tv Andrea Mitchell Reports MSNBC June 15, 2022 9:00am-10:00am PDT
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good day, everyone. this is "andrea mitchell reports" in new york today. the january 6th committee releases new video in advance of tomorrow's public hearing. the committee says this video shows georgia republican congress member barry loudermill being allegedly leading a tour of the complex when it was closed to the public because of covid. it was the day before the riot with individuals including a man taking pictures of security checkpoints, hallways and
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staircases. scenes not usually photographed by typical tourists. one of the men seen the next day walking from the president's rally. >> there's no escape, pelosi. schumer. nadler. we're coming for you. we're coming in like white on rice for pelosi, nadler, schumer, even you, aoc, we're coming to take you out. >> there is a lot more. we will have a report from capitol hill on the latest. the federal reserve today back in the spotlight with the expected announcement of the first big interest rate boost since 1994 to try to combat historic levels of inflation, which shows no sign of leveling off. president biden pressuring oil companies as prices at the pump soar, sending letters to seven
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refiners asking them to increase supply and explain their big profit margins and a meeting with the energy secretary about to happen. on capitol hill, more optimism about bipartisan support for a compromise gun safety bill. >> if it leads to a piece of legislation, i intend to support it. i think it's progress for the country. i think bipartisan group has done the best they can to get total support. >> there are possible snags. i will talk to chris murphy who has been leading the talks about prospects of getting legislation to the floor for an actual senate vote. we begin with the january 6th committee. ali vitali, former u.s. attorney barbara mcqauid, phil rucker and peter baker. welcome all.
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ali, this new video released from the committee, telling us about this video. this shows a group, including this man, who was at the rally the next day, taking pictures of hallways and security checkpoints that get into the house office buildings which go directly into the capitol itself. >> reporter: right. if you look on that video feed, these are places many of us walk every day. we know they are not the typical places that we see tourists who are only now just recently allowed back in the building. those are not the places they are typically taking pictures. certainly, that's raising eyebrows for people who are watching this video. this is really something that's been long talked about here. the idea that there was a tour given on january 5th with people who were then using it to kind of look around the capitol and get a little bit of a sketch of the blueprint of how things flow around here. again, you are seeing the places that this tour was given by the georgia congressman, including
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stairwells and tunnels into the capitol. what's striking is, of course, the overlap between at least one of the people who were on that tour and someone who actually went to the capitol the next day on january 6th. you see him at the beginning of the video that the january 6th committee just sent out. i will play a little of that now for you. look. >> it has begun. here at the washington monument, washington, d.c. say hello to facebook. >> what's going on? >> this is our fearless leader. >> check out my flag i made. see it? there you go. it's for a certain person. >> somebody special. somebody special. >> reporter: you hear the man narrating there, saying that it's our fearless leader. of course, the committee then being able to draw the through line between that tour and then, of course, people who came to the capitol with specific threats.
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you played this at the top of the show. the fact that there were pictures taken by the people on the tour that corresponded to specific people that they were threatening to go and get on january 6th, specifically people like jerry nadler, nancy pelosi, other key members of democratic leadership. what the committee is able to do -- this is the power of the testimony we have seen over the testimony of the last two hearings and will continue this week, the idea that they are able to put all of these together in a clear narrative. that's what they are doing around the loudermill being tour. tomorrow, that's something i'm sure we will see, too. >> i want to talk to barbara and phil and peter. we with talk about the politics. let's talk about the legal impact of this potentially. people have to be interviewed. it will be hard to get loudermill being to come as a witness. they can track down some of the
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people in the video. this connection between people seen in the capitol complex the day before when tourists were not allowed in, they have to be escorted by a member. >> it would seem to me an absolute obligation to investigate who was this person who was with congressman loudermill being on january 5th and then who is it who appears to be part of the group who is attacking the capitol the next day? did he conduct surveillance of assistance to those who breached the capitol? representative loudermill being is a witness. he has obligation to share what he knows with the committee. maybe he was just a dupe or a pawn. maybe it's completely innocent. maybe just maybe he is part of a conspiracy that helped breach the capitol that day. if so, the worst case scenario is as a defendant in a seditious
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conspiracy case. everyone should be eager to answer questions for the committee to provide them with the information they need to figure out which of these scenarios is it. >> in full discloure for weeks and weeks many of us who cover capitol hill -- ali, i'm sure you have been told this. you have been told by democratic members that they knew that they were people on tours and tours were very unusual. the capitol has been shut down because of covid until recently. one particular member told me that she actually went over to a policeman and said, why are these people here? a group in the visitor center. it was in the days leading up to january 6. the policeman said, well, this was arranged by a republican member. i can't do anything about it. these conversations have been circulating for some time. phil, i'm sure your
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correspondents on the hill have heard it as well. >> that's right. there has been quiet chatter on capitol hill about these tour groups that have been seen in the days leading up to it. what the committee released today is the first time, i believe, we have seen such stark evidence of a tour actually taking place on january 5th and then using surveillance video and social media video to connect someone from that tour group with the threat you saw being made outside the morning of january 6th, which seems to demonstrate some intent and indicate the urgency to bring this congressman forward for questioning to find out what he may have known about the intent of the group he was leading on the tour on january 5th. >> of course, they do seem to be -- casing the place. they were looking at security checkpoints and hallways and things that no tourist would want to take a picture of. peter, i want to talk about another video that was released.
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this is a video about a lawyer who worked as part of the trump legal counsel group and is talking about john eastman, a lawyer he was familiar with. john eastman being part of the stop the steal, let's overturn the election, let's come up with election fraud, and this is another video released last night by the committee. >> he started to ask me about something dealing with georgia and preserving something potentially for appeal. and i said to him, are you out of your fin' mind? i said, i only want to hear two words coming out of your mouth from now on. orderly transition. i don't want to hear any other fin' words coming out of your mouth. repeat those words to me.
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eventually, he said, orderly transition. i said, good, john. now i'm going to give you the best free legal advice you are ever getting in your life. get a great defense lawyer. you are going to need it. i hung up on him. >> that's a member of the white house counsel team, the trump white house. a very colorfully expressive person. there was a little bit of this in the other hearing the other day. they showed a longer clip of it that was released by the committee overnight. peter? what's the impact of this? >> yeah. he wanted the people inside the white house, who were arguing against the rudy team, they were part of team normal. they were -- he was one of the more outspoken one. in the oval office, with michael flynn and powell urging the
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president to use the military to seize voting machines, he spots them in there and calls the other lawyers and they rush to the oval office and basically get into a pretty vigorous fight with the conspiracy theer theorists. he spent weeks pushing back. you can see in this tape the frustration level that had peek ed when everything culminated in this attack. what they are showing here, the committee, is even people who worked with trump understood that this was a bogus claim of a stolen election and that the president was being misled if not himself obviously doing the misleading to the country. >> phil, "the washington post" has a piece on an oval office meeting between then president trump and jeffrey clark, who is someone he wanted to put in --
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he was an environmental lawyer in the justice department. he wanted to put him in over jeffrey rosen who was the acting ag after william barr quit because rosen was telling him, as bill barr had told him, there was no election fraud. so then there's a long segment of the read which says another lawyer in the justice department told trump that clark had no qualification to be attorney general. he has never been a criminal attorney. he never conducted a criminal investigation in his life. he has never been in front of a grand jury much less a trial jury. clark said, i've done a lot of complicated appeals and environmental litigation and things like that. according to donahue's deposition. that's right, donahue said. you are an environmental lawyer. how about you go back to your office and we will call you when there's an oil spill. as other segments of the deposition from donahue to the committee also says that rosen and donahue explained to the
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president that there would be a mass resignation, not just of the top washington justice department officials but throughout the justice department, there would be a mass resignation if they tried to put jeffrey clark in over jeffrey rosen. at that point, the president backed down. >> yeah, that's right. this is tremendous storytelling by my colleague who used these court records and other pieces of information that he obtained through his reporting and that's been in the public domain to piece to the a narrative of what was going on behind the scenes in the oval office in those days leading up to january 6 where trump was very seriously considering wanting to have this leadership change at the justice department, which would have been a perilous moment for so many in the justice department around the country, but also could have been an effort with intent by the president -- then president to try to use his power to overturn the election
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somehow. if he could get an attorney general in there who would proceed with his election fraud claims despite there being no evidence, that somehow his fate might have been different on inauguration day. that didn't happen. the conversations behind the scenes and the run-up to the 6th were extraordinary. >> briefly, what's your assessment, barbara? this is not a trial. the way they are assembling the information and because they don't have a hearing today, teasing out what's to come by releasing that video. how are they -- >> i think they're doing a masterful job. they recognize that this is not a court proceeding. they don't have to comply with the rules of evidence. so they're not. what they're doing is they are xrent presenting things in a compelling way. >> ali on the beat.
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thank you so much. barbara, phil, peter, invaluable way to start off today. thank you very much. stronghold. russian forces moving to cut off key areas of eastern ukraine leaving tens of thousands trapped. inside russia, a top american athlete will remain in custody longer. alexey navalny is in a new location with no notice. a lot to come. you are watching "andrea mitchell reports" on msnbc. andra mitchell reports" on msnbc moving his money into his investment account in real time and that's... how you collect coins. your money never stops working for you with merrill, a bank of america company. you see, son, with a little elbow grease, you can do just about anything. thanks, dad. that's right, robert. and it's never too early to learn you could save with america's number one motorcycle insurer. that's right, jamie. but it's not just about savings. it's about the friends we make along the way. you said it, flo. and don't forget to floss before you brush.
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kevin, kevin, kevin. . russia is strengthening its grip on eastern ukraine. all the bridges leading out of severodonetsk have been destroyed. about 12,000 people remain in the city with more than 500 civilians, including children, sheltering in the chemical plant which is being pounded by russian troops. ukraine shows no signs of bending to russia's demands to
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surrender the city. instead, pleading for more weapons which is likely to stay center stage at the defense ministry meeting. will ukraine keep that strategic eastern city from falling to russia? >> reporter: it's unclear right now the next few days are going to be incredibly important. ukrainian officials have been repeatedly warning that they are outgunned on the eastern front. the head of the military administration in severodonetsk says russian forces are trying to storm the city from a number of different routes. at the beginning of this week, a senior u.s. defense official speaking to "the washington post" said that it was possible, likely even, that the entire luhansk region would fall to russian forces within weeks. that u.s. defense official was specifically speaking about severodonetsk. he said it could fall within a
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week and all that was was a discussion, a concern before all three bridges leading into the city collapsed. >> ellison, one follow-up. there are reports now from the state department of two americans who may have been fighting in ukraine who were captured by the russians. have you heard anything? >> reporter: we're looking into various reports that we have heard related to that. we don't have any official confirmation or reporting on that. it gets to this bigger issue of what ukrainian officials are saying day by day, that they do not have enough military weapons right now or enough advanced military weapons right now to end this war. because of that, they say every day people are dying, people are being abducted and sent to places like russia and belarus. >> thanks so much, ellison. an alarming development for two prisoners the u.s. says are being wrongfully detained by vladimir putin.
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alexey navalny was moved from the prison where he was to a high security prison farther from moscow. secretary blinken tweeting that the u.s. is troubled by the news that he was moved without notice to his lawyer or his family. and brittney griner's detention in russia has been extended until july 2nd, according to the russian state news agency. griner was detained at an airport on february 17th after authorities said she had vap cartridges containing a cannabis derivative in her bag. in may, the state department said she was wrongfully detained. joining me now, michael mcfaul. ambassador, friends of opposition leader alexey navalny are worried about another possible assassination attempt. he has been poisoned twice by the kremlin.
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what do you know about alexey navalny and his being moved? what are your concerns? >> he has been moved to a place farther away. it's known to have much worse conditions. they want to cut him off from the outside world, make it more difficult for him to meet with his lawyers. that's the way he communicates these days. he meets with his lawyers. they talk. he then sends messages to his family and friends and his activists. the organization is still alive and well, mostly working outside of the country. they are trying to cut off those ties. yes, everybody should be worried about his physical condition. the less eyes and less contact that they have with him, the more likely that something tragic could happen. >> of course, he returned to russia even after being poisoned and recovering in germany and took that risk, because he is committed to the opposition that has been crushed by the kremlin.
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the biden administration has previously said it's working to try to bring brittney griner home, meeting with her team and her supporters trying to figure out what information they can get. do you have any idea on why her detention has been extended? >> nothing that's not in the public domain. i think of it as a good sign. it's just a couple more weeks. i think that means they're trying to decide what to do with her rather than they have made the decision. i suspect they want to do a swap just like they did with trevor reed where they got one of their real criminals out of jail for mr. reed. there's one always on the top of the list. victor boot. he is a real criminal. he was indicted. he sits in jail for reasons. even when i was ambassador, many many years ago, they were trying to think of deals as a way to get him out. i'm speculating here. i wonder if they think we did it with trevor reed, maybe we can
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do it again in this case. i know those are really hard decisions for the biden administration to make. it sets a bad precedent. getting brittney griner out of russia must be a top priority for the administration. >> russia controls 80% of severodonetsk in eastern ukraine. president zelenskyy is stressing the urgency of getting long-range missile defense systems in and artillery systems in. it's our understanding that ukraine is training its troops on the new long-range artillery. even those are not in yet, not in place. >> that's right. all depressing news today. three in a row. it's a horrible, tragic story unfolding in donbas. the russians have the overwhelming advantage both in terms of the range and the number of long fires that they have. to devastating affect, they are winning. they are not making giant
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progress, but they are winning. the ukrainians are running out of ammunition. they don't have those long -- either the heimers, the long-range multiple rocket systems, or they need more. i hope they will try to reverse the balance of power on the battlefield in donbas. right now, it favors putin. putin will not stop marching in ukraine until he is forced to stop. that's a very important point that people need to understand. he will only begin to negotiate when he no longer can achieve his objectives on the battlefield. today, tragically, he is achieving his objectives on the battlefield. >> a new poll shows the european
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populations are getting more concerned about inflation and their economies than about the support for ukraine, even though their leaders are saying they are not wavering, going into the nato meetings coming up this month. >> i just think we gotta explain to the world that these things are intertwined. putin is responsible for some of the energy prices. we need to stand firm. a loss for ukraine is not just for them, it's a loss for nato and the rest of the free world. >> mike mcfaul, thank you. the price you pay. americans feel the pinch on their bank accounts. the fed gets ready to meet, and as they meet, they are ready to announce what they will do to try to ease the main. there may be more pain first. this is "andrea mitchell reports" on msnbc.
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joining me now, dominic chu. is the fed walking a tightrope here? they need to raise rates to show they are taking it seriously, that they are now going to draw down. they don't want to send the country into a recession. economists are saying it's almost unavoidable now. >> at this point, that's the tough line here. the federal reserve has just two main objectives. that's price stability and maximum employment in this country. the employment side looks good. it's the inflation that has everybody worried. i fill up twice a week sometimes for gasoline. i know how much it's costing, more than last year. the issue right now is, it's not about whether the fed has to raise rates. it has to raise rates. the issue is how much? what does the future look like? how much do they have to raise rates at each meeting going for
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the next balance of the year into next year as well? right now, the consensus is about fed credibility. whether or not they have the gumption, the wherewithal to go and do what they have to do here. then whether or not they are communicating afekively about it. this recession narrative hadn't been in place, but it's more on the forefront right now, which is the huge reason why the fed is in such a very difficult predicament right now and the chair will be scrutinized very heavily in the press conference that will happen 2:30 p.m. this afternoon. >> thank you very much. revenge tour. how the former president's influence impacted key primary races around the country overnight. this is "andrea mitchell reports" only on msnbc. y on msnc no, he's seizing the moment with merrill. moving his money into his investment account in real time and that's... how you collect coins. your money never stops working for you with merrill,
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republicans. in south carolina, congressman tom rice who voted for impeachment is the first impeachment supporting republican to be beaten by a trump supported candidate in a primary race. in south carolina's first district, nancy mace beat trump's pick, katie arrington. in texas, republican myra flores flipped a house seat held by a democrat. she's believed to be the first mexican born congresswoman. joining me now, vaughan hillyard. also with us today, white house correspondent eugene daniels. vaughan, to new south carolina. it's a win and loss for donald trump in south carolina. the defeat of tom rice is getting a lot of attention. it's a big note on the trump score card. 126 wins and 8 losses with the
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vast majority incumbents. many of those didn't face any real challenges. tell us about nancy mace, who had a mixed record, criticizing donald trump right after january 6 and then shooting a selfie in front of trump tower to try to regain his support. >> reporter: i think republicans in real time are still calculating here in the summer of 2022 just how closely aligned to donald trump they need to be. if you are looking at georgia, brian kemp's race there, where he won his re-election bid, he largely stayed away from talking about the former president and not relitigating the 2020 election. nancy mace, she tried to do the same here in the last months. instead trying to talk about the good that the trump administration did during its four years. also, ultimately, either avoiding talk about january 6
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all together or avoiding condemnation of donald trump. look who is the candidate who made it through her primary, nancy mace. on the other end, tom rice. after a decade in office, he was a known entity in his conservative district. by all accounts, if you look for a christian conservative republican, tom rice was it. what did he do wrong in the eyes of republican voters? he voted to impeach don't trump after his actions following the 2020 election. i asked tom rice on monday whether he regretted speaking out against donald trump. he was quite explicit saying that donald trump is the one that owes the country an apology. ultimately, when you look at the republican voting base in the district he represented for ten years, he earned just 25% of the vote in a trump endorsed challenger is the one who is heading to the general election in november. >> eugene, an election denier is
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closer to becoming secretary of state. that's a position that doesn't get a lot of national attention but it has a lot of power as we saw in georgia when brad raffensperger refused to change the election count. under pressure from donald trump. >> that's exlakt right. people forget how much power secretaries of state around the country have when it comes to making sure that elections run smoothly, making sure the right information gets to the right folks. we have seen over and over again as people who are election deniers, people who have promised to go further than any of the other predecessors in following donald trump's lead, using the big lie to make policy have continued to win. that's what we saw in nevada yesterday. when you talk to some republicans, they have been worried about this from the very beginning. one, because they didn't want donald trump mucking it up too much in the primary process.
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that's clearly out of the window. he will continue to do that. also worried that with someone who is an election denier, someone who continues to talk and relitigate an election that was free and fair and a lot of americans have wanted to move on from. even some republicans wouldn't want to vote for that person. i think that is to be seen in november. it's a concern. because a lot of these folks -- many of the folks might end up running elections in this country. >> eugene, switching gears on the january 6 attack, a republican congressman barry loudermill being has given a statement denying he gave tours that were suspicious, calling it a false narrative by the committee. the facts are, whether or not he was escorting them physically, in this case or any other case, those people could not have been in there without a member of congress calling the police, the capitol police and saying, let
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these people in. >> absolutely. the house select committee that is investigating january 6 and that riot and that insurrection, they released video footage of one of the individuals that loudermill klt k gave a tour. it's possible they interviewed this person. loudermill being -- the u.s. capitol police said the folks with him weren't suspicious, anything they were doing wasn't consistent with a reconnaissance tour. it seems like this human was on -- was with this tour with them. that we will hear. we are supposed to hear more about that today. the committee postponed that hearing for technical reasons, they said. that reason has changed a little bit. that will continue. we will see some of that stuff next week and get more information about loudermill
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being saying that he was cleared by u.s. capitol police. we need to get to that hearing to hear all of the facts. >> i'm sure they will ask questions of the police. they did not act like normal tourists. they were take pictures of security and the hallways. vaughan hillyard, eugene daniels, thanks to both of you. after some hopeful signs, bipartisan talks to strengthen gun safety laws have hit a possible snag according to a republican negotiator. the lead democrat in the negotiations, senator chris murphy, joining us next. this is "andrea mitchell reports" on msnbc. nbc. no, he's seizing the moment with merrill. moving his money into his investment account in real time and that's... how you collect coins. your money never stops working for you with merrill, a bank of america company. refresh italiano your money never stops working for you with merrill, subway now has italian-style capicola on the new supreme meats and mozza meat. just like my nonna makes when she cooks!
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allowing guns to be taken away from people deemed too dangerous to own them. >> i don't think anything that funds 19 states for their programs but ignores other states that have chosen not to have a red flag law but rather have other ways to address the same problem is going to fly. we gotta settle these issues or else we're talking about jeopardizing our ability to deal with legislation next week. >> we are joined by the democratic senator chris murphy who is leading the talks on the framework agreement and is a longtime gun safety advocate. senator, explain the sticking points that your partner senator cornyn has been mentioning, the boyfriend loophole and letting states doing red flag laws get the money to pay for that rather than states that aren't doing it and wouldn't need the money. >> i was glad to hear from senator cornyn there's two sticking points. that's music to my ears.
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there's a reason why we haven't passed a serious anti-gun violence bill in 30 years. this is really hard. it's hard for republicans in particular, but democrats as well, to come out of our corners and try to pass a true compromise. compromise. it is true, of course, that i see the need to help states build out red flag laws. i do think that an incentive program will help states pass laws if they know that there is some additional money coming from washington. i hear john's concern that there will be some stuts that are never going to pass a red flag law. and they should be eligible for criminal justice funding as well. these are all problems we can sort out. and frankly my list would maybe even be a little bit longer than senator cornyn's as to the outstanding issues, but that's all to be expected. what a triumph to get a framework agreement with 20 democrats and republicans, and i
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know that we are going to be able to work through these issues, get something to our colleagues and vote on it, hopefully, next week. >> how important was senator mcconnell's bleting at least on the framework yesterday? >> yeah, i think it was important. of course we wouldn't be in this position fit wasn't for senator mcconnell's position to i a lou there to be space for negotiations. i hope we will earn his support. i am not naive. we are not going to get 50 republican votes for this, there will still about a lot of republicans who don't nooz to china us. but the more, the merrier. we are trying to show that if republicans vote for common sense changes to our gun laws paired with significant governmental health spending there is political reward and the sky doesn't fall. so the more republicans who vote for this legislation i think more will be abe able to prove that point. >> let's talk time line. when do you hope to have an
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agreement and the language so you can get to it the floor. given there is a recess coming i am presuming you want to get this done before the july 4th recess? >> i think it is important to get it done before the july 4th recess. but of course we want to get this right. i think the urgency, though, comes from the american public. i think the parents and the families and the kids i talk to back in connecticut, they say get this done now. show us that washington can work. give us some faith that we are going to be safe as we head into the summer. in order to get this done by next week, we really have to, you know, come to an agreement on text in the next couple days, maybe even sooner. i hope that we can do is that. >> we have a graphic up there showing what is in the bill, but of course as we knew, there is not an assault weapon ban. so how -- how disappointing is that? do you think you can come back and revisit gun safety and try to get that supported? >> listen, there is no doubt that the anti-gun violence
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movement is going to see this as a necessary but unsatisfactory step towards solving the epidemic in this country. and there is still going to be a movement to get more done. but i don't want to undermine what's in the bill. i mean, this bill is life saving. thousands of lives are going to be saved because we help states pass reg flad laws, because we crack down on gun trafficking, because we close the boyfriend loopholes and make sure that every domestic abuser is prohibited from buying a gun moving forward. those are all transformational changes. of course, it is not everything we need to do, but we shouldn't just write this off as a step to the next bill. that may be true, but it's also true that this bill in and of itself is going to prevent a lot of homicides and a lot of suicide inside this country. and a new "washington post" analysis by glen kessler is that a significant number, maybe as many as a third of the victims of recent mass killings, mass shootings, would not have not
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happened if the things that are in your bill had been in play, been in the law. what is your reaction to today's announcement from the attorney general in buffalo, that multiple hate crimes charges against the suspect in the supermarket shoot willing have been lodged, specifically a criminal complaint citing his goal of targeting black americans? >> well, i think it is really important for americans to understand that we are seeing a dramatic increase in hate crimes. we are seeing a dramatic increase in violence that is being perpetuated and inspired by violence, white nationalist extremism. and buffalo is the most extreme case of that. but we are seeing crimes against jewish americans, black americans, hispanic americans, all over this nation. and changes in gun laws can help. but, you know, when folks say this is just a mental health problem a lot of those attackers who are attacking based on
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hateful etiology are not mentally ill, they are unfortunately insnowboard by a very vicious and very hateful infrastructure that is unfortunately well too developed in this country. and we have to talk about that epidemic as well. >> briefly, let me switch to you ukraine. you are on expert on that, you have been there so often. the president spoke to president zelenskyy for half an hour today and announced that the u.s. is going to provide ukraine another $1 billion in security assistance, including additional artillery and ammo. how important is it? it looks like we are at a critical, possible tipping point there in eastern ukraine. >> you are at a critical moment right now. and there leerl is a need to make sure that the ukrainian forces fighting on the front have the ammunition and the equipment that they need. i think congress will continue to step up and provide whatever assistance is necessary. but we need to press our european partners to do the same. there is still much more that
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europe can do to provide weaponry to ukraine. this has got to be a partnership to get them through this -- this moment, where russia has made some gains and some advancements and the flow -- the supply flow of equipment is underseen as we try to make sure that ukrainian forces have everything that they need. >> thanks so much, senator chris murphy, appreciate it. >> thank you. >> and that does it for this edition of "andrea mitchell reports." remember, follow the show on line on facebook and on twitter @mitchell reports. and tomorrow minute to me and katy tur and holly jackson starting at nine eastern for four hours of special coverage of the next january 6th hearing. chris jansing reports starts right after this. moving his money into his investment account in real time and that's... how you collect coins. your money never stops working for you with merrill, a bank of america company. this summer, dinosaurs are in our world. your money never stops working for you with merrill, pet dinosaur? i'll take care of you.
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