tv The Rachel Maddow Show MSNBC August 1, 2022 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT
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>>,. mayah,,,. thanks for staying up late with, us i will see you at the end of tomorrow. after the 9/11 attacks, it took about ten years for the united states government to get osama bin laden. they got him in may 2011. now, as of tonight, we know it took another 11 years after that to get bin laden's brain, to get the man who was bin laden's number two in al-qaeda
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at the time of 9/11, the man who took over as al-qaeda leader after bin laden was killed by u.s. navy seals. the string of attacks and murders attributed to ayman al-zawahiri is stomach churning. he was the ideological mastermind behind the fraters of al-qaeda and groups like that, toward indiscriminate mass murder of civilians anywhere, including muslims, all in the name of islamic piety. and how we got there, we are now looking back, and it seems like a straight shot. but if you dropped in anytime in his biography, you wouldn't know if he was going there. he was trained as a doctor, he was trained as a surgeon. he was from a respected family in egypt, born and raised in cairo. by the time he was 15 years old, he was a committed radical, that wanted to try to impose islamic theocracy by force. he formed his first terrorist cell, with the aim of overthrowing the government of
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egypt, when he was only 15 years old. when islamic militants did assassinate egypt's president, anwar al-sadat, in a military parade in 1981, ayman al-zawahiri was one of hundreds of islamic radicals who was tried and imprisoned for that crime. he was tortured for years in egyptian prisons. while he was there, he became an informant, supplying information on his comrades to the egyptian security services. he was released from prison in each of 1984, even more radical than when he had gone in. he nurtured the growth of his terrorist group, which he had literally founded as a teenager. it was called al-jihad, or islamic jihad. he spent time after his release from prison in saudi arabia and pakistan and afghanistan. he eventually became close with a rich saudi arabian guy, who in 1988, had founded, had founded his own terrorist organization. the saudi guy was wealthy
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enough that he was able to bankroll much of their movements himself. he also had great connections all across the arab world. he was a great recruiter to their cause. ayman al-zawahiri eventually became the saudi guy's personal doctor, which gave him a personal bond beyond even their ideological co-interests. after the two of them supplied and supported the afghan mujahideen fighters against the soviet union in afghanistan, around 1990, they moved on to sudan, and on to yemen, to establish training camps there for international terrorists. at that time, al-zawahiri was focused on trying to overthrow the government in egypt. that was his lifelong dream. in november 1993, his group, islamic jihad, tried to assassinate the prime minister of egypt. they failed in that assassination attempt but they did wound and kill civilians instead. two years later, 1995, egyptian islamic jihad blew up the egyptian embassy in pakistan,
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killed at least 15 people, wounded dozens of people. two years later, in 1997, zawahiri helped plan the luxor attacks. this was a half dozen gunmen descending on a big egyptian attraction just before nine in the morning, november 1997. the gunman -- the six gunmen spent 45 minutes methodically massacring the tourists at that tourist site in egypt, including kids. people from egypt, people from colombia, people from switzerland, and the uk, and japan, and germany, 62 people murdered. ayman al-zawahiri was the mastermind of that. that was 1997. in 1998, al-zawahiri -- wrote what's amounted to a declaration of war against america. and he proclaimed that groups like his and his friend osama bin laden's group, al-qaeda, and all of the islamist terrorist groups, he proclaimed were all united, as what he called the international front
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against crusaders and jews, not to put a too fine point on it. zawahiri's declaration in february 1998 proclaimed it their mission to target america, to target the united states of america, and specifically, to kill american people anywhere in the world. that was february 1998 that he wrote that declaration of war. later that same year, and august 1998, he blew up the u. s. embassies in tanzania and kenya, more than 4000 people injured, more than 200 people killed. and in october 2000, they hit the uss cole, a guided missile destroyer, while it was being fueled in yemen. 17 u.s. sailors killed. 37 injured. the year after that, in june, june 2001, al-qaeda, bin laden's group, formally absorbed zawahiri's group, islamic jihad.
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he and osama bin laden, from that point forward, were no longer just fellow travelers and compatriots, now, as of june 2001, al-qaeda was it. zawahiri was bin laden's second in command. and also, informally, his brain. his strategic thinker, his ideological guide, his doctor, the chief operating officer of al-qaeda. two days before the 9/11 attacks, in an operation masterminded by zawahiri, a man named ahmad shah massoud was assassinated. he was the leader of the northern alliance in afghanistan. he was the strongest leader in that country opposed to the taliban. zawahiri wiped him out on september 9th, 2001, doing a huge favor to the taliban. and getting the taliban to himself, essentially. and then, two days later, they rain down hell on the united states of america on september 11th, 2001, in pennsylvania, in new york city, and the pentagon.
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this was the first wanted poster put out for ayman al-zawahiri after 9/11. this is from october 2001, just weeks after the attack. you see the reward for information leading to his capture at that point, $5 million. that would soon quintuple to a 25 million dollar reward, the largest reward offered for anyone on earth. after a u.s. navy seal mission in 2011 took out osama bin laden, zawahiri became the head of al-qaeda. at that point, zawahiri became literally the most wanted terrorist on the fbi's list of most wanted terrorists. and you can see, if you look at the two different wanted posters, you can see that over 20 years plus, all the rewards tended to go up, they didn't change the photo of him, they didn't change much about what they knew about him, or how to advise people to find him. tonight, there's an update. tonight, they've updated the poster at long last. this is just in this evening, as we were prepping to get on
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the air. with a big red deceased across the bottom of it now. what we know is this. ayman al-zawahiri was back in afghanistan, which itself is a story. he was in a well-off neighborhood in the capital city of kabul. the new york times and the washington post are reporting that the house where he was killed was owned by a senior member of that taliban government, known for having links to al-qaeda. the man's name is haqqani, which is a familiar name when it comes to kidnappings, terrorist attacks, and mass murder in afghanistan, over the past 20 plus years. while the u.s. military no longer has anyone in afghanistan, the u.s. government was apparently able to obtain intelligence on zawahiri whereabouts's dating back for several months. they were specifically able to get information on the pattern of life at the house where they knew he was staying. dating all the way back to april, and the reason that is important, the reason they're
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watching the pattern of live at that house was both to confirm that he was there, but also, to try to find the right way in the right window to get him without getting anyone else, to get him and get him alone. president biden was briefed in detail on the prospects for a drone strike, hitting that house. the intelligence community reportedly built a physical model of the house that they wanted to hit. they used that physical model to show the president their intentions, and to brief the president on how the mission might unfold. president biden said in remarks to the nation tonight, but he gave the order a week ago, that they could strike at the right time, and under the right circumstances. those right circumstances and that right time, apparently arose saturday night, just before 10 pm eastern, which was just after 6 am, sunday morning in kabul. it was reportedly to hellfire missiles, fired from a cia operated drone. the president said tonight, there were no other casualties, other than ayman al-zawahiri
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himself. the president also said this. >> the united states continues to demonstrate our resolve and our capacity to defend the american people against those who seek to do us harm there. you know, we make it clear, again, tonight, that no matter how long it takes, no matter where you hide, if you are a threat to our people, the united states will find you and take you out. >> it has been 20 years and ten months since al-qaeda killed 3000 americans on u.s. soil in the 9/11 attacks. it took 20 years and ten months to get the two guys who ran al-qaeda during that attack. astonishingly, the leader of the republican party, the party's last president, and their likely next presidential nominee said just this weekend, quote, nobody's gotten to the
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bottom of 9/11, literally said that this weekend. nobody's got into the bottom of 9/11, which was that all about? well, it took 20 years and ten months. but actually, somebody definitively has gotten to the bottom of 9/11. ayman al-zawahiri, killed today at age 71, with the blood of thousands and thousands of innocent people on his hands. joining us now live from the white house is john kirby. until a few months ago, he was a secretary for the department of defense. now, he is spokesman for president biden's national security council. he is also a retired admiral in the united states navy. admiral kirby, really appreciate you making time to be with us this evening on this historic night. >> absolutely, rachel. good to be with you, good day for the country. >> let me ask you, in my summary there, in terms of what we know about what's happened, both about mr. zawahiri's background, and also about how you got him. is there anything that i've left out, or that i got wrong? is there anything else that you can tell us about how this mission unfolded? >> i think you did a pretty good job rolling out the
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history from this man, who he was, but he was responsible for, and how he met his and. i can tell you, there was an awful lot of work done by the counterterrorism and the intelligence community, to get us to this point. it was painstaking, meticulous, thoughtful work. as you rightly pointed out in your opening, rachel, the president was kept informed throughout, finally made the decision in late july, the 24th of july specifically. and then, of course, we executed. and even though he had given the order on the 25th, the conditions needed to be right. and there were a lot of conditions, there with what's needed to be factored in. of course, mr. zawahiri needed to be where he thought we would be, based on his pattern of life. and then, the president was very clear, that he didn't want us to cause civilian casualties. and so, that also factored in to everything, the conditions were right, and when it was, we took the shot. >> with something like this, obviously, the only antecedent that comes to mind really is,
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that famous image of president obama and secretary of state clinton, and others in the situation room watching the raid unfold that ultimately killed osama bin laden. i have to ask you, in terms of historians looking back at this day, these briefings, these planning sessions, the president's decision process, was it gravely interrupted? was it a disconnect -- was the process interrupted at all by the fact that the president has covid, and he's been in isolation on and off during the time that this was all being decided? >> no, not at all, rachel. i mean, he worked right through his time with covid. in fact, he's still isolating now. i think, as you know, he has a
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rebound case here. but, no, it did not affect his decision-making process at all. he was able to constantly stay in touch with his national security team throughout. no impact whatsoever. and i happen to be here in 2011. i was here at the white house. i was working for the chairman of the joint chief of staff, for the mission to get bin laden. so, for me, this was also personally a nice book and to that. >> i have to ask you in terms of what happens next here. do you believe, does the administration believe that the taliban knew zawahiri was in kabul? obviously, the justification for invading afghanistan in 2001 was that the taliban were providing a safe haven for zawahiri and for bin laden, and for the al-qaeda organization, ahead of 9/11, did they know that he was back in afghanistan, back in kabul? >> we know that some leaders of the haqqani network were aware. and we know that from the way they tried to cover things up over the last 24, 48 hours. that's really about as far as i can go into this. but we had indications that some of them were aware. look, i mean, al-qaeda was on the ground in afghanistan, even when the president decided to end that war.
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we knew that. we talked about that, that al-qaeda was already reestablishing a presence there. we also said that we were gonna watch that very, very closely. and stay vigilant, and make sure that we have the capacity from him over the horizon perspective to deal with any threats to the homeland. mr. zawahiri's presence in kabul certainly met that test because he has been actively involved in planning and plotting threats against our homeland going forward. >> one of the things that the president mention tonight in his remarks that zawahiri has been recently making videos calling for people to attack americans, and to attack u.s. interests. we've heard from senior administration official that it's possible that even after his death, al-qaeda, or their confederates, may have released a further zawahiri videos that. they may release some of that material, but they backed ahead of his death.
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do you anticipate that could pose additional threats? does that raise the threat level for the united states in terms of potential retaliation for terrorists? >> it very well could. we don't exactly know how many videos he recorded, and whether there is still something that can, rachel, but it's entirely possible that they can put that out there, as a way to inspire future attacks and future al-qaeda planners and plotters. so, we're gonna be watching for that as well. i can tell you, our vigilant is very high. and we are not gonna be, we won't be caught off guard, and in fact, if they do try to do that. again, we will see. we just don't know if he actually has addition videos
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that he hasn't released. >> along those lines, let me also ask you in terms of being aware, you said that at least some elements that the taliban, the regime in charge and afghanistan, knew that zawahiri was there. their expressions, sort of anger, or upset that this strike happened within their territory. do you anticipate that the taliban themselves could try to mount some sort of retaliation? if they do, are they capable of causing harm to u.s. interests? >> we're gonna be watching real close, rachel. we don't have any indications right now that that particular threat could manifest itself. but look, the president was very clear tonight, as he has been quite frankly, since the war in afghanistan ended. we're gonna stay vigilant. we have the capability and capacity to conduct over the horizon, counterterrorism strikes. we proved that this weekend. and so, back to what the president said, there is no greater greater responsibility that he feels then for the safety of the american people and our national security interests around the world. and i think, again, we proved that over the last couple of days. we'll stay able and capable of proving that, if in fact we have to do that. >> admiral john kirby, spokesman for president biden's national security council, sir, thank you for your time tonight. i feel, congratulations is not exactly the right word here. but i think, thank you probably is. so, thank you, sir. >> you're welcome.
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thank you. >> joining us now from london is richard engel, nbc's chief foreign correspondent who has covered al-qaeda and ayman al-zawahiri for decades. a man who knows more than your average care about the egyptian, islamic radicalism in cairo that shaped zawahiri. richard, my friend, thank you for interrupting your vacation tonight. thank you for being up for us once again on this historic night. >> it is a historic night. and of course, i think it's a very important night. and, yes, i've been covering ayman al-zawahiri since the mid 1990s. i was a reporter in egypt, when terrorist attacks or becoming an increasing problem in the country. you mentioned the luxor attack, when a group of islamists went on a rampage, and just started massacring tourists in front of the pharaonic monuments there. and then, he decided to keep going, and he joined up with
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osama bin laden, founded al-qaeda, first is this international front against jews and crusaders. and now, we have come to where we are today. and i think there are really two is of looking at, what you just turned from admiral kirby with a kind of a positive spin on it. it shows that the united states is still capable, that of the taliban goes back on its deal, and clearly it was going back on its steel, or at least elements of the taliban were going back on the deal, and welcoming al-qaeda that they wouldn't be able to get away with it because america has eyes on, and has the ability to carry out lethal strikes from the sky so, you can see the policy is working, because if there's al-qaeda infiltration or present, the u.s. can take care of it. but there is another way of looking at it, it shows how confident, and how arrogant one might say, the taliban have become, that even after swearing that they would never but host al-qaeda leaders again, that they would never go back and repeat the past, that they
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don't just have an al-qaeda leader, they have the al-qaeda leader. he is hosted right in the center of kabul. he is there for months. and it shows that they believe, they can do whatever they want. i was in afghanistan after u. s. troops withdrew from the country, after the taliban drove him out. and, i met taliban leaders. and they believed that what happened was a miracle, but they were given this victory because of a gift from god, that they were untouchable. you could look in their eyes, if you ever noticed, a lot of american reporters were going around with the taliban, there was no hostility. they were not just proud of what they had done, and wanted to show it off, they believed that this was a miracle, and that it was their duty to show the world got actions on earth. so, when you have that kind of mentality, you are not really intimidated by what the u.s. is
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threatening to do. you say, well, we've gone through hard times in the past, and look where our faith brought us. so, they have ayman al-zawahiri in the country, near the presidential palace for months. the fact that the u.s. got him shows the u.s. still has very good intelligence there, still was able to get informants, who are able to establish a pattern of life inside the building. but overtime, will those informants continue to be as good, and will they be able to find other targets who aren't necessarily as famous as ayman al-zawahiri, who the united states has been tracking for decades. >> and as you lay that out, i mean, this is obviously a very rude interruption that the taliban might have been under in terms of them believing that they were, they were divinely inspired, and that they were being to finally protected for their actions. this is going to interrupt that in some ways. and i asked admiral kirby a
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moment ago, if they are anticipating retaliation from the taliban. and if so, is the taliban capable of inflicting pain on the united states in a way that will actually hurt? he didn't answer. he basically said, we'll watch for that. but what do you think their reaction will be to this strike, now that it has happened, and again, i think probably, surprised them, given how willing they were to hide him, relatively, in a relatively easy to find a place? >> so, first of all, there are big divisions in the taliban, which is one thing that the taliban weren't expecting. you heard admiral kirby talk about the haqqani network. that is a big group of the taliban, that is particularly close to al-qaeda. and not all of the other factions in the taliban support them, but they are still a very, very powerful faction.
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perhaps, the most powerful, in terms of security. so, a very large segment of the taliban will be shamed that this happened. they hosted this important figure, who, with whom they have a relationship going back many many years, and he was killed in their territory. you know, the taliban released a statement, after the drone strike this weekend. it seems to be the same drone strike. they didn't say who the target was at the time. and they called it, a violation of their sovereignty against international norms. and they said that it could close the doors for future cooperation and opportunities. so, in a way, the response was a rejection, but fairly measured, when you look at other statements from the taliban. so, they were angry. they were saying it's gonna close the door for other cooperations, and it's a problem. but they weren't threatening to
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bargain out of the white house, or carry out an attack like this. but there will certainly be elements within the taliban, and within al-qaeda who will want to seek revenge. that said, he was not a particularly charismatic leader. he never really filled the shoes of osama bin laden. osama bin laden was the face. he was the brand name of al-qaeda. who ayman al-zawahiri was the legacy player. he was the intellectual. he was the scholar, if you will, establishing the bedrock of the ideology. but he never commanded a lot of personal loyalty within the group. the next leader might be able to be more effective that way. >> richard engel, nbc news chief foreign correspondent in london, technically on vacation, but that's always fungible, given, thank you richard, really appreciate you being with us. >> my pleasure. >> again, president biden tonight confirming from the white house the news that the leader of al-qaeda ayman al-zawahiri, age 71, who took over leadership off the group in 2011, after u.s. navy seals killed some of bin laden. ayman al-zawahiri has been
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killed by a u.s. drone strike in kabul, in afghanistan. that news being confirmed by the president tonight, remarks from the white house, 20 years and ten months after the attacks of 9/11 killed 3000 americans on u.s. soil. we have very much ahead or tonight, on this busy news night. stay with us. ♪ got my hair got my head ♪
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experiencing the worst of the great depression. unemployment was 23%. the values of shares on the dow had dropped almost 90%, compared with what had been just three years earlier before the crash. the country in 1932 is in economic free fall, and as of 1932 u.s. veterans, veterans who had fought in the first world war, they were as or more economically desperate, as any other americans.
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but, u.s. veterans who had fought in world war i, had what amounted to an iou from the u.s. government to pay them some cash. u.s. veterans who had fought in world war i had been promised, during the war, they receive a bonus payment from the government. a payment for each day they served on active duty, either at home or abroad. and in the spring of 1932, veterans who had been promised that bonus, they came to washington. thousands of them came to washington to demand that the government make it on the ious, and pay the soldiers but they were owed. soldiers set up camps in downtown washington, just outside the capital. they plan to say as long as it took. president herbert hoover, one of the worst presidents in american history, responded by calling in the united states army to attack the veterans, and chase them out. the army burned down their camps, charged them with bayonets, shot chemical weapons
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at them. historian jonathan m. katz published a story earlier this year, by the marine general who is a leader for those veterans. it's a fantastic book. in that book, he writes that the army chief of staff who led the attack on the veterans, general douglas macarthur, he later bragged that by attacking those american veterans in d. c., he was sure that he'd thwarted a communist revolution. okay. tonight, there are american veteran sleeping outside in d. c.. in the shadow of the u.s. capitol building. the reason they're there this, time is because of the u.s. government's promise to pay for health care for veterans exposed to toxic burn pits during their service abroad. congress was supposed to pass legislation to make good in that promise this week, and everyone thought they would, but senate republicans change their mind at the last moment, and suddenly discovered previously unknown reasons to vote against that veterans bill, even though they had previously
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voted for it. veterans and their families are not giving up, they are fighting to get it passed, but the pressure on many of the veterans who are camped outside the capital today and tonight, have been there since thursday. on saturday, this weekend, president biden said he wanted to go meet with them in person, but because he still has to isolate because of covid, he instead facetimed with those veterans, he also sent over boxes of pizza to show them his support. democrats say they will bring this veterans bill up for a vote again as soon as tomorrow, but the question of course is, will senate republicans continue to block it? what else will veterans and their supporters have to do, to make sure this promise gets kept? joining us now is montana u. s. senator -- jon tester. he's chair of the veterans affairs committee, and he leaves that monster bill to get parents the care that they need, and the u.s. government has promised them. senator, thanks for joining us tonight. really appreciate it. >> thank you, rachel.
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my pleasure. >> i wanna talk about this burn pits issue, i'd be remiss if i didn't actually ask about the huge news about the white house tonight, announced by the -- ayman al-zawahiri the leader of al qaeda, has been killed in kabul by a u.s. drone strike. this makes us a historic night. but i want to get your reaction, is specifically as chairman of veterans affairs committee at a time when so many americans have fought in the post 9/11 wars. >> well, a couple of things rachael. i appreciate the president's decisive decisions, i know they're not easy, but he made the right decision, and he got the job done. and i think this falls back on the people of service and the community to be able to find and deliver a strike on a person who has got a long history of doing bad things to this nation. i think it's great day in america, and i applaud the presidents actions. >> it's a significant day, particularly for american veterans. i mean, the taliban providing safe haven for zawahiri and bin,
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the al-qaeda organization in the lead up to 9/11, was the reason we started with ended up to be america's longest war in afghanistan. it is one of the hallmark injuries of that warren afghanistan, and the following war in iraq that veterans had toxic exposures, including exposures to burn pits, which was not an act of the enemy but an act of the u.s. military. this was something that was, in effect, a friendly fire inflicted injury by something that the u.s. military did. it always seemed to impart a sort of moral imperative to the requirement of the u.s. government, to make sure that we make it right, other veterans who are hurt by that. do you, as it stands tonight, have confidence that this bill is going to pass? >> i sure hope it does, because it's the right thing to do, i don't need to go back, as you've laid it out very well rachel, these folks went to a place that is far different and his country is served, followed
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orders, did they needed to be successful, and in the process, because of burn pits, where all sorts of talks rooms were burned, they were breathing that air. it resulted in cancers, and lying conditions are going to affect them for the rest of their lives. so, the promise remains to the men and women who served is that when you come back, whether it's an injury you can orange oh you can't see. we're gonna fix you. we're gonna make you right. and that's what this bill is about. it was and still is the number one issue of virtually every veteran service organization, for the people who represent the veterans had. it was first brought up nearly 15 years, ago and for the past year and a half we've been working very diligently in a bipartisan way to get this to the floor of the senate, and we did on the 15th of june, and it passed with 84 votes. and basically that same, bill the very same bill that passed with 84 bill of votes is now
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put in a political turmoil that, by the way, our veterans can't afford to have in particular turmoil. these are people who fight for our freedoms, these are people keep this country free, and for congress not to pass this bill, it's political malpractice. and so, we need to get it passed. hopefully that happens tomorrow, but who knows. i thought it was going to pass last week, and surprised, surprise, some other folks had a different idea. but let me just say this, and this is a fact. the bill that the folks, the republicans voted against last week, is the very same bill, with the exception of one line that dealt with the va's ability to by out providers contracts, that was stripped out. with that exception, it's the very same bill that passed with 84 votes. >> now, senator pat toomey, a retired republican senator pat toomey who said that he thinks that whatever this technical changes, this not a clearly important changes that calls on
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to change their votes, he thinks that within a 50 vote threshold you should be able to adopt an amendment from him to strip that, out and everything would be fine. it sounds to me like, sort of trying to muddy the waters around procedural hurdles that don't necessarily need to exist here, but is he in some sense actually pointing a pathway towards getting this past? by saying that he had least once amendment to strip that language to be a 50 vote threshold. once an amendment to strip that language, to be a 50 vote threshold? >> well i beasts believe so, but to be honest with you rachel, every time we've had an amendment for the budget point of order, it's always been a 60 vote threshold. it's different with this, i think it sets a precedent that is not healthy for congress, but nonetheless i do believe there is a path to get this done tomorrow, it's going to take our two leaders, schumer and mcconnell negotiating to get an agreement where we can get this bill passed, and pass it. remember this, a health care is
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a delay that is a health care that is denied and we've already had many many folks die from disorders from these toxic burn pits, and it's not only the veterans that have suffered, and are suffering, it's also their family. and we send folks off, especially to the war that we just got out of for the last 20 years. they're exposed to stuff that people shouldn't be exposed to. and they just burn pits are just one example. it's just the right thing to do to get this done, and it's why we have veterans, as you already pointed out, sleeping on the steps of the capitol tonight, saying come on guys, we put it on the line for, you you need a backup here into the deal. >> jon tester, chair of the veterans affairs committee, sir, thank you for your time tonight, keep it surprised, i know this is going to be a hard fight in the days ahead. >> we'll do, rachel. >> more news ahead, stay with us. g new one a day multi+.
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♪ got my hair got my head ♪ and when introducing newy throug you're one a day multi+.piness a complete multivitamin plus an extra boost of support for your immunity, brain, and hair, skin & nails. new one a day multi+. non-gaming tribes have been left in the dust. wealthy tribes with big casinos make billions, while small tribes struggle in poverty. prop 27 is a game changer. 27 taxes and regulates online sports betting to fund permanent solution to homelessness. while helping every tribe in california. so who's attacking prop 27? wealthy casino tribes who want all the money for themselves support small tribes, address homelessness. fair warning, tomorrow is going vote yes on 27.
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to be bananas as a primary day. here is just some of the leading candidates and tomorrow's republican primaries. in arizona there's a trump endorsed candidate for governor who's made the 2020 election the number one issue for campaign she obviously says the election was stolen, and president biden secretly is and president. and if she becomes governor, she says she will illuminate mail-in voting in america, as well as eliminating all voting machines.
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plus, she says, without any evidence of course, that her primary election is already been stolen from her right now ahead of time. then there is the republican primary for u.s. senate in arizona, in that race trump's candidate is a guy who's almost entirely funded by billionaire tech guru peter thiel a man who says he does not believe in democracy and then america really started going down to hill when people were given the right to vote, womp womp. it goes without saying that blake masters believes the 2020 election was stolen he also says the january 6th attack on the u.s. capitol was a false flag operation carried out by the fbi when it comes to gun violence in america he says he blames, quote, black people, frankly. end quote. then there is the republican primary for secretary of state as the official runs the states elections the trump backed candidate there is an election denier who says he will only accept the results of tomorrow 's primary if he wins tomorrow 's primary he was that january
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6th himself and he says he's a member of the right-wing pro trump paramilitary group the oath keepers. numbers of which are on trial right now for seditious conspiracy, because of their role in the january 6th attack. all three of those trump backed candidates have a very good chance of winning the republican primaries tomorrow in arizona. meanwhile, missouri. the republican primary for u. s. senate there, features the state's former republican governor, who is forced to resign from that job after about five minutes in a scandal over blackmailing his former mistress, after allegedly forced her into a non consensual sexual encounter, and then photographed it. more recently, eric greitens's ex-wife has accused him in court of abusing both him and her kids, he was released an ad of him and other guys with guns and tactical gear pretending to fund hunt fellow republicans they deem insufficiently trumpy, by storm into the house with the guns. eric greitens main rival for
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the u.s. senate nomination for missouri, it's got a merrick, eric schmitt he's a sitting attorney general in -- to try to get the u.s. supreme court to overturn biden's election and then launching a fund raising effort after it. tonight, i guess this is breaking news. on the eve of tomorrow's missouri primary, donald trump released an endorsement in this contest, between eric greitens and eric schmitt. trump says he is endorsing eric. i'm not kidding, this is actually what his endorsement press really says. i am therefore proud to announce that eric has my complete and total endorsement. and, yes both eric's have enthusiastically accepted that tonight. absolutely unreal, i should also mention that in the great state of washington, jimmy herrera butler is facing a primary challenge tomorrow, she's one of the handful of republican members of congress who voted in favor of trump's
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impeachment, for inciting this assault in the capital. but the guy trump is backing, this guy has a whole rolodex of extremist militia members -- connected to his campaign. ap reports he's paid thousands of dollars of campaign consulting to the proud boys. he keeps showing up at events and posing for photos with guys who spread antisemitic and neo-nazi propaganda online, who say things like hitler is complicated, and it lowers misunderstood. the candidate himself at an interview, quote, i don't think there's anything wrong with a white people special interest group. that's who trump is backing in a primary challenge to a sitting republican congressman in the state tomorrow. the most watched vote tomorrow ashley doesn't involve it candidate at, all its vote in the state of kansas on abortion. kansas will vote tomorrow on a proposed amendment to the state constitution. if it passes, it would effectively let republicans in
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the kansas a state legislature ban abortion. this would be the first time that voters have cast ballots directly on abortion rights, since the supreme court overturned roe. to make sure passes, kansas republicans have put the measure on the ballot, during what they expect to be a low turnout primary election , where mostly republican candidates running in primary races. it's mostly republican voters are expected to turn out. they also made the languages of the ballot measures, as complicated and confusing as possible, snow per normal person can really decipher what a yes or no means in this context. we have reports of misleading text messages been sent to the kansas voters, describing a no vote as a yes vote, and a yes vote as a no vote in a way that is designed to bamboozle people into voting ways they don't actually intend. so, that voters in kansas tomorrow, so are all these primary elections where we are 99 days out in the midterms, where all the candidates who win these primaries tomorrow will be on the ballot in the general election, and we'll tell you one silver lining
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here. the great steve kornacki, will stay special on what is actually gonna happen in those midterms-- will not want to miss, it we have more to, come stay with us. that little leaf brought this old photo to life, i can finally put some names to those faces... it's like i'm back there at 39 elmhurst with all these folks. ancestry can guide you to family discoveries in the 1950 census. for adults with generalized myasthenia gravis who are positive for acetylcholine receptor antibodies,
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negative, only to have what they're calling the rebound. after finishing the five-day course, and testing negative at the end of it, the president, like many americans, then tested positive again a couple of days later. now, statistically, they say this is a rare thing. the data says that only two to 6% of people who take paxlovid, face a rebound from covid like this. with a president being one of those people puts a real spotlight on it, and raises some interesting question for future research. the president's doctor said today, importantly, but the president continues to feel well, even though he is still testing positive as of this morning. and that's the important bottom line here, he's okay, paxlovid has been working, it has been working for thousands of americans, you have people alive and out of the hospital, and ideally dealing with relatively mild symptoms, just like the president has experienced. but like the president, people get these rebound cases after completing the course of paxlovid, they face a couple of tricky questions, particularly around infectiousness. are you contagious sweat so you
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start testing positive again? the content says there is probably yes. the cdc now says, if you get a paxlovid rebound, you have to go back into isolation for five, days and wear a mask for another ten days, just as if it's a new infection. that is the protocol the president is under right now. researchers are still investigated paxlovid rebound, but for people who are taking that anti viral drug and excited to test negative at the end of that five-day course, the increasing visibility of paxlovid rebound, shows that a negative test at the end of that course of drugs, might just be a temporary reprieve, and you are infectiousness might still be alive issue. that has implications for everyone taking that treatment, definitely still gaps in our knowledge here, but the presidents announcement about this should spur new research, if not new recommendations, hopefully sooner rather than later, watch this space. atch this space. oh, i can tell business is going through the “woof”.
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that is gonna do it for us, for now. i have good news. now, it is time for a special countdown to the midterms with the good and great steve kornacki. steve, i'm so looking forward to this. >> hey, rachel. thank you. i'm looking forward to it too. we are just under 100 days, can't wait to get started. thank you and i'll see you on election night too. that's all we're gonna be talking about. with that, folks, the countdown to the midterms on. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> 99 days from november 8th, and the big questions are, can the democrats somehow defy history, and hold on to the house, or are republicans
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