tv Velshi MSNBC October 22, 2022 6:00am-7:00am PDT
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arguments regarding the economy and what to do are just not central to what republicans are campaigning on. they are campaigning on the social wedge issues that are part and parcel of the populists demagoguery that is donald trump. >> robert draper, thank you for an important can take you for taking time to talk to us about it this morning. what robert, draper the author of weapons of mass delusions, when the republican party lost his mind. he's also a writer at large for the new york times magazine. don't go anywhere, there's still plenty more to come on the special michigan edition of velshi across america. straight ahead, we will discuss what is at stake in the upcoming midterms with the attorney kearny general. i will give you, hunt it is democracy itself. plus, much more for my illuminating panel with a group of six michiganders. another hour of velshi, live, in detroit michigan, begins now. >>
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we were just looking at a life house on the north shore of the detroit. river i am on an island in the middle of the. river that is detroit, believe it or not to my north. that is canada believe it or not to myself. when you are in detroit and you look at canada you're actually looking south to word windsor but i love being here partly because i can swim to my home country. it is saturday october the 22nd. that is the renaissance center, the home to general motors. from electability you're just looking at a detroit it is 9 am in the east, 6 am in the west. i'm ali velshi. today 17 days before election day i am here in belle isle to state park in detroit michigan, in this crucial swing state to bring you a very special edition of velshi across america 2022. yesterday i had a fascinating and important conversation with a group of michigan but voters from across the political
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spectrum as election day approaches. we are going to share more of it with you in the coming hours even more of it tomorrow. michigan is a state that has been a key battleground for sometime now, and that is still true this year even though there is no presidential election and either of the states two u.s. senators are up for election. but what happens this november will lay the groundwork for years to come, especially for the 2024 presidential election. for one thing,, democrats have a very slim majority in congress. so senate as you know, evenly split a 50/50. house representatives democrats only have an eight seed prevented over republicans going into election day. but right now, michigan hasn't even number of democratic and republican representatives in the house. seven representatives each, because of redistricting however, michigan lost one district which means that one party is set to lose at least one of its seats in congress. on top of that, four of the most competitive house races in the country this year are right here in michigan. with just 17 days left until the election, and control of congress up for grabs, there is
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no room for error for either party in michigan. both republicans and democrats can avoid their parties with popular leaders to hold campaigns here. just three weeks ago, the former president donald trump held a rally in oren michigan in support of the states republican nominees. next saturday, former president barack obama will be here to do the same for his parties candidates. one stop in a last-minute campaign which will take obama to georgia, nevada, and wisconsin. now, control of congress isn't the only here that this year's elections are so important here in michigan. abortion rights are literally on the ballot. michiganders will vote on whether or not to add an amendment to the state constitution that would explicitly protect and guarantee abortion rights in michigan. michigan is an important story when roe fell in june, vista state had a 1931 abortion ban on the books which was just blocked and teamed unconstitutional by a state court last month. allowing abortion to remain legal in michigan for the time being. that would not have happened if
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the states top executive, the governor gretchen would which word, and the secretary of state hadn't acted to protect abortion rights following the supreme court's decision to overturn roe. all three of these women, however, are up for reelection this year and are facing republican opponents who have expressed a support for an abortion ban. these same republican candidates, by the, way have also pushed for donald trump's unfounded and bucks lies about the 2020 election. and by suing, so it has earned them the door side of the twice impeached insurrectionist disgraced former president. like many other states, michigan is still haunted by the ghost of elections past. trump's big lie in his even bigger ego have fundamentally deteriorated the integrity of america's democracy and electoral system. republican lawmakers in many states have spent the past two years trying, and in some states exceeding, in passing laws and making changes that restrict voting rights. in florida, governor ron desantis has created a so-called election task force to tackle election fraud.
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but as cnn recently released footage by the tampa police department, plenty of people including law enforcement, are perplexed by what governor desantis is trying to do. >> we have a warrant for your. ask >> for. what >> for voter fraud. >> we'll tell him, he's right here >> voter fraud, i voted but i didn't commit fraud. >> -- so that's the thing. i don't exactly know what happened with it but you do warn, that is what it's. four >> oh my god. >> so i don't know what happened with that but. you do have a warrant. >> apparently i guess you have a warrant. >> four. what >> it's for voter stuff. >> what it is i think the agents talked to you last week about some voter fraud. voter stuff. you weren't supposed to be voting, maybe.
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we >> what is essentially happening across the country right now as republicans continue to pedal the big lie, which drew voter restriction laws and created an uproar over scattered accusations of voter fraud that would've had no effect on the outcome of the election. it is a grand scale effort to intimidate and discourage voters, many of whom already face unjust hardships exercising their constitutional right to vote. keep this in. mind according to recent reports by the new york times and the washington post, the majority of republicans on the ballot this year are in fact election deniers. some of them will be in charge of administering and certifying the results of the 2024 presidential election. here in michigan, for instance, the republican candidate for attorney general, matthew differ, now is under clinical vaccination for allegedly taking part in a scheme to see the tamper voting machines. now he is the republican party's candidate to be michigan's top law enforcement official. i'm joined now by michigan's current attorney general, dana nessel, she is running against
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matthew bernard this year. she's also a criminal prosecutor and civil rights attorney. thank you for being with us this. morning >> thanks for being out here. detroit >> it is a pleasure to be here. despite my affinity for michigan, you and i have talked a lot the last couple of years about this fundamental issue of democracy being on the ballot. when i spoke to michiganders yesterday, they share the view, whether not a bourgeois everyone concern or if inflation was the number one concern, they all realize that whatever you number one concern is, it can secondary if you are losing democracy. >> yeah, absolutely. listen. i know that people are concerned about gas prices and inflation, and those are legitimate concerns. but the fact of the matter is that inflation will go up and down during the course of our lifetimes. but once you lose the fundamental right to vote, once you lose that right to have autonomy over your own body, it is likely that it is never coming back. and i think people have to really keep the focus on these fundamental rights and know
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that to the people that are running as republicans for these critical offices are so extreme that you literally have one party that is trying to preserve democracy and the other founders trying to destroy it. and it is as simple as that. >> how does the message resonate. when you are out there talking to people because you are on the campaign trail at the moment, what are they saying to? you are they rodgers stirring that this fundamental fight for democracy is the biggest deal or are they asking you about a lot of other things? this is michigan, like any other state it's got local issues that are of concern to people. how do you balance the message? >> i think the problem is people are so inundated with information all the time that it is easy to lose focus. plus there is a lot of misinformation and disinformation out there. so people aren't necessarily hearing the truth all the time. and i think that is frankly part of the strategy of the republican party, and has been for a long time. it's to take people's attention and place it elsewhere and really focus it on wet issues that don't impact peoples
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everyday lives. and to distract them. but once people know, once people here with this election is really about and that we can honestly lose our democracy if we have these election deniers to believe that their only reason for running for office honestly is to manipulate elections so that in 2024 instead of it having to be the will of the voters that is implemented in terms of the choice for presidency or for any other races, it will be whoever if those particular republicans are in office choose and most likely it is going to be a resident from the state of florida. somebody who doesn't like michigan at all. >> so, let's talk about abortion because well it is an issue for a lot of americans, they will be voting for candidates who either support abortion rights if they are democrats. in michigan the whole country is going to be looking at this because you have got a positive abortion question on the ballot. proposal three which would enshrine the right to an abortion. i spoke to a lot of people, there are a number of district attorneys of the state who said
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that they will not enforce that 1931 abortion ban that was in effect for sometime after roe fell. but, they all pointed me to you. they said if dana nessel loses, this election, what i do in wayne county won't be as effective. >> yeah, that's right. the attorney general in the state of michigan has widespread criminal authority. i can prosecute cases in all 83 counties of the state. and what that means is, if i lose, and if my opponent matthew deperno winds, he has said that he would like to prosecute women, doctors, nurses, in all instances. when i say all instances, i mean even when the help of the mother is in jeopardy, even when the woman me died during the course of pregnancy or childbirth. i mean, that is incredibly extreme. that the top law enforcement official in the state of michigan, and you can go into any doctors office in the state and he can literally issue subpoenas, to search warrants, and find out what people's
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medical records say. he can prosecute anyone, and all bets are off. and even if this ballot proposal were to pass, and i very much hope that it will, somebody has got to defend it in court. it is going to be challenged, and yes you have to defend it? the michigan attorney general. >> right, because the attorney general can just choose not to seek action if they don't believe in it. with the extreme positions on abortion and the extreme positions on election aisle, are you puzzled that there are still so many people who would support you are republican opponent, the governor's republican opponent, the secretary of state's republican opponent? because you're all being very clear on. this you all three are running against people have staked out extreme positions. according to the republicans i spoke to yesterday my panel, extreme even better public and standards. >> yeah, i am perplexed. these races are incredibly close. we just saw some polling come out and the governor and i are within a few points. the secretary is a little bit higher than that. but still, it is shocking to me
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with how these republicans are so radical, and so dangerous to the residents of our states. i can't believe how many people are even considering voting for them. i think as they pay more information about it, hopefully that will be the case. but people should know, there is a distinct difference between the candidates in these races. so anybody who says oh it there's artifact searching the democrats or republicans, they couldn't possibly be more wrong. they couldn't possibly be further from the truth. there is such a profound difference and there will be a difference in the lives of each and every person in our state in the events that these very radical and dangerous individuals actually take over these incredibly important constitutional offices in our state. >> we are so happy that you joined us this morning. we appreciated, always a pleasure to be back in michigan. you have some serious issues coming up they need to be sorted out the next 17. days >> thanks for having me on. >> dana nessel, is the attorney
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general of michigan. you are watching it a very special edition of velshi across america from belle island. detroit later between based and key lawmakers right here. brenda lawrence and natalie mcmichael, you might know by the way from her viral speech standing up for lgbtq+ kids. plus, inflation is on everyone 's mind. but you could be pointing fingers and casting blame in the wrong direction. many republicans certainly. are we are going to tackle the big inflation with after this. just weeks by the way until the midterm elections, we are going to hear from some voters right here in michigan. right one thing is, pressure for michigan in montana out one thing is crucial to the very future our country. future our country future our country ♪ what will you do? ♪ what will you change? ♪ will you make something better?
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river. one of the reasons that i love coming to michigan's you see, you really beneficial ally's the strait between american canada. this is the boundary between american canada. one of the biggest trading zones between those two countries, through bridges and tunnels, and the ships that you will see coming in and out of here. this is really the economy in action. in fact, when you think about the auto industry here, it was the thing that built america's middle class. so when i come to michigan, i think about the economy. and this year's midterm election is just 17 days away. it will largely be defined by the economy. more specifically, inflation. in a recent new york times siena college poll, when asked what do you think is the most important problem facing the country today, 26% of respondents said the economy. it is difficult, by the way for the economy to be the most important issue. 19% said inflation. or the cost of living. and for reference, abortion was
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at 4%. a state of democracy, something i talk about all the time, was at 7%. i fully get it. inflation is high, many americans with whom i have spoken care much more right now about the very immediate problem of the rising cost of their groceries or their energy build and the slightly more abstract prospect of democracy falling apart. because inflation is actively affecting the daily lives of americans. it is tangible, you can literally watch your bank account being drained by on the usually high prices. i might argue that inflation will eventually subside as it typically does in a normal functioning economy. while the destruction of our democratic systems is irreversible long term consequences. but that is not what some people want to hear right now, and i understand that. the point is that high inflation is bad. it is really bad. but it is actually not the fault of joe biden or democrats. it's not even a uniquely american problem, and it is not worse in america than it is another modern economies. and that is where the problem lies. many republican a politicians and candidates love painting this as a purely american
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issue. they love blaming the current administration. they love blaming democrats for inflation. one republican senate candidate in nevada said that he has made it his entire platform. adam laxalt, a prominent election denier, is campaigning on the biden's policy decisions. and that his opponent, the incumbent senator catherine cortez masto, is also troubling because she supports them. according to lack so, kids are being forced to drink water instead of juice and that is president biden's phone. >> they understand that these energy policies of the biden administration, and senator captain cortez supporting, they are crossing our state. there was among the other day that said that she had to stop buying jews for her children and they had to switch to water to go to school. so these are decisions that nevada families are making right now thanks to all of this reckless spending, and these terrible energy policies.
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we >> adam laxalt is not the first republican to blame the biden administration for inflation. but this rationale is especially foolish. you might not like precisely how the biden administration or the federal reserve is handling inflation, but the problem is a global. one not one created by this white house. let's look at inflation rates around the world in the month of september. turkey and argentina, unusual cases to be sure, have inflation rates over 83%. in turkey the lira has been weakening over sometime. something that is not happening in the united states. in argentina, cash is virtually worthless versus the american dollar which is extremely strong against major world currencies. okay, so let's look at economies that are more shall we say normal. inflation in the netherlands at an annual rate of 14.5% in september, mainly due to rising energy and housing cost. i wonder if president biden has been meddling with the dutch energy policies to. in the united kingdom, inflation hit a 40 year high at 10.1%. a recent package of tax cuts
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has -- . officials are warning residents to prepare for a tough winter. earlier in the month, the utility for national grid we weren't that there could be plant three hour power outages this winter if the uk doesn't get the gas supplies that it needs. does joe biden have a hand in that two? i will keep going down the list. germany's inflation rate, 10%. the eu, 9.9%. spain and italy, 8.9. percent mexico, 8.7%. joe biden must be the president of the world. look at all of the inflation that he and democrats are causing everywhere. americas inflationary is 8.2%. while high, it is lower than that of the netherlands. the uk, the entire eu, and mexico. when you open it up to the entire world, there are 100 economies with higher inflation rates right now than america. countries struggling with soaring prices have a few things in common. the lingering effects of the coronavirus pandemic, continued supply chain issues, the consequences of the russian invasion of ukraine. let me, guest joe biden managed
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to single-handedly cause all of this global turmoil to. i am an economics guy. i am the first to criticize bad policies, and i get that the fed waited for too long to start raising rates but this republican criticism of democrats are high inflation does not add up. and by the way, not a single one of them has offered up a solution. and that inflation rejection act that somebody republicans say is the root cause of our economic problems, many of them have privately and publicly touted the funding from that very bill that they voted against that they incorrectly say caused this inflation. make that make sense. as a president might say, come on man. on man on man by asking your healthcare provider if an oral treatment is right for you. oral treatments can be taken at home and must be taken within 5 days from when symptoms first appear. if you have symptoms of covid-19, even if they are mild, don't wait, get tested quickly. if you test positive and are at high risk of severe disease, act fast.
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on the right side as detroit and in the distance you can see the ambassador bridge connecting it on the left to canada. that is windsor, canada. the cities are almost like twin cities connected by separated by the detroit river. this is the border between canada and the united states. of course a little trivia i always like to give people is that on the right side is detroit, it is on the north when you are in detroit you are looking at canada, you are actually looking south. joining me now to discuss this great inflation meth that i just talked about, and what is at stake in math next month's midterm elections, is a veteran congress woman brenda lawrence. after more than three years of serving michigan's only black representative, announced in january that you will not seek reelection this year. congresswoman, great to see. you thank you as always. thank you first of all for being such a good friend to our show over the years. you have always gotten up early to talk to us, and you and i have had a lot of opportunity to talk a mental lot of import national issues. it is great to be back here in michigan to talk about some things that are going on right here. welcome to the show. >> thank you so much, thank you
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for coming to the comeback city, detroit. the city that put the world on wheels. >> that's right. and, lesson. one of the things that i want to talk to you about specifically of this conversation that i just had about inflation. i do not want to belittle anybody six experience with inflation. we are all feeling it. we are feeling it in their daily lives. it is real, but it has been transformed into something that republicans in particular running for congress are blaming joe biden and democrats for specifically when in fact there is no economic evidence or mathematical evidence or any other kind of evidence that that is actually true. >> it is absolutely not true. i was just reading it china and looking at the uk and other countries that are going through a global epidemic when it comes to our economy. we have done so many things in
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this administration we are doing everything to keep the housing market open. we know the jobs in manufacturing, and housing, are some of those key things that stimulate our economy. this is an uncomfortable time right now for anyone because, everyone needs to go get gas and we are constantly reminded that we in michigan have a very clear history of how, when the economy doesn't work, when manufacturing stops, we lose jobs. we went through the housing crisis, one of the worst. and so that is the sole issue that the republicans can rest. don as we fight with democracy, bringing back voting rights,
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making it safe and accessible. when we talk about rights for women to choose, when we talk about education in the crisis that student debt is putting on our economy, lawsuits are filed. but that is their single issue and you can say what you want about republicans, but they know how to market their agenda. >> let's talk about wages. one of the really valid reasons why inflation is higher in the united states, and around the world, there are labor shortages everywhere literally. that has caused things that people talked about for years. an increase in wages, which is very necessary. and which is really heartfelt and places like michigan where which was the birthplace of america's middle class through some of the manufacturing jobs are available here in the auto industry. we are finally seeing wages moving up, where we were talking about getting ten dollar minimum's and $12.50 cent minimums, and 15 dollar minimum's. we started to see that. that is a good thing but it
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does result in higher prices. how do you navigate that in a place like michigan where the unemployment rate is a little bit higher than it is in the rest of the country, and people really count on the fact that they need to earn more on their paychecks versus the fact that some people are paying more because that labor is more expensive. >> you have to understand, in michigan we did create the middle class. we took average joe and see you, gave them a job, and they were able to buy a home, send their child to college, have some quality of life. and now, even though we are increasing the wages, i just throw by a fast food restaurant and the sign said $17.50 an hour to flip burgers. so you would think, wow with that kind of income i can have the american dream. and so, that is where that fear is kicking in because while you are giving me more money, it is not equating to me becoming a middle class. what is happening is that every
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time i get a raise the cost of living goes up, and so therefore i never move from this point of being in the financial struggles of being poor in america. so we really had to look at, and this is going to be kind of controversial for me to say, the profit margin that our industry expects as a business owner has not changed so while we have had the compassion. they have not changed the formula for. profit and so we are on comparable now because no one's walking away from the profit. marvin i want to make 15 cents on every hamburger. so if i pay you 1750 an hour. then for me to make my 15 cents,
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i have to raise the price of the. berger >> you are speaking my language in economics, and i agree with you on. that representative, i want to ask you something. the city over my shoulder is a badge already black city. that black voices in michigan have been remarkably important. this was a destination in the great migration. a place where people can get away from cher cropping and the unfairness in the south. is michigan going to lose its only black representative in congress? >> democratic, it appears that we will not have any democrats where we had one of the founders of the black caucus, jack conyers and digs who were from our community. they started the black caucus at the time it was ten or 12 of them. and now what we are up to almost 60 members of the black caucus. when you have a community of
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shared, common issues, goals. the community has so many unique factors. and you take away their voice, i can't say a person who is not african-american can not represent detroit. what i am saying is that the reason why we define our congressional seats based on the census over shared concerns. and we have always had to african americans. right now i am the only one. and so, the people spoke. there's a lot of different things that happened. first of all, only 15% of the black vote turned out. black people going to the vote, going to vote at the polls. in addition to that there were multiple candidates on the ballot. but at the end of the day, the people spoke. and so, we have representatives who are not african american and michigan will have no
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democratic representatives there are some republicans who are on the ballot and we will see what happens with that. but it is a concern of mine, a major concern of mine. because there are times when discussions are coming up and there is no reflection on what the impact is to the black community. >> brenda lawrence, again, thank you for being a very good friend of our show. you're always welcome. here by the lawrence is a democrat of michigan. coming, up more from her latest filgrastim erica conversation with voters in michigan, including some sage advice that we could all use. listen to this. >> read. read everything you can, information is never anyone's enemy. and especially in a world where so many people get information from somebody different places, that that blessing that we can do is to talk to each other about what we read. so don't be afraid of experts, don't be afraid of people who are highly educated, and you can make yourself one of those people to. all you have to do is go on the
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here is cvs health. where they're working to eliminate the pink tax to ensure we don't pay more than men for the same thing because women's razors are just razors. here, healthier happens together. i was painting just someone else and i didn't see this beautiful. image that is downtown detroit, that's the reddest son center, that's the gm corporate headquarters right there. look at that beautiful architecture in detroit. this is truly one of my
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favorite cities in america it is just stunning to see this beautiful city as the sun rises. we are looking at it from belle isle, by the, way which is in the detroit river. this is the river that divides canada and the united states. michigan on the north, said ontario on the south side. right across the road, and you can get from one to the other either through a tunnel or a bridge. the mass bridge is one of the most important trading bridges on the entire continent. more vehicles and trade goes over that bridge than virtually anywhere else on the continent. as we have been talking, we are 17 days away from an election that will decide the fate of american democracy. i am standing one of the most crucial seats in that battle. coming to you as we can from michigan, a key presidential swing state that voted for donald trump in 2016, and for joe biden in 2020. and the question of whether michigan voters ballots will be fairly counted in the next election, is at stake right now. michigan's governor, attorney general and secretary of state are all facing challenges from candidates that continue to
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falsely dispute joe biden's win in the state. in our last hour, we heard part of my powerful conversation with six michigan voters from across the political spectrum. we are going to have much more on that discussion tomorrow morning on velshi. but, before, that i want to share with you a few shots from the pamela's march in horror like that stuck with me. martin is a former state representative here. he served as a city council member enjoy michigan for over a decade. he is a registered republican, however, he says he is much more independent and his thoughts and his approach to legislation. as we discussed how to do find common ground among the political division that is overtaking this country. he did talk about what he oversees as a driving force corrupting the american political system. >> martin, let's talk about. that you have been a legislature, you've been on city council. in the old days i would have said that that would make you some sort of an expert on finding common ground in doing. that teased these days, if i heard, that i felt your state legislature right now i woodworth you might be part of the problem. tell me how you take what you used to do when you talk to
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people who did not share your political opinions on things, but understand that work needed to get done in politics for the good of all? >> when you have things like tournaments or whatever, it forces people to go into the cloak of the protection of their political party. and so, in lansing, even though the parties were together there were always five or six divisive issues during a given year. whatever the case might be. and what i would tell you is that there were a lot of people that were in the either party, a little bit different than where their party was on things like abortion or gun rights or gun control, depending on how you look at. it that maybe voted against their conscience or with their conscience depending on the people that they were. most people, for whatever reason he would get elected are so fixated on getting reelected they completely loose the plot. and in my opinion, life is too short to be so fixated on that. you have an opportunity there
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that you have been given by your people to represent them in lansing, or washington, or wherever it might be. you are supposed to make the most of it for them, not for you. and so, there really is. if we can get to this point where politicians can actually collectively and individually be individual but also represent the common good and be willing to walk away from that hurt and be their own people. >> as i said, we are going to have much more from that conversation tomorrow morning. did you have this michigan edition of velshi across america. including which specific issues are driving turnout in this state. we are going to hear what our republican panelists think about donald trump's hold on the gop. be sure to join me tomorrow, 8 am eastern, right here on msnbc. coming up, michigan's school curriculum is called into question by republican state lawmakers this year. they didn't like that students were learning about slavery, racism, and lgbtq issues. democratic state senator natalie mike morrow is one of few lawmakers to set up against
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that hate. her fiery speech went viral almost immediately. she will join me, live, in detroit. in just a moment. t a moment t a moment ♪ what will you do? ♪ what will you change? ♪ will you make something better? ♪ will you create something entirely new? ♪ our dell technologies advisors provide you with the tools and expertise you need to do incredible things. because we believe there's an innovator in all of us.
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discomfort back there? instead of using aloe, or baby wipes, or powders, try the cooling, soothing relief or preparation h. because your derriere deserves expert care. preparation h. get comfortable with it. the images of legal documents absconded by former president donald trump are all too familiar by now. federal investigators staging these pages and pages of government property across mar-a-lago's carpet. but what exactly as within those documents? the washington post first reported yesterday, and now nbc has confirmed, according to two sources familiar with the matter that the classified documents were seized by the fbi, included highly sensitive intelligence about iran and china. according to the washington post sources, that includes details on iran's missile program. experts tell the washington
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program, those details get exposed top secret intelligence gathering methods as well as endangered that people who were eating in the gathering of that intelligence. the dangers of those kind of classified information even existing out in the world unsecured have been well documented. but donald trump's former personal attorney and fixer, michael cohen, has long been warning that there is a specific danger to trump having hold of them. here is what he told my colleague, nicole wallace, last night. >> he would sell americas secrets on national security secrets for a book of stamps or a tuna. >> you may or may not like michael cohen, but he does have a way with words. a book of stamps or, or. tuna meanwhile gianna jenner six committee issued a subpoena for trump. it headed a letter to the former president underscoring the theme of the hearing so far. it reads in part, quote, as demonstrated in our hearings, we have assembled overwhelming evidence including from dozens
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of your former appointees and staff that you personally orchestrated and oversaw a multi part effort to overturn the 2020 presidential election and to obstruct the peaceful transition of power, and quote. the republican representative liz cheney, the committees vice chair, said that if trump refuses to comply the panel would quote take that steps we need to take. trump has been given to deadlines. the first to turn over pertinent documents by november the 4th, the second to appear under oath for testimony ten days later on november the 14th. i guess we will just have to wait and see. still ahead, i will be joined by michigan state senator natalie mcmorris. warren went viral this spring for a fiery speech on the senate floor sending her face anywhere ground on the face of horrible lies but by her republican opponent. let's documentary on this one. >> i want every child in the state to feel seen, heard, and supported. not to marginalized and targeted because they are not straight, white, and christian. we cannot let hateful people
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tell you otherwise to scapegoat and deflect from the fact that they are not doing anything to fix the real issues that impact peoples lives and i know that hate will only win if people like me standby and lets it happen. happen happen are you tired of clean clothes that just don't smell clean? what if your clothes could stay fresh for weeks? now they can. downy unstopables in-wash scent boosters keep your laundry smelling fresh waaaay longer than detergent alone. pour a cap of downy unstopables into your washing machine before each load. and enjoy fresher smelling laundry. if you want laundry to smell fresh for weeks make sure you have downy unstopables in-wash scent boosters. shop for downy unstopables online, including our lighter scent. covid-19. some people get it, and some people can get it bad. and for those who do get it bad, it may be because
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addition to velshi. i'm coming to you live from belle island which is michigan. detroit six months, ago republicans took offense to the school curriculum across the. say i bet you can guess the educational content that they were angry about. any thing that had to do with slavery, racism, or lgbtq tea q issues. the media republican lawmakers propose their own version of florida's so-called don't say gay bill. state senator mueller met moral, and democrat, joined two of her colleagues and walking out in protest. in response, a republican state senator lena tyson released a statement saying democrats weren't protecting children from the quote, danger of regressive indoctrination. but theis wasn't done just yet. soon after state second senator tie sent out a campaign fundraising email calling out mueller a by name. the email said, quote, these are the people we are up against. progressive social media trolls
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like senator mallory mcmorrow, d snowflake. who are outraged they can't teach, groom, and sexualize kindergarteners or that eight year olds are responsible for slavery. someone actually wrote that in an email or in a campaign document and distributed at. however, it was what happened next that really got the nations attention. state senator mcmorrow returned to the chamber and addressed her colleagues head on with a speech that would soon go viral. >> i didn't expect to wake up yesterday to the news that the senator from the 22nd district had overnight, accused me by name, of grooming and sexualizing children in any email fundraising for herself. i am a straight white christian married suburban mom knows at the very notion that learning about slavery or redlining or systemic racism somehow means that children are being taught to feel bad or hate themselves
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because they are white, is absolute nonsense. i want every child in the state to feel seen, heard, and supported. not marginalized, and targeted because they are not street, white, and christian. we cannot let hateful people tell you otherwise to scapegoat and deflect on the fact that they are not doing anything to fix the real issues that impact peoples lives. and i know that heat will only win if people like me stand by and lets it to happen. so i want to be very clear right now, call me whatever you want. i hope you brought in the a few dollars. i hope it made you sleep good last night. i know who i am, i know it faith and service means, and what it calls for in this moment. we will not let hate win. >> david remnick subsequently wrote a piece about mcmorrow in the new yorker calling her a
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multi role model for midterms. arguing that you might be showing democrats this path to successfully doing battle with the trump obsessed, conspiracy peddling cultural warriors on the. right he writes, quote, she did a heroic thing in the michigan state senate. the country isn't real need of many subjects. many such heroes. state senator mallory mcmorrow of michigan joins me now. the one advantage of you being a social media trolls that you said that you are going to be on the show, so i battle much people are watching us this morning. thank you for being here. >> glad to be. here >> you decided to do something which is interesting because these culture wars are not necessarily something that you would choose to be involved in. but they went to act you, and what you stood for. and he walked back in after a walk out to take it on directly. is that the right choice, and having thought about it in hindsight, are you glad that you did? that >> i am glad that i did that. and this is exactly what we have to do because part of what i wanted to reveal as the gop has no platform right now. it is nothing but hate, attacking vulnerable kids, lying about the election, and
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not actually doing anything to help everyday people. and if we don't blow that up, then we lose the narrative. >> the stuff that you are accused of doing was qanon type stuff. it was conspiracy theory stuff. grooming, sexualizing stuff like that. this is not a reasonable discussion about to what degree do we talk about slavery, to what degree do we talk about lgbtq issues. this was a whole different thing. they were painting you into a corner that conspiracy minded people do respond to. >> exactly. and this was not a policy discussion at all, and we have seen the worst of that right here in michigan. when we had the first protest well before january 6th with armed gunman in our state capital, boo-boo boys, three percenters, oath keepers, who hear this language as a signal to take action. and this is what we have to do to get our country back. stop the violence, and get back to policy discussion. >> you just add something really interesting. the signal to take action, which is by the, way the conversation we are having about january 6th. did somebody really tell these people to go there or have they been set up to say they are
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calling for us? michigan is, a lot of people don't really get this in america but it is ground zero for the so-called militia activity which is not legal, it is not really a thing. you are not allowed to take up arms to do the governments work in america. and yet, you have people who sort of live that life here. >> we do. and we tried to sound the alarm when we saw the protests here. i wrote an op-ed for nbc news that when a national about, this was a warning. this was something much darker than people being angry about covid, and it felt brushed aside. it felt like people talked about it, looking at us like a novelty. like what is happening in michigan? and then we saw january six happen. so these are the trend lines and this is why we have to take a look at our state legislature, take it back, and start to write that ship starting right here in michigan. >> often state legislatures of specifically have been a place where you can do that. because policy has to get made. obviously with the cesspool that sometimes politics has become, the state legislatures i know the front lines of these culture wars. how do you get that, how do you pull back from the polarization
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that we have got in america in these moments? >> right now the michigan gop has taken over in a way that it's probably more extreme than anybody else in the country. but we have an opportunity here with network reduced or chain to flip -- for democratic control set for the first time since 1984. if we do you, that my theory is that that shakes the gop back to a place where we have to debate policy. you can't lie, you can target people, and it is not going to win. deadly not here, and definitely not in the country. >> right, and have to debate policies in court. in the show you talked about inflation. how everyone is blaming it on joe biden than the democrats. and these culture wars. in the end, how do you when you're out there campaigning, when you're talking to your constituents and they say things like, well i can't vote democrat because they're responsible for inflation or and i can't do that because i wasn't responsible for slavery or they're going to make our kids proposal three is gonna make it to my kids can have gender reassignment surgery without my input. none of this it is actually true. but how do you have that to be
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with people who come to you? >> we have to go on the offense. we have to meet people where they, are we have to work casings out. property is a great example. prop three effectively codifies row in the state of michigan and finally gives women back the ability to make decisions about their own bodies. they don't want to have that debate because they know that they are losing. so they are lying about gender reassignment surgery, taking away parental consent, and we have to expose that size. >> well, thank you for the work you're doing. and thank you for joining us this morning. we appreciate it. thank, you we will get some extra viewers by including the air coming out this. morning the democratic michigan state senator, mallory mcmorrow. you can actually look at the speech about which we ransom bits here that went viral after she took a stand on the protection of the rights of children in the state. that is it for today. but that is okay, i am not. and we are back here tomorrow as well. thank you for watching the special edition of velshi across america. live from detroit, back here eight to 10 am tomorrow. stay right where you are because the cross connection with tiffany cross starts right
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after this. but before we do this, i want to give you one final beauty shot of detroit. u one final beauty shot of detroit. look, i used to get into trouble. whenever as you guys knew well, whenever i get a little to profit soil, when i was behind the podium as opposed to announcing the crowd. there were times when i would get that is not how people think about these. issues they think about them in terms
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