tv Symone MSNBC July 3, 2022 1:00pm-2:00pm PDT
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greetings. you are watching simone. we are following breaking news out of akron, ohio, where police have released very disturbing footage of the shooting death of jayland walker. we are on the ground with the latest. while we wait to hear where the january 6th committee takes a, snap back to cassidy hutchinson's explosive testimony. where does that leave the republican party, especially if don trump is the nominee come 2024? plus, we go beyond the beltway of today, and we are going to check in with the suburban moms. they are a group of voters major political parties always, one but is anybody speaking directly to them? we are, and we are talking about everything from the role reversal to the incoming formula shortage. yes you all, it is still a thing. i'm simone sanders, y'all, and i have something to say. ♪ ♪ ♪
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>> we are starting this hour with some breaking news out of akron, ohio. police there have released some very graphic body cam video, and we will show you that in just a bit. this is folio shows the moment officers released a barrage of bullets, shooting 25-year-old jayland walker. this is triggered days of protests in ohio, and an investigation of the incident. let's go to nbc's jackie vest by who is in akron right now. all right, maggie. we know that police say they were attempting to pull walker over for a traffic violation. now, police also say that they were chasing him in his car, and he fired shots out of the window at them. what are authorities saying about what the video shows and how exactly is walker's family responding? >> sure, so walker's family, as
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of today, isn't talking quite yet. their attorney spoke for them earlier saying that frankly, they are still horrified after seeing the video. the biggest thing we are learning from authorities is a confirmation of what everyone here already confirmed, and that's that number, 90 shots, estimated at least, 90 shots fired by officers here in akron, ohio. eight different officers firing about 90 rounds at one man who, according to the videos, and authorities, was unarmed at the time. jalen walker, wounded, 60 times after officers fired 90 shots. that's why people here cannot get passed. frankly, they say they've seen the video, and they don't care what he did prior, whether he fired at officers or not. they just can't get past the magnitude of the violence and the number of shots fired by police. that being said, we do want to show you that video. it is getting people here, quite frankly. warning, it's obviously graphic. this is the moment released today, where jalen walker was
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could've done, even again, given the video that appears to show him firing out the window at officers. that would have warranted that many gunshots fired by that many officers. eight unnamed officers. they have yet to release their names. they are on paid leave. that is standard protocol. that being, said we still want to show you a piece of a second video that the department also released, where police narrated part of what preceded the shooting, to try to provide some context for people and bring some transparency giving the level of anger out here. so, here is part of that video. 40 seconds after the driver of the vehicle flight from the attempted -- a sound consistent with a gunshot can be heard. officers notified dispatch -- >> [inaudible] [noise] shots fired --
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[inaudible] >> all of that video released by akron police in the city of akron, given the anger here about the shooting death of jayland walker. he was wounded approximately 60 times when a police officers fired roughly 90 shots when they were chasing him on foot after a high-speed traffic chase. what's happening now? multiple protests. and the state agency has now taken over the investigation into the fatal shooting. >> thank you. and bc's -- in akron, ohio. here to weigh in on these developments is democratic congressman -- of california. welcome. i want to start by getting your
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reaction to today's news of what happened between the police and jayland walker. >> symone, it's shocking. there is simply no justification for shooting 90 rounds into a black man, who was stopped for an alleged traffic violation. here the reports are that he would running away and this is frankly why we need to pass the police injustice act that the house has passed, which would not allow deadly force unless it was a last resort. all the other western nations have. that we don't. it would prevent tragedies like this. >> thank you for your comments, congressman. it was a very hard video to watch. i want to turn to discuss the january six committee hearings. and particularly cassidy hutchinson's testimony. the panel did highlight a message from a trump ally, in which apparently cassidy hutchinson was told to, quote unquote, do the right thing, ahead of her testimony before
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the committee. that did spark some accusations of witness tampering and intimidation. i want you to take a listen to what your colleague, who is a member of the committee, had to say about this. >> if witnesses are being intimidated, we don't plan to just sit by and allow that to happen. we are going to race a stink about it. we are going to refer information publicly to the department of justice if witnesses are intimidated. it is a crime to do that. >> congressman, what is your take on these messages and do you think the committee will make a criminal referral on witness tampering? >> i do think they would and they should. congresswoman -- is absolutely right. there is absolutely no justification for intimidating witnesses from telling the truth. the bigger issue is, people are just shocked that a sitting president of the united states would yell at his own secret service agents, possibly take
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the steering wheel, and tell them to go into a crowd that was getting ready to invade the capital. i mean, every time you think you can't be shocked more, you hear testimony of what donald trump really was like. this one really has offended the american public. >> absolutely. and it makes me think about the things that we don't know, the testimony that we have not heard of the untold stories of what the conduct truly was of the former president. >> you are absolutely right. i would never imagined this if any republican president -- president reagan, president bush -- even children don't launch in front of a car and try to grab the steering wheel. i think instead of getting into all the minutiae, i think we do have to remember that the president of the united states is the leader of the nation, sets the moral tone. you can agree or disagree with president biden, but no one would question that he has the dignity and honor and decency
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to lead. this is just beyond the pale. >> beyond the pale. sir, given that the fbi did issue subpoenas. and two of those were for arizona state lawmakers, actually. i am definitely wondering, and i know people at home are watching and wondering, will the department of justice hold these culprits, including the former president of the united states, accountable? i am wondering, do you think they will? >> i have a lot of confidence in attorney general merrick garland. they have been very methodical. first of all, they're going against everyone involved in the conspiracy and that is so important because in the future, it will provide a massive disincentive for anyone to do this again. to have a coup, to overthrow the popular will, it requires hundreds of people. attorney general garland and the justice department are going after everyone involved. i do believe that he should go where the facts lead.
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the last thing you want is members of congress opining in who should be prosecuted, we are a party that believes in the rule of law and that is why president biden appointed attorney general garland and his integrity is an impeachable. >> i absolutely agree with you. merrick garland is possibly the most non political person to sit in the seat at this point in time. do you think that the former president has committed offenses that could -- should lead to and vitamin. i understand merrick garland has the final say here, but what do you think? >> it is not my judgment to pass matters of criminal law. when i do believe is he completed impeachable offenses and we impeached him twice. i wish the senate had convicted him. that is the job of the united states congress. the criminal -- i defer to people who have prosecuted criminal cases. i've never tried a criminal case in my entire life. i don't think it's appropriate
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for me to be making that kind of recommendation. >> all right, congressman, making a plane. before you go, i do think that the nation is still reeling after the supreme court reversal of roe v. wade. i know that you are on the oversight committee and the house oversight committee will hold a hearing this month about the impact of that ruling. what should we expect from that hearing? >> the hearing will be july 13th. let me make three points. first, we will talk about the real world impact. the fact that ten year olds who have been victims of incest are in certain states, being denied the right to have an abortion. second, the economic impact of this. i have gotten calls from corporate leaders. they don't know what to do. suddenly, they are responsible for the health care of many people in different states. and third, the economic impact this is having on regions that already are struggling economically. businesses don't want to locate their. people don't want to work there. this is a big blow to the american economy and all of
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that will be part of the oversight committee hearing. >> congressman of california, thank you. we will be watching on july 13th. appreciate your time. >> thank you. >> coming up, we have a lot to catch up on. including, cassidy hutchinson testimony before the january six committee. we just talked a little bit about roe. this cassidy hutchinson testimony is -- a serious warning about the future of the republican party. stay with us. future of the republican party stay with us when you have technology that's easier to control... that can scale across all your clouds... we got that right? [whistling] while wayfair is installing your new refrigerator
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today with our political panel. breaking news of the police shooting video released an akron. january 6th revelations, the future of the republican party, and -- it's so much. let me go ahead and bring in this panel. danielle moodie is here, host of the walkway of podcast, and co-host of democracy-ish. michelle goodwin is also here. she is a professor of law at the university of california irvine. and, former republican congressman joe walsh is also with us. greetings to you all. so, i have to start with the breaking news we just heard about. police in akron, ohio, released the body cam footage of jayland walker being shot to death by officers. you can see in the video that appears to be a shot of the 25 year old's car as police were chasing him. you can't even count how many bullets were fired by the police officers. they are saying somewhat around 90 rounds. daniel, this really does come
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down to whether police responded in a way that they are trained to respond. what do you think? here >> i think, once again, it's another american tragedy. it's another tragedy of what we have been told, right, 90 rounds being let off for a traffic stop. i mean, tell me why there were eight police officers called for a traffic stop. for us to once again watch this over and over again in america is beyond disheartening. it's ridiculous. police reform needs to happen. and after eight months of negotiations in the senate, they walked out and said, oh, we can't come to the table on this because republicans refuse to get rid of qualified immunity, which was the only way to hold police officers accountable for the crimes that they commit. >> i think it's so true. again, i think we need to continue to beat the drum. it is the senate that has yet to act here. the united states congress, at
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times, the house of representatives, they do their job on police reform. okay, let's discuss the latest on january 6th. michelle, i want to start with you. donald trump has been the focus of very many conversations running these hearings. but, he is only one part of, it okay? because, i think that there is a much bigger question out there about the role that january 6th was played in the ongoing threat to our democracy. so, do you think that that aspect of the hearings are getting across to the public? or they -- are they missing? it >> well, i certainly do hope that the public is tuning in, and that they are watching. i'm glad that you are covering this. this has been our greatest threat to the rule of law and to our democracy. this was an attempted coup against our government after an invalid election, after the former president went to court more than 60 times, and lost, and virtually each time he challenged, suggesting there
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had been election fraud, losing even a panel of judges that he had appointed and confirmed. so, what's this offers for our country is also a wake up call because it ties directly to white supremacy as well, some of the league groups, or those that were night white nationalist groups that have called for ending the lives of not only the vice president, but jewish people in the united states, black people in the united states. these are groups that celebrated children being placed in cages and without food. so, this is a wake up call for our nation, and something that everybody should be taking quite seriously. >> michelle makes a great point, a wake up call for the nation. but, is it a wake up call for the republican party? congressman, what you are a real republican, as i like to say. a real one. i would like to play some sound for you from republican congresswoman and january 6th vice chair liz cheney. she was interviewed by abc's john carl this morning. take a listen to. this >> can of the republican
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party survive, in the way you've known it, if donald trump is the candidate chosen. >> it can't survive if he is our nominee. >> no? >> no. i think that he can't be the party nominee. i don't think the party would survive that. i believe in the party, and i believe in what the party can be, and what the party can stand for. i'm not ready to give that up. those of us who believe in republican principles and ideals have a responsibility to try to lead the party back to what it can be. >> now congressman, do you agree with congressman cheney? my follow-up to that, is if you think republican voters even care what she is talking about? >> simone, sadly, no. look. here is the truth. here is the scary truth this independence day weekend. my former political party is fully anti-democracy. that means they are the
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greatest threat to our country, and i think this country really needs to wrap their arms around that. it's difficult. i acknowledge it. we've got two political parties, and one of our two major political parties is now fully anti-democracy. god bless liz cheney. but in all likelihood, symone, he is going to lose next month decisively. why? not because twitter, you know, twitter is not going to vote for her. republican base voters in wyoming are going to vote her out of office. that's how radicalized, right now, that party, my former party's. >> i just want to say on this point for a moment. michelle and danielle, i saw you both shaking your head. danielle, you have a whole podcast talking about this very issue, this threat to democracy. if there is one political party in our country that is taken on
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by a tyrant that won't even tell other truth to the people -- i am talking about donald trump. how does this american experiment continue to drive it forward? i'm very disturbed. >> i mean, we are all very disturbed. everybody that is paying attention is very disturbed. but, what is disturbing me as well is the fact that democrats, right now, are not beating this drum. they are not talking about how dangerous the republican party has become, how violent they have become, right? we are seeing the proud boys, right now, their base, marching around our american streets? you know? as if that is normal. they are a domestic terrorist organization that the republican party refuses to label as such. because, they don't want to upset their base. i, mean the fact is that if democrats are not going to be telling the truth about who this party is, and that it isn't about an ideological difference anymore, right? they are in fact a threat to our democracy, a threat to our safety.
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if we are not wrapping our arms in our minds around this, then we are going to wake up, and we are going to be in the united states of fascism. >> oh, goodness. i can't. danielle, i can't, i can't do it anymore with this right here. it is too much. it is entirely too much. i want to make sure we talk about abortion. thank you for those comments. we have to talk about abortion. there is a story out of ohio that i think really sums up the core of, about us losing our bodily autonomy as, women and i do want to add that the story is quite disturbing for folks, and it might be difficult to hear for some people. so, here is what the columbus dispatch is actually reporting. just hours after ohio banned abortion at six weeks of pregnancy -- by the, way that often before most women know they are pregnant. an unnamed doctor said they had a ten year old girl in her office. they said, the girl had been raped and was six weeks pregnant, and they could do. nothing the indianapolis star, she was able to get an abortion in indiana. this --
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michelle, i know that you or recently in a meeting with vice president harris talking about what would happen when, and if, and at this point, you have the conversation, it was really a discretion of one. we knew it was going to happen. roe is overturned. this little girl is not the only one, okay? lawsuits, amendments, executive orders, all around real women are stuck in a nightmare here. >> this is the tragedy of where we are now in our nation, and even more that we will begin to see. it's a deathly proposition for many different reasons. let me connect to what we were just talking, about the republican party. you know, roe v. wade was a 7 to 2 decision. five of those seven justices were republican appointed. justice blackman, who wrote the opinion of roe, was put on the court by region exxon. this tells us something about how far removed that republican party is from its roots.
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prescott bush, the father of george h. w. bush was the treasury for planned parenthood. but, what do these issues mean today, and one of my so concerned about? it's not as that individuals will travel, but there are legislators that are threatening to criminalize even children and women who travel out of state to seek reproductive health care services, including abortion. they are also seeking to possibly extradite doctors who are providing this essential care in what i would call free states like california, new york, illinois, et cetera. this is just how dangerous and deadly these times. are we are the deadliest country in all of the developed world to be pregnant. >> oh my goodness, we could do this all day, but the time constraints of natural television. ththank you all for a very tough but real conversation. >> thank you. >> next, we are going to chat a little bit about crowned a. we can't let this go back with
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some real talk about discrimination and the work that is being down into and it. -- a founder of the crown coalition, one of the members actually, joins me right after this break. , joins me right after this break but one thing can calm uncertainty. an answer. uncovered through exploration, teamwork, and innovation. mayo clinic. you know where to go.
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fryin', flyin', savorin', favorin'. over rotini. inside a panini. egging, maining, siding, plain-ing. debunk the inglorious. one shape's victorious. kraft singles. square it. >> wear your crown proudly, you all. today is national crown day, and it is all about creating a special, open world and for natural, hair and fighting back against hair discrimination. over the past few, years 17 states have passed the crown act, banning race based hair discrimination. louisiana become one of the latest states to pass the law last month. this weekend, folks are at a festival down in new orleans celebrating in style. joining me now to discuss, creating a world that embraces natural hair as actress tabatha, brown and asi crazy. she is -- a founding crown coalition member. greetings, ladies. i wish i was down there with you all. in essence, i was wearing my
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crown proudly, today and parting with the wall in spirit. tabatha, i want to start with you. you are just presented with the crown presidential award for your leadership in beauty inclusivity. talk about why it is so important to you to share this message with the world? >> you know, for me, it's all about representation, right? and without that, we don't know that it's okay, right? you don't know that it's okay to be free. and, so that's what it means to be -- the crown act is all about freedom, all about letting others know that there are never running invitations of to express our skin, and our hair is okay, however it grows, however it is, and it is our right, our birthright. so, that's why it's so important to me, and i want to always spread the word. i feel like it's a responsibility. >> absolutely. >> you know, a black woman's hair is actually three and a half times more likely to be viewed as unprofessional. i just heard that one before. this type of discrimination, it
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often starts at a young age. there is a 2021 research study, and it found that 53% of black moms say that their daughters experience hair discrimination as early as five years old. it goes on to talk about, 66% of black girls in majority white schools have faced discrimination. talk about how this impacts young girls, young women. >> it erodes the core of our self esteem. when someone says that we cannot go to school because of our textured hair style that is our natural right, it tells us, the world does not see us, and we cannot be ourselves and contribute ourselves. that's why this crown act, this movement is so important. that's why i'm so proud that we now have 17 states. that's why we celebrate our hair independence day. it's a great question, simone.
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it's about who we are in our court, and bringing our confidence in all of our guests to the world. >> i just -- i feel blessed to be a black girl on a television every single day. but, i would be remiss if i didn't mention that while we are celebrating the 17 states that passed the crown act, we know that congress, at least the united states house of representatives passed its version of the bill back in march, but it stalled in the senate. so, what can people do at home to get involved, to help push that thing through the senate, and help and hair discrimination nationwide? >> first, simone, it is so important, and i wore my hair like you, and i did my big chalk, and it was the most freeing thing that actually happened in my life. to know that young girls and boys don't have that right to express their hair is heartbreaking. so yes, we have 17 states. 33 more states to go. we have passed in the house, but we have not passed in the senate, and it is super important. so, what we have to do is keep
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this issue top of mind. one, important to know, hair discrimination, race based hair discrimination is racial discrimination. with all of the issues going on right now, you know, we've got to get her day in court. so, being here to tell you the story is a really important part of that, and you've got to write your senator. how do you do that? go to ww -- there, you can sign the petition to let your senators know that it's important, and have an email sent to your senator so that they can vote yes for the crown act. we convey, this is a legal thing in all 50 states. >> i love that you have actionable steps. you our at essence festival. tabatha is back in person for the first time this year since the start of the pandemic. for those folks who do not know, inform the people of wet essence fest is all about. >> oh, honey. listen, for me, it's all about, and particularly, this weekend,
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joy, right? bringing joints the community, to all people. it's music, it's beauty, it's love, it's representation. it's everything, right? it's so meaningful. i mean, i feel like people come from everywhere, not just in the state. they come from everywhere. like, it's the largest festival, right? not the largest black festival, but the largest festival. it's a place where we gather, where we also meet new people. the crown act was born. i mean, the whole idea of the crown act was born at essence fast. the whole time, things are happening in essence fest. >> yeah, people realize that actually, simone, we were together when we first came up with the idea. dubbed has always been about beauty inclusivity. we were at the mayors reception in 2018. i remember seeing you there. >> i remember this! oh my goodness. i completely remember this! yes, we were on a rooftop! >> yes, i am on the rooftop.
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i met you, symone, and i met -- who was a founding member of the crown coalition. together, we said, we are going to change this. she said, you know what? we are going to change laws. we have to bring the community together. back to essence, it's a place for black joy. it's also a space for black action. it's the network bringing us together to champion change that we can. we have it all, like he said. we have all that we need. it's what tabatha says. we live and breathe that essence, so we are proud. we celebrated the first crown act in 2019 at essence. we created our hair independence day, so now we are here in 2022 celebrating again, crown day. independence day at essence. so, essence is central in this movement. >> it is where we build. shout out to our sister. we cannot do this work without her. top of the brown, ac edison bracey. enjoy essence for may, sisters. have a drink for.
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me. >> of course! >> after the break, i am going to be joined by three women, not of a sense, but they are from one of the most closest blocks. we will talk about the top of concerns. my conversation with my suburban moms is next. stay with us. suburban moms is next. stay with us to help prevent bleeding gums, try saying hello gumwash with parodontax active gum health. it kills 99% of plaque bacteria and forms an antibacterial shield. try parodontax active gum health mouthwash.
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say hello to danny from washington state and beta from texas. greetings to you both. okay, we have been talking a lot about how hard it is to be a mom right now, with abortion rights under, fire and all of that jazz. and thankfully, as mothers, i think the reversal of roe v. wade is very particular because it can affect all of your children, daughters, and sons. so, show of hands. or any of you worried about for reproductive rights of your children? >> absolutely. >> absolutely, absolutely. okay. go ahead, yes, yes, yes. what specifically? >> so, i live in a texas. this is something that we know very specifically, these laws kind of started here in our state and our state house. in the state of texas, we have a six-week ban that was passed in the last legislative cycle, and we have a trigger ban. we have 20 something days
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before abortion is outlawed in the state, unless it's an emergent cause of saving the life of her mother. our trigger -- it's incredibly frightening to think about the fact that we are not just attacking women. we are not just attacking people who can get pregnant. we are also attacking physicians who are providing lifesaving services, and we already have an extreme internal health care desert in this state. to further effect ob/gyn's is so short sighted for legislature, that is hard to even grass. >> backup lives in texas. you live in washington state, and washington is a place, currently right now, who has joined together with other states to protect the rights of women to be able to travel or get the health care that they need. you still raised your hand. talk to me about why. >> of course! hi, why symone.
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thanks for having, us and thanks for giving us the platform to really connect in this way. i got that call it to join you for this conversation, or i got the email on tuesday. i was like, i am going to talk about abortion? like, my grandparents don't even know this happened to me, right? i just knew i had to come on here and do it. because, it's been something that i've had so much shame for over the course of my life. right now, i am calling you from -- you said, a submarine moms. i am from the suburbs of seattle. i've had so much privilege. i have two little babies. i couldn't have done any of this without having an abortion. it was a very, very, like, personal decision, and something so, so sad. i just really appreciate being here today to be able to talk about it from like a really, real perspective. >> i'm glad to hear, i'm glad you are here to share your perspective, both of you. a lot of people talk about women and the suburbs. i like to yell from the
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rooftops that women from the suburbs are diverse. like, come on here. i am so happy both of you are here on this july 4th weekend. frankly, this is a weekend where families hit the road, or that they plan summer fun. i'm wondering, has the economy changed either of your plans this summer? has it changed our plans at all? >> a lot of things change my plans this summer. the biggest one is that i decided to run for my texas house seat. >> wait, talk to us a little bit about that. what prompted you to run? >> so, i was an organizer with moms demand action for six years. i spent six session knocking on doors at our legislature. really, i think that what you said in the beginning, about how suburban moms are highly reported voter base is a truthful thing, that during the election cycle, suburban moms are sought after. but then, we see during sessions that all of these promises that are made to us are really not prioritized.
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and, in suburban moms have caught on to this, right? so, we have organizations like moms demand action, where i got my start in politics, that give us the tools to not just get involved with an issue that we care deeply about, but to organize it in our communities. and in my case, across the state. so, after spending years organizing, i realized that, look, i am a woman. i live in the south. nobody is coming to save us. we have to save ourselves. >> you are like the moms demand success story, becca. i know shannon wise. you are like a mom's demand a success story. i love it. okay. this is great. we are getting to the heart of it. danny, i want to bring you in here because, have you had to change your plans this summer? are you also running for office? >> i've never been political, symone, honestly. i didn't know you are when they asked me to talk. i thought, you know what? it's an opportunity for someone
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who is not a politician, not in media, not a journalist to just talk about what abortion is, right? what women's rights are. not just women's rights, but rights for everybody. that has to do with health care. this has to do the people in the lgbt community. health care workers, like, like it's such a big issue. it's just so personal to me. i am, again, grateful to be here to just how with you guys. >> oh, danny, becca, thank you both for being here. thank you for sharing your insights. really, breaking it down for folks at home. we appreciate your time. >> all right, folks. next, we are going to head into the culture corner where we are talking about r. kelly, yes. whether or not his music should still be on your playlist. plus, we are going to get into air travel. it is literally a nightmare. do you have any air travel horse tories you want to share? i know i do. we will be right back. i know i do. we will be right back.
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to help prevent bleeding gums, try saying hello gumwash with parodontax active gum health. it kills 99% of plaque bacteria and forms an antibacterial shield. try parodontax active gum health mouthwash. >> let's head on over to the culture corner. i have some amazing culture critics with me today. television host and producer caleb walker is here. she is the founder of walker media group. greetings, kayla. actress mickey mcelroy is in the building. she is a producer of a podcast. welcome, welcome to both. i am just going to get right into it. we will talk about r. kelly. he was recently sentenced to 30 years in prison almost a year
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after he was convicted in that high profile sex trafficking case. before r. kelly was convicted abuse, or he was a major figure in r&b. i, for one, i'm always going to escape, if he comes on the playlist. but, i know there are people out there, some people i know personally who will rename nameless for this conversation to not feel the same. what do you all have to say to people who acknowledge what r. kelly did, but still don't want to part with his music? mickey, i will start with. you >> i'm not going to lie, i already have my 90s rmb list, you know, set years and years ago. sometimes i find myself in the shower. all of a sudden, one of his songs will come on, and i start singing it. then, you realize. you are like, this is r. kelly. i can't listen to this. and, you know i, yell at alexa to turn him off or skip the song, but it's really difficult. he's been off of mine, just so you know. i am on at the bandwagon. >> i was going to ask.
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is he still on the play list? okay, he is off the playlist. >> he is off the playlist. >> okay, now kayla, what about you? there are lots of folks out there who say, look, i don't agree with what r. kelly did, but he makes good music, and i just have to remind people, the pied piper was the person who led the little children away. he was telling us what he thought and what he was doing. >> yeah, and i think that's it. you have to remind people sometimes. i know, a lot of people make excuses. they are, like i listen to the pre-scandal music. i'm, like there is no such thing. it is all scandalous. it is all in relation to one another. i think, you know, you just have to take that in mind. i am the same. anytime i hear a song, i am, like no, skip that. can't listen to it. it's not okay. we will not be stepping to his name by any means in my household. >> thank you, thank you, power to the people. i am with my ladies right here. okay, let's shift a bit. i want to talk about the disastrous travel scenario that is happening all over the country, because these things may be called airline, but this
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flying situation is a train wreck. thousands of flights have been delayed or canceled in the past week alone, and it's largely due to staff shortages or booking shortages. it's not even like it's raining outside with a blizzard. show of hands, who has had it with airlines? i've got to put my hands up. i'm over them. and literally over. them kayla, wait, you've had it with the airlines? tell us more. >> i have not had any issues. i am one of those people that does not have a horror story. like, think the airline gods. i have not had any travesties beyond the lot of bags, and that is the worst of my issues. i will say i'm in the good graces of the travel, got? okay i'm here. >> well, the travel gods have not blessed me. i feel like we are just attacked, an attacking audience right now to the airlines. >> you don't know. you have to leave enough time before and after, you know, whatever you need to do. if you need to be someone on tuesday, try to get there on, you, know sunday. >> that is terrible. except, if you find mckayla.
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apparently, she can make you everywhere on time. i needed to get on her travel situation. >> get with me. >> okay, i want to talk about -- it was very strange. we discussed this in her show meeting. i've got to ask my ladies. there are some tweets from official accounts of certain countries that are wild, you. all nutter butter posted a tweet earlier this week taken by it followers to be a double entendre. you might not be able to show these folks your grammar. they are getting seen. one of those post got 100,000 retweets. nikki, what is your take on these sexually suggestive tweets from established brands like nutter butter, wendy's. what is your take? here >> my take is, everyone is trying to copy wendy's. let's just say. wendy's has been, since 2020,
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you know, started communicating with their customers in a different way. i feel like everyone is just trying to jump on that bandwagon, and they are not doing it very appropriately. >> not at all now. kayla, i know you are a brand guru. one word to describe what's happening here? >> salacious. [laughs] >> without, without, we will have to leave it there. kayla walker, mickey mcelroy, we will leave it there. we are going to be right back, your. ack, your [ screaming ] [ growling ] shh. nice and quiet. hey! loo for babies born at this hospital
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so please call or go online to give to today with your gift of $10 a month, just $0.33 a day. and when you use your credit card, you'll receive this special save the children tote bag to show your joining thousands of other caring people who are changing children's lives. because of donations like yours, baby teresa is now safe at home, but thousands of other children are at risk. all it takes to make a life saving difference is just $10 a month. so please call or go online to today. and thanks to a special government grants that are available now, every dollar you give can multiply up to ten times the impact. save the children staff are on the ground doing all they can to save precious babies and their moms. but they can't do it without the support of caring people like you. so please call or go online to to help save lives. >> a programming note, tonight,
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nbc presents ukraine answering the call. it's an hour-long special aimed at raising funds for those whose lives have been affected by the war in ukraine. msnbc's nicole wallace was the executive producer, and the special will feature kristen bell, alicia keys, broad paisley, billie eilish, paul mccartney, and more. it will also include an address from ukraine's president zelenskyy. what ukraine answering the call it tonight on nbc at 7 pm eastern and pacific, or you can watch on msnbc at 10 pm eastern. thank you so much for watching symone on this sunday, you. all i am symone sanders, and you can catch me here on msnbc, or anytime over on peacock norway have new episodes on the msnbc club every tuesday and thursday. they are up for 13 days. go watch them. also, hit me up on social media. you can find highlights and
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news about the show on instagram, twitter, and the ticking talk. right now, i am happy to hand things over to my friend reverend al sharpton. i know you have an interview with the wig, congressman jim clyburn coming up. i will be watching. >> well, i thank you for watching, and i certainly enjoy watching you. lady in blue tonight, i see. thank, you symone. good evening, and welcome to politicsnation on the eve of independence day, two nights lead, independents for whom? right now, the country is celebrating its independence from tyranny and absolute rule. tomorrow's july 4th is likely to feel different for millions of americans who
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