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tv   Velshi  MSNBC  June 26, 2022 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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good morning, it is sunday, june 25th. i am or citrus or come, are in for ali velshi. do not worry, he'll be back next weekend. but i do appreciate you all hanging around with me this weekend. we begin this hour with chaos and consequences unleashed by the supreme court decision to overturn roe v. wade. the right to abortion is being revoked across the country, as this was so-called trigger laws activate their own bans on the
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procedure. get this, not states have abortion bans have already gone into effect. and that represents 7.2 million women of reproductive age who just saw their autonomy erased, yesterday on friday. if you had taxes, which is we already operating under a total ban, that makes another 7 million. that is 14 million fellow american woman, who have been deemed by the supreme court that's they aren't equal citizens anymore. who their autonomy and their decisions about their future have been erased. altogether, 26 states are likely to ban abortion care in the coming days and months. according to the guttmacher institute, with just a research and policy organization that advocates reproductive rights. this court decision sets us back 50 years, and americans across the country are moving forward in protest. demonstrations began just hours after the supreme court decision dropped, and they are expected to continue today. nbc's jessi hart is tracking those developments for us, from manhattan square.
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jesse, how are you seeing the protesters right now, what are you hearing? >> good morning maria teresa, right now it is pretty quiet here. but just yesterday there was a group here in union park slamming the decision to overturn roe v. wade. we have seen rallies for and against this decision, across the country, throughout the weekend. calls for action continue to keep coming up. but what exactly should come next days yet another debates. >> overnight, demands for abortion rights are still occurring across the u.s.. for the second straight day, thousands protested throughout the country after the supreme court overturned roe v. wade, revoking constitutionally guaranteed rights to an abortion. >> i cannot imagine the effects mentally on being forced to carry your abusers child to full term. >> others applauding the decision, like this washington d.c. crowd. >> [inaudible]
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not all demonstrations remain peaceful. on rhode island, friday jennifer warwick was allegedly attacked in abortion rights rally by state senate raised a gop opponent, who has since dropped out of the race. there is video of the incidents going viral. state police say the suspect, an off-duty cop, has been arrested and charged with assault, and works as someone opposing abortion rights were also injured. >> people were angry. both sides were angry. for people to escalate to those points is really disappointing. >> some say this if you cannot wait for the midterm elections, even as others make a voting push. >> we are calling out the federal government to intervene, to reinstate legal abortion for the country nationwide, now. >> already, some employers are taking their own action. meta, disney, and nbc news parent company comcast, army the growing number of companies offering to help cover costs two employees traveling across states to get abortions. >> -- everything is culminated to this point in this country.
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we have to decide for our women who want this choice. >> we are overwhelmingly overjoyed that this marks the day that states can really end abortion. >> there are more rallies expected today here in new york, the annual primaries will be kicked off by planned parenthood, an abortion provider. a reminder that abortion rights are not the only issue top of mind right now. back to you. ly issue t op o mind right now nbc's, jesse kirsch, but thank you for your reporting. >> joining now is for tina grays, ceo of the national means law center, and president of the national woman's law center. full disclosure, she is a friend. thank you so much for joining me. fatima, you've been on the front lines of this issue for quite a long time. . one of the things that you tweeted a while ago was that when trump says that he is going to appoint justices, that we are going to overthrow roe, i believe him. when we saw mcconnell say that
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he wanted to ban abortion care across the country, believe that, one of the stakes right now going into the november election? i ask you because the president on friday, he made his announcement. he said that the only way to upturn this decision was to codify roe v. wade across the land, to guarantee abortion access. however, there is skepticism that actually can happen simply by voting. >> well, i want to be clear that abortion access is on the ballot as every single level. of this election. mcconnell and mccarthy have been clear that if they have the chance, they will pass a nationwide ban. i take that very seriously, i think that is their plan. they are saying it out loud and they're trying to build support to do it. and for sure, this president could veto it.
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but it isn't about them take this very drastic measures. let's be, clear in some other states it is not our state, now it is in every state around the country. the other thing is, in the state that are racing to ban abortion now, those 26 states that you mentioned, those decisions are on the ballot. people have to vote up and down the ballots on this issue. and finally, there are many states that are taking important measures to expand access. to announce that they will be safe havens to ensure that people can be safe as providers, as patients, as helpers in this. time. that is also on the ballot. the question this year is, what kind of country do you want to live in? and will people be able to access care with dignity and with safety? everyone should be asked that question. >> one of the things that seems to be a silver lining is that
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when roe v. wade first got on the books, we just did not have sat medical access that could provide for the privacy of your own home, by taking an abortion pill, and having that experience without the invasive medical procedures. a lot of folks are saying that that, that medicine, will replace abortion care as we traditionally know it. but then we have places like texas, fatima, or even if you take an abortion pill, then you are violating the law. can we speak a little bit to that? >> one of the most outrageous things about the supreme court decision is that they are suggesting that this might be some kind of final decision on the matter. we are gonna see endless prosecution and litigation about what this means. it is not the end of this question. people already self manage with providers cares, using medication. and we expect that to continue,
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but we also expects states like texas to continue criminalizing it. and that is gonna have the deepest effect on people who already have too much contact with the criminal justice system, whose lives criminalized, black, latino folks, all are going to get caught up in this. so i think this is where you heard, though, the president being clear in the department of justice, speaking clearly. they are going to be there around states efforts to criminalize conduct in other states. they are gonna be there around the da's statements around a safety and efficacy of these medications. states cannot say the opposite of that. so we will say this play out in important ways. >> fatima goss graves, think so much for me this morning. >> join me now is california
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congresswoman a duty to. she serves on the house ways committee, and his lead sponsor the health protection act, which would have codified abortion aspects across the country. congresswoman, was your reaction till friday. and i ask because, we expected this to come. i fits different we have to hear the ruling. >> i was outraged. yes, i knew that the leak decision meant that this could happen. but to actually get this decision, another 26 states banned abortion, leaving 38 million women in jeopardy, just frightened me and cause me tremendous anger. in may. i thought about the 13-year-old victim of rape who would be
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unable to guard of state for abortion. or the person with the end topic of pregnancy whose life would be in danger, unless it gets immediate attention. those are the woman who will be in danger because of these 26 states. that will ban abortion. it is a devastating blow to personal freedom. it is not the will of the people. 70% of americans support abortion access. these justices went against the will of the people. >> congresswoman, one of the things that we are learning now is that susan collins, your colleague, is surprised and shocked that cabinet did not speak to her straight. that he basically lied. we saw footage after footage of people that were trying to fill in that bench, and now four of them who all said that they would not touch roe v. wade wade. where's susan collins now, and
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what would you say to her during the post. my fall question to, that are their penalties for lying to the senate during confirmation hearings? >> well, remember that we actually did have a bill to and roe v. wade into law. it is my bill. it did not pass out of the house on a vote of two 18 to 11. but it is in the senate it was stopped. and in, fact it was senator susan collins did vote against it, despite the fact that saying that she was pro-choice. now she is saying that she was misled by bryce kavanaugh. in the hearings, as well as four sacks. but actually, it was so abundantly clear to all of us that's brett kavanaugh was actually very very much going to overturn roe v. wade. just from the prior statements that he and for such were saying. so i think that she was
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alluding herself when she voted for him and i do wish that there were penalties for justices that lie. unfortunately it is lifetime appointment. i wish that would end. but in order to have term limits where the supreme court would have to have a constitutional amendment, coequal order. >> would you be in agreement with some folks on the progressive side, to expand the bench? i asked that because this such a slippery slope, expanding the courts. so would you be in agreement with that? what's rectification's would you recommend besides term limits if any,? >> i actually am ace co-sponsor of a bill to expand the court. i feel that is the only fair thing to do, given the fact these are lifetime appointments. however, i do know about the difficulty of this. we already have a 63 majority
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on the supreme court. so if we were wanting to get their opinions, we actually have to appoint for more supreme court justices. and that is also a tall order. nonetheless, i do think that the supreme court at this point is going to have even more negative opinions, negative two at the american people want. because if they are striking down the due process clause, the 14th amendment, this is only the start. now we are going to see decisions undermining contraception. same sex marriage. and the ability for you to love who you want. >> well, i think that justice thomas has telegraphed what he would like to do next. and one of the conversations that we are not having this weekend, because they basically
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filled the zone with such that decisions, in my opinion, is the fact that miranda rights are no longer necessary, if you are arrested. i know that is a big issue as well for the progressive caucus, and for a lot of members. california congresswoman judy chu, thank you so much for spending your morning with us, and clarifying the stakes that we have in front of us. >> thank you so much. >> do not go away. we still have a lot ahead here on velshi. coming, up the true meaning of leaving abortion up to the states. kansas has a long and violent past when it comes to abortion rights. and now, it could all come down to how six votes during this year's primaries. but before the vote, a bright spot today. pride, millions of people around the world celebrating the hard one and fought lgbtq soul rights victories. it is particularly a timely reminder of the power of demonstrating grassroots activism's, your voice, and your vote. we will be at the heart of it all, right up next. t of i all, right up next
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everywhere from new york city, to phoenix, and all over the world, telephone poles, store windows and front porch is are displaying rainbow and trans flags with a flourish. tens of thousands of people in brightly colored clothing will take to the streets to celebrate queer identity of all forms. community founded on understanding, love, allyship and hard won civil rights victories. it should be a day full of pride, and it is. but they say two things can be true at once. and today, two things are. while we and they should be celebrate pride, and have concerns for the course our nation is taking to undermine our progress towards a more just feature, and society for all. physically, there is increasing security and emotional, a backdrop of dark, unwanted change for the near future. if you don't change the course. joining me now from the heart of the celebration is jonathan
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capehart, host of the day show on msnbc. happy pride, jonathan capehart. what's going on on the streets? >> happy pride to you as well. not much happening now, the parade does not start for two hours. but i can tell you as a longtime resident, former resident of new york city, pride sunday is a very exciting day. fifth avenue is going to be packed, packed with people once the parade gets moving. and it is a celebration. it is a march, but a celebration of visibility, and overall acceptance. but as you said in your intro, we are now living in a time where, a supreme court justice and concurring opinion said hey, now that we have overturned a woman's right to an abortion, let's also look at marriage equality. let's also look at trump contraception. let's also look at
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re-criminalizing, intimate relations between same-sex adults. as you said, two things can be true at the same time. we can celebrate the moment we are in, in terms of the rights that we have. also, we are very concerned about whether or not those rights will still be with us. >> and jonathan, you have a new special airing tonight on msnbc at 10 pm eastern called, pride of stage and screen. tell us what you have in store for us? >> okay, so this is going to be really fun. tonight at 10 pm -- >> of course it is! >> pride of stage and screen, some of the biggest lights from television, films and of course, broadway. we have got the og himself, harvey fierstein. we've got will soon crews, laverne cox, who has her own barbie now. we have the tony award winning playwright, of a strange loop, michael r. jackson. the tony nominated star of a strange loop, jacqueline spivey.
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also, we have debris jacobs, debris jacobs who is a queer indigenous woman, who is a new marvel superhero! so we have a lot of people doing great things on stage and screen. >> jonathan, when are we going to get $1 from you? >> [laughs] >> i mean, with what you are listing? come on now, jonathan. at the bow tie and everything? i would buy it, i know many. would jonathan capehart, thank you very much. be sure to join him for a special edition of the sunday show, live from new york city. it begins at the top of the hour, and you are going to enjoy it. coming up, ex presidential trump slides have had dire consequences for millions of americans. but for one woman, they have up ended her life. former election worker shea moss has faced violent threats after being falsely accused of processing fake ballots. the larger implications of the twice impeached foreign
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house investigation into january 6th into interactions on a two-week hiatus as the committee, gets new evidence. in the first five hearings, one main theme has been the thread of weaponized politics and the consequences that come with it. during tuesday's hearing, congressman adam schiff interviewed seamus, a former election worker who was falsely accused of the former president, and rudy giuliani, for processing quote, fake ballots for joe biden. that was a lie and as a result of those lies, she was harassed with racist and violent threats. she consequently hid her identity and left her job for her own safety all because of the vicious lie told by the twice impeached former president who lost both popular and electoral vote. listen to moss explain how her life changed after that ordeal.
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>> it's threaten my life, turn it upside down. i no longer give out my business card, i do not transfer calls. i don't want anyone knowing my name, don't want to go anywhere with my mom, because she might yell my name out the grocery aisle or something, i don't go to the grocery store at all. i have not been anywhere at all. i have gained about 60 pounds. i just don't do nothing anymore, don't want to go anywhere, i second guess everything that i do. >> it is always hard to hear that, it is not the first time i heard it, about every single time it is not only compelling, but frightening. now joining me, is joan friedman, american professor of historic studies at yale, and author of filled abroad,
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violence in congress and the road to civil war. i have to say, listening to shae moss, what happened to her and her mother, the clear words and threats have real life consequences. how do we see the power play here that the president decided he was going to use on this person? >> well, i think that testimony was amazingly powerful in many, many ways. but i think one way it could particularly, effectively is among the lines of what you are asking here, it shows the real life human impact of what could be dismissed as just threats, right? and unfortunately, in our recent past of the united states, there are a lot of threats going on, school board meetings and elsewhere. but the fact of the matter is, that kind of behavior is a form of violence, and it has an impact. and what we saw with shae moss, and her mother ruby freeman, is the human, emotional, real impact of that. i think it is a really
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important reminder that those kinds of threats, particularly coming from the president of the united states, but even more generally, that is a form of violence >> yes, so professor freeman, one of the things that was so compelling is that she was just doing her job. and she is a public servant that wanted to do elections, and wanted to help, that was part of her testimony. can you talk about how oftentimes, using intimidation to prevent safe and free elections is a tactic to prevent people from making sure that there is a democracy which can thrive? >> absolutely. and that is important to consider, although we are calling it intimidation, it can have an enormous impact. it only takes one or two acts of actual violence to empower threats and intimidation. if you believe that someone might live through, follow
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through on the act which they are threatening to commit against you or anyone, that becomes something which will silence you into compliance, it will prevent you, as miss moss was testifying, quite powerfully, from stepping forward, saying anything. so intimidation, that appealing by a few strategic examples of violence, is very effective at intimidating, silencing anyone. particularly when it comes to voting. if you are afraid, you go to a polling place. if you are afraid of what will happen, they're afraid of people knowing who you voted for, and responding, there are any number of levels that might keep someone back from a polling place, from voting, for logical reasons, which is absolutely a fundamental attack on really, the core of our democratic process. >> yes. the playbook of the former president seemto be emp is that of autocracies and that
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republics. listening to this woman, an everyday american doing her job, is not only chilling, but also another warning of what we need to do to make sure that we are diligent, that there are consequences for these actions. dr. freeman. i want to ask you another question. yesterday, you tweeted about the supreme court decision. and i quote, the right is already nonsensical calling protesters insurrections. they are not the same. the january six folks only stood out this at the capitol and chanted, even with the gallows, that we protest. not interaction. the violent attack on the government? that is insurrection. can you talk about this hypocrisy? >> i think it is an important point to make, because we have seen on the right sun very effective use of redefining and manipulation of words th the very spific intent in mind. and in this case, we are already seeing, from some on the right calling protests, people in the streets,
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protesting against the overturning of roe, calling that insurrection. it is wildly important to know the insurrection is a word with specific meaning. if you are engaged in an insurrection, you are engaged in an often violent attack against the government. often, to try to overturn the government. there is a very specific meaning there. protest is being out in the street, or wherever else you choose to protest, expressing their views, even doing so loudly, potentially even engaging in violence. that is protest. the difference between protest and insurrection is that an insurrection is and an attack on the government, with an attempt to overturn -- overturn or suppress the government. people trying to overturn an election? that is insurrection. people in the streets, protesting about the overturning of roe, yelling, holding up traffic? that is protest, not insurrection. >> i think it is a fine
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distinction. because as you say, the right is trying to convoluted the two of those. and what was a coup on our government, the other was they write protected by the constitution. doctor joan freeman, thank you so much for joining me. >> thank you. >> a shocking and violent moment at an abortion protest in providence, or rather yesterday, as the state senate candidate was allegedly attacked by a republican opponent. an off-duty police officer. she joins me, next. police officer shomers covered, from major hubs to remote destinations. with 5g coverage ready now. for the demands of today and the future, as they deliver next-level care for all customers. 5g ready now. that's how unconventional thinking is better for business. we hit the bike trails every weekend shinges doesn't care. i grow all my own vegetables
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earlier in the show we mentioned an incident which occurred friday night in the city of providence. during an abortion rights rally of the rhode island state house, democratic candidate for state senate, jennifer ward was punched in the face, allegedly by her at republican point, legault. we need to warn you, the following footage is very unsettling. as you can see here, the moment in question was caught on camera. he is wearing the pink shirt, legault, also a police officer who was off duty at the time has since turned himself in, and has been charged. he has also dropped out of the race. now joining me is general or, democratic candidate for the state senate in rhode island, and the reproductive rights organizer. jennifer, that was some stunning footage. before we get started, how are you doing this morning? >> i am okay.
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i have a constant ringing in my left ear, now which is a little annoying. my face is sore, but i am okay. >> it is okay to not be okay. i think that in our democracy, when you are running for office, being assaulted by your opponent is not part of white thriving, safe democracies do. so can you share with me about how you are able to handle that moment shortly after? >> i froze, honestly. having something like that happen at a peaceful protest is not what you would expect. but i turned to the officers there and flat out told them, i want to press charges. i could hear an instant ringing. so when they were saying things, on the left side, i could not hear them. i stood to the side, and local into the police department immediately and pressed charges against him. >> now, did you know your opposition candidate before?
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did you know jean legault? having that before or was this the first time? >> we had never had any interaction until he hit me. i saw his picture on social media. he made an announcement he was running for the seat, he was previously running for lieutenant governor, but i never had any interaction with him. >> so, just so the audience better understands, you are protesting the roe v. wade, in a peaceful protest. and this opponent you had never met, you have only seen this picture on social media, comes lunging towards you, is that what happens? >> i could say -- >> were words exchanged? >> i did not see him until he hit me. i had successfully de-escalated a situation and was escorting a counterprotest her out, and all of the sudden, there was a physical altercation with someone i do not know, i looked to my left, and i get punched in the face multiple times.
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i looked him dead in his face, and i knew exactly who he was. that was our first interaction. >> so if you had never spoken to him, and he came lunging at you, why? were there any words exchanged with the crowd? what's resulted in him hitting you? i ask because, i think it is important for folks to understand the tensions that sometimes arise in these rallies are not from the protests we are seeing. i was at the supreme court two days ago, and you had these big barbed wire fences, people are singing songs in peace circles. so i think there's a differentiation that needs to be made around these protests. so if you could speak to me about what may have happened before, what may have triggered him, i think that is important to understand. >> honestly, i don't understand why he was attending the rally in the first place. i understand everybody has the right to congregate in places they would like to attend.
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but he was not there as someone who was supportive of the event. he is someone who is pro-life, and it was a pro-choice event, a peaceful event for people to call their legislators. i was there, speaking as a candidate, in the candidate role, i was speaking as a board member, how the overturning of roe will affect my marriage as a black woman, a puerto rico woman married to a white man. i stated my name, so anyone who has ever attended these events knows i am a board member of this organization. i stated my name when i first got up there. somebody introduced the, but his reason for being there, honestly, i think that it was to cause trouble, to incite something. there was no need. it was a beautiful, beautiful, peaceful rally. >> jennifer, could you now tell me what your intentions are here? my hope is to hear that you are still running for office? but i would like to get your perspective.
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>> i am still running. i will not give up. i have a primary september 13th. but what gives me hope through all of this is that i am the cofounder, co-fear of the morale and the political cooperative. with the help of my cofounders, i have recruited numerous amounts of black and brown candidates, who are running for office, and to know there will be a group of people up there who are legislating from the perspective of the working class, nurses and teachers, it gives me hope. and that pushes me even more to keep going. i can't walk away from this. >> great to hear that you are not walking away from it. i think it is important for viewers to understand the intimidation we saw last week from elections officials, to intimidating potential candidates is part of the broader strategy. we need to get everyday citizens, individuals to come, forth not to continue election work but run for office. jennifer york, thank you so
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much. >> thank you so much. >> coming up. the u.s. constitution is the law of the land. but states have their own constitutions as well. and the way the interpret abortions at all state levels who have dire consequences for millions of people. we had to the most pivotal of these states, kansas. we will be right back. states, kansas we will be right back.
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versus wade marks the first time a supreme court has taken away right instead of expanding it. justice samuel alito writes in his opinion, quote, the constitution makes no reference to abortion, and no such right is implicitly protected by any constitutional or provision. the supreme court's opinion are based upon the courts interpretation of the united states constitution. and it is safe to say that most americans would find something lacking in his interpretation. this seems to suggest the constitution was not meant to be a living, breathing document. instead, the personal rights of all americans should be frozen in that time period. can you imagine? a time of enslavement for african americans, the subjugation of women of every creed and color, who are not affluent? but each state has its own constitution as well. and in recent years, state lawmakers have looked to a millionaire state constitutions in order to protect or explicitly prohibit abortion rights. take kansas, for example. back in 2019, the kansas
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supreme court the treatment that the states constitution protected the rights to an abortion. that ruling is one of the few protections keeping abortion legal in kansas. where republicans have a supermajority in the state legislator. but that could all change. republicans have proposed an amendment to specifically state that nothing in its constitution applies to the protection of abortion rights. that amendment is now on the ballot for residents to vote on during the states primary in august. if it passes, you have dire consequences for the entire midwest. or access to abortion will soon become very limited. after the break, i will speak with kathleen civilly as, a former governor of kansas, and former health and human services secretary under president barack obama. and sapphire garcia lease, founder of the birth justice society, about this high stakes fight for abortions rights. we will be right back, do not switch the channel. ghts ghts we will be right back, do no
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sebelius, former governor of kansas and previously served as the health and human services during the obama administration. also joining me is sapphire garcia leads, founder of the kansas birth justice in society, a nonprofit for reproductive health care says facility. thank you so much for joining me today, on this specific day. because i know that you have had so much to do as secretary for passing, securing the funding for plan be. what does it mean, now that
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effort you did, why is it so important now, given the backdrop of roe being overturned in the supreme court on friday? >> well it is good to see you, maria theresa. i think it is really rtant for people to understand that this with the radical supreme court decision means we have really forced births. it means that women, girls, regardless of their health or their capacity, regardless of the circumstances of their pregnancy will be forced to give birth in many states around the country, and potentially, all states in the country. that is a very dangerous place for women and girls to find themselves. clearly, plan b is one of the alternatives for women to
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access, it is an emergency contraception device which can quickly be used after unsafe sex, unprotected sex to try to prevent a pregnancy from happening. and i am afraid it has been mischaracterized all over this country, intentionally mischaracterized as something to do with abortion. it is not an abortion, it is an emergency contraception which is very little to women, girls and the access to that needs to be widely available. but again, states have taken steps to try to limit access to contraception. it is a path which is enormously dangerous, if this forced birth decision becomes more prevalent. 20 states are about to totally ban abortion and reproductive health choices. my two-year-old grand daughter
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will have fewer health choices when she reaches the age of reproduction. that is a terrifying place for women, girls to be in america. >> and what you are describing does not sound like the modern america. now, we are going backwards, as the president mentioned on friday, talking about this. i think oftentimes, one of the most dangerous parts is we see that seems to be legislating religious beliefs on how they feel. something i often say, as a strong catholic, i look at what happens in south america, where in columbia, mexico, they are large catholic populations, but they past abortion less than 18 months ago. we do seem to be going backwards. i want to bring sapphire into the conversation. it seems, or the secretary is saying, is it is not just banned in certain states, possibly it could be banned in every state. and kansas seems to be at the forefront of where we are seeing this. we see a constitutional
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amendment to change the constitution of where, right now, people in kansas can have access to this type of health care. but they are bringing it to the people, in the ballot box. get this, during a state primary. i won't even talk about how that seems, because yes it is the will of the people. also, oftentimes we recognize that under primaries, some of the lowest turnout of any elections. can we speak about this strategy we are seeing unfold right now in kansas? >> yes. we know that this was done intentionally. we know this is an attempt to remove our voices, to quiet us, to take our rights away under the cover of the night. and we cannot let this stand. i keep telling you what is happening on the ground over here, working with pregnant women of color everywhere. we are already dying in droves. we make up two thirds of the maternal deaths in kansas. two thirds!
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despite being a small segment of the population. we know that if this is allowed to pass, we will die at higher rates. it has been projected that 33% more maternal deaths will happen in the black community, as a result of this law. we are one of the last strongholds, we see folks coming to kansas foso it is alrr somebody living in kansas to access an abortion, much less the lack of resources to get that abortion. >> so, secretary sebelius, something sapphire just mentioned which needs to be written down, if republicans succeed one day in banning abortions, how will this affect the entire region of the midwest? >> i want to start with thanking sapphire for that enormously important work she does day in and out, but only for the women here, but across
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the midwest. kansas is now an island, surrounded by a number of states, where trigger laws, laws that say if roe false, a total ban of abortion will go into effect, missouri, our neighbors to the east, missouri just announced that starting on friday, their law will be in effect. you can look at the map on the screen and see, we are that little island over here. sapphire, also totally correct, this is a very cynical move by the republican legislators. we have had language in our constitution since 1859, which gives inalienable, natural rights to all citizens of kansas. and on a 6 to 1 supreme court decision, it was affirmed to include women, to make sure that women have stronger protections in the kansas constitution than they did in the 14th amendment.
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so we have constitutional language protecting kansas, which was founded by abolitionists. they were anti-slavery. and that language very much permeates our constitution. to put this on the ballot, five weeks from now, and the lowest possible turnout requires us to really mobilize. we have to educate. we have to register. we have to mobilize voters, many of whom are not voting in primaries, certainly not used to voting in midterm primaries. but it is a critical vote. not only will it assure access to health choices from kansas, women and girls, but access to health choices for our neighbors, friends throughout the midwest. >> so folks in kansas, tuning in. you heard it from the secretary sebelius and sapphire garcia lease, that these primaries are very important. take a listen, it is not just for you, but for the women and
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girls surrounding your state. thank you all for your courage, the work that you do, so firing particular, it is not an easy time. but i know that there are millions of americans tuning in right now, who are grateful for your courage to do the work that needs to get done. thank you so much, secretary. i appreciate you both joining us. >> nice to see you. >> now, folks. that does it for me, thank you for watching velshi. i promise you, he will be back in the chair next weekend, but i appreciate you sharing your time with me. catch him here, saturdays and sundays from eight to 10 am eastern, especially shun of the sunday show with jonathan kaye part, live from pride in new york city, starts right now. >> good morning and welcome to this addition of the sunday show, live from the pride march route in


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