tv Politics Nation MSNBC June 25, 2022 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT
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reform on the supreme court. clarence thomas has already made his plans clear. the right to marry who you love, access to contraception, the right to privacy -- read the concurrent opinion y'all, it is what he said. after the decision came down. let me say this. vice president harris said the great aspiration of our nation has been to expand freedom. but the expansion of freedom clearly is not inevitable. it is clearly not something that just happens. not unless we defend our most fundamental principles. we have to defend our most fundamental principles, y'all. it's necessary if we want to move forward. thank you for watching, this edition of symone on saturday. i'll be back tomorrow. i'm symone sanders and right now oh hand things over to my good friend reverend sharpton. >> thank you symone, and good evening, and welcome to
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politics nation. the focus on scotus. afua right now the conservative members of the supreme court are signaling that this court will not be moved by the times in which we live, but driven by history regardless of how distant. and yesterday, as expected, the court issued its five for conservative majority decision to overturn roe v. wade. in doing so, up ending 50 years of federal protections for abortion rights. in response, this weekend, our cities are erupting in protest. here in new york, los angeles, atlanta, and in washington, where abortion rights supporters and opponents have surrounded the supreme court
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for the second day. but also they're protesting in more than a dozen red states, cleared by the decision to enact trigger laws banning abortion. six of which have already done so in the days since the decision. three others set to join them in the next few weeks. well gun advocates in those states and elsewhere are hailing another of the courts decisions, this week, to strike down the new york state law restricting conceal and carry gun laws. widening gun laws nation wide, and with it gun violence. just as president biden signing the most significant gun law. in a rare moment of compromise, coming after weeks of mass shootings including the tragedies in buffalo and
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uvalde. and yet,, some have already suggested that the court's decision with cancel that even with this represents. the impact of a historic week of decisions from our nation's highest bench, that's for politicsnation, tonight. joining me now is new york governor -- a democrat. thanks for joining us, tonight. obviously i want to get to the supreme court decision overturning the states ban on conceal and carry for handguns. but i have to begin, of course, with the court's decision, yesterday, as expected, to overturn roe v. wade and federal abortion rights with it. no we've had abortion rights protests here in the street, here in new york and elsewhere in the state, which you've
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pledged will continue to be a safe harbor for women seeking abortions, including those coming in from out of state. but that presumes there won't be potentially a national abortion ban attempted by republicans if they should regain control of congress and the white house. some top republicans have alluded to it be possible, if not called for outright. what's your response, governor? >> well reverend al, thank you for allowing me to talk about something that's sitting in my state, and your state, so deeply. i was at those protests. i was doing some interviews and i saw the anger and the frustration in these young women's faces. i had to be out there with them, and to give him some sense of consolation, that here in the state of new york, there is no way, in heck, that we're gonna go backwards and take away something that my mother's generation thought, for i
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thought, for now my john daughters generation has to fight for. i sure as heck didn't think that my granddaughter's generation would have to fight for. as far as we can do, we already took steps as soon as we heard from the decision, we knew that this was coming. we allocated over $30 million to beef up our abortion services. to protect the providers. to make sure there's capacity to take care of, not just new york women, that that new york could be a beacon of hope. a safe harbor for people coming elsewhere. but the specter you're talking about, the nationwide ban? that something frightening that we have to deal with. -- we are prepared to take on that fight. >> you are saying, right now, on the show, with people watching across the country that new york will remain a safe harbor for people from other states as long as we do not have this national ban?
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>> as long as i'm governor i can guarantee that, that's for sure. yes, that could be a scenario where we have a change in the white house, and change in the house, and a change in the senate. you know how that happens? with apathy. if people become complacent. but i think the reverse just happened. they don't know what they've unleashed. at the polls, and i'm not saying that it's our only solution, but it is a place of power. the fact that just monday this week, in the state of new york, we enacted nation leading reforms to make sure that the john lewis voting rights act of new york took place. i signed it into law. to make sure that everyone has access, to be able to exercise their free right to vote in the event that we start seeing changes in other states, where we continue the majority from democrats to republican. i served in congress in the republican minority. all they wanted to do was undo the work that our great president obama did on health care. i know it can happen if we lose
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control. people should not be just marching in the streets, they should be marching to the polls as soon as they can, and mobilizing people, absolutely. >> well abortion rights advocates are disappointed across the country, president biden, earlier today, signed the bipartisan gun safety bill that passed both houses of congress, this week, after weeks of delicate negotiations in the aftermath of the mass shootings in buffalo and uvalde. here's what he said. >> the number of people are killed every day in the streets, their message to us was do something. how many a time of we heard? that do something. for god sake, just do something. well today, we did. this bill doesn't do everything i want. it does include action i've longed called for that will save lives. >> now before we get into the supreme court ruling on hand gun laws, and you're
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administration's response to it, i wonder what does this gun bill do for new york that is currently on the books at the state level, governor? thwell we already have laws in place, like the red flag law, i signed legislation to beef up after the massacre in buffalo. reverend even i were there, one of the individuals, a grandmother, who lost her life just grocery shopping. we went back, right away, beefed up our laws. we banned ar-15s from teenagers which was the law of the land. they could have them under 18 years old. but also the federal law -- i think president biden's leadership, he's absolutely right, victims families said do something. something has been done. what we are going to get as more resources to states to help us find these programs. the red flag law. i need more resources to get the message out. more training. so i'm welcoming resources from
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the federal government to help us make sure that the laws that do it in washington have difference. is it all the way -- are we done? no we're never done. the march towards justice, as you know, from your life experience, is a long journey. but at least we can do something and say progress has at least started. >> yeah, and we want a lot more. but we have to start somewhere. this is, unfortunately, the first thing we've seen in a generation, certainly we want a lot more. we have to start. you're going to convene a special session in response to the court's decision, and our handgun law restricting conceal and carry -- what can you tell us about how state democrats are trying to push back against the ruling? >> i'm glad you said state democrats. it reminds me that there are 36 governors races up this year. the power base is shifting under the state legislatures. we need to elect more democrats
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in those houses, i just wanna make that point as well. the reason i would call that the legislature, is because otherwise they would be back until january. there's a sense of urgency. we can't allow people at random with a concealed weapon, going on our subway. he's going to a pride festival. we can imagine people carrying a concealed weapon. we read the decision carefully. we knew it might come. when i want the legislature to do is identify the sensitive places where concealed carry guns cannot be used. in fact, the decision already says we cannot, for example, ban concealed weapons from the entire island of manhattan. but we're going to go right up. and 12 those who say that it safer for people to pack their own guns and handle whatever situation comes their way, look
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at the statistics. new york state, random violent acts resulting in death, five 400,000 -- the states where they have less restrictive access to guns, where they can walk around with them, 25 per hundred thousand. so new york state, with our laws, has made her place safer. restricting legal rights, but also saying we have a moral responsibility as a leader of a state, to protect our citizens. we're gonna have some very serious and acted in a matter of days. i'm going to be proud of that. again, the journey is not over yet. we have so much more to do to protect our citizens. >> that is a lot to do with the rally -- we had the family young college basketball star, had to -- happen to be there and he was killed. this is serious, and we need to be taken it seriously.
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thank you very much, congresswoman, joining us. now is -- she served as vice president to policy to planned parenthood. i'd like to start first with your previous administrative experience at planned parenthood. you are also another of the pro choice caucus. right now, most of our legislators have seen some kind of protest. the epicenter, of course, being the streets around the supreme court. i look at this moment with civil rights in mind. wondering how women's help -- health organizations like planned parenthood pushback not just against a court decision, but against elected officials that had been with the court's decision, and -- your response, congresswoman? >> thanks for having this conversation, because i know that you know more than most
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how intersectional all these issues are. i was at the supreme court yesterday because people needed to know and hear that there were members in the body of the house of representatives standing with him. not everyone agreed with this decision of the supreme court. i served in the largest pro-choice caucus ever in the united states congress. this is the majority of pro-choice members. we've already passed the women's health protection act. but, reverent, what we know is that our issues are so intersectional. i served in the seat that was once served by congressman john lewis. when you think about how we are fighting to make sure we have voting rights in place is because of things like this. i tell people all the time, whether you care about the climate, housing, reproductive freedom and justice, no matter what issue you care about, it is a link back to her right to freedom at the ballot. we still have so much work to do. this is the work i've been fronting on that front lines for ten years. i'm not that old.
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i'm a seasoned in my work -- but not that old. ten years at one organization with planned parenthood, where i was at the front lines in alabama, georgia, and mississippi. i'm very much aware of the people that this will impact on the ground. we know that this disproportionately impacts black and brown women, first. >> one of the things i don't think discussed enough is it also sets a precedent for states rights. something the whole civil rights movement -- i'm still on the front lines of, you've come, you're seasoned, a lot younger than me, all of us can know from experience and history that states rights is always a threat to every buddies rights. as you know, not all states in which abortion is leader published racial data. but the latest numbers from the centers of disease control, compiling data from 29 states, that did report data in 2019
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found it 38% who obtained abortions in 2019 were black. 33% were white. 21% were latina. again, those numbers from states that reported to the cdc -- with that in mind, what is the conversation among black lawmakers? women and man in congress right now? when do you, as the whip of the democratic women's congress, what can you tell us is the conversation? >> one of the things we know, it's only those public abortion providers have to report statistics to the state legislature. we know those numbers are skewed. those people who have means an access are going to their private doctors. one in four women, regardless of their age, or race will seek care before they're 45 years old. when republicans are talking about overturning roe, we know
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that some women in their family have sought abortion care. one of four women. so all they have to do is look around the dinner table. oh we have to do is know how this disproportionately impacts as. i was proud to join with my colleagues in writing a letter to the president, because this is a state of emergency for black women where we are after number 50 in georgia for infant mortality. more black women die in georgia then in third world countries. we know we still have an expanded medicaid. people still don't have the health care they need. we're forcing people have politicians make personal decisions for them, and not let the doctors lead with the medicine they know it's best for their now patience. congresswoman, talking to the governor earlier about john lewis, your mentor and predecessor in your very
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district. i can only imagine what he would be thinking about for this week's court decision. but i cannot imagine that he would be in favor of a federally protected right being overturned after 50 years in the case of roe. what are your thoughts? you succeeded congressman lewis. you knew him well. >> well i don't have to wonder what john lewis thought. i've been in a march with congressman lewis when i was at planned parenthood at the skate capital here in georgia. because there were abortion restrictions on the books coming up in the legislature. congressman lewis led the rally in georgia. so i know that he wants us to find a way -- we know this fight is far from over. it did not happen overnight. we are not gonna fix it overnight. we have to make sure that right now people can get to the
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states where they can get the need so that people are not without access. we have to keep fighting. we have to keep pushing for it. this light is not over. we cannot back down. it's never the wrong time to do the right thing. this is our generations movement. we have to find our way to get in the way to make some trouble. i'm ready now. good trouble. >> good trouble. thank you congressman nikema williams, thank you for joining us tonight. after the break i -- later, after the supreme court did away with abortion rights for millions of american women this week, my political panel joins me to discuss which party could be more energized by the decision ahead of midterms. but first, my colleague richard louis in washington, with today's top you stories.
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richard. >> a very good sunday to you. story we are watching for in washington, thousands rally on the national mall for the first ever unity march led by the asian american community. partners included the lgbtq, muslim, disability, and black, indigenous, pacific island -- a suspect killed two people and injured 14 an oslo, norway, early saturday morning. people are investigating this as a terrorist attack. the shooting took place at the london pa, of nightclub popular with the cities and bt q community. -- norwegian authorities upgraded the threat to a terrorist attack and casual multiple gay pride events. they're in a federal appeals court, could the federal appeals --
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more politics nation with reverend al sharpton after the break. fter the break. what goes on it. usually. and in it. mostly. here to meet those high standards is the walgreens health and wellness brand. over 2000 high quality products. rigorously tested by us. real world tested by you. and delivered to your door in as little as one hour. i recommend nature made vitamins because i trust their quality. they were the first to be verified by usp...
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my minions will save me. as the january six committee lay it out important damning testimony this week, many republicans were less concerned about the newly exposed threats to democracy than they were about the democrats priorities. here's what's house minority leader kevin mccarthy set. >> it is a political committee. and the one thing i do know, and the american public knows, gas has gone up $1.86 a gallon since the day nancy pelosi announced that committee. >> bender is texas senator ted cruz, who issued this tweet saying, quote inflation has
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gone up 8.6% since last may. president biden and democrats policies are failing the american people unquote. there is no doubt the economy is important. while i would argue that we can handle more than one issue at a time, i could certainly understand if republicans wanted to make pocketbook pac volatilities a priority. but that's not what happened when the republicans in the country's second most popular stake met last weekend. the texas gop came together to approve a platform that wasn't looking ahead at how some -- instead it fixated on the past, rehashing trump's big lie and saying president biden was not legitimately elected. there was no mention of inflation in the document. but plenty of thanks spilled describing homosexuality as a quote abnormal lifestyle
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choice. the platform also rejects any efforts to restrict gun ownership, weeks after school shooting in uvalde, texas. it left 19 students dead and two teachers also died. it insists falsely that texas has a legal right to secede. while texas republicans are fantasizing about a civil war reboot, they are their state has modern-day problems. the state rates 43rd in the nation in educational attainment, according to a study. the texas power grid, which failed last winter, remains vulnerable, with one state senator warning there is no guarantee this summer's record demand will lead to rolling back out. many black and brown
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communities in houston still live under constant threat of flooding, even five years after hurricane harvey. along the 1200 mile border with mexico, testers state republican are actively working to make things worse. i saw the situation first unless up that amber in my compassionately as national action president when i at with -- asylum seekers to talk about the inhumane treatment they received, including being whipped by federal border control agents on horseback. rather than offering state resources to help ease the humanitarian crisis, texas governor greg abbott said have his own border inspections regime, briefly threatening the north american supply change already under intense pressure after two years of covid disruptions. it's obvious. texas republicans are not
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focused on voters real life economic problems. they may not be in touch with reality at all. it is not just a lone star state. we see the same playbook at work in governor desantis is florida, governor kemp's georgia, governor norms south dakota, where republicans are in charge, bigotry, grievances, and neglect or at the top of the agenda. here's my suggestion to the gop. before you criticize democrats for their political priority, get your own houses in order first. i gotcha. t. i gotcha at about screening for colon cancer? when caught in early stages it's more treatable. i'm cologuard. i'm noninvasive and i detect altered dna in your stool to find 92% of colon cancers, even in early stages. early stages? yep, it's for people 45 plus at average risk for colon cancer, not high risk.
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migraine attacks followed me home. nurtec is the only medication that can treat and prevent my migraines. don't take if allergic to nurtec. most common side effects, in less than 3% were nausea, indigestion, stomach pain. it's still the eat fresh® refresh at subway®, most common side effects, and now they're refreshing their classics... with a classic! refresh because their classic sweet onion sauce is getting refreshed on the new sweet onion steak teriyaki. you gotta refresh to... uh line? (♪ ♪) welcome back to politicsnation. let's dive a little bit deeper into the top topics of the day. joining me are too political strategists. democrat athena o'mara, and republican rick tyler. let's go to you first, rick.
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what we saw this week regarding guns is very rare. on the one hand, the supreme court doesn't do second amendment cases very often, and congress doesn't pass gun legislation very often. is this the new status quo? >> well we'll see, reverend, thanks for having me on. the core thing to recognize is that people have a right to protect themselves -- and new york has very strict regulations on people being able to carry a gun and protect themselves. having said that i think people should be trying to carry a gun. congress, after 30 years, has finally passed something that i think is actually quite useful, which was background checks, more intensive background checks on the owner, purchasers of firearms. particularly a lot of money towards mental health, which is a serious issue, and needs to be funded. also, security of schools.
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they also encourage the states, at least, to have red flag laws. we'll see how that goes. i know, a lot of second amendment supporters are against that. but i think if there's enough -- if it protects the rights of gun owners to get their guns back under false accusation and -- [inaudible] they can do that until they can prove the guns will be taken away. most gun owners are [inaudible] i think on balance it's pretty good progress, in my. view >> tina, moving on to the abortion ruling. i know you have a lot of experience with reproductive rights organizations. now, the ruling does not make abortion illegal nation wide, but states can now make their own rules on abortion, as i said earlier, states rights -- states can include the banning
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of the procedure of an acting restrictions. your quick thoughts on the magnitude of this ruling? >> it's horrific. someone who's worked for reproductive rights organizations, and justice organizations, this is absolutely horrific. it impacts over 50% of american people who seek abortion care. it is just so that people -- are following along at home, the court historians have said that this is the first time a fundamental right has been overturned, and walk back. as opposed to expanded. so it's going to be quite interesting, because right now we are in a situation where quite a few states have abortion rights that are illegal, but what's gonna happen when people live in states where now trigger bans
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are going into place in the last 24 hours. where they're going to go? they're going to go to the states where it is. there's going to be a lot of pressure on the system to support individuals seeking out abortion care. because it might be made illegal, but that doesn't stop people from getting abortions. >> and as i keep bringing up the issue of states rights, because of a states rights that gave a segregation, that gave us a lot of with the civil rights community that i was raised in still are out front with others in, states rights, clarence thomas who wrote the decision couldn't have gone to law school in some states, under states rights. is it fair to say that by any abortion rights, the supreme court lit a fire in the 2022 election? and now the question is which base will be more energized in the elections for the midterm elections? >> i hope that doesn't surprise,
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you rev, but i don't think the rulings gonna have much of a political effect on the elections at all. the reason because most people made up their mind a long time ago when we are the other. whether they're on one side of the argument, or the other. also, the decision has been known, it's been coming for a long time. so the kind of processed itself out. well some people are single issue voters, they just don't amount to a lot, on both sides. it's been pretty equal. i've been hearing -- i'm here in washington d.c.. the sides were pretty evenly matched. i think it's true in the country, now. 16 states codified roe v. wade into state law and their constitution. women can get their abortion, and other states, which are popularly elected by legislatures in those states, and i assume those states would not have moved to ban abortion -- and the governors signed those laws -- if it was an unpopular thing to do. the country is divided on it.
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i think we're essentially back where we were in 1973 because the judges concluded that the right to abortion was not in the constitution. it isn't. the roe v. wade decision was flooded many ways including that it wasn't in the constitution. it was never defined in the viability question. the privacy argument was very. week >> i guess that really says that both sides, then, need to mobilize and get their side out in big numbers. tim, i know you wrote an opinion piece entitled for conservatives saying, it's just a pit stop -- justice clarence thomas i've mentioned, he writes a concurring opinion that the supreme court should reconsider griswold lawrence and obergefell, rulings that protect contraception, same sex
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marriage, same sex relationships -- and it can go on, and on, and on. like i said, interracial marriage. all of this has been things that we've seen states having to deal with in american history. how concerned should we be that this will, in fact, happen, once we start accepting the states rights model? >> it's absolutely going to happen because it's been the plan of the conservative movement for 40 years. they laid out -- it's a pronged multipronged plan. abortion is the first stop. overturning it, they've been -- white christian, fascist, nationalism. once you've overturned abortion, yes, the same reasoning for protecting abortion takes away access to contraception. takes away same-sex marriage.
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the same precedent that allowed same-sex marriage and access to contraception to be ruled on as a right, we'll also put into question the right to equal education. loving virginia, the right, as you said, for interracial marriage in this country. it's been the -- >> none of those things are in the constitution -- >> that's absolutely the rationale. they're questioning that. and using it within the right to privacy club it doesn't exist -- the questioning all of this. they may have been civil rights we've enjoyed over the 50, 60 years. the thing that scary about it is that there's lots of people in the movement. i know the democratic party has talked about this for years, they said peep people -- things like this are coming if we don't get ready. if you don't believe it now, we'll alito putting it in the draft opinion, and thomas made it official in the concurrent
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opinion. are several rights, beyond abortion, rights are at stake. >> i'm out of time, but let me get a quick reply from you. clarence thomas is not gonna marriage against his own marriage. >> he's also an african american. >> i'm saying, if you put it to the states, you can have state legislators deciding it will be up to them -- when you have a state right model, it will be decided by state legislatures. >> it's the l precedent they're arguing already. based on that logic. >> no. >> you can't make a supreme court decision but say, but don't deal with these issues, they've opened the door, and you can run a lot through that door. but i'm out of time, thank you both for being with us. coming up, this week's abortion decision has caused many free
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precedent. joining me now is some -- contributor for scotus blog .com. she is the first black professor of law at the university of idaho, where she teaches constitutional law. professor, you teach in idaho, a deeply red state, where an abortion ban is set to come in effect next month. there are no current dance [inaudible] a drexel university law professor david cohen, said, quote there is no guarantee that an aggressive prosecutor might try to stretch the law as much as they can and quote. as a law professor in idaho, what is your reaction and perspective on the legality of
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this? >> first of all, reverend sharpton, thank you very much for having me on tonight. i have been teaching at the university of idaho for the past 11 years. as you said, i teach courses on constitutional law, criminal procedure and the first amendment. i have a lot of thought and perspective this evening. first, to your point earlier about the possibility of prosecuting individuals who seek to terminate a pregnancy in another state. once it becomes illegal in idaho. well, this would not be the only scenario where that type of prosecution could occur. idaho's currently surrounded by a number of states that legally allow for the body buying and selling of marijuana. moreover, there are other states that idaho share a border with, that allow for gambling and prostitution.
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but i will be paying attention to, should've prosecutor choose to target women exercising the right to terminate a pregnancy, across state borders, i'd be curious whether we would see similar prosecutions of those engaging in other activities that idaho has deemed illegal. >> while. how does the ruling overturning roe v. wade pave the way for other reversals and what should americans expect out of this court? >> i think americans should expect what they have seen from courts in our past. for example, we are all aware of cases like -- we often wonder how could these cases be decided given the language of our constitution that, at least at the time,
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promised a fair amount of rights for individuals. yet we saw in -- the court declining to extend citizenship rights to african americans who were enslaved. not only hurricane sleigh, but those who were free. later, a -- after we got a 14th amendment equal protection clause, the court says a quality does not mean the state is prohibited from separating people based on race. i think a lot about that history at this moment in time. >> on thursday, the supreme court also ruled that the constitution provides a right to carry a gun outside the home. issuing a major decision on the meaning of the second amendment. what do you make of the fact that a majority of the justices in the highest court in america went against public opinion on abortion and guns?
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>> well, what's interesting when i think about these two particular issues, is that we have had previous supreme courts decide that the rights to keep and bear arms was really connected to one membership in the militia. that was because of the text of the constitution, specifically the profit tory clause that talks about the need for a well armed militia. yet, them in the heller and mcdonald cases, -- that the court ignores that constitutional history that one's right to bear and keep arms is no longer collected to a militia. the court continues to ignore the fact that individuals like me, born a few years after row, it is my history and tradition that this right is available. we must look to the regional roe opinion itself and
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understand its flaws. it's failures to discuss in the courts analysis of history and tradition, the treatment of enslaved women and native ever merrick and women in particular. >> now we just have 30 seconds, but i have to ask you quickly on your thoughts on term limits for supreme court justices. >> well, reverend sharpton, it's a difficult question. i'm not really sure what to think. and of course, i am an ambitious individual myself. so should i find my ability to operate on the court or serve my government in that capacity, i certainly would want the lifetime tenure i think that many other federal judges have enjoyed in the past. so i'm not really quite sure that we have enough evidence that it's the length of the term that is the problem, or more so the process of choosing our justices. >> i can only imagine what's
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ketanji brown jackson, the incoming justice she must be thinking she's walking into. thank you. up next. my final thoughts. my final thoughts. what goes on it. usually. and in it. mostly. here to meet those high standards is the walgreens health and wellness brand. over 2000 high quality products. rigorously tested by us. real world tested by you. and delivered to your door in as little as one hour.
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this ruling could not have come at a worse time, as we ended civil rights community have been working to de-escalate gun violence in the city. it has never been more important for congress to pass meaningful legislation to combat the epidemic that is gun violence. not just in new york but throughout the nation. the supreme court decision overturning roe v. wade is a blatant attempt to bring us back to the dark ages. it would disproportionately impact black women and poor women. it will only lead to unsafe clandestine abortions and force women to carry unwanted pregnancies to term. this must be resisted aggressively. states must and neck laws to protect women. i am not just saying this as a civil rights leader and president of national action network. i am saying this as a loyal concerned citizen of this great country.
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3:00 pm
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