tv Alex Witt Reports MSNBC July 30, 2022 9:00am-10:01am PDT
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msnbc world headquarters here in new york. remember welcome to alex witt reports. we begin with breaking news in kentucky. newer this hour of a rising death toll, at least 25 confirmed dead. in just minutes, governor andy beshear's expect its update the situation but in the meantime, i'll show you video some national guard -- officials say could take weeks to find all the victims. and more rain is in the forecast for this weekend. let's go to nbc's maggie vespa, who is in kentucky. that seems like a tragically apropos name, lost creek, but how are things changed on the ground last 24 hours? >> it's a feeling of chaos frankly on the ground, has been escalating day-by-day, hour by hour.
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you should video of those rescues. we were told yesterday close to 300 rescues had been reported. that is not counting all the volunteers who are randomly showing up on their own, with their own boats, and for readers, and drones, trying to find loved ones, or neighbors, or people have just heard about who need saving and really remote parts of the area. specific to the death count that you just updated, coming from the governor today. tragic numbers again. 25, expected to keep rising. the governor also noted, in that 25, at least six children, and they're not counting kentucky corridor, set of the six children, four of them are siblings. so for kids from one family. here on the ground, gut-wrenching stories of loss frankly. unimaginable loss unfolding here on the ground in kentucky as we said the rescue keep on piling up and everybody who did
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survive, was able to make a, not coming home to see the damage and destruction. we wanted to show you a portion of an interview we shot yesterday. this is a couple and gary, kentucky, one of the many towns very hard hit. they coward on the second floor of their home while the first floor flooded. when they came down to see the damage and destruction, they were just stunned. here's part of what they told us yesterday. >> i've never seen anything get up that fast here. i've been living here, in this area since 2009, so we're kind of accustomed to dealing with the water coming up. but never coming up that fast. >> their house is about hundred yards from the river banks nearby, and they said it was from the river to the house and what's felt like minutes, they said it was probably close to an hour, an hour and a half,
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which is insanely faster. been through floods before. this that we try to save as much as we could and frankly we just ran up to the second level of our home. the bottle bottom level cake with inches of mud. heirlooms, ruins, they are just. and president has declared this a federal disaster zone, after the governor in the fema toward the area yesterday. -- this area does. flood events through floods before, but this is like nothing they have ever seen, but the speed of which came, and the extent of the damage, destruction, and frankly deaths, and lost left behind here. we expected here from the governor soon. i'll send it back to you. >> actually perfect timing there maggie. the governor has just gotten a news conference underway. we're gonna dip into that right now. here it is everyone. >> responding and actively searching for people.
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it is a really hard thing right now, with how why the destruction is, areas that are impacted to get any from number of people that are missing the best thing people can do is recorded their loved ones to these numbers. this is how you report a loved one is that you can't find, that you can't reach. we need their names and the kentucky state police to go out and find. then we want to be able to locate your loved one. pike, mug, often jonathan, martin, and floyd have one post number. -- wolf and morgan, and then harlan. these corresponds to where your loved one's, because these are the posts that serve those counties. if your loved one isn't pike, you call that first, number 606,
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43, 37171. if your loved one's in jackson, you're gonna call the 859 6 to 3 to 404 number. ask are pressed to please continue côte d'ivoire. phone lines again are busy. please keep calling. >> we are listening to the governor and he's giving specific details for those who are still looking for loved ones or how -- we should also let you know that prior to her taking down that live report, as we were listening to our correspondent maggie vest, but we got an update, a confirmation of still 25 confirmed dead as a result of the flooding in the state. but the number of children that were killed had been six, and it's been downwardly revised
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till four. maggie notably made that report that there was one family that had four siblings that were killed. we do not know if the four that have been confirmed are part of that one family. i'm sure maggie and we had nbc news will get all that. we have apparently 404 people rescue. you can see clearly, there is a herculean effort on behalf of those folks that have been hit hard by the flash flooding. quite remarkable. unfortunately, there is rain still in the forecast. we'll keep monitoring the governor and all the events in kentucky. let's go to the other big stories that are developing at the sour. there is a new bombshell report related to the january 6th investigation. it says, department of homeland security's inspector generals office scrapped efforts to recover deleted secret service text messages and government records. that is according to four people with knowledge of the decision, and internal records that were reviewed by the washington post. nbc news that was not independently confirmed this.
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we have new information from the january six committee member, adam kinzinger, about a prior witness who may be recalled. >> without going into any more details, there are people who have given us answers that maybe don't really square now as we have had more people that came in and talk to us. we will want to revisit some of those folks, see if their memory clears up a little bit. >> also new today, the south china morning post is reporting china is putting on a show of naval force ahead of nancy pelosi's possible taiwan visit. pelosi is expected to leave this weekend for a tour of asia. her trip became the subject of a reportedly tense call between president biden and chinese president xi jinping. and covid boosters are on the way for use this fall and winter. the white house has ordered 66 million doses of moderna's covid vaccine, and to 105 million pfizer boosters posters by the u.s. government, with one requirement that they are
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omicron specific. >> this contract follows a recommendation by the fda last month that vaccine manufacturers update their existing covid-19 vaccines to create a virulent booster that can target ba.4, ba.5, omicron subvariants, as we know is very transmissible. >> well the new vaccines will require fda and cdc approval. now for some more reporting. we have nbc's aly -- and moira -- is that the white house and liz -- is in bedford, new jersey. welcome. all will start with you ali. democrats are hard at work in both chambers. where did these major initiatives stand this weekend? >> in a really surprise move yesterday house democrats made good on a vow for more gun reforms. they say better reflect how
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americans want to combat the country's gun violence epidemic. they also open left the door open for more action in the coming weeks. >> the bill is passed. >> house democrats kicking off a month long recess with the first step to a legislative victory for the biden administration. >> the yays are 217, the nays are 213. >> narrowly passing up ban on assault weapons for the first time since 1994. after a string of mass shootings with ar-15s. congressman kings chris jacobs, whose district includes parts of the still reeling buffalo, one of just two republicans voting yes. >> 13 in total shot by ar-15. >> president biden president the passage in the statement friday night, urging senators to move quickly. but the bill is likely doomed in an evenly divided senate that was forced to strip the ban to pass historic gun legislation in june. democrats vowed to filling the
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deals gaps ever since. with just over a week before the senate summer break, democrats there are focused on guarantee their own wing with a sweeping tax reform and climate bill. but its fate depends on the attendance and support of every senate democrat. is now turning to moderate senator kirsten sinema of arizona, who is not part of the negotiations. leader schumer telling nbc he's optimistic about sinema silence. >> i've given everyone a few days to read the bill, it's a 700-page bill, and we'll be talking, and hopefully we'll have 50 votes. >> another factor complicating at stake, a rising number of covid cases among senators. senate democrats masking up and holding their breath of the bill passes. and pushes their party stalled agenda back into motion. >> and alex, with new government data released yesterday showing that inflation is only continuing to rise, democrats are hoping that this reconciliation package
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restores americans confidence not only in the economy, but also in their party ahead of the november midterm elections. >> thank you so much for that. let's go to nbc's maura barrett who is standing by at the white house. as you know president biden's typing disinflation reduction act as a big win for the white house and the american people. how does the plan to move the steel forward? >> this legislation comes after a really rocky week when it comes to the economy. we saw the fed rate go up yet again. the second quarter where gdp numbers were down, showing the economy shrinking. the white house is doing all the cat is saying we are not headed towards a recession, noting job growth and low unemployment rates. but everything else we are seeing really points to the fact that inflation rejection, really needs to get done. i want to bring back the screen that the viewers were just seeing, a breakdown about the sack touches. and we are looking at tax reform, climate and energy
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investments, drug pricing reform, health care reduction and cost, and the big one right in the middle of the screen, 300 billion dollars in deficit reduction is the big one that senator manchin was looking for and will probably do the most in terms of tackling that inflation. as you just heard an alleys report, the senate is hoping to take up this bill is early next week, to avoid the filibuster, so we can get done quickly. but as ali said, we need all 50 democrats to be there to be able to get this done ahead of their august recess. all of this is happening, we saw some pushback from republicans about how quickly this deal came together, because of what it does and does not include. we heard from press secretary kareen jean pierre yesterday where she voices concern about what she called republicans false rage. >> while democrats have a concrete plan to take on tossed, congressional republicans don't and they are so strongly opposed to ending welfare for
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big pharma, cutting energy costs, cutting the efforts deficit, that they are uniformly opposed to the spill. but most house republicans, even voted against yesterday's competitive bill that the chinese government wanted to kill. >> clearly, a lot of pressure on the week ahead when it comes to domestic economic policy, but looking abroad, we also heard a lot more developments in the britney griner case as she still detained in russia we reported on the fact that the u.s. has offered a prisoner swap for victor booed, someone the russians are very interested in getting back on to russian soil, but we've learned in the last 24 hours the russians did respond to the u.s. offer for that prisoner shop for britney griner and paul lenient. but they are also asking for in addition to victor boot a -- this was not a serious counter
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offer so we will continue to track with this back and forth looks like between russia and the u.s. the russians obviously very interested in something like this but britney griner's lawyer and the russians saying they will not seriously consider anything until the trial is done with alex. >> it's not a done deal yet. still some negotiation. joining me now is jonathan -- white house bureau chief for politico, and the author of the big lie, election chaos, political opportunism and the state of american politics after 2020. and a good friend to us. it's very good to see you. congrats on the book just came out this week. so excited to ask you a couple of things about that. let me first ask you about the deal, that you wrote about for political. kristen sinema is very cagey, so here's the question. will the decal will deal close and how big of a deal is? >> thank you alex for having me today. it's always a pleasure. this is such a stunner in this
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past week when senator schumer and senator manchin announced this deal. white house thrilled, cautiously optimistic. the president took hands-off approach here. there was some friction between him and senator manchin -- the white house certainly coordinated with the senator majority leader's office. they're willing to take a backseat on. this the question, is senator sinema, who seems to pride or self to be an enigma sometimes. she has not commented on the bill. there are things in touchiest previously said she has opposed. but the democrats i've talked to on both sides are confidential get there. two weeks are needed along the way. but i don't think she will stand as the only reason this package go down, which contains so many democratic priorities, which will certainly open her self up for primary and our zone and next time she's up. the white house is pleased, they know it's not a presidents tiny at but if it does pass, it
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will not only give democrats a huge issue which to run this november but transforms that we all may have to look at the presidency and they can point to another significant accomplishments. so this report relative to sinema, some tax proposal that she is against. she is not going to stand on principle for that, or at least you don't expect that will be the case? >> there could be some treating. this is how this works. there may be a compromise reached. she does propose any kind of tax increase, interest loopholes something she has said before ageism on to be touched. but the aid that i talked to say that they believe she will get there. now look, on other than she didn't get there. she didn't get there on the efforts to waive the filibuster on voting rights reform. she wasn't going to do that, guns she stood with manchin, and also proposed build back better in its previous form. so no one is celebrating just yet. there is cautious optimism, that's how i. characterizing >> okay. we like to hear that. what about president biden's approval rating, because you know that has taken a hit. donald trump is seizing on,
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that in fact let's take a look at what he said yesterday about challenging biden in 2020. for >> it is very hard for me not to run, to be honest. and also the polls indicate from the republican standpoint point it would be easy. and i was up 11 points against biden the other day, i don't think he is going to run. i will make a decision fairly soon. i must tell you, and i think i can say this, in my mind i have already made the decision. >> so jonathan, how does a lot of the white house view a potential biden trump rematch in 2024? >> i think it is clear the fates of these two men are very much intertwined. first trump, i mean he is making noise. he wants to declare his candidacy sooner than later to distract from the general six hearings. also to perhaps try to slow down some of the criminal prosecutions that were out there. republicans want him to wait. i think he is a distraction. i think we would like for him to declare his candidacy after the midterms. publicly and privately they are doing all the things you would do to run again.
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they understand that there are questions about biden's poll numbers, which are not great right now. their questions about his age. and they know no real official decision will be made until probably early 2023. but, as much as trump is saying that he wants and plans to run, those close to president biden say it would be difficult for him not to do the same if trump were to run. he believes he is the one man who can beat him. he has done it before. >> all, right so this is going to bring to your book. and we will just use the abbreviated title, the big lie. and the world big is what i want to focus on here. because you document how trump used his power to get a government officials to fall in line behind little less. all of this was the buildup to the big lie. and he looks at the entire presidency. and as you analyze this relies, did you find evidence of a buildup to this election big lie? >> yeah, the big lie didn't come out of nowhere in 2020. and the book really traces its origin. first of all, president then
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candidate candidate trump first floated the idea that a general election could be rigged as far back as august 2016. and that first campaign against hillary clinton. and we remember, he didn't pledge to honor the results of that fall. if he loses. and of course he did win that one. but he spent his entire presidency really hijacking the republican party on the conservative media. both entities, to amplify his voice. both very small. in the path of hurricanes claiming that it would threaten alabama when it didn't. the idea that windmills might cause cancer. but other times he used the power of the government to try to push for his lies. he showed no hesitation in using the levers of power, i'm pushing government officials to do the same. that is what became so dangerous. and the book traces how he created this template, this pattern. that is why when he turned in 20 2020, it's just that mail-in ballots would be fraudulent. that the results of that november were not on the up and up. the party was willing to go with them.
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and then it shows the book, as much as january six, was the combination in some ways of those lives. the lies are soul shaping our politics in over the ballot today. >> it's how you think is a big impact? i mean, the election has been decided to refute ubly. joe biden fairly won the election, don. i know there is the buildup in the investigations of why. but what you just saw there, the fact that this is almost been normalized to a degree. i remember hearing about carrie lake in arizona just this week saying, oh there's fraud already. and claiming all sorts of, nothing she can prove. but, is that what the problem is? it is like, the template for other candidates to do the same? >> it certainly could be. and trump's big lie, not only fueled the violence of january six, but think about how it is affecting our politics now. first of all, nearly two dozen republican-controlled state legislatures use the big lie as cover, as an excuse to tighten access to the ballots in their own states, to make it more
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difficult to vote in many cases. and it would be democrats who would suffer disproportionately there. we know there are candidates, kara lake one of them, who have already said that they don't believe that election results can be trusted now. we know the trump friendly candidates for governor, for senator, also state secretary of state, are already right now on the backs of the big lie, and have positions of power to potentially not certify the vote going forward. and it's defining, it's a major witness test for republicans now in 2022, it will be with us in 2024, and it changes the white house to. the effort to have federal election protections, bailed. and let's recall, well more than half of republicans, to this day, do not believe joe biden was elected legitimately. so, we are at a brand-new scary place right democracy. >> super scary. but, thank you very much for coming on and giving all of the hats that you. where my friend. best of luck with the buck, we're gonna give the title one more time ethnographic. about the big lie, election,
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chaos political opportunism, in the state of american politics after 2020. should be read. thank you, jonathan. >> some new outrage as the former president offenses decision to host a controversial golf tournament. i'm gonna talk with a 9/11 widow about when he said. >> when you heard that, what went through your head? >> well he sounds like a fool. a fool. a fool. ♪ i try so hard, i can't rise above it ♪ ♪ i don't know what it is 'bout that little ♪ get a dozen shrimp for only one dollar with any steak entrée. now that's eatin' good in the neighborhood.
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don't address insulin resistance. that's why they don't work. now, there's golo. golo helps with insulin resistance, getting rid of sugar cravings, helps control stress and emotional eating, and losing weight. go to and see how golo can change your life. in new jersey, more protests as that's expected as families of september 11th victims are outraged over a saudi funded golf tournament being held this weekend at the trump national golf holub, westminster. nbc's live mclaughlin is outside -- new jersey. liz, this has been a tough on this week for so many. the new comments from donald trump, that is just even further inflamed this already controversial sporting event. so, let me ask you how the families are responding?
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>> alex, they say they are disgusted, disappointed, that it feels like a gut punch, after losing a loved one in that horrible act to see a former president of the united states, who by the way has the presidential seal in belize and on golf carts, embroidered on towels at this tournament which is less than 50 miles from ground zero. to have him take what they call blood money. live is bankrolled by saudi arabia's subvert sovereign wealth fund, investing in estimated two billion in liv golf so far. and, this new pro golf circuit is set to dethrone the pga, but it has kept a lot of controversy and trump is said to you host another one of these later in the year. the former president defending his actions. let's listen. >> i've known these people for a long time in saudi arabia and they have been friends of mine
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for a long time. no one has come to the bottom of 9/11 unfortunately. they should have as to the maniacs who did that horrible thing to our city, to our country, to the world. so nobody has really been there. but i can tell you that there are a lot of really great people that are out here today, and we are gonna have a lot of fun, and we're gonna celebrate. >> although u.s. officials didn't find somebody officials were complicit in the attacks, 15 out of the 19 hijackers on 9/11 were from saudi arabia. osama bin laden, born in that country. and u.s. officials determined that saudi nationals helped to fund the terrorist group, al-qaeda. so certainly a lot of connections there. not to mention a long history of human rights atrocities, and victims are calling it just that, and atrocity. that this terminated is taking place right in the backyard, so close to background. zero alex. >> well i guess donald trump to get the memo, or he didn't read. it okay, thank you very much. appreciate that, liz.
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joining me right now is terry strada, national chair for 9/11 families united. she lost her husband tom 9/11. he was on the 104th floor of that north tower. terry, i am sorry for your loss. i am sure it has been a struggle to last almost 21 years now, dealing with all of that. but as you listen to donald trump there, on what he would say to 9/11 families, what is your reaction to his comments? questioning saudi involvement in the terrorist attacks. when, by the way, he formally pinned the attack on them in 2016. >> yes he did. and like i said in the clip that he showed, he sounds foolish saying anything like that. he met with the families, he met with me in the white house and we went there for the sole purpose of asking him for classified fbi documents that were the investigative reports into the [inaudible] . so he sounds completely foolish when he says nobody's looked into. we asked him to look into it, it was his job as president to look into it. he failed us, miserably. back then.
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>> and i know you have been there in that monster with the other families to protest the golf tournament. tell me what upset see the most? >> well, it being so close, right in the backyard. i lived in rich new jersey i'm from bad in new jersey. i've so many families that lost their loved ones, spouses, parents, children. so to have it right a stone's throw from us, it was just really insensitive and outrageous. but you know, we have had this lawsuit against the kingdom. we have been having a [inaudible] in this rolling format from the department of justice in the last nine months. so any previous claim that the united states government has made that they were involved, we have evidence now that that is absolutely not true. the kingdom was involved in september 11th. these investigate reports show the connection, they actually confirmed the connection to 12 saudi nationals who are in this country working through the saudi arabian consulate out in
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california, and through the -- embassy in washington d.c.. you can't tonight anymore. the kingdom can tonight, and for trump to be sitting there at a golf course and calling them good people? no. the maniacs he did, it are the maniacs that he is invited into this country to post host live golf. >> yeah. so some of the 9/11 families, they have been outspoken supporters of donald trump. do you think his recent comments are reflecting those that reflects is obvious change of heart. are they upset, these 9/11 families that he is not taking saudi money for this golf tournament, clearly is being paid to uses golf property there. has that affected their opinions, their support for the president? >> yes, i heard it yesterday when i was there. i was with these families and many of them absolutely said that, that it is changing, that their support for them as president, and they will hope that that will change other peoples. i would also caution his relationship with the kingdom
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is unsavory, and i'm not comfortable with it as a president he and jared kushner and the relationship that they have, the type of money that jarrett is now taking from muhammad bin salman. it is not a good decision moving forward in my opinion. >> so someone called this whole thing sports washing. they view sports to try to distract from human rights violations, and repressions, there are some athletes that argue, look that is not an issue. thank you participate, they get money provisions painting, and still speak out on human [inaudible] rights. have you seen any in this tournament due? that these golfers have been given their talking points. [inaudible] to be quiet and told bovine hoping to improve their image and manipulate public opinion that they are good partnership, when they are not. all they are trying to do is
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wash away the sins of their nation and any involvement they had it murdering thousands of people on american soil. i don't know how any golfer can turn their got backs on american citizens and this country like that. it is upsetting. and i'm shocked at. >> maybe they're looking at their bank account and what they're looking at potentially winning. terry strada, thank you so much. it's good to see. you >> coming up next, the trial of alex jones. he ducked taped his mouth shut before heading into court this week. next, whether 100 $50 million might help keep it shut. keep it shut. let's go now to today's other with godaddy you can start a stunning online store for free. easily connect it to social platforms and marketplaces. and manage all your sales from one place. because if you've got it, we've got you.
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a patrol car, she was handcuffed with no police. on the officers does not close that door before driving off. why are fell out, when into a coma and died several days later. where's family says that she was having a mental episode that day. there are demanding answers. the hancock county sheriff's office is not commenting. debris from a chinese space rocket is expected to re-enter earth's atmosphere in the next 24 hours. but officials were not sure exactly where those pieces will crash. most burn on reentry. scientists say wrist of the public is low. i hope. so was very lucky ticket holder in illinois is the winner of the mega millions track spot, the only willing winning ticket was so as the speedway castration in the plains, near chicago. the jackpot was the nation was the third largest lottery plus ever. one ticket. one winner.
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-- closer and closer to donald trump's inner circle. several former trump's cabinet ministers are now cooperating with the january 6th committee. -- the associated press reports urinal trump's former treasury secretary has also testified, so has former acting attorney general jeffrey rosen. -- former acting defense secretary christopher miller as well. the ap also reports lawmakers were negotiations with john ratcliffe, former director of national intelligence, as well as former secretary of state mike pompeo. it's quite a list. joining me is former federal prosecutor and nbc legal analysts. what does it say to you that these high-profile trump officials have indeed started cooperating with the committee? some of these people running in there on january six. if so, what will they be able to offer the committee?
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>> whatever they know needs to be put on the record. it doesn't matter whether this. it is little things, what is the process for people getting to see the president? that would be good to know because a lot of crazies into the white house. how exactly did that work? even though it's not a 16 question, it's an important question that they need to know about. generally, the general louis roland investigations is, the more people you can nail down, especially people in politics or with some kind of motive, the more you can nail them down the better. it's good investigative work. >> okay. we had mick mulvaney testify on thursday. he left of the white house in 2020, at the time of the insurrection he was working at u.s. special envoy for northern ireland. then he resigned shortly after that attack. he is described the committee's professional, but challenged its motivations. listen to what he said. >> with the one thing i guess that was missing john was that
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if you go to a deposition, there's going to be another side, and there was no other side. there were all questions by the committee, designed to try to find out stuff that might make president trump look bad. i just re-friends in my mind that the committee is politically biased. there's no question about that. the structure is politically biased. but the information that you're getting is from republicans like myself, who are testifying. i was under oath. but you still can't lie to congress. that still a crime. i think the information they're getting is good and sound information. >> first of all, do you agree that the committees goal is to make trump look that or is it about revealing the truth around the insurrection? what do you make about mulvaney saying you can't lie under oath so the information they're getting is good and sound? >> why is he testifying under both. ? somebody put him under. oh that's what i would do. but beyond that, in a criminal investigation, it's not a deposition. there are not two sides. there's no defense attorney in
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a grand jury. in the grand jury, is the prosecutor. the goals to find the truth. and to get it recorded to the members of the grand jury can make an evaluation. and that way, it's no different at all. number two, everybody is testifying is an advocate for trump. mulvaney's coming out trying to sort of speak the trump line. so, there is representative of trump in, there it's mulvaney. this is the trump white house. who are we kidding? we're not asking a bunch of democrats would happen on january six. we are asking the interior, the most loyal, the people who put up with putting kids in cages and doing other kinds of, things the most loyal trump people of the people were testifying. i just think that's playing to trump. that's about. it >> what about the washington post reports of the justice department investigating former president trump's actions leading up to january 6th? we -- want to be clear, it is not a
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criminal investigation into trump himself. talk about the strategy. is it about building a case piece by piece, going from the outside in as things appeared to lead in the same direction? what would it take for donald trump to become the target of the doj's probe? >> at this stage in their investigation, it really doesn't make much of a difference what they call it. the point is, they are collecting evidence, they are issuing subpoenas, they are talking to witnesses. they are looking at a host of different things. that some level, you kind of feel sorry for him. there are so many investigations and it looks like there's more to come, as these texts have disappeared and everything is disappearing. the gonna end up having to do an investigation in that also. i think right now it makes sense for them to -- not just into 16, but there is really heavy serious focus on the fake elector scheme and the
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alternative lawyers. it's interesting to see trump kept two sets of lawyers. he had the grown-up lawyers from the white house, who apparently read law books, and have common sense. then he had this collection of people who knew that the fake elector scheme was fake, and they were joking about, it and putting a little smiley faces next to the fake elector scheme. there is that entire investigation. that's sort of the threat in the wool sweater of trump. the more you pull that, the more you're gonna learn. the testimony so far is that he was kept aware of what was going on about the fake elector ski. they will get to him eventually. it makes sense to throw a life wide net now. >> regarding the silver civil trial for right-wing conspiracy theory alex jones. it is gonna determine how much she owns one of the sandy hook's family calling the deadliest shooting in american
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history a deadly hoax. -- they seek 100 and $50 million in damages from jones. the parent company of alex jones for light conspiracy website filed bankruptcy -- in that disrupt the trial or in fact the size of damages? >> sure can impact the trial. those parents are looking for accountability and the money is secondary when they've lost their child. the goal was to win and put it on the record. if they get money, that is a bonus. those are not money grubbing people. >> okay. -- still dealing with the pain here in 2012. >> i can imagine. >> me. either god no. the key factors that may be saving america from slipping into a recession. that's next. that's next. when you have technology that's easier to control... that can scale across all your clouds... we got that right?
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slowing us inflation is surging. but the stock market is up, along with consumer spending. this after the federal reserve raised interest rates again to tame inflation. are we in a recession? let's go to nbc's scott cohen in santa clara california to break it all down for us. what do these latest numbers, scott, suggest about a possible downturn in the u.s.? >> well, alex, there is a downturn, let's be clear about that. and something downturn is needed to get rid of all of this inflation. the question is, whether this downturn is just a pause over it spirals into something worse. and this economic news that we've got this week, and there was a lot of it, unfortunately doesn't add a whole lot of clarity to the situation. let's look at what we learned this week. the federal reserve, on tuesday, race interest rates by three quarters of a point. that is part of the effort to rein in inflation. three quarters of a point is no small tap on the brakes. that is pretty impressive.
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and then we learned that the economy already is slowing down with the gdp report on wednesday showing a second consecutive quarter of economic decline. that is one commonly accepted definition of a recession. but, wait a minute, the stock market likes that. it figures that maybe we've hit bottom, so we just turned into the best month for stocks since 2020. and then we learned that inflation is not over yet. the so-called pce endemic index, it is an index of inflation that the public that closely, that was up to the highest level in 40 years. the administration pushing back on this, saying we are not in a recession. one other thing we learned this week is that consumer spending is still up. we know unemployment is low. others on the conservative side say no, this is a recession. for regular folks though, like nicole farrier, a single mom in michigan, they just know that they are feeling the pinch. >> i am a single parent. i have two boys, once a preteen,
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1:13. so just feeding them it's up most of my income right now. we have had to really pull back on our entertainment. we usually travel during the summer. we usually take at least one nice vacation. this year we went camping. >> we know that there is a lot of anxiety in the economy. allianz, the ensured the quarterly marketing report, 82% of americans are worried about inflation. 71% said their income is not keeping up with expenses, and two thirds of those surveyed believe that a major recession is at least imminent. we will see what happens, alex, the economy is a big giant ship and it takes some time to turn things around. >> well, it lets up the stats are not self fulfilling prophecy's on statistically getting into one.
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anyway, thank you my friend. good to see you. up next, for all of you, the two ways democrats are accused of hurting their own chances of retaining control of congress, and what they can do to stop. it to stop it to stop it were delayed when the new kid totaled his truck. timber... fortunately, they were covered by progressive, so it was a happy ending... for almost everyone.
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pass a major spending bill ahead of the march august recess. this package route includes reducing carving emissions, allowing medicare to negotiate drug prices, and that having a 15% corporate minimum tax for billion dollar companies. the deal already has the support of moderate democrats senator joe manchin. but the question is whether senator kyrsten sinema will get on board to give democrats a few votes needs to pass. >> are you leaning one way or the other? are you thinking about it? senator, are you not gonna say where you are until after the -- . >> like we said, she doesn't
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have a comment. she's gonna be reviewing the text, and you'll have to see what pilot arians -- . >> joining me now is alencia johnson, political strategist and cheap impact officer of ten 63 west broad. and kirk bardella, adviser for the democratic national committee, and the democratic congressional campaign committee with one of the prettiest backyards there is. of course it is in california. but anyway, guys, good to see. both let you first hear. are you betting that senator sinema will support this bill? i mean what might it take to get her? there >> you never know with kyrsten sinema. fortunately, she is one of the senators who does not just get in line with the party. it was a big win for democrats this week, and senator joe manchin actually came to the president and said, and his colleagues and said he supports this bill including a lot of climate provisions that were really key to the presidents agenda. and so kyrsten sinema, she has shown us time and time again. she is going to do what she's
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gonna do, she loves being in the press, being the fallout. but she is not here to work with democrats and pass are agendas. so, i'm hopeful that her colleagues can push her along and say, listen we've got to have some winds in order for us to deliver. so that people have something to vote for. and keep us in power in the midterm election. that is only 101 days away. >> kurt, if the democrats get this bill to the presidents ask, how much is gonna help the party politically ahead of the midterms? how much is it helped? >> well, i think significantly. so, alex, winning begets winning, bigots winning. and now we are seeing a string of major victories for a president to, by the way, like two weeks ago was left frigid by the mainstream media, and the prognosticators, and the presidents in the polls, and yet here he is about to hit his stride and run off some of the most successful legislative victories of his entire presidency. elections are about timing. we are hitting our stride right now. we are getting six of us, we are getting things the american
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people actually understand. they know it means when your prescription drugs can actually go down. they noted means we are passing things that make you more competitive with the world, that competes with china. they know it means when you are trying to get home health care coverage for veterans. i mean republicans this week, it has just been a nonstop act of self sabotage, where they somehow is managed by themselves on the opposite side of veterans, on the side of china against the american workforce, when it makes no sense. >> that veterans one is a real head-scratcher, i gotta say. but let me ask you guys about the news nation decision dusk poll that found 61% of respondents do not want president biden to run for a second term, and that includes 30% of democrats. the president though, of course repeatedly says that he is going to run in 2024. but here at the polls top choices for democratic candidate if joe biden decides not to run. we're gonna put that up there with 31% saying, vice president kamala harris. 17 choose gavin newsom, senator bernie sanders, and pete but he
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should. what is your take on this valencia? >> yeah, i think it is kind of reflective of our changing demographics in this country, and that folks are watching fresh ideas, fresh people to run. our country. and yet at the same time, listen, president biden has been doing as much as he can to pass his domestic agenda. i think that there is a frustration, it's probably not in that poll is the frustration that there's been with a stronghold on getting some of these pieces of legislation all the way to the presidents task. and so it will be interesting to see what happens in 2024. but the reality is, all of these democrats are focused on what's is going to happen in november 2022 first, before we came to think about what's gonna happen in 2024. >> yeah, and the tenor of all of this, kurt, you're usa today op-ed this week is titled democrats, stop criticizing biden. you have only yourself to blame. and you are right, protesting biden is only helping republicans in november. so the question is, do you not want to see polls like the one i just went through that suggest alternative democrats
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to run in 2024? is that working against the parties major election goals? >> yeah, it is alex. because i think at the end of the day, joe biden is the present right now, and he's gonna be the presidential 2024. i could care less about a poll that is about something that is not far away is saying, if you look at what's going on in our country right now that's what matters right. now let's keep our eye on the. ball you know you don't, seen isis in the former public. and you don't know you don't see republicans do you in the hundred days leading up to an election? start firing at one another, start protesting when another, start protesting their sitting president. they don't do that. because at the end of the day, none of that helps ensure the goal of winning in november. that is the only thing that matters right now. democracy is on the ballot. you are right to choose is on the ballot. what you can do their body is on the ballot. what you can do their privacy is on the ballot. ask yourself this, democrats, is joe biden with you or against you? it is very straightforward. he is the biggest ally of, and one of the most progressive presidents we've ever had.
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the legislative victories where about a runoff, it's an explanation point on. that protesting him achieves absolutely nothing. you are doing kevin mccarthy and mitch mcconnell's job for them. >> okay. let me ask you about this, because it is something that you know about. kurt, i'm gonna ask you first valencia. the democratic party is facing criticism of some groups have been buying ads to bruised pro trump and right-wing extremist candidates in the republican primary thinking that that is a case of candidates that the democrats could actually beat in general in november. so political reports that a group of house democrats are unhappy with the democratic congressional campaign committee for which kurt works, for airing ads in michigan for trump endorsed john gantz over john mayer voted to impeach trump last. year when you think about the strategy, valencia, and then court you'll get to. respond >> it is really frustrating when we have this issue right now within our party, the court was talking about, how we are shooting in firing at one another when we need to be bolstering our star players. we need to be bolstering our own candidates.
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and we are spending all of this money on folks guessing on election deniers, conspiracy theories, trump backed opponents. and this is a gamble, but haven't they actually win in november? i'm so, i am extremely frustrated when there is this one margin that we could actually obtain, and maintain our power, and yet we are using all these efforts like gambling. because this could literally backfire. and you know i understand that on the surface, folks who want to go in with a weaker opponent, and yet we just don't know how voters are going to turn out. >> well it is a huge gamble. and i irish i'm sorry to be cutting you off, but kurt last word on this because i gotta speak. that >> i think in that when you look at races right now, like what's going on in pennsylvania, what's going on in georgia with herschel walker, we know that when the extreme right republican is on the ballot, voters go with us. that we win. that is all that really matters here. and it is not a money issue, let's be very clear. when you look at the 37
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frontline districts, the most competitive districts in this election, the democrats about race republicans by more than 100 million dollars. we have more than enough money when it comes to it at the end the day. that is not the issue here. we have to win, we have to preserve democracy. the only wanted to do that is to put the modern publicans on trial through the ballot this november, and that is the only chance we're gonna have to win. >> okay, alencia johnson, kurt bardella, lots more to come on all this. thanks guys. the latest on the deadly flooding in kentucky. we just got an update this past hour, we're gonna be a live picture from one of the hardest hit areas. also, one of nancy's pelosi's close colleagues in congress on her trip to asia and whether it is important to make a stop in taiwan's china make some threats. taiwan's china make some threats. with downy infusions, let the scent set the mood. feel the difference with downy. (woman) oh. oh! hi there. you're jonathan, right? the 995 plan!
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yes, from colonial penn. your 995 plan fits my budget just right. excuse me? aren't you jonathan from tv, that 995 plan? yes, from colonial penn. i love your lifetime rate lock. that's what sold me. she thinks you're jonathan, with the 995 plan. -are you? -yes, from colonial penn. we were concerned we couldn't get coverage, but it was easy with the 995 plan. -thank you. -you're welcome. i'm jonathan for colonial penn life insurance company. this guaranteed acceptance whole life insurance plan is our #1 most popular plan. it's loaded with guarantees. if you're age 50 to 85, $9.95 a month buys whole life insurance with guaranteed acceptance. you cannot be turned down for any health reason. there are no health questions and no medical exam. and here's another guarantee you can count on: guaranteed lifetime coverage. your insurance can never be cancelled. just pay your premiums. guaranteed lifetime rate lock.
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