tv Symone MSNBC October 15, 2022 1:00pm-2:00pm PDT
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appears to be with all the events leading up to january six and since then, have been about one man's fear, being embarrassed. thanks for joining, me now for the special, we're looking to the january 6th hearing. be sure to tune in, do a full re-era of the committee hearing tonight, six committee tonight on msnbc i will be back on the chair tomorrow, 2 pm eastern. simone starts right now. we >> greetings, you are watching simone. a stunning hearing by the house committee investigating the january 6th attack on the capitol. they have new evidence this week of former president donald trump was at the center of a premeditated effort to overturn the 2020 election and ended with a unanimous vote to subpoena trump to testify. now the imperative made a claim, the failure to act on the part of the fbi and the secret service. does not dispute intelligence that they had well before the
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insurrection. we are going to break down the disturbing details and what happens next. plus, we have 24 days away from crucial midterm elections. i'm excited about the election and then debate stages, they are heating up and we are talking about the police moments and georgia. and wisconsin, that could decide the balance of power in congress. they have questions that need answers. housing urban development secretary, he is joining me at my table to talk all about affordable housing and helping potential home buyers and a market that same stack against them. i am simone sanders thompson, i have something to say. this week january six hearing, really tied up some loose ends for us. i gave the country a more complete picture of what was happening inside of the capitol. actions by lawmakers, in action
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by the white house. but take italy, the former president of the united states of america during believe me as one question. why? why did the secret service and the fbi failed to act on threat warnings that they received. there were safeties well ahead of the insurrection. this was not an intelligence failure that some has suggested it was a failure to act. on thursday we got a first look on some of the more than 1 million electronic communications obtain from the secret service as well as a new tales about trump's premeditated plan -- and congressional leadership, especially speaker nancy pelosi as the capital was under siege and lives were in danger. >> i have something to say mister secretary i will call the mayor of washington d.c. right now and see what our other at which she -- and also, we can deliver the
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good news that we are now going to instead of blocking the national guard. >> still not seven asked to go, back and still trying to penetrate the building. and it's not a safe thing we are trying to figure out how we can demand this job once again i worry about you being -- >> i am standing with the chief of the u.s. capitol. it all culminated in the first congressional subpoena the former president in nearly 70 years. >> this is a question about that comment to the american people. he must be accountable >> that committee direct the chairman to issue the subpoena of relevant documents and testimony under oath from donald john trump
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the question before us now is, this will former president donald trump ever agree to his hat on for a deposition? while he issued a statement the following day, surprise it was right with more wild accusation and lies. and the former president trump has directly say and whether or not you can pull -- and if donald trump ignored a subpoena, the full house will have the vote on whether they make a referral to the justice department. and -- as my understanding when the capitol was attacked. the lives of you and your colleagues were in danger, on thursday we all saw the committee making's most detailed case yet and the
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investigation. all roads lead to trump, so what was it like to see that unfold for you? >> first of all the leadership that was shown by speaker pelosi, leader schumer, even mike pence and that moment was tremendous. they were steady, they were clear, and they were concise and terms of what they needed in terms of support for the capital the person that they're not show any leadership during this time was donald trump and this is further evidence that he may have been involved directly with the insurrection. he said out loud march on the capitol. he said that at his rally that day he said it on twitter, prior to that day telling people to come to the capitol on january 6th he pushed the big lie. republicans and congressman supported the big lie, jimmy
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thompson was the part of helping to overturn the election results. so this is a conspiracy, the president was involved. democrats show leadership and the president should be held accountable. >> yeah, is the former president i want to get your take on something i laid out on the open of the show because we saw the committee really lay all of the failures to act on the intelligence that was received before january 6th out during this particularly last hearing. this is the intelligence that could've prevented the attack. congressman schiff said that certain white house and secret service witnesses testified that they had not received any intel about violence. something is not adding up here. do you think members of the secret service, potentially the fbi lied to congress? >> that remains to be seen, that remains to be investigated. i can tell you personally, we
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were told to get to our offices earlier that they and to stay in our offices throughout the day because we knew there would be a large crowd. >> i'm sorry to interrupt you congressman, how did you know that information is from intel that was received? >> house leadership told us to get to our offices earlier that day. and stand out through offices throughout the day. we then became aware of intel that capitol police and the sergeant at arms that information that there may be violence associated with this large crowd one of the reasons why we introduced our first bill shortly thereafter that congressional oversight of unjust policing act as because we were wondering with all of this intelligence why the capitol was not more fortified in the same way that washington d.c. was fortified during black lives matter rally. and the summer previous today's and so you know we had a lot of question at that time and it
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still seems to be a lot more questions. and, again where it is the president get into this and why does the president deploy the national guard right away? >> lots of questions that need answers congressman jim on, ball thank you for joining us today. >> joining me now is some legal panel, katie's the justice department reported for the new york times and the gorilla like to say, msnbc contributor he isn't msnbc legal analyst. a grew as well, someone who is at the hearing earlier this week. katie, i want to start with you. a lot of the focus -- i wonder if you can explain how a congressional subpoena is different than a criminal subpoena and what powers donald trump has with this? >> yeah so congressional subpoena is congress saying to donald trump, we would like
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your testimony congress does not have any ability to charged with him with the crime we are seeing oversight vest again and gathering on the behalf of the american people and because of that power we ask you to come before us. if donald trump becomes to decide the subpoena, congress has a few avenues that they can pursue. it can refer to in the department, the department of justice to see if it will enforce it. and you know, the department of justice will enforce it as they did with steve bannon steve bannon is supposed to contract for not complying with the congressional subpoena. by the thing is that all donald trump really has to do is run out of the clock. because if republicans retake the house, after this midterm election. and when they go back in january and they have the gavel and they control the house and i will eliminate this committee and withdraw the subpoena and then it will be moved it will not matter if it is going to the justice department, and not really matter what donald trump has said or done about it.
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this is really symbolic on behalf of the committee. keep in, mind a lot of things have been first for donald trump. impeached twice, first president in history. lots of things, not subpoenaed by congress first. what congress is doing is making a political statement. political body, they are saying he needs to be held accountable. >> a political statement, i want to get you to weigh in a point that i've been making. congressman had the shifts and received a tip from the fbi and this is what some sources said according to adam shift. i would know he received a template out by the fbi about the secret service. had said they think they will have a large enough group tomorrow to the pc. i want to play this for you. >> they think that they will have a large no group to march into d.c. arm, the source reported. and will outnumber the police, so that they cannot be stopped.
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>> their plan is to literally kill people. the secret service and other agencies knew of the prospect of violence, well in advance of the presidents speech at the election. >> glenn, these are not security failures. these were failures to act. you just heard my conversation with bowen. do you think we will ever find out why more precautions were not taken? >> i think we need to, first and foremost, we don't ever have to see the situation replicate itself but i agree with you simone. this was not a failure it was a calculation i believe the calculation by donald trump. to nominee law enforcement agencies and military components there are, under the control of the executive branch? donald trump, fbi, etf, u.s. marshals service, park police, the military of course that bureau of prisons riot squad. and all of my years as a federal prosecutor, that's a
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lot of heavy equipment right? and all of my years as a federal prosecutor and i never saw the bureau of prisons riot squad deployed outside a bureau of prisons riot. do you know what i did see them deployed? when i attended the blm protest. all of these forces were marshaled, to meet what they thought was going to be a violent protest blm protests, turns out it wasn't. all of them were deprived to the capitol do you know was protecting the capitol? the capitol police, the only law enforcement agency under their control of congress and the friends at the metropolitan police department, as said a cop. donald trump deprived the people in the capital, of all of the executive branches and law enforcement and forces that they needed to meet the attack. the attack donald trump law. that is criminal >> it is criminal, we heard about criminal referrals towards the end of the hearing and liz
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cheney she spoke of potential criminal reforms, the is there anything that you can tell us about what the justice department officials are doing to prepare a response to these potential -- the conversation we are having about the fbi in the secret service? >> and i mentioned the capitol police did let all of the people who attacked the capitol that day. there is a lot going on, in law enforcement and a lot of questions to glenn's point, about what happened and why the security protocols did not keep people from attacking that building. these are the criminal involves, the justice department is not need to respond to any criminal referrals. that amara seems criminal referrals often. this will not be an unusual matter, generally what we see is we receive them and determine whether or not they married investigation. if the department decides to open criminal investigations, glenn and i both know while you don't talk about criminal investigations. you don't make public statements about them. they got to the relative office,
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or portions of justice department will take care of them and look at them. keep in mind, though the justice department is undertaking its own, very own investigation into january six, it started that months and months before congress began having its public hearings. it does not need a grown overall from congress -- and again what congress is doing is they're making a very public, very political statement about who they think as responsible and it's on a trump. >> one can argue, congress is doing their job glenn curse, near the gurus of all things legal. thank you both very much. coming, up by political panel to break down the debate face-off between senator raphael warnock and herschel walker. i have some thoughts about herschel walker's performance that might surprise you. plus werewolf former president obama beginning the campaign trail? we have some answers. but my colleague richard louis is here today's other top news stories before we get into all of this richard, what do you have? >> hey simone, good to see that
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the death toll from a coal mine explosion and fire rose to 41 in turkey and officials say a methane as a potential cause. and turkey's minister said 58 of the 110 people, working in the mind were rescued or managed to get out the biden administration authorized another seven and $25 million military weapons for ukraine. ukraine's president said he was scintilla grateful for the new security package. this comes after a week of high-level nato meetings. that twice a decade meetings of china's national congress, that starts tomorrow. the national congress is expected to reappoint she asked the party general secretary during its weeklong meeting. it would give them an unprecedented third five year term. moore simone white after the break. term moore simone white after the break. break. ♪ what will you do? will you make something better? create something new? our dell technologies advisors can provide you with the tools and expertise you need
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weeks until the midterm elections. it's been a midterms leaks in the four key states, georgia, pennsylvania, ohio and wisconsin are going to play a major role. -- democrats are hoping barack obama the former president will give a boost. president obama will join the campaign trail to suffer democratic's later this month. he is gonna be making trips to georgia, wisconsin and michigan. and what his aides call a quote unquote, kick off for his mid term travel and it's been a crazy few days in the bates and georgia isle and wisconsin, take a listen to this. >> one thing i have not, then i've never pretended to be a police officer. and i have never threatened a shootout with the police. >> i am what what many police officers. and at the same time. >> mister walker, mr. walker, you are very well aware of the rules tonight.
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and you have a propped and that is not allowed sir. i asked you to put the proper way. >> where is my, prop this is real. >> i've been a pair in the rear end to nancy pelosi. and if chuck schumer is with me, i will be a pain in the rear and to him to. i am for ohio, i don't kiss anybody's but like him. ohio needs it about kicker, not a but kisser. >> and response of the wild charge of lieutenant governor barnes the fbi set me up with a corrupt, with a corrupt briefing and i like dak to smear me. >> he has preferring to corruption, the fbi and trying to uncover and expose. >> >> let's bring in my panel to bring it all down. i'm each across as a democratic strategist and political commentator that kaiser republican cottages, former communications director for the republican national committee. and téa mitchell is, here a washington correspondent for
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the atlanta journal-constitution. given that missed, yet we will start in georgia okay democratic senator, raphael warnock he debated the republican who would like to take the seat, herschel walker. want to play a bit more specifically on that debate. take a listen to this. >> would you support president biden running for a second term and 2024 and i've knocks set a minute thinking about what politicians will run for what in 2024? and the answer is i have not. >> mister walker, former trump is considering a run for 2024, if you give me a simple yes or no answer. >> would you support a trump 2024 run? >> yes i, what president trump is my friend. it has nothing to do with, has nothing to do with that. he is my friend, i want leave my allies which is what senator warnock and joe biden did in afghanistan. >> téa, i think a lot of reporters actually missing how last night's debate is actually
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playing in georgia. i think your paper got it, right the atlanta georgia constitution talk a how herschel walker may have helped himself in his performance on the debate stage last night? >> yes, i know people were supporting the senator warnock don't like hearing that. the truth of the matter is that herschel walker i think that what needed to be done so to speak. the bar was really low. and i think there are a public, good conservatives, even some moderates that are looking for a reason to stay with her show watcher. and the past few days, there have been reasons to abandon him. a lot of controversy, some misstatements, mistruths. the endurance data ends. they want to support them because they want republicans to control congress. and i think some of his performance last night, it wasn't you know i'm not saying he's the greatest debater ever. he exceeded some of those low expectations. and in that, way i think there are some people who say okay
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and i can cast my vote and that he leaseholders owns should he go to congress. >> there is actually split ticker voters and georgia and folks are willing to work for camp, but not too sure about herschel walker and the bar is low. doug, look i think you know when you talk a lot of people for a debate prep. when you debate somebody like herschel walker, and the style of donald, trump you have to be direct, to need to be quickly elaine new jobs and got to answer the questions last night i, love for not personally but he did not always do that. how do you think that is playing with the voters in georgia? >> i think they're confused. georgia? what we see so often in washington dance champions, they are as low and the bar is low. your point of bars, low your bar as low. a lot of that is political imagination. in, georgia it was very real. republicans will proudly tell, you gosh we are not a strong on this. he is a preacher >> he will tell you privately about herschel walker, it's not so
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good. last night it's a bit muggier than that. and that scores a point with herschel walker in ways a lot of republicans last night did not expect. >> it was concerning, i think we have to wait and see how this will really play out. this is the one, debate between herschel walker and reverend warnock. of 24 days go to election day. i want to talk about wisconsin, mandela buyers currently lieutenant governor and the current senator from minnesota and ron johnson. they face off in a debate at all this week. i got hot and testy and i want to play for this piece from the debate. the moderator asked each candidates say they admire from the other candidate. this is what ron johnson said. >> i do think you know the senator is proving to be a family man. it is admirable, it's to be respected. he speaks about his family, son allowed to provide for them. i absolutely respect that. >> mr. johnson. >> likewise, -- he has loving parents, as
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school teacher. bollywood through the shift, good upbringing. i guess what puzzles me about that is what that upbringing, why is he turned against america? why is he defying america -- >> we said something admirable. >> we said something admirable, how do you think lieutenant governor barnes did in that debate? how do you think it's stacking up overall? >> i think the performance was, strong however their point where he could've done better. it feels as though that debate in and of itself started at the bottom. in terms of the jobs that were taken, very petulant throughout the debate. they were attacks on criminal justice reform records, anti-notions against blm, the things we would expect when it comes to a lot of the republican rhetoric that he step with the page there. they philonise this will be a very interesting race like most, in terms of turnout. both sides had to appeal to the basis. it's thousands of came and did this job, he appeal to this base. credit happened stronger?
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yes and i don't think that he was ready for the jabs that paved his way. i don't believe it was a lesson in how to debate more than anything else. and to their credit, they have more than one debate. >> they did have more than one debate but the bar has to do a lot more than just peel the base voters if he wants him in the race. and -- has not gotten as much coverage like some other races across the country. this is a consequential race. and governors vetoed everything the republican has sent his way. ten michaels the republican candidate for governor winds, i think wisconsin it is some consequences here, are there or not? >> yes you can see this going in the direction of florida. and he spent so much time over this past few months focusing on what i called a cartoon characters in the race. and attended a inverse of the tv doctor. the running backs versus the rocking ref and they ignore the north carolina senate race. and the governor toil race and
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we have a relatively normal people running. these races deserve a lot more attention, voters within their states in obviously nationally need to know a lot more. >> i know we have to, go but really quick, -- >> i do think right now, stacey abrams has a lot of ground to make up there is not a lot of time, early voting starts on monday. >> all right, starts on monday, it will admission help folks out there on the campaign trail? >> obama will help folks. he is the highest rated democrat. i don't see how that could not bring out the base, bring out excite. especially younger voters. >> early voting a starting place and all of the country folks, we will be watching. all right, and we should cross, doug out, to mitchell thank you all for coming into the studio and giving your insights appreciate you all. next, at the green table, the u.s. secretary and housing and urban development, miss marshall is joining me in the studio i'm going to ask the secretary, what the biden administration is doing to help americans amid an affordable housing shortage and very high interest rates.
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they got off, some of them were acquitted, the rest of them were on mistrial. the justice department failed and this really clear cut case to get convictions there. four years later, they brought another big sedation trial against almost 30 defendants. again who had access to weapons were planning to overthrow the government. involved in all of the spots in that case, the 1944 trial appointed them were linked to a foreign dictatorship. they were taking money and support from the government. the justice department put them all on trial, and again that prosecution failed to. and it wasn't like these were completely out of the blue prosecution that we had to blame the justice department for. it makes sense these people were on trial, they really did try to do some of this stuff. it's hard to set of these things in the courtroom. sedition is hard to prove. almost by definition and when you are confronting people want to commit those types of crimes, they want to overthrow the political system there can be a criminal justice response and it has to be a part of a larger
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response. too has to be political accountability, organizing against, and activism against them. good journalism that exposes them. you need a bigger response, that is my big takeaway. never expect the justice system to be a silver bullet. you need a whole, bag, multi variant response. that speaks i think to all of us. >> i found it interesting, senator of minnesota, he is the focal point. at least for the first opposite and he is a through line throughout the rest of them. as folks, fuller and there were other lawmakers involved in the plot but london seems to be through the line. why glen jean? >> so lengthy and it is an interesting figure. he was against world war i on principle grounds and then it was against world war ii on principled grounds but he also. ten people listening about the podcast, it will sound crazy but i mean it literally. i am not making this up. he ended up working with a
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naughty agent with an agent of the hitler government to spread naughty propaganda, literally propaganda written by hitler government in berlin. to spread naughty propaganda all throughout the united states. using the u.s. congress and the u.s. sent in to do it. and he was under investigation. he died an estelle mysterious plane, crash when they were fbi employees and a criminal division of justice department prosecutor on board of the plane with him. we don't know why the plane crash to this day, the investigation into him began this window into all of these members of congress who were in on this plot. literally taking money from the hitler government says spread not to propaganda to united states using our own government against us. >> i cannot get away to continue to listen. how many episodes are in this eason? >> a. together, we positive so far, one new one every monday tell we are done. >> all right rachel maddow, host of the new podcast rachel maddow presents ultra. thank you very much for joining
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us. >> thank you so much, thank you. >> next we are bringing the results from a brand-new poll on black women voters. and many of them, said that they are more motivated to vote now than ever before. this poll came out minutes ago folks, stay with us. folks, stay with us. next is the new great garlic. the tender rotisserie style chicken is sublime and the roasted garlic aioli adds a lovely pecan flavor. man, the second retirement really changed you. the new subway series. what's your pick?
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every level of elected office. that progressive group higher heights for america, is investing in a new generation of political leaders and they are backing black women who want to run for office. they have a new higher highs poll conducted by change research. it takes a look at black women's for motivation to vote. we are showing the results from the online pool with you first here on this show. so with us now is glenda carr, the president, ceo and cofounder of higher heights for america. glendale, welcome to you. in this poll, it says 63% of black women are motivated and now more than ever to make their vote count. what did you all find are the key issues that will get these black woman to the polls? what is worrying them the most? >> simone, i think this poll confirms what we have been seeing in the cycle and what we have seen historically around black women in our voting. we understand the urgency of now that we have the power, like 80% of black women in this poll understands their power
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another power can change the issue. what keeps us up at night is the economically thriving and educated and healthy and safe communities. what rises to the top of the polls that black women are concerned about affordable housing, and you said it in the last segment. the rights, we are concerned about groceries, gas, a popular issue. that black women sent at the intersection of the issues. and we know that by electing candidates that hold our values true, we can move the country forward. so we have a sense of urgency. as you've said, 63% of the women polled believe that voting is more important in the cycle than ever. and if you look at women 50, plus in which i've entered into that age bracket. 87% of us believe that this is the most important election for us to vote. >> 87% of women 50 year over? >> yes and then the 50, women 50 and under still think this has most important election and
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voting at 65%. this poll says black women will do what we have historically. then we are prepared to vote and we will organize our, house are a, block our church and our sorority because we are we uniquely center that our power can change the direction of this country. >> you talk about power, in this poll and you guys have also conducted focus groups. you asked looking for their thoughts, and the state of the country in general as a head to the polls. i want to read one person at the same. she says i feel powerful as a black woman. i have a unique opportunity to turn tides and influence thinking. but to be a black woman right now is also scary. as conservatives are taking away services that impact health and protect black women. how often did you see statements like this one? >> we asked black women saw that we have seen incremental games and our political power and political leadership. we are sitting at a moment in our country which is politically toxic and in our
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generation simone, a racially defensive time. we understand the connection of the political power, and our ability to move our leaders forward. what you also saw, we asked them one word that represents black women's political leadership and it's still under represented and under. we need more representation. >> more representation, go in the car and the president ceo of high-rise for america. thank you very much for sharing the pool with us today and being here. appreciate your time. >> thank you. >> that is it for some on folks, thank you so much for watching on the saturday. i hope you can see that i am having fun doing this with you every weekend. i am simone sanders townsend and you can catch me right here on msnbc. weekends at 4 pm eastern at anytime, over on peacock. where i have new episodes on the msnbc hub every monday and tuesday. and for more of the show, you can find us on instagram, twitter and the pick and talk. politics nation with the great
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