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tv   Dateline  MSNBC  July 24, 2022 11:00pm-1:00am PDT

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up a scholarship in their needs. as for that offbeat you seal of a home, it is still there with a loving daughter as caretaker. >> that's all for this edition of dateline. i am natalie morales, see you next time. natalie morales, se she was an amazing mother, everything that we hoped wouldn't be true-- i just remember thinking that this can't be happening. >> why would this happen to her? was it someone she knows? >> there was some blood, on some tissues, there was a sweatshirt, she started crying >> this is so -- long >> there isn't no way, that he could do this. >> the fifth it was almost as if there was a witness in this case. you knew there was a mystery
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man out there. >> there was someone else involved >> i couldn't sleep, i couldn't eat. >> who's side do you believe? >> this is getting really scary. >> green bay was constant, home of the legendary packers. a place where folks love their sunday football, and a great knock down on lambeau field. but in 2018, after the football season and ended. the city had became transfixed by a new battle of sorts. one that played out, not on the grid iron. instead, in a courtroom. a murder case where nothing was as it seemed. a who done it, featuring of all things, a fitness tracker as an intriguing clue. with two opposing sides, pointing fingers at each other. and one, gavel reveling twist.
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at the heart of it all, a beautiful 31-year-old mother, named nikki vanderheyden. >> my first encounter with nikki was at a cookout, and i just remember being like, okay, this girl, she's definitely my type of person,. >> one haley and her uncle first met the porky single mom, they instantly clicked. it was just like three musketeers, as soon as we clicked. as soon as we get together. we're like a bunch of little kids playing on the playground. >> yeah. >> we called ourselves, the traveling music group. >> we would rollerblade and sing. >> of these bff's, nikki was the oldest. >> you could count on the key for everything and anything. she had the biggest heart. >> nikki was as active as she was loyal.
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>> what did nikki like to do? >> she was so spontaneous. we were jump on the trampoline, be cooking, be planting, be making games. just up for any adventure. >> case in point, how nikki celebrated her 29th birthday. >> she decided to jump off a plane. [laughs] >> that's nikki taking the leap. >> that's her with a big smile of her face. >> why did she decided to jump out of a plane? >> that's just nikki. >> nikki also taught high school science, and shared a connection for biology with their students. >> i think she just like the discovery of things. >> kids meant the world to nikki, and she had two of her own, a son and a daughter of a previous marriage. >> was she a good mom? >> absolutely. she's an amazing mom. >> in 2015, the busy moms started dating again. and she meant 33 year old doug. the two of them immediately headed off. >> when they met, everything happened quickly with their relationship. they just, you know, clicked right away. >> doug came from a prominent
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green bay family that owned a successful home building company. he had a reputation around town. as unattractive, wealthy bachelor. i catch. >> do you think that's part of what attracted nikki to him. ? >> i'm sure. was having his own, halls in a nice neighborhood, any woman would be attracted to that. >> about a month after the, met nikki was pregnant. >> i think, she was probably surprised but a good surprise. >> in october 2015, she and doug welcome to sun into their lives. >> i think that she was very excited to be a mother again. >> nikki wasted no time getting back in shape by hitting the gym. >> that was one thing about nikki, she was very physically fit and loved working out and going to the gym. >> and she inspired dug to do the same. >> the new dad started wearing a fitbit fitness tracker. little did he know just how valuable that digital device would become.
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seven months after their son's birth, nikki was ready for some adult fun. a popular band was playing at a local venue, called the watering hole. so she and dog, and a group of his friends planned to make a night of it. >> she was thrilled. just of spend time with doug and do couple things. >> nikki's friend, dallas kennedy offered to babysit. >> she never gets an opportunity to stay out all night, and i was available, so why not? >> the night started out great. as the concert was getting underway, nikki sent dallas a photo of her and doug. >> she was happy. he was smiling. they looked like it was a great time together out at that moment. >> but the moment wooden last, after the concert ended, nikki ended got separated. doug stayed inside the bar, while nikki and doug's friend followed the large crowd as it emptied into the parking lot. >> i said, where is doug? and she just shrugged her shoulders at me. and i said, will come with us. she said, okay, perfect. >> doug's friends, took nikki, new to the group, under her wing as we left up behind and
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headed to the next bar. the sardine can. >> this was just a fun night? >> yes. >> but by around 12:30 am, friend said nikki had enough. so she left the bar, and headed home, alone. or so they thought. >> that was the last time you saw her? >> it was. >> the next day, haley got a text from nikki sister. this was on saturday evening, and had said, hey, have you heard from nikki had? all we are concerned about her, she hasn't returned home from last night, she is still breastfeeding, so this isn't like. her >> were you worried? >> i had a hard time sleeping that night. i really didn't know what to think at that time. i just knew that something wasn't right. >> then, a news alert-- >> brown county searching for new clues after a body was found -- >> a body was found on the up
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skirts of town. rumors spread that the body was that of a male. >> so i'm kind of like, okay chances are that we are good, it's not her, she's fine, she somewhere. >> but the news only got worse. they later learned the body was in fact a young woman's. >> your heart must of sank. >> i dropped to my knees and prayed. and i just remember thinking, this can't be happening. >> a young mom, missing. a young woman, founded in the field. and nikki's friends and family, holding out hope, this was all an unfortunate horrifying coincidence. >> coming up--clues to a mystery >> we are looking for trademarks, footprints, any type of weapons that might be involved. >> who was the woman in that farm field >> the only thing she was wearing, socks, and a pink bracelet on her left wrist. >> this was a real, who done it, and who is she. >> absolutely. >> when dateline, continues.
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brutal, and unforgiving. but local teenagers tommy van the high and jacob vincent. have learned to take them and strive. it was a lot warmer here back in may of 2016, when both boys were helping tommy's grandfather, for planting. >> we were thick and stones in a field down huffman road. we were clearing out a field so we could planted. that is one of the two boys made a gruesome discovery. the body of a woman. she was laying on her stomach, with her arms folded across her forehead. and she was naked. her hair was all bloody and it looked red. and half of her face was showing, maybe this have, but it was all bloody. >> it was a sight neither teen will ever forget. >> i was shocked. more shocked than anything. >> it just felt weird. the sudden knowing that that's a dead person, you never really
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think that you're going to see someone dead. >> tommy's grandfather immediately called 9-1-1. >> we just found a human body laying in some weight. >> okay. >> oh my god. >> is that person beyond helped, or do i need to give instructions for cpr? >> yeah no there -- >> brown county sheriff detective, got a call and headed to the crime scene. >> neither detective had to travel very far. >> so the body was found right near here? the sheriff's department? >> yes. it's about a half mile. where >> you don't see that every day. it's literally right in your backyard. >> yes. >> the condition of the victims body disturbed even these two seasoned detectives. >> i had been in law enforcement for 18 years, but to see this up close and personal on a young lady, was very difficult for everyone >> describe her body for us. >> when i arrived on the green, she was faced down with their head towards the field, and her feet towards the road.
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her arms were up in front of her face, crossed. and there was other abrasions and bruising, really throughout her body. what was the approximate time of death do you think? >> it was hard to say up front. but we believe that it was probably from the night before, sometime. >> from all indicators, the woman had been sexually assaulted. >> the only thing she was wearing with socks, and a pink bracelet on her left wrist. >> and nothing else? >> nothing else. >> this crime sounds very personal >> yes, it was apparent early on that there was a pretty good fight that must have happened. >> initially, the detectives couldn't find a murder weapon. severe bruises on her neck led them to believe that she had been strangled. >> identification? >> there was no identification -- >> so you had no idea who this woman was. >> no, not at first. >> this is. that not only said. it's scary. >> to see a woman like that lying in the field. >> it is in the community like the greater green area, it is
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not something we deal with. normally >> both of them were struck by just a little evidence there was to go on. >> and mission ali, we didn't really know if it happened here or not. or if she was just dumped. here >> we were very careful about how we are approaching the body, looking for footprints, any type of weapons that may be involved. there was no indication, how many people might have been involved, or any evidence pointing us in a certain direction, that was not right. away >> this was a real, who done it, and who is. she >> yes. >> did you also immediately think about the community and if this would start ringing alarm bells for them? >> yes, i think that when the news was going on, and we didn't have information up front i think that it's definitely alarming to the community. >> when the detectives continued searching the field for clues, they learned a woman by the name of nikki, had been reported missing. >> who filed the missing persons report?
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>> the boyfriend and father to nicole's child. >> a sheriff headed to doug's house with a video camera to take the missing persons report. >> i'm here for a missing persons report. >> there was no reason to tell dug that they had found a woman in the field. >> what color her eyes? >> blue. >> doug gave of physical description to the sergeant who didn't related to the belize officers. >> they suspected the victim was nikki, but they couldn't. t-shirt >> based on the condition of the body it was not easy to make a positive identification. >> then, early the next morning, detectives got a break. bloody clothing near the climb scene. >> we found some clothing and other items laying across the side of the road here. in between the fog line and the ditch. the person that was responsible was panicking and probably didn't know what to do at that time. and just discarded that as they were traveling back on one 72. >> the clothing, didn't tell
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you anything about who the victim was? >> yes. i was able to go through the clothing, there was a line yard that had a green school district photo idea on it. >> the photo was of nikki. dental records later confirmed whatever body by now already knew the victim was nicole vanderheyden. representatives of -- went to the home of nikki parents were all of her friends and family had gathered. >> she and another police officer came over and had the immediate family in the backyard. we knew, we saw the looks on her faces and all we could do would just hold. him >> that is an awful moment. >> did anyone talk, or was it just silence? >> just silence. silence. >> -- the only thing that we hoped wouldn't be true. it was hard.
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>> why would this happen to such a good person, and of all people -- >> coming up. >> i couldn't sleep, i couldn't eat. >> the last night nikki was seen alive, where was her boyfriend? doug >> you went to bed? >> yeah. i'd say about three 3:30. >> this doesn't make sense, you go out together, and you're not coming home together? >> when dateline continues. when dateline continues lusive brands. quality home furnishings at an affordable price. only at lowe's. kids, one year they want all dinosaurs stuff
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body in a field with few clues to go on. detectives brian slaying, and rick begin trying to answer the question everyone agreed they were asking. who murdered nikki vanderheyden? >> the official cause of death ended up being blunt force trauma, and strangulation. >> the detectives also found what they appear to be a shoe print on nikki's back, indicating she had been stopped on. >> like a herringbone zigzag pattern that would be consistent with the bottom of a shoe. >> multiple abrasions and bruises covered nikki's body. that sounds like a monster? >> that's hard to describe, obviously, severe extreme. >> at the sheriff's office, detectives continue their investigation by talking with those who saw you last.
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including her boyfriend dog. >> a lot of people sonic? >> correct. their first up was the interview dug the tree, get a good timeline from him from the night prior. >> [inaudible] how did the night star? [inaudible] >> all accounts from people who saw her said she was having a blast. >> after the concert at the watering hole, dog and a friend stayed behind while everyone else headed to the next why. >> nikki was here at the sardine can, take us through the night? >> nikki came here with doug strength, a group of four five of them including nikki, the plan was to come here, hang out, have a couple extra drinks. >> detective slinger asked to review the sardine cans video, on it could see nikki, there she is on the left. >> was she having a good time? did anything seem like it was
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wrong? >> no she appeared to have a good time, she was dancing, socializing, talking to people, walking around, just like any normal night. >> but a charging to doug's red angela, nick's mood sue changed. douglas tune at the other bar, and should be can to feel ignored. >> i noticed her being a little quiet, and i said well where is doug? she shrugged her shoulders. >> she starts texting, calling him, asking where he is, she's with all his friends that she's not familiar with. she wanted her boyfriend to come be with her at the new by. >> is she getting a response from dog? >> very limited, she's getting annoyed and frustrated that he was not responding to her. >> angela offered to help vicky out, and called that herself using her own cellphone. i was like let me call him. >> did he answer? >> he did.
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>> that said angela, made nikki furious. nikki was upset, because he wouldn't answer her calls, but he would answer your call? >> yeah. >> they have a reaction, did she say anything? >> it happened so fast. i just remember her jumping up and running. >> detective slinger could see nikki leaving on the bar security video. did anyone follow, her try to come her back? >> yeah -- on the video >> he's like come on nikki, come on nikki. come back to the bar, we will bring you home. she just started hitting him. she told him let me be. let me go. and he said okay. >> at first neither angela, nor anyone else could figure out what had just happened. >> i'm like why did she go running? is it something i said? >> so she was more upset than what she was letting on in the by. she must have been to be running out like that. >> so not too far from here is where the mystery began? >> the mystery began when she
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left here, just a few feet from where we're standing. >> to try and solve the mystery, detective slinger reviewed all the text messages between nikki and dug on doug's phone. -- what kind of things where she? writing >> trust issues that she had with him. maybe that he was out with them other girls. >> nikki roe wow, what's flooded you with because none of your friends know? you hurt me all the time. >> when angela learned just how angry nikki was with doug, she couldn't help but feel like she may have contributed to the couples problems by making that phone call to doug outside the by. >> i couldn't sleep. i couldn't eat. because i kept thinking, what if. could i have done something different? should i have not called dog? >> if that was her trigger it seemed. detectives also asked doug why nikki was so angry with him that night?
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>> [inaudible] drunk inches not making any sense. >> he said he did nowhere any of that was coming from, which to us seems weird. >> did you think he was? lying >> wasn't sure if he was lying, but it was just bizarre that he would have no clue what these messages were coming from, as far as accusations go. >> that then asked doug why he did after he left the second bar? >> doug he mediatelydrove aroung the area, left looking for her. but the bicycle cameras seem to tell a different story. was he out looking for nikki? >> based on security video, it didn't seem like he was. he went in the sardine can, started drinking, stayed at the same spot in the by the whole time. it seemed like he had maybe exaggerated the amount of looking that he was doing for her at the time. >> was that suspicious to you? >> partially at that point, yeah. >> doug told the detective he couldn't find nikki, so he went home. nick's friend dallas was there babysitting and greeted him. >> my first question was where is she? does it make sense you
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go out together, you don't come home together. he said we're all out together tonight, she just got mad and stormed away. she wanted to walk home. >> dallas then offered up several suggestions of where nikki could be, including crashing out a friends house. >> i remember him saying he is coming back to me with a no, no, no. so i finally said doug, is she in the trunk of your car? he looked at me and he smiled and he goes no. his whole demeanor just changed. i was feeling some sort of urgency to get out of the house. >> she finally headed to her car at around 3 am. there is nobody around, and i said outlawed, where are you nicole? what is going on? >> according to doug, once dallas to cough, he checked on
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the baby and went to bed. >> [inaudible] >> we really didn't have an alibi from here, because he was home sleeping. >> hours after nikki's body was discovered, detectives linger and his team decided to search tags house. what they would find inside, would set off alarm bells. coming up, >> there was some blood on some tissues, as well as a sweatshirt. >> bloody evidence in the house, on the road, in the yard. >> started crying. >> doug detrie, our police reeling him in, or ruling him out. >> we knew there was another person out there that knew something. >> when dateline continues. >> when dateline continues i felt all people saw were my uncontrolled movements. some mental health meds can cause tardive dyskinesia, s a prescription medicine to treat adults
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because flowers find a way to break through. just like we will. join the fight at >>, iran, tplf and five others injured during a shooting in los angeles park. going to, please weapons were found in the attack and may have involved more than one shooter. so far no suspects have been identified. president biden's covid
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symptoms are improving significantly according to his doctors. mr. biden is expected to deliver a speech virtually on monday at the natural organization executives conference. now back to dateline. organization >> haley and caitlin walk them main drag of green bay desperate for answers. we had a lot of communication with detectives slinger during that time. he had asked us to first thank some flyers for him, just to get some information on where she could've gone. >> we hit every bar we -- >> up and down that street downtown. >> why did you decide, we are going to be proactive. see if we can get any. clues >> we needed to find out what happened to our friend. i mean it's that simple. >> meanwhile, the detective, brian slinger, was about to search the house of nikki's live in boyfriend, doug.
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after learning the two had been arguing just hours before she disappeared. >> she accused him of being abusive, and one of the text messages from that night -- that was obviously alarming. >> and first, nothing seemed to be a mess. >> there was not a lot of signs of any struggle in the house. there was no break and faces, no broken tables, or anything like. that >> but after close inspection, they found a trail of intriguing clues >> there was some areas in the garage that concern. does >> specifically what appeared to be bloodstains on the floor. >> and then down in this area here, is what appeared to be dragged marts, potentially back this way towards nichols vehicle. >> and inside, nikki's car -- >> her vehicle had at the time what we thought was blood smears throughout the back and throughout the headboard area. >> this is the red drip consistent in the nature of a drop of blood. as you can see here, there's some more brownish dried
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substance that we were concerned about. >> back inside the house, more blood. >> and in the lower bathroom, there was some blood on some tissues that was located on the floor. as well as a sweatshirt that had some blood on it. there was also would appear to be potentially blood drops near the entrance. >> detectives then discovered a possible source of the shoe imprint found by the medical examiner on the case. back >> you can see, there's some of these exact patterns here. some shoes like or were found in the garage, on the shoe rack. which had what appeared to be some sort of red dots on the bottom of them. >> that could be? blood >> could be blood. but that pattern on the bottom of the shoe was consistent with what we had seen on nichols. >> she thought she smelled a strong order that caught her attention. >> csi sent swabs of all the evidence taken from inside the
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garage and house to the lab for testing. but it was what detectives found outside that proved to be the most intriguing evidence yet. a neighbor across the street from doug was mowing his lawn when he saw on the grass a strange object >> we responded to the scene, what appeared to be like a food charging cable into his front yard that he ran on with us on. more >> detectives believe that that court was used to strangle nikki. >> it was full of blood. and it matched some of the markings that we had on her. nick >> there were multiple large bloodstains on the roadside by the court. detective slinger felt confident that this was the area where nikki was beaten, strangled, and ultimately killed. an area just 118 feet from doug's front door. >> nikki's blood was telling a story. >> correct. >> as detectives began looking more closely, they discovered a local police report that additionally seemed to strengthen their suspicion. the report cited that the past incident involving an ex girlfriend who claimed that doug had abused her. >> how bad was it? >> it sounded like she was in.
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fear >> in the incident report, the woman accused jog of choking her and covering her mouth and nose with blankets. doug was arrested, and he denied the allegation. he was never charged. as it turned out, the woman had been convicted of battery in a previous relationship. then, detectives interviewed nikki's own mother. she told them that just a week before the murder. nikki revealed doug had abused her >> she was crying, and i, started asking her questions you know. and i asked her did he ever hit you? and she said yeah. she wouldn't go into. it she was really private. >> with the blood, the text messages, the shoe print, and the allegations of abuse. detectives felt they had enough probable cause to arrest doug two days after finding nikki's body. >> right now i'm going to be taking you into custody -- >> be cooperative. walk this way. all right i'm a decent guy --
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>> i'm a decent guy too. >> i get that, i'm sure you. are. >> eventually he was brought up to our vehicle. transported to the. jill and that's where i think it really. him he started crying. >> this is so wrong. >> while they waited for the result of the forensic testing. they wanted to learn all they could about doug. they continued interviewing anyone with information about dogs passed >> we had some people come forward from his background that had talked about things that they had observed in his behavior from past relationships. >> did they come in voluntarily, or were you digging into his past? >> probably a little bit of both. >> another ex girlfriend of dogs booked a detective and described him as controlling and a stalker type. this woman never filed a complaint
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>> so we have all these ex girlfriends coming forward. obviously those relationships didn't work out for a reason that -- being why they have a bone to pick >> yes, having that many people it does take out the whole revenge factor. when you have that many people are coming forward. absolutely. there are definitely patterns from his past that would make this concerning. about doug's past behavior are definitively. >> what are you all thinking? >> at that point it is definitely looking that doug is our person responsible here. >> what do you think happened that night? >> i thought that she got a ride hold from someone, and he had heard her get dropped off. and he went outside to confront her about where she was. and there was some sort of altercation, would've happen in front of the house. and he used the vehicle in the garage to transport her body to the field. >> but why would doug want nikki dead?
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detectives felt the answer could be in doug's phone. they discovered more text messages about his relationship with nikki this time, to his mom. >> he was contemplating ending the relationship, he wasn't happy -- >> according to those messages, doug seem to be buckling under the pressure of being a family man, and he wanted out. doug road, i'm very seriously thinking about telling nikki and the kids they have to move. i'm not cut out for this life one bit. >> he also wrote. when this health sells we are going separate ways i'm sure. don't worry about. it it is what it is. >> that could be a motive for murder. >> it could be. >> there is in no way, no way doug could do this. he has never had a mean bone in him.
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he couldn't do this to somebody. >> did you feel like he was being wrongly accused? >> yes. >> was a kind of the sentiment among your friends in the group? >> yes. we knew he didn't do it. >> nikki's friends, were just as dumbfounded. >> there were a lot of arrows pointing at doug based on what the police had. >> yes. >> did you to start thinking that as well, because everyone else was thinking that? >> of course. you don't know what's someone is capable of so it didn't put it past me that it couldn't be him. it also didn't deter me away from trying to find out what happened to her if it was not. >> you don't want to think that it would be someone that would love her and share so much with her. especially a child. >> investigation was only days hold and already the pieces seem to be easily fitting into place. but where they fitting to easily? >> we saw we had a lot of work ahead of us. >> and there were still vexing questions to answer. >> we struggled to find out how nikki got home. we knew that there was another person out there that knew
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something of value. >> this is a missing piece of the puzzle. >> a huge piece. >> another problem, this one coming from the lab. techs found male dna all over nikki's body. but the profile was only partial. so they couldn't find a match. >> we need to try and find a match for that. >> the investigation was just getting started. and its direction was far from certain. >> coming up. >> the shoe, the tissues, the blood in the garage, the blood in the car. >> i still kept thinking, no way >> and yet the police are sure they have the right guy. >> right, i still knew, there was something in me telling me it was not him. >> how solid was this evidence, really? >> that's a big revelation right there. >> huge revelation. >> and i was like, oh my god. >> when dateline continues. >> when dateline continues
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like it was really meant to be, y'know? yes, yes, i do. and i'm so glad you wanna save money. rodney, set up a bundle for jon id it was. but technically you didn't say it wasn't. it's not. yet.
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police thought they had a strong case against stuck detrie, they believe there was motive, opportunity, and compelling evidence. nikki's friends haley and caitlyn didn't know what to make of it all. >> it didn't make sense that, you know anyone besides the dog would be in her front yard, killing her. >> yet angela -- remains squarely by doug side. >> i still kept thinking no way. >> yet the police are sure they
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have the right guy. >> i still knew. there is something in me telling me it was not him. >> how good are you feeling about your suspect? do you feel like this is your man, you caught the killer? >> yeah we never would have arrested him if we didn't think he was our guy. >> but less than two weeks after doug's arrest, test of the forensic evidence taken from in and around the house started to trickle back from the lab. the case against him began to collapse. first, there were doug's shoes that the tech teams believe could have left the imprint on nikki's back. >> the imprint was very generic zigzag pattern. >> the lab could not make a definitive match. >> it was inconclusive. >> could be anybody? shoe >> could be anybody shoe that has that zigzag pattern. >> then came the dna blood tests, as for the red dots that the detectives found on the shoes -- >> no dna found on the bottom of the.
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shoots >> another surprise? >> another surprise. >> what about the blood on the garage floor? >> what are you learning? we're >> learning that the blood in the garage was not human blood. >> it was in fact animal. blood >> we found out earlier that doug was into hunting, and he had actually killed a turkey a couple weeks prior. >> that's right, it was the blood of a turkey. that's a big revelation right there. >> huge revelation. >> then there was nikki's car, the car detectives thought doug used to transport nikki's body out to the field. >> there was one little drop, that turned out to be human blood in the backseat, which was ultimately determined not to be nicole's, it was likely a daughter of hers. >> but that wasn't the only thing -- theory into question. detectives found a device installed in her car, one that insurance companies used to track driving habits. it indicated the car remained in the garage the entire night of the murder. >> the vehicle last moved on friday the 20th, and the blood on the tissues and the sweatshirt found inside the house. it was when nikki's sister, a nosebleed.
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even more surprises from the forensic evidence you found in the house. >> yes. >> have you ever seen anything like this before? that's just one thing after the next that is not what it appeared? >> it was definitely crazy. >> then came the biggest blow to the theory. he had to do with that partial profile of male dna found on nikki's body and the bloody cord. while lab test couldn't find if i whose dna was, they were able to definitely rule out doug. this is a huge mistake, to arrest somebody for murder who is really appearing now did not commit the crime. >> yeah i take full ownership of that myself. my supervisor who made the decision. based on what we had at the time, i now have a crystal ball on some of the results of the testing that we've gone. we are responsible for the safety of the community, the safety of doug's child that he was granted custody of. so we have to take all those things into consideration. >> i with and has the tape to
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say, to use the term mistake, based on those circumstances we had probable cause to make arrest. >> but detectives that bigger problems on the hands. the unknown male dna on the cord, and the unknown male dna in her body, was that a match, was it the same? >> yes those were all consistent. it was no one's dna that we have already collected. >> which led slinger, and -- to one disturbing conclusion. there is someone else out there involved that we have yet to identify. >> you knew there was a mystery man out there at this point, that very likely killed nikki. >> that's the point where we were at trying to figure out who is this person. >> without enough evidence left to keep dug in jail, the sheriff's office had no choice but to let him go. doug detrie spent 18 days in jail. his release left caitlin and haley more bewildered than anything else. by now they had come to believe
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doug was responsible. doug detrie is released, it's a huge twist all of. this water you to thinking? >> it was definitely surprising and not the news that we really wanted to hear at that point. >> did the start to shift your focus away from dog, learning about this dna. >> we knew there was someone else's dna, so then it became whose dna. there was different rumors of what could've happened, we kind of worked around our own scenarios trying to figure out why this could have went bad, you know it was supposed to be a fun night out for her, why did it go so wrong? >> there was a lot of, missing pieces. >> as for angel adolfus, and the rest of the exporters, they were -- delighted by the news that dog was now free. >> i'm like oh my god, thank god. they have no proof it was doug. no proof. and nor would he have ever done this. >> did you feel sort of vindicated because maybe your
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opinion that he didn't do it wasn't the popular one at the time? >> yeah. i didn't care. i didn't care where anybody thought. >> but ducked the tree wasn't off the hook just yet, police could not overlook the fact that he -- motivation to kill nikki. they weren't impressed with his alibi that he was home sleeping. >> do you think that that maybe pay, someone or someone did this for him? >> that was something that we thought, that was always in the back of your mind. >> so the door wasn't completely shut on doug? >> correct. >> for slinger, -- ten frustrating weeks passed with no breaks in the case. and still no clue whose dna was on nikki's body. >> i kind of felt like we were getting full profile eventually, something was gonna break eventually. >> and it did? >> it did. >> coming up, you gotta hear on nikki's sock.
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>> that's where the hit came from. >> we were crazy excited it gave us new hope. >> a sock, a cell phone, a dark past, who was this mystery man? that must have set off alarm bells right there? >> it did. >> when dateline continues. dupixent helps heal your skin from within, keeping you one step ahead of eczema. hide my skin? not me. with dupixent, you can show more skin with less eczema. hide my skin? not me. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes, including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor.
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rushing start to the, case unrest just two days after the murder. but the investigation came to an abrupt stop with the release of their first suspect, douglass detrie. >> after you release doug, did you feel like you are back to square. one >> in a way. you just have to keep. moving but i actually viewed it as a step. back >> but ten weeks after douglass detrie released from jail detectives released startling news from the lab. >> you got a hit, on nikki salk. >> that's where the hit came from ultimately that was the item that picked out the dna. we were crazy excited.
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it gave us new hope. we were going to be able to get answers for the family. >> answers about the origin of the unknown male dna found on nikki's body and on the corpse. >> and this hit, is a full dna profiles. >> enough to put on to qudus. enough to be able to be processed on documents nationwide. >> is what it had done -- that give us a match. >> it gave us george birch, out of the state of virginia. >> what are you thinking when you hear this name? >> it meant nothing to me. next is to find out who george porsche is. >> we had found out that he had moved to virginia five months earlier. he had been living with an old pal, that owned an auto repair shop in town, he had no place to go -- and that's where you can get a fresh. starts >> george said he was
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getting a divorce, and immediately went to a helping hand, after all the two had been friends since they were young adults >> a long time now, 20 plus years. >> did you consider him to be trustworthy? >> yes, would've trust him with anything back then, great around, kids great around my family, never really had an issue with him, never some stuff too much about anything. always calm, cool, collective. >> and a lot of fun. both ed and george shared a lot of fishing. >> a lot of bonding can go on while two men are fishing. >> yes. >> is that would happen? >> yes, spend a lot of time in the boat. >> the wife, consider george to be a typical gentlemen. >> he always called me miss linda, i always thought that was kind of cool. >> did you take an instant liking to him? >> yes. he seemed really easy going. and we're just really easygoing people so it was okay. >> george got a job and soon started dating a young woman called jordan skyler. who became the object of her affection. >> the way he kind of talked, the way his mannerisms were
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sold gentlemen like, that was the best thing that drew me towards him. >> jordan said the other men with the southern accent, swept her off her. feet >> we started hanging out almost every day. >> did your mom worry that maybe he was a little too old for you? >> she honestly didn't know. i didn't know how to tell her because my mom is my best friend and i know that she wouldn't have proof of the eight different. >> was he romantic? >> yes. very much so. >> in what way? >> i know it sounds dumb, but in little stupid corny ways. he would make little poems, or something. come up to me and say something sweet. >> do you feel safe around him? >> 100 percent. he made me feel like he would
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always be there to help me and protect me and be by my side. >> george, the gentlemen. that's the man who swept jordan off her feet. it turns out, there was a lot that she didn't know about george burch. coming up >> investigators take a deep dive into georgia's pass. and make a startling discovery. >> you are seeing george burch homicide. >> correct. >> when dateline continues. correct >> when dateline continues super emma just about sleeps in her cape. but when we realized she was battling sensitive skin, we switched to tide hygenic clean free. it's gentle on her skin i didn't win the lawsuit, but everybody knows i wrote that song. flo? gosh, it's been forever. you look fantastic. it's jon. hamm, from the blind date we went on years ago. ah, the struggling actor
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who didn't believe he could save with snapshot based on how and how much he drives. i'd love to talk about it over dinner sometime. well, i usually don't talk on the phone during dinner, but for potential customer tom hamm, i will make an exception. oh, boy. three months have thing nicu
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vendor heightens badly beaten body was found in a wisconsin field, investigators matched dna on her sock to a man named george birch. george had recently moved to the area from virginia, and was staying with an old buddy and his wife. he had friends, a job, a romantic relationship, it seemed like george had settled in nicely to green bay. but then, detective brian slinger started digging into his past. >> we were able to find that he was involved in another homicide case from 1988 in the state of virginia.
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>> swinger immediately began researching the case, but the information was limited, after all, it was 18 years earlier. >> did you learn anything else about that case? >> we learned that it was a shooting between him and another group of people at the time, and for whatever reason went to a jury trial and he was acquitted of it. >> acquitted of all charges, but still. you are seeing george birch, homicide? >> correct. >> that must have set off alarm bells right? >> it did. >> the detectives also learned that george birch had been suspected of crime here in green bay, the crime far less serious, a traffic accident that occurred about two weeks after nikki's murder. someone drove the chevy blazer into a parked car, then abandoned it on a green bay street. the blazer happened to belong to -- once you think somebody else at the car? >> yes. he swore he didn't do. it he claimed it was stolen. a seemingly minor offense, and
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green bay police never ended up charging him with a crime. but during their investigation of the car crash, they did obtain a treasure trove of evidence that would become critical for the detectives involved in the homicide case. >> they had gotten consent from mr. birch to download his cell phone. >> was that a stroke of luck that you had all this information at your fingertips? >> that's one way to put it. i think there was definitely -- . >> and when sheriff's detectives began pouring over that data, they couldn't believe what they stumbled upon. >> there was some phone internet sources that we found very interesting. he was looking up the homicide, looking up the case, looking up things on local news about nikki, and about that event in particular. and we did find the gmail address which is associated to
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the cell phone. >> that she miller just lead them to google dashboard, a service that allows to store and manage user data include detailed information as to where and when they traveled. where did it take you, the location that? >> when we got the search for warrant we obviously focused very much on that night of may 20th into may 21st. >> what they found was astonishing. at about 12:30 am the night of nikki's murder, george broach was that this bar, called richard cranium's. a bar about a half mile from the sardine can, nikki's last known location. >> it showed him going from there, to his residence briefly, and then's residence for about 40 to 50 minutes, from their checked him to where nikki's body was found, with an accuracy of about nine feet. >> but that wasn't. all >> the gps location actually followed a set of tracks that we saw in the field, that did a loop from the
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driveway, almost went those checks out of the field to wear her clothes were located along the highway, and then all the way back to the residence. >> that is so incredibly precise. >> it can be very accurate. >> the detectives could now place george brooch close to every known location that either nikki, or her belongings that night. from the sardine, kentucky's house, to the field, and finally to the highway on ramp. they could also now answer that vaccine question of how nikki got home from the sardine can. >> -- it was huge. >> this is your moment? >> absolutely. >> coming up, george birch under arrest, and apparently unfazed.
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what was his reaction when you told him why he was there? >> his demeanor changed zero. >> but not everyone takes the news in stride. >> shocking, don't believe it. >> this is a totally different guy you're talking about, he's so sweet, no way. >> could police have the wrong guy again? when dateline continues. ntinues. e to find a place. i get bladder leaks. i didn't want to feel like i was wearing the pads i wore when i was twelve. i didn't want to feel like look how much it holds, and it still stays thin! it's the protection we deserve! new astepro allergy. no allergy spray is faster. and it still stays thin! with the speed of astepro, almost nothing can slow you down. because astepro starts working in 30 minutes, while other allergy sprays take hours. and astepro is the first and only 24-hour steroid free allergy spray. now without a prescription.
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astepro and go. george birch was not the prime
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suspect in the nikki investigation data from his google dashboard had allowed investigators to retraces movement the night nikki was killed. and the picture that emerged, cemented their suspicions. first, the dna on nikki's body matching george burch, now this. >> what do you think happened? >> we knew that nikki and george had been in contact with each other, most likely near the bar which is a short distance from the camp. we knew that didn't drove over to nikki's neighborhood when they were in the car for roughly 40 to 45 minutes.
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>> detective slinger believe that that's where george burch, sexually assaulted nikki and strangled to death. >> we did say that there was some sexual assault that occurred, so that was clearly what happened at that time, and explain this behavior. obviously, there were only two people who had known exactly would happen. mr. george burch and nicole vanderheyden. my belief is that she likely then fell out of the car onto the concrete when he'd then wandered on to stump on her face and on her back up against the curve. >> it's amazing that nobody heard anything. you would think that she would be screaming for her life at that point. >> you would think that, but if you're being strangled, you really can't scream. >> the injuries to nicole's neck were very very severe. it is likely that she would not have been able to get much of a scream out, if anything. >> both slinger and the detective were certain that they had their man. but remember, they have been down this road before. so this time, they waited.
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>> we wanted to make sure that we had all of our ducks in a row before he was taken into custody. and to make sure that there wasn't anything in that google data that would maybe potentially been exonerated before he was arrested >> we could see him outside on the porch -- >> they also watched him carefully >> you are worried about public safety. one of the reasons you arrested doug when you did. obviously, if they're concerned about public safety as well -- >> correct, we maintained pretty good surveillance on him. >> satisfied, they had crossed t's, and dotted eyes, they made their move. >> we came up with a game plan that we would come in early one morning, on the west side of green bay. and when he left, we were going to follow him briefly until we had enough cars. long forsman to do a highway traffic stuff on him. >> as he did with doug dimitri, three months prior, detective slinger personally took george birch into custody. >> he was handcuffed and then placed in the back of our squad car, and transported to the office. >> well george burch, casually talk to the detective. >> what was his reaction when you told him why was there? >> his demeanor changed. >> the reason you are here is
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because you're into, you are a reference to a homicide investigation into nicole vendor heighten. okay, so is there something that you want to talk to me about? >> what's that -- >> so if i read you your miranda writes, you don't want to talk to me >> no, i prefer a lawyer. >> according to detective brian slinger -- >> he continued smoking. >> yeah, donald trump is -- >> less than 30 minutes later, he was talking about donald trump. we said that we were just hanging, out and didn't seem to have occurred in the world at that time it's alarming that someone would be that nonchalant about such a serious crime that they're being accused of. doing >> that told me that we're definitely dealing with somebody who has psychological issues. >> just as doug dmitri supporters were stunned to
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discover about his arrest months earlier. george burch, were left scratching their heads. >> what was your reaction when the police told you that george had been arrested for nikki's murder? >> shocking. didn't believe. it >> after all, long time friend, at jackson and his wife linda had invited him into his home. >> why not? >> it wasn't what i know of him. >> i was stunned, of course. i was just like, really? >> georgia's girlfriend, jordan skyler, felt the same way. >> did you tell the police, there's no way that he did this? >> yes, the first time in the interview. i just kept thinking about, this is a totally different guy you're talking about. he's so sweet, there is no way. >> that would soon be up to a jury to decide. as for george burch, he was about to break his silence, and dropped a bombshell no one could predict. >> coming up. >> i saw what looked like a man standing with -- the >> a dramatic story from the stand. was there someone else there that night?
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someone else who killed nikki? >> do you know where that individual is now? >> now i do. >> who is it? >> when dateline continues. >> when dateline continues while they... 0oh... uh... figure their stuff out.
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you got a summer blockbuster on your hands. it is so hard to predict the mind of jordan peele. hello, i'm dara brown, 17 people have died and three others hospitalized after suspicion. officials believe that the two bohemians were halting smuggling that haitians to the u.s.. and that the speedboat was headed to miami. and, california's old fire growing to more than 16,000 acres since it started on friday. it is currently 0% contained. and it has destroyed at least ten structures, more than 2000 fire personnel are battling the blaze. now, back to dateline. el are battling th blaze. all rise, on february 19th 2018, almost two years after nikki vendor heightened murder,
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george burch sudden a green bay courtroom. hoping to convince a jury. what shuttered am republic defenders trying to verse murder case. and in the shadows of lambeau field these young attorneys were going to call some unusual plays. >> please state your full name, and you'll. >> george steven burch junior >> but they told the jury exactly where he was the night of the murder. he admitted he was with nikki. >> i noticed that there was a fairly attractive blonde woman standing next to me. he >> george burch said he met nikki at richards cranium at 11 pm >> how did you react towards? >> eye was flirting. >> and how is she reacting towards you? >> somewhat the same pretty much. we flip it back and forth with each other.
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>> as closing time approach, he asked nikki if you wanted to go home with him. >> she gave you the impression that she agreed to that? >> yes, she walked to my vehicle, i opened the passenger door, she got into the passenger door. >> but then they arrive to her house, according to george, someone was still up watching tv. so they agreed to head to nikki's place instead as they approached he said nikki notice that someone was home there too. >> she said that there was a light on, and she thought the babies were up. stop instead of going into the house, birch said that they stayed in the car. >> we started fooling around and messing around a little bit, kissing. >> did you guys stay in the front seat? >> no sir. >> we went to the backseat. >> how did you get into the backseat? >> i got out of the driver side and walked around to the back passenger. >> he said he stood outside the blazer with the door open as nikki was lying down in the
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backseat, by then he claimed, nikki had taken her clothes off. >> you are having intercourse with her? >> yes sir. >> what ended up happening? >> the next thing that i remember was waking up on the ground outside of the trail. what >> did you see anything? >> i saw what looked like a man standing with a -- >> burch he figured that the man must of pistol whipped in, knocking him out with a gun. >> the first thing i heard was don't even think about it. the whole time, he still had the firearm pointed in my direction. >> burke studies potted nikki on the ground unconscious and bloody. >> the next thing i remember, was the person behind me ended up saying look with the -- you made me do. >> burch said the men had forced him at gunpoint, to put nick in the car, and forced her to drive. >> we he'd then got a good look at the mystery man. >> at that point, did you know
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who that individual was? >> i had never seen him before my life. >> do you know that individual now? >> now i do. >> it was douglass detrie> > douglass detrie, the man who was first accused and then cleared was not being accused again. >> according to burch, he was forcing him to do his dirty work. >> were you giving any strict directions? >> yes sir. >> when they arrived at the field burch ordered him to carry nikki's body from the field and then put her down. >> the whole time i'm trying to figure out a way to get out of the situation. >> burch said he finally got a chance to get away when douglass detrie got momentarily distracted. >> that is when i turned, and with everything i had, i lunged at him and pushed him as hard as i possibly could.
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>> did he fall down? >> i don't know. >> what did you do? >> i hold fast to my car. >> he testified that as you drove away, he saw nikki's close in the car, he panicked and threw them out the window. he also admitted that he called 9-1-1, hadn't called 9-1-1, and didn't tell anyone about that night. >> when that happens, you don't tell anybody that you've seen, people get killed all the time from where i am. and i fear for my own safety. >> it was an amazing story, one that certainly seem to explain much of the damning evidence against burch, namely while his dna was all over nikki's body. and why he was in the field that night just feet from where his body was discovered.
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>> my thoery from this whole thing is looking at the whole pictures. what is his motive in this, versus what is douglass detrie, motive in. this >> so they put douglass detrie on trial for nikki's murder. >> our strategy was to show that he was never truly looking for nicole, that he didn't care for nicole, and that ultimately when he caught nicole with george burch she snapped at that point. >> and during cross-examination, they tried to use douglass detrie to make their case. zeroing on his behavior before and after the night she was killed. to show doug's relationship was on the rocks, they showed the messages that he sent the mother. >> on may of 2016 you sent that when your house sells, you and nikki were going to go on your separate ways, don't worry about, it is what it is. you said that to your mother. is that an accurate statement. >> i don't recall that conversation. >> how about when you told her i am very seriously thinking
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about telling nikki and the kids that they do move. i am not cut up for this life one bit. do you remember that? >> i remember, i think i sent something around the lives of. that i sent that to my mom. not truly meaning it, i guess. do you think you look guilty on the stand? did he come off that way to you? >> i would've thought almost two years after my girlfriends murder that i would've pieced together every single part of that night, talk to every single person again and again and again. i want to asked questions about, it i'm going to remember it, and i'm going to talk about it, and not going to say i don't know. we >> as for the night of the murder, the defense suggested his response to those angry text messages that nikki had sent, showed, he didn't care about her. >> so when you are receiving those messages, you never thought, i should go be with nicole, i should go see what's going on. >> i tried to. i sent her a lol. i sender a what's the deal basically? nothing to be upset about. >> so it was funny to you that she was upset. that's left out loud.
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>> well, i overly use that. >> does she typically call you an abusive -- >> no. >> does she typically ask you what -- what -- are you with? >> no. >> and that still didn't cause along with you that you needed with the coal? >> i mean, i did not know what she was thinking. >> and what was he thinking, sugar as. why did he wait until 4:30 the next afternoon to reporter missing? even though he was up early that morning. 6:30 to be exact. >> you did not call the police at 6:30,? >> no. >> you did not call nicole sister at 6:30? >> no. >> you did not call nicole's mother at 6:30? >> no. >> you just went back to bed. >> yes, i just went back to bed, i was tired, i want to take care of my baby, fed him, and went right back to bed.
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>> and when doug went back to bed at 11 am, he never attempted to search for nikki >>. did you attempt to search for her on foot? >> no i did not. >> there was a reason why he waited so long to reporter nikki missing. >> well because he knew where her body, wasn't he knew what happened to her. >> the plan was to show that he had a history of abuse towards women. when the judge ruled that the evidence was inadmissible. >> this just has to be a huge bowl to your defense. >> it was. we weren't able to present the pattern of abuse that we saw from past girlfriends from people who knew nicole from anybody that we could talk to on the case. specifically for the people doug dated. >> and there was something else the judge would not allow. the tree had recently been arrested for abuse. >> it is a wild story that he gets involved with nikki sister after her death. >> i couldn't believe it. >> of all people, nikki sister. she had been living with doug. helping him take care of the baby according to the criminal
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complaint. doug was driving when he touched others like in a sexual way. >> she didn't want it, so he locked the doors and took off at the high rate of speed to the point that the father was following and running red lights and all sorts of stuff. >> doug was charged with second degree recklessly and aging safety, false imprisonment, and disorderly conduct. he later plead to those charges. even without the accident, they felt that they had made a strong case against doug--. >> he had an opportunity, and a motive, and direct opportunity for the murder. >> halfway through the murder, nick's friend caitlin sure wasn't sure what the thing. >> there was holes in george burch story, but there was also things that didn't quite make sense about douglass detrie, and i think that's how it turned this case into a who-done-it. who's story or who's side do you believe? >> coming up. >> a new side of george burch.
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so clear this up for me. you're banking down with nicole's body in a fireman carryposition. >> no. >> what are you doing? >> i told you before, and i would say one more time for you sir -- >> a little bit of temper showed. >> and a new witness with revealing information. a witness, right on douglass detrie wrist. when dateline continues. en dateline continues. -forever? -yep. that there is progressive's homequote explorer website, where i compared home insurance rates. we don't need to print the internet. progressive can't help you from becoming your parents, but we can help you compare rates on home insurance with homequote explorer. we've got a lot of work to do. on day eight of the trial,
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prosecutors david and you'll mary kerrigan-mares finally got their shot at george burch. their chance to pick apart his story. >> what did you make of george burch this story? >> seems like fantasy to me. seems like a little bit farfetched >> mary kerrigan-mares says that since he had to speak to bridgewater was corrected, he had months to can cut his
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version of events. >> do you think he used the evidence to fit the narrative of his story? to make him look good? >> it certainly seemed as if this was a story that was created after the fact. >> and the prosecutors had a game plan of their own. show the jury that bridges story was nothing more than a hail mary to cover up a vicious crime. they told the jury about burch dna found on 16 different points on nikki's body. and on the murder weapon. it also showed the tracking data from his phone that put him in all the location where nikki was that night, including the place where her body was dumped. >> one thing that seems hard to explain is burch's motive. >> he attempted to have sexual intercourse, she did not want to have sex with, him she fought, and she struggled. obviously she got into the wrong car with a very violent individual, and something horrific happened to her. >> and d.c. had a very interesting card to play. linda jackson, with burch's
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friends. the couple who had taken him in. they had testified for the prosecution. now convinced that douglass detrie -- >> he had a very good imagination, and knowing him for how long i known, him i don't buy it one bit >> on the stand, it was asked about a fishing trip that they took a day after nikki's murder. we burch's never said a word about what had happened before. the prosecutor then showed a jury of the photo taken that day. >> that picture was very important >> yep. >> because he said that he had been hit on the head. >> and this picture show it is. head >> there were no marks. >> and when he got on the stand, they tried to poke holes in this story. for starters, they didn't believe that she willingly had sex with him. >> he described us this fantasy sex in the back of the vehicle. >> if that were true david lasee, argued how could they
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explain the medical examiners facts that she was sexually assaulted. >> -- the sexual activity that. >> how do you put it? >> it wasn't gentle, no. >> it was painful? >> that i don't know. >> painful because it wasn't conceptual, right? >> no sir i wouldn't say that. >> and they wanted to get a glimpse of his temper. he kept his composure on his cross examination until the prosecutor asked about dragging nikki's body through the field. >> so clear this up to me, your backing down the embankment, with nicole's body in a fireman carry position, right? >> no. >> what are you doing, i told you before, and i will say one more time for you sir, i was
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carrying her over to this area, when i got to the final position, i let her legs open, i could barely carry her -- >> at one point, he pretty much parked at david lasee, he wasn't going to answer any more question i think that temper showed. anger, violence, lies. david lasee put it all together for the juries. a series of questions that what he believed really happened outside of the house. >> when you get there it becomes clear that nikki isn't going to fix with you, when she attempts to go into her house, and leave your vehicle, that is when your mood changes, right? >> no sir. >> that is when things get aggressive don't they? >> not at all. >> that is when you grab that court and strangle her? >> no sir. >> that is when nikki gets slammed on the ground, as she's trying to run towards her house? >> none of that is true. >> not only did they have to prove that george burch was guilty. they also had to leave doubt that douglass detrie was innocent. that he could not have killed nikki. >> did you have any involvement in the's disappearance or death? >> no i did.
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not >> as pro nikki and he got. along doug said they got typical family process blooms. >> how would you describe your relationship? >> it was very good. we did have little arguments here and there but we always had plans for future, everything like that >> he told the jury, that they had even discussed marriage. and the sun would be part of the ceremony. >> we had thought that when he was old enough to walk down the aisle, that would be a possibility of when we go to that step. >> the prosecutor then asked doug about those text messages from nikki. he insisted he wasn't angry from her. >> how did it make you feel when you heard those text messages? >> i was puzzled. i didn't know that she was thinking -- i didn't know what was going on.
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>> we're david lasee also called a crime lab to the evidence. testified that was douglass detrie not found anywhere on her body nor on the murder weapon. and the prosecutor had one more aced in the whole. a silent witness. a witness that could cooperate the alibi that he was home sleeping. remember, doug had started wearing that fitbit to get in shape. prosecutor said he was wearing it that night. and what did it show? >> douglass detrie fitbit demonstrated that he took a total of 12:18 steps during the three hours, 3 am, to 60 am when we know nikki was killed. >> could you have taken it off? >> those 12:18 steps that were registered, it was shown that he was likely still wearing, it or else it wouldn't of recognized -- >> douglass detrie would've been all that strong without that fitbit. because to say that your home with the six month-old sleeping, that's not the strongest alibi? >> it helped a lot. but the lack of anything of note in his home wants the crime lab reports came back in was very helpful. and you would commit. this you are crying out your own home down the street and you believe that the murder
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corpse laying in the street, i mean you have to be pretty lame to do that so we thought that was helpful to >> after nine days of testimony, attorneys gave their closing arguments. public defender, address the jury >> douglass detrie had the motive, the opportunity, and the connection to this crime. >> he then asked the jurors to search their soul for reasonable doubt. >> as we sit here right now, you are literally surrounded by doubt you are surrounded by reasonable doubt. that is why you must return a verdict of not guilty. >> did you have any concerns about reasonable doubt? pointing the finger at doug. giving the jury another person to look at. >> i think there's always concern about reasonable doubt, that's why we have trials, trials are challenging. >> so listen you would he had
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to say when he summed up his case for the jury. >> do you bear the burden of this reasonable doubt bear the brunt of this case. be on a reasonable doubt. follow the pact. followed the evidence that has been presented to you in this case that path leads to one place. his guilt. that is the man that killed nicole bring justice to nikki and her family. >> the case went to the jury. and we went to a jail for an exclusive interview with george burch. >> coming up. >> i ended up having to admit, one thing led to another -- >> i'm just going to put my mother had on air. nikki's breastfeeding, she has a new baby, her infant child is asleep in the house -- why would she have sex with the right outside the house? >> when dateline continues. teline continues
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brown county jail. we came with a lot of questions about that night. starting with his claim that his encounter with nikki was consensual. >> we ended up getting a little intimate and one thing led to another. >> i'm just going to put my mother hat on here. >> okay. >> the one thing that just doesn't add up for me is, nikki's breastfeeding, she has a new baby, her infant child is asleep in the house. why would she have sex with you right outside the house? >> i can't tell you what she was thinking. i have no idea why she would do that. maybe she's into that. >> george birch then described what happened after doug dmitri pistol whipped him. >> why didn't you fight back with doug? you're six seven. you are a lot bigger than.
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don't know size. someone could shoot someone no matter how big you. are a bully can still kill you. >> what kind of gun did he have? >> i am not sure. >> a handgun? >> yes ma'am. >> a handgun that no one was able to find. >> where is the gun. >> i don't know. >> where is the gun. now >> i do not know. >> is the gun something you made up? >> i have not made up any single part of this, everything that i have stated is exactly what happened. >> you said that nikki took her clothes off before doug attack to you. >> right, i believe so. >> -- and yet her clothes were bloody. how do you explain that if she had no clothes on? >> that i am not sure. they could've gotten bloody from when i put her back in the vehicle because blood was coming out of her, and her closer in the vehicle. >> did you kill her nikki vanderheyden? >> no ma'am.
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had no part in it, had nothing to do with it. >> did she try to sex with her, she rib fused your advances, and you were rough with. they're >> no ma'am. the sex was consensual. >> who do you think her killer? was >> the only two people here were me and douglass detrie. did i see him do it? no i didn't. but i could tell you i didn't do. it >> how do you explain how there was so much dna of her on your body? >> we had six. how hard is that to understand. >> she is naked, my body is on her body. >> and if douglass detrie brutally killed her, why is his dna not on her? >> i don't. no >> he had on a sweatshirt, he could've had pants on, gloves i don't know. >> how do you explain that your dna was found on that cords but not douglass detrie. >> i don't know if i was laying on the cord, i don't know if i touch the court when i picture.
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up it wasn't an overwhelming dna match. it was barely. there he could've had gloves on and touched me. i don't know, i'm not a scientist >> according to your theory, this is a horrific event. and yet you wake up the next morning and you go fishing with your buddy, like nothing happened. >> i thought a lot about that night, not even going. i wasn't sure what to do. i kind of just went along with the motions. that's how it ended up handing out >> you claimed that you are struck from behind with the gun. >> yes ma'am. >> ed jackson says that there were no injuries on your head. >> where was the injury from the gun? >> i don't know. my head was sore. was there lacerations or a cut, no ma'am there wasn't. we just because someone hit you doesn't mean that there's gonna be a cut. >> george burch never told his friend would have been. in fact, he only told his attorney would have been months after the murder. >> some people see that you had a big advantage when you finally revealed your story because you knew what had happened to douglass detrie. you are able to use his story and his arrest to help your own
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story >> how would i know what happened with him? >> because it was on the news. >> the police just said he was arrested. it didn't tell me what they had on him, the evidence, that stuff. they didn't say anything about, it so how would i have any of that stuff? >> and when we asked him about that unusual piece of evidence, he used to help clear doug detrie >> how do you feel that if fitbit has been used as an alibi for the man that you're claiming killed we nikki. >> if they come clue that he was supposedly wearing, it thank great for them. >> but how do you feel about the fact that a fitbit -- >> it sucks, because i know it's not true. >> as for all those who doubt him in this story -- >> many people say that your story is just really bad fiction. that you created this story that would fit the narrative of the evidence. you already knew about doug dmitri, that he had been arrested, and that you just fabricated this whole thing to work in your favor
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>> everyone is entitled to their opinions. >> maybe so. but the only opinion that mattered was the juries. and it was about to speak. >> coming up. >> the key component in this case really comes down to believability and credibility. between douglass detrie and george burch. one verdict that would affect two men's lives. >> i hope they get it right. >> would they? >> it was emotionally really hard i was tug of war-ing the whole time. >> when dateline continues. when dateline continues
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vanderheyden begin their work behind closed doors. those outside the jury were
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also deliberated. >> the key component comes down to believability and credibility. you'll douglass detrie versus george burch. her friend had -- >> i don't believe one word that came out of his mouth. >> neither did birch's girlfriend, jordan skyler. even before the trial started. jordan had a change of heart. >> i knew that he didn't. >> her boyfriend's behavior on that fishing trip, just one day after the murder, kept gnawing at jordan. >> any mention of that night at all? >> no. he sent me a picture of them fishing, he was with his best friend fishing, would he love to do, and he was enjoying every second of. >> for jordan having to accept that the man she once felt safe with that murdered nikki, was overwhelming. >> did you feel like -- [interpreter] just how could i have trusted this guy? >> there were so many thoughts that went through my head. the biggest question i had was why wasn't it me. why did you even do it? >> and then, there were nikki's friends. haley, and caitlin.
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throughout most of the trial they remained on the fence. >> i had my we corals with both sides. i was on the key side. >> but hearing birch's testimony prove to be their tipping point. >> it didn't seem to make sense. having someone take her home and willingly sleep with him in her front yard, there is no way. >> we it just wasn't nikki. >> from their offices, prosecutors david lasee and mary kerrigan-mares, waited and worried. >> what if one person believed that story and thought maybe doug did this, or had some involvement >> there's always concern about that. the thing that just kept running through my head was that this is a very dangerous individual. he needs to be off the street and i hope that they get it. r> > then, and just other for hours. the 12 jurors fall back into the courtroom for the last time.
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>> we eric was one of the 12. >> how tricky was this for you as a juror? >> it was emotionally really hard i was tug of war and the whole time on the state side the defense side. it was tough. >> over the course of the nine -day trial, these two jurors, carefully considered the guilt of two men. >> first, there was the defendant themselves, we george burch. >> what are you thinking as he was telling a story? >> the first half of the story was believable. but as we got to the point where he got knocked out, it almost seemed fabricated. almost too much like a movie. >> a bad movie? >> like a bad cop movie, yes. >> then there was douglass detrie would evidence may do you think that douglass detrie was a killer >> the text messages. >> but of all the evidence presented in that trial.
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they gave the greatest weight to the global dashboard travel on his phone and his dna on nikki's body >> the dna, all over nikole's body was george burch. there was nothing for douglass detrie on there. >> and the cord that was moved and used for the murder weapon. we had george burch dna. >> were you nervous? >> yes. >> you must have been on pins and needles waiting. >> you don't even know. it was such a nerve wreck. >> the courtroom listened intently as the judge read the jury's decision. >> the verdict reads as follows. we the jury find the defendant george burch, guilty of first degree intentional homicide. >> what was that moment like for you, after so much time spent working this case? >> i just feel great for the family. it's not going to make nikole come back. it's not going to fix everything. but it's a part of the healing process for. >> angela and the rest of the did you supporters were we -- >> i screamed hallelujah. and i was so happy. >> technology played an unprecedented role in this case. >> the fitbit was almost like a witness in this case. >> but a witness of some sort.
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>> it definitely played a big part >> according to detective slinger, advancement in dna examples, location that, and that fitbit, all helped convict george burch and proved that we douglass detrie did not kill nikki. >> has anyone apologized to douglass detrie what? >> from the department. >> i have spoken to his family at long length. i understand that there's some hard feelings there, i still get that. but ultimately we are all one team to give justice for nikki. >> we george burch came to green bay hoping to start a new life. he may not die in prison for have been taking one. >> i am 40 years. old i will never be out of this jail cell again. >> as he had from the beginning,
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george burch remain defiant. >> friends and family want to see you confess to her murder. are you willing to do that today? >> that will never happen in the million years. i will never confess to something that i did not do. ever. i will go to my death bed until this day, that i never did anything to hurt her. >> what would you say to doug d. tree? >> that i hope the truth comes out, and i hope you brunson. hell >> a while. >> what's your response to that? >> he is an evil person. >> evil. we hope burns in her. >> do you think george burch is the one who's going to hell. >> it's not my place to say. he will faces judgment day and we can all speculate. >> three months after the verdict, we george burch sat in the courtroom again. this time for his sentencing. the judge first addressed the matter of douglass detrie. of course there is mr. douglass detrie. he is certainly a victim here as well.
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first being accused as a killer. he took away the mother of his child, mr. george burch. that is a terrible terrible crime we >> then the judge turned his attention to burch's faith. >> this is a crime that i believe merits the death penalty. and for that you will dine it is the sense of this court that you are sentenced to life imprisonment. with no possibility of parole. we too nikki and the family of the detrie's. the parents and support of this community. -- good luck and god bless. >> this court is in recess. >> i really hope that he understands for a lifetime what he all took away from us. >> how is the world different now? without nikki? what did she leave behind? >> i mean she left behind her three beautiful children that are going to grow up without having a mother. to teach them. >> well but i see her in so many things. i am just constantly reminded of. her we i feel like she is still
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there, she still here with us. . this sunday, the heat is on. >> terribly hot. i mean, i can't handle it sometimes. >> record high triple digit temperatures across the country. >> it's sweltering. and what's the worst is there is no air moving. >> and across the globe. this, as president biden's ambitious climate agenda faces an uphill battle in congress. >> i will combat climate progress. this morning, my interview with former vice president on al gore on "the inconvenient truth" about global warming and what needs to be done now. >> plus, 187 minutes.


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