tv Hallie Jackson Reports MSNBC August 10, 2022 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT
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mar-a-lago home. how monday's move was months in the making. and cautious optimism surrounding the economy after new numbers this morning hinted at the potential end to that sky high inflation. what it all means for americans feeling a squeeze on their wallets. with our eye on wall street in the final hour of trading. stay with us. joining me is nbc news justice and intelligence correspondent ken dilanian, also suzanne craig, investigative reporter for "the new york times" and former prosecutor and msnbc legal analyst charles coleman. everybody, thank you very much for coming. let's start with this deposition. donald trump went to talk to the new york attorney general. he didn't say anything. ken? >> that's right, katy. basically everything that we know about what went on is coming from donald trump who issued a lengthy statement just as he was going in to sit for this deposition. it clearly was written
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beforehand, and it was essentially a diatribe against new york state attorney general letitia james accusing her of being biased against him and conducting a politically motivated witch hunt for political gain. he acknowledged he said in the past that if you're innocent, you have no reason to take the fifth amendment. he said recent events in his life have caused him to change his tune including the recent fbi raid -- search of his compound in mar-a-lago, florida. he said it just made no sense for him to cooperate in any way with this civil fraud investigation. what's interesting about it is his son, eric trump, we're told took the fifth amendment more than 500 times in a deposition in this very case back in 2020. but more recently, his daughter ivanka and other son don jr. we're told did testify and answer questions in this investigation which is about whether the trump organization committed fraud in its representations to banks and
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insurance companies. leticia james has already said she's established that there was fraud. now she's trying to figure out who carried it out. obviously the danger for president trump was too great given all the investigations swirl around him, including a parallel criminal investigation by the manhattan district attorney into the trump organization which is dormant at the moment but could easily be revived if trump said something incriminating, katy. >> charles, if you could, expand on that. why would it be potentially dangerous for donald trump to answer any of these questions? >> well, katy, what we know is that the d.a. in manhattan, alvin bragg has let his investigation on the criminal side essentially cool around trump and the trump organization. anything that is inconsistent that emerged throughout the course of these investigations, alvin bragg and the das office were paying close attention to. they were going to use that and would use that in terms of looking at what they have in their investigation already
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comparing the two and pointing out anything that didn't add up. that was going to put trump in jeopardy of having those charges on the criminal side pursued which is ultimately why he elected to take the fifth amendment for the majority of his questions. i think it's an interesting thing because if you know donald trump's history with respect to depositions, he typically enjoys making these sort of legal interviews, almost verbal sparring matches with attorneys. it's very clear he understands the magnitude and gravity of what he's dealing with which is why he ultimately elected not to answer questions under his fifth amendment right against self-incrimination. >> what's your sense of where this investigation with letitia james is going here? do you anticipate charges? >> it's not necessarily a charge question, katy, because it's a civil investigation. the question that tish james and her office need to answer is are they going to file a civil lawsuit against the trump organization and sue them for the fraud they've committed with
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respect to their filings and the irs or will they seek to seek a settlement where they get a monetary payment from the trump organization instead? each of them has pros and cons. if you think about the settlement, you know you're going to get the money. you know you're going to basically get them to have some level of accountability. you're not necessarily going to get a guilty verdict or a libel verdict as you would in the civil trial. if you take it to trial, not only are you risking the idea of not necessarily getting the verdict you want from a jury, but it could take years before the whole thing plays itself out. tish james has a decision to make on her part. clearly she has enough evidence to move forward with a civil suit. the question is what sort of utility does it do for her. >> good point. lawsuit, not charges. sue, you've done a lot of reporting on donald trump and his taxes. if you can, walk us through what is at issue here.
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>> well, the stakes are very high for them. they're looking at and this could flow over in the criminal case, as we just talked about, looking at whether or not there was fraudulent statements made to banks, did they misrepresent the value of assets? did they knowingly do that. this could lead into the criminal. i think the decision to take the fifth is very much kicking the can down the road. it really rang in my ear when i heard this could take years to play out. that's sort of what he wants. even if it does take years and then it goes and there is a civil trial, he could then change his mind and decide to testify. the judge could still tell the jury that they can draw an inference from that. the fact it could take years works in his favor. short term, there could be a settlement with the attorney general and it could be steep financially, and that will hit him. his businesses, we have at times
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obtained his taxes, they're not doing well. this will be another check he's going to have to right if he does decide to settle and it's something that's not tax deductible. >> he's settled before, for example, in the trump university suit. >> he's said only losers take the fifth. today he's taking the fifth. he's saying he never settles. he settles. >> he often settles. >> he's doing what he says today because it's expedient. he's settled with the new york attorney general on a few occasions. i do see the allure for him for trying to kick the can down the road on the civil matter and not get himself into hot water with the criminal matter in new york which right now doesn't seem like it's in a boil. they've stepped back. why not just not step into jeopardy there, kick the can down the road in the civil and turn your attention to the 400 other things he seems to be battling. >> sue, when you've looked at
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his taxes, outwardly looking, outwardly facing, how egregious are the claims he's made? >> it's interesting. we've seen a lot that go up to the line -- we don't know what the new york attorney general has, but just from what we have looked at, appraisals are difficult. there's no question. we don't know the evidence she has on their face. appraisers when they come in and they're appraising something, they will look at it and they will know if they're appraising it, let's say, for an estate. so you go one way on that. if you're appraising it for a bank loan, you go another. there's leeway that seems to be given and the irs will say, okay, that's okay. but then the question is when does it go over? if he's submitting documents to banks that are false, he's in trouble. it all depends sort of on what the evidence is they've gathered and just watching this case go through the new york court. cushman and wakefield, the
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appraiser, has turned over tens of thousands of documents. it's been a lot of legal battling to get to that point that they have turned over a huge amount of documents, trump has. we don't know what is in there and how strong the case is until we see a filing. the case, they are difficult to make because this is an area where there's a lot of winks and nods and you can stretch it this far. once you get into filing false documents, it becomes problematic. >> do you have an idea of what donald trump's current relationship and the trump organization's current relationship is with banks in this country? >> he's had some loans recently that have been renewed, but they've been renewed with banks that are friendly to him, not with mainstream banks. i would say that's sort of the direction he's going. we don't in most cases know the rates he paid to get those. obviously rates are going up. we don't know how much more he had to pay, if anything. the mainstream banks generally are shying away from him, and
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deutsche bank in particular which has been tied to him for -- i was going to say for better or for worse, but mainly for worse, has been trying to distance themself from them. they are his main lender. >> ken, not to step on what we're about to talk about next with another set of reporters, but the investigation or the search warrant at mar-a-lago, i know you've done some reporting. there are questions about whether that had anything to do with any of the other investigations that donald trump is involved in including this one with the new york attorney general. >> it's a great question, we just don't know the answer. i think it's pretty safe to say it had very little to do with the new york attorney general investigation. the more interesting question is whether or not it had anything to do with the grand jury investigation looking at president trump's actions, former president trump's attempts to overturn the election, where we've seen top white house officials summoned before a grand jury in
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washington. it's possible. we can't rule it out. we don't know what's in those documents. it's certainly wise to keep paying attention to this because it's very likely -- very possible that this could play a role. thanks for takg that wildcard question, ken, thank you. sue craig, i appreciate it. also charles coleman. donald trump's legal woes don't stop there. we're learning more about the unprecedented -- we'll say that because it's true -- unprecedented search of his mar-a-lago home and club on monday and just how far back that timeline goes. according to one of his attorneys, the former president's legal team was in discussions with the justice department about records stored on the property as recently as june. she claimed attorneys for trump had searched two to three dozen boxes of material in the mar-a-lago storage area and handed over a few pages that they thought matched the description of presidential records. about a dozen boxes were removed from that basement storage
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facility on monday. another source told nbc news that despite baseless accusations from the trump camp planting evidence during the search that he claimed, there are no plans for the former president to release a copy of the warrant which would clear up some of the questions. with me is nbc's vaughn hillyard in mar-a-lago across the lagoon in west palm beach. joining me is leigh ann caldwell co-author of ""the washington post's" 202." >> it's begun months ago but led not to a subpoena for more of these documents but to a search. >> we know because of "the washington post" reporting months ago that there were already several boxes of documents that were retrieved from mar-a-lago, that trump and his allies here packed up and returned to washington, d.c. the national archives were looking
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for these documents that they were not able to account for. that's where you fast forward to this week. in the last 48 hours we still do not have answers as to exactly what other material was confiscated and retrieved from fbi agents during that day-long search warrant execution that took place here at mar-a-lago. donald trump does know, one would assume, what those documents were and why they were not turned over, katy, as part of the initial batch earlier this summer. donald trump himself, i'm told by a source familiar with the interactions, that on june 3rd there was a meeting here between at least two lawyers for donald trump as well as a doj official here and donald trump himself showed that official at least one of the rooms where that material was. ultimately you said, it wasn't a subpoena requesting the remaining documents here, but it was a search warrant that was executed. i want to note, katy, when we're talking about the echo chamber taking place on the right here, this isn't just donald trump who
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is suggesting to the masses that the fbi planted materials here at mar-a-lago, a conspiracy theory not backed up with evidence or with a specific allegation, but it was echoed here this morning by the likes of stand tore rand paul who is also echoing this conspiracy theory. also, last night, senator marco rubio of florida on sean hannity spreading a conspiracy theory and the propaganda that the fbi and the department of justice would soon be going after trump supporters, that they would be looking on the internet to see who was defending donald trump against this search warrant execution. there is so much that we do not know because the department of justice, frankly, has not gone public with why or what the probable cause was to go to a judge to seek this search warrant. but at the same time -- meanwhile, what's being filled into the last 48-hour void here are republicans led by donald trump calling into question the department of justice and the so-called deep state and why they were going after donald
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trump who has openly suggested he could announce a president presidential run within the next three months. >> the responsible thing to do would be to exercise caution and wait until we get more information. what we are seeing from donald trump and his allies is the exploitation of the vacuum of information when donald trump could release some of the information that would answer some of the questions out there, like the search warrant or the inventory, the receipt, essentially, handed over to donald trump or his people at mar-a-lago once the fbi left. basically, here is a list of what we took, so you know we have it. lee ann, you're also tracking the republican response. what is terg is there is a divide between donald trump's closest allies and republican leadership. different tones in the response. yesterday we were talking about how mitch mcconnell hadn't yet said anything. today he is talking. >> yeah, he has said something. he was very cautious in what he
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did say. he did not mention donald trump and he did not come to donald trump's defense. all he said is that it's incumbent on the department of justice to perhaps release information and release why the search happened. and this is a stark contrast to how the other republican leader in congress, gop leader kevin mccarthy has responded. kevin mccarthy came out immediately after the news of the search broke monday night claiming that there will be investigations if republicans take control of congress, calling it the weaponization of the department of justice, using very harsh terms. also in the house of representatives, house members on a conference call yesterday talked about what to do about this. you have the top republican on the intelligence committee who has sent a letter to the fbi, who has sent a letter to the national archives asking for documents and communications between the fbi, the national
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archives about this situation and said they need to preserve all of their documents. but the thing with senate minority leader mitch mcconnell and his caution is a couple things. he has long been rid of donald trump. he has not spoken to the former president in a year and a half. he doesn't like to talk to him. also, he knows merrick garland very well. he knows overreach in this instance could be very problematic, and also, in his speech on the senate floor during the impeachment process, mitch mcconnell said this is a role not for congress to impeach, but for law enforcement. of course, this is perhaps a different issue. mcconnell has indicated he is supportive of law enforcement taking matters into their hands, and so he needs to also ensure that he stands by those words. he has so pardon that with how
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he has responded to this latest investigation, katy. >> i would be curious to ask mitch mcconnell how he feels about his decision not to vote to convict donald trump the latest -- most recent impeachment hearing within the house and then the senate. i wonder if he's changed his mind on that given what's happening lately. leigh ann caldwell, i'm sure you'll get a chance to ask that. vaughn hillyard, thank you very much. wall street is celebrating the new inflation report. what about main street? plus, assassination plot, what the current national security adviser is saying about iran's plan to kill his predecessor, john bolton. you see him there. why a call to one member of congress today is going straight to voice mail. don't. they only cover select cities with 5g. so, for me and the hundreds of drivers in my fleet, staying connected, cutting downtime, and delivering on time
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call now to get powerful internet for just 39 dollars a month. with no contract. and a money back guarantee. all on the largest, fastest reliable network. from the company that powers more businesses than anyone else. call and start saving today. comcast business. powering possibilities. 19 children were murdered. >> sweden and finland submitted letters to join nato. >> new information about what happened during this mass shooting. >> baby formula is on the way. >> major developments in the january 6th investigation. >> throughout the day that crowd has been growing. a mixed bag from today's inflation report. the k069 06 goods and services
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went up 8.5%, not as bad as last month, but grocery prices are still high. the cost of milk, bread and eggs went up, keeping the basic staples about $2.00 more than they were about a year ago. bright spot at the pump, gas prices are falling that's what huld overall inflation numbers down. joining me now, cnbc reporter frank holland and nbc news correspondent cal perry at the glendale galleria. >> in california. frank, lay out the numbers for us. what's the reaction? >> one month of better-than-expected inflation data is too soon to establish a trend. this cpi consumer price index has many on wall street hoping we reached people inflation a month ago. the good news, prices remain the same month over month. the bad news is they are 8.5% higher year over year. as a leading wall street voice told me, less bad is good. it might seem oversimplistic.
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investigators agree. the dow opened up 500 points heighter and held close to that tlechl throughout the day. nasdaq up 2.5% benefiting from lower bond yields that fell significantly after the cpi helping gross stocks in that index. google and microsoft both up more than 2%. cpi measures urban consumer spending while pce measures all u.s. households. for what we saw for people living in cities is a mixed bag. groceries are 13% higher year over year, 1% higher than just a month ago. overall energy, 19% higher. that includes electricity, natural gas, heating oil, et cetera. natural gas prices designed, electricity ticked up slightly. gasoline 44% higher year over year, but a little relief, 8% less than a month ago. prices are leveling or even falling in some cases. one thing, housing. that's up 6% year over year after moving higher for the last
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six months. that's one area expected to remain the stickiest. generally, anybody renting an apartment knows your landlord doesn't reduce the rent out of the kindness of their heart. >> cal perry, the buying power is what's at issue for businesses around the country. how much can people spend right now? you're at the glendale galleria. what are folks telling you there? >> reporter: look, it depends on how much money you have which will impact you as far as inflation. i know it's obvious, but that's why we talk about the k-shaped exhibit recovery. if you're not of economic means, it's hard to get out of the hole, so families are making difficult choices because everything is more expensive. take a listen to what an economist from ucla had to say about this yesterday. >> we are starting to feel some budget constraints. so there's been a lot of data showing that consumers are
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pulling back on buying goods, on buying apparel because they're spending more money on food at the grocery store, spending more money at the gas pumps. >> reporter: here is what it means for families. we have a couple of graphics to take you through your back-to-school shopping. it's a $37 billion industry a year. that's about $850 per household. that's not something surprising to parents. how much the inflation impacts your family is going to determine how much you're spending on back-to-school supplies. jll did a study and found if you're severely impacted by inflation, you'll spend 15% less on school supplies this year than last year. katy, you're a parent. you know. parents prioritize the education. in an economy like this, it's the families not of economic means paying the price not only at the gas pump and housing, but when it comes to back-to-school supplies as well. >> okay.
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k-shaped recovery. is that what you're talking about? >> reporter: like the letter k. i learned that from stephanie k. the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer. >> gentlemen, thank you very much for being with us. appreciate both of your time. we will be right back, but first, why congressman scott perry isn't answering his phone today. new nbc reporting on why iran was planning to assassinate john bolton. it can make your workday feel impossible. the virus that causes shingles is likely already inside of you. 50 years or older? ask your doctor about shingles. new astepro allergy. no allergy spray is faster. with the speed of astepro, almost nothing can slow you down. because astepro starts working in 30 minutes, while other allergy sprays take hours.
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a republican congressman from pennsylvania is the latest target of an fbi investigation. agents seized the cell phone of representative scott perry who has been subpoenaed by the house committee investigating the january 6th attack. perry claims the fbi made no attempts to contact his lawyer and arrange for a surrender and compared it to the recent search of former president trump's mar-a-lago estate. joining me is nbc news justice reporter, expert on all things january 6th ryan reilly. ryan, why would they want scott perry's cell phone? >> reporter: the important thing here is there's -- the phrase that i think is important to highlight here from a member of congress a few years ago who said no one is above the law. if i check my notes here, that
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was scott perry back in october of 2016 about the hillary clinton investigation. he's an individual who said no one is above the law, a pillar of american justice, should be making sure there's nobody who is just, because of their position alone, allowed to avoid the eyre of law enforcement. he's sort of at the center of a lot of the questions inside the justice department because he was a key connector for some of the individuals, jeffrey clark specifically, who donald trump was trying to install as acting attorney general in the lead-up to january 6th and he -- the time period between the 2020 election and january 6th when he was essentially trying to make an inside move to get officials in positions that would be able to take over and make sure he had a second term in office. >> isn't he the one who introduced jeffrey clark to donald trump, the environmental lawyer who donald trump tried to install as the a.g.?
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>> that's exactly right. he's the connection there. he was trying to find someone to do the bidding. a lot of the higher ranking officials within the justice department as we've seen from testimony with the january 6th committee weren't able to go along with that. despite being appointed to positions by donald trump, they weren't willing to have the justice department used as a pure political tool which is ironic now that trump is suggesting that doj is being used as a political tool by the democrats when in reality you have a situation where doj is being extraordinarily careful in this investigation about not making any breaches of the rules regarding on going investigations. it's been very difficult, frankly to get out information about this investigation because of how locked down doj has been about the mar-a-lago search. i think it's a little bit ironic that's what we're seeing now. >> scott perry has been subpoenaed by the january 6th committee. has he spoken to them? >> he's resisted that call.
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it's a little bit of a complicated question. calling a member of congress before the committee, it's not something you can so easily enforce by holding him in contempt and prosecuting him along those lines. a lot of complicated legal questions we've not seen addressed in american history before. he's basically brushed them off. he might have more ability to avoid prosecution for blowing off the january 6th committee than some others who aren't in congress would. what he's not going to be able to avoid is this inspector general investigation which this seizure seems to be related to. that is all about sort of the jeffrey clark wing of this takeover and connected to january 6th and the lead-up to the takeover -- attempt to take over for a second term by donald trump. >> that's what i was going to ask about. if he's not comply being the january 6th committee willingly, even though he's been
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subpoenaed, do investigators have reason to believe that even if they contacted his lawyer and tried to arrange a handover that they might not get access to what they needed, what they wanted, what they were looking for, that taking the cell phone is a better way to ensure that whatever is on it is retained? >> correct. a lot of these communications could have taken place in some sort of encrypted app. there's a reason that law enforcement when they're searching for something can come and be -- it's a surprise. doj and law enforcement doesn't typically say, hey, by the way, in a couple days we're going to take over your phone. get rid of anything that might be incriminating. they don't typically give individuals an opportunity to delete things. i think that's what's happening here, just standard practice to make sure he wasn't given an opportunity potentially to delete any incriminating evidence. obviously it's essential that doj gets to the bottom of this sort of insider track. that was a remarkable moment when donald trump was trying to
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use the justice department to keep a second term. it's very important to get to the bottom of that. i think having him be a key player in that connection and putting donald trump in connection with this environmental lawyer, as you said, jeffrey clark, is an essential component of this broader investigation, katy. >> ryan reilly, thank you very much. the united states accused an iranian national of plotting to assassinate former donald trump national security adviser john bolton. in charging documents unsealed this afternoon, the justice department said a member of the islamic revolutionary guard attempted to hire a person in the united states to kill john bolton for $300,000. officials say the plot was likely in retaliation for the 2020 killing of iranian major general. joining me is nbc news chief foreign affairs correspondent andrea mitchell. i know you've been working the phones and talking to folks about this today. what more can you tell us? >> this individual who has been
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charged and he's in tehran and beyond their reach, but apparently, according to an informant, working with the u.s. government, this man tried to hire the informant for $300,000 to kill john bolton, the former national security adviser who was a hard-liner on iran, deeply opposed to the iran nuclear deal, still is, and also one of the framers of the maximum pressure campaign against iran under the trump administration which, in fact, did designate the tehran government as a state sponsor of terror, a designation that the biden administration has refused to withdraw despite pressure at the nuclear negotiations, the negotiations to try to revive that nuclear deal which is a chief goal of president biden. but when tehran insisted that one of the preconditions was to remove that terror designation which has all sorts of sanctions in connection to it, of course, the u.s. has refused up until the final moments where the
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final draft does not do what tehran had wanted. now we know more about why, because according to this very complete affidavit filed by the justice department and now unsealed, last year this plot was hatched. this man met this man online, and the man turned out to be an informant for the u.s. government and was cueing the government throughout about this plot to kill john bolton and also offering a million dollars to kill another unnamed official. >> another unnamed official. at some point do we expect to find out who that is? >> we certainly would hope so. we've reached out to the iranian government. they have not responded. we're pretty sure this was in retaliation for the american assassination in january of 2020 of the killing of salman any in bagdad because the offer was made as part of this plotted to kill john bolton before the
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anniversary. the whole point was to kill him before the anniversary of soleimani's death according to this affidavit. they've got a lot of evidence here in this charging document. getting him and finding him in tehran is another whole question, of course. he's now a wanted man. they now have the predicate for going after him. >> jake sullivan, the national security adviser issued a statement after this. he said, we have said this before and we will say it again, the biden administration will not waiver in protecting and defending all americans against threats of violence and terrorism. should iran attack any of our citizens, to include those who continue to serve the united states or those who formerly served, iran will face severe consequences. the united states, though, is still trying to resurrect the iran deal. i wonder, does this complicate things? >> yes, absolutely. there was some back-channel difficulties, shall we say,
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friction between the prosecutors, the department of justice and the state department which has been trying to resurrect that deal as to the timing of this announcement, of unsealing it. in any case, it's unsealed now. any day now they're expecting a decision from iran as to whether to go along with the latest draft which has been approved by iranian, u.s. and european union negotiators in dohar, qatar last week. it's now in tehran's hands whether they want to go ahead with resurrecting the nuclear deal which even strong critics of iran and iran's terrorism, the missile construction and breaking out of the nuclear deal which, of course, the trump administration did. for a while iran stuck to it and now they've broken through all these barriers and are making a lot of progress on their nuclear program which they say, by the way, is for peaceful purposes, disputed by a lot of
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intelligence agencies. in any case, the iran nuclear deal is on the verge of being reaccepted unless, of course, this changes all of that. even people who really strongly supporting the nuclear deal, i talked to general petraeus, to a cia director earlier today, strongly support this but, of course, abhor what iran has done in terms of the assassination attempts. they still think america is safer with the nuclear deal than without it. that's mott the view of john bolton. he's dead set against it and says this is just another reason to be against it. we'll be talking about this tomorrow with him on our report at noon. >> i also saw your interview with david petraeus today. i found that to be very interesting regarding our withdrawal from afghanistan. andrea mitchell, appreciate it as always. >> katy, always good to be with you. thank you. coming up next, the issue
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that is most important to latino voters for the first time ever. we've got that poll. we'll tell you what it says. why wisconsin is now in line to be the 2022 version of florida, florida, florida. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> tech: cracked windshield? don't wait. go to ♪ ♪ you can schedule service in just a few clicks. it's so easy. and more customers today are relying on their cars advanced safety features, like automatic emergency breaking and lane departure warning. that's why our recalibration service is state of the art. we recalibrate your vehicle's camera, so you can still count on those safety features. all right, we're all finished. >> customer: thank you so much. >> tech: thank you. don't wait--schedule now. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ age is just a number.
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we are just three months until the november elections, and new polling given exclusively to nbc news suggests a seismic shift among latino voters. the poll found that abortion now ranks as one of the top five issues for latino voters for the first time ever. it also found that 60% of latino voters believe the country is on the wrong track. that number is even higher in swing states like florida and nevada. and on to the primary elections which are already under way where former president donald trump once again showed his electoral pull on the republican party. joining me from madison,
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wisconsin is nbc's shaq brewster. shaq, who won last night, and what's it mean? >> reporter: tim michaels won. what it means wit we'll be in for a big battle. the governor says he expects it to be as tight as it was four years ago when he beat scott walker by a margin of just about one percentage point. they've passed restrictions on abortion, gun laws and even passed laws trying to renew the election laws here in this state. evers saying there's going to be a lot of outside attention. the attacks are already flying. listen here. >> if he portrays himself, as i've seen him, as an outsider, that's one of the biggest jokes of this campaign.
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someone of his status with houses all across the country could say, well, i'm just one of you. >> i tell you what, tony ebers, he's failed the people of wisconsin. he's been a weak leader. we're going to make him an unessential worker come november! >> reporter: katy, the race for governor is not the only blockbuster race in this battleground state. last night barnes won the democratic nomination to go up against republican ron johnson. barnes painting himself as a candidate of the working place, someone who can bring together a strong coalition against ron johnson who is an unpopular senator in this state, who someone, both elections he's won, has gone in behind but eked out the victory. we're in for two very competitive races in wisconsin.
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>> shaq brewster, thanks so much. an inside look at new safety measures some schools are putting in place as kids head back to the classroom. ) definitely higher. (man 1) we're like yodeling high. [yodeling] yo-de-le-he... (man 2) hey, no. uh-uh, don't do that. (man 1) we should go even higher! (man 2) yeah, let's do it. (both) woah! (man 2) i'm good. (man 1) me, too. (man 2) mm-hm. (vo) adventure has a new look. (man 1) let's go lower. (man 2) lower, that sounds good. (vo) discover more in the all-new subaru outback wilderness. love. it's what makes subaru, subaru.
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kids are starting to go back to school across the country and a big question is how can those schools keep those students safe? nbc's vicky nguyen has a new look at safety measures some of those schools are putting place. >> nearly 50 million kids in the u.s. are headed back to class, and across the country, districts are approaching security differently. in indiana, jay county schools have gun safes on each campus where trained staff have access with just a thumb print. clinton public schools in mississippi added a fourth police officer, and in las vegas, el dorado high school is set for a $26 million security upgrade with cameras, single-point entry and perimeter fencing. i'm here at white plains high school in new york for an exclusive look at their campus security system and with me is john la plaqua, he's a consultant that works with schools across the nation. let's talk about security. what is the first thing that you will notice. >> we'll have a single locked
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point of entry to visitors. if they want to gain entry the first step is buzz in the intercom system which will be answered by security inside. >> i'm la plaqua and they've buzzed us into the vestibule. >> we're stoppeded by a second set of doors where secure scans the driver license to scan against the sex offender registry or local banned persons list. >> wharth security measures are in place here. you'll see cameras and it will give law enforcement the ability to an emergency situation to look at the cameras. >> what about the classrooms themselves? >> we have electronic locks which will automatically lock in an emergency situation, some of the best investments that cost nothing at all. >> low-cost signs that help provide provide 911 with their location and help first responders outside find them. we took part in an actual lockdown drill where teachers served as students and assistants guided the tll serves
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as a trespasser on campus. i'm in the classroom with teacher daniel furry who shows us what happens when someone triggers an alarm. >> i'm going to activate the call. [ siren ] >> get to the safe zones. >> you instruct your students to go back into the safe zone. >> lockdown. lock the doors. stay away from the windows. >> across campus, the alert can be seen and heard. it is quickly scanning for nearby students before securing the room. >> you go outside to make sure there are no students in the hallway or you grab them to get into the safe zone. >> come in, come in get into the safe zone in the corner there. lockdown. go in the room. >> in an actual lockdown only law enforcement can enter the building. today school resource officers from white plains p.d. enter through a back door closest to our trespasser. >> when you close that door, mr. furry, does it lock
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automatically? >> it locks automatically. >> police did not want to reveal their tactical response, but told us the priority is to go straight to the trespasser and confront the security risk. >> white plains police. can you tell us why you're in the building? >> inside, everyone remains in lockdown and only police can unlock the doors and let them out. >> as you stand here in the corner what kind of goes through your mind. >> in thinking about the students and knowing how they're feeling and how important it is to reassure them that when they're here they're safe, that we have systems for them to ensure their safety and comfort and then reassuring them outdoors. >> white police police chief says his department holds multiple training drills like this every year. these are decisions officers have to make in a split second. how important is training to that muscle memory? >> the more we do it, the more we will react in a crisis situation or in a high-stress situation. the time to train is not the time when the crisis is going on. >> the chief says everyone in the community can make the difference. >> see something?
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say something. >> we want to help anybody who may be in distress. >> the justice department joe rickas says planning is the first level to keep any campus safe. >> at the core of any strong security plan is always going to be the training, training, training. >> that's going to do it for me today. "deadline: white house" is back after a quick break. hite house" after a quick break. finding the perfect developer isn't easy. but, at upwork, we found her. she's in prague between the ideal cup of coffee
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♪♪ hello. hi. namaste, everyone. i'm 4:00 p.m. in new york city in for nicole wallace. we still don't know about donald trump's mar-a-lago estate, but we do know a heck of a lot more than we did yesterday thanks to fabulous new reporting from tremendous journalists and it comes with a time line of events that have been going on behind the scenes in trump world and the doj for months. trump attorney christina bob confirming to nbc news that the former president's legal team was in discussions with the department of justice as recently as june about records stored at mar-a-lago. remember, many months prior back in january, national archives official flew down to florida and retrieved 15 boxes of documents and gifts. keep in in mind. 15 boxes. it didn't end there, listen to this from "the washington post," two people
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