tv Morning Joe MSNBC June 30, 2022 6:00am-7:00am PDT
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all domains. land, air, sea, cyber and space. we reaffirmed that our article 5 commitment is sacred and that an attack on one is an attack on all and we'll defend every inch of nato territory. every inch of nato territory. for our part, the united states is doing exactly what i said we could do if putin invaded and enhanced or forced posture in europe. we'll station more ships in near in spain. we'retationing more air defense in italy and germany. more f-35s in the united kingdom and to strengthen our eastern flank, now headquarters for the army fifth corp in poland. in addition, an additional brigade combat team positioned in romania. and additional rotational deployments in the baltic countries. things are changing. so we're adapting to the world as we have it today.
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and all of this is against the back drop of our response to nato's -- to russia's aggression and to help ukraine defend itself. united states is rallying the world to stand with ukraine. allies and partners around the globe are making significant contributions. sect austin just brought together more than 50 countries, more than 50 countries pledging new commitments and this is a global effort to support ukraine. nearly 140,000 anti-tank systems, more than 600 tanks, nearly 500 artillery systems, more than 600,000 rounds of artillery ammunition, as well as advanced multiple launch rocket systems and air defense smexs. and again the united states is leading the way. we provided ukraine are nearly $7 billion in security assistance since i took office. the next few days we intend to
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announce more than $800 million more including new advanced western air defense systems to ukraine, more artillery and ammunition, counter battery radar and the launch system we've given ukraine and more coming from other countries as well. we also welcome for the first time or partners in the indo pacific to participate in the nato summit. as i indicated to putin, this will be his action would cause worldwide response. bringing together democratic allies and partners from the atlantic and the pacific. to focus on the challenges that matter to our future and to defend the rules based order against the challenges including from china. in the g7 in germany, we're also launched what started off to be the build back better notion. but it is morphed into the partnership for global infrastructure and investment. to offer developing and middle
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income countries better options to meet their urgent infrastructure needs. because when the united states and g7 countries put skin in the game, it helps bring millions of dollars up to -- up to probably a trillion dollars of private sector money. $600 billion in the next few years. unlike china, these projects will be done transparently, and with very high standards. for example, u.s. government just facilitated a new partnership between two american firms an the government of angola. to invest $2 billion building a significant solar project in angola. it is a partnership to help angola meet its climate goals while creating new markets for american technology and good jobs. excuse me. in angola. as you heard me say before, when i any climate, i think of jobs. an the g7 also said we work to
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take on china's abusive and cooersive trade practices and rid our supply chains of products made with forced labor. we task our teams to work on a details of the price cap on russian oil to drive down putin's revenues without hurting americans and others at the gas pump. we'll seek to use the funds from the tariffs on russian goods to help ukraine rebuild. we're committed and we've committed more than $4.5 billion, more than half of that from the united states to address food insecurity and the immediate crisis caused by russian war. at every step of this trip, we set down a marker. of unity, determination, and deep capabilities with the democratic nations of world to do what need to be done. putin thought he would break the transatlantic aliebs. he tried to weaken us.
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he expected our resolve to fracture. but he's getting exactly what he did not want. he wanted the finish of nato. he got the nato-ization of finland. think about this. that is what he thought. now nato and sweden are closer than ever to joining. we're more united than ever. and with the addition of finland and sweden, we'll be stronger than ever. they've serious militaries, both of them. we'll increase the nato border by 800 mile as long the finnish/russian border. sweden is all in. the point is we're meeting the goals i set out when we first -- the first g7 meeting where we're moving to a place that reflects the realities of the -- the second quarter of the 21st century and we're on the verge of making significant progress. now i'd be happy to take your
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questions. and first question i'm told is darlene superville from the associated press. >> thank you, mr. president. two questions, please. >> of course. >> america is back was your motto at the first nato summit last year and you've come this this summit here and the one in germany after the u.s. supreme court over turned constitutional protections for abortion, after the shootings in buffalo and texas, at a time of record inflation and as new polling this week shows that 85% of the u.s. public thinks the country is going in the wrong direction. how do you explain this to those people who feel the country is going in the wrong direction, and including some of the leaders you've been meeting with this week who think that when you put all of this together, it amounts to an america that is going backward.
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>> they do not think that. you haven't found one person, one world leader to say america is going backwards. america is better positioned to lead the world than we ever have been. we have the strongest economy in the world. our inflation rates are lower than other nations in the world. the one thing that has been destabilizing is the outrageous behavior of the supreme court of the united states. on efr ruling not only roe v. wade, but essentially challenging the right to privacy. we've been a leader in the world in terms of personal rights and privacy rights. and it is a mistake in my view for the supreme court to do what it did. but i have not seen anyone come up to me to do anything other, nor have you heard them say anything, thank you for america's leadership. you've changed the dynamic of nato and the g7. so i could understand why the american people are frustrated. because of what the supreme court did. i could understand why the
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american people are frustrated because of inflation. and inflation is higher in almost every other country, prices at the pump are higher in almost every other country. we're better positioned to deal with this than anyone but we have a way to go, and supreme court we have to change that decision by codified roe v. wade. >> there were some comments by some of your counterparts after the u.s. supreme court ruling. but my second question is, g7 leaders this week pledged to support ukraine, quote, for as long as it takes. and ienl wondering if you could explain what that means to the american people for as long as it takes. does it mean indefinite support from the united states for ukraine, or will there come a time when you have to say to president zelenskyy that the united states cannot support his country any longer? thank you. >> we're going to support ukraine as long as it takes. look at impact that war on ukraine has had on russia. they've had to renege on their national debt for the first time since the beginning, almost well
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over 100 years. they've lost 15 years of gains they made in terms of their economy. they're in a situation where they're having trouble because of my imposition of dealing with what could be exported to russia in terms of technology. they can't even, they're having trouble maintaining oil production because they don't have the tule to do it. they need american technology. and they also had a similar situation in terms of their weapon systems and some of thur military systems. so they're paying a very, very heavy price for this. and just today snake island is now taken over by the -- by the ukrainians. so we are going to stick with ukraine and all of the alliances will stick aukraine as long as it takes to in fact make sure that they are not defeated by
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ukraine -- excuse me, in ukraine by russia. and by the way, think of this. ukraine has already dealt a severe blow to russia. russia in fact has already lost its international standing. russia is in a position where the whole world is looking and saying, wait a minute. all of the this effort, you tried to take the whole country, you tried to take kyiv and you lost, you tried to take the don bass and all of it, and you haven't done that yet. but the generic point is that we're complying them with the capacity and the overwhelming courage they've demonstrated that in fact they could continue to resist the russian aggression and so i don't know what -- how it is going to end. but it will not end with a russian defeat of ukraine in ukraine. um, i'm supposed to go down the list here. jim, "new york times."
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>> hi, mr. president. thank you. this week you and the g7 allies introduced a plan for an oil price cap for russian exports, which is not yet filled out and obviously the response to the high price of gasoline in the united states and around the world, are you confident that that cap would bring down prices for american drivers and how long is it fair to expect american drivers to continue to pay a premium because of this war? >> the second part of the question was would it bring down the price -- >> will it bring down prices and the war has pushed prices up. they could go as high as $200 a barrel some analysts think. how long is it fair to expect american drivers and drivers around the world to pay that premium for this war? >> as long as it takes. russia cannot, in fact, defeat
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ukraine and move beyond ukraine. this is a critical, critical position for the world. here we are, why do we have nato? i told putin that in fact if he were to move, we would move to strengthen nato. we would move to strengthen nato cross the board. look, let me explain the price i suggested a while ago. that when we should consider doing is putting a cap on the amount of money that we would pay for the world -- the world would pay for russian oil. and that we would not -- we would not provide the west insurance, would not insure russian ships carrying oil, we would not provide insurance for them, so they would have great difficulty getting customers. the point is, that we've said to them, here is the deal. we're going to allow you to have have a profit on what you make. but not the exorbitant prices
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that you're charging for the oil now. we've delegated a commission, a group of our -- our national security people to sit down and work out that mechanism. we think it can be done. we think it can be done and it would drive down the price of oil and it would drive down the price of gasoline as well. in addition, in addition at home, i have also called for changes. we've -- i've released a million barrels of oil per day from our oil reserve and in addition to getting other nations to move forward, a total of 240 million bears of oil to bereleased from the streetic petroleum reserve. number two, i've asked congress would they in fact go and end the temporarily end the tax on gasoline at the pump. and thirdly, to ask the states to do the same thing. if we do these things, it is
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estimated we could bring down tomorrow, if congress agreed and states agreed, we could bring down the price of oil about $1 a gallon at the pump, in that range. so we could have immediate relief and in terms of the reduction of -- of the elimination of temporary elimination of the gas tax. and so i think there is a lot of things that we can do and we will do. but the bottom line is, ultimately, the reason why gas prices are up is because of russia. russia, russia, russia. the reason why the food crisis is existing, is because of russia. russia not allowing grain to get out of ukraine. and so, that is the way in which i think we should move and i think it would have a positive impact on the price at the pump as well. jordan fabian, bloomberg.
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>> thank you, mr. president. thank you mr. president. i also have two questions for you. >> of course. >> thanks. the first one is on turkey. what is assurances if any did you make to president erdogan about his request for new f-16 jets for his military? >> what i said was i said back in december as you'll recall, we should sell them the f-16 jets and modernize those jets as well. it's not in our interest not to do that and by indicating to them, i have not changed my position at all since december. and there is to quid pro quo for-w that. it is just that we should sell, would i need congressional approval to do that and i think we could get that. >> my second question is on your trip to saudi arabia which is coming up next month. as we just discussed, americans
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are paying $5 a gallon for gas. so do you expect to ask the crown prince or the king to increase oil production and if so how will you balance that with your desire to hold them accountable for their human rights abuses. >> well, first of all, that is not the purpose of the trip. the purpose of the trip, first of all, i'm starting off on that trip in israel. and the israelis are believing it is really important that i make the trip. and in addition to that, what we're trying to do is the gulf states plus three. and so i'm sure that in saudi arabia, but it's not about saudi arabia. it is in saudi arabia. and so there is no commitment
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that is being made or -- i'm not even sure, i guess i will see the king and the crown prince. but that is -- that is not the meeting i'm going to. they'll be part of a much larger meeting. and what we're talking about and dealing with in that trip is that before i go, i'm, as i said, i'm going to israel to meet with the israeli leaders to affirm the unbreakable bond israel and the united states has and part of the purpose to the trip to the middle east is to deepen the integration the region which i think i'm going to be able to do. and which is a good, good por peace and good for israeli security. and that is why israel leaders have come out so strongly for my going to saudi. but the overall -- is that we're going to try to reduce the deaths and the war that is occurring in yemen.
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there is a whole range of things that go well beyond anything having to do with saudi in particular. >> if you were to see the crown prince or the king, would you ask them to increase oil production? >> no, i'm not going to ask them. i'm going to ask all of the gulf states to meet and i indicated thought they should be increasing, not the saudis particularly and i hope we see them in their own interest concluding that makes sense to do. and they have real concerns about -- about what is going on in iran and other places in terms of their security as well. all of them. um, trina, "wall street journal." >> thank you, mr. president. i'm going to keep the trend and ask two questions.
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one on the summit and one domestic. after hearing president zelenskyy's assessment that you war needs to end before winter. are you changing your calculation in terms of the pace and assistance and what type of assistance you're sending to ukraine. >> the war could end tomorrow in-f russia stops his irrational behavior. i hope it ends sooner than later. but for it to end, they have to be in a position where the ukrainians have all that they could reasonably expect we can reasonable le expect to get to them in order to provide for their security and their defenses. so one does not relate to the other. they need -- we're going to be providing another -- i guess i'll announce it shortly, another $800 million in aid for
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additional weaponry, including, you know, weapons, including air defense system, as well as offensive weapons. i have a whole list, i'd be happy to give to you. but that is the next tranche that is going to occur. >> and on the domestic question, sir, what further specific executive actions are considered in response to the roe ruling and would you declare a public health emergency as several democrats are calling on you to do. >> i would be happy to go into detail with you on that. i'm having a meeting with a group of governors when i get home on friday. and i'll have announcements to make then. but the first and foremost thing we should do is make it clur how outrageous the decision was and how much is impacts on a women's right to choose is a critical piece and on privacy generally. on privacy generally.
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and so i'm going to be talking to the governors as to what actions they think i should be taking as well. and but the most important thing to be clear about it is we have to change -- i believe we have to codify roe v. wade in the law and the way to do that is to make sure that the congress votes to do that and if the filibuster gets in the way, it's like voting rights, it should be provided an exception for this -- require an exception to the filibuster for this action to deal with the supreme court decision. hang on. i have one more here. kelly o'donnell, nbc. >> thank you, mr. president. we just made some news saying you would support changing -- broadly across the country. >> the right to privacy is not just abortion rights. but yes, abortion rights. >> can you describe for us, sir, many americans are grappling
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with this. what is your sense today about the integrity and the impartiality of the supreme court. should americans have confidence in the court as an institution? and your views on abortion have evolved in your public life. are you the best messenger to carry this forward when democrats, many of them, many progressives want you to do more? >> yeah, i am. the president of the united states of america. that makes me the best messenger. and i really think that it is a serious, serious problem that the core has thrust upon the united states. not just in terms of the right to choose. but in terms of the right to who you could marry, the right to -- the whole range of issues relating to privacy. and i have written way back a number of articles about the 9th
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amendment and the 14th amendment and why privacy is considered as part of a constitutional guarantee. and they just wiped it all out. and so, i'm the only president they got. and i feel extremely strongly that i'm going to do everything in my power which i could legally do in terms of executive orders as well as push the congress and the public. the bottom line here is, if you care, if the point that is correct and you think this decision by the court was an outrage or a significant mistake, vote. show up and vote. vote in the off year and vote, vote, vote. that is how we'll change it. all right, guys. i'm -- >> mr. president -- >> there is no such thing as a quick one. i'm out of here. thank you all very much. >> mr. president --
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>> we're looking at president biden. press conference after the nato summit. certainly less eventful than some press conferences we've had in past years. for one, jonathan, lemire, didn't get roughed up after that press conference. if he had, we'll find out. some news, willie, we'll work backyards as kelly o'donnell said. news, domestically, that the president of the united states will support change in filibuster rule to protect not just the right of abortion, but more generally the right to privacy which was undermined by the ruling, whether you're talking about exception, marriage requality, or right to privacies in your own bedroom with consenting adultsch and a better position than ever to lead this world brought up the fact that, yes, we have
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inflation but our inflation rate the president said is lower than most other countries. and also he did again bring up the supreme court, he talked about how we led the world in recognizing individuals right to privacy. that is been undermined by the united states supreme court. but said it will stay shoulder to shoulder with the ukraines during the war, and no longer how long is takes and that the war would not end up with a defeat of ukraine. and then again, as i said, the big news coming out of the domestically at least supporting changing the filibuster rule for the purposes of protecting american's privacy rights. willie, what were some of your takeaways. >> that is big news and music to progressive ears. that he now supports scrapping the filibuster in this case. whether that actually happens is a practical question. it remains more difficult. but now he's on record saying get rid of the filibuster to protect the right to an abortion. he also jumped an announcement
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that hes would going to make later where he said we're sending another tranche of support, military support to ukraine. $800 million. again this time including interestingly air defense systems. we've seen the attack on the shopping mall this week. we've seen other attacks deeper inside of ukraine from russia. air defense systems there. he also, joe, rejected the idea posed in the question of america's decline. he said, yes, i think the supreme court has acted outrageously and said outrageous behavior of the supreme court but then talked about how the united states still leads the world, including in this moment of strengthening nato in a way it hasn't in a very, very long time. the expansion of nato, the movement of troops now east towards russia. the additional sweden and finland and the increased defense spending from member countries. the alliance now, because of vladimir putin's actions, just four months ago has been totally
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revamped and strengthened. >> reinvigorated. >> i'm sorry. you could certainly, mika, look at what has happened in this country and even over the past three, four weeks, just a dizzying, dizzying array of bad news. whether you're talking about what happened in buffalo, or uvalde. for progressives and 73%, 74% of americans, the supreme court decision, one shock after another coming from the january 6 hearings. but as president biden said, if you look at where the united states is economically, our economy is stronger and more resilient than any other in the world. you're over $20 trillion. we continue to grow. if you look at where we are militarily, strongest military by far in the world. and for the purposes of this conference, in madrid, mika, our nato alliance, it is never been this strong. it is never been in vital.
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the addition this week of sweden and finland, nothing short of remarkable. germany making a commitment to spend more than it ever has historically. to actually spend more money on their defense, national defense than russia spends on its national defense. these are remarkable times for nato. and that alliance in the united states and europe extraordinarily strong and even right now challenging the aggressiveness and the -- and the authoritarian nature of china's actions and china's moves. >> and interwoven the president focused on russia as a negative force in the world, starting out by talking about the strengthening of nato an the promise he made to vladimir putin saying if you did this with ukraine, if you continue, we're going to get stronger. and that is exactly what happened. and he talked about all of the
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different investments being made in nato. troops being moved. being added on permanent locations in poland, et cetera, et cetera. he also made a direct line between gas prices here in the u.s. and russia later in his comments. let's bring in professor of history or cal studies at johns hopkins university school of advanced international studies and associate at harvard university, mary elise sarrot. and with us military analyst former deputy commander of the united states european command and retired u.s. army lieutenant general stef twitty joins us. good to have you both with us today. and i'll first, general twitty, ask you a little bit about the state of nato right now after listen to the president's comments. i mean, this is a real turn around for the alliance. but also the significance of permanent u.s. troops now.
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and enhancing those troops. how much of a historic moment is for some european nations to have that happen? >> first of all, mika, it is great to see this alliance remain ironclad against russia. i will tell you that it is also impressive to see all of the things that have been committed of course there have been words not deeds yet. hopefully those deeds will come to fold. but if you take a look at u.s., we're going to bolster ore commitment in the east. we'll have rotational combat in romania and we'll have the u.s. army fifth corp which is the commanded by lieutenant general, we're going to increase that. and put a support ballalon in there and well, and in spain we're going to crease the storage -- increase the aircraft, f-35s, the aircraft will go to u.k.
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alongside that, our allies are stepping up and doing the same thing. when you hear about germany increasing their military spending, as well as all of the countries committed to the 2%, that is a success and accept and it is good to see this alliance come together and contribute this way. >> professor serrot, as someone who studies and teaching about europe and written a book about the relationship between russia and the united states after the cold war, what is your reaction to what we saw just in the last week sort of forms aed, president biden saying that putin is getting exactly what he did not want. he wanted the finland-ization and he not the nato-ization of finland instead. who do you make of what we saw in madrid? >> i think the key takeaway from biden's press conference just now and from the summit was five words, as long as it takes. i saw the president very
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committed both to the alliance as a whole and to ukraine in particular. and he's repeatedly said we're going to defend every single inch. you were kind enough to mention my book. it is called "not one inch", which is the fight with russia over how much should go to nato. we heard at summit, the answer every single inch that wants to be in nato will be defended so i think that is the key takeaway, the commitment the president is making. >> i want to, general, i want to follow up on what the professor said. as long as it takes. again, the key takeaway in this bat between western democracy, freedom, and the autocracy of vladimir putin, but also want to follow up on inches. we've heard before, we've heard the president say before, whether asked about astonia and asked about latvia and
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lithuania, and he said we will defend every single inch of nato territory. what a relief that is for astonia, for latvia and lithu waynia who became members of nato but let's just say it, there weren't always sure that we would be there to defend them, were they? >> well it is understandable that they were not sure. we have not, when iay we, it is not just the u.s. but nato as well, we have not dedicated a lot of forces to the east. and the baltic states have always been a concern given that they share a border with russia. but we must go back to the reason why we're part of nato. it goes back to the attack on all, excuse me, attack on one is an attack on five. that is an article 5 there. so we're a part of nato.
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we have to commit ourselves to the defense, but also the words of if there is an inch of russia, of russia going into any one of our nato countries, u.s. must be committed to fight along with the europeans. >> joining us now from madrid, we have the host of way too early jonathan lemire. didn't get a question in but you could get one in here. you didn't get beaten up so i feel like this is a win. so i'd love to hear your thoughts on the president's comments and then take it to the panel. >> reporter: thanks, mika. putin's bodyguards like last year at this time. you're right. certainly we heard from president biden who did only call on five questioners. it is robust support for nato and indicating that allies would stay together for as long as it takes in order to defend nato
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territory, defend ukraine, and make sure that russia does not advance any further. now, the real headline come out this news conference is what is said on domestic issues and support carving out a change of the filibuster in order to codify roe v. wade and it goes to show how much domestic issues have hovered over this entire trip, the majority of the questions he did face today were about matters back home. but general, staying on this topic for the moment, the idea of this war in ukraine, we heard conflicting reports about a time line. president zelenskyy has been telling u.s. advisers that he wanted to get this war over by winter and he's afraid they will be entrenched and that much hard tore drive back next spring. but western allies aren't sure that is possible. is what is your assessment and if this war does drag into 2023 in the spring, how much harder is it to keep this alliance
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together? >> well, a couple of points. unfortunately you can't put a time on war. as you could see the war of the day, some days you wake up and russia has gained ground. the other days you wake up and the ukrainians have gained ground. so this is going to go on for the long-term. it is going to go back and forth. and it is bribing. and we could expect, in my mind, this will not take months, but it is going to take years. because i still believe that there is going to be an insurgency that will brew out of this war. we have to remember that a lot of the ukrainians, they're angry. they've been bombed. they, many of thewomen have been raped. they're just angry at fact that the russians came in and invaded their country. so i think that we need to expect this war to go on for quite sometime. >> to, professor, how bitterly ironic it is that you have
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russia who of course they're national identity seems to be framed by their resistance first nallan and then resistance hitler and framed by their perseverance in the face of abrutal oppressive invader anda now it is the russians who are the invaders, who are bogged down in ukraine and failed repeatedly. i do wonder, does vladimir putin have years to grind this fight out, or does he have a weakened military and a weakened economy that will require him to try to find an exit ramp at some point before his army collapses completely? >> great question. i wish it were the latter. but think it is the former. i think we're in for a long, grinding slog. that putin initially wanted to seize ukraine quickly.
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he cannot do that. so i think he's now changed his tactics but not his ultimate aim of seizing all of the ukraine or as much as he can. so sadly, i think we're in for a long conflict. and i think it is great that you brought the press conference in its entirety. i think what we just watched is one of the most important press conferences of his presidency. it was on domestic and foreign policy. domestically he talked about ending the filibuster and foreign policy, we're stationing permanent troops in poland, we're expanding the reporter with russia by 800 miles. we're in a new world. so that was a major press conference both domestically and foreign and i'm glad you let your listens hear all of it. >> all right. thank you so much. she's the author of book "not one inch, america, russia and the making of post-cold war stalemate." we appreciate it. retired u.s. army lieutenant general stef twitty. thank you as well. thank you to both of you for
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your insight this morning. you know, we heard some questions to the president on the economy. inflation, especially gas prices. for more on that, let' bring in white house national economic council director brian deese. brian, thank you for being on. we heard the president kind of making that connection between the gas prices and russia. and there is sort of the overarching problem there where nobody could put an end point to the war at this point. which is horrific in itself. but what could be the long-term impact on gas prices even if the war does come to an end? >> well, thanks, mika. and you heard the president speak on the global stage to the fact that these are global economic challenges and their stemming from as you say our horrific war. but you heard a president who is resolved to take all necessary actions to protect american national security over the immediate and the long-term.
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and also train our focus on economic security. which means to do everything that we can to try to bring inflation down. here at home, we got today the readings for maze, what is known as pce, the measure of inflation that the federal reserve relies on most and we saw some welcome moderation in what is known as core pce. which is now down for three months in a row on an annualized basis. but we also saw that energy prices and gas prices are a principal driver of ongoing inflation. so what president can do and what we can do is, number one, work with our partners an allys to keep as much supply on the market while also training the economic pain on to putin himself. and you saw the president earlier at g7 this week bring allies together around a creative approach to do that with a price cap on russian oil. that would really focus the economic pain on putin himself as opposed to on global oil
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prices. an here at home, we could take practical steps. none of them is a silver bullet, but each will matter to families. we've seen prices come down about 20 cents over the last two weeks at pump. we need to do more. getting rid of the gas tax for a couple of months is something that the president has raised. that would help as well. so we're just going to keep at it. >> gas prices trending down again this morning. as the futures markets open today. and let's bring this back down to earth. this weekend is going to be brutal for a lot of people, whether traveling by plane but especially by car if they have to fill up that tank and spend over $100. you could give the american people, i know there is no date certain, but some sense of when you all see, as you look at numbers and you look at the trends and the steps you're taking of when this may break, when prices may start to come down. >> well, first, if you look at today's date, what you saw was again some moderation in this core number which is the number
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a fed keeps a close eye on. so over the last three months, annualized core inflation was 4%. if the prior three months it was 5.2%. so you see some moderation there. but with respect to gas prices, they are too high. and no amount of economic statistics is going to change that. the frustration that people will feel this weekend, which is why we like to see more action. we'd like to see more action in energy prices but also other prices that family faces that would make a big difference in their lives. prescription drugs is front and center on that. you're seeing a coalesce to allow medicare to bring down drug prices like the cost of insulin. to air typical family, so many people are spending every month on prescription drugs. that would he a big deal and otherures like lower energy costs an lower utility bills. >> we know you have to run.
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director of the white house national economic council, brian deese, thank you for taking some time this morning. let's go back to madrid. jonathan lemire, after the news conference and the announcements out of nato, to include finland and sweeten. sergey lavrov just moments ago saying a new iron curtain has descended between russia and the west. >> well, he certainly has a way with words, willie. although, u.s. officials that believe that he is out of putin's inner circle these days. but not surprising from moscow. white house officials were saying they wouldn't be happy with what happened here in madrid. the expansion to finland and sweden, which lengthens the border that nato now shares with putin by over 800 miles. putin wanted his justifications for going into ukraine was to prevent ukraine and other nations from joining an alliance like nato.
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he also thought he made the bet that the invasion would splinter the alliance and the countries wouldn't want to stand together for a country not a member of the alliance, ukraine. instead, as we hear from president biden on a daily basis, the bonds between the allies have grown tighter, now expanded by two other nations. but we should note as this war slips into the summer and there is no sign of an ending any time soon, the strain on the alliance will grow. it will be parter, u.s. officials concede, to keep everyone on the same page. particularly heading into the winter and it gets cold and europe, which is to dependent on russian energy, not just for gas, but to heat their homes. that could be a real problem with inflation still very high in the united states and here on the continent. so, as much as the u.s. and allies feel like they had a strong united statement this week, they know the challenges lie ahead. >> jonathan, lemire, thank you so much. again a a couple of things
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really briefly. first of all, if an iron curtain has been pulled down around russia, it was vladimir putin who pulled it down himself. so number one. number two, you're right, lavrov from all reports not very close right now to vladimir putin. perhaps he gave that statement from a corporate booth sipping an arnold palmer at wimbledon. and finally, this one is for you, jonathan, it seems that the lee boston red sox who were vaccinated tried mightily to blow the game last night in canada but held on to win. so, the three vaccinated red sox pulled it off in extra innings. >> yeah, one saving grace about being here in europe is that those games are on too late to watch. so i was able to miss some of the meltdowns against the blue jays earlier this week. but i did see, woke up to the notification that they had won
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last night. avoiding a sweep. as verdugo playing the hearo. taylor hawk is their closer and he never decided to get vaccinated and therefore he can't play in toronto and the bull pen went down twice in his absence. duran also not playing because he's not vaccinated. not good. >> not good at all. >> not good. >> from the words of joe scarborough. not good. >> up next, the new move by the january 6 select committee issuing a new subpoena of someone who was inside of the oval office with the president during the attack on the capitol. we're back in just a moment. we're back in just a moment. yo: stand up to moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. and take. it. on... ...with rinvoq. rinvoq a once-daily pill can dramatically improve symptoms... rinvoq helps tame pain,
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the january 6th select committee has issued a subpoena for white house counsel pat cipollone to appear for a deposition next week, just days after explosive testimony from former white house aide hutchinson. an aide for cipollone said cipollone needed that subpoena before considering transcribed not public testimony. they say he's now evaluating what he might tell the committee based on executive privilege. let's bring in nbc news capitol hill correspondent ali vitali. what more do we know about what they would like to hear from cipollone and are we hearing parsed words here that he might -- might not be very forthcoming? >> reporter: or it's maybe that he won't be forthcoming in the fashion in which would be the best for the public hearings, right? because we know that the committee has repeatedly asked for cipollone and others to come
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before them and testify. we know that a lot of those testimonies have then been used in these public hearings. what's likely, and what you just mentioned, is if cipollone cooperates with the subpoena at this point, it would happen behind closed doors for a transcribed deposition. they want that to happen next week. no surprise as to why, because we know the committee, while they took a short pause, want to pick up their hearings again some time in the middle of july. that would allow them to be on track and also get the information that cipollone has that they want. and it makes sense why they want to talk to them. you heard parts of it in cassidy hutchinson's testimony the other day when she talked about the key conversations that cipollone was having with people with her boss, mark meadows, about the fact that the former president needed to do more to quell the riot that was happening here on january 6th. also you'll remember last week the testimony we heard from top department of justice officials that talked about the conversations that they were a part of, where the former
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president was talking about installing an ally, former environmental lawyer, clark, so that he would have an ally in the department of justice and doj's stamp of approval on all of the debunked and bogus claims he was trying to push about election fraud. all of this is stuff pat cipollone can speak to. he's the top white house counsel. they want to hear from him. he's a credible voice on this. then you have the piece of this, the committee is making us aware of the fact that many of these wiesses that ty're speaking to, or at least some of them, have been getting veiled threats from people in trump world. it's something the vice chair of the committee, liz cheney, spoke about yesterday. this is what she said. >> the way that i would put it is that it gives us a real insight into how people around the former president are operating, into the extent to which they believe that they can affect the testimony of witnesses before the committee. and it's something we take very
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seriously. and it's something that people should be aware of. it's a very serious issue. and i would imagine the department of justice would be very interested in and would take that very seriously as well. >> cheney there putting her eyes towards the department of justice saying, hey, we want to make sure you're aware of this potential witness tampering and all of this, of course, as they try to get more people to cooperate and tell their stories, mika. >> nbc's ali vitali. russia's defense ministry says its troops have withdrawn from that highly contested island in the black sea called snake island. russia had occupied the sigh land soon after it first invaded ukraine in february. the withdrawal comes after repeated assaults by ukrainian forces. moscow framed the move as an effort to create a humanitarian corridor for the export of agricultural products from ukraine. "the new york times" calls the move a setback for moscow forces and possibly undermining the country's control over vital shipping lanes. let's bring in national security
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analyst for nbc news and msnbc clint watts. he is over at the big board. clint, i'll let you talk about snake island if you want to, but more broadly, what's happening in the east. >> thanks, willie. snake island for those familiar, down here off the coast. it was critical because it's really just a rock in the water but allows for the control of those shipping lanes in here from the black sea. this is that critical access point that everyone is looking to see when it gets resolved because that is stopping up a lot of the food supply. there's a russian blockade in the navy and that is globally creating a lot of the food crisis that's out there right now. to survive long term of ukraine depends on it. i want to talk mostly about the east. this is where the battle is. you're seeing the formation of battle lines. the ukrainian military has built up quite a counteroffensive at times here in the kharkiv region, pushed the russians out. they'll mostly at a stalemate in this section. secondly, when you drill more
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in, when you look at what's going on here, the russians have made advances from severodonetsk. one town here, the eastern part of donbas. if the russians can take it, and it looks like the ukrainian military may be doing a deliberate pullback to save their forces for later in a larger defense, the russians would have this eastern part of donbas known as luhansk. that leaves this part of donbas and the key battle will be slovanask. this comes down to a couple of issues to look for. one, how can each side reinforce its man power and continue the fight? conscripts for russians will be retiring and going back home? can they continue to bring the man you power forward? inside ukraine, they've taken substantial losses in the last few weeks, can they bring in new troops? and ammunition, this is an
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artillery war. the russians have three to four times as much. they're using a lot of rounds every day and can they keep that ammunition supply going? while the ukrainians are starting to get the western and u.s. weapons in there, so the artillery battle on both sides will be critical. the final point i would just note is the russians are starting to do what they've done before in the case of crimea, they're trying to make two regions here into russian states. remember, probably two months ago if you were here, we were talking about the idea of new russia, essentially bringing this territory back under russian control historically. this is a pre-1917 world of russia where they're trying to bring those two provinces back in and make them part of russia. something to watch in the next three to four weeks. >> clint watts, thank you very much. talk about running out of artillery and perhaps missiles as well because they didn't have the chips that were coming from china. clint, thanks. that does it for us this morning. at the top of the hour, we'll get to the final round of decisions from this historic
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session of the supreme court. once those are released, justice breyer officially will retire and judge brown jackson will officially be sworn in this afternoon as the first black woman ever to sit on the supreme court. jose diaz-balart picks up our coverage in one minute. iaz-bala coverage in one minute brown jac
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i'm jose diaz-balart. this morning we are expecting two major supreme court decisions, including a ruling on the trump administration's remain in mexico policy and what could be a blockbuster decision on the epa. after those rulings are released, justice stephen breyer will officially retire from the high court after nearly three decades on the bench. and at noon eastern, his successor, ketanji brown jackson, will take the constitutional and judicial oaths, becoming the first black woman to serve as an associate justice of the u.s. supreme court. with us to start off our coverage this hour, paul butler, former federal prosecutor, now professor of law at georgetown university. neil, former u.s. solicitor general and joyce vance, former u.s. attorney in alabama, now professor of law at university of alabama. all three msnbc legal analysts. i thank you for being with us. both remain in mexico and the epa case
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