tv Morning Joe MSNBC June 16, 2022 6:00am-7:00am PDT
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we'll have what to expect including a look at exclusive new video ahead of this afternoon's hearing. also ahead, the new reporting on ginni thomas, wife of supreme court justice clarence thomas. she was reportedly in contact with the trump lawyer attempting to overturn the election. and we're keeping an eye on the market this is morning as futures overnight fell nearly 600 points. wiping out wednesday's rally after the fed implemented the largest interest rate hike in nearly 30 years. but we begin with those january 6 hearings. and in just about four hours, the third public hearing of the house committee investigating the attack on the capitol is set to get underway. expected to testify former council to vice president pence, greg jacob, who was subpoenas to appear and plans to comply. also retired federal judge jay michael luttig, an informal
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adviser to mike pence. in advance of that life testimony, nbc news has obtained exclusive new video ahead of today's hearing. highlighting how the events of the 6th were only the end of a pressure campaign against mike pence to overturn the election results that began much earlier with pence consistently pushing back according to testimony from his chief of staff mark short. >> was it your impression that the vice president had directly conveyed his position on these issues to the president not just to the world, through a deer colleague letter, but directly to president trump? >> many times. >> and had been consistent in conveying his position to the president. >> very consistent. >> okay. we'll see more on that coming up in the hearing. another angle to the january 6 story, we're getting new details on how protesters may have known their way around the capitol.
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now video from the january 6 committee raising questions about what happened the day before the riot on the fifth. the video shows republican congressman barry loudermilk of georgia giving a tour. one member is seen taking pictures in places that tourists aren't usually allowed including stairwells and a security check point and that man shot video outside of the capitol on january 6 where he could be heard making threats against speaker nancy pelosi among other lawmakers. >> it has begun. here at the washington monument. washington, d.c. say hello to facebook. >> hey, what is going on. nice to see you, bro. >> this is our fearless leader. >> check out my flag i made, guys. see it. there you go. it is for a certain person. >> right. that is for somebody special. somebody special.
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>> all right. we are basically at the capitol with probably close to 2 million true american patriots. they are swarming and converging. mainly from constitution avenue but from all routes in. there is no escape, pelosi, schumer, nadler. we're coming for you. we're coming in like white on rice for pelosi, nadler, schumer. even you aoc. we're coming to take you out. and pull you out by your hairs.
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how about that, pelosi? go -- might as well make yourself another appointment. i get done with you, you're going to need a shine up on top of that bald head. >> talking about scalping the speaker of the house nancy pelosi. congressman louder milk denied giving a tour but last month he released a statement then admitting that he did bring constituent news parts of the capitol complex calling the tour, quote, harmless. here is what he told reporters about that tour yesterday. >> you know who that man was in the video? >> i don't know him. i never met him before. >> but he was on that tour. >> i don't know. i never saw the guy on the video. >> in the video, the individual taking photos of the security checkpoint in the basement, the capitol. >> actually what they were taking a picture of is i took the family and the other folks are with them that wanted to see
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the little trains that take congressman. so i took them to show them where the trolley was. and the raven tunnel. >> why do you think pictures were being taken of the stairwell, around security? >> if you go to that stairwell, there is a golden eagle sconce on the wall. that is what he's taking a picture of. these are folks that have never been to washington, d.c. >> why not speak to the committee. >> because the committee has never called me and asked me anything. >> they sent a letter. >> to who? >> asking for your corporation. >> to me? >> they did send a subpoena to the congressman. so he's changed his story many times. first said he haven't given a tour at all and now he's talking about how he gave the tour and was cleared by capitol police. did he receive a letter saying they didn't think it was suspicious but now we have video of this happening. i want to say again, the capitol complex was closed to the public on january 5th there should be no tour because of covid. you've served in congress and given these tours. is this the kind of places you
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would take visitors? >> no, not at all. and iech given a lot of tours. and even, my god, 25, 26 years ago, if i were taking some small group around and some jack ass was taking pictures where security was, i would turn and especially like he's taking pictures of metal detectors and i would go, hey, inspector caruso, give me your phone, jack ass, or i'm going to break it into a million pieces and we're go to complete these pictures. because this is so obviously beyond the pale. there are no little trains or sconces of beautiful, beautiful big bald eagle golden sconces as you're walking through security? and again i've given a lot of tours. wouldn't take people through this part of the capitol. here it looks like they are
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going down to see the trains. but in the other areas, again, where he's taking mights, there is no excuse. and if you're or going on a tour of what looked like five or six people, you know the people on the tour. because if you're a member of congress, you're not giving tours to people you don't know. >> joe. >> you're not giving tours to people you don't know and certainly arnt giving tours on days when the capitol is closed. >> and so one of these people are seen in the video during at tack on the capitol as we showed. why doesn't he care now? >> that's a question. so, let's say, for instance, i give a tour five or six people. and one or two of those people were involved in the riots. i would immediately, my chief of staff would come in and go, hey, i think we have a problem here. you know those people that asked
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for the tour -- >> exactly. >> -- and you gave them the tour, they were part of the riots. and we've got real problems and one of them is acting very suspiciously. i will tell you, we would have picked up the phone immediately, we would have called the capitol police, said we have a problem, if the capitol police said everything was cool, we would call the speaker, we would call the majority, minority leader and call law enforcement authorities if the capitol police weren't going to -- >> you gave a tour to an insurrectionist. you gave a tour to someone who participated in the attack on the capitol. doan you care now? you don't care now? you're waiting tor them to call you. you're looking all innocent like they didn't call me. i don't know. they never reachedoit to me. that seems strange. >> well, it is extraordinarily suspicious. it is obviously he's lying. he lied about giving a tour the
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day before. and he's lied about the committee reaching out to him. they've subpoenaed him according to the committee. and again, willie, this is just a short of thing, if for some reason we had given this tour and my congressional office, then january 6 happened, alarm bells would have gone off immediately. and anybody who really cared about this country, anybody who cares about getting to the bottom of this riot, to this insurrection, would have immediately called the cops and say, hey, we have a problem here. this guy didn't do it everything that this guy was there helping them get intel to case the joint for january 6. loudermilk, whatever your name is, you're part of the insurrection. he helped a guy case the joint. that is what it looks like. so now the burden of proof seems to be on him.
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why? because he's lied repeatedly. and he's even lying about this guy taking pictures of, again, the security, the metal detectors, the area where they walk in. again, i gave hundreds of tours through the years. nobody i ever know went up and seriously i would have walked over and said, what the heck are you doing? this is just really weird suspicious behavior and it demands a member of congress to go over, especially understanding that the next day is a day that trump said would be really wild, that bannon said all hell was going to break lose, that he knew people were coming into town to raise hell about january 6 and especially when people were talking about raising hell. trump was talking about what a wild day january 6 was. steve bannon was saying all hell is breaking loose and you know
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this is happening. and if you don't do it on january 5th because you're just dumb, do you it on january the 7th and say hey, i think we have a problem. and he never did. >> and asked why he lied about it initially. and saying he didn't give any tours because he knew how bad it looked. there are cameras all over the capitol and now we're seeing that. this is not a new revelation. mikie sherrill of new jersey and others said the day after january 6 there was something going on on january 5th. there were congressman giving tours to people and the capitol complex was closed and now i wonder why they were giving those tours. >> one other thing, and other people have brought this up today, not an original thought, but the police need to answer for why they waived this off and said this wasn't suspicious. they knew this is suspicious. who on the capitol hill police force said this wasn't suspicion when any of us looking at this know it is suspicious. on january 5th, their casing the joints and we have a guy in the
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cia saying it is my job to investigate these sort of things throughout my cia career, it is obvious the guy was casing the joint. >> let's bring into the conversation msnbc political analyst peter baker and nbc news senior capitol hill correspondent garrett haake. good morning to you both. garrett, i know you spoke exclusively with the member leading today's hearing democratic congressman pete aguilar of california. tell us what he told you and also i'd be interested in your insights as to why a group was allowed on a tour of the capitol on january 5th where it was obviously closed to the public because of covid. >> well on the tour, the capitol has been closed for quite a long time and there were very few people up here during that period. it wasn't unusual to see members leading off the books tours in parts of the capitol or in parts of the office buildings. but the pikes you just showed, particularly one where the gentleman is taking a picture at
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a security checkpoint, to me spending too much of my life in those tunnels, that is the one that is hardest to explain. on the the investigation front, obviously the committee knows who this person was to be able to link both of them appearing in the tunnel and then appearing in that video outside the capitol and outside of the ellipse on the day of the attack. so i do think that is a potential next step if the committee wants to get to the bottom of exactly what this person was doing. they could call that individual or subpoena them and perhaps they already have. the committee didn't tell us when they take those steps. so i'll be watching see to see how much further the committee decides to pursue that individual running into no cooperation as you have outlined from congressman loudermilk. pete aguilar is buried in information about this pressure campaign on mike pence. and what we'll see today in the
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last hearing they talked about all of the legal cases that the trump campaign was putting out that kept getting dismissed, knocked downs, doors closed and every time a door closed. this idea that pence could be the person who bailed out trump kept getting more and more prominent. the pressure kept increasing through december and into early january. pence was the subject of it. as mark short laid out in the clip that we got our hands on. pence kept pushing back. kept leaning on other conservative scholars on his own faith and that he should or could do and then in the moment of the attack, the committee feels like this tweet from donald trump saying that pence was a coward was designed to maximize the crowd pressure on pence as congressman aguilar laid out to me in part of our interview. i want to play that for you now. >> this is a coordinated effort. donald trump started to focus his attention on january 6 and mike pence. and wanted him to violate the
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constitution. >> hang mike pence! >> as riots broke into the capitol, pence was whisked off the senate floor. >> right up there in his office. what is going on out here and what is happening in the room with the vice president. >> 2:13 p.m., they breach the building. at 2:24, the president puts out a tweet saying the vice president did not have the courage to do what was necessary. so we're one window pane away from the mob here and it was time to evacuate. >> and they'll talk about after pence is whisked out, down in the bowels of the capitol, beneath the tunnel system that we were just talking about and he doesn't to leave. he's on the phone with other officials in the government, he doesn't want to get in a car or take the risk that secret service might decide it was too danger for him to stay. he wanted to stay and complete the mission of certifying these votes. it is very clear from talking to aguilar that he and the other members of the committee feel sympathetic toward pence.
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aguilar said he was a hero of democracy on that day, really standing up to trump. and we're going to hear a lot more about that today from these other witnesses both live and on tape who had pence's back and who saw the pressure that he was getting directly from the president even on the the morning of the 6th. >> garrett haake, thank you so much. and i think it bears repeating and underlining that mike pence was a guy who decided he was going to stay there. even when his family was there. even when his life was on the line. even when he knew that donald trump was sending out tweets that made his situation even more dangerous, even more tenuous and i've said it before and i'll say it again, you could say the same thing about somebody else that obviously has faced fierce criticism through the years, mitch mcconnell, again a guy locked in who was demanding that, according to
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progressives i've spoken with locked in the room with him, de panded that the rioters would not get their way. that they were going to -- they were going to complete the vote count that night and he wasn't going to leave the capitol until it was done. so, obviously, mika, we've had obviously harsh criticisms of pence and mitch mcconnell, and barr, and so many other of these people who are either donald trump's allies or people who did trump's bidding inside of the white house. for a very long time, but this january 6 committee has actually shown a light on some of the people who when the country was at its most -- the country was in an extraordinarily tenuous place, they actually stood up and did what needed to be done.
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>> they did the right thing. and a lot of these depositions and the testimony that we're hearing we see that a lot of people in trump's inner circle were daling with him, were trying to sort of, as i think bill barr called it, kind of like mental gymnastics with him, having almost a tussle with him trying to herd him in the right direction because he was so add and he would jump from one conspiracy theory to the next. just any possibility of getting anyone to do something corrupt to somehow try and steal the election. and these people were just like, no. we're not doing that. that is not happening. that is not right. so, inside you see that there were people that did actually do and say the right thing when it really, really mattered. a lot of criticism, a lot of unpacking for years to come about perhaps how some of this
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could have been prevented, perhaps there could have been warning signs with other issues in terms of trump's indecency, his inconsistency, his unpredictability, his personality, mayor there was more there-there as betsy devos now said, and out of the white house and had to testify and did say that she wanted people to consider the 25th amendment, what kind of conversations like that were had. that is all for down the road. right now, is what matters on this day, january 6. and peter baker, what more could we expect looking ahead to the hearing today? >> yeah, i think, look, you've put your finger right on it. mike pence is such a compelling figure in this story. for three years, 11 months and whatever number of days, he had managed to navigate the shoals of trump world probably more adeptly than any other in the sense that he had never gotten cross wise with the president, never gotten a nasty tweet or
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never managed to get on his bad side even as he tried to avoid adapting some of the more extreme or wild or outrageous positions that the president took. but finally he met a fork in the road at this final stage of their term that he couldn't avoid -- he couldn't finesse his way out of it and he chose the constitution. and that is what you'll hear today. you'll hear from michael luttig, a candidate under george w. bush would out fined for the vice president in clear terms that he did not have the power to do what donald trump told him to do. we're told that mike pence told this to the president two dozen times an the president wasn't listening trying to pressure him right up until the last minute. and we heard testimony that the president seemed approved of the chants hang mike pence. maybe he deserves it. whether he was serious or not, that tells you a lot about where
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that president was at that moment of peril to the country and to his own vice president. >> and peter, as you know from your reporting and we've seen publicly, the president trump on the ellipse that day was imploring from that podium, and imploring the vice president to do what he said, to do the right thing. he was tweeting at him. will he do the right thing and then tweeting his disappointment when he didn't. you could speak to the intensity of the pressure that was on the vice president in this moment and his ability along with the small group of advisers to hold the line that day from not just the president of the united states, but his tens of millions of followers. >> yeah, i think it was extraordinary pressure, obviously. donald trump could be very, very intense as we all know and he made very clear his position and he doesn't -- he doesn't -- he doesn't let up very easily when told no. and he was badgering and berating and pressuring mike pence for days really weeks leading to january 6. even on the morning of january
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6. he's telling him over the phone, the vice president is at the vice presidential residence and going over the statement he's going to release with his staff and the president is on the phone and he goes up stairs to take the call privately and during that call we're told that the president is berating him. you could be a here oro be a villain, if you don't do this, you're not the vice president i thought i should pick. he used more choice earthy language we shouldn't use on television about what kind of person he thought pence was if he didn't go along. and pence just consistently politely but consistently and firmly said no. that wasn't his view of the constitution. and on the way up to the capitol, he knows what he's in for. he knows that this will be the day that he's broken with donald trump and that they will be no turning back. there will be no repairing that relationship with him. and yet he chooses to do stick by his guns and stick by his position. >> earthy language already used this morning by donnie deutsche so no worries about that, peter baker. it is fascinating, is it not,
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what we're uncovering. by the way, we were talking about mike pence standing up for the constitution. i suspect no profiles or encourage awards will be handed out to mike pence. or the person who told him he had no choice, how extraordinary and another indiana vice president dan quayle saying you have no choice. that is just one of the many subplots that have been so fascinating. eric hershman, defended him during impeachment and trying to distract from the dirty phone call with ukraine and here you have hershman being harsh with eastman depending that he say -- >> orderly transition. >> orderly transition. and then hanging up the phone on him. and then this incredible story of richard donahue who is on the mall in muddy jeans and an army
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t-shirt, and is called and said you have got to get to the white house and then dressed down of course yet another runaway attorney who is, well, trying to take over the justice department and undermine the election. so many of these subplots, it is incredible what the january 6 committee is bringing out. >> well, really it is. and i don't think we've seen anything like this in our history. there has been a lot of dramatic and important moments involving presidents that haven't done the right thing. plenty of times. but i don't think we've seen anything like this. what this committee is laying out and accusing former president trump of is something that no other president ever tried in the 200 some year history of this country. to overturn a fair and free election, to hold on to power is something that we have not seen in this country. it is the kind of thing that you expect in other less develops democracies around the world. and i think the committee has made very clear the extent to which he was willing to go. it wasn't just saying i would
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like to see a recount or file a lawsuit or two. he put pressure on every single part of the system, state officials, around the country, federal officials, congressman and the justice department and the courts and his own vice president of course, every part of the system he put pressure on looking for some way, anyway to hold on to power and the system basically did in this moment hold. because of individuals like mike pence. again, as you say, there is a lot of criticism of mike pence for his plenty of actions other times but in that moment of truth, when it really came to it, a lot of people, republicans stood up to president trump and said no, this is not the right thing. >> and that is what is most fascinating, mika, that the witnesses for the prosecution, staff members, family members, those closest to donald trump delivering the most damning testimony. >> honestly, no one closer. peter baker, stay with you. and the fed announces the
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biggest interest rate hike to try to cool inflation. will it work? we'll bring in dom chu for that. and republicans want to impeach him and some democrats want to replace him. that is how the atlantic's tom nichols describes what president biden is facing. but tom said perhaps everyone just needs to leave joe biden alone. he'll join us ahead with his new piece. we're back in just a moment. for copd, ask your doctor about breztri. breztri gives you better breathing, symptom improvement, and helps prevent flare-ups. breztri won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. it is not for asthma. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition... ...or high blood pressure before taking it. don't take breztri more than prescribed. breztri may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling,... ...problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur.
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the labor market is extremely tight. and inflation is much too high. we're not going to declare victory until we see a series of these really see convincing evidence, compelling evidence that inflation is coming down. >> all right, that is fed chair jerome powell signaling another interest rate hike could come in
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july next month after yesterday's most aggressive action in nearly 30 years. let's bring in cnbc senior market correspondent dom chu and political white house reporter and "morning joe" senior contributor, eugene daniels. dom, i'll start with you. doesn't it make sense that we would expect another one and what kind of pain does it look like? i mean, i think most people at this point understand there are few options here. >> so, to your point, and to what jerome powell just said in that clip, inflation is a problem right now. and they addressed it in a forceful way as you opponent out. the biggest interest rate hike that we've seen in nearly 30 years. the issues about whether or not the next interest rate hike will be as forceful, do they need to be as forceful to tamp down the effects of inflation. the narrative throughout the course of the last several weeks and now at this stage past couple of months has shifted from one where a recession and
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economic downturn was not the base case scenario to where it is more of a consensus that if you have to tame inflation, the only way to do so will be to slow the economy down. if that is the case, you have a situation around the world where the inflation threat is the clear and present one. so all of the central banks -- now, by the way, the fed raises rates and you have the bank of england raising interest rates for the fifth straight time and then you had a surprise interest rate hike from the swiss national bank for the first time in about 15 years. so this is a global phenomenon. and the worry right now in the markets and for economists is if you have that many central banks that, many policymakers around the world looking to tamp down inflation, and do so by removing money from the financial system, whether or not that slows the entire world economy down. and that is the reason why you're seeing so much of this concern about whether or not the
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fed may or may not be acting appropriately going forward if they were to tamp inflation down. but by doing so send the economy in a recession. it might come to a point where the economy needs to go into a recession, hopefully a mild one, to keep that inflation in check. >> and eugene, as you know, at the white house behind you, they're frustrated because they know that the reality is there is no switch that could be flipped to cure inflation. all of the solutions they've present ready long-term solutions and that will take a while for the fed to bring down prices. steve rattner and others said they acted too late and now they have to do it this to crank the rates up. besides going to the oil companies and asking them to lower their gas prices and out of the white house, how are they dealing with the runaway inflation. >> one of the things i was just told by a white house official is that on this hike by the fed, for interest rates, they see this as something that is going
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to cool down and that it is -- cool down the economy and that is important for stab liblt. do you think that is a good thing, they wouldn't go that far. but they do say they see it as cooling the market, the housing market was the best example that she used it pumps the brakes just enough in hoping that the fed stops from right before we hit as was just said, hitting a recession or some kind of intense downturn. that is a tricky balance for the fed and the white house is stepping back and allowing the fed to do its thing. countries that do best in kind of economic issues and concerns like this are ones that allow the independent central bank to do what it needs to do. so they see their job as more costs around the country. so whether that is the president's letter to oil companies, or his meeting with pelosi and schumer yesterday, talking about what are the ways
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in which they could lower other costs. because they know inflation is kind of out of their control. so how do they effect health care. how do they deal with childcare. the problem is those things, especially on the childcare aspect, those are not something that are still on the table when it comes to reconciliation. and for this white house not just on the policy side but on the political side, as we move nord into november, it is not a good argument to say to the american people, hey guys, this is happening everywhere around the country. where voters are saying we gave you the white house, the house of representatives an the senate and we want to see you without excuses fix our lives an that is where the white house finds itself right now. >> all right. eugene daniels, thank you so much. cnbc's dom chu and in an absolutely extraordinarily difficult position. as most white houses during economic downturns find themself in, when you're talking about george h.w. bush in '91 and '92
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or jimmy carter in '79 and '80, you have biden in a position where there is very little he could do to turn inflation around. >> yeah, the unspoken truth, but they wouldn't want to say on the record if there is going to be a recession, it is better to happen sooner rather than later. in order to get past this so by the time they get to re-election in 2024, the economy is zbog strong again and inflation is under control. a lot of democrats on the ballot this fall wouldn't be happy to hear that. don't want to that they would basically be sacrificed to an economic cycle that is out of control. but that is the reality. the midterms may be beyond the ability of the democrats to change the economic atmosphere for and therefore they're looking at least in the white house, they're looking at a four-year you know situation rather than just the two-year
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situation. >> all right. peter, still ahead on "morning joe," a move there florida that could delay the covid vaccine for children under 5. we'll explain that. plus you won't believe how often a food delivery person eats some of your order before it reaches your door. >> is this a donnie deutsche story? >> no. >> who is talking about food delivery people? donnie deutsche is. and that is coming up. >> they eat it. >> look at it as a tip. >> a couple of the fries. >> don't worry about it. most of them washed their hands earlier in the day before they eat your french fries. danny deutsche has that next in brand up, brand down. , brand don my asthma felt anything but normal. ♪♪ it was time for a nunormal with nucala. nucala is a once monthly add-on treatment for severe eosinophilic asthma that can mean less oral steroids.
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welcome back in florida, parents may find themselves waiting longer than the rest of the country to get their youngest children vaccinated. as the "miami-herald" records, it is the only state in the country that has not placed an order with the federal government for doses of the vaccine that is specifically
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tailored for young children. the florida department of health said it is choosing not to order the vaccines from the federal government as and instead leaving it to individual doctors to request the vaccines directly. of course, florida. joe. >> signal, gesturing or just -- just being dumb. time now for brand up, brand down with donnie deutsche. >> got to lead in. just brand up -- >> you have a confidence. >> for donnie, i've torn him down. >> i'm very concerned about this segment. you look through these topics. >> they have not been vetted. so i don't think -- >> you shouldn't pick on delivery people but we'll get to that in a second. brand down, shrank flation.
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>> it is really what companies are doing as a head fake to consumers instead of making a price more expensive, which they are afraid to push consumers away, they're making the product smaller for the same price. cottonelle, soft tissue, 340 sheets, to 315 sheets. kleenex, 65 to 62, 18 ounces to 15 ounces and you buy the same stuff and pay the same amount, i guess it is not inflation. it is shrink flation. >> and when you're taking fritos out of my bag, that is a real problem. speaking of taking fritos out ofpy bag. what is this food delivery stuff. mika is concerned about the french fries about they drop them out. >> this is sobering if you're about to order in whether it is a cheetos from a food delivery guy or your wendy's, not to mention those companies. eight in ten delivery guys taste
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your food before they -- >> 80%? >> they blame it on bad tips and 30% blame it on bad customers. >> and they didn't get the tip yet. >> well this is preventative. they had a bad experience. >> i don't think they're going to give me a tip so i'm going to have a rip. >> and at 25% have admitted to hooking up in their delivery cars. >> well there is no judgment there. >> i don't know. >> i'm a lot more concerned about them sticking their fingers in my baby back ribs. right? >> just a little taste. >> and willie, i don't know about you. we don't order in a lot. i mean, our kids, you know. they would love to have those apps because i think they would order something every five minutes. but no, we don't use that that much. but i got to say, any time the delivery people come, we tip them very well because they have a really hard job. i know donnie is piking them
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around here. but they have a hard job. >> and on those apps you could tip while you pay. so -- >> up front. >> so i have a couple of extra bucks if you want your hole meal. >> unless you want their hands in your baby back. i think they do a great job. what is your next topic. >> tipping. credit did a survey that tipping went up because people felt empathetic toward workers in restaurants or delivery works. but now in a survey, people's tip is going down from 77% to 37% in restaurants and 63% to 57% in delivery and taxes. >> are you telling me, you say only 73% tip in restaurants? are you telling me that 27% of americans don't leave any tip? >> don't always tip, yes. >> how you could do that? >> and with taxis it is 43%. don't always tip. it is amazing. that is really kind of sad. >> come on.
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>> my wife said we're going to go bankrupt because of my extra tipping. >> you should do that even if their touching a cheeto. >> and mika and i, we never have to be concerned when we leave the bill with them. and i'll tell you what, even when we go to restaurants, we don't go out that much but when we do we tell other people we're going to take the bill and in part because we want to make sure that the waiters and waitresses good get tips, right. >> always do the right thing. >> yeah, i mean it is very hard work and i mean it is just the kind of thing to do. i don't understand not tipping. i don't get it at all. i don't. but are we done with brand up and brand down? >> no. because donnie has a topic that willie and i are very uncomfortable with. >> okay. >> willie. >> what is it? >> apple. >> you could go with apple. >> which one did you want to go with? >> tam pax.
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>> no it is a brand up for tam pax. because amy schumer did a campaign last year talking about menstruation and very matter-of-factly. >> why am i not a part of this. excuse me. >> there is a shortage. sales up are 7.7% and there is a shortage and great marketing, amy schumer, and there you go. >> but wait a minute -- i need to know. because i saw a headline, amy schumer is the reason that there is a tampon shortage and i didn't understand that. what is going on? >> because she's so good at selling them. is that what you're saying? >> i like to come on and i know there is a lot of sobering news and newschopper 111 up next, but i like to come up with the lighter side. >> i don't know what that means but i want to finish with one that i think is very important to all of us. apple. >> this is a big one. >> this is a big one. ios 16, in a new feature, you
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could unsend a message. this will save marriage and every time you are pissed off, now you want to grab it back. now you can. >> haven't they read it already. >> say it doesn't right away and you are like i can't do that and that got a standing ovation at the apple conference and joe, this is something that you're excited about. >> mika, i think it will help us very much to be able to -- >> are we done with brand up, brand down? >> this is a kid -- the kids want this. don't -- >> donnie. >> this is a big segment. >> donnie, don't be sensitive. i really like this segment. >> it is a great segment. i'm just wonder field goal we're done because i need to go to break. okay. coming up from the war in ukraine to inflation, a baby formula shortage and soaring zbas prices. the challenges for the biden administration just keep piling up. while the public blames him for almost everything, our next
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guest said we just need to leave him alone. tom nichols will be here to explain after a quick break. the eat fresh® refresh just won't stop! now, subway® is refreshing their catering. we're talking platters fit for any event, like throwing yourself an over-the-top party. who would do such a thing? yeah, i wonder. subway keeps refreshing and refreshing and re-
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thinkorswim® equips you with customizable tools, dedicated trade desk pros, and a passionate trader community sharing strategies right on the platform. because we take trading as seriously as you do. thinkorswim® by td ameritrade a monster was attacking but the team remained calm. because with miro, they could problem solve together,
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and find the answer that was right under their nose. or... his nose. and, we're back! it's time to see which chew provides the longest-lasting flea and tick protection. bravecto's the big winner. 12 weeks of powerful protection, nearly 3 times longer than any other chew. bravo, bravecto! bravo! welcome back. joining us now, contributing writer at the atlantic, his latest piece entitled leave joe biden alone. biden has been a good president but republicans with a want to impeach him and some democrats want to replace him. and you where in part my suspicion is that the full weight of our foreign and domestic crises has not one through the self absorption and solipsism of not only our political parties but the
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american public. we are not capable of understanding that at home that we are inches away from the meltdown of our constitutional system of government. and abroad we are one errant cruise missile away from a nuclear crisis. but this is all the president's fault because joe biden is old and talks like, well, joe biden. this is part of a more general problem in american politics. we have come to regard the presidency as a temporary appointment to super man. and the white house as a gleaming fortress of solitude full of potential miracles. in doing so, we let ourselves off the hook for any responsibility either for our own actions as voters or for any requirement to face our problems. together with resilience and understanding, and tom, you know people will be really surprised that i completely agree with you, but you know, on the world stage, he is leveling -- you know, he is keeping all the trains running, getting the arms
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to ukraine, trying to stave off a world war. and we had a segment earlier on in the show that showed that his standing globally is quite good in terms of sort of bringing america to the reputation we all know it deserves. but telling us more about your hypothesis that it is the way we think. maybe couple the with social media and the fact that the way we talk to each other? that is leading to this narrative that is anti-biden. >> well, it is not just anti-biden, and when i -- i actually chose that headline knowing that there would be people who would just lose their minds when i said leave the president alone. of course we have to hold the president accountable. of course the president is responsible for his policies. i'm not a fan of everything that joe biden has done. he is the president, he has a lot of policies and i agree with
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some and disagree with others. but this notion that somehow every single thing that goes wrong is something that we have to lay lay at the foot of the white house, it is something that has been around for decades now. and we really have this belief that, you know, if the president is in charge than he can fix gas prices. he can -- you know, he is a combination of super man and dad where he can just make everything okay. and, you know, that is just not how presidents are. we have a responsibilities as citizens to understand why are gas prices high. well, there is a war. and
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right now. >> that's western democracies. you look at recent american history, jimmy carter lost his re-election in 1980 as the economy turned down. george h.w. bush also one-term president who did some extraordinary things on the world stage, also lost his election because the economy was turning down many political advisers said if the election were held a few months later when the economy turned around, he probably would have won >> you know, i think bush is an even better example than carter. carter, you could foint a lot of things, the iranian hostages, the inconsistent foreign policy on the soviet union. there were a lot -- jimmy carter faced a rebellion that was much
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larger within the democratic party than anything joe biden is facing now but with bush, we had a pretty small recession and a temporary one after months and months and months of economic expansion and suddenly he had, you know, pat buchanan and ross perot and, you know, from within and bill there was just the sense that george bush is responsible for just all the terrible things in the world, even as we were heading into yet another period of, you know, pretty good economic times. and so i think it's one thing to say, hold the president builtable. it's another thing to have whispering t in his own party about replacing him. and yet worse, the other party to say, as soon as we're in power, we're, going to impeach him and we don't know why. we're just going to impeach him on principle. >> peter baker, we hear reporting, frustration from this
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white house that they can't get out from under from covid and inflation and the war in ukraine and everything else that's come across their desk. that's the nature of the job. he took the job and things were going to happen. the fact he's down in the 30s and the most recent nbc wrong track number was 75% among the american public. that's a big hill to climb for this white house. >> yeah. willie, i think you put your finger on something really important here. that wrong track number has been a perennial, you know, drag on the last several presidents. basically, you know, since the middle of the 2000s, the middle of george w.h. bush's presidency. the public turn very soft, very sour in their faith in the government, and it hasn't recovered since then. that affected bush, that affected obama for a large part of his presidency. obviously, trump is a figure, affecting biden right now. i think for any white house when you're down in that kind of territory, it's veryha frustratg because you feel like you i can
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get out. you want to stop digging because you're only going deeper, but you can't figure out how to do it. it seems to be so intractable in this day and age when the public is so w polarized and not open change their minds about things, some smart communication strategy or aso speech here or letter to oil companies there may not make a difference. >> peter baker, thank you for your reporting. tom nichols, thank you as well. his piece is online now for "the atlantic." that does it for us. jose diaz-balart picks up the coverage in two minutes.
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good morning. 10:00 a.m. eastern, 7:00 a.m. pacific. i'm jose diaz-balart. in just three hours the house panel holding the january 6th insurrection will hold their third hearing, this time zeroing in on former vice president mike pence, including what the committee calls a pressure campaign by former president trump to overturn the 2020 election results. the committee expected to argue that the pressure campaign contributed to the violence the day of the insurrection and actually put the vice president in danger. you'll recall the crowd chanting threats as they stormed the capitol building. [ chanting
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