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tv   Velshi  MSNBC  November 5, 2022 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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all right, that does it for, me with a qualifying bundle. thank you for watching, i am sam stein, katie phang thankfully will be back next weekend, at 7 am eastern, velshi starts right now. >> good morning, it is saturday,
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november the 5th, i'm alex velshi, there are only three days left of 2020 midterms, said to be one of the most important consequential elections in modern history. not only is control of both chambers of congress up for grabs, but the integrity of future elections will be decided by a number of key races this year. that is because the majority of republicans running for congress in statewide office, 291 of them according to the washington post, about the question or flat out lied about the legitimacy of the results of the 2020 elections. and many of them are likely to win. those candidates are largely sycophants of the twice impeached insurrectionist ex president donald trump. who have either been diluted by his big lie about a stolen election that never happened, or simply repeat the big lie for their own political benefit. it is a dangerous lie, that is already led to an insurrection at the seat of our government, and i have this year's midterm elections, election officials and poll workers are bracing
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for tensions on voting day. and milwaukee, a city with the bagram state of wisconsin, officials are set up a direct line with local law enforcement to ensure that officers can quickly respond to any reports of disturbances at polling sites. federal agencies are on alert to, in a bolton jointly released last week for the department of homeland security, the fbi, the capitol police, and the national counterterrorism center warns quote, perceptions of election related fraud and dissatisfaction and the electoral outcomes likely will result in heightened threats of violence and quote. meanwhile, concerns about political intimidation have already risen and been taken to court in arizona, where unauthorized people like this, have shown of the ballot box locations, sometimes armed and masked, wearing body armor, waiting for nonexistent mules, which is an expression it's describing people of soft illegitimate ballots into bell boxes, way for the bitter. up issues elections windy as
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the country is waiting for the violent assault of paul pelosi, a man who's looking for his wife, the speaker of the house, nancy pelosi. in new poll conducted in the weeks since the, attack the washington post finds that 80% of americans are somewhat or very concerned that political divisions have gotten so bad that they think there is an increased about violence this year. recent threats and acts of violence of all been in service of the big lie in the big lie or who started it all, donald trump. since he emerged as a political force during the 2016 campaign. trump has exploited peoples worse prejudices for his own political gain. he did means and he demonized his political opponents, who in turn become the targets of vitriol by his supporters, some of whom are armed. it is no coincidence that extremists, some of whom were armed with rifles, flooded the michigan state house after donald trump tweeted quote, liberate michigan during the height of the pandemic in the spring of 2020. nor was it a coincidence that his supporters stormed capitol hill shouting, hang mike pence
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when trump lie to them about the vice president having the power to overturn the results of the 2020 elections. but the republican party has not reckoned with this rise of violence amongst its ranks, even as the perpetrators of these incidents often dressed in maga clothing, repeat trumps slogans ad nauseam and waive trump branded flags. instead, the republican party has been consumed with gaslighting america into believing that these acts of intimidation and violence are actually acts of patriotism. and at the insurrection at the capitol was legitimate political discourse. the accountable truth is that america had a long history of politically motivated and election related violence, and head of election day in the fall of 1856, multiple riots broke out in baltimore and cited by the xenophobic know nothing party to prevent immigrants from heading to the polls. another 20th, 1920, dozens of black people were massacred for trying to vote on election day in ocoee, a city in central
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florida. nobody was ever convicted for those killings, and the fight for voting rights was central to the civil rights movement. in particular, to the efforts to prevent black people from registering to vote in the state of alabama, directly, leading to historic march from selma to montgomery that was led by dr. martin luther king junior. that happened fewer than 60 years ago. there may be people watching right now who fought for the right to vote back then who have a parent or grandparent or a relative or a friend or a colleague who did. but donald trump has coalition of anti-democratic big lie peddling candidates on the ballot this year could unravel all about progress. that is what is at stake this year. there is a simple antidote to heat it off. vote. make sure you vote, engage in conversation with your friends and family and make sure that they vote to. vote why it is still counting. joining me now is ruth ben-ghiat, she's a professor of
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history in my un author of -- lucid about threats to democracy and the book strongman from new cell is new to the presidency, and i said vote while it still matters, i didn't say but why you still, can but you don't need to lose the vote in order to lose democracy. >> that's right. today it is less common outside of china and north korea to shut down elections altogether. today, you keep elections going but you find myriad ways to get the results that you need. and so here we have really and practices of gerrymandering and racially motivated voter suppression, and what is new is this big a lie, which was created as we all know to self serving by donald trump and his portable. nobody can be in many trump and refused to concede. and this refusing to concede, this electoral overthrow, is what is new. and it is a form of party corruption. it is a form of institutionalize lying. and so, then you pair that with
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another new thing, which is the voter intimidation directed at anybody who is a democrat. and so one of the things that donald trump did, if he took people who already didn't like blacks, they didn't like the immigrants, and he made democrats the idea of political opponents and to a category that you are supposed to hate. and that is the lock her up and calls for hillary clinton's execution. and we've come a long way, if you want to see how did we get to nancy pelosi, the democratic speaker of the house, being targeted for assassination and harm, we go back to donald trump saying that any democrat is in existential threat, and must be neutralized. >> and i just written down as we are, talking four categories of undermining the vote. there is the manipulation of the vote, whether that's gerrymandering or physically manipulating ballots and voting,
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there is lying about the outcome, there is refusal to concede, and they see intimidation of voters. there's another colin right, now and you tweeted about this it's also from lucid, you said that voting is also an act of faith. in the, past many of us have trusted the election system to work, or never thought much about what happens after we cast our ballots, but that is no longer the case given widespread practices of election subversion and the threats to election workers. that is a psychological thing. the idea that we are now making people think, your votes are either not important or it cannot be trusted as to what happens once you cast your ballot. >> yes, this is a psychological warfare operation, and donald trump never said he's lazy, since 2016, invested hundreds of hours trying to convince voters that there was fraud. but the endgame of all of this is to make voters, american voters, think that the electoral system is so compromised, it is so fragile
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and corrupt, that they lose faith and the idea of electing leaders, choosing leaders through elections, and when that goes out the window, it opens the door to authoritarian ways like a january six q. and so, the endgame is to really get americans either to be too afraid to show up to vote on one hand, or to just believe that elections don't mean anything because it is all corrupt. >> this is not yet another element in the book, that you've written, and that is the donald trump, we've heard him say that i alone can fix it. i have a quote from lucid about strongman and the book that you have written. the aim of the savvy strongman is to get the nation to accept his coming crackdowns and extra legal actions and remember them as necessary and justified. actions and reyour vote tells tt you remember that democracy
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matters. freedom matters, respect for others matters, cast it with all of the solemnity and saying to the that it deserves. this is the important part. your fight back, the average viewer right now he's watching, me their gillotti to fight back is to vote. >> that's absolutely right. and i wrote that when i did early voting and i happen to be in the basement of a church and i was never so conscious of the privilege of voting, the salinity, the sanctity of voting, and this is our way of expressing our popular will. and mining are therrien an authoritarian rule wants to just silence that, to tell you that you do not matter. that you deserve to be silenced, you deserve to be locked up. and when we get along that path, again, this is what trump planted the seeds of this in 2016 through january six. that there cannot be a political opposition, and that
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it is not legitimate. it deserves to be locked up. >> ruth, thank you so much again for your research, ruth ben-ghiat is a professor of hero -- history at nyu, and she's the author of -- and enjoy now but jocelyn bench, and she's much of the court secretary of state g20 for reelection this year and she's the author of the book secretary of state, guardians of the democratic process. she was with me couple weeks ago i was in michigan. secretary benson, good to see you again, thank you for being with us, and ruth really outlined the various butts that officials like you are facing this year in the election. it is not the legitimacy of the election, because you know about that. you conduct audits, particularly in michigan, to determine the safety in the efficacy of elections. but this violence and intimidation thing has become very real and michigan, largely because you had a plot to kidnap your governor by people who are conspiracy theorists, and this trickles down into people's minds about the vote is going to be legitimate, if there's going to be violence, how do you contend with this.
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>> that's, right it's a strategy to discredit everything the professor said i'm leaving it with the endgame is. as a strategy to discourage people from believing in the power of their voice told powerful people accountable. and the reality is that in michigan, and then everywhere else, you can trust there's also an election that will be an accurate reflection of the will of the people when you vote your vote will count, and as you mentioned, your systems and protocols in place to ensure not just the security of the election, but also the accuracy of the results after the fact. what we have been seeing in michigan for years now, but really not take over the last few weeks, is a steady stream of efforts to misinform and discourage the people from participating and to try to get the votes thrown out or invalidated wrongly, once cast. there's a lawsuit right now attempting to do that but also so seeds of doubt about the process and discourage people from participating. but the process itself will hold. >> your opponent is actually running. and when i was in detroit two weeks ago, i actually saw on
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her billboards, election fraud was essential to it. fighting election fraud is the basis of her campaign. so she is not even at the point where she is convincing people that there is fraud, she is saying, i will be the election fraud fighter. she has made it a de facto issue. what do you do about that. you're the one who actually conducted the audits on the last election to know what did or did not go wrong. how widespread is fought -- fraud in michigan voting. >> it's not widespread, it's miniscule, and when it happens, we catch it. we live security in place from people in any way break the law around the election, they are caught in their consequences. and so in a very rare circumstance of fraud, it does not interfere with the election. and that is people -- people accountable because it breaks the law. and what it is, you also might have noted her logo is a lock to suggest that somehow we should all be arrested, i'm not sure. but it just underscores the
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vitriol behind a lot of campaigns right now, spreading lies about fraud or other challenges with elections to scare people into scare election officials away from doing our jobs. >> i was in arizona last, weekend and the imagery is fairly scary, because it is sometimes armed man and body armor and masks who watched as cars come to ballot boxes and take them on their phones, or recorded the license plate numbers. and i tweeted about that, and you then tweeted that if you attempt to intimidate voters or disrupt our elections, there will be consequences. you know a lot about being secretary of state, i do not know how often in history or recent history that has had to become the responsibility of the secretary of state, but while there are fraud consequences for reforming fraud, you're also having to perform people that there are consequences for intimidating voters. >> indeed. it is against the law to intimidate voters. it is against the law to interfere with elections. and when people break the law,
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we will be there to ensure that it is enforced, and in fact, we have a network of folks from pastors, law enforcement, to local clerks, who are ready to respond and ensure if there are any attempts to intimidate voters, we first try to de-escalate, but we also will hold accountable those who run afoul of the law. i am not alone. secretary of state in georgia has also issued a texting program for poll workers where they can send a simple text if they feel that there is a problem in their polling place. so we all have really stepped up across the country as secretaries of state embracing this new responsibility we have to protect not just the process, but the people in elections. that is why i'm actually confident that we are more prepared than we were in 2020 to withstand efforts to undermine our elections and protect the people involved in the process. >> -- vincent good to talk, to joscelyn benson's democrats -- michigan stomach arctic secretary of state is up for reelection. with reams of election date republicans are seeking scapegoats in their cheerleaders election fraud
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lie. i will make it perfectly clear in for facts sake next. plus, he's looking to unseat republican senator ron johnson wisconsin, i would like to say stomach reddick nominee, mandela barnes, he joins me. life coming up at 10 am on velshi, the democratic candidate for georgia, for governor georgia, stacey abrams joins me. georgia has been ground zero for the battle over voting at the governor's race, and in one of the most closely watched in the entire country. she's joining it 10 am. problem congresswoman liz cheney making noise about potentially running for president in 2024. not as a republican, not as a democrat. but as a third party candidate. last time serious third party nominee named major political waves, it may pop cultural waves as well. >> i'm in a bathtub full of money. i'm a soft freak taking a four billion dollar jacuzzi. uzzi
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the midterm elections and early
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voting is underway in multiple states across the country. but the with four wins in the boxes are even counted, some voters are getting prematurely defensive. a new axios ipsos poll shows that nearly 40% of republican voters, regular people, not can, this will blame election fraud if their party does not win control of congress. election fraud is a concept that we have seen in the rise of popularity since president donald trump used it as an election for his long lost in 2020. it sows doubt in the election system, and in democracy. stop the steal, they said, widespread voter fraud is a major issue in this country, they cried. let me be clear. other insistence of voter fraud in this country? we just discussed, sure there are, but for fact sake, let's take a look. the associated press review the six swing states the trump disputed in 2020. they are arizona, georgia, nevada, michigan, and wisconsin. president joe biden won all six, i pennsylvania and there too.
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president biden won all six states with a combined 79 electoral college votes by 311,257 votes out of 25.5 million ballots cast for president in those six states. and the disputed ballots came out to more than 475 in total. that is 0.1 5% of the victory in those states. that 0.00 1.8% of the total number of votes cast in those states. statistically, it would be impossible for those disputed votes to make any major difference in the election let alone be enough to flip an entire presidential election. but nevertheless, tight races to happen. take a look at georgia after the 2020 election. it came down to those 11,779 votes. that president trump asked the georgia secretary of state brad raffensperger to quote, find. and after multiple voter fraud accusation from trump's allies,
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the state of georgia conducted audits and open investigations look at examples of voter fraud and double-voting. according to the atlanta journal of constitution, of the 129 people in georgia who are actually worthy of investigating voting twice, the state election board found reason to believe that just four of them had actually done so. four out of 4.9 million. in pennsylvania, 26 votes were flagged by election officials as potentially fraudulent, like a man who voted for himself, and then on behalf of his son, joe biden won there by more than 80,000 votes. with arizona, more than 198 particularly fraudulent votes, like a woman suspected sitting in a ballot for her dead mother, and biden still won the state by more than 10,000 votes. we should note that the voter fraud claims that former president trump claimed stole the election from him actually benefited him. and in yuma county, arizona, with more than half of the investigative cases from 2020
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we are folks who voted republican that year. there are systems in place to combat manipulation of the election system. according to the u.s. election assistance commission, elections are run by more than 8000 local governments, and almost 90% of americans vote on paper ballots, which in turn, makes it pretty much impossible to steal a nationwide election through voter fraud. judges across the country have agreed, according to the washington post, 86 judges, some voted by trump, rejected at least one postelection lawsuit filed by trump or supporters. trump federal appeals court nominee stephanos bibeau's wrote in one opinion quote calling an election unfair does not make it so. and charges require specific allegations improve. we have neither here. as poll watchers stop ballot drop box walks in many candidates reject the election results in advance, remember the widespread material voter fraud does not exist in america. and most certainly will not sabotage the midterm elections.
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that is just for facts's sake. wisconsin is one of the safely could decide the future faith of american democracy on tuesday. and the race for senate, they're the trump loyalist and big lie pushing incumbent rod johnson is currently in a tight race with his constant lieutenant governor, mandela barnes. johnson will not commit to accepting the results of the election. mandela barnes is standing by and he joins us next. you're going big this holiday season wayfair has just what you need. with holiday decor from just $9. you can deck, all the halls. shop bakeware that's priced to delight from just $29. more cookies. and find a huge selection of tableware that's sure to impress all of your guests. plus save even more with wayfair's black friday sneak peek deals. ♪ wayfair you've got just what i need ♪ trelegy for copd. ♪birds flyin' high, you know how i feel.♪ ♪breeze driftin' on by...♪
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2020 election results. in fact, he told reporters earlier this week, quote, republicans will never lose another election in wisconsin after i am elected governor, end quote. wow. we are saying the quiet part out loud now. despite crystal clear until democratic rhetoric. the political reports calling the governor's race a toss-up. in the race for senate, incumbent republican senator ron johnson is up against this man, the current democratic lieutenant governor mandela barnes. of the 12 years the johnson has been an office, he might have been known at some point to his constituents as a reasonable conservative, but has since morphed into a full blown big liar in january 6th apologist. if you're not from wisconsin, you might recognize johnson's name from the january six hearings. the committee revealed that in june that johnson's chief of staff tried to deliver a slate of fake electors, to vice president mike pence, raising questions about johnson's role in a deliberate in coordinated plan to block joe biden's win and to hand trump the presidency.
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the political report, he is also calling this a toss-up. joining me now is the aforementioned mandela barnes, current lieutenant governor and democratic senator facing off against senator ron johnson. mr. barnes, good to see you again, thank you for being with us. we appreciate your time is always. i am a little puzzled, as you can tell from the tone in my voice about this. i want to play a soundbite from your opponent telling nbc news about whether or not he would accept tuesdays results. >> do you commit to accepting the results of tuesday's election. >> we have in place a lot of observers, a lot of poll workers, and hope purpose was to restore confidence in our election system. i sure hope i can, but i can't predict what the democrats might have planned. >> that is a lot of bs. there wasn't a problem the confidence of the voting system before people like ron johnson following donald trump's lead about the big lie started to talk about that. i just did a whole statistically about voter fraud in america and wouldn't have moved a needle anywhere in any election in this country. so ron johnson is not painting
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himself as the protector of voting in america, when in fact there is no meaningful threat. >> i mean he's the biggest hypocrite out there. this is the person who tried to overturn free and fair elections. he has participated in these election systems, trying to send fraudulent electors as we mentioned. it is very rich coming from a person who tried to ultimately change the course of this country because he did not get the election result that he wanted in 2020. but it just goes to show you just how low he will go, and that is who he has been for the last 12 years. many people i thought he was some sensible moderate republican for a while, but that was never the case. he is always been this way. a person was looked out for himself, the interests of special interests and his own self interest. this person was left working people in the state behind every step of the way. he's a danger and a threat to our democracy. and then a few days, you have a
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real opportunity, and it won't happen the most folks help us out at middlebourne's are calm. >> the question, is people know, him he's been around for 12 years, in the statewide office, but you also held statewide office. you had the lieutenant governor. you are well-known by virtue of the fact that you're only the second and the state official black statewide official in history wisconsin. you are in the, news people talk about, you know why are you not able to penetrate that. what's going on that this is a toss-up? >> i will tell you. racism in the states is always felt. i last three -- 30,000 votes or fewer. and so people have to fight for every single inch here. we are not taking something for granted. coming into this, race we knew it would be tough, and we knew that ron. johnson would be the worst senator servant and are worse there since joe mccarthy. we knew that that was going to be enough for us to get over the hump. it was important for us to do everything that we could to show up as many places as possible across the street, and
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that's what we're doing. an rv to, where we had hundreds of planned 15, days andres offit little bit earlier, and that gives us some breathing room to get even more places with -- talk to young folks, our family, farmers are small business owners, we will do some -- dates and we are showing up and leaving no community behind, not taking a single committee for granted. any folk we take for granted as a vote that we're not going to lose or not going to lose a single one. >> let me ask you, this there obviously some people who back the big lie, and ron johnson and they will go vote for him. they're a lot of people who back you and are very worried about democracy. they're going to come out to vote for you, but this is a midterm election. there are whole bunch of people who are not going to turn out, and on wednesday morning or one of your races decided, whoever knows, it might take a couple of days, but they might be very surprised. they may not like the outcome. what is your best for them? they are people who might not get motivated commitment from elections. >> people need to wake up on november 9th and asked like what else could we have done?
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when we have a person like around johnson, again, who has shown where he's going to take it when it comes to our democracy, and he has shown us what he will do for another six years because of what he's done for the last 12 years. there's absolutely nothing for the rest of us. think about the fact that social security is on the line. we are talking about a person who -- should be reauthorize every five years. moncada says that's not enough. we authorized every year. he's coming after the hard-earned, benefits the people they've been working entire life. or the right to make your health care decision. he told the women of the state that if they don't like laws that after the 89 -- 1849 criminal portion, ban they can move. this is a person unfit to represent. this is a person has real content for working people and a real content for women and has asked absolutely abdicated his responsibility to show up and deliver for the people in this country, especially those who have had at the hardest. over the course the pandemic, ron johnson was nowhere to be found was small businesses were struggling. when i firmly farmers were in
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disarray and supply chains are broken, ron johnson left us behind and we were stuck cleaning up the mess that he refused to help us out with. >> and so you when you are going around the, state you are talking mid democratic, issues you are not making any large democracy issues, unite out about cultural issues that we just mentioned, and there is a lot of concern about economic issues. what do people act skew when you are out there. even going to all these counties, what is the biggest concern on peoples minds? >> what people are certainly asking about how can we get more money in their pockets, how can we make life a little bit more stable by bringing in affordability back into the picture, which ron johnson is not concerned with. you're looking at oil and gas companies are making record profits, large grocery store chains making record profits, and yet they are charging us record amounts at the checkout line. and at the gas pump. we need leaders who actually going to stand up to the special interests and tell them that enough is enough. you have to stop using inflation as a smokescreen to get over on every day working people, because it is not fair on the deck has been stacked against us.
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and we also need to build more things here. i come from a long line of people who work in manufacturing. my granddad worked at a factory after he returned from world war ii. he walked in one day and walked out 35 years later. that was it taken to the middle class for us. but the jobs that migrant out had back then, his second to the middle class, it is seemingly more easy than it is for people in my generation. that is a dynamic that we have to fix. and ron johnson was so audacious as to say that we have enough jobs, and wisconsin. he said, why build things here when you can make them in china for dirt cheap? he has told us out every step of the way. there's not just jobs, we talk about opportunities for families to put food on the table. opportunities for children to live happy healthy and productive life. able to get a fair shot at the american dream, and we will never get that fair shot from ron johnson as a u.s. senator. >> and all, burns good to see you, thanks for joining. as the democratic lieutenant governor of wisconsin, mandela
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barnes, he's a stomach arctic yet nominee for the united. senate of, next we go for wisconsin another high stakes win state, we will go live to pennsylvania where former president obama and trump are both set to hold rallies this weekend, plus the nuclear threat. it seems like some of the leaders of the world's nuclear powers are developing itchy trigger fingers. america's former energy secretary and nuclear expert bernie monies joins the show before the end of the hour to help understand this threat. stand this threat. just buy any footlong in the app, and get one free. free monsters, free bosses, any footlong for free! this guy loves a great offer. so let's see some hustle! for people living with h-i-v, keep being you. and ask your doctor about biktarvy. biktarvy is a complete, one-pill, once-a-day treatment used for h-i-v in certain adults. it's not a cure, but with one small pill, biktarvy fights h-i-v to help you get to and stay undetectable. that's when the amount of virus is so low it cannot be measured by a lab test. research shows people who take h-i-v treatment every day
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predecessors will all be in pennsylvania today to campaign with candidates ahead of this year's midterm races. the main races that voters are focusing on early state race for governor. it is between joshua pirro and dog mastriano. it is also the senate race between fetterman and mehmet oz. we are multiple poll showing that the senate contest is in a dead heat after last week's debate between fetterman and oz. msnbc has more on this race. >> with control of congress at stake, it is the race of the finish line. here in pennsylvania u.s. senate race, it is lieutenant governor john fetterman versus tv dr. mehmet oz. we will see dueling headliners. president biden and former president obama are campaigning for fetterman in philly. former president trump will rally for oz near pittsburgh. mr. obama has been front and center for democrats in recent weeks. mr. biden, not so much. given rising inflation in his low approval numbers.
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mr. trump has been dropping more haynes he is set to make another run for president. >> i will very, very, very, probably do it again, okay? >> it could all hinge on how well the gop does on tuesday night. one democratic candidate who seems to have his race tied up as attorney general josh shapiro. overnight, he rallied supporters. >> right now, it is our time. >> at least some of his support came from the opposite party. polls showed his lead in the governor's race farro paced fetterman's in the senate race. >> why do you think there is such a difference between these two races? >> i am focused on my race, making the case against doug ministry anna. he is by far the most dangerous and extreme candidates running for office in the nation. i am humbled by the number of republicans who are joining our campaign, the independents who are joining our campaign. >> pollsters say the difference is due to voters putting their ticket. that is just what cameron cox is doing. he says that mastery honors to extreme.
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he is worried about fetterman's health following his stroke. >> you can hold shapiro countable. mastery under doesn't care if he is accountable or not. i think that john fetterman should take a long vacation after watching him on the debate stage. >> this is the democrats best chance to pick up a senate seat. without it, republicans could gain control the chamber. >> we are reporting. up next, the nuclear threat. from europe, to russia, to asia, to the middle east, nuclear countries are giving the world cause for alarm. we'll break down the threat from across the globe. that is coming up. that is coming up. relax from daily stress. plus, shoden ashwagandha for quality sleep. so i can wake up refreshed. neuriva: think bigger. so i can wake up refreshed. i earn 5% cash back on travel purchased through chase with chase freedom unlimited. i earn 5% on our cabin. hello cashback! hello, kevin hart! earn big time with chase freedom unlimited with no annual fee. how do you cashback? chase. make more of what's yours.
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geopolitical ramifications of russia's war in ukraine is the heightened threat of nuclear war and the potential use of targeted nuclear weapons. there is the fear that russia may resort to using nuclear weapons. it only grows with each battlefield setback that they saw fair. multiple senior american officials tell the new york
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times senior russian military leaders recently had conversations to discuss when and how moscow might use a tactical nuclear weapon in ukraine as a result of those losses. due to this ongoing threat, ukraine says it is preparing 425 nuclear follow shelters in the capital of kyiv. this is one bit of news to potentially carve the nuclear temperature, at least on the surface, during a meeting with the german chancellor, olaf scholz, the chinese president said that russia's use of a nuclear weapon in ukraine would be, quote, crossing a line. he called on the international community to, quote, reject the threat of nuclear weapons. they need to advocate against nuclear war to prevent a crisis on the eurasian continent. at the same time, china is joining russia and blaming the united states for north korea's recent string of missile on sirs. if that launch does not make sense to you, you are not alone. a north korea period have conducted some sort of major military exercise or jail yesterday. they launched more than 80
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rounds of artillery in multiple ballistic missiles into the sea. there were about 180 warplanes near the zone between north and south korea. u.s. officials also confirmed that north korea is selling artillery and other military munitions to russia for them to use in ukraine. this all comes as u.s. officials say they believe that north korea is preparing to conduct their seventh nuclear test. that will be the first one in more than five years. meanwhile, political turmoil is affecting several other new color armed nations. in pakistan, former prime minister was removed from office in april after falling out with the country's military leaders. he was wounded after at least one gunman opened fire on his convoy during a rally in eastern pakistan. he was leading a protest march to the capital. officials are calling it an assassination attempt. in israel, the former prince prime minister lost a year ago amid controversy. he said it once again return to
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power and form a far-right government. at the same time, the un general assembly's first committee has voted for israel to dispose of its nuclear weapons and place its nuclear sites under the purview of the international atomic energy agency. speaking of the international atomic energy agency, they say that iran now has enough enriched uranium to build weapons grade bomb. iran has been increasing the enrichment of uranium following president trump's withdrawal from the iran nuclear deal. it was working on preventing iran from obtaining nuclear weapon. there is a lot to digest there. this is all connected. in a moment, i will speak to somebody unique qualified to discuss the topic and the risk of nuclear annihilation. this is america's former energy secretary, he is one of the architects of the iran nuclear deal. al chase freedom unlimited. i earn 5% on our cabin. hello cashback! hello, kevin hart! earn big time with chase freedom unlimited with no annual fee.
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he is the former united states energy secretary during the obama administration. mister secretary, you have money titles. he is also a nuclear physicist. he also helped negotiate the iran nuclear deal. here's the cochairman seal the nuclear threat initiative. it is good to see you. thank you for joining us. we outlined a lot of things that are going on in the world of new color. i want to start with iran. this is something that you are deeply involved in. the whole goal of that deal that you helped construct was
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to prevent iran from becoming yet another nuclear power in the world. in fact, that was the direction it was going in. no one ever disputed that it was actually happening. we pulled out, arangua hard-line. the world has become more new color agitated. what is your level of concern about what is going on? both in iran and with the nuclear program. >> well, in a run, our withdrawal from the agreement in 2018 he has not had, in my view, any benefit. there is certainly many downsides. in particular, the agreement was constructed such that iran would be at least one year away, even if they went full load -- now they are probably weeks away from that. we have no evidence that they are in fact resuming nuclear weapons program at this time. on the other hand, they have enriched uranium.
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it is at a purity level of 60%. there is very little motivation other than preparing for a weapons capability. it is not good. at the same time, we see no material benefits in terms of them backing off from creating regional mischief. we see now that they're supplying weapons and drones to russia. it is a situation that has gone retrograde. right now, it is not looking great to see that coming back in a force. >> you brought up russia. that is where the issue is right now. from the beginning of the invasion of ukraine, from day one of vladimir putin, he was talking about nuclear power. he was using it as a deterrent. this thing is not gone as well for russia as planned. there has been more top of that. can you evaluate that for us? there is the situation in russia. >> many times, he made thinly veiled threats to use a nuclear
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weapon in the ukraine. i would argue that there are two taboo that we should talk about. won, the line has always been crossed. mainly, a nuclear weapons power like russia using the nuclear weapons arsenal as a cohesive tool, a threat. basically, stay out of my way. i have nuclear weapons. i am going to continue to attack a non nuclear weapon state. that has already been done. we have a bit of a repair job there to do. there could be global as a result of that. the second taboo would be to use a nuclear weapon. i don't want to be complacent. in the last few days, there has been some promising signs at least. one of them that i consider to be quite imported was when president z of china warned
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president putin. that is his declared friend. he warned him against using a nuclear weapon. we published an opinion p c. admiral mullin, the former chair of the joint chiefs center, and myself. we pushed a piece noting that it is in china's self interest that russia not use a nuclear weapon. that was on leash unpredictable potential nuclear risks in their part of the world. i think that is probably the motivation behind president xi jinping making that public admission against president putin threats. >> he has another friend in north korea who seems to be liking showing off his new color tools as well. >> very happy to sell weapons. >> that >> is right. that is the interconnectedness of the whole thing. secretary, thank you. that is the former secretary of energy under barack obama. he is the co-chair of the nuclear threat initiative. coming up next, a deep dive into the state republican party.
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later, the democratic candidate for government in georgia, stacey abrams, joins me live at 10 am eastern. you definitely do not want to miss that important interview. another hour of velshi begins right now. right now. good morning, a disencumber fifth. i am ali velshi. we have three days to go until the election. right now, democrats only two independents in caucus with them have a razor-thin majority in the senate. there are 50 democrats, 50 republicans. kamala harris hold the tie breaking vote. that could all change after tuesday night. in the house, democrats have a slightly larger aid. the whole 220 seats compared to the 212 occupied by the gop.


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