tv Politics Nation MSNBC October 22, 2022 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT
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including barriers battleground states, where both parties have calls that call them they're heavyweights. to campaign two and a half weeks left to the midterm elections. top tier democrats have been on the campaign trail, courtesy of president biden that has been there. who was in pennsylvania, going into this weekend campaigning for john fetterman. as democrats try to hold on to their razor-thin majority in the senate. donald trump is stumping in for maga candidates in texas tonight. he faces a november 14th deadline. to be deposed before the january six committee. they congressional subpoena issue, coming yesterday. just hours after trump's former cub paid manager steve bannon was sentenced to four months in
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prison. for defying his congressional subpoena. this amid new revelations about what the fbi may have found, and it's august rate of trump's mar-a-lago estate. nbc news confirming that among the dozens of classified documents, retrieved has highly sensitive u.s. intelligence on both china and iraq. there are 17 days left to the midterms. america and we are counting with you. down from 17 to the actual primary day. or mid term day. that is where we will start tonight, joining me now is senator barb casey, democrat of pennsylvania. member of the senate intelligence committee. senator, thank you for joining us tonight. 17 days left, senator before all of america vote and the upcoming midterm.
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are you confident that democrats will prevail, keeping the majorities in congress and in down -- ballot races? >> great to be with, you i am confident of course. i think i probably know more what is happening in pennsylvania. i think we stand a good chance to retain majorities. but this is a very close race as you know. your viewers know, every senate election for example, that is contested, they all seem to be one or two point races. it'll be close, we have a lot more work to do to get the vote out. i am confident in pennsylvania that john fetterman will be elected at the senate and a close race. and that shapiro will be elected governor. >> you know senator, president biden was in your state of pennsylvania going into this weekend. stumping for a democratic senate hope for a john fetterman and his contest against a republican senate
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candidate, doctor oz. the president needs so far is not participated in vacant paid rallies this election cycle. keeping his appearance relatively low-key. some observers suggesting that it's low approval ratings have made him a liability and some congressional races. apart from fundraising, using biden's visit to your state this week was helpful for democrats? >> no question about. it i think it was for a couple of reasons, we are with president biden on thursday. we were and i should say on friday. we were going first and foremost to a bridge in pittsburgh that had fallen down on january. huge bridge, 100 feet off the ground that just collapsed in january. the president made a promise to come back when that bridge was almost completed. and here we are, only ten
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months later and the bridge is about one month or so from opening. and the only reason that bridge could be open was not just because of the good work of governor wolf and folks on the ground in pittsburgh and pennsylvania. but because there is 25 billion dollars available from the infrastructure bill. i think it was an example of the president being able to say that this is what happens when you elect a democratic majority. you are able to move forward on big infrastructure projects and get them done and in this case, for this bridge it was record time. probably record, a state record if not a national record. i think everywhere that you, look the president has been able to demonstrate that he has worked the lower costs for families. he has helped us begin to rebuild and repair our broken infrastructure. and i think people are hearing that and especially as we get closer to the end. and he obviously needs john fetterman in the senate to
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provide not just a 50th vote to maintain a majority. what i would hope would be the 51st or 52nd vote. >> ten months of the bridge build, these kinds of things out of a democratic majority now in the senate. what are the consequences if america fails to keep democrats in control of the senate? >> reverend, as you know it is a long, long list. just consider the voting rights for example. we know that we had a big debate in january, we had 50 democrats vote in favor of the voting rights bill. that bears the name of john lewis your friend. as such an inspiration to so many of us. but in order to get that bill done, we have to do one of two things, change the senate rules which i favor to pass the bills like something as consequential as voting rights. or to be able to get the ten republicans to go along with this. i think the likelihood of that is low.
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voting rights is on the ballot in a sense, and this election when it comes to voting for the senate or the house. so we have to work night and day to make sure that we win these races. >> you, know i could not agree more, voting rights is on the ballot since we cannot deal with the filibuster and lost the bill in the senate. after it passed the house, senator quickly while there is time donald trump has now been formally subpoenaed by the house select committee investigating january six. this deposition is set a week after the midterms november 4th or december 4th. november 14th, the select committee describing its case in a letter issued to trump yesterday, alleging that quote he personally orchestrated and oversaw a multi part effort, to overturn the 2020 presidential election. and to obstruct the peaceful transition of power. that is some damning language
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senator. the question of course, will trump show up for any deposition? and what will happen if he does not is the question? >> he has a thing the likelihood of him showing up seems to be rather low. but when you consider what they are investigating reverend al, then a delivery of nature of this committee month after month, gathering evidence to form the basis for their justification for that subpoena. it's not as if they decide it off of the top of the head to do this. they built a strong record that showed the presidents involvement and those around him. when you consider the action by the house, on that subpoena, the same week when we are learning more and more about those documents that the president had in his country club. where he had documents about pertained or ran another highly sensitive national security
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issue. it shows you what is at stake on an election like this. when you can have a public official act in a lawless manner. so much is at stake in the election, i think this week's development around the president just demonstrate that. >> all, right thank you for joining us senator bob casey. let's go from pennsylvania to nevada. joining me now is representative steve -- democrat of nevada. congressman, thank you for being with us. let me start with early voting is underway and you are. state starting today. >> right, now a new concern swirling, following the resignation of eight of 12 employees of the election staff in nevada. who say they were being harassed and an op-ed for the washington post reads that officials expect the eventual losers of several contests, perhaps a dozen to contest the
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results. and they are bracing for the possibility and the conspiracy minded county commissioners might refuse to certify the results. has several threaten in 2020. how do you ensure voters there, count or the votes there are counted properly. or when some elected officials could fight to install their candidate of their choice? >> well reverend, al great to be on your show. it is the first of early voting here in nevada. i am in las vegas, i am actually at the broad acres marketplace which is an out door location. which has a ton of constituents are out, we are talking about -- the pending out the vote. we will protect this for, here in nevada. fortunately, we have the right person overseeing our elections. currently, barbara said dusky.
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she is not an election denier, she stood up to donald trump. those who try to see this during the 2020 election. sadly, one of those guys, -- was one of the election deniers who is actually running to be the next secretary of state. that is why i am trying to support people like cisco aguilar and others to make sure that we have people who will protect everybody's right to vote. but today, it is about getting out the vote. we are out here doing what the outreach. i have been in the african community later, out of the asian, pacific community. we have -- to the polls tomorrow. churches throughout the community will be coming out to vote in droves. and as long as we vote, we will win and then we protect our right. >> let me go right there, black and latino voters will be crucial in determining several close races. we and they report democrats,
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are growing and they're concerned with black and latino men. who may lean towards the gop, or not vote at all. which may cost elections, we must know that black man are among the most loyal backers of the democratic party. upwards of 80%, are democrats doing enough to reach out to these communities and how is their message being received? >> well, as one democrat i'm doing everything that i can to reach black man, latino, man men in general. and it's about an agenda that includes black men. so make sure that they know that they have opportunities, are good paying jobs. entrepreneurship. we don't want to live in safe communities, we want to create wealth. we want to have an inherent behind you for our kids. we need an agenda that includes the black community, the latino community. and then specifically, as a man myself, it is about making sure that we are able to provide for
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ourselves. for our family, for the children. to make sure that we are leaving something behind based on the hard work that we are providing. and so as one democrat, i'm out here talking to man, latino, man i've been talking to black men and i will continue to do so and i will make sure that they know how important their voices. thank you to the black women who have held down this party. and we need every man, block, latino, white or otherwise to also vote our interest. and the republican party, aren't voting. they are not fighting for our interest. they're not fighting to create opportunity for our communities. that is why i'm running for reelection. stephen which, check us out. make sure that we win, so that we can continue to stand for the people over politics. >> let me go to another op-ed, this one published by the independent titled abortion in nevada post jobs moving full on
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the political talking points. -- concern in nevada around post-dobbs. what happens to the rights of women to choose? how important is that in an election, how important is that for the midterms there in nevada. and in your district? >> it's incredibly important. this fundamentally comes down to women's freedom to make their own health care decisions. not some politician in washington. my extreme opponent, wants to support a federal ban on abortion. including, for no exceptions for rape or incest. but they also go further than that. they want to eliminate access to contraception. they want to come back marriage equality, come after some of the most fundamental rights. well guess what reverend al? we are not going back.
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we have fought too hard to come this far, we are not going to allow others -- that is why this election is so consequential. and, so we are fighting to protect women's freedom. yes, we have certain protections in our state. lost here nevada, and unfortunately if republicans have their way, federal auction supersede state law. and we cannot leave this up to the supreme court which is already ideologically driven. and instead what they will, do we cannot leave it up to extremist, ideologues who are trying to take over the congress. that is what we have to get out and vote like these issues depend on it. voting is on the ballot, social security is on the ballot. protecting women's freedom is on the ballot. and i'm asking everyone to come out and vote, here in nevada and all across this country. >> now, a lot of time i must ask you this. an answer me briefly please. the issue of crime has been an attack line for many
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republicans against democrats this election cycle. you are incoming leader of the congressional black caucus. a month ago, today the house passed, to break the cycle of violence which establishes a community violence as a public health issue. and investing evidence based programs that are proven to break the cycles of gun violence and save lives. this bill now goes over to the senate for cooperation, for consideration. you alter that bill. only one republican voted for the bill that would curve violence. what do you make them accusing democrats of not doing enough on crime. when they overwhelmingly voted against a solution? >> yes, reverend al i will be brief. my father was shot and killed when i was a freshman in college. i was 19 years old. and like so many my other constituents, i know the pain of losing a loved one.
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since that gun violence, that is why i offered to break the cycle of violence still. we did get 250 million, and the safer communities act. as the initial down payment. our, bill would invest 6.5 billion over eight years. it will save lives, it will reduce crime and it will break the cycle of violence. i believe that we can both support law enforcement, while also supporting communities and violence intervention. i want to commend groups by greg jackson, kim, unity of justice as well as moms demand and other groups who put pressure and republicans to join us in this effort if they really want to keep the community safe, and work with us to pass the break the cycle of violence act. >> all right congressman, steven horsford of nevada, thank you for being with us. after the break, virginia governor glenn youngkin was supposed to be the rising republican star who would lead his party passed the trump era. it has not quite turned out
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that way. i will explain in this week's got you. but first, my colleague jessica layton with today's top news stories. jessica? thank you reverend al, stories we are watching for all of you at this hour. russian saw the 30s in the kherson region in southern ukraine have ordered evacuations in the face of a looming counteroffensive by ukrainians. meanwhile, ukrainian officials say that russia launched another massive wave of rockets overnight. once again, and a critical civilian infrastructure. the country is dealing with widespread blackouts after russia knocked out a third of ukraine's power stations. ukrainian air command that they shot down ten more of those iranian supply kamikaze drones over the mykolaiv region overnight. while mexico has issued hurricane warnings for 260 mile stretch along the countries west coast. in anticipation of hurricane rosalind, which is now a massive category four storm. it is taking aim at the resort city of port by our talk with landfall expected tomorrow. the national hurricane center
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said rosalind had maximum sustained winds of 130 miles an hour and warned it could lead to dangerous storm surge. and nearly three quarters of the nation's pediatric hospital beds are full right now, as cases of the respiratory illness are -- rsv, a virus spreading quickly among young children. the cold like virus can cause severe infections, and young and elderly patients. i'm jessica layton in new york, more politics nation with reverend sharpton after the break. team's devices. on the network with more 5g coverage. only from t-mobile for business. it's the subway series menu. 12 irresistible subs. the most epic sandwich roster ever created. ♪♪ it's subway's biggest refresh yet! my name is tonya, i am 42. as mother of nine kids,
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their true colors have come out. when glenn youngkin ran for virginia governor, he won over suburban voters by clinging tightly to his fleeced fess and business background. and it kept the trump show at arms length. now, he is out campaigning for a kari lake in arizona. a governor trail camera that who push for the certification of the 2020 presidential election results. and called democratic agenda demonic. one supporter suggested that youngkin might someday go from sharing a stage with like to splitting a presidential ticket, this is what the gentle governor had to say. >> [inaudible] >> nikki haley tried to change
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the trump administration from the inside, as ambassador to the united nations. but after january six, said trump had let her party down the wrong path. she quickly reverse the course. and now she is stomping for candidates like don block it in new hampshire. block as a former army general running for senate, despite wanting to repeal the 17th amendment, giving americans the right to vote for their senators in the first place. hey one signed a letter with dozens of other military leaders saying donald trump won the election. and only -- denialism after he won the gop nomination. so perhaps, he and haley of more in common than we thought. but we have seen no bigger he'll turn then that of former vice president, mike pence. pence did his job on january
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6th, and appeared to have paid for the -- the price for when he did with the maga faithful. not only did rioters call for his hanging as they stormed the capitol, they even had gallows waiting for him outside. but none of this has shaken the former faithfulness to the far right fringe of his party. as he campaigns for u.s. senate nominee, blake masters in arizona. who wrote on his website and 2020 election, that it was a rotten mess and has already claiming his election will be stolen this year. let's see how this turns out, the hypocrisy of these high-ranking republicans is real in my opinion. but also, inevitable. as long as the gop is led by a demagogue, hostile to basic democratic principles, it's nearly impossible for individual republicans not to
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find themselves compromised by the mania gripping the party as a whole. the only way to rise above as a republican would be to fight the forces that are dragging the party down. and that requires a level of courage that these principle politicians seem to lack. i got you. i got you. which nucala helps reduce. nucala is a once-monthly add-on injection for severe eosinophilic asthma. nucala is not for sudden breathing problems. allergic reactions can occur. get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue, or trouble breathing. infections that can cause shingles have occurred. don't stop steroids unless told by your doctor. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. may cause headache, injection site reactions, back pain, and fatigue. ask your asthma specialist about a nunormal with nucala. king c. gillette is a complete lineup of tools and facial hair care products. back pain, and fatigue. this is the style master. designed to style your stubble in one stroke, a pivoting metal head that defines every edge, and three comb lengths for added versatility.
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breakthrough heartburn... means your heartburn treatment is broken. try zegerid otc. it contains the leading medicine to treat frequent heartburn, uniquely designed for absorption. get all day, all night relief with zegerid otc. welcome back to politicsnation. to midterms are drying closer and we are highlighting key races here on politicsnation. this week, and we are focusing on arguably the second most powerful law enforcement job in the country. california district attorney surged as top prosecutors in the nation's most populous state. and spearheads legal policy initiatives that impact an entire nation. the post has been a springboard
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for many political careers, including that of vice president kamala harris. we will be hearing from both major party candidates in this race, starting today with the republican nominee, nathan hoffman. thank you for joining me, you have made fighting crime and major the man your campaign. we have also recently said californians are experiencing quote spiral of law listen us. according to data from the public polity of california, violent crime in your state did go up, 6% of 2021. compared to 2020, where many residents were staying inside due to covid lockdowns. however, violent crime rates have been relatively stable over the past decade. and remain well below their peak and the early 1990s. what is your response to
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critics who say republicans, such as yourself are exaggerating the severity of the post pandemic uptake in crime? >> so reverend, thank you very much for having me on your show. what i rely on are the california department of justice's own statistics that show a double digit rise for crimes like robberies and assaults. i show for instance, in los angeles, they just had a 15 year high in homicides this past year. i also rely, if you're going back to the polls on the fact that for the first time in 20 years, safety and security is a top three issue for all californians. republicans, democrats, and independents alike. towards at, and i bring 30 years of criminal justice experience as a federal prosecutor, and u.s. assistant attorney general and the defense attorney against literally zero years of law enforcement experience that that -- rob bonta has. 30 versus a, row maybe i'm old
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fashioned but i think that people want to somebody who is experienced for position. not somebody was when you get for the first time by getting the job. >> let me say this, i was not running the polls, i was going to actual data. ahead of the action network, i is in constant contact with community leaders and your state. we have an offense in l.a. and chapters throughout the state. nobody objects to fighting, crime there is a major concern surrounding the racist rhetoric that often goes hand in glove with law and order messages. as well as some of the proposed solutions, including more aggressive policing and harsher sentencing guidelines that historically had black americans and other people of color the hardest. how do you avoid these outcomes? and address the problem of the more than 200 californians who die each year with into actions, with california police? >> so reverend al, i am running
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as a moderate republican. by the, way somebody who believes that donald trump lost the election drove right into the president, on january six was a political insurrection. not legitimate political discourse. the way i made the argument that you pose is that right now, in california, we have a situation where again, we have seen spiral of lawlessness, one person walks out of a store, just under $950 it does not get prosecuted. leading to 100 people committing a flash mob in an l.a. 7:11, to this double digit rise of homicides. i would meet that issue by saying that i work in the hard middle. i reject the blanket policies of the, right they put everybody in jail for 100 years. but i reject a blanket policies of rob bonta, and a progressive left a basically are incarcerating nobody for any time. >> i'm not asking about incarceration, i'm asking how you deal with policing in the people dying at the hands of police. i preach funerals out there, to
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this year in california about police shootings. i am asking you about policing. >> absolutely. in the mid 1990s reverend al, i went after the police. i was a federal prosecutor at that time, i actually brought a case as a part of 50 different cases against an elite major, deputy sheriff unit and the sheriff's department. and convict them for crossing the line. i have absolutely no tolerance for any law enforcement officer crosses the line, or for that matter anybody else. i believe that proportionate consequence are required. that does not mean that you put people in jail for 100 years, but you have to make sure that people understand there is a line. it is consistently and fairly enforced, that is what i would do as opposed to moving the line constantly, which is what the current attorney general align with george gascón of l.a. have done. >> i want to get your take on something else, a political scandal that california's most popular city.
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the democratic president of the los angeles city council resigned last week after leaked audio emerged in which she made a number of racist remarks. that to other council members involved in the conversation have refused to step down, even in the face of criticism from fellow lawmakers and community leaders. including the last few days from basketball star, magic johnson. how should the situation be resolved in your judgment? >> well, one of the three leaders were martinez, the council president was resigned. gayle said the, l.a. councilman who turned out about two months. and then the third guy, kevin de leon. when i think, is that the california 20 general should bring an investigation, but kevin de leon has fought and paid for rob bonta. literally bought and paid for, and that is why he is not resigning. he thinks there is no teeth to a california attorney general investigation, he gave him. kevin de leon gave rob bonta and his wife, 40 $500 of
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campaign contributions that robert failed to disclose when he and initiated an investigation. did not return the money and has completely conflicted out of actually running that investigation. >> are you saying that bonta is conflicted and dealing with this issue that is basically and clearly races and clearly against the will of the people of the city that is calling for all involved in that conversation to resign? >> well on the races issue, of course he's not conflicted al. he should've, asked as i did for the resignation. there is a potential criminal investigation dealing with the underlying problem of the racist discourse which had to do with redistricting los angeles. and on that issue, rob bonta has a raging conflict of interest that he refused to reveal. he refused to pretend the 40 $500, that he and his wife were seen in kevin de leon.
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i would read independent -- that is advantage of bringing one republican and to a state government, that has a monopoly control by democrats. and they have wide position of democrats, the state legislators are super majority of democrats. we need an independent, experience moderate republican to go toe to toe with the corruption and the raging conflict of interest in sacramento. >> all, right let me ask you one last question because we're out of time. i want to ask about the role of california attorney general, representing your state, far more than 100 lawsuits against the trump administration on a variety of issues, including the environment, immigration and education. it's a big way california protects its interest in a federal system that under-represents more urban populous states. now i know that you are not a trump supporter but you are a republican as he reminded us. can democrats in your state
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count on you to represent them in these large, or national issues, california's care about? >> 100%, i am pro-choice and have been my entire life. and will enforce the laws and the books to the state of california full stop. that is the job of a chief law enforcement officer, as opposed to a politician like rob bonta who wants to make policy for the law enforcement standpoint. by californians can absolutely count on is that i will follow the evidence, i will follow the law. and i will protect their interests inside of california and outside of california. >> all, right nathan offman, thank you for joining me. and tomorrow, politicsnation. we will have the democratic nomination, the attorney general rob bonta. still to come though tonight, my next guest is running for office and if elected, we will become the first black female veteran in congress. we will be right back. will be right back.
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for staying with the midterm elections. joining me now is jackie gordon, who is running for congress to represent parts of long island and new york. thank you for joining me today. miss gordon, the democrats are trying to hold on to a slim eight seat majority in the mid term cycle that would normally favor republicans. you're running as a democrat in a newly redrawn second congressional district, trying to flip a seat, which has been held by republicans for decades against incumbent congressman andrew marino, who you also challenged by the way in 2020 but lost by seven percentage points. what makes you optimistic that this race will be different? >> thank you for having me,
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reverend our. i am super optimistic that we will win the cycle. with the dobbs decision that just came down and the climate and the air, folks in the district are really motivated to make sure that they get a representative who will carry their voice to washington. this decision has really motivated voters to forget -- get out and make sure their voices heard. mr. merino as not been a representative who has shown up. and just recently, there was a meeting amongst veterans regarding the burn pits from overseas deployment. they invited mr. marino. he responded that he would be there. he did not show up, he did not send a rap, he did not even call. i know this happened because the veterans called me. of course, i responded to the. i always will, whether i am in
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office or not, i am here to serve. that's what i have been doing for the last 30 years, and i will continue to do it. voters in the district realize that they need someone who will hear their voice. they need someone who understands the struggles that was faced. i was an educator, a veteran, it councilwoman -- >> let me stop you right there, if elected, you would become the first black female in congress. he spent 29 years serving in the army reserve and retired at the rank of lieutenant colonel. you are proposing to ensure that veterans and families have access to resources through the va and have promises to strengthen education, career choices, house and other benefits -- why are these proposals so important, and how has your time in the military shift your approach to politics. >> they're very important, reverend al. in long island, we have the
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largest concentration of veterans and all of new york state, so having a representative who understands the needs of veterans, especially when they come home, is so so important. we have a va hospital right here on long island. we're fortunate to have a va hospital in our region. it's not and a district but in the region that serves our veterans, so we need someone who understands that veterans need to be able to support they need to get back to the life that they once knew, or as close to as possible. my military service house me to get to this point, helps me to understand the struggles that folks face. it helps me to learn to work with others. in the 20 diners i was in the military, i never looked to my left or right. ask anyone if they were democrat or republican, the focus was getting the job done and accomplishing the mission.
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that's the mindset we need in washington right now -- >> let me go back to you talking about the dobbs decision. in a recent interview, you said that codifying roe v. wade into law is your biggest issue in your district. what have you been hearing from voters about the issue, and how does your stance contrasts your opponents? >> voters in the district are upset that after 50 years, this rate has been taken away from them. i believe that a woman -- abortion is a health care decision. i think it should be between a woman and her health care provider in the privacy of the practitioners office, clearly, there's not enough room in the office for the american government. the government does not belong in that decision. so, i will fight to make sure that women across this nation
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have a right to make this decision about their health care, along with the advice of their practitioners. my opponent signed on -- he supports spending abortions across the nation, without regard to incest, rape or the health of a mother. it's too extreme for artistic. it's too extreme for the land, and we cannot have a congress member like that representing us. >> jackie gordon, thank you for being with us. at the daybreak, a baseless claim against and on his family that has already paid a heavy price, after the death of their loved one. i will explain in a moment. explain in a moment nchboxes of all your favorites. hosting a tailgate is easier than getting gronk to take of his shir- easier than what?! yep, easier than that. subway keeps refreshing and refreshi- with my hectic life you'd think retirement would be the last thing on my mind. hey mom, can i go play video games?
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for its family to bury evidence. let me make a clear what i think about all these business claims against an honest family, who already paid a hefty price with the death of their loved one. terrence floyd was at national action network rally this morning. i preached two of george floyd's funeral. this family is those suffering from the loss of their father, their brother, their uncle, their cousin, and to go as alex jones did, creating more pain with baseless conspiracy theories is something that must be addressed, and people must be held accountable for. i stated out of getting in the back and forth with the rapper. i was asked in washington by a reporter about the conduct of continuous, despite some of the conduct that i might consider bizarre, had told him to quote another upper, i have 99
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