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tv   Alex Wagner Tonight  MSNBC  September 14, 2022 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT

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state grants came from federal welfare money. a lawyer for phil bryant commented on the test and criticize the release. >> the story is not over, and we will keep asking questions. thank you to my colleague for that reporting tonight. and on that note, i wish you all a very good night from all our colleagues across the networks of nbc news, thanks for staying up late, with us i will see you at the end of tomorrow. >> consider what have been over the space of just three days in january of last year, three events on three consecutive days that continue to shape our politics right up until this very moment. on january 5th of last year in georgia, john ossoff and raphael won their runoff elections for the united states senate which handed control of the chamber to the democrats. the next to january six well we all know what happened that day.
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then the day after that, on january 7th back in georgia election systems in rural coffee county were breached by team working on donald trump's behalf's, the system being that into the elections office by trump supporting local official. a team was sent there to search for evidence of election fraud, and the leader claimed to have made copies of every single voting machine and hard drive and every ballot. you have to admit it is a pretty brazen move to go breaching election systems in support of donald trump's election lies. literally, the day after those election lies sparked a violent assault on the u.s. capitol. but, that they were in kaufman county, doing just that. obviously we talked a lot about january six, but it is worth taking a moment to consider january 5th and january 7th as well. it is no accident that both those events that both looking to january six this big consequential election victory for democrats and possibly criminal election systems reach in support of donald trump's
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election lies. both of those events happen in the state of georgia. these days, georgia is a center of the political universe and a lot of ways. a microcosm of everything that is happening in american politics. think that election date in coffee county, the incident is now part of the sprawling investigation being conducted by george's fulton county district attorney into an election interference by trump and his allies. among all the investigations currently being conducted into donald trump, many legal observers think the georgia investigation may constitute his biggest legal threat. after all, the coffee county election breach months long pushed by trump and his allies to overturn biden's win in georgia, a push and included trump's infamous call to georgia secretary of state brad raffensperger. you know, that was the call in which trump spent an hour berating and threatening raffensperger to quote find enough votes for trump to win. trump tragic overturn the results and a lot of states,
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but no police got the attention and the pressure that jordan did. so when we think about the interest of investigations of the former president, and what effect those investigations might have on the country's political future, what georgia is right at the center of all of that. georgia is also at the center of the new wave of voter suppression legislation that has passed across the public-controlled states, since the 2020 election. george was the first state to enact sweeping restrictions in the wake of donald trump lost, just in case the subtext was lost on anyone, republican governor brian kemp signed the law surrounded and you can see right here by a bunch of white guys in front of a painting of a plantation. the upcoming midterms are the first elections in which georgia voters are contending with those new polls. and in those midterms, all eyes are on georgia because it could determine which party controls the senate again. raphael warnock is defending his senate seat against
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republican herschel walker. democrats have been bullied by the fact that reverent is such a blockbuster candidate and herschel walker's, such a what is the diplomatic way to put, this such a disaster. a new poll today from -- shows warnock leading his republic challenger by six points among republican voters which is a close race, but a decent margin for a democrat in a state that until recently was pretty reliably red. that same poll shows a tight race for georgia governor sitting republican governor brian kemp is at 50% while democrat stacey abrams is that 48%. the differences within the surveys margin era, and the pollsters described this race as too close to call. >> meanwhile a separate poll out today shows stacey abrams ahead by one point and that is from a republican pollster. so this is clearly a super close race and it might also be the race that is more of a
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bellwether for american politics more of a reflection of where the country is at than just about any other race in the country. i mean for one thing, this is a rematch, stacey abrams came more than a harris birth of defeating brian kemp from the -- four years ago. kemp was the state top elections official at the time, and abrams said her lost was made possible by kemp's voter suppression tactics in that role. but of course, since then, the peach state has voted for a democrat for president and has elected to democratic u.s. senators. was that a blip, or is georgia realizing itself politically in a more deep-seated way. if it is real lining itself that is in no small part thanks to stacey abrams herself creating the blueprint for attorney -- with her groundbreaking line of organizing and would richest ration and outreach to often overlooked communities. a lot of the democratic party's hopes and dreams for forging a long term winning coalition of voters are bound up in whether stacey abrams can win this race,
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and prove that her blueprint really works. this afternoon,, i sat down with a rooms to discuss the campaign, and voting rights, abortion, and a lot more. take a look. it's great to see you as always. i just want to start with the big picture as we sort of frame up what is happening in this country. georgia is so central to the american political landscape right now. so much has be fallen alive that state by with covid, voter suppression efforts, the dobbs decision. you are out there campaigning with the very important part of the american electorate. what is a feel like on the ground? >> people are anxious but they are also have a sense of urgency that things have to change. they survived covid, they survived racial violence, they survived economic downturn they were expecting. they have also had to grapple with government that doesn't seem to see them or care about their future and when we are
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out on the ground either and atlanta or southwest georgia or northeast georgia, i hear the same conversations. how do you get us back to safety? how do you ensure justice? how do we have economic opportunity that is real? and that is the unifying thing, but it's also the mission statement. that's why one georgia is what we are working on. people want more, they just need to believe that they can have more and deserve more. >> the polls have you tightening. the polls are tightening in the have you getting closer to your opponent brian kemp. there have been some analysis all call it about the strategy you are pursuing which in some ways gets to this age-old conundrum for the democrats and even republicans to try to peel off voters from the center already try to energize the base. a lot of the writing as compared your campaign to that of senator warnock. senator warnock seems to be approaching moderates trying, to peel off some moderate republicans and they say your campaign is focused more on turning out a new selection of voters, energizing the democratic voters of georgia
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that in many ways we shape the politics in the state. can you talk to me about that? is that a fair assessment? how do you see the turnout operation in georgia? >> one of the pieces of my approach to politics that seems to confound people is that i treat all voters as -- folders. i don't take for granted that anyone shares my values will choose to vote. so where the typical political dynamic says that persuading people that don't share your political ideology all the time to come with you for once, my approach is to say, how do we share our values and how do we persuade people either to share those values or to participate in the election? because those are both very important binary choices, and we choose to overlook the vast community of people who choose not to vote because they don't
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feel themselves in the conversation that gets relegated to the sort of, all that's base voting. it's not base voting if you don't participate in the elections. you're not a base voter unless you actually vote. we see those communities as persuasion votes as important as moderate republicans, as important as independents. we go after all of them. when i talk about medicaid expansion in georgia, access to health care is not going to be determined based on your partisanship. it's going to be determined based on your income and in georgia if you make less than $9 an hour, the current governor denies you access to health care. i will give that to you, using your own money, the money that georgians have already paid into the system. and so i don't see the tension for the conflict with the approach that brian senator warnock takes because we're
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both trying to get every four we can. i'm in a different posture, we're talking about state issues that has a first day that is very different dynamics depending on where you live. my responsibility at the state level is to be as granular as possible with policy messages. senator warnock asked to talk about what he can deliver as a u.s. senator. he's done an extraordinary job, but it is easy punditry to put a person in a conflict when there is no conflict. both of us want every voter we can, and we want every voter to see themselves in this race as a part of how we make this decision. >> particularly in the state of georgia when you talk about getting voters who don't traditionally go to the voters. we're talking about young voters, voters of color. you talk about and franchising these voters in a way. how do you do that in this political landscape when so
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much seems so irreparably broken? just about the action of voting itself which in georgia is under threat? >> georgia unfortunately remains crowd zero for voter suppression. despite the misinformation and outright disinformation delivered, often by our top tier leaders of the governor and secretary of state, the laws that they passed in 2020 21 were not response to any issues of voter security. it was entirely driven as the governor said by his frustration with the results. the wrong people voted in his estimation as tim is a estimation. our job is to let those people know, you are right, you are right to show up, you should show up again. you do not say wrong people, i am paraphrasing his behavior or his language, but he did say he was frustrated by the results. and if you get to those results, it was largely young, people people, of color, rural voters would not participated. those are the founders were
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trying to galvanize, but we also have to guide them through the new mine falls of voter suppression. the fact that under this governor they've outsourced voter challenges. what he does as governor purging more than 4 million people. now you have unlimited challenges. any person can come and challenge thousands of voters. we know of at least 26,000 challenges have been educate again and another 37,000 that are pending in one win at county alone. that is deeply problematic. we know for senior citizens who for more than a decade knew that their absentee ballot was going to arrive like clockwork, it is not shown up, because they change the voting laws. if you didn't vote in the primary laws, not gonna get the ballot unless you apply for. and it is not an easy to use application. we know the same is the same for the disabled community community. we know that young people are facing a harder time, so we are doing our best to the network of organizations that are false or focusing on voter engagement,
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to navigate the minefield. >> are you worried about the integrity of the midterm election in georgia? >> i'm worried about the right to access to vote in georgia, because we know there are roadblocks that were put in place intentionally designed to block access. we know that the state as underfunded once again our local elections officials. it is made illegal for them to seek outside funding to make up the difference. we know these challenges are coming to not come with additional money, it is an unfunded mandate. so every single block that is being put up, our responsibility is to have knowledge it, to galvanize around it and to roadmap our way through it, and that's what we can do. >> when you think about the fact that you are within, you have a very strong shot of
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becoming the governor of the state of georgia, the top of the state house, running the state. and georgia specifically in this moment in time, one of the reasons i think we're also transfixed by georgia so that special election happen a. movement forward to more inclusive motivational place in society or very violent pullback. when you think about the stakes, when you think about what you represent in this bid for the governorship, what is the last thing we should take away from what is happening in georgia right now? >> that georgia is a microcosm of what is playing out across the country. that what happened in kansas is not an anomaly, that what happened in alaska is not an aberration, but what can happen both in georgia on january 5th and on d. c. on january six are also very much part of our current politics. the polarization that has happened is real and tenable, but it is not inevitable. and part of my responsibility as campaigning is what does it look like to have a leader who actually believes and all of us to actually access the opportunity i was in north georgia which is largely wrong and one of the reporters this is a place it's very red my responsibilities to meet people where they are. my plan is a five billion surplus. i'm not saying use it only for this community or only to satisfy this political and. i'm saying let's invest in education because that left all of our children. let's invest in higher
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education so young people have a pathway forward. let's invest in our small businesses because they are 99% of businesses and 43% of the jobs a very small fraction of the investment that we make. let's invest in medicaid expansion to save hospitals, save lives, create jobs. for me, the conversation has to be a broader way, because the way we get to that very dynamic that we saw between the fifth and the sixth is by ignoring the reality of both, but ignoring more importantly the what we have accomplished in georgia on january 5th, by electing those two senators by telling people electing people they would never be able to get to the senate. their voices can have volume and effect. my campaign, my mission is to make certain that those voices co-get heard every two or four years and dissipate, but there's a constancy of volume,
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constancy of engagements. and for someone who's lived many the lives and trying to help folks love the, i want people to know that i'm gonna be with him every step of the way. and we can do without raising taxes. stacey abrams, candidate for the governor of georgia, the peach state. thank you for everything. >> just ahead, in one final part of that interview with stacey abrams, we discussed how her personal stance on abortion rights has evolved over her career, and how she hopes others making that same journey will make their voices heard in november. and, the january 6th committee gets its hands on thousands, thousands of new texts from six secret service agents, including ones on that fateful day. ven't washed it in years. multiple years? i don't see any stains. it's lucky. mmm i don't see any luck. it's dirty. - lucky. - dirty. but we just scored a touchdown. - yeah! - not we. me. ohhh! touche. you need to deep clean that.
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democratic candidate for governor, with stacey abrams, about how georgia voters can be motivated but attempts to limit their voting rights. we also spoke about how this could be the same for the overturning of roe v. wade. as part of that discussion, abrams talked about her how her own thing is developed overtime on the issue of reproductive choice. >> well certainly telling people they can't vote is one way to galvanize them, the others to hand down a supreme court decision that seems wholly at odds with where the public is that at. i'm talking of course about the
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dobbs decision. -- merrill has information out today, more than 60% of mail-in ballots requests are from women. requests from black women, roughly equal the requests of white men, which is not typically how it goes in the midterm election. let's talk about abortion for a bit, there was actually really interesting new york times profile about you, on the subject of abortion. you did not start out your life as a pro-choice person, if you will, i'm not telling you something you don't know, you know this, but for those who don't. i think evolution is really unique in the democratic party at the state. i want you to explain how you came to the position the now hold, which is a proponent of choice. >> i grew up in the deep, south the mississippi, my parents became ministers was when i
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wasn't shine a high school, but i come from a very religious family. there is never understandable conversation about where we should stand, but it is endemic to the communities i was a part, of that abortion was wrong, it was when i went to college they start meeting people that had the same fate, tradition that i had a different perspective, they started challenging my own beliefs. it didn't happen overnight, but help me reconsider conversations i had as a, teenager with a friend who is
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grappling with the desire need to have an abortion. she came to me seeking guidance, and i didn't really understand what she needed for me and in retrospect i'm deeply saddened that i wasn't there for her but what i know and what i learned over time is that even if my personal belief system said but i would not make that choice my responsibility both as a citizen when i'm voting, and as a legislator when making decisions, is that that choice belongs to a woman, it's a medical decision. it's the only medical decision that politics has decided that it should interfere with, and that to me is untenable. so when i was getting ready to stand for office, i'd already shifted to being pro-choice, but i made myself write an essay to myself about my posture, because i'm deeply nerdy in that way. >> you are tenure, self this person is pro-choice, a saint
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wasn't just about abortion it is about how would you make a decision you're running for office and you get these different applications and endorsement requests and before i filled them out i said let's think through where we stand on issues. abortion was top of mind for me. when i got to the end my essay to myself, i was very strongly pro-choice. it is wrong for the state to impose its political values on a woman's reproductive choice. >> it seems really critically important that you are having that conversation with yourself but also with voters, right? when you talk about rural voters, voters of color. looking at abortion is black and white issue, that doesn't involve any evolution, as people have, i think can be alienated to some voters. do you see that when you're on the trail? do you feel like telling your own story is useful when you're
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talking to voters who are, themselves, coming -- having an evolution on abortion. >> absolutely. so long it's treated as binary, you're the right or wrong. what i understand what to tell people as you can have your personal beliefs, but you can still vote for peoplethat the nn with that decision and i think because of my background and my empathy for those who are making that journey right now i want them to know that i'm not castigating them for where they know it's wrong to tel pol learned while talki it's not we expect to thinstay with r all eligible voters tend to th polls this november. john, favor former speec writer for president obama joins me to discuss what he ha learned while talking to voter across the country, hint, it's not we expect to think stay with us stay with us ts that condition and smooth fibers so clothes look newer, longer. feel the difference with downy. >> tech: when you have auto glass damage, let safelite come to you. so clothes look newer, longer. ♪ pop rock music ♪ >> tech: my customer enjoys time with her family. so when her windshield got a crack... she scheduled with safelite in just a few clicks. we came to her house... ...replaced the windshield... and installed new wipers. that's service on her time. >> grandkid: here you go! >> tech: wow, thank you! >> customer and grandkids: bye! >> tech: bye! don't wait, schedule now. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪
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i had experienced being in shelters at a young age. having nothing. prostituting. we don't choose this life. i never knew what safe was until i came to city of refugee. people that's coming through these doors are trying to break the cycle. prop 27 will help provide more funding for places like this and help people get off the streets. it feels good to have a place to call home. support prop 27. do you believe, first question,
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that we can conclusively determine who won the 2020 presidential election. >> i am the only candidate in this race to say that joe biden legitimately did not win 81 million votes in the 2020 election.
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>> that was caroline love it, last night she won the republican primary for new hampshire's first congressional district. at 25 years old, she's only the second member of gen z to win a house primary. and she is the first republican member of that generation to do so. in addition to believing that the 2020 election was stolen, she wants stricter abortion laws, she wants to privatized social security, she wants to kill obamacare, and she believes that, quote, climate change is a manufactured crisis by the democrat party, to frighten the american people into socialism. caroline levitz race in november is considered a
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toss-up, so she very well may be heading to washington come december. and it -- general don bulldog came out ahead. not only this general bulldogs in the 2020 election was stolen, not only has he expressed support for the january 6th rioters, but when he was asked late last year he as a general thinks there is any role for the military to play, if another election is stolen, general bullet replied, i think there's always a role for the military to play, if there is a threat to the existence of our government in our constitution, and those that we take. absolutely. general bullet will run against many hassan for that seat, she won her last election by only about 1000 votes. so even though the most recent polls had or most around four points ahead of the general, that race might be a little bit too close for comfort. we can spend all night reading the tea leaves about what those primaries mean for november, and for the state of the country, but here's the thing, a total of 92,000 people voted
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in last night's democratic senate primary new hampshire. maggie hassan was a shoe in, so to some degree that makes sense. but in the heated republican primary, when you had a fringe candidate like bullet running against the -- a guy named chuck morris, even in a hotly contested matchup like that. only 140,000 people voted. new hampshire is a small state, but still, when you compare those numbers to what we should expect in the general election, it paints a clear picture picture. in 20 28,000 people voted in the general election. in the last midterm back in 2018, nearly 600,000 people did. so as much as we can analyze those 230,000 people who collectively voted in the new hampshire primaries last night. it's not really a good predictor of anything? after all, those are the people who really pay attention to politics. the people who vote in primaries.
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and november is likely going to come down to some 400 to 600,000 people who did not vote last night, but might vote in november. from people who don't follow politics that closely, who don't vote in primaries. and if we're being honest, probably don't watch a lot of cable news. and that is basically former obama speech writer john five rows theory of the case nationwide. we know how to people who watch every night of the january 6th hearings are likely to vote we know how the people who think the 2020 election was stolen or likely to vote. what we don't know is how the people who haven't really been pain attention will vote, and even a still shot to vote at all. he's sending off across the country like this one to find
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out. >> how many of you plan on voting in the midterm elections this november? >> what is? that >> who is your member of congress, and you think they're doing a good job? >> i don't know anyone in congress, to be honest. >> does anyone know who their member of congress? this >> now. >> that's okay. >> joining us now is john favor of former speech writer for president obama he of course co-host of podcast positive -- but the history and future of the democratic party.
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john thank you for being with us tonight, and congratulations on when he such a successful focus group, i think. >> that was fun to listen, to have? people really excited about the midterms. >> yes, fun and shocking. we have been told we've been led to believe that we in the press and the american public, that the mythic swing voter is some white dude in a diner in the midwest.
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and i thought feel like you are work tears that mid apart. what have you found out in your travels across this great country about who swing voters actually are? >> that's one of the reasons why it did this series, the 81 million people that showed up to vote against donald trump in 2020, a very small percentage of them, as you mentioned, actually follow the news closely. most people who actually vote, don't have a pre-formed political opinion, they're not super ideological, they're not super partisan.
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they pick between two candidates i want to do some of these people, i talk to black voters in canada, -- i talk to disengaged democrats in pittsburgh. that group is young voters in orange county, katie porter is actually the member of congress. they all voted for joe biden in 2020 but it don't know what they're gonna do in 2022. when you talk to these, voters
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is that the issues that they talk about the most is trying to make their rent, trying to own a home, the cost of gas and the cost of food. they've all talked about abortion, that came up a lot because all these folks groups were in the wake of the dobbs decision. so they talk about a horse
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series of issues, but issues that affect their lives. and i asked these groups what issue doesn't media cover too much, and what issues do they not talk about enough. and almost every group said january 6th, elections, politics that all gets talked about way too much by politics in the media, and i was talking about housing, rent, food costs. so they feel disconnected from politics because they don't think politicians are speaking about the issues that matter most of them. >> listen, i'm guilty of talking a lot about january 6th, but not so much because jet necessarily a sensational story, but because none of it matters if we don't have a democracy that doesn't fundamentally function. you can't do anything about economic policy, student debt, or the climate if you don't have a representative democracy. are they aware of the existential threats to democracy is that something that even comes across the radar or really doesn't have to be so literally personal, that otherwise it doesn't make a dent. >> so their vwhen i ask a they are not l cable, so i do people that democracy is attent conversations to persuade who really did n going >> i will just say that i the first focus groupit was glen the know for sure when imprint get it wherever you get y great joins peopcolor,ou have to really ein difficult sation persuad peoplehey should get out of theirouse november,nd ally go vote >>ou mened dobbs, and ay allf that focus group,ing though was is kind of a seismic t, int in terms omocratta it's something these voters, who id not see partarly ced wit other asof ouremocracy more defy viscerally to be a cadillac fors go young voters tols going to draw the i know i'm aing you a very questionor a limited sae, but what was th feelin you had when yo
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lk to guys about dobbs will st say that i rst focus group righwhen tisionn en i didast focus grou but eversingleroup without mempting people broughtortion it wasnteresting, in virginitheh ted for joe joe bide inernatorial elections we wback to them aer whundecided said tha s.solutely pushing to that was juse samp frll of these vors but ayou w td about do were pretty ed by, it didn't eve know for sure whennt rms were, how to get llot, who is aember congress was that's a challge andactuallu what ted to do to go speech writer, f group hree of his podcast th wilderss is e now, get it wver yoget your dcasts thank you as always,n grea to see you >>s, alex. >> still ahead, january 6th, investigators receive treasure trove of new text messages from the secret service. andrew weizmann, former fb general counsel and former member of general counse robert mueller's investigation joins me, stick around with downy infusions, let the scent set the mood. ♪
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six committee is expected to produce it's -- the day it sneak peek at its new firepower the committee might bring to the table at the end of the month. today chairman bennie thompson and committee member -- revealed the panel has gotten holds of thousands of exhibits from the secret service, including text messages from january 5th and sixth. yes, those messages. the ones we all thought were infamously, had a record public lost. in mid july, the watchdog for the department of homeland security which the secret service as a part of, it told congress they mature messages that secret service agents sent on and before january 6:20 turn those messages have been erased. advantage from the three-month system migration.
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the secret service said the messages were not eluded maliciously and before the dhs watchdog told them to -- that. big if true if they say. but, now there is a criminal investigation into how the muscle just got erased. and, it is worth noting, the washington post previously reported that staff at the dhs watchdogs office had planned to use a forensic data specialist to retrieve the lost messages, but the agency's top watchdog joseph -- shut that down. if you missed that part of the, story here it is again. this past february when a senior forensic analyst took steps to gather staff response to begin that recovery process, his office told investigators to stop what they were doing. we do not know why, but apparently they did. we all thought those text messages from january six, ones that could offer some pretty important insight into what was happening with the president and vice president at the capitol was being stormed, well, we thought those text messages or just lost, forever gone. but, now the january six
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committee apparently has the messages, and then some. here is so lofton -- explaining the magnitude of this new -- >> those text, emails, radio traffic, all kinds of information, teams meetings so we are going to go through everything that has been provided more is coming in as i say some of it is not relevant, and some of it is and it is a huge -- if you approve, it but we are going to go through it and the members of the committee themselves have been involved in this, and we hope to have that completed soon. >> and it is nothing that has come in that you are aware of so far, is in conflict with any of the public testimony presented by the committee today -- >> yes, let me say i have some concerns, about documents and then comparing to some of the testimony that we have received, and we hope to resolve any
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discrepancies in a way that would make sense, and we will have to do that as we proceed in an orderly way. >> discrepancies, or could that, be and who does implicate. i know just who to ask. joining us now is andrew weissmann, former fbi counsel, former senior member of the -- land professor and why you law, andrew, thanks for being here tonight. >> nice to be here. >> so, this sounds like a lot of new information that this committee has and again, it is not just text messages, it is radio traffic, it is i think she said teams meetings, do you have any position about where this material may have originated from, or how it is being procured at the stage in time. >> yeah, i do you know used to be when i started out as a prosecutor, if you instructed -- destroy paper copies that was it, it was gone but now with
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laptops and this device a computer, and iphones it is really hard to get rid of something. so, even though there may have been routine destruction or even, worse somebody may have intentionally tried to get rid of something there are all sorts of backup systems and there is a cloud system if you send that message to somebody else, you can find it on their system that they have not been erased. so there are all types of ways the secret service could have tried to recreate what it is that happened on january 6th, january 5th, january 7th in response to the -- that they got for all these documents. >> this one seemed to be very valuable, correspondents, right? these are some of the biggest questions we have about what happened on january six. what was the truck doing, the phone logs are missing. what kind of danger was pensive?
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what role did the secret service playing getting him off the property and taking him to a secure location. that's our intention? what kind of correspondents was there at the white house, the president the secret service. was trump actually reaching over the back seat of his vehicle to try to stay or be taking to cassidy hutchinson. these are kind of key moments from january six that in theory could be revealed by this new evidence that we have. where the most pressing questions that you have in terms of the information of the committee has access to? >> so i think you laid out a lot of them but i think the key is that you can get testimony for all of that. we have to then make a credibility judgment if you have a conflict as to what people remember and what people are saying so you definitely can still get witnesses. the reason prosecutors love emails and text messages and challenge and messenger chats is -- it's recording what people are
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seeing in doing at the time. key thing for the prosecutors in january six committee as well is anything that directly ties to what the former president was doing and what he was saying. so, as he mentioned to the intent to really want to go up to the capitol. not just inside, it backs to be there on site. what was his reaction? what was he saying with mike pence in his role? i think that relates to the former president is gonna be really key for prosecutors and the january six committee. >> congressman suggests there is some discrepancies between documents and testimony. do you have open questions? doesn't ring alarm bells in your mind? ? >> it doesn't because as a prosecutor you financial differences are different people remember things differently. you see document and it refreshes your recollection. it really depends about the discrepancy is. there are other times where it's very black and white and you think yourself, how is a possible for somebody to forgot that. so for instance just to take an example on one side of the equation there when cassidy hutchinson said it's really not -- a means that when she was told this, they did not accurately recount what happened. conversely if they had been representing that something didn't happen but they are on contemporaneous operation, i think that's a lot of people
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suspicion when they heard that certain peoples records that disappeared. of course, your eyebrows go up. so, it will really depend on what the facts are. >> andrew weizmann, former fbi counsel for a senior member of the mueller probe. thanks as always for your expertise tonight and you. >> we have one more story to get to tonight. it's one that could have major repercussions all across this country. stay with us. >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> -- >> from firstly, if the secret
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service had been representing some of the edmonton happen they are on a needs documentation, of course that is of course in the suspicion that they records had disappeared and of course your eyebrows go up and your intention goes up. so it really is going to depend on what the facts are. >> andrew weizmann former fbi general counsel, former senior member of the morrow probe and professor and why you, law thanks as always very expertise tonight. andrew. >> thank you. >> we have one more story to get to tonight, one that could have major repercussions all across this country. stay with us. try. stay with us it's gentle on her skin and out-cleans our old free detergent. tide hygenic clean free. hypoallergenic and safe for sensitive skin.
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supply chains getting new shortages just as the nation begins to recover from the biggest supply chain disruption in history. organized labor as a key part and the coalition. this is what the democrats will need in the midterms. >> significant travel headaches and massive inflation to be a boom to republicans. republicans don't face these rallies. they are not throwing roping pro labor basically ever. they introduced legislation to force the rail workers back to work and put pressure on the democrats. the white house says it has contingency plans but that could prove to be a colossal challenge. given that rails carry 30% of the nations freight and other transportation systems are maxed out right now. this could change everything we thought we knew about the political landscape heading into this year's election. the white house is 48 hours to figure out, time is ticking. that does it for us we'll see again tomorrow it's time for the last word lawrence o'donnell. this is one of those nights
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where we know we'll be talking about 24 hours from now when they finally reveals who she is going to name as a special master. we have reason to believe that it's the one choice both sides already agree on. and rather she's going to limit and retract some of her order that is demanded by the justice department. >> those 100 pages of classified information and whether or not raymond dearie is going to play through this highly sensitive material. we were all on special master watch. i never thought the phrase of command my, mouth here we are lawrence. this is america 2022. thank you alex, thank you >> there in very serious and newly released portions, in the fbi affidavit supporting the search warrant of donald trump's home issued -- the affidavit explains all of the steps of the federal investigators took to try to retrieve from donald trump's residence before they came to this judge to seek a search warrant. affidavit says that on june 3rd 2022, three fbi agents and doj counsel arrived at the promises to accept receipt for f photos council one after individuals she was presented as the custodian of records for f
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potus's post presidential office. the fbi was there that day in june armed with a subpoena for all the government records on the premises. they relied to both of donald trump's lawyers and we already knew 400 active portion. individual to provide the fbi with a letter certifying of the trump team conducted a diligent search and is now handing absolutely everything that they are subpoena asked for. that was signed by christina bob who has since dropped out of the trump defense team. she hired her own criminal defence lawyer. that much we already knew. and now on the newly unredacted portion, we discover council one isn't at least much trouble, if not more than christina bob. the fbi affidavit says it on that day june 3rd quote that he must advise all the records that came from the white house were stored in one location within mar-a-lago. he was in the storage room in the boxes of records in the storage room were the remaining repository of records from the white house. they further stated he was not advised that there were any records in any private office space or any location in mar-a-lago. that we now know was a complete lie because the fbi with the search warrant actually found classified documents in his desk. when the


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