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tv   Ayman  MSNBC  August 20, 2022 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT

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with us. i will see you all next week. i am very lucky to be in this seat. that was pretty spectacular. see you monday. ♪ ♪ ♪ -- how liz cheney's demise embodies the degradation of the gop. plus the lawsuit that michael fox to stop spreading its lies and is mehmet oz the most out of touch senate candidate this elect cycle, and there are a lot of them. i am ayman mohyeldin, let's get started. what a difference two years makes, that is the lesson wyoming congresswoman liz cheney learned the hard way this week once the highest ranking woman in the party, cheney just lost her primary election in a landslide to a
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trump backed challenger. here is a part of her concession speech. >> two years ago, i won the primary by 73% of the vote, i could easily have done the same again, the path is clear, but it would require that would go along with president trump's lie about the 2020 election. it would require that enabled the ongoing effort to a rival democratic system and attacked the foundation of our republic. that was a path i could not and would not take. liz cheney's demise is not unique here. of the ten house republicans that voted to impeach trump this year, only two will be on the ballot come november, the other eight have either chosen to retire or were knocked out of the primaries, like cheney
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-- the gop is losing what little moral compass has left. . i want to know that liz cheney is a hard-core conservative, there is nothing moderate about her. she and a handful of republicans have set themselves apart when they stand on the side of democracy and against donald trump. we can disagree on the issue, even vehemently, but we should be able to agree on the need to protect our democracy. and that is not the case with the republican party anymore. without the sensible republicans in congress, there will almost be no internal checks on the party's far-right authoritarian impulses. we see that time and time again. take a look at the possible incoming gop class. 2020 election deniers make up the majority, yes, the majority of republican candidates in key battleground states. the small bit of good news here,
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these candidates still had win general elections, and some of them, included noted crudités fan and senate candidate mehmet oz, a are significantly behind in public pullen. that bleak reality has caused mcconnell to lower his expectations for a possible red wave in the senate. >> i think there is a greater likelihood that the house flips then the senate. senate races are just a different. they are statewide. candidate quality has a lot to do with the outcome. >> but that's the scary part. republicans are still favored to take back the house. despite their authoritarian tendencies, despite the purging of sensible party members, despite their embrace of a corrupt, potentially criminal ex president, so how are house democrats going to fight back
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against this existential threat and these extremists? let's discuss this with and more with democratic congressman mondaire jones of new york. congressman, good to see you, thank you for coming back on the show. let me first get your reaction to what is going on inside the republican party. does america need a healthy two party system? can a healthy republican party exist when it is still in the grips of the former president and his election lies? >> ayman, it's good to be with you. i'd be fine with just the democratic party in the country, so long as the modern-day republican party is a party of fascism. we are seeing a purge within the republican party. we are seeing a purge of people who, as you noted, are conservative democrats but at the political courage to say what happened on january six is wrong and that donald trump bears tremendous responsibility for it. liz cheney herself even voted against the john lewis voting rights act. what more do you want for the
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woman? this is true not just of her but a peter meijer of course in michigan and so many others as you noted. these are horrifying times. our democracy is facing its greatest threats since at least the jim crow era, and i believe that democrats have to be messaging around this heading into november because everything is on the line. >> let me ask you about the democratic party here, and we should note, that they have had a hand in some cases in promoting some of the far-right challenges out of the primaries, pouring hundreds of thousands of dollars in republican primaries. earlier this month, congressman peter meijer, one of the house republicans voted to impeach trump, narrowly lost his primary race. his colleague congressman, adam kinzinger, blamed democrats for that loss. do you support this kind of strategy, or if even one of the extreme candidates get elected, would not have been worth the risk? >> i don't know what kind of data the have that may be
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motivating the strategy, but i have to tell you, i am very uncomfortable. i know that democratic voters are very uncomfortable. i speak with him all the time. people have a right to be concerned over the fact that far-right extremists are winning republican primaries with the assistance of independent expenditures by the dccc, the political arm of house democrats and maybe on the verge of going to congress, obviously, unwittingly, but that is the risk. i don't know that the cost-benefit analysis ends up in the direction of the strategy of supporting the strategy. >> i know that this is something that you have talked about a lot, and that is the future of our country as a democracy. i noted a moment ago that election deniers not make up the majority of republican nominations for state and federal offices with authority over elections in key loop
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battleground states. what does that say about the fate of our american democracy, when he had the majority of election deniers flying for these offices? >> it is in peril. in addition to the voter suppression that we have been trying to respond to as democrats in congress, and i say this is somebody who coauthored the freedom to vote john lewis act, which would do precisely that, we have been dealing with this new phenomenon of election subversion where candidates on the republican side are promising not to certify free and fair elections who's ideological outcomes they disagree with. this is really scary because democracy depends on free and fair elections. you know that this were happening in any of the country, republicans and democrats would be up an arms. why is it that only democrats are concerned over this. the answer is this, the modern-day republican party knows that the only way that it can continue to win elections is through voter disenfranchisement and election subversion, which we are seeing now.
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>> let me ask you about that for a moment, about the election subversion. when you entered congress two years ago, voting rights were at the top democrat agenda. it is still an existential threat to our country. here we are, entering another election cycle without any additional federal voting protections. how do you think this congress, this administration has done to protect free and fair elections? is the party doing enough? >> i think house democrats are sure they doing enough. we passed any number of significant voting rights and other democracy reform legislation. i have had a hand in those bills. but you know that the freedom to vote john lewis act passed in the house in january of this year and was filibustered in the senate like some scene out of the civil rights movement. i don't bet on republicans doing anything to help save our democracy, not even the people who are celebrated, unfortunately, on the republican side by the
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democrats these days. but, we should have had kristen sinema and joe manchin say, we should at least be making an exception to the filibuster for purposes of saving our democracy and protecting the fundamental right to vote. we did not have them on board. it is why i'm excited about candidates like john fetterman and mandela barnes, in pennsylvania and wisconsin respectively, tim ryan and ohio, sherry bisbee and -- my great colleague in the judiciary committee running against marco rubio. the last poll i saw said it is tied up. we have a real chance of not just keep our majority in senate but to grow up majority. the bigger hurdle will be keeping the house, and we have to make sure we do that through messaging effectively and continuing to deliver for the american people. >> congressman, before we go, i wanted to ask you a question about new york. you represent new york, which has become one of the epicenters of the monkeypox outbreak. the biden administration
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somewhat criticize for the slow response. how do you think the administration is handling the public health issue? >> i think they are doing better than they started. i say this as somebody who led 47 of my colleagues in a letter to the administration calling on it to declare a public health emergency as well as to appoint an agency coordinator at the federal level to coordinate the federal response. the president has since done both of those things, which i am appreciative of. we know that new york city, as we mentioned, is the epicenter of the monkeypox crisis. it is particularly affecting the lgbtq+ community but is not exclusively affecting that community. we have to have equity as part of our response. especially in queer communities of color, but here's the thing, we also have to domestically produced this vaccine. we should not be relying on the shipment of this vaccine from denmark. we can do this domestically. even at the president has to invoke the defense production act, which i have called on to
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do with a number of my colleagues. >> congressman mondaire jones, always a pleasure, thank you for coming back on the show. >> thank you so much for having me. >> coming up, is president biden going to continue to pause on federal student loan payments? we will ask that and more. but first, richard louis is here the headlines. hey, richard. >> here are some of the stories we are watching for you. international leaders are sounding the alarms over a possible nuclear catastrophe near a power station and the annexed crimea peninsula. fighting and shelling continues between russia and ukraine in the area today. both sides have accused each other a planning attacks on the plant and then blaming the other side. at least 20 people are dead and dozens more hurt after a gunmen stormed a hotel in somalia's capital. a militant group which shares links to al-qaeda claimed responsibility for that attack. authorities say that the gunmen are still holding hostages inside the hotel. and wendy's is pulling let isis from sandwiches in locations in michigan, ohio, pennsylvania and indiana because of a
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suspected e. coli apart. nearly 40 people have fallen ill, but officials are still working to determine the source of that report. more ayman weight ayman mohyeldin after the break. ♪ (customer) save yourself?! money with farmers. (burke) that's not wrong. when you bundle your home and auto policies with farmers, you save yourself up to twenty percent. (customer) that's something. (burke) get a whole lot of something with farmers. kinda creepy. ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪♪ voltaren. the joy of movement. ♪♪ i brought in ensure max protein with 30 grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. uhh...
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the freeze on federal student loan payments is set and. the phase of 40 million americans borrowers are hanging in the balance as they wait to hear something. anything from the biden administration as to whether the freeze will actually continue. if the freeze ends, many americans might not have time to prepare. a student loan hero service for march found that nearly three quarters of student loan borrowers found that they weren't financially prepared to resume their payments. so why is the administration taking so long to make this decision? more importantly, what will that decision be? my saturday night panel joins me now erin haines editor at large with the 19th, msnbc political contributor, adrian elrod, democratic strategist and former senior aide to the biden harris campaign. it's great to have both of you
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with us. errin, i'd like to start with you. is it inevitable that biden will extend the freeze, and if so why is he taking so long to make this announcement? >> well, good evening ayman, good to be with you. i want to start by saying the political states do not matter to the people that have student loan debts, there are people who did vote for biden hoping that he would address this issue, it's something that he talked about when he was campaigning and it could be a factor heading into november, if and when president biden runs for reelection. this is because we know that the pandemic has only exacerbated an already strange situation. while this administration has taken some steps to cancel student loan debts they paused student loan debts particularly for people defrauded by the for-profit institute, there are still people looking to the administration for answer, and for holistic solutions to this issue. it has stalled in part because politicians are divided on whether to cancel student loan debts, but a majority of
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americans are not divided. they favor at least some relief and let me also add, ayman, we know the student loan debt burden is gendered because women are more likely then went to go to college to get an advanced degree into graduated with student loan debt even as they earn less. we wrote about that in the 19th, hearing from women about the burden that this is having on their lives and what this would mean to them if this was something that could eventually happen. >> adrian, how damaging to the democrats would be for the biden administration to restart student loan payments just ahead of the midterms. there is a political calculation, this is always something that is important to a certain part of the democratic base perhaps the most progressive base, but nonetheless, when you're this close to the mid term could it have an adverse, medical political consequence. >> look, eamonn, aaron is right, this is something that younger voters it's a huge party for them because they are coming
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out of college, settled with unimaginable amount of death, that they certainly cannot pay off or will pay ever over large astronomical amount of time. the challenge is not necessarily how we're going to address this, what decision are we going to make, but what can he do within the executive office of the president? you know, they are still looking at whether or not he can do something by executive order. unfortunately, we do know that the votes in congress are not there, which does leave the burden on the president. they are looking at what can he actually do within the power of the presidency to make this impact? the bottom line is that this is an issue that affects voters, especially younger voters, it's something that we talked a lot about on the campaign trail, the president talked about, i'm confident that he will do everything in his power to address student loan debt. i mean, we don't necessarily believe that ivanka and jarred trump's kids should be able to go to college for free, or should not be able to have that loan forgiveness, but there's a second of middle class voters,
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middle class families, and most importantly as aaron mentioned, if younger voters and voters of color, women, who are settled with debt disproportionally to other constituencies, that's what we have to address, that's with the administration is working on and i know that if the president had every power at his disposal that he would probably be able to do something about it, we will see what he can do in the executive office of the president. >> let's shift from a freeze on payments to forgiving some loans. there was an npr ipsos poll from june that found 55% of the general public support for giving up to $10,000 of a person's federal student loan debt. do you think that would be enough? >> well, i mean, obviously i think for folks that are dealing with this issue something is better than nothing, right? but these are the kinds of calculations that the administration is trying to
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understand whether they should forgive student loan debt up to $10, 000, $50,000 or in total. and the idea going after those for profit institutions that we know where predatory, and purposely targeting the folks who were trying to use higher education as it means to better their lives, was an area that felt like a no-brainer for the administration to go ahead and address those votes and the burden that they had first. but i think with these pauses that we have seen during the pandemic, what we know is that even temporarily relief has made a difference in peoples lives. we've talked to people at the 19th who have been impacted by these suit alone debts positives and they are seeing on a daily basis what that means for them to not have to pay that money to be able to use it for other things. i think the statistic that you showed earlier just so many people not being in a position right now to resume student
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loan payments should the president, should the administration not decide to go ahead and extend our pause yet again, those people are going to find themselves in a real bind because they are not in a position to resume paying now and they have definitely noticed what it means for them to not have to pay, for those several times, the student loan relief has been extended. >> adrienne, this week the education department scam sold four billion dollars in student that for more than 200,000 borrowers. this that was for students who attended the it t technical institute, if the administration is open to this kind of forgiveness, why do you think it has been resistant to forgiveness more broadly? >> again, ayman, i think it's because it's not as easy as it looks on paper perhaps. a again this is something that congress has not been able to deal with because the votes aren't there.
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the burden has been and continues to be on the executive branch, this is something that president biden has been able to stall those payments as errin mentioned, but to forgive all student loans or forgive a good chunk of student loan debt that is a much more complex decision and that's a decision that is not necessarily, a lot of legal scholars don't believe that the executive branch can make that decision unilaterally. that's with the administration is grappling at. we all universally agree, certainly democratic party and probably some republicans to, agree that the cost of college has gotten out of control, so it's less about that, it's more about how do we make this more equitable across the board, not just with people of color but gender, this does disproportionately affect women because men tend to get better jobs, higher paying jobs, they can pay off their debt sooner rather than the women can. so it's more about how do we address this problem, had we
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also do it from the administration where it is not going to be legally challenged, it's not going to be an ongoing battle where, okay, we forgive the loan debt college loans, for like a year, but because it was challenged in the courts we now have to go back to the policies that we had in place before. i think that's with the administration continues to grapple with. >> all right adrienne and errin, stick with us, we have a lot more to discuss after the break. the lawsuit that could stop fox's constant lies. that is next.
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man 1: have you noticed the world is on fire? record heat waves? does that worry you? well, it should. because this climate thing is your problem. man 2: 40 years ago, when our own scientists at big oil predicted that burning fossil fuels could lead to catastrophic effects, we spent billions to sweep it under the rug. man 3: so we're going to be fine. but you might want to start a compost pile, turn down the ac. you got a lot of work to do because your kids are going to need it. fox is used to pushing lies
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without any accountability, but that is finally started to change the new york times reports that dominion voting systems 1. 6 billion dollar definition lawsuit against fox is inching closer to trial and fox corporation owners reaper and loughlin murdoch are going to suffer depositions as soon as this month. this lawsuits names lou dobbs,
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the read out barlow and jeanine pirro fertilize in the wake of the 2020 election. here is what they said back then. >> this election, a lot of strange things happened, and many of them are highly suspicious. for example, the minion software. >> they have businesses in venezuela, caracas. they have businesses in cuba, and there are also links to china. >> you have a company called dominion, which they say call started in venezuela with cuban money and with the smart semantic software, a backdoor skipped fall of flipping votes. these are serious allegations. >> but when legal actions seem imminent, the host buttercup, running prerecorded segments de bunking their own allies. it is a pathetic attempt to cover themselves, because that is exactly what it was. fellow far-right network
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newsmax and one america news also walked back their lies when faced with similar lawsuits. look, these networks love to spill lies, not news, but one legal liability hits them, we finally see who they really are. errin haines and adrienne elrod is back with me. we are also likely to have joyce white vance, msnbc legal analysts, to join the conversation. joyce, i'll start with you. how monumental will this case be for the first amendment? >> defamation lawsuits are powerful tools, and it is unusual to see one deployed and the precise way because the facts are so very one-sided in this situation. one suspects that there would be a lot of pressure on the fox defendant to settle the case shore of trial, although a settlement could be painful going to trial, almost guarantees a broader exposure of these sorts of really kraken lawyer fever dreams that are
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being spread here. in terms of the first amendment, this is a way of getting into the marketplace of free speech and drawing lines that make very clear just how serious are prohibitions against defamation of people continue to be in law, one of the most really eclectic and very fitting elements of this is the plaintiffs are entitled to get some form of truth telling from defendants in the same form where lies were told. as you indicated, there are beginning efforts in that area, only gets worse as the case goes to trial. >> i wanted to ask you about that really quickly, which is i know we think of news organizations having -- and i don't consider fox news organization. they certainly have the moral obligation to at least tell the facts or to talk about the news and a factual way.
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it's not a crime to lie, is it? >> this is a very interesting slice of that sort of behavior. it is not talking about criminality. it's simply says in the language of the law that you committed a civil towards me, dominion, that he defamed my business, that you totalize and in many ways, impacted by ability to earn a living, or you impacted my profits and bottom line. so, i am entitled to compensations from you. the lawsuit proceeds very much in that vein along that civil liability track that punishes people, who intentionally or with gross negligence fly above people and the sorts of civil settings. >> errin, i mentioned a fox has a moral obligation to tell the truth. they certainly do not do that. talk to me about the dangers of
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the disinformation and disinformation machine and what that does to the overall erosion of our democracy. >> for fox news viewers, fox news is there just source of information if not news. that is where they are going to get information. if that information is inaccurate, what are the consequences of that for our electorate and our society? that is a question that will be exploring in the court of public opinion, as the case goes on if not in an actual court of law with the civil liability trial. as joy said, this is about the harm that was done to dominion but also, this case is raising questions about what's the harm done to our society and democracy is, when you have this kind of misinformation being put out there under the guise of simply covering politics. so much of this year has really been about getting to the truth
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in public about the big lie, right? whether we talk about the january six committee hearings where these ongoing investigations in places like georgia and now on trial and criminal and civil court. >> adrian, to aaron's point, you can draw a straight line. we know for a fact, and you can certainly make the case, that the lies that were amplified by the network, they served as the basis of the belief system that led to january 6th attack. they did not start the big lie but they did not stop it, they did not the bunk it, they knew it was false. is it too much to ask that these house have a bit of remorse? >> it is certainly not too much to ask, ayman. look, you have done some amazing coverage of the people who were impacted and became transfixed by donald trump and became part of the january six
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movement. you know better than anyone how this phenomenon is taking shape. but look, here is the bottom line, we all know this. fox news is essentially an extension of the maga wing other publican party, and republican voters knows, the republican party knows that they're losing voters by the day. they are basically becoming the party of all white men, essentially. the only way to win the elections, the only way they can possibly win in 2024 estate disenfranchise voters, especially voters of colors and to support fraud and the electoral process. and to try to work the actual democratic system that we use to handle our elections. this is why fox news link so hard into trying to find every nook and cranny we can to try to insinuate that donald trump actually won the 2020 election, and we will go as far as to insinuate that a voting machine was made and venezuela or whatever these terms are that they are using, these fraudulent claims. and good for dominion for coming forward, following the
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lawsuit, taking it all the way to the bank because the bottom line is, if we don't have this kind of case as a landmark decision, more and more of this will happen in 2024. we had to do whatever we can now, and that includes private sector businesses that have been fraudulently impacted by false claims on fox news. they have to go forward and take this all the way to court. you can't settle. you had to prove that fox news and somebody's outlier fringe networks cannot use their bully pulpit to try to subvert democracy by blaming it on somebody machine. it's crazy. >> joyce, talk to me about what adrienne brought up, which is the legal threshold that dominion has to establish within the court, if they do in fact push this all the way to trial. what is the legal threshold? how does that trial proceed?
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>> these sorts of cases are not on entirely uncommon. this is what i would call a business libel or defamation case. pipe companies bring this towards competitors who maybe denigrate their pipes. what is so unusual here is the fact that the defendant is obviously a major network station. that does not really alter the proof very much. defamation cases where the plaintiff is a public figure, then there is a much heightened standard for proof, but here would dominion needs to establish is that there were some false statements made about their business that they actually reached out to fox and to the defendants, and they asked them to take it back and they failed to do so. that is the prerequisite to to bring this sort of a lawsuit. that means a trial, so it's a proof that they have to offer is that the statements were false, perhaps that they were knowingly false. that certainly amped up the proof and then talk about the damage that was done to them.
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these are cases that typically don't go to trial. every once and a while, one well though. i've recall that pat robertson was involved in a libel case saying that he had been defamed by the washington post and others and his case which is slated to go to trial on tuesday, when he was running on a candidate as president, ultimately settled because he said he could not be involved in a political run and a lawsuit at the same time. these are endorsing matters when there are political and this one will certainly be very carefully watched. >> indeed, it will be. panel, stick around, we have a lot more to discuss. after the break, is mehmet oz the were senate candidate this election cycle? it will be interesting to see with the panel says about that. don't go anywhere. new astepro allergy. now available without a prescription. astepro is the first and only 24-hour steroid free spray. while other allergy sprays take hours astepro starts working in 30 minutes.
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bad week is really understanding the situation. the republican nominee in this pennsylvanian senate race was asked this week how many houses he owns. oz says that he owns two, but he was off. he was off by eight in fact, the daily beast found oz unspent different properties, including two mentions, three
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condos, pieces of residential property in turkey and even a cattle farm in florida. at the same time, video resurfaced of us at a supermarket complaining of the cost of crudités and blaming none other than president biden for it. the complaint was marie antoinette level of out of touch because, quite honestly, we will get into that in a second. it definitely helped his opponent, lieutenant government john fetterman, who raised more than 1 million dollars. these gaffes are laughable, but having real world results. the political report just change at the rating on the pennsylvania senate race. they are not giving john fetterman an edge for the first time in this election cycle. let's bring back our saturday night panel. errin, your thoughts on mehmet oz forgetting that he owns eight properties. he said to, it turns out he has a stake in ten. >> yeah, as somebody who owns neither ten homes nor ten properties, i think i would
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probably remember if that were the case for me. look, you do have john fetterman currently leading polling in the race, but we still have 80 days to go until election day. anything can happen. i just want to point out. honestly, how is the discovery of things like doctor oz is ten homes or his clear and ability to grocery shop when the prices right and august. he will play with voters 80 days from now. obviously, fetterman has been able to bring money off of this oh my gosh, look at you running all of the homes. i can't. [laughs] but are we going to continue to see these kinds of unforced errors from the campaign? what are voters going to say? that is the ultimate measure of this? not just whether or not this will be a punchline on the campaign trail right now. but whether or not this is a deal breaker for voters is a real issue.
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>> joyce, you have refined and sophisticated taste, have you ever referred to a veggie tray as crudités. what is your take on that? >> i am preparing a vegetable plate detective friends house for dinner to monitor. i think just for fun, i will label a crudités in big old letters. but the issue that the highlights is whether or not dr. us it can be vulnerable to voters. he has committed so many missteps on the campaign trail. it is like he keeps handing the government campaign their advertising ideas. i am sure every night they thank him for the gift of the day for the fundraising lifts that he's getting. that he's getting. the crudités gaffe is really a i think, a highlight, or perhaps a low light for the awes campaign. it simply points out how out of touch he is with the people that he will be asking to vote for him, and when this campaign comes to a close, those sorts of images on repeat, really just running over and over on
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television and advertising in the closing days of this campaign may turn voters off to the point where they just don't go to the polls. >> to that point, adrian, how big is it that the racism up from a toss-up to leaning democratic because you look at some of the comments of mitch mcconnell, saying, a quality matters. equality has definitely been effective, when you survey some of the candidates out there between herschel walker, mehmet, oz j.d. vance, even ron johnson in wisconsin with all the gas he has had over the years. how significant is this shift? >> yeah, first of all ayman, joyce, -- aaron and i are off in the south. we call crudités trays -- good for mehmet oz east coast the definition of a veggie tray. this is the recruiting class that the republican party has put together this cycle.
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it's abysmal at best. whoever did decide that the six or seven top tier senate republican candidates should be the nominees, from the rnc or the and our s c, or whatever entity, help them recruit mitch mcconnell, should be fired. they are abysmal candidates. you look at somebody like dr. oz, he does not seem to know what campaign one-on-one is, which is, you've got to be authentic to yourself. oz is a very wealthy television doctor, who made a lot of money off of people watch them on tv for a number of years. he cannot go out there and say, oh, i only have two houses and not expect us to believe -- that or not expect that an opposition researcher or opposition researcher will dig through that, and -- that you are lying. he also can't walk to a grocery store and pretend that he understands the cost of food, and he's an every man of the people, who is alarmed at the cost of broccoli, or alarmed at the cost of a crudités tray.
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so, you've got to be authentic to yourself and that's why i want to give all the props to the democrats in some of these races -- mark kelly is very authentic to who he is. he will defy the administration, the administration [inaudible] between these two, i will side with republicans between these two. same with tim ryan. he's a man of the people. you look at someone like john fetterman and tim ryan, they are both working class democrats who appeal to that mass working class voter. those are the kinds of democrats we need to continue to run. and they also have high name i.d. and they have been elected in the state multiple times. that also is the state multiple times. but the recruitment classes pretty -- this year and that is certainly helping us as a boost, going into that in the midterms. >> but i find so far about this, as well, really quickly, is that trump is somebody who gave people like mehmet oz a playbook. he is a reality star, he is super wealthy, and he sold that aspirational part of who trump was to his base, to say, look,
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you can be like me, or if you want to be like me, this is how you do it. i am surprised that mehmet oz has not learned that error, from trump, given that he is a trump acolyte, given that he is someone who worships at the trump alter. and how it seems that trump is having second thoughts on oz after endorsing. when you have rolling stone reporting that trump thinks oz will, effing lose. this is part of a terrible trend of terrible senate gop candidates, don't you think? >> well, look -- the bottom line is, the former president has had pretty good success getting his endorsed candidates through primary season. something like 85% of the candidate he endorsed now find themselves on the ballot for the general election. again, like i said, 80 days to go, so you have got somebody like a herschel walker, down in georgia saying, hold my beer. and you have carrie -- down in arizona, saying -- this is still anybody's game. but i think to adrienne elrod's point, democrats are really
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making the case against electing republicans that they say are not fit to serve and have perpetuated the big lie, two years after the former president was defeated in 2020. but also, this is beyond just emptying election deniers. this is what democrats are saying, is this really somebody that you want representing you? representing your state in congress on the national stage with foreign leaders? because that is really the role that these folks would have, should they be elected to office. >> not to disagree with you, but i am going to go with herschel walker as the worst candidate in this gop field. and i say that as somebody who lives in georgia and we'll be making that vote come november. erin haines, adrienne elrod, joyce white vance, we'll appreciate you joining us this evening. up next, on desantis loses in court. we will tell you more about that. abou that our insoles are designed with unique massaging gel waves, for all-day comfort and energy.
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hit a roadblock this week in his quest to be the gop culture working chief district judge marc walker temporary blocked parts at the states stop woke act, which bans related discussions that critical race theory in schools and businesses. in his ruling, judge walker slammed the law as bordering on unintelligible, including that if i've it's free speech protections under the first amendment and due process clause of the 14th amendment. the judge even tapped into his inner netflix fandom writing, quote, in the public television series stranger things, the upside down describes parallel dimension containing it distorted version of our world. recently, florida has seemed like a first amendment upside down. judge walker's ruling was in
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response to a lawsuit brought by a group of businesses claimed the law violated their civil rights. a legal fight on the educational side of the law is still undecided, and while the block is only temporary and desantis is expected to appeal, we want to celebrate this judicial victory, however briefly might be and all efforts to stop unhinged toxic legislation coming from the likes of ron desantis. thank you for making time for us this evening. come back tomorrow night at 9 pm eastern. i'll be speaking with democratic congressman tom about his recent trip to don taiwan, the threat of china and the republican attacks on law enforcement following the fbi search of trump's home. until we meet again, i am ayman mohyeldin live in new york. goodnight. right now, for a limited time, wayfair cardholders get 10% back, in rewards on wayfair purchases. which means everything home... is bringin' home rewards. so make the new fridge make you cold hard rewards. and let the couch buy the cushions! but act fast. our best offer ever ends august 22nd!
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