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tv   The Reid Out  MSNBC  June 20, 2022 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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tonight, on "the reidout" -- >> all i want to do is this, i just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have. >> trump's crooked plan to steal georgia takes center stage before the january 6th committee as we're learning more about the equally crooked effort to submit fake electors which everyone in
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trump's inner circle seemed to understand was completely illegal. also tonight, it's right out in the open now. new evidence of the violence and menace at theeart of today's maga driven republican party. but first i want to show you a bizarre moment from the 2020 news worm hole you probably don't remember. >> here? >> here. >> the electors are here. they've been checked in. >> they're also electors, not all -- >> all 16 electors are going to be vote in the electoral college -- >> but these are the rest of the electors. >> the official sealed document and certificate of the electors are here trying to do their constitutional duty. >> i understand. >> the constitutional duty requires them to be at the senate chamber today at 2:00 p.m. >> now, what you just watched was a group of people claiming to be official electors from the
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swingy swing state of michigan on december 14, 2020 demanding to be allowed in to participate in the electoral college process despite the fact that joe biden won michigan by more than 150,000 votes. and his electors were already in the room, the official ones. michigan was one of seven states that biden won where trump electors showed up insisting trump had won and that their electoral votes should be counted just in case and signed legal document claiming to be the false electors. at the time the gathering seemed like a slap dash desperate attempt to mimic president donald trump's refusal to concede but the report that internal campaign and emails reveal the convening of the fake electors to be a much more concerted strategy. in fact, trump sizers began strategizing just days after the election about how to construct a legal argument for advancing
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their own completely illegitimate electors in what a federal judge described is a coup in search of a legal theory and "the post" reports two days after the election a trump lawyer wrote to john eastman asking what would you think of producing a legal memo outlining the constitutional role of state legislation lay tors in guess significant nating electors? by november 28th eastman had penned a seven-page memo entitled the constitutional authority of state legislatures to choose electors. and a copy was emailed to white house staffers directing them to pass it along to trump. trump's legal team was aware that this was not legally sound as an aide to chief of staff mark meadows told the committee. despite that, the trump campaign pressed full steam ahead in organizing their electors telling them not to tell anyone about their plan. keep it hush-hush which someone who thought their plan was aboveboard would not have to say. trump's ultra loyal attorney
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general william barr met with trump and promptly resigned telling the committee he told trump multiple times including 59 that december 14 meeting that his claims about election fraud were bs but that the president remained undeterred and frankly uninterested in hearing the facts or the truth. four days after that december 14 electoral college vote in which his fake electors were not seated he met with his gang of conspiracy theories including rudy giuliani and michael flynn and sidney powell, where they threw around various ideas on how to steal the election trump had lost including imposing martial law to seize the voting machines. the very next day trump tweeted his infamous invite for his maga faithful to come to the capitol hill, january 26th when the vice president enters the winning candidates into the record and tweeted be there. it will be wild. look, it is very clear at this point that this was a coordinated campaign to help trump hold on to the presidency
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at any cost. one that started before the votes were even counted. here is trump in september 2020. >> will you commit to making sure that there is a peaceful transferal of power after the election? >> well, we're going to have to see what happens. you know that i've been complaining very strongly about the ballots and the ballots are a disaster. and -- >> i understand that. >> but meme are rioting. do you commit to making sure that there is a peaceful transferal of power. >> we want to get rid of the ballots and have a very peaceful -- there won't be a transfer, frankly. there will be a continuation. >> get rid of the ballots and we'll have a peaceful -- there won't be a transfer of power. here's how former attorney barr described election night to the january 6th committee as a plan that had been in the works for weeks. >> right out of the box on election night the president claimed that there was major fraud under way. i mean, this happened as far as i could tell before there was
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actually any potential evidence and i didn't think much of that because people had been talking for weeks and everyone understood for weeks that that was going to be what happened on election night. >> we are about to learn even more about the role trump played in these schemes to overturn the election during tomorrow's january 6th hearing with congressman adam schiff saying they will show evidence of the president's involvement in pushing for these fake electors as well as covering his pressure campaign on state officials. we will hear from those officials including georgia secretary of state brad raffensperger and his deputy as well as arizona house speaker rusty bowers. we'll hear from shaye moss one of 9 women who faced a barrage of threats after the trump campaign falsely claimed that she had opened suitcases of fake ballots. joining me now is michigan attorney general dana nessel and civil rights attorney and former prosecutor charles coleman jr.
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thanks for being here. attorney nessel, i want to point to two pieces of reporting from cnn. they had obtained previously audio where the co-chair of the michigan republican party in your state and who was a fake elector add mitts the trump campaign requested they send fake electors, this is the quote, we fought to seat the electors. the trump campaign asked us to do that. another piece of cnn report something a trump campaign staffer told cnn that rudy giuliani had worked closely on the seven-state stunt with the fake electors with christina bobb, a correspondent for pro-trump propaganda network one america news. is it your understanding just on looking at the facts just in michigan that this was a coordinated trump campaign effort to seek fake electors that went back not to december but to the actual election? >> well, joy, first of all,
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thank you for having me. there's no question that this was a coordinated effort. i mean, it started quite honestly the day before the election i had a conversation with both of our u.s. attorneys and i said, hey, listen, you guys are going to stay out of this, right? you're not going to intercede where it's inappropriate for you to do so and they said, no, u. of course, we're not going to do that. well, immediately after the election, contrary to what doj policy had been they started to investigate in both the eastern and western districts. now, our u.s. attorney from the eastern district, the trump appointed u.s. attorney just came out last week and said that he was ordered to look for election fraud and reported back that he found no election fraud in the city of detroit. but nonetheless, you might remember that trump actually ordered our state's house speaker and our senate majority leader from michigan to the oval office to have a conversation on
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november 20th right before the election was certified in michigan to try to mount a pressure campaign on them. now, they did ultimately the legal thing and the right thing and they refused to, you know, to cave to his demands, but, of course, it was then later after the election was certified november 23rd in our tate that those individuals, you just showed it on screen including the co-chair of the michigan republican party and one of our state reps tried to storm into the state senate, the reason they did that is because according to our constitution, the electors have to officially vote at 2:00 p.m. that day in the state senate or it's not counted. it's not legitimate. but, of course, they sent in that fake slate of electors, nonetheless even though i can tell you i was in the state senate that day and they were outside because governor whitmer had ordered dozens and dozens of
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msp, michigan state police troopers to guard the capitol so they could not force their way into the building which we were afraid they would try to do and there was a threat of violence that day. by one of the state reps. so clearly this was a coordinated campaign and let me say one other thing, we received information, not long thereafter, that, of course, this false slate of electors had officially been filed with the national archivists so we were placed on notice that this was, you know, fraudulently filed with them so clearly there was a campaign from the beginning to the end and it was coordinated by the trump campaign. all you have to do is look at the public information and open sources to see that is what occurred. >> and, charles, i mean what we have here just my producer brilliantly laid out a time line. i mean going all the way back to november 7th, you have trump calling republicans on the wayne county board of elections
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saying, hey, i need you to certify these other electors, like it's a relentless campaign that goes almost to election night on november 3rd to try to pressure republicans in multiple states even calling people as attorney general nessel said to the white house and saying, hey, i'm going to pressure you in person. the thing about it that makes it feel illegal is that these state -- the state laws in all of these states say that the electors are based on the vote and the result of the vote was that biden won. these electors had neither -- had no connection to the state legislature. they had no connection to the secretaries of state in these states. they literally had no legal foundation and eastman, et cetera, knew it. that is a crime, right? >> it's clear, joy, from what we're learning and from the information that continues to come out is that president trump had unequivocal intent to commit conspiracy to basically steal
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this election and so everything that you're talking about that is surfacing is being sort of wrapped up for the doj in hopes that merrick garland and the department of justice will go ahead and charge him on the myriad different acts that he had at this point have shown clear intent of doing. one of the things that has been a challenge in the past has been connecting any of the behavior with the requisite intent and connecting that to the president and in this case with everything that has been coming out, all the information and this direct time line that you're talking about before january 6th shows how intentional, how deliberate, how purposeful the president and his team were in setting this up in order to have what happened on january 6th take place. so you're right. it does sound illegal. it absolutely is illegal and what they're doing in this by releasing this information is showing the clear intent that's necessary because we don't have a successful action. we don't have the conclusion. all we had was the intent. we have to establish the intent
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and that's the thing that we're doing with connecting all of these dots and why all of this information is as powerful as it is. >> let's go back to eastman. he is sort of one of the most fascinating figures. a law professor, a mentor to people like ted cruz. people know him. i mean, he was mentored i should say by some of the same people who mentored ted cruz. he writes an email, eastman does, on december 19th, he writes this email that says, that electors would be dead on arrival in congress so he knows it's illegal. his reasoning is no state legislator acted to validate them. he then writes four days later to other trump advisers and saying the fact we have multiple electors demonstrates the uncertainty of either. this should be enough, he writes. four days after the insurrection he then gets a redacted email about the elections and admits the plan was illegal saying tell us in layman's language what the heck happened with the dual electors, please?
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no legislator certified them because governors refused to call them into session so they had no authority. as attorney general of michigan, dana nessel, is there any way to uncover who these people are that he's interacting with? in the first case who else could he be talking to but his client, donald trump, to make him change his mind all of a sudden and say something he knew was illegal was legal and getting dressed down for it not working. is there any way the public can find out who these mystery people are? or that a state could like yours? >> well, right, no, i mean, listen, i referred our case to the feds and to the doj quite some time ago, actually sort of begging for them to take this case up because initially the department of justice was refusing to look at this matter and it was so clear and i think it was very cleverly laid out actually by, you know, by your network, msnbc i think did a tremendous job of connecting the
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dots so much so that i thought it was inescapable that people could conclude anything other than there was this effort to subvert the vote utilizing this -- what seems like a hair-brain scheme using the false slate of electors that almost actually worked but what i pledge to do in our state because of this was to charge these individuals myself but the problem is, as individual attorneys general there's only so much we can do in our individual states because we don't have jurisdiction outside of our respective states and so that's something that really needed to be coordinated and done by the department of justice. i'm glad that the january 6th committee is laying it out as plainly as they are and i don't see how the doj can do anything but take action. it's -- the evidence is overwhelming. >> and six in ten americans at this point believe that donald trump should be charged with a crime for his role in the
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insurrection and six in ten also believe the committee is conducting a fair and impartial election. i'm with the 60%. thanks, dana and charles. up next, adam kinzinger warns january 6th wasn't the end of maga violence. new evidence of the threats being used by republicans against other republicans. "the reidout" continues after this. ring nexium 24hr to treat her frequent heartburn... claire could only imagine enjoying chocolate cake. now, she can have her cake and eat it too. nexium 24hr stops acid before it starts for all-day, all-night protection. can you imagine 24 hours without heartburn? ["only wanna be with you" by hootie & the blowfish] discover is accepted at 99% of places in the u.s. ["only wanna be with you" by hootie & the blowfish] hey businesses! discover is accepted at 99% of you all deserve.s. something epic! so we're giving every business, our best deals on every iphone -
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whether it's ketanji brown jackson or kamala harris, the disrespect is there. to my plaque women out there, to my sisters who have ever been told to shut up or sit down, i am here to tell you not on my watch. continue to speak out. show up and in the great words of shirley chisholm, if they don't give you a seat at the table bring a folding chair or build your own table.
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on the far right of the republican party the so-called maga movement has morphed from just die-hard support for the former president into a violent increasingly extremist political faction that is dangerous, not just to democrats but also to republicans. take a look at a new digital ad from the front running missouri republican senate candidate and former missouri governor eric greitens. screen shots from the ad show him brandishing a pump action shotgun declaring i'm a navy s.e.a.l. calling for the hunting of rinos while people in tactical gear breaking into a house in what looks like a military raid with greitens and his head shot inviting his followers to join the maga movement, get your own rino hunting license. while eric greitens is a former navy s.e.a.l. as he boasts in the video he isn't one now. the navy refused to reinstate him as a s.e.a.l. in 2019 only allowing him to return to the
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reserves, also using military uniforms is strictly not allowed by the actual u.s. military, not the fake one he's raiding that fiction ago rino house with, to, what, kill them for not being maga enough. the year he was turfed out he resigned as missouri's governor in an ethics investigation stemming from reports he tried to blackmail a hairdresser he had an affair with after allegedly locking her in his basement and sexually assaulted her while he recorded her on video without her permission. earlier his former wife alleged this court documents that he physically abused her and their young son. those allegations led to him being unable to have a gun temporarily. this latest apparent endorsement of violence in the name of maga comes as one of the two republicans on the january 6th committee adam kinzinger revealed a threat sent to his home in a letter addressed to his wife. >> we got it a couple of days ago and it threatens to execute me as well as my wife and
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5-month-old child. never seen or had anything like that. there's violence in the future i'm going to tell you and until we get a grip on telling the people the truth we can't expect any differently. >> in the texas republican convention far right activisted targeted dan crenshaw using a derogatory nickname coined by tucker carlson. >> look, i passed mccain right here. you're a rino. >> his radical behavior may seem new to the republican party but it's not a bug, not anymore. it's part of an increasingly overt shift since donald trump came along toward open political and physical thuggery inside the once grand old party bothered by the increasing mainstreaming inside the party of far right extremists even fascist groups like the proud boys. the long-time leader of them is
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charged with sedition conspiracy so is the leader of the oath keepers and his history has been long known in the state of florida. in 2018 he led a mob-style attack on house speaker nancy pelosi at a protest organized by the miami-dade republican party. the miami-dade republican chair had to apologize for the harassment of speaker pelosi in 2018. but we have come full circle. he was later the head of latinos for trump sitting behind the former president at speeches and visiting the white house and the proud boys have since been fully absorbed by the party in a marriage of violence and politics. they've now effectively taken over the miami-dade republican party. with me now is nbc news reporter ben collins and andy campbell, senior editor for huff post and author of "we are proud boys: how a right wing street gang ushered in a new era of american extremist." i'm going to ask you to answer
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that question. how did a right-wing extremist group become a mainstream part of the republican party and our politics? >> absolutely. thanks for having me on, joy. what you're seeing here is a culmination of the normalization of political violence in this country. the proud boys have helped foment that atmosphere by positioning it as legitimate political discourse. what you're seeing with these republicans getting attacked by their own party is a machine, an apparatus that's ready to mobilize whenever tucker carlson or donald trump point at something they dislike, you have extremists like the proud boys ready to jump in there and bring violence to that situation and so you're seeing it, you know, the people who attacked crenshaw were proud boys, right? you're seeing the proud boys show up at pride events now because fox news is, you know, angry at lgbtq at this point so
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we're seeing a normalization of political violence and what's scary it is going to lead to more violence. >> yeah, it is, and, ben, you've written about the fact that they have migrated -- tarrio was arrested for pulling a black lives matter sign down and have magazine, gun magazines he wasn't supposed to have in the district of columbia then he got charged with seditious conspiracy but you wrote about the fact this kind of thing has migrated by being race focused and democrat focused like the attack on pelosi to now being trans focused and lgbtq. why? >> the main character effect. there is a main character every week on fox news or on the donald or far right wing websites. they focus on one specific totem that will embody this larger culture issue they have a problem with. last week it was drag queen story hour, a few weeks ago, critical race theory but comes from the top down and fox news
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targeted them or maybe from a specific politician like ron desantis and from there they get their marching orders and militias go to the same message boards and say, hey, you know, we're angry at drag queens. there is a story hour in san francisco, let's go there. that's what he the proud boys did two weekends ago and went to a drag queen story hour and one of the drag queen there is is scarred for life. the kids who were there are scarred from being yelled at from these people, you know, dressed up in militia garb. that's the thing. every week there is a new main character on the right and if you are that main character, you're in deep trouble and you're probably a minority or part of some other group that's regularly persecuted on fox news. >> that's the chicken and egg conversation i want you to answer, andy. you had adam kinzinger call out kevin mccarthy and said where is kevinen mccarthy? crenshaw is mtg or isn't an mtg
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or a crazy but the republican leader should say something. does mccarthy appreciate's mccain's war record? that's it. i wonder how did the proud boys which is an extremist group, western chauvinists whose leader is a black cuban who hates black lives matter so i don't get him at all but where do the proud boys come from and are they really connected to the republican party or using the republican party for their own ends? >> absolutely. well, listen, a number of proud boys are running for office even after their outsized role in january 6th running for office in this election. i think something like 30 of them are running for office and that's because they know that even if they don't win any seats that securing friendships, running for office, makes them look more political than the other street gangs you might have seen at unite the right which proud boys were at too by the way.
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but they know that the political aspect by gaining relationships in the gop, they look more like a political arm than a street gang and it's worked because they have relationships with the gop elite and anne coulter uses them as a bodyguard. they were bodyguards at matt gaetz's events and good friends with robert stone who counts tarot as one of roger stone's best friends and so the gop has not only embraced them but it celebrates them even after january 6th. >> what do they want? they were founded by the guy who started vice news, you know, and now tarrio -- what is it they want? what is their end game? low taxes for the rich like republicans want? what do they want? >> well, gavin mcguinness the founder of both vice and the proud boys wanted them to be the
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enforcement arm of the gop. they wanted them to bring violence into the streets and bring violence to anything that the gop wants them to because they recognize that these old crusty conservatives aren't going to get out there and fight these guys are going to get out there and fight and give it such a political bent that it has justification and so they've done that very, very successfully and we found that even after their leaders have been arrested for sedition charges and january 6th, these guys are still out in the street every weekend fighting the battles pointed out to them by tucker carlson and the republican elite. >> ben collins, that is called brown-shirtism. that is fascism, no? >> look, that's where it's coming from. that is -- that's where it's headed, joy. this is certainly where it's all going. this is a street gang. that's what it is and if they need marching orders, you know, they go to the same people. it throws people are in office they think they can get
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diplomatic immunity. that's what they think is happening and by the way they will try to ingratiate themselves into, you know, police department, local municipalities sort of make it so when things get a little hectic at these protest events they're not the ones who are getting collared. it's the people they're protesting against. they want to start fights that somebody fights back at. that's the point to make them look like the victims that they are fighting back against. that's the whole point of this thing. they don't want to look like they're starting a fight. they just want to look like they are sort of in the line of fire of the defendant. that's the game plan here. >> yeah, the physical enforcers, basically the brown shirts for the republican party and they want to ingratiate themselves with police until they're beating the crap out of them at the capitol on january 6th. please come back. i think this is a valuable conversation and we need to know more about these groups. texas republicans show just how far to the right their party is willing to go to please its base enbracing gun, trump's big lie and ugly lgbtq rhetoric.
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we'll be right back.
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(music throughout) texas republicans held their convention over the weekend and laid out a far right platform with red meat for the maga fanatics who dominate a party that once belonged to the likes of george herbert walker bush. it should be no surprise that
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they embraced the big lie declaring president biden's victory against trump illegitimate. they scolded one of their own senator john cornyn for even participating in the watered down talks on gun legislation. listen to them bullying him. >> our great state of texas. [ booing ] >> but it is their 40-page platform that displays how far right they shifted including calling homosexual an abnormal lifestyle choice and requiring texas students to learn about the humanity of the preborn child in school while also prohibitinging teaching sex education. joining me matthew dowd. what is going on? this platform, it's bananas, they also want to retain the right to secede. they want to repeal the entire voting rights act of 1965,
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rejecting the equal rights amendment for women and repealing hate crime law, arming teachers, defending capital punishment, i could go on. oh, protecting confederate monument, can't miss that and ending gay marriage, reversing that right. also penalizing corporations in texas who boycott the state because the state apparently is nuts. your thoughts? >> well, i mean my fear is which is this is connected so much to january 6th because what texas is showing is what the republicans want the country to be and so texas is just one step ahead of the craziness where they want the rest of the country to go. as we saw with then tie abortion anti-choice stuff that texas did, as soon as texas did it, five, six, seven, eight other states did it so i think what they're -- in somewhat good news they're telling us what -- why they want to dismantle democracy and why they don't want to be held accountable for january 6th
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because this is their plan. this is what they want to do and as you laid out, the leaders of the public party have lost control, have lost any guardrails for the grass roots of the republican party. the grass roots of the republican party which is crazy far right is now in charge. >> yeah. clearly. i mean they want to secede. don't threaten us with a good time if you're going to try to create an apartheid state. we don't like apartheid and don't want it. i want to ask you about other elms. the republican party has really to me we mainstream the tea party, the media allowed them to mainstream themselves you now this maga crew is the baseline but increasingly it's the proud boys who are the baseline. we just did a piece, did a segment with a couple of experts on that. they're becoming the new baseline, the thug crew and you see eric greitens embracing the idea of, you know, storming into republican homes if they're not maga enough and killing them, i
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guess, with a pump action shotgun and an army. your thoughts? >> so i think you've hit it right as usual, you hit it right on the head. it's like frankenstein made a monster and the monster woke up and is now destroying the village and lost control of it and that's the way it is. eric greitens is a perfect example. he's one step further than donald trump who was one step further than sarah palin and doug mastriano, the republican nominee in pennsylvania, who was at the january 6th and organized buses to go to the coup down there, he's the republican nominee for governor of pennsylvania, so we can't consider these people isolated. they're the dominant theme of a major legacy party of the united states of america who has an opportunity to win the senate and win the house in 20 -- this year 2022 is my fear because if that happens, good-bye
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democracy. >> oh, 100%. i just have read and this is before we were in the commercial break. the man who is running for attorney general in nevada has said that the black current attorney general aaron ford should be hung from an effing crane. should be hung -- she should be hung from an effing crane, lynched, the black attorney general of nevada and this person's name is seagal chatta so that is the way they talk now. which is when i saw the eric greitens thing, he's mainstream republican. that's what the party is now. how does the democratic party respond when they are everywhere in every state increasingly openly touting violence, lynching and insurrection? >> so the first thing the democratic party has to do we're in a different time and old plans about talking about 22 different policies and what's their plan on x, y and z they
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ought to throw it out. we're not in the normal time. they have to realize that a culture war and a war for america has been launched and it's launched for 10 or 15 years and the democrats think they'll organize the kitchen at the barracks while the war is going on. democrats have to step up and believe and talk like this, this is a war for the soul and heart of america. that's what they have to realize. it's not about whatever rate on education or tax rate, it's about the heart and soul of america and democrats have to run that campaign just like the republicans do, not the violence and obviously rational thought but they have to realize they're in a war and you have to come to the war with that understanding. >> and do you think that -- i mean, give us some advice for the media because, you know, again, the media did mainstream the tea party and wants to -- doesn't want to be in a war with the republican party. let's be clear. the media does not want to be at war with republicans. they want to treat both sides the same but both sides are not
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the same, right? at this point you were a republican strategist. i've been a lifelong democrat and agree on all this. how do we get us all out of this, both sides sort of trajectory? >> well, i mean i think that's the fundamental choice and that the fundamental choice is if -- you're a person in the media that covers the news it can't be, oh, the republicans stand for autocracy and democrats is stand for democracy and let's see how the game plays out because part of democracy is media. part of democracy is freedom of the press and the media has to -- i actually thought of one thing i thought that the media should do a better job of, which is how do people in the media conduct themselves in an out at that time -- autocratic country? we need to think more like that and less like this is a and b and let the voters decide. that's the point we have to give up. it is we have to tell the voters what the threat is just like we do, joy, we tell them about
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inflation and we tell them about job growth and we tell them about a hurricane and we tell them about tornadoes and we tell them about wildfire, we have to treat this assault just like we have to tell them about the assault on democracy. >> yeah, adam kinzinger is as conservative as it gets. we would agree on literally nothing. he is getting death threats to his little kid and his wife. that's where we are. the monster is eating itself, matthew dowd, thank you. up next the complicated history of juneteenth and how it finally became a federal holiday thanks to the tireless work of people like congresswoman sheila jackson lee. she joins us straight ahead.
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low blood pressure, kidney problems, or high blood potassium. ask your doctor about entresto for heart failure. general gordon granger of the union army arrived in galveston, texas, with a message enslaved people in texas were now free. the day became known as juneteenth, a blend of june and 19th. one of the oldest african american holidays marking one of america's early efforts to reverse a brutal human experiment. the order that black texans were free is known as general order number 3. it wasn't very long, quite simply a belated announcement of freedom arriving 2 1/2 years after president lincoln's emancipation proclamation. one thing to free them, quite another to enforce that reality in parts of the country that were clinging to keeping humans in bondage to maintain white financial prosperity. especially in places like texas
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where cotton plantations relied on slave labor and it meant an absolute equality of personal rights and rights of property between former masters and slaves. black texans were shot andl killed rather than set free. slavery continued in other forms, and by different names. the violence continues today by those refusing to accept a black freedom and humanity, including insurrectionists who wage confederate battle battle flags, directed at the gallows of the u.s. capitol. and a gunman who targeted black people in buffalo, only a month and a half ago. and so, today, as an 1865, juneteenth is a day that celebrates freedom. but until two equality arrives, juneteenth is also an act of resistance, celebrated boldly, and in defiance of every attempt to take equality away. some call it freedom day or
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emancipation day, a precursor to the fourth of july. our actual independence day. a collective expression of black freedom. today, for the second time, it is recognized, nationally, as a day for all americans to commemorate the end of the abomination of slavery here. thanks to congressman sheila jackson lee, who was pivotal to getting juneteenth recognized as a federal holiday, like a long road to freedom, this holiday also came with a fight. and congress women sheila jackson lee joins me, next. e joins me, next t bring it up. bring what up, kayak? excuse me? do the research, todd. listen to me, kayak searches hundreds of travel sites to find you great deals on flights, cars and hotels. they're lying to you! who's they? kayak? arr! open your eyes! compare hundreds of travel sites at once. kayak. search one and done.
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its newest federal holiday, juneteenth. but it's a day back black americans and states like texas and colorado been celebrating since the late 1800s. it's hope mixed with a hard look at the tensions and hostility black people still face in this country. more than 150 years after emancipation. joining me now is congresswoman sheila jackson lee of texas. congresswoman, it's great to see you. and i have to show you this. i hope you can see it on your
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monitor. this was your reaction, and this is from the big payback movie that you are very much featured in, when essentially when juneteenth passed and became a holiday. take a look. >> [applause] [noise] >> i declare and proclaim that america is just -- they have the ability now to call themselves a part of the juneteenth national holiday. this is america! >> for black americans to say, we want stuff, we want stuff done. we want things like police reform. we want things like voting rights reform. that's like the stuff that we need done this more critical than something symbolic like a holiday. what would you say to them? >> first of all, joy, thank you so very much for having me, and happy juneteenth. i would say, juneteenth was actually the beginning and i have been in the fight for police reform, george floyd
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policing act, law enforcement integrity act, voting rights, over the decades that i've been in the united states congress, privileged to be represented, representing my constituents. but, here is where we are. one of the things that juneteenth, after decades of fighting for that legislation, introducing it for the first time that federal holiday in 2020, and receiving 1 million petitions from opal lee working collaboratively. it is now a statement that has never been made before. juneteenth, of course, commemorates two years of waiting past 1863 for texans, remaining in slavery, the brutality of slavery. but what it does is it opens up the nation to a discussion of the brutality of slavery, the strength of this waves, and how they built this nation, which means, the next step to be an understanding like voting rights, it's absolutely imperative, and the john roberts bill should be passed.
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so, once all of my colleagues, unanimous in the senate for 15 votes in the house, voted for it, and nothing happened, nothing collapsed. we were able to look at this issue together, and all of the festivities and commemorations. i was in church yesterday with what i have promised my constituents, that we would honor the slaves in our ancestors, and in a memorial service. i believe it opens the door to pushing now for voting rights, to pushing now for ensuring that we, in fact, have real gun safety laws, but pushing now that we protect democracy and for pushing now, the commission to reparation proposals. >> not everyone is trying to sort of celebrate together. doctor of, doctor mehmet oz is running for statewide office in pennsylvania. he originally went on to social, but he goes on there, and he
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tweeted, he deleted the world word equality that he's written on a post that he was celebrating equality and justice et cetera on juneteenth. what is going on a party where you can't write the word equality and get away with it, if you're running for office? >> well, i think people should distinguish who, now, as taken hold off the republican party, the grand old party? the party of lincoln, the party of h. w. bush, the party of george w. bush, the party of the secretary of state, the late colin powell, jungle condoleezza rice. that parties off to decide what we have now are individuals that embrace, insurrectionists, embrace false stories and falsehoods about the election. and so, what i would say is i wish that mr. of, dr. oz would have kept to his own views, his
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heart, but he did not. he got beat up, and he immediately dropped the word equality. -- and i ask him to look into his heart, what kind of america are we in, if we can't fight for equality? >> amen. and yet, the texas republican party, something else, we have to bring the fact -- representative sheila jackson lee -- >> it's atrocious. >> it is. congresswoman, thank you, and happy juneteenth. that is tonight's read out, all in with chris hayes starts now. arts now and if you i'm going to tell you, until we get a grip on telling people the truth we can't expect any differently. >> the mega threat to other republicans. [inaudible] -- >> donald trump's role and stoking the violence. >> he intended to accera


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