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tv   MSNBC Reports  MSNBC  June 21, 2022 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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good morning. this is chris jansing reports. just two hours away now from the january 6th committee's fourth hearing. it is expected to add to the growing body of evidence about political violence and threats against people determined to protect the integrity of the 2020 election. threats coming from republicans who believed the big lie. the folks in the crosshairs who will be witnesses today are also republicans. the committee promising new information, new video, evidence of the widespread pressure campaign against those key state officials to overturn the election. today we'll hear from brad raffensperger, target of that infamous phone call with then
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president trump who was looking for enough votes to give him the win. gabe sterling who you may remember warned amid threats over georgia's 2020 recount someone would get killed. rusty bowers, rudy giuliani called him about switching out biden electors. bowers said he also told former president trump he wouldn't break the law. georgia election worker shaye moss who was accused by the former president of bringing in suitcases of ballots. we'll have new information about the growing number of threats against members of congress. among them adam kinzinger. he tweeted out a letter where someone threatened to execute him, his wife and their 5-month-old baby. he shared this morning. >> there is violence in the future. i'm going to tell you. until we get a grip on telling people the truth, we can't expect any differently. >> threats seem to have made
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their way into the 2022 election season republican senator candidate from missouri, eric greitens announced a new ad saying he's going, quote, rino hunting. an acronym for republicans in name only. he says with gun in hand and surrounded by a team of tactical grew, join the maga crew and get a rino hunting gear. the violence that has seeped into our politics is center sage, another issue is set to define what happens in the midterms. the economy and red-hot inflation. president biden is considering asking for a temporary pause to the federal gas tax ahead of the july fourth holiday. 42 million americans are expected to hit the road. but can he get congress on board with the move. we start with the january 6th
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committee hearing less than two hours from now. ali vitali is on capitol hill, matthew to be, former strategist for the 2004 bush president re-election campaign and founder of country over pounder as well as an msnbc political analyst. glenn kirschner is a former federal prosecutor and msnbc legal analyst and retired marine colonel david le pan former press secretary for the department of homeland security. you've worked at the highest level of republican politics. these were marked obviously by violence -- threats against election officials, threats recently against lawmakers and violent rhetoric from candidates. what does all of that, matthew, say about the state of our politics right now and the road our country might be heading down? >> well, it says it's a very dangerous time and a very destructive moment for our drts
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in the midst of this. people completely captured by a majority of folks who believe the ends justify the means in politics, even if that means things detrimental to our democracy, and even if that means saying and doing things that encourage more mentally disturbed people to take action in a violent way as what we saw in january 6th. i think it also says, as you reference the eric greitens ad and the other things that have happened in the election and what has happened today in the primaries, that this really is not about donald trump in anymore. in is about what the republican party has become and how dangerous that party has become to the health and safety of americans in our democracy. >> you know, glenn, we heard from congressman adam kinzinger, he shared the letter showing someone threatening to execute
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him, his wife and 5-month-old son. when greitens says in his ad get a rino hunting permit, no bagging limit, no tagging limit, it doesn't expire until we save our country. is that potentially incitement? >> it's certainly a crime. it could be charged as communicating a threat, if it's a direct threat, to harm another. if it's a qualified threat. well, if i ever saw you, i would do this. or if it's the kind of thing donald trump has been saying recently in his rallies, well, if i get elected, i will strongly consider doing x, y and z including hardening insurrectionists. any time there's that qualifying language, it's ordinarily not targetable as a threat. but the letter that representative king zinger received, that is absolutely a criminal act, and it could be charged as communicating a threat for openers.
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there may be other criminal charges involved. really the only way to deal with the growing violence that they can seek is for the department of justice to begin indicting folk who are responsible for committing crimes against the united states, against the american people. a lack of accountability allows this violence to sort of breed uncontrollably. i am hopeful the january 6th public hearings will help move the department of justice ball forward in indicting the folks who have been responsible for the crimes against our country. >> i want to put this in some perspective, ellie, because i know you just got for us fresh data from the u.s. capitol police that hasn't been reporting yet. we're learning they have opened more than 1800 cases, 1800 into threats against congress since march 23rd of this year? >> reporter: yeah, that's just this year alone. that's a striking figure. and then, of course, you
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consider the fact that from 2017 to 2021, there was a 144% increase in threats against congressional lawmakers. we're talking about folks in the house and the senate here. it speaks to the larger environment. you know who was called a rino, congressman adam kinzinger. when you draw the line between what eric greitens is saying, certainly kinzinger is far from the only one, certainly this is not a partisan issue. this happens to republicans, to democrats. we all remember in 2017 that horrific baseball field shooting where congressman steve scalise, among others, nearly lost his life because he was shot there. this is something that you can see in those numbers, over the course of when it began in 2017, you're seeing not just the partisan divides in terms of political debates, but you've seen it manifest in terms of political violence. what we've seen also in the last
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few days is in tandem with the greitens ad. people at the texas state conventional hassling and harassing lawmakers from senator john cornyn who was booed, congressman crenshaw who was heckled, you're seeing this darkness seep around the politics. it's something lawmakers from both parties tell me they're concerned. it also con noekts the january 6th hearing. last night on a background call with the committee, they made the point over and over again that this idea of incitement which you're so smart to ask glenn about is probably going to be something we hear more about. they make the point that trump continued to do this pressure campaign, that giuliani continued to pressure these officials, despite the fact that these people were vocal about getting threats against their lives. that's going to be a centerpiece today, too. it's not just false slates of electors and trying to overturn election results. it's what are the violent ends
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of those allegations. >> greitens may be in the halls of congress. if we can put that graphic back up because i find it startling, and you look at the escalation since you were in the department of homeland security back in 2017. we're looking at 3,900, now 9,600-plus in 2021 and the high number already this year. what do you make of it all? >> you start out with a great point, chris. he is a candidate for office, to be a u.s. senator. at the very time our elected u.s. senators are talking about how to reduce gun violence in this country, he's, in fact, endorsing more gun violence and doing so in a way that, again, there's so much -- miss appropriating the terms used around hunting wild game and
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putting that in the context of hunting humans. again, the use of the military, the created perception that the military would be involved somehow in using violence against political opponents is hugely dangerous. that's where i again echo what matthew said earlier, dangerous is the word. we'll hear from the january 6th committee later today about threats against election workers, against, as you pointed out, members of congress, elected candidates. the growing extremist threat in the united states is something the department of homeland security has been keeping a close eye on, and we're only seeing it get worse. >> help us to understand that. obviously the capitol police are involved in these direct threats to members of congress. when you look at the incitement, when you look at the threats of violence and even some violence,
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is there a more fullsome role homeland security is already playing in this client? >> again, it's something that the department keeps a close eye on. now, they don't have the jurisdiction like the capitol police. if threats are against lawmakers, it's the capitol police that would be involved. the department of homeland security will be sharing information with the capitol police, with other law enforcement agencies about the types of threats that they are seeing out there. it's a collaborative effort to make sure that everybody involved in lawmaker understands the environment and the threats and from where they come. >> ellie, as you pointed out, all of this is coloring today's hearing and what it will be about. we outlined who the players are. but what are we expecting might be a little different that adds to this narrative that the committee has been building over the last three hearings? >> well, chris, again, this is another piece of the larger puzzle they're putting together. they already talked about the campaign on mike pens, talked to
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us about some of the conversations happening in the inner circles of the white house where the committee has laid out in painstaking detail that even as they were undertaking these strategies to overturn the election. most people in the orbit knew they were illegal and were pursuing them anyway. that means what was happening at the state level is an important piece of this puzzle, because now we'll get to hearing what the conversations were between some of these state election officials and people in the highest echelons of the trump orbit including rudy giuliani. we're also thinking about that georgia phone call that many of us heard in realtime a year ago between donald trump and brad raffensperger in that famous line where he asks him to find the 11,780 votes he would need to beat joe biden by one vote and win in georgia. we'll hear more about the interpretation of what it means to be asked to find those votes, as well as conversations of what were happening outside of states like georgia and arizona. those were two that were critical to the election piece,
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the strategy that the trump campaign was undertaking. but at the same time states like pennsylvania and michigan were also critically important just because officials from those states aren't testifying here today doesn't mean they haven't spoken to the committee, and the committee told me yesterday that we will still hear from some of those top election officials in pennsylvania and michigan, making it much more of a national strategy and being able to broaden out and flesh out i think in the clearest way we've seen publicly, what the committee knows about this false elector strategy and going a step further to talk about why it was potentially illegal and the other piece of it which is the violent ends that this strategy actually led to for many of these officials at the center of it. >> we have seen some of the snippets of those interviews used strategically by members of the committee. matthew, let me ask you about congressman adam schiff. he told "the l.a. times" that then chief of staff mark meadows had an intimate role in a plot
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to put pressure on georgia election officials. congressman schiff said the committee will release new information about meadows' appearance about a key meeting in georgia and text messages revealing he wanted to send autographed make america great again hats, to people conducting the audit. you "the washington post" reporting trump campaign documents showing advisers knew fake elector plans were baseless. matthew, we saw a lot of the guardrails that existed, depended on the people in charge of managing those elections state by state to keep everything in check. without those guardrails, and a lot of pro trump officials are at least winning primaries so far. who says something like this doesn't succeed next time? >> well, even worse, we got bibi the skin of our teeth by saving our democracy in 2020. all laws and regulations are
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completely dependent on the guardrails, people in office are ceding to the idea that this is the common good. when you throw all those out, you're left with a system where the zoo is run by the animals and nobody is in charge anymore. that's why i think glenn said it earlier, that accountability matters so much. it matters in little things like speed limits and holding people accountable. but it matters in big things, especially our elected officials. it doesn't take sherlock holmes or perry mason to watch what happened and connect all of the dots in this. unless we hold people in power accountable, the violence we've seen and everything else about knocking down the guardrails is only going to get worse and worse and worse. that's why accountability keeps guard rails in place. >> so to the point of accountability, glenn, january 6th committee member zoe lofgren
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said this about president trump and criminal intent. let's take a listen. >> i guess the question is did he intend to do what he tried to do. i think there's overwhelming evidence that he did. >> there's an abc news poll that found nearly six in ten americans think the former president should face criminal charges. again, of course, polls don't necessarily align a ulz with what prosecutors are going to do. as you look at it, do you think there's enough right now for that to happen? >> i only wish i had this much evidence of criminal intent in the case i tried as a prosecutor for 30 years. i rarely did. donald trump's intent was corrupt from start to finish. there's one episode we don't talk about much but i think it will be the subject matter of the next hearing when we heard from high doj officials. this is really blockbuster and i think definitive on the corrupt intent question. when president trump had been told over and over again there was no fraud undermining the
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elections results, he had a phone conversation with richard donohue and jeffrey rosen, two high doj officials on december 27th, and he basically communicated to them, look, it doesn't matter if there was no fraud, just say there was and leave the rest to me and my allies in congress. chris, if that does not definitively, conclusively prove donald trump's corrupt intent throughout, i don't know what does. >> glenn kirschner, alley vitali, matthew dowd and david lapan. we'll ask whether testimony from these georgia officials could actually affect a grand jury that's hearing evidence about interference into the 2020 election. first, the state department confirming the death of another u.s. citizen in ukraine. we've also got an exclusive interview from a kremlin spokesperson with disturbing
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warnings about americans who have been captured. why did attorney general merrick garland just make a surprise trip to ukraine? we've got it all. you're watching chris jansing reports only on msnbc. reports only on msnbc. can dramatically improve symptoms... rinvoq helps tame pain, stiffness, swelling. and for some...rinvoq can even significantly reduce ra fatigue. that's rinvoq relief. with ra, your overactive immune system attacks your joints. rinvoq regulates it to help stop the attack. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal; cancers, including lymphoma and skin cancer; death, heart attack, stroke, and tears in the stomach or intestines occurred. people 50 and older with at least one heart disease risk factor have higher risks. don't take if allergic to rinvoq as serious reactions can occur.
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you right now. just a short time ago at a senate hearing in texas, the texas state senate heard from the public safety chief of that
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state who called the police response to the shooting in uvalde an abject failure and a disturbing new piece of information. he testified that with all the evidence they have now, they had enough officials, enough officers on the scene at the massacre to stop the gunman three minutes after he entered the building. again, as you know, it took nearly an hour for the gunman to be stopped. the testimony from the texas public safety chief is that it could have happened within three minutes. we have our reporters on this story. we'll have much more on it coming up. also this morning, just learning of three major developments in ukraine. the state department now confirming the death of a u.s. citizen there identifying him as seen zabielski, his obituary says he died on may 15th while fighting in the conflict. the state department is
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repeating its warnings u.s. citizens should not travel to ukraine. meantime, the department of justice has just confirmed attorney general merrick garland is in ukraine for an unannounced meeting with ukraine's prosecutor general. he's pushing for the prosecution of war crimes. this new video just in of their meeting. russia has denied committing war crimes. we have more for you this morning on that nbc news exclusive interview where top kremlin spokesman dmitry peskov says two american veterans cap toured in ukraine will be held responsible for the crimes they've committed. nbc news senior international correspondent keir simmons spoke exclusively with peskov. we should mention the russian government is cracking down on journalists and limiting what reporters can say under threat of imprisonment. keir, what else did he tell you about these men from the united states and the ongoing war?
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>> reporter: chris, he didn't give many details about where they are, whether they are still in ukraine, for example, or here in russia. we have no suggestion that they have been moved in that way. we don't know, for example, whether they're being held by russian forces or by pro-russian forces. it was, though, the first time that the kremlin has confirmed that it is aware that the men are being held captive and his message -- it will be a very difficult message for these men's families to hear, his message was uncompromising in terms of the way they would be treated, as he put it, legally, because as he sees it, the reasons why they were apprehended. take a listen. >> two british fighters have been sentenced to death by the
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so-called donetsk people's republic. can you guarantee these americans will not face the same fate? >> no, i cannot guarantee anything. it depends on the investigation. they were taking part in the battlefield activities. they will be punished. they should be punished. they have committed crimes. >> what crimes, mr. peskov? >> we don't know yet. >> you know very well this has the potential to escalate tensions with the u.s. >> they're treated properly. but you have to understand, those guys on the battlefield were firing at our military guys. they were endangering their lives. >> there's a third american missing. do you have any news of that person? >> no. i don't have any information about that. >> reporter: chris, he said that they will not have the protections of the geneva convention because, as he put it, they are soldiers -- he said they are soldiers of fortune. so again, very, very difficult
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prospects for these men's family. i asked him, too, about brittney griner, the wnba star who was held here in russia here in february entering the country accused of having a vape with hashish. she's now been in custody for months and faces prosecution and, again, his message was uncompromising. he said that the legal system will play out. i asked him whether russia is taking people like brittney griner, people like these men in ukraine hostage, whether they're looking for exchanges. he very much resisted that. it was, chris, a wide-ranging interview, a long interview, more than an hour. we touched on a whole number of issues. he very forcefully pushed back on the idea that russia would be responsible for the food shortages in africa and the
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middle east. he rejected the idea that they are helping fuel the inflation crisis in the u.s. and western europe. there are many leaders, including president biden, many western leaders would have a different opinion. >> keir simmons, thank you very much for that. an extraordinary interview. jason beardsley, u.s. navy special forces. jason, i want to drill into some of that interview with peskov. what do you see as the implications or just your reaction to the possibility that americans captured in ukraine could be subject to the death penalty? >> well, first, chris, let me just say it's a little heartbreaking to watch that video. you framed it with your reporters in russia threatened with imprisonment if he doesn't speak the propaganda from vladimir putin's henchmen, and then to go into the details of the interview is as if those soldiers, those americans that
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are there, are having to watch as the russian kremlin is providing propaganda through a u.s. media outlet about our soldiers. we should be clear. when we're in sensitive positions like this, we should not be speaking to the enemy to hear what their thoughts are. now, taking that aside from the actual issues here, the americans know, if they are leaving the united states military and fighting for a foreign entity without uniform, without being processed into an official military or state military, the dangers and the risks on the battlefield are extremely high. and what also has to be noted to the american people is who is holding these soldiers right now are likely to be the done nensing people's republic and luhansk people's republic. we, the united states, don't have government relations with them. they are proxies that have not been recognized by the united states. this allows moscow to take their
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hands off this and act as though they have no responsibility. this is not a good situation. i would caution our audience and those of us in the media to be very careful when we're espousing propaganda from the enemy. >> it's important for us to note what they're thinking and what their position is. on the other hand, let us be clear about this, the geneva convention indeed would cover any treatment of these citizens who are there. let's be clear about that. >> yes, but that includes signatories to geneva. the dnr and lnr are not recognized states. so they will not be signatories to the geneva convention. this will be used by moscow for leverage against the united states and ukraine. >> i want to talk to you about attorney general merrick garland's trip. a doj spokesman says the two will talk about efforts to help identify, apprehend and
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prosecute individuals involved in war crimes. we know some of that has already started how much can the u.s. help here? >> again, this is early in the conflict to be doing this. i would question the attorney general whose department of justice should be focused on american criminal cases. recently we got a memorandum from garland saying parents who show up al school boards are domestic terrorists. in ukraine they're in the middle of the conflict, so the prosecution of criminality is going to happen post conflict. that's down the road. any idea that we can show up right now and incorporate justice is -- frankly, it's a stretch of increddality. that should be the focus of the united states government -- all the money that we have put into play for the ukrainians to get weapons in hand so they can fight the enemy now. let's worry about justice later.
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that's a whole separate issue. i appreciate the fact that the u.s. is making a statement. but we need to again be clear that the first metric, the first thing we need is to end the conflict. >> jason beardsley, thank you. moments ago, again, we got that new information about the response to the deadly uvalde mass shooting. more on this bombshell testimony next. testimony next the moment you become an expedia member, you can instantly start saving on your travels. so you can go and see all those, lovely, lemony, lemons. ♪ and never wonder if you got a good deal. because you did. ♪
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walmart is doing what we always do. keeping prices low for you every day. so you can save money and live better. ♪ breaking news in texas, the stunning testimony from the texas department of public safety on the uvalde school shooting. he just told the state senate committee that officers on the scene could have stopped the gunman within three minutes after entering the building. we're talking about the texas dps chief stephen mcgraw who said there were enough officers on the scene to stop him much sooner than they did. remember, they're now saying three minutes. we knew it took almost an hour. mcgraw describes the police response as, quote, an abject failure outlining a series of missed opportunities. that thaerg happening the same time the embattled chief of
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police pete arredondo is answering questions about the police response before texas statehouse committee. i want to bring in nbc news investigations correspondent tom winter and bring back former federal prosecutor glenn kirschner. tom, this is one of the questions that we families have been asking since the shooting happened. why did it take so long? could they have gotten in there sooner? if so, how much sooner? what else can you share from this shoot? >> one hour 14 minutes and eight seconds from the moment the shots were fired to the moment the shooter died. according to a detailed timeline provided in conjunction with mcgraw's testimony today, they had not one, but four ballistic sort of shields set up to potentially breach that classroom. they had a halligan tool named after the firefighter in new york that developed it. it's a tool that allows them to enter any door that may have been locked. the master keys were not working.
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according to mcgraw's testimony, the school radios, even if arredondo had one on him and he didn't, wouldn't have worked in the schools either. the radios that the school officers use do not actually work inside the school. they didn't have other basic protections including a knox box, that's something located outside many public buildings that are not attended 4 hours a day, a specialty box that can be unlocked by first responders, firefighters, emts, police. they contain the master keys for a building so if there's a fire, somebody trapped inside, they have the ability to go in and don't have to wait for somebody as apparently was not here. the reason mcgraw's testimony and the information coming out today is so important based on that timeline. there were six shots fired by the shooter after police chief peter aaron done dough showed up
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outside of that door. it wasn't as if the first time the police officer entered the school or the first time they showed up. but from the time the chief was there and present on the scene to the moment that this ended, six additional rounds were fired by the shooter. that's just some of the revelations coming across, chris, too many to mention at this point. but the timeline provided today, it should be clear, is not based on statements from police officers, and this is the reason why according to texas dps there was so much confusion before but, in fact, is based on body worn cameras, surveillance video, recordings from their radios and 911 calls. in other words, all primary evidence that we can finally now understand a little bit what happened here. >> let me talk about one of those pieces of primary evidence. there's a new image from surveillance video reviewed by the states man. it appears according to the states man to show multiple officers armed with rifles and
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at least one ballistics chief -- shield 19 minutes after the gunman started shooting which contradicts what we've been led to believe. when you hear that reporting and add to that what we heard today from the dps chief, as someone who has been on the scene of mass shootings. i know you were involved in the navy yard investigation. what does all that tell you? >> when i think back to the navy yard mass shooting where law enforcement responded promptly, aggressively, appropriately and to use an indelicate term, they took out the shooter in real time preventing further loss of life. when i see the reporting out of uvalde, it seems to be the exact opposite of that. -- what agency will be the
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appropriate agency to conduct those investigations? at the end of the day, there may be criminal liability for just how badly handled this incident was. it doesn't feel like the uvalde authorities, be they police investigators or prosecutors, are the ones who should be handling that because of the obvious potential for conflicts. but the department of justice has already announced previously that it would perform something of a review of the incident and the investigation, and i think the next question is should they now become more robustly involved and conduct a criminal investigation? that will hinge, chris, on the question of whether they believe there's federal jurisdiction for any possible crimes that were committed. we know the department of justice weighs in when there are civil rights violations as in the george floyd murder, the ahmed arbery case. but we have to, i think -- we have to figure out if there's
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federal jurisdiction, a federal hook, as we call it, for the department of justice to take the lead and investigate these horrific police failures. >> well, if there is any kind of criminal culpability, let me ask you about some new reporting, glenn, and how it might fit into any investigation like what you just referenced. this came from the texas tribune. on the tape inside the classroom you can hear someone saying, if there's kids in there, we need to go in there. the reply that came back was, whoever is in charge will determine that. we know pete arredondo who is testifying right now has said he didn't consider himself in charge. we also know he was looking for keys to the classroom. now according to the texas tribune there are several law enforcement officials who are sceptical that the doors were even locked. how could that fit into the big picture? >> you know, following the chain
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of command, following protocol is important for law enforcement agencies, for the military when i was in the army. but when we're in an active shooter scenario and our children, elementary schoolchildren are at risk, it's really hard to hear reporting like people are standing around wondering when the chain of command might make a decision about whether they should act to try to save lives. that is, it's difficult to hear. it's something that has to be investigated. it certainly sounds like it blows out of the water the notion that lots of good people with guns -- and i use the words good people somewhat liberally under these circumstances. good people with assault rifles are the only way to stop bad people with assault rifles. well, now i think that is proven to be untrue. >> briefly can i ask you, tom, i
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know pete arredondo has answered questions previously but behind closed doors. the house committee he's talking to today, are we going to find out what he has to say? >> unfortunately not. the texas dps is head of that agency, stephen mcgraw, his testimony is public. it's something that we're actually able to monitor a feed of it and dip in and out and understand what he's saying. it's closed-door testimony. that's the case for a lot of witnesses, not just the police chief, peter arredondo. most of this has been behind closed doors. he said he would speak once all the funerals are over. he's yet to have a press conference since just the day of the shooting. has not taken questions from any sort of group of reporters. and in light of these revelations, certainly hasn't answered any further followup questions from us. i think glenn kind of alluded to it. the possibility, whether it be state or federal charges, state being much more likely here, that he could face some sort of criminal exposure. if i was his attorney, i wouldn't want him speaking
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either. it will be interesting to see what happens. as far as the parents go, they might want some answers to some of the questions that we've had. an important reminder here, chris. normally we would have had this information much sooner. normally we would have had images much sooner. certainly we wouldn't show images of the dead children here, but images that could help us piece this together, except for the public records request of this news organization and the others who have requested it have so far been rejected. they're lobbying the courts to make a determination as to whether those should be held on to for a much longer period of time. it's information that we're not getting so far. >> glenn kirschner, tom winter, thank you both so much. the january 6th committee is set to kick off its fourth public hearing in a little over an hour. we'll head to georgia, the state at the center of the pressure campaign to overturn the 2020
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election. what exactly will we hear from its top election officials today? its top election officials today? that's right, jamie. but it's not just about savings. it's about the friends we make along the way. you said it, flo. and don't forget to floss before you brush. your gums will thank you. -that's right, dr. gary. -jamie? sorry, i had another thought so i got back in line. what was it? [ sighs ] i can't remember. think he's posting about all that ancient roman coinage? no, he's seizing the moment with merrill. moving his money into his investment account in real time and that's... how you collect coins. your money never stops working for you with merrill, a bank of america company. what's the #1 retinol brand your money never stops working for you with merrill, used most by dermatologists? it's neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair® smooths the look of fine lines in 1-week, deep wrinkles in 4.
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8:49 am
aleve. who do you take it for? the headlines about the impact of our on going extreme weather are everywhere. let's get you caught up. across the country homeless advocates are now warning of an increase in deaths as the sweltering temperatures continue. wildfires in arizona have forced astronomers to flee an observatory in tucson. in st. louis, a warning that the heat is driving spiders, including the brown recluse from attics and into homes. storms are being blamed, along with staffing shortages, for delays and cancellations of more than 10,000 flights from friday through sunday. all this as aaa predicts it expects 47.9 million people to travel for the fourth of july holiday, an increase from last year. finally, there's no end in
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sight. more than 100 heat records expected to be broken this week as what's known as a heat dome over the midwest and the deep south moves east across the country. a key player says to expect proof of former president trump's donald trump involvement in a to overturn the 2020 election in a little more than one hour when the next january 6 hearing starts on capitol hill. at the heart of that scheme, putting pressure on elections officials in georgia and arizona. trump made calls to officials in both places, including brad raffensperger, georgia's secretary of state who stood firm following this now infamous request in a recorded phone call. infamous request in a recorded phone call
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>> dasha burns has more from georgia. i'm joined by tia mitchell. good to see you. we will hear from raffensperger as well as from his deputy, his top deputy gabe sterling. what more can they add to the narrative? >> i think they're going to add for the first time what that pressure campaign felt like to them, how it impacted how they went about their job. we know gabe sterling in real time talked about how he felt this election fraud misinformation campaign could lead to violence. those comments ended up being very important. we think they will talk about being strong conservatives and yet feeling that pressure to do what they felt was legal, not something that was proper and not called for after the general election. >> dasha, one of the questions all along, even as we have seen
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that the ratings on television have been more than some people expected, we have been wondering how voters were going to look at this. i know you have been talking to georgia voters to see how closely they are paying attention. especially to raffensperger's role. talk to us about where you are in cobb county. >> reporter: this is a place that was a republican stronghold until 2016. clinton won it just by a couple of points. biden won this county handily in 2020. there's quite a mix of voters here. we have been talking to folks across the political spectrum. this is not the sort of scheduled appointment viewing grab your popcorn silence your phone for folks here, especially compared to that first primetime night where it felt more like that. today, people are going to work. one of the women has four kids she's got to take to and from activities. people aren't sitting down necessarily to listen to this. they are following it,
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especially with their secretary of state in the spotlight. a lot of people i talked to, they are excited to hear directly from him about that experience this this sort of formal setting on the record. everyone i spoke with, democrats and republicans included, said they believe it's worthwhile holding these hearings. it's important to get a record of what happened, to get to the truth. listen to some of what we heard. do you think it's worthwhile to hold these hearings? >> yes, i do. so we can find out what really happened and really is going on. >> i think there's a lot of things that are going to come out. i think it's good to talk about it. >> it's just so political. i think it's very difficult to tell what is truthful, what isn't truthful on both sides of the discussion. >> reporter: that gentleman you heard from there, he told me he is a republican. he voted for trump in 2016. but did not vote in 2020 because
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he wasn't happy with any of his choices. the question is, what will these hearings do politically for voters like that? i heard from a democrat who told me she thinks this is politically divisive. she doesn't believe it should be happening. folks are sort of all over the map when it comes to this. the one uniting factor from everyone i spoke is accountability. nobody i spoke with thinks that anyone is going to be really held accountable coming out of all of this. >> tia, let me ask you about how far down this goes. of course, we talked about the two top elections officials in georgia who are going to be testifying today. i also understand there's a georgia election worker who also faced pressure from the former president and his allies. >> yes. we know that in so many states, it wasn't just the top ranking state officials that were getting this pressure. it was the local and county
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election administrators, your poll workers. they don't necessarily have the same protections that the secretary of state might have with the highway patrol making sure they are escorted to and from work safely. we will be hearing from a former fulton county election worker who was falsely accused of that suitcase of ballots that was made to -- it was the basis of false allegations of election fraud in fulton county, georgia. she will be able to talk not only about the pressure but after she sued one of the news networks had to retract and admit there was no election fraud. i think the committee may also use her testimony to show that what was being pushed by trump and his allies was false, they knew it and that's why they later had to come back and clean up some of the misinformation. >> tia, dasha, thanks to both of
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you. that's going to do it for us this hour. join us for chris jansing reports at 1:00 eastern right here on msnbc. our special coverage of the latest january 6th hearing with hallie jackson and andrea mitchell starts next. andrea andrea mitchell starts nexthigh quality products. rigorously tested by us. real world tested by you. and ded to your door in as little as one hour. welcome to your world. your why. what drives you? what do you want to leave behind? what do you want to give back? what do you want to be remembered for?
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9:00 am
good day, everyone. i'm andra mitchell joined by hallie jackson. the committee shifts from the pressure of mike pence to donald trump's campaign to get state and local officials in battleground states to falsify election results so he could hold on to the white house. >> here is what and who to watch for 60 minutes from now. state republican officials from arizona, the house speaker, and from georgia, the secretary of state brad raffensperger and his deputy who faced pressure from former president trump and his inner circle of election deniers in the week after joe biden was rightfully declared the winner of the 2020 race. the committee is going to introduce the country to the woman you see on the right, a georgia elections worker who


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