tv The Reid Out MSNBC November 7, 2022 4:00pm-5:00pm PST
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you can't take it for granted. you have to work for it. you have to nurture it. you have to fight for it. now the good news is, you get to make a difference. as long as you turn out to vote. >> the closing arguments as we reach the final night of the midterm campaign. will voters reject the politics of fear, denial, and insurrection? or will they give in to the maga madness? also tonight, the republicans' dark vision for america. what they will do if we give them the keys to the government. >> and stacey abrams joins me tonight as her tight race for governor of georgia goes down to the wire. >> and we're now one day before the end of election season. we made it. election eve. tomorrow, the last of the voters
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will line up at the polls. if you live in communities that are predominantly black or brown, the lines will probably be extra long because there will be fewer voting machines for you. and if you're in georgia, you can't have any water. in arizona, you'll likely be under the watchful eye of armed insurrectionist red hats and in florida, governor desantis, i'm sorry, the chosen protector of god's planned paradise sent on the eighth day of creation, aka, ron de-sanctimonious, is laying down the groundwork for election police to arrest you, again, especially if you're black. but i am here to tell you, do not let the fascist goons deter you. that's what they want, to send you home afraid, defy them. get in line and stay in line. voting is your right in this country. at least for now, until clarence and his fellow right-wing court zealots determine the elites in your state legislature own the
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task of choosing your legislation in addition to having custody over your body. if you're republican, tomorrow is the day you try to catch up with the more than 4 million vote lead democrats have racked up in the early voting period. plus the votes cast by absentee voting which at least for now is still legal, even in arizona. even using a drop box. republicans have, though, won one thing, though. ahead of the official election day. they have won the narrative game. they have gamed the media to repeat their red wave talking points by larding the polling averages like fivethirtyeight and real clear politics with junk polls. one of them was even conducted by a couple high school kids. it's a gaslighting extravaganza since as elections guru ron brown steen put it, rcp is a component of the republican messaging machine, no more, no less. they have democrats doing what they do best, fretting and worrying all is lost. despite the 53% to 45% gender gap in the early vote, in favor
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of women. you know, the group that specifically is engaged by the loss of roe v. wade, and republicans, well, they have gotten most of the media to repeat the script that they already had in mind long before samuel alito, defending of the far right wing fanatical maga faith, blasted women's rights over their own bodies back to the 19th century. namely crime, gas prices, and inflation. well, tonight, i would like to read you a nonexhaustive list of the things you will never hear republicans or most of the media ever mention again after tomorrow. and which you will not hear about again until donald trump's 2024 disaster candidacy to try to avoid prison. there are as follows. crime, inflation, and gas prices. because republicans do not actually care about any of those things. any more than they actually care about abortion. hey, herschel. nor can they or democrats or biden or any politician do anything about those things because two of them are products
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of corporate greed and one of them is the product of dramatic wealth inequality, economic desperation, social design, and the easy availability of guns. all of which republicans are exacerbating in america. and crime is want even up, it's down, especially in blue states. what republicans do intend to do with power if they get it is this. >> it will be my objective to phase out social security. to pull it by the roots and get rid of it. >> my plan, i said we have got to start being honest with the public that what's our plan, medicare is going bankrupt. social security is going bankrupt. >> republicans will never lose another election in wisconsin after i'm elected governor. >> i'm pro-life with exceptions for life of the mother. you should understand her position. it's extremely radical. it's abortion up to the moment of birth. >> will you accept the results of your election in november? >> i'm going to win the election and i'm will accept that result. >> if you lose, will you accept
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that? >> i'm going to win the election and i will accept that result. >> or, as the lincoln project put it more pointedly -- >> fewer places to vote, longer lines. don't worry, they say. we're just improving the system. they hope we won't notice the rules are changing because they lost the last election. they hope we just won't care enough to stop them. they believe they can take america away from us. and we won't even notice. >> in short, republicans who have given in fully to the fascist elements of their base are gaming to take the house, the senate, and as many states as they can in order to nuke democracy so they never have to worry about elections again. you're welcome. joining me now is former obama campaign manager david plouffe, who is now an msnbc political analyst, kurt bardella, democratic strategist, and jelani cobb, dean of the journalism school, staff writer for the new yorker. i'm going to go in the order i
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introduced you. david, i'm going to first play mr. shapiro, who is running, i think, one of the best campaigns this season, and doing an actually really good closing argument. let me play the shapiro closing argument from the state of pennsylvania. >> it's not freedom to tell women what they're allowed to do with their bodies. that's not freedom. it's not freedom to tell our children what books they're allowed to read. it's not freedom when he gets to decide who you're allowed to marry. i say love is love. >> how is that as a closing argument in your view, david plouffe? >> well, joy, i think it's stirring and effective. i agree, i think he's been one of the more impressive candidates this cycle running one of the more impressive races.
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he has a target rich opponent in mastriano, but there's others like mastriano around the country who are in dead heat races. i think it's effective to go at opponents' perceives strengths, whether it's freedom, family values. i used to feel that way about taxes and national security. take it right to them. you have places where you have the strength of the electorate, but it's really important to go on the offense. so i thought that was a great way. obviously, then barack obama followed him, kind of a stirring event, where i think you had some great rhetoric and some great arguments to close out an important -- and listen, pennsylvania is key. we need to hold the governor's race as a democratic party because the governor there has enormous power over elections. looking ahead to 2024. but that senate seat is critical because it's democrats' best chance to take a seat away from republicans and it makes the math that much more complicated for republicans in terms of getting to 50. >> look, it isn't even a matter of just partisan preference at this point. one of the two parties declared
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they don't believe elections should count unless they win, and they will insure, some of them are saying openly, david finchem, and some others are saying if we win, we'll never lose another election because we'll declare ourselves the winner and have the power to do it. and i want to add to that what's going on in florida. because the current governor, ron desantis, is in good position, you know, at this point, i think throw the polls out. let's not pay attention to them anymore, but all of them are in his favor. and he's now gone past doing electioneering. this is a wild ad because there is a thing on the republican side about worship, about it not just being about a leader but about being a god-like leader, which is what they view trump as. here is somebody who sees himself as the replacement god. everyone, ron desantis. >> on the eighth day, god looked down on his planned paradise and
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said, i need a protector. so god made a fighter. god said i need a family man. a man who would laugh and then sigh and then reply with smiling eyes. >> i mean, if trump is orange jesus, i guess he's orange juice jesus. what the hell, kurt? >> wow. it just goes to show that i think republicans and ron desantis and those who want to emulate and ultimately replace donald trump are just so hypocritical, and i think david's right when he says that democrats going forward, they need to attack these so-called perceived strengths of these republicans. it is not god-like to trick immigrants and shuttle them somewhere to make a political statement. it is not god-like to force a 10-year-old rape victim to have to have a baby.
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it is not god-like to make fun of and make light of a senior citizen being attacked in his home with a hammer for political vengeance purposes. it is not god-like to do any of these things, yet republicans like to wear god and christianity on their sleeve, yet never embody and never in action do anything that can be remotely considered god-like or christian-like in any way, and i think we need to start calling them out on that. >> gilani, i want you to zoom out and give us a more historical perspective. republicans get annoyed and angry and sad when people use the f-word, fascism, to describe what they're doing. in an historical context, if you marry religion to the state, if you do things like what even ron desantis is saying, we're going to inoculate one race of people from ever even feeling discomfort, that they're going to always feel comfort when they hear about history, the history is going to be designed to make this one group always feel comfortable, and that we're
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going to seal off one group, white christians, to say that they will never have to endure the disappointment of losing an election, that they mustn't lose, they must always win, we must insure they always win. otherwise they're threatening revolution and armed conflict with the rest of the country. i don't really know how else you describe that. if that's not fascism. and look down to what they're doing in florida, which is saying, oh, by the way, corporations, take the knee. do what we say. say what we want. and if not, we're going to use this power of the state to punish you. it's not just desantis saying that. it's rick scott. it's the wanna be speaker of the house. if that's not fascism, what is? >> sure, so the interesting in the here is if you go back in the literature, you know, world war ii era, as people were beginning to grapple with what the evils of fascism actually were, social scientists began to conscientious ones began to
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question whether or not the american south was a fascist state because all the reasons you pointed out. the kind of extreme nationalism, the xenophobia, the racial superiority, the kind of drafting god into kind of a political context that justified or seemingly justified their pursuit of superiority. and we have now seen a southernization of the gop. meaning that very many of those attitudes that were prevalent in the south in the 1940s and 1950s, 1960s, which were found to be disfavorable after the civil rights movement, that made the south look bad, have now returned and you see it in a national platform. that's why things like voting rights, if you noticed, we used to have a conversation about voting rights in alabama, in georgia, in particular, virginia, south carolina. we're now talking about voting rights in wisconsin, ohio, places that were in the union, because we have seen the nationalization of that same sort of politic. and so those are reasons for
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deep concern if you are a person that's a historical sense of these things. >> and there's also a recruitment factor. i want to come to you, kurt, on this, because there's an attempt to say we can siphon off certain parts of the non-white community and pull them in and stephen miller has been playing this game, where he has a white nationalist ad. do we have this ad? this is an ad they're sending out. we nay not have the video, but they're running ads which essentially say white people are now being victimized by racism. they're now the primary victims of racism and now they're tacking on asian americans. a friend of mine whose husband is asian american got this flyer that you're seeing right now on the screen, sent to their home. i know other people who are asian americans who are getting them in their homes and trying to recruit asian americans into this idea that we'll get you to stand with white americans against i presume black americans? or whoever it is they think are the enemy. your thoughts. >> yeah, this is a tried and
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true tactic by racists, frankly, to play off and draw off of what we call the asian american community, the model minority myth, that somehow asian americans are part of white america, and they try to pit different groups against one another, whether it's blacks, hispanics and asian americans. they try to create that tension between our communities and create this paradigm where there's a piece of the pie, and we're going to give you guys all of you minorities a little piece. you can fight over it amongst yourselves and we're done with that. we're not falling for that, not fighting for that. as reverend sharpton often says, you can't fight hate anywhere unless you're willing to call it out everywhere. what stephen miller and donald trump, these tactics, it's nothing short of racism, and trying to draw in different communities and pit them against one another. it's despicable, disgusting, and no one should fall for their trick because the last thing these guys care about are minority rights in america. >> and you know, down to even the supreme court case, david,
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they brought where they're trying to -- they're not even having any asian american people in their argument. they're saying we need to draft them in. but can you talk to us about this wider strategy, because there's also been the missing white voter theory among parts of the right, where they say we have to maximize the number of white voters without a college degree who we can get to vote for us, but that's not enough anymore. you need to find little other groups you can add to it. what does it say about republicans' perception they're winning the election, that they're trying all of these tactics? >> listen, i don't think any of these folks from stephen miller to donald trump will be ever accused of being historical master political strategists. i think a lot of this is just kind of their hate coming out. but listen, you have to understand in most states in america, around two-thirds of the vote is non-college voters. and so i think the republicans, those that are being strategic, are trying to find black men in particular, hispanic men, which
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is there's been some success the republicans have had in miami-dade and along the border in texas. maybe some asian americans, to basically democrats have obviously really reached kind of the stratosphere in terms of college educated voters, particularly college aged women. you think 20 years ago, you would have never believed that. i think democrats have to understand that. that that is a battle you cannot lose if you're trying to save this democracy. you have got to keep this coalition intact if we're going to survive through 2024. >> yeah, the obama coalition is what they fear, and breaking that coalition up is the goal. >> up next, republicans are promising congressional crisis, conflict, and chaos if they win control of congress. and we're learning what they apparently have planned for marjorie greene, well, marjorie taylor soon to not be mrs. greene. "the reidout" continues after this.
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we certainly did not have to try hard to imagine what a kevin mccarthy led maga republican house would look like. as ezra klein spelled out in the "new york times," it's crisis. mccarthy has signaled they'll cut off u.s. aid to ukraine if they win and use the nation's debt ceiling as leverage to force cuts to spending on social security and medicare. and it's clear what voices
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mccarthy is taking his cues from on the maga agenda. >> we have to refuse to raise the debt ceiling. we have to get spending back under control. and we have to do that by any means possible, and if that means the government shutdown, i'll be calling for a government shutdown, because this government -- >> going to impeach joe biden, that's how we're going to impeach merrick garland, secretary mayorkas, and that's what the american people want. >> back with me, david plouffe, kurt bardella, and jelani cobb. we still have our two guests here. government shutdown, impeach joe biden, impeach several other members of the cabinet, that's the plan if one of these 345 election deniers who are running right now get in office and marjorie taylor greene is one of them. >> yeah, joy, so there's no doubt that the hard core maga cult base is very supportive of what marjorie taylor greene just
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talked about. but pretty much 80%, 90% of the people who may cast republican votes are not casting them for permanent investigations of the biden family. you know, obsession on protecting the trump family, cutting social security and medicare, crashing the global economy. that's not been the message, by the way, that most of these republican candidates were trying to win swing districts or swing states. so we can see it as clear as day. mccarthy is not going to be able to control his members. and so they're going to go out there if they win the majority and do a whole bunch of things that i think are most importantly harmful to the country, but are also going to be harmful to their political prospects heading into a presidential year. they're not going to be able to help themselves. is that going to help on inflation, is that going to create jobs? it's going to do the opposite. the debt sealing. marjorie taylor greene doesn't even know what it is. it's paying basically our credit card bills. it's not about shutting down the government. it could shut down the global
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economy. that would be right at her foot, at donald trump's feet, at kevin mccarthy's feet. i don't think anybody should think who is watching this, think somehow reason is going to prevail. if they win both or one or both chambers. tomorrow night, that's what we're looking at. endless investigations, economic harm, and things that couldn't be farther away from the needs and desires of most american families. >> that's what it's going to be. robert costa is reporting marjorie taylor greene is looked at to get on the oversight committee so she would essentially be screaming and screeching on that committee. she's already said, i didn't hear her mention crime. i didn't hear her mention gas prices. i didn't hear her mention inflation. she said we're going to shut the government down, impeach joe biden and other members of his cabinet. rick scott who is apparently eyeing majority leader if they get back the senate, he has said we're going to take social security, medicare, and medicaid and put them on a five-year plan to be decommissioned. they're not saying anything about the things they're running
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on, are they? they're saying they want to do theater and help rich folk get a big tax cut. >> yeah, because it's really revealing. they don't have a plan for inflation. they don't have a plan -- >> they don't care about it. >> they don't care about anything of substance that would actually make an impact in any way on the american people's lives. all they want to do is seize the reins of power so they can run endless investigations and do what they did in the obama years and put that on steroids. if you think ben gaza and the fast and furious was something, they'll make them look like child's play. that's why it's so viteful the worst happens this week, and republicans take back congress, democrats have got to match up. this is not a time to let tradition and seniority decide who you put up there. you need to put people up that can go up against jim jordan, up against marjorie taylor greene, up against matt gaetz. we do not need the geriatric squad being the front line of defense for this administration and for democrats nationwide.
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we need to put the best, most talented, bist effective communicators possible forward to combat and offset this republican onslaught of investigations and subpoenas that will be coming if they take back congress. >> to that very point, i want to go big. we have right now the mayor of flint is now getting threats. so i mean, mayors are getting threats. election workers are getting threats. much more serious than the theater that we would see in the house. we're also seeing their desire for power, which again, none of them are mentioning what they would do about inflation, gas prices, or crime. y'all need to pay attention to what they say they're going to do. they're not going to do anything about that. they're going to put people on trial. they're going to go after fauci, all this stuff they're saying is theatrical, but the real threat here is there's political violence backing that up. and so i want you just to take a minute to talk about that. we are in an age now where the stupid theater is now backed by threats of violence. >> sure, and so you know, in the big picture of this, if you're
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looking at it historically, there are a few things that are more dangerous than the kind of whitewashing that we saw most recently with ron desantis when he said almost comically that the united states does not get this land by stealing it. and when you get that kind of whitewashing of history, you're unable to actually understand the implications. there's a long history of political violence in this country that would be swept under the rug. the ability to ignore that long history of political violence in this country undergirded the 2013 decision to gut the voting rights act. and so we could potentially see the sort of catastrophic violence that characterized an earlier period in american society. and the implications of that should be alarming for everyone. >> yeah, and david, particularly because it takes a while to
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count votes. and if it starts out looking like republicans are winning, and then a few days later when you count the absentees the democrat in a particular race wins. this isn't just going to be complaints and lawsuits. the threat is violence on the republican side if they don't win. >> well, joy, i think this is very strategic. i think this election is very clouded. there's a range of outcomes. including some democratic upside. let's say that happens. let's say we hold on to the senate and democrats have a better night than is commonly thought. you know, fox news at night is basically saying if the democrats win close races, it was stolen. that's what most of the chatter is. so yeah, so they have set it up as either they win decisively or if they lose, we're going to have unrest. and it's just not going to be press conferences. and it's not just going to be donald trump. you're going to have candidates all over the country saying the election was stolen from them.
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whether it's decided tuesday night, but you're particularly right in so many places where we're not going to know the outcome in a couple days. in california, you may not know for several weeks if it's really lose. that's hot they have set up here. i think just as 2020 was a dress rehearsal for this, this is a rehearsal for the 2024 presidential election. >> if they get their people in across the country, they're going to say trump won whether or not he won. they're going to say we declare him the winner. good luck with that. thank you all very much. >> up next, candidate for governor stacey abrams is here to tell us why she's predicting big turnout and a big win in georgia. we'll be right back. >> rhodes scholar. i always worried about rhodes scholars. they're so damn smart. i wonder about them. but all kidding aside, rhodes
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uniquely designed for absorption. destroying our forests. threatening our communities. polluting our air. prop 30 taxes the wealthiest 0.2%... to reduce the tailpipe emissions that drive climate change. and prevent wildfires and toxic smoke. so we have clean air to breathe. some say we shouldn't act. tell that to our kids. this is about their future. ff: calfire firefighters, the american lung association and the california democratic party support prop 30. yes on 30. 24 hours from right now, polls will be closing in georgia and the state has seen record-breaking turnout for early voting. more than 2.5 million ballots have been cast. 49% of those votes are from registered democrats. that percentage is up from 2020.
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41% are from registered republicans. down from the last election. if you didn't know any better, you would probably think this was the only race to watch in georgia tomorrow. >> i don't matter whether you're black, white, yellow, green. if you're a martian, i'm going to protect you, too. pronouns, what the heck is a pronoun? y'all heard about this student loan -- did you sign up to pay somebody else's debt? i didn't sign up for nobody else's debt. i read this article, and it asks the kids what they were doing with the money. they were buying video games, going on vacation, gambling, drinking booze. >> oh, my god. sometimes you have to be embarrassed for somebody because they don't have the good sense to be embarrassed for themselves. but there's another pivotal race in there. a rematch in the race for governor. i haven't seen that whole thing together before. polls show the democratic nominee stacey abrams within striking distance of brian kemp.
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joining me is the democratic nominee for georgia governor, stacey abrams. i just have to ask you, does the ridiculousness of that other candidate, it's so distracting that i feel like people have lost sight of the fact there's a lot of other races going on in georgia, including a very important one, which is the governor's race. how do you campaign in a sort of miasma of that kind of foolishness? do you feel you're able to break through with your message? >> absolutely. unfortunately, brian kemp has made it very clear that my message is necessary. he has banned abortion in the state of georgia. just last week, he shut down or allowed to shut down one of only two level-one trauma centers in the metro atlanta area where half the population of the state lives. he shut down a portal for rental assistance on rent day. basically telling people that the $400 million to keep them from being evicted would not be deployed because he simply doesn't think they deserve it. so on the issues that matter to
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people, health care, education, the right to control your body, gun violence, in that same day, we found out the takeoff, who is from gwinnett county, was murdered in texas using similar gun laws to what brian kemp has brought to georgia. we know these are the issues that are galvanizing voters and despite the hypocrisy and the sometimes inanety of what we're seeing from both brian kemp and from herschel walker, we know that georgians are concerned about their lives. they're concerned about their freedom. they're concerned about their ability to make more for themselves and their families. and that's what we're counting on. we're counting on people paying attention to what can happen for them starting on november 9th when they elect me on november 8th. >> one of the things that people have said and i think brian kemp has even tried to say is, well, stacey abrams was proved wrong on the voting law because so many people have voted. what we have noticed in looking at what's happening in your state, yeah, lots of people are coming out to vote, but the number of challenges of voters, which is what the law made
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possible, are really high. let me give you one example. jennifer jones of morehouse school of medicine showed up to her precinct in fulton county, georgia for the midterms. however when she reached the check-in station, she was informed she would be unable to cast her ballot because her validity was challenged. the poll worker didn't tell me why i was challenged, even after calling someone else for assistance. they told me i would have to vote a provisional ballot. as we know, under this law, georgia citizens can challenge a voter's eligibility for any number of reasons, and an unlimited number of times and right wing groups have now mounted thousands of these challenges, and voting provisional ballots means your vote is not as likely to be counted. how egregious is this challenge situation, and what do you make of the laws used in that way? >> brian kemp and brad raffensperger outsourced voter purging. that's what they did. they franchised it to white supremacist groups and to hard right wing groups to give them
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the opportunity to do what they no longer can do because of the lawsuits they faced from my organizations and others, regarding their voter purging practices. what we know is that in the state of georgia, brian kemp and brad raffensperger are hard at work denying access to the right to vote. in addition to the young woman you mentioned, i met a young woman who was denied the right to vote because she was living in her car. even though the state of georgia permitted her to have a p.o. box for that purpose, she was challenged and denied the right to vote and not offered an absentee ballot. we know across the state, people are facing these challenges. we have seen absentee ballots not go out because they changed the law to make it harder to get an absentee ballot,edesier for the ballot to be rejected and more difficult for counties to meet their obligations by truncating the time table, and starting tomorrow, we're going to have voting where it you're standing in line in georgia, it's 82 degrees in atlanta. imagine if you're down in south georgia where it's a lot hotter. you can't get water, and the those lines are four, five, six
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hours long, if you happen to spill your bottle, you better not get out of line because no one can give you water. that's the kind of voter suppression that brian kemp has always specialized in. targeting with almost surgical precision the most vulnerable voters and hoping no one notices. >> i will note the aclu has a lawsuit, suing cobb county, because over 1,000 people who had absentee ballots didn't mail them and now they're demanding they mail them overnight. if people have not returned their absentee ballots as of today, what is your campaign advising them to do? forget about it and take it to the polls tomorrow? >> absolutely. go to the polls yourself. polls open at 7:00 a.m. make sure you go to the right precinct, go to you precinct matters, because in years past, if you went to the wrong precinct in the right county, you could cast a provisional ballot. no longer. brian kemp eliminated that until 5:00 p.m. because joe biden won by 7,000 votes that were provisional ballots. out of the 12,000 votes he got,
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7,000 came from provisional ballots that would be disallowed under the new laws. brian kemp is an exceptional voter suppresser, as is brad raffensperger. that's why we need everyone to show up. the overwhelming performance we have seen from voters is in response to 202. an attempt to overcome 202. what we know, the best way to stop them from having this kind of power is give power back to the people by electing me as the next governor, by elected democrats up and down the ballot and proving once and for all that georgians will not bow cowed by cowards trying to deny them access to the vote. >> brian kemp was secretary of state. he built the state voter suppression system so he could become governor, and he has got it locked in with this new law to make it as hard as possible to vote him out. that's how they do it, how they get power and never give it back. be very aware if you're a voter in georgia. >> and still ahead, from spreading misinformation to voter intimidation and
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suppression, election deniers and their supporters are doing whatever it takes to make sure they win. what this means for america next on "the reidout." ready to style in just one step? introducing new tresemme one step stylers. five professional benefits. one simple step. totally effortless. styling has never been easier. tresemme. do it with style. power e*trade's easy-to-use tools like dynamic charting and risk-reward analysis help make trading feel effortless and its customizable scans with social sentiment help you find and unlock opportunities in the market with powerful, easy-to-use tools power e*trade makes complex trading easier react to fast-moving markets with dynamic charting and a futures ladder that lets you place, flatten, or reverse orders so you won't miss an opportunity ♪♪ ♪ a bunch of dead guys made up work, way back when. ♪
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4:47 pm and help feed hungry kids today. . according to it latest nbc news poll, nearly a quarter of voters cited the threat to democracy as the most important issue facing the country. more than anything else. they could be responding to the disturbing reality that more than half of all republicans running for congressional and state offices are considered
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election deniers. with several of them running for governor, attorney general, secretary of state in key swing states. they could wield the power to pull off what donald trump tried unsuccessfully to do the last time around. there are other alarming efforts we have seen to stifle democracy. since the last election, 20 states have passed more restrictive voting laws that will be in effect tomorrow. we have seen intimidation efforts from the likes of those armed men in tactical gear at ballot drop boxes in arizona. we have election workers across the about country who fear for their safety after receiving violent threats and the ever growing maga infrastructure spreading conspiracy theories and lies that threaten our democracy. joining me is ben collins who covers disinformation, and janay nelson, and i want to start with you first. what is the level of threat in your view to voters based on disinformation and potential violence? >> the level of threat is significant. we have folks across the country
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on the ground, and we have had them since early voting and we're seeing intimidation. we're seeing efforts to suppress the vote, particularly the black vote, in particular. we're also seeing voters come out in record numbers. we see people queueing around the block. we see people, young voters in particular, making sure that their vote is cast and their voice is heard. so we're very encouraged by what we're seeing on the ground. there are many obstacles but there is more will power to overcome those obstacles and that is what it's going to take to insure we don't lose our democracy in this election. this election is historic. it will be historic by any measure because it will determine whether we have a democracy in 2024, whether we elect people who will protect our elections or whether we will put election deniers and others in office who undermine this very fragile experiment of
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multiracial, multiethnic democracy. >> we know, ben, from past experience, a lot of disinformation is online. we saw elon musk, i hate to have to talk about him again, but he tweeted today essentially instructions to his fan base that they need to vote for republicans. vote for the party that is doing the election denying. what is the significance of him doing that in your view? >> a big deal. he has 110 million followers. he owns the platform. he can do whatever he wants with it, as we have unfortunately come to realize over the last few weeks. to me, that's not the bigger problem. the bigger problem is this much larger infrastructure change that's going on at that company that will make it so pretty cany they are, which is anything they want, really. they can say they're an election official or a cdc worker, and just push conspiracy theories. you know, with the hope that elon musk has pushed conspiracy theories as recently as last week, will push it maybe tomorrow or something. so fundamentally the game has
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changed. we don't know what's gonna look like tomorrow. but you know, there is a wide series of possibilities that could make it that tomorrow is much harder to discern information online. >> and janai, a parenthood as i am about the fact that, this is not just elon musk, this is the saudi princes, you know, the bones of folks. also vladimir putin looking over his shoulder saying, yes, yes i like what you're doing and i'm friends with you. >> yeah, i mean this guy is in a lot of that because of his company. it's hemorrhaging money. it's hemorrhaging advertisers. there is no real path out. so, you know, they always talk about getting vladimir putin -- were kind of in the same spot here with this guy where this website has no real fundamental way to make money. it is becoming an elon musk fan club, it's like pay eight bucks to get a nice little sticker, that says you like elon musk enough. you spent 44 billion dollars, then it's gonna have geopolitical complications that we don't even know yet. >> yeah, and janai, first of
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all, a lot of activists actually use these platforms as well, to try and activate voters and inactivate communities. so, what does it look like to you the future of a world, maybe where twitter is not the place where activists feel comfortable going in order to activate, you know, people like what we saw with george floyd? that movement? >> yeah, listen, activists, organizers, people who really care about democracy, freedom, and justice, or nothing if not adaptable. so i think every, i have every confidence that if somehow they are displaced from twitter because they find it repugnant, they find it to be a toxic space, that they will find another place to exchange information to incubate ideas and to activate and organize people. twitter is not the only, you know, gig in town. but we are inventive. we are creative. and people will find another way to communicate. but i will say that the timing of this situation, twitter, cannot be more unfortunate.
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we are coming up on, again, what is going to be a historic election in our history. and we have a major social media platform that is compromised, that is being built with hate, that many people are pulling away from. and this is a time when we actually need a broad public forum to exchange information. and we need more importantly, content moderation. we need there to be responsible people at the helm, to ensure that missed information, disinformation, malinformation does not provide our election information. and unfortunately, it doesn't happen. >> yeah, and for the medium, the media too, because it has become very reliant on the system, and it's not reliable anymore. >> yeah, i mean, there's no way to know that public officials from that local county, you know, there is nobody was encyclopedia of every single public official, and every single county in the united states. it's just not how that works. previously, we relied on that verification check a little bit, at least. you know, we would do the
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background check, make calls. but you can't do that anymore. it really is a status symbol, and that's what he wants it to be. >> yeah, and it is what it is. our ben collins, and janai nelson. all right, america, listen to. check that out. we are in the final stretch of this midterm election, and there are a few things that you need to keep in mind with just 24 hours until both close. remember back in 2020, some republicans jumped on early lead in the vote count. remember the warnings about the red mirage or the blue shift. why did that happen? because democrats are more likely to vote early and by mail, and to use by the trump boxes. while republicans, fueled by donald trump's conspiracy theories, have largely turned on mail-in voting and disproportionately preferred to vote in person on election day. so, we can expect similar twins tomorrow in some key states, like pennsylvania, arizona, michigan, and georgia. these key states that process the votes in different ways. so, here are the buckets of those that you have to keep in mind when watching the results. early votes and that in person votes, take for example,
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pennsylvania. the republican legislature refused to allow elections officials to process mail-in votes until election day. that means the state will have more than 1 million early votes just waiting to be processed until the polls close. same thing and wisconsin. and nevada, absentee ballots cannot be processed until the polls close. now, all this to say there's a very real possibility that we would not know the outcome of some of these key races, including control of congress tomorrow night. as the votes come in and they shift, the totals will shift, too. so, america, breathe, take a deep breath. settle in, let the votes be counted. just because it takes a long time does not mean that something nefarious is happening. you will know the answer to who won the elections soon enough. so, brief. and that is tonight's reidout. don't go anywhere, because i will be back after the break with my colleagues and friends, rachel maddow, nicole wallace, and steve kornacki, the corn axed are, for a special two hour preview of the midterm
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elections, and tomorrow night, join us beginning at 6 pm eastern for a live, live coverage, live msnbc coverage analysis of the midterms. assuming i can still read, stay with us. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ proven over 90% effective, shingrix is a vaccine used to prevent shingles in adults 50 years and older. shingrix does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients or to a previous dose. an increased risk of guillain-barré syndrome was observed after getting shingrix. fainting can also happen. the most common side effects are pain, redness and swelling at the injection site, muscle pain, tiredness, headache, shivering, fever, and upset stomach. ask your doctor or pharmacist about shingrix today. the promise of america is freedom, equality, but right now, those pillars of our democracy are fragile and our rights are under attack. reproductive rights, voting rights, the right to make your own choices
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