tv Katy Tur Reports MSNBC September 7, 2022 11:00am-12:00pm PDT
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it boggles my mind that is 3-year-old kid is going to say, no, mom, leave me on the side of the rio grande, you go ahead and go. i'm serious. so they could stay and contribute their talent and it's a great generation. i can go on and defend all that you've done, expanding civil rights, issuing the clairian call in a climate crisis, helped us find that amazing grace, that amazing grace, even in darkness. countless hours over countless meetings under intense pressure, we always knew barack obama, we always knew what you'd do, what you thought was right, even if it was going to cost you politically. you know, we trusted him, all of you in this room, we believed in him, we counted on him. and i still do. and i still do. [ applause ]
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because, mr. president, that's why the country elected you twice and why you'll be considered one of the most consequential presidents in our history along with one of the most consequential first ladies. michelle, he knows and i know he couldn't have done it without you. i know i couldn't. in fact, we had lunch once a week every week come hell or high water. and everybody wondered about all the important things we talked about. probably 40% of the time we talked about family. we most talked about our girls and my grandchildren and my children. you embody dignity beyond measure and generated hope for
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millions of people left behind for so long. you both did it with such grace and such class. you know, you dream big and secured lasting wins for the american people helping lift their burden with the blessing of hope. it is so underestimated of just having hope. this is a gift of the obama presidency to the country and to history. it's gift i felt personally. as we used to say in the senate, mr. senate, excuse the point of personal privilege, you were always there. i remember how you were with me when our son was passing. and i remember the eulogy you gave on his behalf. you'll never understand just how much it meant to jill and me and the entire family. i always remember that night we accepted the nomination in denver. my granddaughter finney, who is great friends with your
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daughters, came up to our room and said, pop, can we move the beds out of my room? i said why do you want to move the beds out of your room? so her two sister and malia and sasha, we can all get sleeping bags and lie on the floor and sleep together and watch the convention on the floor. that image of them all together will stay with me forever and is melded our family in ways that is hard for people to understand. for eight years we grew to be a family for each other and through our highs and our lows. family doctor different backgrounds brought together by a shared value set. and all of things that the families have done together, i imagine there may have been other relationships like this, president and vice president, but none comes to mind. jill and i have been waiting to
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host events at the white house for a long time coming out of pandemic and it's fitting we can do that now by unveiling the portraits of two dear friend and what great americans which are still held very tightly in the hearts of the american people. portraits that will hang on the walls of the people's house forever and a reminder for those who come to power that hope and change matters. barack obama and michelle, it's my honor to invite you both to the stage for the unveiling of your official portraits. come on up.
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president, dr. biden, vice president harris, thank you so much for your hospitality, thank you for letting us invite a few friends to the white house. we'll try not tear up the place. >> someone once said if you're looking for a friend in washington, get a dog. our family was lucky enough to have two wonderful dogs, but i was even luckier to have a chance to spend eight years working day and night with a man who became a true partner and a true friend. joe, it is now america's good fortune to have you as president. [ applause ]
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>> you guided us -- [ applause ] [ cheers ] >> you have guided us through some perilous times, you've built on and gone beyond the work we all did together, to expand health care, to fight climate change, to advance social justice and to promote economic fairness. thanks to your decency and thanks to your strength, maybe most of all thanks to your faith
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in our democracy and the american people, the country's better off than when you took office and we should all be deeply grateful for that. so thank you so much. to all the former obama/biden staffers who are here in person, some of you are watching at home, thank you for being a part of this. when people ask me most what i miss most about the white house years, it is not air force i that i talk about, although i miss air force i -- [ laughter ] it's the chance that i had to stand shoulder to shoulder with all of you. to have a chance to witness so many talented, selfless,
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idealistic, good people working tirelessly every day to make the world better. and for eight years and even longer for some of you, i drew on your energy and your dedication and your goodness. you inspired me and i never wanted to disappoint you. and i tried to reflect the same heart and character that you displayed every day. even during the toughest times, it was all of you that kept me going. so it's good to be back to have a chance to see all of you and to once again say thank you. now, as much as i miss our work together, that's been a special joy is to see what's happened since because so many of you are doing amazing things, whether
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it's in government, the private sector, in academia and nonprofits and i'm especially glad to see so many of you serving president biden as well as you served me, although now some of you, let's face it, you were kids back then, are now in charge and running the show, which is a little shocking. [ laughter ] and may also explain some of the gray hairs i'm seeing on some of you. but it validates when i had always hoped, which was that our time together with only be the beginning of incredibly impactful careers. and some of you who i've had a chance to stay in touch with and i'm thrilled to see that you started families of your own. i am a little disappointed that i haven't heard of anyone naming
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a kid barak yet -- >> or michelle. >> or michelle. but there is still time. finally i want to say a special thanks to the white house staff. we had a chance to see them all before. [ cheers and applause ] you took incredible care of our family for eight years and along the way you became a part of it. and we have not ever forgotten the kindness that you showed us. now, when michelle and i had our portraits unveiled at the national portrait gallery a few
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years back, i said as far as i could tell, no one in our family tree had ever sat for a portrait before. i had not. now i've done it twice. but these will have a special significance. they will hang alongside other presidents and first ladies dating back to george and martha. so it was important to find the right people to paint them. i want to thank sharon sprung for capturing everything i love about michelle. her grace, her intelligence and the fact that she's fine. [ cheers and applause ]
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[ laughter ] she is. her portrait is stunning. and i want to thank robert mccarty, for taking on a much more difficult subject and doing a fantastic job with mine. [ applause ] robert is known for his paintings of public figures. tony morrison, the dalai lama, nelson mandela, muhammad ali. but what i love about robert's work is that he paints people exactly the way they are, for better or worse. he captured every wrinkle on your face, every crease in your shirt. you'll note that he refused to hide any of my gray hairs. refused my request to make my
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ears smaller. [ laughter ] he also talked me out of wearing a tan suit, by the way. [ cheers and applause ] his work is so precise that at first glance it looks like a photograph. and robert also paints his subjects looking straight ahead, so it feels like you're face to face, forming a connection. and that appealed to me. in part because presidents so often get airbrushed, even take on a mythical status, especially after you've gone and people forget all the stuff they didn't like about you. but what you realize when you're sitting behind that desk and
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what i want people to remember about michelle and me is that presidents and first ladies are human beings like everyone else. we have our gifts, we have our flaws, you've all experienced mine. we have good days and bad days. we feel the same joy and sadness, frustration and hope and while it takes a certain amount of self-confidence to be president, there are nights where we lie awake wondering if this or that decision was the right one. i've always described the presidency as a relay race. you take the baton from someone, you run your leg as hard and as well as you can and then you hand it off to someone else, knowing that your work will be incomplete. the portrait hanging in the white house chronicles everyone
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in that race. each of us tasked were trying to bring the country we love closer to its highest aspirations. and when future generations walk these halls and look up at these portraits, i hope they get a better, honest sense of who michelle and i were. and i hope they leave with a deeper understanding that if we could make it here, maybe they can, too. they can do remarkable things, too. now, it is my pleasure to introduce someone to needs no introduction. michelle was the best thing about living in the white house and let me tell you, the pastry chefs delivered delicious pies on request. so that is saying something. i could not ask for a better life partner and in my humble
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opinion, america got have asked for a better first lady. please give it up for michelle automaker. [ cheers and applause ] >> thank you. thank you. thank you, guys. okay. thank you, everybody. well, let me thank my husband, first of all, for such spicy remarks. and of course thank you to joe and jill, president biden and first lady jill biden.
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thank you so much for inviting us back. this meant so much to us. we were saying at lunch that the girls have lived in this house longer than they lived anywhere. so this is out of a home as it can be, as wonderful as it can be, it is a special place because we raised our girls here. and it means so much to come back to friends and to able to spend time talking about our girls. and so i am grateful to both of you for the work that you're doing, the love that you're showing us, our staff and the work that you're doing for this country. thank you so much. [ cheers and applause ] and of course to vice president
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harris and i love to say this, second gentleman. let's say it again, second gentleman, you're doing a great job. thank you for joining us today and i can't go any further without of course acknowledging all of the amazing staff, friends. it's more than staff. you're friends, you're family to us, particularly the people who have been part of my team over the years. i don't have time to name everyone, thank goodness, but you all know who you are, from the campaign to the white house to today. i would not be who i am without your passion and your faith and all of the love that you poured in to everything that we accomplished together and it was amazing, historic.
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but as sam cast used to say, unprecedented. you all mean the world to me. and i mean that from the bottom of my heart. so thank you. i'm proud of you, proud of the work that you've done, proud of what you're doing. i also want to take the time to recognize the resident staff. as barack obama said, you guys made this a home. we snatched up a few of you all and took you with us, but for those of you who we couldn't bring, we miss you so much. we miss you so much. the best part about this house was you all. it's so good to see you and you all look good, so good. i'd like to recognize stewart mcloren, of course john rogers, it's been amazing working with you all over the years. i have to recognize bill allman,
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who has been fabulous to work with over the years. [ cheers and applause ] and of course thelma goldman and my dear friend michael smith for their -- [ applause ] we are where we are because of their comprehensive and rigorous work to identify these incredible artists. and that bring me to our artists, of course robert mccarty, who, of course you did a good job. but i got to spend a lot of time with sharon sprung and sharon now joins a small but mighty group of women who have painted an official portrait here at the white house.
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[ applause ] and i'm thrilled that this extraordinary work is going to be enshrined forever as part of our nation's history but, sharon, it was wonderful to work with you. you are a true spirit. that's one of the reasons why we connected. your work is phenomenal, but it was your essence, your soul, the way of you saw me are the way we interacted and it shows in this beautiful work. so thank you for your brilliance, your artistry and your patience in this process. i remember i went to see the work in brooklyn, because poor sharon, no one is supposed to know who the artists are. her studio is in her home. she had this piece in her home. she couldn't have guests home. you were frightened that it would get out. you just wanted it out of your space.
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and every year i thought about she must be going crazy! so thank you. thank you so much. believe it or not, it is still a bit odd for me to stand in this historic space, see this bigs are beautiful painting staring back at me. growing up on euclid avenue, i never could have imagined that any of this would be part of my story. but even if it's all still a bit awkward for me, i do recognize why moments like these are important, why all of this is absolutely necessary. traditions like this matter, not just for those of us who hold these positions but for everyone participating in and watching
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our democracy. you see the people, they make their voices heard with their vote, we hold an inauguration to ensure a peaceful transition of power. those of us lucky enough to serve, work as barack obama said, for as hard as we can, as long as we can, as long as the people choose to keep us here and once our time is up, we move on. and all that remains in this hallowed place are our good efforts and these portraits, portraits that connect our history to the present day, portraits that hang here as history continues to be made. so for me this day is not just about what has happened, it's also about what could happen. because a girl like me, she was never supposed to be up there next to jacqueline kennedy and dolly madison. she was never supposed to live in this house and she definitely
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wasn't supposed to serve as first lady. >> love you, michelle! [ applause ] >> love you back. but i've always wondered where does that "supposed to" come from, who determines it? and too often in this country people like they have to look a certain way or act a certain way to fit in, that they have to make a lot money or come from a certain group or class or faith in order to matter. but what you're looking at today, a portrait of a biracial kid with an unusual name and the daughter of a water pump operator and a stay-at-home mom, what we are seeing is a reminder that there is a place for everyone in this country.
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because as barak said, if the two of us can end up on the walls of the most famous address of the world, then again it is so important for every young kid who is doubting themselves to believe that they can, too. that is what this country is about. it not about blood or pedigree or wealth. it a place where everyone can have a fair shot. whether you're a kid taking two busses and a train just to get to school or a single mother working two jobs to put some food on the table or an immigrant just arriving, getting your first apartment, forging a future for yourself in a place you dreamed of, that's why this day isn't about me or barak. it's not even about these beautiful paintings. it's about telling that fuller story, a story that includes every single american in every
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single corner of the country so that our kids and grand kids can see something more for themselves. and as much as some folks might want us to believe that that story has lost some of its shine, that division and discrimination and everything else might have dimmed its light, i still know deep in my heart that what we share as my husband continues to say is so much bigger than what we don't. our democracy is so much stronger than our differences. and this little girl from the south side is blessed beyond measure to have felt the truth of that fuller story throughout her entire life, never more so than today. so thank you to president biden, to sharon and to all of you today for playing a part in this day and all the days that led to it. and now it is my privilege to
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stood but joe. [ cheers ] >> thank you, michelle, for a friendship i treasure. 14 years ago -- 14 years ago, michelle, on a cold night in november, a sea of people gathered in grant park to be a part of history. there was laughter and music and dancing. there were tears as friends and strangers alike held each other, overwhelmed with the joy that hope and change had been realized. the crowd roared, radiating the sense that anything we could dream was within our reach. but at the heart of that
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enormous moment was a family. two little girls who would grow up exploring the secret halls and hideaways of the white house, a mom, who would bring her whole heart to serving the american people as first lady while still guiding and protecting her family with ferocious devotion; a grandmother who would do absolutely anything for the family she loves and even move to washington, d.c.; and a father who showed the world the meaning of yes we can! [ applause ] for joe and me and our entire family, standing on that stage
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next to you was like waking up in a new world, a place where with hard work anything was possible. and it wasn't just the bidens. so many of you were also there. you remember how it felt. it was magic, wasn't it? that night your family connected us all, and our family, the obama/biden team, every one of you who were fired up and ready to go, together we changed the course of this country forever. and when i look at these portraits, i see family. your family, the family we all built and the families across america that we served together. i see love, joy and fellowship
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and we are honored to hang them today and share them with the world. so thank you for being with us and now please join us in the state dining room for a reception. thank you for being here. [ cheers and applause ] >> announcer: ladies and gentlemen, please remain in your seats while the president and dr. biden and the president and mrs. obama and the vice president and second gentleman depart. so the official portraits unveiled of both barack obama, the former president and form are first lady, michelle obama. interesting that the portrait of president obama almost looks like a photograph. and, frankly, as we were watching this come in, i wondered if that was a
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photograph. the artist himself makes a point of painting people straight on as they are, just like a photograph. and president obama said he wanted it to be that way because he wanted it known that he was a human, faults and all, gray hair and all, so that presidents they so often do don't take on a mythical status. you can see the portraits right there above the heads of everybody who has gathered. definitely a return to something that we didn't see in the white house for a few years there. president obama was not invited back to unveil this portrait during the trump years, partially because of covid and partially because think a notoriously tense relationship, let's put it that way. joining me more to talk more about this is carol lee, who is at the white house. also is the host of msnbc's "politics nation," reverend al
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sharpton and the author of two books about president obama, he has an interesting story about the seek secret language president obama and president biden had. sum up for me what we just saw there. >> you could see on the screen it was a very warm event. it was a lot of no, sir nostalgia. they all know each other extremely well, we heard from president obama saying the country is better off now than it was when president biden took office. a lot of warm words from president biden for president obama. we heard president biden praising president obama saying
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being alongside him for eight years as vice president was the best present he could have gotten learning to be president and just their family ties, that these are two families that really came into their own together, having this experience of getting elected in 2008, taking office in 2009 and then serving for those eight years in the white house. and then the thing that struck me most was michelle obama's remarks. they were very impassioned. there was not a lot of politics on this but she did touch on some things that are front of mind as you watch this event, which normally would have happened during president trump's time in office and didn't for the reasons you cited and she said that these traditions matter and talking about democracy, talking about inaugurations and a peaceful transfer of power and the importance of things like that. and also talking about personally for her how unlikely
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it is that someone who looks like her, someone with her background would become first lady and saying that this is something that really underscores that the american dream is possible and that it's still very much alive regardless of what anyone might say about it fading. some very passionate remarks from the former first lady and a lot of excitement, a lot of very celebratory atmosphere. it was packed there and i haven't seen it like that in a long time. some are serving in the white house and some in the biden administration. these portraits have been painted for quite some time. they're very different portraits. there's talk about how they captured each of them in their own unique ways, but this is something that both of these families have been very much looking forward to, katie.
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>> strikingly different. director brennan back at the white house and as you mentioned, michelle obama taking the task of talking about the strength of our democracy. she said our democracy is much stronger than our differences. notable, reverend, that she was the one who talked about a peaceful transfer of power, the one trying to hammer home our ability to unify. >> i think it was very striking that michelle obama brought up the transfer of power, peaceful transition of power and she was the one that brought up about how unlikely it was for someone to come from south side chicago and become first lady and have the portrait hanging on the wall of the white house and that a bi-racial man became the first
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black president and will be hanging there. the message of hope that dr. jill biden talked about was underscored today because just like when michelle and barack obama won that night and walked on that platform in grant park in chicago, it gave hope to children unborn. i think when they gave the unveiling today and those that will see the portraits, it lifts again the ceiling on the ambitions of people of color and others that come from unlikely backgrounds. and after this gap this between the obama presidency and the biden presidency, that in my judgment tried to drive us back away from that possibility, it was refreshing to see and be reminded of where we had gone as a country and i hope it invigorates us to not return to anything other than that and other than moving forward in
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that trajectory. >> michelle obama saying from euclid avenue to pennsylvania avenue. when you look at the portraits over time, you're going to see them on the screen, every portrait of the united states president, of a first lady, it going to be a sea of white faces and then you're going to see michelle and barack obama, striking difference made just a few years ago. as we were sitting here watching, we were discussing "the washington post" articles about the tension between the staff. valerie jarrett was on and she called that hog wash. i fond it interesting that president obama made it a point of talking about the staffs in his speech, talking about how some of them worked for him and then transitioned to joe biden. it seemed like they were trying to get out there and say this article is not true or if it a little bit of grumbling here and
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there, it doesn't embody the spirit and relationship between those two teams. >> i think that's right from my understanding of it. look, there are always staff tensions and any president and vice presidents, they have ups and downs with their vice presidents. there are going to be these ups and downs but they're all within the guardrails. >> and we now look like outside the guardrails looks like. >> none of them are significant in any way. a lot of these folks are close friends. many of them haven't seen each other in five and a half years. this was a bit of a reunion. the tone that was struck, one of decency, respect, humility. president obama's remarks had
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tremendous humility in them and even talked about his big ears. and other values in political conversation. it's a reminder that these two presidents, president biden and president obama are decent men. >> and they said this is where we raised our girls. they spent more time living at the white house than they did anywhere else and how thankful she was to be back and reminisce about that. you were also telling me about a secret language that president obama had with his then vice president biden. >> right. just as an indication of how close they were professionally and also quite close personally, obama was worried in meetings that if he expressed his view on an issue that all of the suck-ups, you know, in the
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meeting with suddenly say, yes, mr. president, you're right. so he didn't want to express his view until the debate had matured a little more. he had a prearranged code with his vice president, which both of them confirmed for me directly in which when obama leaned back in his chair, that was the body language signal to joe biden to express what was their view because they felt if biden said it, it wouldn't tilt the debate as much as if the president said it. that is one indication of their working relationship. >> that is real interesting. also not surprising about the two men that they'd have that kind of relationship. even despite the articles about the tension between the two staffs. >> especially when his son died
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and was worried about his son going to college, obama said i'll take care of it. it turned out he didn't need his money but it's an indication of how close they were in that period. >> carol lee, thank you and reverend al sharpton, just to underscore again, president biden -- i'm sorry, you get tripped up when you have current president and former -- whatever. anyway, president biden saying that nothing could have prepared me more than being by his side, president obama's side for eight years. everyone, thank you so much. and still ahead, they are documents so closely guarded that national security officials were kept in the dark about them. so why and how did they end up at mar-a-lago? -a-lago?
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in the days after the search of mar-a-lago, "the washington post" reported the fbi was looking for classified documents related to nuclear weapons. now the same paper says the fbi found one. devellyn barrett and carol lenig mention nuke documents. the classification of the nuclear document is not clear but we do know from court filings that it says among the documents seized from mar-a-lago are some of the united states' most closely held secrets, information that only a handful of people is aware of. as the "post" puts it, only the president, some members of his cabinet or a near cabinet level official could authorize other officials to know details of
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these programs, secrets that allegedly sat at the president's club and in the basement for months. a place his lawyers describes this like this: >> anyone who knows president trump's office, he has guests frequently there. >> they are arguing that it was wrong for the fbi to be classified documents on the ground of his office, not at that it was wrong for donald trump to have them in his office, something that donald trump's only own attorney general said was not okay. >> people say it's unprecedented. it's also unprecedented for a president to take this classified information and put it in a country club. >> the news among those docks the information about a form nation's nuclear capabilities this morning. >> i think you've been asking
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the question why. i don't think it matters why. the fact that he had those documents in his possession is offense enough subject to perhaps criminal prosecution. if i had had those in my house after leaving office, i would be in handcuffs by this time. >> let's get right to the joining mess is national security reporter for "the washington post," devlin barrett, adviser to former vice president mike pence, olivia troy. former chive of the counter-intelligence and export control section in the doj's national security division, david laughedman. devin, walk us through this reporting. it is yours. right. so obviously the subpoena that was issue in may, or essentially all these different -- including among those categories, inclusive documents about nuclear weapons. that was the genesis. we can report now they found a
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document like that, a document that was about a foreign government's military defenses, both conventional and nuclear weapons capability. obviously that's of concern to officials, but i think the other piece of this story that's important is to explain to people how closely held these documents were. cabinet level or near cabinet level officials only had that was obviously a concern david, that was your former title, the sort of documents that devlin is describing, would a document containing information with the nuclear capabilities of a foreign government be included in something like that?
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>> well, it almost certainly would be classified and at a minute numb in a safe in a secure government facility if its code word protected, let alone special program access-derived. in my experience on the way going home it would by inside a safe inside the scif. this new data point underscored the recklessness that donald trump has accorded, or not, for safeguarding or national security interests. >> olivia, you worked with vice president pence, what was your experience with the way classified documents were handled? >> well, i can tell you, on our side of the house, we took that
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seriously. when you're handling com part information, you were very specifically supposed to follow a set of protocols, and if you are read on to a program, you get read on, you sign the paperwork, and you know you have that responsibility and your name is on a list of people who are a ware that you don't discuss it with anyone else. if i were going to brief my former boss, mike pence, i would inform the original classifier that this was happening, and i would return the document for the safe, and like he said, a safe within a security office usually -- i mean, it is security within a classified facility. this is the level of effort that goes into this. so i can tell you, in terms of the former vice president, the briefer, anyone who would go in, would come with a briefcase, unlock it, then read, lock up the information, then leave.
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nothing would be left behind, but that's not the same experience i saw with donald trump. certainly now we're seeing the extent, and the people who serve in this community, the fact that it is damaging to our country, and puts lives at risk, and the fact he just has a plain disregard and thinking he's above the law, apparently. >> where did you see documents, in your experience? you wrote about this. >> yes, i found them in the ladies' room. i picked them up, walked direct li to security, said i have just found them, i don't know how long they've been here. i walked them up here, i covered them in a closed folder, for you to follow up on it. that is an obligation. i talk about this, because
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anyone in donald trump's circle, who is involved in this, who handled these documents, is equally responsible for whatever situation happened here they should also be held accountable. would you want to hear from vice president pence on this? >> i think it would be insightful to see how he views this scenario. i would certainly hope he is upset about it. because he understand what this means he has people in his family that served in the military. he understands intelligence officers and military officers, and what it means to put lives at risk. so i think his voice could be of value to a group of people perhaps that are maga supporters and others who really need to hear why this matters when they tune the rest of us, per se, out. >> david, marco rubio when we
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were talking about hillary clinton's private server, he had harsh words, leaders know better, and people who do take care of classified information. when it comes to donald trump and what's happening, he's called it a storage issue. i don't think a fight over a storage of documents is worthy of what they have done, which is a full-scale raid. jared kushner called it a paperwork issue. is it a storage issue? a paperwork issue? >> katie, i oversaw the clinton issue, and this dwarfs any that was in that investigation. this is in the i remembery stages of investigation. the key is to determine other
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received if it was -- to do that, they want to engage in a logical investigative steps, including witness interviews, to learn as much as they can about what knowledge mr. trump had, or what personal involvement he had in the retention of classified information at mar-a-lago. that's where, you know, the core facts will reside. they know some of that information already. we don't know if they pursued additional investigative action, but know they're saltsed with this court ruling that hobbles them to make derivative use of what they learned. so it's important for the department to get clarification from the court as soon as possible about what they can still do to move this investigation forward. marco rubio is the vice chair of the intel committee in the
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senate. i'll just note that. thank you all for bringing your reporting. that will do it for me today. joe fryer picks up our coverage next. e fryer picks up r coverage next. and i just didn't feel well. but then i found clearchoice. [ forde ] replacing marcia's teeth with dental implants at clearchoice was going to afford her that permanent solution. [ marcia ] clearchoice dental implants gave me the ability to take on the world. i feel so much better, and i think that that is the key. we lost about everything trying to pay for prescriptions. we spent our whole pension but couldn't keep up. so my husband just stopped taking his medicine. and then he had a stroke. i can't get back what i lost, but thanks to aarp, a new law will protect seniors with a cap on their prescription costs.
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