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tv   The Reid Out  MSNBC  November 10, 2022 4:00pm-5:00pm PST

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and i don't know what the heck you're talking about. good evening, everyone. webegin the reidout with control of congress hanging in the balance. we don't know who will control the house of representatives and we're awaiting results from two of three states that will determine control of the senate. in nev neb, election officials
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in clark county said they still have more than 50,000 ballots to count. in arizona, where democratic incumbent senator mark kelly faces trump acolyte blake masters, maricopa county officials say they have more than 400,000 ballots to count. joining me now is steve kornacki at the big board to sort it all out. steve, bring us some reality and maybe a little destressing. >> well, we should learn some more in the next hour or two. next two hours i would say. and obviously, arizona, nevada, the stakes, democrats go 2 for 2 in the senate races, that will do it, they'll control the senate officially. if there's a split here, the georgia run-off in december 6th will be divisive. in arizona, they had a pres conference in the last hour to lay out their plan. here's the lay of the land right now. the democrat, mark kelly, has a lead here. just south of 100,000 votes over blake masters. there was another update earlier
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today, this afternoon, from pima county, where tucson is, that helped kelly. there was a small rural update that came in shortly after that helped masters just a little bit. but all of the attention really is on maricopa county. just so giant, so vast. such a big part of the overall electorate. so what we learned from election officials in maricopa is that they're going to release, we think some time eastern time, the 8:00 to 9:00 hour eastern time, they're going to release a batch of votes, probably about the size of what they released last night, which was last night 62,000 votes. critically, it sounds like the votes they're going to release tonight are votes that were received over the weekend and on monday. what we saw last night, that was the type of vote that was released last night. that was a democratic favorable vote. kelly won the votes that were released last night by 12 points. if he does something like that again tonight, again, you can expect this lead to go up over 100,000 votes or so.
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the question really is there's a critical number of ballots, we were thinking 275,000, they say 290,000. 290,000 ballots that were delivered by voters to the polls on election day. those will not be included tonight, and that's going to kind of be the ball game. you can expect the democrats to build on the lead. there's a possibility this group of votes is a republican group of votes. the question is, does kelly build a big enough lead to withstand potentially a strong republican showing in those votes that were delivered on election day. that's kind of the suspense in this race. so the democrats are hoping tonight to get -- to get -- back to you, sorry. >> wait, no back to me. >> sorry, i thought it was breaking news. yeah, so anyway, the democrats -- >> i'm in suspense. you have to give me the log line. i need the punch line. >> they need to get the number up as much as they can, because
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there's potential that 290,000 will be strongly republican. tonight, it's about democrats trying to build on the lead and tomorrow a question of will that final batch be republican enough to eat away and erode it. >> all right. thank you very much, steve kornacki. we appreciate you. we're going to turn the steve kornacki machine off temporarily but he turns on automatically when more votes come on. your huge fan base on the social media, they'll know you're still here. >> while there is still a lot we do not know about the results in the midterm elections, there is a lot we actually do know from exit polls about who voted and how they voted. and what about them has republicans so agitated. it's the same broad dynamic as most elections in this country. a majority of white voters voted republican. 58% to 40% for democrats. by gender, white women broke republican as per usual, 53% to 45%. even with the repeal of roe,
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losing control of your own body on the table. demographically speaking, there was nothing especially unusual about how the vote broke down. black voters voted overwhelmingly democratic. latinos voted democrat too, despite that hispanics in miami-dade county were on the verge of joining the maga movement. and as for other republican narrative that black men were persuadable, that was also a no. black men voted overwhelmingly democratic again. including for stacey abrams. as usual, it was white voters in georgia who rejected her candidacy for governor. there are a few things that are notable about white voters when it comes to understanding why maga republicans are obsessed with things like wokeness. there's the group that saved democracy, young voters, gen z, the generation that has done active shooter drills for their entire lives.
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this year, voters under 30 broke overwhelmingly for democrats. this time by nearly 30 points. what was unusual was the millennial and gen z vote was substantial, bigger than normal, for a midterm election, and its democratic lean actually included white voters under 30. who favored democrats by 18 points. the only age block of white voters to give a majority to democrats. and when you break down voters by education and gender, white college graduates also favored democrats, only slightly, but they did. and among those college graduates, 56% of college educated white women voted democratic too. and that is a republican's biggest enemy, is wokeness. the reason why they're so fixated on destroying college as a thing and returning it to the hands of white elites only, calling for things like mandatory viewpoint diversity surveys and pushing to ban critical race theory. they want to alter college to
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make it less woke because that's where those young people learn about all those messy things like history and racism, sexuality and gender identity. all those things that make them empathetic. as i'm sure this wise audience knows, empathy is the antidote to fascism. but wait, there's more. with all that christian nationalism talk from the republican election deniers, secular americans who don't regularly attend religious servicess overwhelmingly voted democratic too. turns out they are the ones who are prone to jesus style empathy. there is one thing that seems to really vex republicans. the party completely underestimated how american women in this country would respond to losing 50 years of reproductive freedom. 68% of single women voted for democrats compared to just 42% of married women. after all, you can't have all the single ladies out there making their own choices about their own bodies and finances and the like, am i right? fox news host jesse waters,
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well, he's got a solution. >> single women are breaking for democrats by 30 points. and this makes sense when you think about how democrat policies are designed to keep women single. once women get married, they vote republican. married women, married men go for republicans by double digits. but single women and voters under 40 have been captured by democrats. so any of these ladies we need to get married, and it's time to fall in love and settle down. guys, go put a ring on it. >> let's bring in my panel, charles blow, "new york times" columnist and msnbc political analyst. david hogg, gun safety advocate, former parkland student, and march for our lives cofounder, and susan del percio, republican strategist and msnbc political analyst who wins the derby because you're laughing at jesse waters here. look, i mean, he said single women and young voters have been captured, captured by the
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democratic party. >> how do they do that? do they throw out a net? >> pretty much. what do you make of this? the thing is that there is a truism that white voters, including white women, are republicans. 60% of white americans are just republicans, they just are. they vote jersey versus jersey, they vote republican. roe did change and scramble it a little bit. now you're seeing with white voters under 30, they vote to go to the cookout, with non-white voters. they're starting to behave like, and also white voters who are secular starting to behave more like non-white voters. >> also it's cultural, how these young people are growing up. they grew up with the right to control their bodies. second, even when it comes to issues like same-sex marriage, they're used to seeing same-sex couples. it's very normal, and now there's a threat, if their unions are, their marriages are legal or not. these are things that rile up
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even conservative young republican voters, because it's contrary to everything they have known. so i think that, and when it comes to other, you know, suburban white women, another area that tends to go republican, even if they're independent, it's because they don't want crazy. i mean, the trump effect that's gone on, especially i think we see in the midterm elections with the candidates that lost, all trump backed, it said i don't want crazy. i want stability. i want control over my body. and even though i'm upset with biden and the economy is going in the wrong direction, i'm still not going to go crazy because i believe in our country and i want to move forward. >> and the only thing i will counter is the economy is really strong. we have the strongest inflation, you know, hit economy in the world. we're actually at a much better place than the rest of europe, and i think we have like 3% unemployment. but we could debate that. remember the good old days when
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we would debate politics. let's go to david hogg and let you speak for yourself. the thing is, somebody tweeted, i'm not active on twitter anymore, but i sometimes scroll, and somebody said something really smart, the generation that had to go through active shooter drills got their payback in this election. and i'm wondering what you think about that, because if you look at even issues like guns which tended to be an issue that if you say guns were an important issue, you tended to vote republican. this time, it swung way the other way. if you said guns were an important issue, you voted heavily democrat regardless of race. what did you make of the performance, the huge performance of gen z and millennial voters in this election? >> i mean, look, it speaks for itself. as you said earlier, the generation is graduating from their high schools, assuming they survive because unfortunately not all of us do. and we're entering the voting booths. and we're voting out politicians who our entire lives have protected guns like the ar-15
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instead of children. it's really not rocket science. you know, there was a generation earlier on that went through, you know, nuclear drills at school. and then we saw some of the largest arms control treaties in history. to help reduce the nuclear stockpile. and i think we're going to see that with our generation as well. we're seeing that too, and not just entering the voting booth. we're also entering congress. this election, maxwell frost, a former colleague of mine, from march for our lives, the organization we started after parkland, he just won his election for congress that i started working on 15 months ago. from my dining hall in college, getting on the cabinet calls. he won, defeating two former members of congress, a whole litany of other people. our generation is fed up and we're tired of being not safe. it's not being a democrat or republican, it's about doing the right thing. the last thing i'll say is there's calls now to raise the age to vote to 21 that i'm
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hearing from conservative commentator. how about your change your policies instead of changing who can vote? >> we have seen them in the past say the same thing about not letting women vote. automatic most of the womenen their world vote for them. they don't like the way people vote so don't let them vote. >> we have been there in our community because they say the same thing about black voters. we'll just make sure they can't vote. there were a lot of memes that were exploded in this election. and one of them was this idea that black men were suddenly going maga. running to the republican party. there was, what do they call it, a brexit, whatever they called it out of the democratic party. that turned out not to be true, including in the stacey abrams race. what did you make of the results of this election? >> it's really interesting to me because i look at it with a little longer lens. i look at it as a massive backlash against the protests of
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2020, and it's still going on. if you listen to the primary debates that republicans are having among themselves, which i did, the word indoctrination kept coming up, because many people who on the republican side, many white people were shocked that most of the people who came out to protest for black lives were actually their young white sons and daughters. most of the people who protested were not black, they were not hispanic. they were white kids. >> correct. >> as soon as that protest was over, they were back in those state houses saying, how could this happen? how could it be our kids? and over and over they said our children have been indoctrinated. they started to take steps to say, this will stop indoctrination. we will change the way we talk about people, transgender people. we'll change what can be said about race in this country.
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wokeness just became a place holder for actual knowledge. they no longer wanted their children to have knowledge that would make them active and empathetic to people who were hurting. and that is what we kept seeing even into this midterm election. but those young people said, this is just the truth. and this is just where it is. and i may differ with you on economic policy, i may differ with you on international intervention, but i have a friend who is trans, and i love that person. i have a friend who is black, and i dont want that person to fear for their lives or get shot. i have a friend who is a son or daughter of an immigrant and are don't want them to look at kids in cages and think that could be them. those young people, regardless of where they stand on other issues, looked at their adults,
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even on their own side, and said you have gone too far. >> yeah. and i'm going to go back to you, david, on this. that is the thing, that anti-wokeness and this war on wokeness including in the state where you live in florida where this is the governor's whole thing, to destroy wokeness, it's to destroy empathy, because as charles just said, when you're empathetic, you want people to have health care, when you're empathetic, you want kids to be able to go to preschool. when you're empathetic, i saw it with the parkland kids, with you kids. when we gathered you all together, we did a little symposium with all of you, you had reached out because you were predominantly white kids and brought black and brown kids into the room with you and said we want to share this opportunity that we have to communicate with the world with them. we want it to be a multiracial coalition. and that was what you guys did by yourselves. i want to give you an opportunity to talk about that. your generation is the thing that charles just talked about, that the right fears the most.
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y'all are woke. do you think that that is something that all of these policies to try to erase history and things from schools is going to change that? >> no. in fact, i think it's going to completely backfure on them, to be honest with you. because i can tell you, as somebody who started out in political organizing when i was 17 years old, the most powerful tool we use to mobilize young people, to create the largest youth voter turnouts in americans history in 2018, in 2020, and now in 2022, is that telling young people what the adults don't want you to do in the first place. you know, i think the reason, joy, why they're going to war against education and empathy is because they know education and empathy are the roots of justice. and in order for these people with totalitarian tendencies that are going to war on education to stay in power, the power structure that they have
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is rooted in injustice. it's rooted in the fact we liver in a country where we let land vote and be represented more than people. as part of a legacy of slavery we have in this country, and you know, the senate being built as an institution to defend that. it's, you know, there's such a multitude that plays into it, but what i want to come back to is the fact that young people have turned out now in the past three cycles in the highest rates ever in american history, and it's not like we're just canceling out each other's votes. we're clearly voting disproportionately one way more than any generation is currently. we voted over 15 points for democrats. in fact a bit more than that. the important message for democrats to know tonight is if you want to win in 2024, you have to listen to young people. and you have to do your job and represent us or you won't win. >> listen, listen to this young man when he speaks because his generation is the most diverse generation in american history.
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and they voting. thank you, charles blow, david hogg, susan del percio. thank you all. >> up next on "the reidout," trump's long losing streak continues, and now, there's a growing chorus of republicans who want to dump him. dump trump. while others are fighting to keep the maga flame burning. "the reidout" continues after this. ter this th. and we know 80% of couples sleep too hot or too cold. introducing the new sleep number climate360 smart bed. the only smart bed in the world that actively cools, warms and effortlessly responds to both of you. our smart sleepers get 28 minutes more restful sleep per night. proven quality sleep. only from sleep number. research shows that people remember ads with young people having a good time. so to help you remember that liberty mutual customizes your home insurance, here's a pool party.
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donald trump has famously said many times he doesn't like
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losers. and the same goes for his party. with several republicans and conservative pundits blaming trump for the red wave that never was. >> the republican party needs to do a really deep introspective look in the mirror because this is an absolute disaster. >> almost every one of these trump endorsed candidates you see in competitive states have lost. it's a huge loss for trump. >> definitely not a republican wave. that's for darn sure. i was in charge of guam, so i want to take credit for that. >> rupert murdoch whose outlets fed trump's lies to the base for years has also turned his back on trump. check out this headlines from the murdoch owned "wall street journal" and "new york post." trump is like the republican party's biggest loser. trump sabotaged the republican midterms. the tabloid even depicted its fallen leader as humpty dumpy. can all of trump's men put the party back together again. that's super clever.
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the post is offering a solution to its own question in a separate cover. ron de-future has been appointed the new boss or new god. trump, we can imagine, is stewing over all that and more. "the new york times" is reporting he is furious, throwing blame and quite possibly ketchup at sean hannity and maybe even melania for their shoddy advice. joining me is tim miller, writer at large at the bulwark. he's outside the maricopa election facility in arizona. also, robert jones. president and founder of the pollster outfit. i got in my hot little hands a statement from donald trump. two pages of ranty ranty. he's screaming about "wall street journal" and the no longer great "new york post" is all in for ron de-sancde-sancti.
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he is freaking out about them. he claims he saved ron desantis' campaign in 2017 by sending in the fbi to stop the theft of his election against andrew gillum. he goes on and on and on. he even uses the work crackhead in here. it's a lot. he's losing his mind over desantis being chosen by the party. what do you make of these little things? first of all, all of these suck-ups to trump, like chris christie and lindsey graham, who just were literally laying at trump's feet getting petted say, oh, he sucks, and his reaction. >> yeah, some of these republicans are starting to sound like me, joy, never trumpers. the water is warm. took them seven years, but okay. i guess. better late than never. but look, i think the question is, will these guys actually have the courage, the you know
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what, to take trump head on? i'm pretty skeptical of that. we have been through all this, from "access hollywood," charlottesville, january 6th, grumbling, grumbling, and then they go back into donald trump's corner. so i'm skeptical it will last. maybe it will. i hope it will. as far as trump himself is concerned, he doesn't like it. this is a guy that doesn't like to be criticized. but he kind of has a point. every once in a while, he has a point. he kind of has a point about desantis. he does owe donald trump. he did totally suck up to trump and do that ad with his kids building a lego wall. so you know, i think that trump in a lot of ways owns desantis. the question is will desantis and all these guys who have cowered time and time again, take this moment where they're big losers and say we have to beat this guy if we ever want to win again? i'm skeptical they will. i hope they do. we'll see. >> for those who think they're going to, let's remember that lindsey graham called trump a racist and all sorts of other
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nasty names. marco rubio went after his progeny or whatever he was given by god in the nether regions and tried that kind of joke. and ted cruz went crazy when trump called his wife ugly, and all three of them ended up as trump's poodles. if you want to know where this goes, that's where it goes. i think lindsey graham once said if we nominate trump, we'll be destroyed and we'll deserve it. only true thing he's ever said. let me bring you in, robby, because the other thing is that the problem for republicans is that donald trump is not just a former president or politician. to his base, which is a very evangelical, white evangelical christian nationalist, very insecure about their future base. he is a god. he is sent by god to run america forever, and so i want to let you look at a little bit of this ad that desantis has created trying to replace him as god.
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trying to replace orange jesus i guess with orange juice jesus. here's the ad. >> and on the eighth day, god looked down on his planned paradise and said, i need a protector. so god made a fighter. god said, i need a family man, a man who would laugh and then sigh and then reply with smiling eyes. >> i think i'm going to laugh and then sigh. first, that's blasphemy, but second of all, is there any chance that the maga base that worships trump is going to go, oh, wait, jesus is desantis? >> yeah, it is indeed hard to know even where to begin with that ad. but i will say, it is this messiah complex. it really is. i think again it comes down to the fact that they really do see the writing on the wall. it's exactly as your previous
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guests were saying. if you look at the youth vote, the upcoming next generation, even in places like georgia, you look at the over-50 and under-50 breaks. it's astonishing. the country is changing, and there's no clearer place to see that than on abortion. it's worth noting again, it's only one in ten americans in a nationwide poll and in the exit polls that support a complete ban on abortion. yet that's where the truck is headed. you know, in the gop. it's just 90% of americans disagree with that statement, and yet that's where they're going. but i think for this base, for the white evangelical base, their favorability of trump is still 2 to 1 favorable. after impeachment, after insurrection, after all of this stuff. >> and i have to ask you, because in georgia, you had an actual pastor, the pastor of ebenezer baptist church, raphael warnock, running against a guy who was parking in the parking lot waiting for his former girlfriend to get an abortion,
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insisting she do it so she wouldn't chicken out and has gotten we don't know how many abortions and we don't know how many kids, and the evangelical vote in at least the white evangelical vote in georgia went to guy number two. so where does their christianity work when it comes to somebody who is actually paying for abortions? apparently it ain't real. >> it's fairly astonishing for a group that less than 20 years ago called itself values voters. and the moral values voters. that wasn't that long ago. here we are, where there's just no defense, by their own measures, right, all these candidates are failing by their own measures, and yet, here they are. i think it just goes to a real corruption of a political moral core. that it's really a utilitarian ends justify the means approach to politics but that's never been, you know, that's not a principles christian approach to
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politics. that's a machiavellian approach to politics. >> very quick before we go, are they going to be able to get the faithful out to vote for herschel walker when the only thing at issue is whether he ought to be a senator and not whether it's control of the senate? >> well, i think it depends. here in arizona, you know, the votes look pretty good for the democrats today. so if it turns out that cortez masto wins in nevada and here in arizona, mark kelly holds on, the georgia race doesn't matter for control of the senate. the democrats will have control. so i think that maybe some of the faithful will turn out for herschel. the bigger question is those republicans around atlanta who held their nose for herschel walker, are they go to vote for him in a run-off? i don't see it happening. they better hope that the republicans win one of these two races so they have some motivation. >> yeah, because if the question is should herschel walker be a senator, it's harder to answer. tim miller and robert jones, thank you both very much. on the eighth day, god
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created the commercial break that's coming up. but up next on "the reidout," the exit polls -- sorry, i'm not going to do more plasfmy, one thing is clear. black voters are the backbone of the democratic party, yet the party still has not figured out an effective way to mobilize them in many states. stay with us. hi, susan. honey. yeah. i respect that. but that cough looks pretty bad. try this robitussin honey. the real honey you love, plus the powerful cough relief you need. mind if i root through your trash? robitussin. the only brand with real honeyand elderberry. psoriasis really messes with you. try. hope. fail. no one should suffer like that. i started cosentyx®. five years clear. real people with psoriasis look and feel better with cosentyx. don't use if you're allergic to cosentyx. before starting get checked for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infection, some serious and a lowered ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor about an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. tell your doctor if your crohn's disease symptoms develop or worsen. serious allergic reaction may occur. best move i've ever made.
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i'm asking you to do what
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you have done before. i need you to show up and vote. because a vote is a kind of prayer, for the world we desire for ourselves and for our children. a vote is about putting our faith into action. >> senator raphael warnock was occupant in full force today ahead of georgia's december senate run-off election. he knows all too well in order for the party to hang on to the senate seat, they need to galvanize black voters. black voters turned out in big numbers this cycle, and black men once again destroyed the myth they were defecting to republicans. in some states, the turnout models didn't seem to work as well. states like wisconsin, ohio, kentucky, arkansas, north carolina, florida, and louisiana saw challenges in getting black voters to the polls. even when in all but one of those cases they had a black democratic candidate on the state-wide ballot. the problems were especially stark in louisiana, where
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democratic senate candidate gary chambers posted this on social. >> what i want black voters in louisiana to understand is john kennedy still did not get more votes in his winning than there are black voters registered in the state of louisiana. and if we ever decide to show up in numbers, the way that we exist in this state, we can decide whatever election state wide we want to in this state. >> joining me now is espn correspondent angela rye and alicia garza, hosts of the podcast, lady don't take no. i want to start by playing one other little clip from gary chambers. i have been a little obsessed with him because he's been speaking a lot of truth on his social media. here's gary chambers again. >> in east baton rouge parish, there are 129,000 eligible black voters. only 12,520 showed up to vote. in orleans parish, there are
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145,000 eligible black voters. only 16,000 showed up to vote. in cattle parish, there are 73,000 black voters. only 6,955 showed up to vote early. there are 900,000 registered black voters. 96,000 black voters have showed up so far. that means for every black person in louisiana right now that you see, when you see ten, only one of them voted. >> angie, the victory margin for kennedy, senator kennedy, he only got like 800,000 some odd votes. meaning that there are more black voters registered to vote in louisiana than his victory total. you have talked a lot about this, about owning our power and figuring out how to make voting connected to this. what do you make of all this? >> i think it's really simple. and this isn't a conversation about us shaming black voters. it's about us talking about our power. talking about what it will take. and i think the reality of it
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is, for years, i'm talking about democrats because we know the republican party doesn't really try to reach us. they just try to profit and traffic off whatever the democrats may be missing. but the reality of it is, if you only engage people around election time, you may or may not get the results that you really want. you should be trying to strive for political engagement 360 with the black community. political engagement 360 with the latinx community. political 360 with the indigenous community and the reason for that is when folks walk in their power, when they're engaged in shaping agendas, shout out to the work of alicea's black futures lab and the black census project, it does this, it insures we have data that can be turned into a black agenda so folks have something to advocate for. if you just say, i'm coming to you in the 11th hour. i had a candidate who said, hey, i want to get on the brak fst
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club, two weeks before the election. guess what, you're probably not going to get that full demo. you made one point of contact. we know even in marketing campaigns for movies, they hit us on coffee cups, on polls, on bus stops. they hit up in multiple ways to get our attention. one touch point won't survive. clearly this is an op-ed, i'm going to be quiet and turn it back over. >> listen, and leaving it up to our wonderful dear front latosha brown, who happy birthday, latosha brown. >> happy birthday. >> she can't do everything. right? black voters matter. alicia does a lot, but the party, let me read you a little bit about what chevron jones -- he's one of my favorite politics in florida. he said democrats have taken a large swath of the electorate for granted. oftentimes landed on disjointed tone deaf themes, empower the same few consultants despite loss after loss, and fail to have a presence in a state.
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it's unsustainable, and this is an elected democrat saying that. >> it's absolutely right, joy. and we have been saying this for years and years and years. it is, yes, about 365-day engagement in black communities. it's also about money and dollars and investing resources in black communities for voter engagement, for voter education, for voter activation, for black voter organizing. i can tell you, in places like georgia, there was a lot of money moving around, but not enough money moving to organizations like black voters matter, who of course, people depend on, right, to activate and energize the black vote. but if they don't have the resources that they need to do that, then we end up in this situation where we're asking, why didn't black people turn out? here's the thing, joy. black people are up against voter suppression that's making it harder and harder for our voices to be heard.
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we are also up against misinformation and disinformation. and then frankly, we're up against this kind of rigged system, where we're not investing money from the party that wants us to turn out our votes. joy, this week alone, i and my organization moved $2.5 million to black organizations to activate black voters the day after the midterm elections, moving all the way to 2024. i'm not doing anything that's rocket science, and certainly i can't fund this on my own. we need the party who depends on our votes to also invest in our communities. it's really just that simple. >> yeah, and jaime harrison, i'll give him credit, he put $90 million on the road in terms of geo tv and turnout operations. angela, i look at a race like mandela barnes, cheri beasley, these were narrow losses. these were winnable races. how do we convince the party that they need to do things
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differently? >> here's what we should first convince them of. i know you all are watching at home and you have decided with the very white consultancy you have been having for decades that this is exactly why we got to run almost a republican. a very moderate republican. i'm going to tell you right now, that's not the answer. that's how you self-suppress. that's how you insure black people don't turn out. you need dynamic candidates that speak to our issues. you need younger candidates who speak to our issues. you need to insure you're employing a whole new class of consultants who don't think the same way you always think. it doesn't work. we don't know what else to tell you at this point. there's a lot to choose from, but you have work to do. >> and charles booker, gary chambers, chris jones, there are some an fastic candidates. you have to give them money. you can't win an election without money. i wish we had more time, thank you very much, my friends.
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>> tonight, tuesday night, made it even clearer florida is basically no longer a swing state. meaning democrats are going to have to set their sights elsewhere in 2024, like michigan, where they did extremely well, taking full control of the state legislature for the first time in 40 yoors. more on that next. d... and leon... the first of them all. three generations, who all bank differently with chase. leon's saving up for his first set of wheels... nice try. really? this leon's paying for his paint job on the spot... and this leon, as a chase private client, he's in the south of france, taking out cash with no atm fees. that's because this family of leons has chase. actually, it's león. ooh la la! one bank for now. for later. for life. chase. make more of what's yours. my asthma felt anything but normal. ♪ ♪ it was time for a nunormal with nucala. nucala is a once-monthly add-on treatment for severe eosinophilic asthma that can mean less oral steroids. not for sudden breathing problems. allergic reactions can occur.
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from getting the complete results of tuesday's elections, what is certain at this point is that democrats stepped it up
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with democracy on the line. just look to the swing states of pennsylvania and michigan. notching big wins for democrats against some of the most extreme candidates. in pennsylvania, not only did democrats hold the governor's mansion and pick up a crucial senate seat, there are two seats away from flipping the pennsylvania state house, which they've not held a majority in since 2010. and a michigan democratic incumbents led by -- all held their scenes in the top races for governor, secretary of state, and attorney general. democrats also took control of the michigan legislator, handing the party full power over the state government for the first time in 40 years. joining me now, a democratic strategist, james carville. it's great to have you on the show finally. james, it's great to have you. >> glad to be here. thank you. >> let's talk about this. i feel the media has overplayed the importance of desantis and underplayed the victory for whitmer. whitmer, to me, was the biggest single individual winner on
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election day because not only did she, she survived the kidnapping threat, she survived real threats to democracy in her state, got reelected by a healthy margin, and took over the state. your thoughts? >> first of all, for 2024 2028, she's already in the top of being a very serious presidential candidate if she runs. i think people really understand what she's done and how tough she is. michigan democrats -- a bunch of these people really worked hard and did a good job. as they did in pennsylvania. i said this morning, josh shapiro might have had the best campaign of the whole cycle to me. they were very aggressive. they got enough votes. i think they have helped fetterman a lot. yes, i think you are right to pointed out. i think gretchen whitmer is at the top of any conversation about any national figure of the democratic party. >> begrudge, as they call her in michigan. if you think about it, one of
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the things people have said is democrats don't have a bench. i look at westmore in maryland, stellar candidate. you just mentioned josh shapiro. stellar candidate. it looks like they have a bunch. even the governor of california is a strong candidate. -- doing a lot of amazing things in the state. should democrats be thinking, going forward, about 2024? redoing the biden map and not so much being pining for florida? >> unless something really changes, it was a pretty decisive win. -- my good friend val demings who probably raised as much money and direct solutions for as anybody. i loved -- i was hoping we would do better. the maps move around. right now, we will pick up a senate seat in nevada and arizona, which is huge. we did some really good things on election day. trust me, this was a very
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uphill climb some. of these people ran some really good, tough campaigns. my hats off to them. >> let me ask you this, we talked in our previous segment about some of the challenges with getting black voters out in places like wisconsin. that was such a narrow loss. it didn't have to happen. cheri beasley in north carolina, way too narrow. even in places that were more distant, gary chambers pointed out there was not much work by the state party in your home state of louisiana. kennedy only got 800,000 some odd votes. should the party do better on that score? >> it's really not the same party, they've had a very difficult time the last year, obviously. you've got to understand, louisiana is about 33% black total population. it's very rare, if we could get the black contribution to 33, that never happens, or seldom happens, we'd be in a lot better position.
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a state like mississippi which is 37, maybe 38% black, it only votes 30. if you got your staff from 30 to 38, that's a lot of votes. we don't lose that bed in mississippi, that big. not as many electoral votes, but we might be better off looking harder at mississippi and florida. i don't know that. i'm just throwing a riff off the top of my head. but it's been very frustrating. from our previous consultants you had on, i've been trying to tell some of these big fund-raisers, the massive gotv, massive voter registrations in the mississippi delta, louisiana delta. most of the black folks in my part of the world live close to -- probably 80% black, i grew up right on the river. i think consultants are making good points. we've got to be realistic here. if we can just get a good share
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of the vote up to our share of the population, that would help. we would have won in north carolina. we would have to do the math. i've been running campaigns for cheri beasley. i thought she was one of the best candidates. >> those are the heartbreaking once. james carville, thank you very much. please come back again. we really appreciate you. that is tonight's read up. all in with chris hayes starts now. ad up. all in with chris hayes starts now. movies our dreams but you never forget. ve forget 'cause you don't owe anyone your life. what was your favorite part? power e*trade's award-winning trading app makes trading easier. with its customizable options chain, easy-to-use tools, and paper trading to help sharpen your skills,
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