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tv   Alex Wagner Tonight  MSNBC  September 6, 2022 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT

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clemency for anyone prosecuted under it. if timothy michaels comes in, this is the law of the state. for the future freedom of wisconsin and democracy of america, it is absolutely critical. go to -- >> the gerrymandering stuff is bonkers, truly ex essentially -- ben wikler, thank you. that is all for this news tonight. alex wagner tonight starts right now. >> there is a lot of bunkers out there right now, thank you as always. thank you for being with us this evening, this breaking news evening. it was three weeks ago when and washington post published this bombshell piece. it is hard to forget airport with a total like this, quote, fbi searched trump's home to look for nuclear documents and other items, sources say. the post reported that fbi agents were concerned that classified documents relating to nuclear weapons could be found at trump's beach club down in florida. to which the former president quickly and vehemently told the world, quote, nuclear weapons
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issued is a hoax, just like russia, russia, russia was a hoax. impeachments were a hoax, the mueller investigation was a hoax, and much more. same sleazy people involved. in the days after, trump kept bringing up the washington post report again and again. on august 26 affidavit every redacted, nothing mentioned on nuclear. a few days later, quote, whatever happened to nuclear? a word leaked early on by fbi doj to the fake news media. something about that whole nuclear thing really hurt donald trump. i got under his skin. but besides trump's outbursts, four days after that reporting, we heard nothing about the washington post reporting on those nuclear secrets, no other news outlet confirmed the post alarming reporting. but then a week ago, a week ago tonight, the justice department revealed in a court filing in an unsealed subpoena from may
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that the documents and the doj was looking for documents at mar-a-lago, once that included a classification called, formerly restricted data. that's a definition that concerns nuclear weapons. now, tonight, the intrepid reporters at the washington post are at it again. headline, material on foreign nations nuclear capabilities seized at trump's mar-a-lago. here is the lead, court, a document describing a foreign governors military defenses, including its nuclear capabilities, was found by fbi agents who searched former president donald trump's mar-a-lago residents a private club last month, underscoring concerns among u.s. intelligence officials about classified material stashed in the florida property. some of the seized documents detail top secret documents, so closely guarded, the man's secret national security officials are kept in the dark about them. only the president, some members of his cabinet or in your cabinet level official could authorize other
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government officials to know details of the special access program. records that deal with such programs are kept under lock and key almost always in a secure compartmented information facility, a skiff, with a designated control officer to keep careful taps on the location. such documents were stored at mar-a-lago, with uncertain security, more than 18 months after donald trump left the white house. it was in this last batch of government secrets that information about a foreign governance nuclear readiness was found. >> what is it that donald trump said about nothing mentioning nuclear, nothing mentioning nuclear? joining us now is carol leonnig, pulitzer prize national investigative reporter for the national post and wanted to buy lines on this blockbuster reporting tonight. you have answered the president's calls, kara, definitively. indeed, it does seem like nuclear secrets were found at mar-a-lago.
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can you walk us through the whole process? we knew a myth that the department of justice maybe was looking for this kind of material in their subpoena to the grand jury. what has happened since? >> great question, alex. because of my great colleague devlin barrett who i called on the story with, the public learned in may that the department of justice was seeking also took classified records at barr legault, but they included records that are particularly sensitive that involve nuclear capabilities are really what you will consider a foreign government or the u.s. government ability to wage nuclear war. where are they on that continuum? are they seeking nuclear ingredients, recipes, equipment, do they have the capacity that we are worried about? are they a true nuclear rival? these are all records and materials that are covered by
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the classification that the department of justice sought in its may subpoena for records at the former presidents part-time residence and golf club, i'm sorry, resort club, so we know that's what happened, they were looking for it but i also learned along my colleague that when they made the subpoena, they were kind of throwing the kitchen sink, concerned about anything with these kinds of classification records, anything with these markings that was stuff that needed to be under lock and key. now we know that while they were seeking some of the material, lo and behold, they found some. we don't know how much, we don't know which foreign government is involved, we have some theories, but we published what we can't establish with great certainty, and that is that among the rapper records seized, there were details so classified, so concerning, that it was covered by this classification material that relates to a foreign government
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nuclear capacity. >> i think it bears mentioning, the degree to which the doj really had to have this material down, right? trump had several bites of the apple, if you will, in terms of returning these papers that belong to the government back to the government. he had all of 2021, he had january when he sent over the first couple of boxes. he had a chance in june when the doj came down to mar-a-lago, and yet these nuclear secrets, so ultra classified, that you have to look at them in a secure department facility, he did not return those any of the times previous, and in fact, they were not discovered, it sounds like until the doj got that search warrant to go inside mar-a-lago. is that material to the investigation the fact that this is not seeded willingly back to the government? >> it's huge. it's why in the search warrant, which was executed august 8th, when they seized these records
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and began looking for them, it's huge that before that happened, two months before that search and that search warrant, the government was asking for these records and was told, we've done a search, the trump team set june 3rd, we looked at everything, after a diligence urge, there is no more classified material down here. well, who told trump's lawyers these are the boxes to look in? here, you can see all my records, or how diligence was that search because it did not take the government more than about 8 to 9 hours on site to get this trove of hundreds and hundreds of documents. i will also add one of the things that i think is important, alex, about what we learned in the last couple of hours that is in the story by devlin myself, and that is that one of the biggest alarm bells that begins ringing in investigator years after the august 8th search is that some
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of the records are records that they cannot look at. they don't have the classification, and that includes some of the senior most national security officials in the country. there are in some instances for the special access programs, and i am not speaking specifically of records seized at mar-a-lago, but the category of special access program, super, super secret, as few as a dozen people can be read into the programs. the president or a cabinet level official, someone near to a cabinet official, as to approve someone being read into review the records. again, keep in mind, the alarm bells that we are hearing about from multiple sources, on august 8th, when they start looking at these records is, oh my goodness, i'm not supposed to look at this. now, that is bizarre world, when you think about the fact that they were just in a storage room or in the former president's office or residence,
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-- not only should these things be under lock and key in scif, they should not be accessible to anyone who lives, works or briefs at mar-a-lago. there is no one there that has read into the programs that top national security officials already into. >> yeah, they were effectively being stored in like the basement of an event venue, and the big security was the fact that there was only one key to the closet. it is staggering when you think about and contextualize the level of security afforded this kind of information traditionally, with the information is housed where it's supposed to be. do you know, caro, how the doj officials who did not actually have the security clearance to rediscover eventually got that clearance? how did they actually discover all this that they were not supposed to be looking at it? >> i have to tell you, the sources that we have have not provided that information about the senior most officials, and
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the process by which they looked at this material. but i would guess, a big guess, that somebody had to be deputize and multiple people had to be authorized and were given the need to know authorization and read into the special access programs so that they could review the documents, as part of an ongoing and increasingly more alarming criminal investigation. >> carol leonnig, washington post national investigative reporter, bombshell reporting that will have repercussions i am sure. we will hear from some point about the former president about these nuclear secrets that were reportedly housed at his beaches in mar-a-lago. thank you, carol, for making the time to be here on this busy evening. >> of course. >> joining us now is someone uniquely qualified to speak to this latest reporting, former cia director, john brennan. director brennan, thank you so much for joining us, particularly on short notice with the buccaneers. let me first get right into it. what was your reaction when you
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read the headline that there were nuclear secrets being housed down at mar-a-lago, that the former president was loathe to give up and appeared to have lied about even when in possession of? >> it's hard to be surprised by anything we learned that donald trump my app done. still, it's quite shocking. i don't know about the documents, but based on karen's the script in, it does sound as though these are documents that are part of special access programs. these are documents that are the most highly sensitive and highly restrictive for the new u.s. government. some of these programs still specifically with nuclear capabilities, whether it's our own, the nuclear capabilities of our allies or our adversaries, these documents usually are kept in safe inside of gifts. it's not just that there are insides gifts, but they are in saves. -- there are only certain individuals that are authorized to see these documents, the sun
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in and out. when i worked at the white house with president bombers first term, i had access to some of the programs, when i went to cia, i did not have access to them because there is a strict need to know, when you try to keep the number of individuals who have access to them to a strict minimum. to think that they were held at mar-a-lago in this very unrestricted, storage facility, it really raises serious, serious questions about whether or not anybody saw them, who shouldn't have, and whether or not our national security, or maybe the national security of our allies have been compromised. >> i would imagine that these documents would figure prominently into avril haines, the office of the national intelligence is conducting a parallel review to see if our national security was compromised in this document breach if you will. how would she go about thinking about these nuclear documents being held down at mar-a-lago in a storage facility that is
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calling the story for state facility is being generous. >> i'm sure others are gassed about what they have found to have been located at mar-a-lago. and they are conducting this assessment right now. trying to determine what of our sources methods and systems might be at risk. so if this is a document that is about foreign countries and the capabilities, how do we access that information? how was it that we became familiar and knowing of either an adversary or an ally has in a nuclear realm? and so therefore i think they west of intelligence community right now is looking at what they might need to do in order to ensure that these, whether human sources or sensitive technical systems are going to be protected. and it's going to be very difficult to determine what exactly who might have had access to these documents. so i think there are gonna be some people who are going to say, we have to assume that these documents were accessed
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by somebody who shouldn't have seen them and therefore we need to take these steps in order to protect human sources and technical collection systems. >> let me ask you a question as you detailed the level of security for these documents. a safe inside a skiff, right? how would it come to pass that the president would be able to take one of these documents back home to mar-a-lago, i may do you have any theories on how he would be able to sort of exit the facility, dump it in a box, and get down to his beach club? because that seems again, given the safeguards in place, a very difficult thing to accomplish. >> well these documents usually are moved in the white house complex. inside of envelope, or files, with a cocoon shape, that clearly says that they are top secret and highly sensitive programs. they might have been some type of briefing and the white house situation room or the oval
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office that was dealing with the specific nuclear issue. and that trump decided to take the documents with him back to the residents. and then just squirrel it away. they number, the volume of documents that he had in mar-a-lago's indicates that he was taking these documents at the regular basis. the special access program, it would've had to been signed up, would've had seven come from a skiff and a safe, someone would've had to deliver to him, and he would've had to -- despite the protests station of others who were probably quite concerned and worried about his retaining them. >> so you are saying there's a level of intentionality here? because throughout this reporting, especially the trump side, are trying to make the picture of a president who would like to keep things and was kind of a paper monger. he would keep a lot of things on his desk, a twist get shot in a box. sometimes people don't know where it was going or how to use it, but this kind of
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information you are painting a more vivid picture, you can't just unintentionally show it off he does get into a box. this is something that needs to be, that is safeguarded, in terms of every hand it is held in. is that right? >> absolutely! it was intentional. there's no classified documents that say in the oval office overnight. because yet cleaning clues and others that come through. so that office is swept intentionally every day to make sure that there is going to be nothing left in the inadvertently out so someone can access it that shouldn't see it. so therefore, you know i was the country question in my mind, why would he select these documents, i want to thousands upon thousands, that pass his hands, or at least when it went into his office are told him about over his four years. so this, if these documents are described carroll, deal with the nuclear capabilities of a foreign country, it really raises serious, serious concerns about what he was planning to do with a document,
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or may have already done with these documents and the information and their. and this is something that i am so concerned with the equipment of the special master's, the fbi's investigation may be delayed because they need to find out who might have had access to these documents. as soon as possible, so they can take the appropriate mitigating messages that need to be taken. >> let me just follow up on that really quickly. what rest does this pose? we are talking about information about a foreign government nuclear defense readiness. you are the former director of the cia, what is the risk there? >> well again, i don't know what if this is an ally or an adversary. it might identify with a capabilities but also the vulnerabilities are. what they're weaknesses are. what the shortcomings are. and whether you are an ally or an adversary that is something we certainly don't want our adversaries to find out about. because it could be exploited. and so we don't want our adversaries to know what we know about their nuclear programs because we design our defense strategy in order to
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address the capabilities. so having the documents like this and maybe other documents as well out there that could be accessed by those who are not authorized to see it, and then share it with folks overseas and ices it before, i am certain that russian intelligence was targeting mar-a-lago over the past 20 months or so. trying to get people in there, whether the guest, caterers, or cleaning staff, or whatever else. i'm sure it was a priority intelligence target for russian intelligence given donald trump 's pensions forward being rather careless and reckless with our national security secrets. mar-a-lago was not ask, it is not a skiff, and the ability that people can get in there and possibly access these documents again, it just makes me shudder at the thought of what the implications, the consequences of his reckless irresponsibility could be. >> statement of the year. mar-a-lago was not a skiff! former cia director john brennan, thank you so much for making time this evening.
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really appreciate it. >> thanks. >> we will have more on this breaking news next, co-editor and chief in just a clarity, ryan goodman, joins me here to rex's latest reporting and also to go over the net symbols of the special master process and what we can expect next from the doj. and congresswoman -- will join us live for why she thinks democrats may keep the house. yes i said the house! in november's midterm elections. stay with us. stay with us pool floaties are like whooping cough. amusement parks are like whooping cough. even ice cream is like whooping cough, it's not just for kids. whooping cough is highly contagious for people of any age. and it can cause violent uncontrollable coughing fits. sometimes followed by vomiting and exhaustion. ask your doctor or pharmacist about whooping cough vaccination because whooping cough isn't just for kids.
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to new washington post reporting, that a classified document relating to the nuclear weapons of a foreign nation, now that we know that was among those papers thoughts at mar-a-lago last month, how is all of that going to affect the damage of us being conducted by the office of the director of national intelligence. also there is still the issue of the special master that needs to be dealt with. after two weeks of will share, or won't shape, trump appointed -- a callan finally wrote a labor day that yes, trump look at that special master or third-party arbiters if you, well and in a mysterious case of how over 11,000 government records including over 100, 100, that were classified or a top secret designations. how all that paper landed by trump's beach club in florida. just cannot wrote that trump will get that request for the special master, to decide which documents are covered under
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attorney client privilege and also, more surprisingly, which are covered by executive privilege. that stop the presses willing estate has left the doj with some decisions and now has to make. first and most essentially what we do now? does the department appeal the ruling? a doj spokesperson said yesterday that the government is quote examining the opinion and it will consider appropriate next epps and the ongoing litigation. there is also the issue of what is sometimes referred to as the justice department 60 deny need a rule. it's not an actual role but rather a department policy that prohibits investigative steps that could potentially influence and upcoming election. and of course we are now 63 days from election day. so will that stop the department from taking any further steps this criminal investigation? and then there is a director of national intelligence and her ongoing damage assessment at those documents to see if trump's on authorized handling of storage of them potentially handed national security. that review, just ten and, world is allowed to continue.
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supposedly. the office of the -- national intelligence as part of the into executive branch so what does it mean that that office can continue its work while the doj cannot as it considers or concerns these documents from mar-a-lago and august. and finally there's a question of who in the world it's going to serve as a special master in this case. that person will likely need a top secret clearance. and you cannot find people with those credentials on linkedin. the judge also wrote that the justice department to trump's team by friday have to jointly file a list of potential candidates for the job and they need to outline the duties and limits of that person's role. i mean way do you find someone like that and who would even want that job? i think it is safe to say that we are long way away of a special master being appointed and who knows, the government may decide to fight this ruling in the interim. joining us now is ryan goodman, former special counsel of the department defense and co-editor and chief object security. mr. goodman, good to see you
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tonight. so this, the revelation about nuclear secrets to begin the cattle documents seats in august, it seems would add great urgency to all of those questions, right? how do you think that informs the justice department decision about what to do here? >> it's a great question. i think it must mean that they have to act with urgency and has got to put a big thumb on the scale that they appeal their or her decision immediately, and that the ask a court of appeals for an urgent sensational paroling. and the court of appeals can do that, while we review your questions of law, we're gonna stop what she did to you. and you can go ahead and use the materials for your investigation. >> okay and with that to stop the process as it is, or sorry, stopped the special master process as it is, and allowed them to move forward given the sort of implication of national security? >> they can do it one of two ways, you can still use the material while the special master's going on, or they can even say stop the special master as well. because it's such a bizarre
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notion of a special master to be reviewing documents for executive privilege. we never had that in this country. so they could also say, wait, that's also hampering a very critical investigation now that we know, nuclear material was in the mix, that would be a reason for them to act quickly. >> if that isn't granted though, what happens here? because odni, the office of director intelligence, gets a continue her review, but she also, that department needs to work with the rest of the doj in tandem, right? >> 100 percent! in fact the government has said that the directive is that the odni works with the department of justice. they could've -- either the prime justices, but the fbi unacceptable, it's intermingled, so i understand the judge was saying you can go ahead with the damage assessments. but how is it the same people, they to refer back to the fbi agents who have been working the case and say what is a change of custody for the nuclear document? are there fingerprints other
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nuclear documents? for the damage assessments, and then this folks have to say we can't touch it, the judge has said that the order is we can't use it, we are not allowed to look at it, and if we are in a criminal case, we can talk to you. that's what she has wreaked, that's the havoc that she has great, and i do think that is why the justice department might say to themselves, we just got to appeal this. and the court of appeals might say we are gonna take it. >> we are with you on this. >> what about i mean entertain if you well this notion of a special master given the nuclear secrets we are finding out about. how impossible does it make, i mean how impossible is it to find the candidate who can review all the staff who was mutually agreed upon by both parties? i mean that just seems like a fantasy. >> i agree, i think it's going to be hard to see on friday if they do go through and they don't appeal that they will come together on a common agreement of who could be the special master. because it's a small universal of people in this country. that can even have a qualifications, let alone
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agreement. because are they someone that just step out of the trump administration and they have an active clearance? plus i passed half staff as well. and the trump lawyers have to be cleared to be able to see nuclear secrets. you know -- so this is what she is created for as in part because we've never had a special master deal with this kind of sensitive information and executive privilege. to deal with attorney-client privilege. we see something they can easily handle. >> so you are the mines because this is so extraordinary. the special master's put aside for the moment, the work continues. that's the best-case scenario, it sounds like you think that might be the most likely given the sort of implication for national security vis-à-vis this nuclear secrets. what happens -- let's assume that happens. that what happens next in the doj's investigation, if they can move forward? >> if they can move forward, and i do think they succeed a 90-day will decide to kick in. it shouldn't necessarily -- exercise role and all the times that it has been applied. it comes to candidates that might be in the election. so donald trump doesn't really
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fit the bill. but you could imagine garland says, look i have an abundance of caution, we are not taking any major over except in the investigation, until after the midterms. and then after the midterms, it looks like they have a mountain of evidence in which they might then decide okay now is the moment we have to think about indictment or not. >> so they can move fairly quickly potentially after november is what you are saying? >> i think. so >> and do you think there's any recourse for donald trump and all of this? someone who has protests loudly and repeatedly there was nothing nuclear there, and boom, we have reporting this evening says, there wasn't top nuclear in there. and it was very, very serious, classified information. >> yes, it makes me wonder was he trying to get out of head of this because you know, if you have nuclear material in your storage room or in your office, you probably know that. >> it's like director brennan, he would've known. that's >> exactly what i think dr. brendan said was accurate about. that so the wolf and the intentionality at that you described as well. he needs to say, i had no idea that that was there! and he has already been saying, that in some way that's more incriminating than he's been
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saying it's until we now find out that is exactly what was there. >> the opposite of what we he said is what is true. something we've heard before with donald trump. ryan goodman, co-editor and chief of just a carat and a law professor of nyu. thank you so much for your time expertise tonight. okay, up next here tonight we will take a look at why the background of the judge who approved trump's request for a special master to take over this mar-a-lago documents has some people raising their eyebrows. and congresswoman -- may not have the senate they think they have a real shot of keeping the house, she will join us live ahead. in us live ahead - [narrator] the future. the way you see it is said to depend on where you sit. at x-chair, we think it also gets down to how you sit, which is why our technology is lightyears ahead. x-chair has done it again with our groundbreaking elemax technology, providing hours of infinite comfort no matter where in the world you're sitting
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this thing, it's making me get an ice bath again. what do you mean? these straps are mind-blowing! they collect hundreds of data points like hrv and rem sleep, so you know all you need for recovery. and you are? i'm an invesco qqq, a fund that gives me access to... nasdaq 100 innovations like... wearable training optimization tech. uh, how long are you... i'm done. i'm okay. the justice department has now
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had its first major setback innocent destination in to donald trump. yesterday, eileen canada federal judge in florida is overseeing the mar-a-lago search. she granted donald trump's request to allow an independent special master to go through all of the material seized from trump's home. it was a new york times headline. deeply problematic, experts questioned judges intervention and trump inquiry. one former homeland security official from the george w. bush bush information called a generally unprecedented decision by a judge.
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a harbor professor says cannons decision thin at best, and deeply problematic. and you are in university law professor to the times the judge chose a radical path. the entire legal community is shocked by this judges call, but you know who isn't? donald trump. and you know why? judge aileen cannon, the judge who made this decision, was appointed by donald trump. she was confirmed in the final days of his presidency. after trump lost a 2020 election. like many trump appointees, judge cannon is a longtime member of the federal society. a well financed and highly, highly influential conservative group that aligned itself with trump while before he was even elected. the federal society is instrumental in championing judges with hard-line conservative views and ties to the conservative movement. and getting them appointed to the federal bench. case in point, should the desert department choose to appeal this ruling, it will be doing so in the 11th circuit, an appeals court where the
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majority of judges was also appointed by donald trump. several of those trump appointees is also members of the federalist society. and about that court, there is a supreme court. with a six or three conservative majority. one where half half of the conservative judges were appointed by donald trump. and all three of trump's supreme nominees were handpicked by the federalist society. that is a lot of hard line conservatives on the bench, conservatory of donald trump and the federal society. a very successful coproduction. remember that during his presidency, trump and mitch mcconnell pointed more than 200 judges to lifetime appointments on the federal bench. including those three supreme court seats, one of which less we forget, senator mcconnell blatantly stole from president obama. all the judges currently on the federal bench, more than a quarter of them, a quarter of them, were appointed by donald trump. in just four years, trump and
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mcconnell appointed 54 judges to federal appeals court nearly as many as barack obama confirmed during his entire era presidency. and one of trump's judicial nominees were very young, at the time of the nomination, and they are all extremely conservative. eileen cannon for example, the judge in this mar-a-lago case, it's only 41 years old. she was 39 when trump nominated her as a district edge. cannon had works and a clerk for conservative judge on the eighth circuit court of appeals, but other conservative trump appointees have not had the most extensive resignation considering that these are lifetime judicial appointments. take the 35-year-old kathryn kimball muzzle who had never tried a case before donald trump gave her a lifetime appointments to the united states district court for the middle district of florida. earlier this year she was the one who handed down the opinion abruptly ending the federal mask mandate on u.s. airlines. where there's 35-year-old justin walker who had also never tried a case in his life when president trump appointed
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him to the federal bench in 2019. in 2020, judge walker ruled in favor of a louisville wedding photographer who wanted to deny service to same-sex couples. that decision was appealed but just last week, another judge once again sided with this photographer and this time, the judge was a guy named benjamin beaten, a 40 year old judge, another appointee of, wait for it, donald trump. as much as legal experts would like to believe that case it like this are decided on the merits of the arguments made in court, the rulings of judges like eileen cannon, catherine was out, and justin walker, they also jazz that something else, something particularly partisan may be at play. and for democrats who hold the white house and the senate, the only thing to fight back maybe to make the federal bench. today the senate returned to washington to finish its work for the year, which includes confirming a whole lot of president biden's judicial nominees.
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just last, week president biden named eight mortgages for the senate to confirm to the federal bench but suspected from judges at a pace unmatched by any president since jfk, the remains a lot to do. they are still 78 district and appeals court vacancies to fill before the end of this year. when democrats can very well lose control of the senate. so tiktok, right? tonight, democrats confirmed a new circuit court judge in illinois and tomorrow senate democrats will hold hearings for six more federal judges. if they needed any more evidence about why these things matter, they need look no further than the florida courtroom where the nation is watching the consequences of trump's judicial confirmation spree play out in realtime. our florida jacket single-handedly put the brakes on a criminal investigation into the former president of the united states. and can literally change the course of american history.
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is the website for republican north carolina congressional candidate behinds, way back in the month of june. wrapped up, the website led with hines saying, i am 100% pro-life, when you went on to the issue is a section called life and family was literally front and center. and when you click on, it you got that. quote, behinds will always defend the pro-life movement. the word always is pretty funny
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there because this is behind website to day. not only is there no mention of abortion or a behind being pro-life, the site dropped the life and family section altogether, just like gone! kaiser söze style. over in colorado's eight districts, republican candidate barber kirk meyer removed languishing she would defend the sanctity of life from her website, and took down a message of her speaking at an anti abortion rally earlier this year. that's all stopped that used to be on the very front page of her website. down in virginia, yes we bake, the republican candidate for virginia's seventh district made it to the tiny change to her twitter bio. here is her twitter profile back in july, side by side with a twitter profile today. everything is exactly the same except one sentence which has been cut. yes we vega no longer mentions that she was an appointee of president donald trump. it's sort of seems like she maybe doesn't want that association anymore. by now you have probably heard
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the story of republican senate candidates scrubbing their public profiles like this. and it makes sense that those stories are front page news. the senate this year was always going to be a top spot. but the reason i'm cherry-picking these republican house candidates is because of their races are turning out to be way closer than anyone predicted. and some of these republicans are clearly getting pretty nervous. just a few months ago, all the coverage of the midterm election was about the red wave. the question was not really a question, if the republicans would win the house, but by how much, how colossal would the margin be. where they're gonna take the house by 46, or were they gonna get it by 60 seats? but now, the core political reports see republicans taking the house as no longer a quote foregone conclusion. now don't get me wrong. democrats are still at a disadvantage here. it is a midterm election with a sitting democratic president and as a kind of situation where republicans traditionally should sweep. but with so many issues an
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address in the democratic base and with republicans literally trying to distance themselves from their own stances, do democrats have a fighting chance here? >> joining us now is -- a democratic congresswoman from the great state of washington, chair of the congressional progressive caucus, and she thinks democrats can keep the house this november. congresswoman jayapal, thank you for being with us tonight. >> alex it is great to see, you and congratulations by the way on your show! we are also excited for you! >> thank you so much! i want to get to this theory of yours which seems to be supported by some anecdotal evidence i will say about democrats chances in the house. the first thing i think everybody is looking at in terms of a seismic shift is a dobbs decision and the supreme court, and what that has done to energize woman. i want to quote a stats here. this is data from the firm target smart. women, after the dobbs decision, women became nearly 70% of all
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new voters registered in the state of kansas. we know what's happened in kansas vis-à-vis abortion. but do you think this trend line of women being energized, outrage, i'm not sure exactly what the word is, but engaged in a midterm election like never before, have you seen that pattern holding true elsewhere in the country? >> you know this is exactly what i predicted after the dobbs decision. i said republicans have no idea the fury and the wrath of women across the country and their families by the way, who absolutely are going to rebel against the idea that the projected constitutional right to make yourself out your own bodies freedoms that we have taken as our own for the last 50 years, that we would sit back and allow that to be taken away by an extremist supreme court republican supreme courts, and these maga extremists. and i think that is what you are seeing. it is going to hold. it is holding across the
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country, even in some of the special elections that you are seeing. even in the kansas decision that you saw with the ballot initiative just took these reps away in the state of kansas. you saw voters rebel and you saw new voters registering, particularly women voters, and young voters. and that, once again, women are gonna save the country alex, i think. [laughs] >> and i think it's a very important piece. but along with that of course, with the fact that we are protecting our freedoms with every level. this is the same time that donald trump at the mar-a-lago you know, scandal outrageous behavior of donald trump, with these documents is also happening, and the same time alex, the democrats have delivered. over, and over, and over again! on climate change, on jobs, on wages going, up on so many different things, chips, manufacturing, the pact act,
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taking care of our veterans, so we have shown what we can do with tiny, tiny majorities. so it's really all of that put together in one package. that gives me real hope. >> i want to talk about the trump mar-a-lago scandal if you would, for a moment. what does that doing, i assume that that is going to move independents. right? do you know who that news is swaying? it is acosta drunk beat, we have breaking news this evening regarding the fact that there were nuclear secrets that he has for the way at mar-a-lago. who is that most affecting in terms of the midterm voters? >> yes, i think it is the independent voters and some republicans. liz cheney republicans, let's put it that way, adam kinzinger republicans. people who understand that the threat to our democracy is very great. this is not about policy, it's about our constitution. and so i think that it is that category of republicans who actually believe that we need to protect our democracy from somebody who tried to destroy
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it, somebody who tried to steal an election, as well as the independent. so those two categories, combine that with substantial turnout from our base, and engagement from our base, and i think that is potentially what can really bring us across the finish line in terms of holding the house. >> we talk a lot about what it means to be a republican in the age of trump, and the way in which, it's kind of a mixed bag. but the endorsement, the direct endorsement seems to help republican candidate. and he's very much remade the party in his image. but we don't talk as much as what it means to be a democrat. and i sort of wonder your thoughts, wonder what your thoughts are as far as where the party is at? we know that they are pro strong progressive candace that i've done really well and primaries this year. i believe greg caesar in texas, some early in pennsylvania, julia ramirez and illinois, max frost in florida, maxwell frost. the progressive caucus seems to be growing. and i know you are the chair of
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the house of progressive caucus, what can you tell us about the size and the shape, the makeup of the democratic party right now? which immediately is a very big tent party. >> yes, and i think first of all, the democratic party has become more and more progressive and populist. and that is thanks to the progressive movement across the country. but you see that a lot of progressive ideas have been taken out as the mainstream of the democratic party. things like raising wages, making sure people have a decent livable wage. things like making sure that we are taking on climate change. a lot of the things that we have been fighting for, universal childcare, universal pre-k, these is the presidents agenda. this is joe biden's agenda, this is the democrats agenda. it's about lifting up working people, vulnerable people, giving people a shot, and better lives, better
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opportunities, that is what really democrats are all about. and i think that's what we've shown from the american rescue plan, all the way down to the inflation reduction act. and everything in between. that is what we have shown. we are gonna stand up for regular people, not for the special interest. we are a party that cares about people having opportunity, alex, opportunity like what i have when i came to this country at 16, by myself as an immigrant. and i think that is what we are fighting for, that's what we have shown we can deliver. >> you think that the dams can hold the house, -- congressman pramila jayapal wherein come back to you in november and look at your pugnacious, thank you for sharing some time tonight it's great to have you. >> thank you alex. >> we will be right back.
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