly democratic, has moved towards the republican party. this is a district that obama won more than 60% i hillary
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clinton won by 22% and a republican wins under the same lines and follows what we've seen in that area. this is a story about texas, a story about the hispanic vote nationally, and it looms large in 2022. >> steve kornacki, thank you so much. walter, you know, you could look at those industrial -- the rust belt when it went democratic to republican. you've got to look at what's happening here. not only here, this is a massive shift, hispanics breaking republican. >> i speptsz spent a lot of time around bocachica and met both candidates and it's amazing to me to watch the hispanic vote move conservative and move towards the republicans and the democrats have got to watch that. >> it's happening all over the country. >> all right. coming up in just a few minutes, the senate judiciary committee set to hold a hearing on gun violence, and its impact on america's children. plus, more decisions from the supreme court are expected any minute now.
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