tv The Mehdi Hasan Show MSNBC November 12, 2022 3:00am-4:00am PST
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everybody does feel. i do my best to make sure that this does not happen to anybody else. >> carla represent so many other women. >> she does. but >> are you going to keep fighting, surging? >> for sure. the most evidently. i do not want another family to feel like how we felt. what. >> that is all for this edition of dateline. why am craig melvin, thank you for watching. for watching good evening once again, i am
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stephanie ruhle. get excited boys and girls, we have got breaking news tonight. nbc news projecting mark kelly, against republican challenger blake masters. we now have a tie in the senate, 49 democrats and 49 republicans. control of both the house and the senate still up for grabs, and now all eyes are turning to one state, nevada. let's go to steve kornacki, of course he is at the big boy with the latest where things stand. steve, give us an update. >> we just had a pretty meaningful last couple of hours here. as you say. in arizona we got the call in the senate race, it goes to mark kelly, the democrat incumbent defeating blake masters. the key to all of this was maricopa county. it always is in arizona. if you've been following this drama all week, we have been talking about how there is a particular type of ballot in maricopa county we were all waiting. on it was the ballots that were hand-delivered by voters to
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polling places on election day. there is a whole punch of them in maricopa county. almost 300,000 of them. republicans have been pinning their hopes on them. they say that it is a very republican-leaning voter who tends to do that, who tends to take their ballot in person to the pole places on election day. it happened in 2020, and they said it was going to happen again in 2022. it was how blake masters was going to fall past mark kelly. we had about 75,000 votes, many of them that exact type of ballot i am describing. not only to blake masters not do as well as expected, mark kelly actually carried them. he actually won more votes, significantly more votes from that batch then blake masters did. with that, you do not see a path for blake masters to catch up in the senate race and so markedly hold on to the senate race. at a significantly, in arizona, what i just described, that dynamic i just described, changes the outlook of perhaps for the governor's race. here you have democrat katie
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hobbs leading republican katie lake. we have seen that katie hobbs has been leading by a smaller margin, about 80,000 fewer votes than mark kelly. we have been looking at this race and saying, that china batch of votes in maricopa county, if it is a republican that votes, it may not be enough for blake masters to overtake mark kelly. it certainly could be enough for kari lake to overtake katie hobbs with the numbers that we saw from that batch of vote tonight. we saw hobbs get more votes out of, it then kari lake. so it raises the possibility that this pot giant batch of votes in maricopa, the ones that were dropped off to polling places on election day, may not be enough to lift kari lake past katie hobbs. this race is far from being called, but i think there is a lot of thought from katie hobbs may not hold. it still may not, but the possibility that it does is now very real as a result of what we saw come out of maricopa county tonight. in addition to that, the
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secretary of state's race was also called mark finchem. he had closely aligned himself with donald trump, and the claims about the 2020 election, we are now projecting him to lose and will be defeated by adrian fontes who wins that race in arizona. now we go up to nevada. with arizona, democrats move within one seat of holding on to control of the senate. could it be nevada that puts them over the top? well, within the last hour we got a batch of about 10,000 votes from washington county. we've been told by officials that we had 20,000 more pending. we were expecting 20,000 in the last -- there were 10,000 in this release. katherine cortez masto won more of and then adam laxalt. it was not a huge margin that she wrapped up, but it was enough to cut laxalt lead, which had been about 2000, to cut it down to 821 vote a statewide. we were told that there will be no more votes coming out of
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washoe county tonight. really, i do not think there is anything else that will be happening in nevada tonight. we do believe that there is something in the order of 10,000 ballots left to come out in wuzhou county. some of the maybe provisional, some of the maybe the ballots that need to be cured, that is the voters has a signature that needs to be corrected. it can take a few days. it may be awhile before you see those 10,000 from wuzhou. meaning, that the next major development in this nevada senate race, and in the race for control of the u.s. senate, all eyes are now on clark county, home of las vegas. home of 70% of the vote in nevada, and we know that tomorrow, 25,000 mail ballots are expected to be released from clark county. we got a big batch of these earlier tonight, cortez masto won them by 2 to 1 margin. it is so close to catching laxalt, and so we are seeing
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25,000 more them to come out tomorrow, which raises the possibility that if cortez masto was winning the ballot, anything on the order of what she won them by tonight. not only will she pass laxalt, she will pass laxalt and take a significant lead in this race. now, we are seeing the counties between reno and las vegas, they are generally republican. generally rural, low population. they are some folds to come out of this area, but those votes, as we expected they would favor laxalt, the number of them pale in comparison to what is still to come from clark and potentially from wash roe as well. so, control of the senate could, i stress could, be determined in clark county. because of cortez masto can do well enough with these 25,000 votes that we are expecting to see out of there, it could put her into the league. it could put her significant
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into the league. if cortez masto winds up winning nevada on top of what we just saw in arizona, democrats would win both of those seats, they would have 50 senate seats. with that, they would be guaranteed to continue their control of the chamber, with kamala harris's tiebreak vote. the georgia runoff which will still played place on december six, would only be to decide if democrats have 50 or 51 seats, but then control in that scenario would not be an issue. >> icing on the cake. it all means though, that steve, you are going to be working tomorrow. steve kornacki, i want to bring in our lead a panel tonight. jon joins us, senior national politics reporter for nbc venues. john ralston is here, ceo for the nevada independent. as covered politics in that state for more than 33 years. >> he is also nbc political analyst. greg lucian is here, a political reporter for the atlanta journal-constitution, and an msnbc political compute
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tribute or. he is also the author of flipped, how georgia turned purple and broke the monopoly on -- >> and vaughn hillier is here, he is from phoenix arizona. he joins us tonight wearing a b.o.l.o. tie. vaughn, what a night for arizona. what are you hearing on the ground from both sides? >> look, let's just put into context that for the third election cycle in a row, the seat will go to a democrat -- this was a individual that for the last two years, it consistently voted for the biden administration and the agenda. he even floated for the inflation reduction act. he went on board with essentially every element of -- would arizona independents and conservatives, would they be able to stomach voting for a
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democrat for this for the third cycle in a row? the answer is yes, arizona is a legitimately purple state now. donald trump is a time when inflation was high, and immigration was at the forefront. a record number of migrants, republicans tully believe that they had a national race here. they had everything they needed to pull off a win again the seat. that is not the reality here. if you shift to look at the governor's race here right now, i've just got to be frank, this as turned everybody's head here, but also with the kari lake campaign, to give you an idea what this batch is comprised of just 13.5% of this ballot drop where the mail-in early votes from monday, which heavily towards katie hobbs in the democrats. the expectation is that they were going to go in the
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direction of the republican ticket. what you are looking at is that that is not the reality that played out we. still have a couple hundred thousand ballots here but about 40,000 of those ballots were hand-delivered on tuesday. going into tuesday, those 40,000 are going to be reflective of most of the outstanding ballots in maricopa county and if what we saw all plays out tonight over the following days you are looking at a very tough scenario for carrie like to try to overcome day he hobbs as mount in the last couple of days this is a real testament to it, i think where independents and the state of arizona are, but even some of those conservatives that have shown willingness to vote against trumpism, again, yet again. this time in 2022, stephanie. >> or maybe even some of those conservatives who are sick of conspiracy theories. arizona was ground zero for cyber ninjas, the audit after audit.
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you've got election deniers all over that state, including mark finchem, the republican candidate for secretary of state, who just announced was defeated. how big of a deal is that? >> it is significant. you are looking at, again, adrian montes, if you may hear for a moment go back to 2020, adrian fontes was in maricopa county recorder here. he lost his race in maricopa county. he then went and announced a run for secretary of state. so, this is a man who previously lost maricopa county, and as running as secretary of state. he beat mark finchem here throughout the day today, over the course of, i mean, essentially every two hours, is come up with a different conspiracy theory. i'm not suggesting folks go and follow him on twitter here. but he has thrown out essentially, every excuse as to why he is down right now in the polls. the big question is, what do you hear from him? blake masters, potentially, the attorney general candidate, a holiday, kari lake was on top of some tonight, in which she even suggested that elections here in arizona that had been rife with fraud here in the
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past, she had been slow to not make specific claims about her governor's race this year, because the thought process on that camp was that they were going to overcome here. and ultimately, win this race outright. but i asked the county officials here in maricopa county, just this afternoon, stephanie, whether any of the campaigns that come to them over the course of these last four days to allege any fraud or irregularities? and their answer to me was no. >> i'm gonna say that, i want to say that one more time. these republicans go on fox news wear all day long and every day, they talk about voter fraud, they talk about conspiracy theories. but again, none of them have raised voter fraud as an issue in the last four days. is that correct? >> that's accurate. i just asked county officials whether any of these campaigns have come to them with any specific allegations, or evidence, and the answer was no. >> all right, jonathan, let's turn to you. arizona, not yet in the
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rearview mirror, but mark kelly having been the projected winner, all eyes are on nevada, and the very close senate race there. what can you tell us? >> as you know, stephanie, i always think all eyes should be on nevada. but especially, all on nevada right now. listen, adam laxalt is ahead by 800 votes. steve kornacki laid it out very well. there are about 23, 25,000 ballots to come in clark county. clark county is a very democratic county. she's been winning there by about 60% in the post election mail dump. she has a win with that kind of percentage to get over 800 votes. i think that democrats were a little disappointed in the votes that were just released from washoe county, the 11,000 that steve talked about. she only picked up about 1100 votes, won by about ten points in washoe county, stephanie. if she wins by ten points in washoe county, and ten points in clark county, she's going to
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win the race, even if the rurals, what's left out and the bright red rural nevada comes in, there's just not enough votes there. don't forget, there are some ballots that are still gonna be counted, mail ballots that are undergoing what's called a hearing process. there will be thousands of them. the culinary union, which is democratic organization is running a very, very intense securing program for its members. so, those ballots could favor katherine cortez masto. and then, just to put one more group of ballots into this messy makes, there are provisional ballots, saying the registration, people come and they have to check, to make sure that those ballots have not been duplicated in the system. that will take a little while. so, if cortez masto wins overwhelmingly tomorrow in clark and washoe, it's probably over. but if she does not, stephanie, we're gonna have to wait until next week. >> all right, tell us about joe
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lombardo, the republican who won the race for governor. what do we need to know about this guy? >> well, lombardo was a new -- he assembled a tremendous team around him. to run his campaign, and he is running against the governor, who essentially was saddled with a pandemic. had to make some very difficult decisions, and economies crossed. as you know, stephanie, it's all tourism here. you shut down the las vegas strip for a couple of months, you are gonna really hurt people's lives, there were problems with the unemployment system, problems with people getting checks. and lombardo ran a very very good campaign but he is new. he is not super familiar with state issues. we don't know how he's gonna govern. he's not like the rest of the candidates up and down the statewide ticket that the republicans put up, they were very subpar, sometimes even quirky conspiracy theorists candidates. he's not like that when he's an unknown quantity. and the governor, just said
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there is a mountain for him to climb, considering that covid and other issues, stephanie, he just couldn't get over it. >> all right, mr. bluestein, let's go to georgia. this runoff is less than a month away between rafael warnock and herschel walker. what are people there telling you? >> well, look, they are looking very closely at what's happening in johns home state. a democratic win in nevada, it would lower the stakes in georgia, pretty dramatically. and i think that's a very good thing for senator warnock, because herschel walker would like nothing more than to make this race referendum, not only on joe biden, but also with the core messages to vote for raphael warnock is a vote for democratic control of the senate. the core messages that a vote for raphael warnock is a vote for this race about the individuals, because he knows that pulls show that herschel walker has it was for the issue. and that a significant number of voters split their ticket with republican governor brian kemp, and senator raphael warnock, and so, if that split
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holds, senator warnock enters this one off in a very good standing. >> what about the big guns and the republican party? right now, they are planning to show up and campaign and help herschel walker. but if democrats win in nevada, and republicans have no chance of controlling the senate, then who is showing up for them? >> look, i still think it's all sort of all hands on deck for both parties. i would not be shocked to see high-profile surrogates from both sides of the party line, coming to georgia, because the state is still 51, right? it either need to be 50 or 51. there still could be a huge, huge seat to win for each party. but, you know, we already had ted cruz, with the other high-profile republican surrogates. the jury is still out on whether we'll see donald trump. that's the big question. and i know there's a debate with republican circles about whether he'll drive turnout up, which he'll probably would. but also, whether it can also drive turn up for democrats, and inject another polarizing
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debate into the senate context. >> let's talk about donald trump, john allen. because donald trump is still expected to give this big announcement in the next week. but does his party even when i hear from him? >> the quick question, stephanie. there are big flashing signs from his and their public commentary, basically saying, they've been advising him not to do this. they don't want him to do this. they came out and made this announcement right on the heels of the third straight battle of election for republicans, in which donald trump featured so prominently as to really pick the candidates and several of these races. the question for republicans going forward, i think, is, are they gonna stick with donald trump? are they gonna unify behind an alternative, one single alternative? or are they gonna fracture among several alternatives and hand the nomination back to donald trump? we are starting to see some republicans come out and say,
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it's time for donald trump to move on. a tweet from one of the big original trump supporters, saying tonight, that he is done. he is over. we'll have to wait to see. i think a little bit to find out whether that's actually true. >> i laugh every time i hear anyone saying donald trump's advisors. news flash, he has no advisors. he listens to no one. people are just turning on trump, so. john, they are also turning on mitch mcconnell, it's sort of a circular firing squad within the republican party. i want to share a bit of a blake masters who had just defeated by mark kelly in arizona, what he had to say tonight about mitch mcconnell when he was on fox news earlier tonight? >> mcconnell decided to spend millions of dollars attacking a fellow republican in alaska, instead of helping me defeat senator mark kelly. had he chosen to spend money in arizona, this race would be over. we'd be celebrating a senate majority right now. so, my message to the people of america, my message actually, to the republican senators, hopefully, my future colleagues, let's not vote mitch mcconnell
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into leadership. he doesn't deserve to be majority leader or minority leader. >> wow, wow, wow, wow. what do you make of that, john? >> well, i mean, it doesn't appear obvious to blake masters, as obvious as everyone else but he was a crappy candidate. the point is, mitch mcconnell, look, donald trump once mcconnell gone. he's been saying that for a long time. and audibly in this moment, where everybody the republican party is reexamining their attachment to donald trump. he has decided to pick a fight and no with mitch mcconnell, and there are some republican senators who are trying to lay the leadership elections in the senate very much aligned with trump, very much aligned with what scott, the republican senate committee chairman, who wants to run again against mcconnell, what they want to see happen. the truth is behind closed doors. i don't think donald trump has that much influence in the republican conference. and it's odd to pick another political fight that he will lose again, as republicans are looking to him. remember, he promised he, ask
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people frequently, are you tired of winning and republicans are saying to end right now, losing success and they're tired of it. >> wow, so in this donald trump wants to be done with mitch mcconnell. mitch mcconnell has wanted to be done with donald trump for ages. who do you think is gonna win this one, because donald trump doesn't want to go away quietly, josh? >> well, mitch mcconnell is like the tortoise in the race, right? he has sat back, he has needed the former president when necessary and when possible. but he certainly hasn't been out there leading and charging against him. he hasn't picked fights when he hasn't made it to what donald trump. and i think he believed that he could outlast him. we may find out that's the case, but you know, the death of donald trump's political per career has been written prematurely many times before. so, again, i think we're gonna have to get out of this immediate postelection moment to see how influential trump is with the larger republican party. i just don't think he's that influential in the senate caucus.
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but it will be fascinating to watch, if republicans win the majority in the house, and they try to organize over there, with only a couple of seats majority, you could see people voting on the floor for donald trump, denying kevin mccarthy the speakership. that is gonna be, i'm trying to think of the right word to put it, a shine nola show. >> the shine nola show. a shout out to detroit. jonathan, jon ralston, greg bluestein, vaughn hillyard, thank you all. mr. ralston, you need to go to bed. you have a very busy day in nevada tomorrow. all eyes are on your state every, day but i know you celebrate when they are. what a big night for democrats in michigan means for the other party? that's what we're gonna get into next. mallory mcmorrow is here, and matthew dowd. if you didn't know, michigan's original home state. they're here on the rough floor that for republicans. and later, the crypto collapse. we need a bigger word than collapse. the devastation, that tsunami, the disaster.
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we are still tracking results and the senate, and with democrat mark kelly, when it in arizona, the count is now officially, 49 to 49. with just nevada and george outstanding, and in the state of michigan, democrats, what did they see? huge historic wins this week. in response, the chief of staff of michigan's republican party released a memo, blaming candidates with ties to, guess who? donald trump. he wrote this in part, there were more ads on transgender sports than inflation. we did not have a turnout problem, middle of the road
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voters, simply didn't like what tutor dixon was selling. back with us tonight, michigan state senator, mallory mcmorrow, and msnbc political contributor, matthew dowd. he's also a former george w. bush's strategist and founder of country over party. he is also born and raised in michigan. mallory, take us to your state. what are people telling you? huge, huge win, a huge week. >> this is a seismic shift in michigan. we have not had a democratic senate since before i was born. it has been almost 40 years since we've flipped the senate here in michigan. we now have a democratic trifecta, and i'll be honest, it's a little bit which to read the gop blaming tour dixon for focusing too much on culture war issues, like transgender kids playing sports. that's when every single attack ad against the our incredible legislative candidates were all about. the entire party took a huge bet on culture war and conspiracies and they lost.
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we've reached our limit of crazy. michigan is not happy anymore. >> there you go. matthew, how do you solve a problem like donald trump, in michigan and elsewhere? who is the founder of conspiracy theories? djt himself, that's his signature. >> you know, obviously, he instigated a lot of this, but the problem is that republicans had no courage and no principles to keep guardrails in place on. so yeah, we can say we move donald trump from the equation, but they're not done every single guardrail. there is a complete mess of the republican party. and now, they think, once they remove donald trump, somehow that mess will be cleaned up. they are unwilling to clean it up. they let the voters in their party take complete control on all of the craziness in this. and i think michigan is such a perfect example of the contrast that voters wanted, which is, crazy versus competency. people that stood for diversity,
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and people that stood for, you know, multicultural society, people that stood for democracy, and freedom, against people that had no design for diversity, no desire for multiculturalism. and michigan showed that in spite all adds, another strong woman that gets added to the mix, people they have been focused on, the new majority leader of the state senate, from the town my father was born in, grand rapids, which used to be a republican. that she is the new majority leader of the state senate. so, not only mallory and jocelyn benson, and dana nessel, and the governor, but this all of the strong competent women have taken the place and power. and the voters in michigan love it. >> then, mallory, where does the party go from here? on one hand, you could say, the left one, we could keep leading to the left, or is it you captured a lot of independents, you captured a lot of middle of the road voters, maybe even
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some republicans, is the answer for democrats, at least in michigan, hang there in the center, that's where you'll catch the most? >> you, know matthew brings up a huge point in senator, by the way, the first woman majority leader in state history, which is incredible. but i looked at our caucus the other day when we all got together, and from the top to the bottom, from whitmer on down, we are competent, passionate people. and i think we have to get out of this mindset that there is some flank of the party that's gonna have all the answers. we had incredible candidates who are perfect representations of their districts. the reality is, we have 40 years of an agenda that's been building up in michigan, and in a party that has been leading with minority rule, withheld really gerrymandered districts for decades. so, we're gonna be thoughtful. we are gonna be compassionate. we're gonna bring everybody to
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the table. but we're gonna follow and what governor whitmer has done so well, which is being progressive, pragmatic, getting things done, expanding economic opportunity, investing in education, and being incredibly aggressive on issues that matter, like voting rights, like abortion access, making sure we expand our civil rights act to include the lgbtq community, and not attacking them. and we can do everything all at once in a way that is thoughtful, and shows the rest of the country. this is what a big tent party looks like when we are in charge. >> mallory, i do think you've got a couple of libraries to reopen in your state. matthew, yes? >> the only thing i was gonna say, one of the problems i don't think they can deal with is the detroit alliance. so, until we can fundamentally deal with the detroit alliance, which has been 50 years of losing, all my entire life, i am not gonna be happy. i am happy about the election results. i'm not gonna be happy until we get over with the detroit alliance. >> that has been 50 years in the making. we can do it.
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>> okay, well, then, you have hope. matthew, let's go from your second home state, texas. michigan is proof that democrats can win big in a purple state. what could happen in texas? clearly, beto, a very strong, very popular candidate on the national stage. he couldn't get it over the line or even close in texas. is he ever gonna have a path there? >> well, i think the democrats will eventually have a path here, eventually, we've been talking about this for a while, because of the demographic change at all of that. i think the problem for beto, when he was a very inspirational figure for a lot of people, but he entered that race. if he had not run for president in 2020, and just skipped that, it was a close race for ted cruz. he would have been a very popular figure entering the race. he was not a popular, it was actually less popular than any competent governor that we had, or and greg abbott that we have in here. so i think there needs to be a whole new range of candidates.
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a candidate for lieutenant governor that will run for the third time, statewide, and lost. i think the democrats have to bring a whole new round of candidates. but two, there was a lot of work to be done, 9 million registered voters and texas did not vote. 9 million! >> why? why? >> 9 million voters did not vote in texas. because the way the state has been acting is many of them feel like, oh, it doesn't matter, republicans are gonna run it. it doesn't matter. it doesn't matter. and they need to see a bright spot. they need to see a spot that's gonna take time, and all these things take time. but i think one, recruit new candidates that inspire people that haven't lost before.
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it's a big part of it. but two, the work has to be done. and so, starting at the local level, i think it will get there, but in this case, you had two unpopular candidates running against each other for governor, and the voters went for the incumbent governor in the course of this. -- there was an african american woman and a woman legislator from dallas got in, i said, i promised i would step back and make room at the table for them. i wish the other white male candidate had done the same thing in that race. i think that is -- i mean, there is many ways to serve. mallory knows. they're serving an elected office. they're serving in all kinds of ways. all of us have to find the spot we serve. i would serve the state in the country in any way i can.
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i don't know if it's running for office. >> well, maybe the detroit alliance need and you are a boy. so, you might be the guy. >> i'm there! >> matthew dowd, mallory mcmorrow, thank you both for joining us tonight. coming up, a multi billion dollar crash. and i'm not talking about twitter. the crypto crash, and why it matters to everyone, even outside the crypto world, when the 11th hour continues. ♪ ♪ ♪ want luxury hair repair that doesn't cost $50? pantene's pro-vitamin formula repairs hair. as well as the leading luxury bonding treatment. for softness and resilience, without the price tag. if you know... you know it's pantene. moderate-to-severe eczema. it doesn't care if you have a date, a day off, or a double shift. make your move and get out in front of eczema with steroid-free cibinqo. not an injection, cibinqo is a once-daily pill for adults who didn't respond to previous treatments. and it's proven to help provide clearer skin and relieve itch fast. cibinqo continuously treats eczema whether you're flaring or not.
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as i got older, my hearing was not so good so i got hearing aids. my vision was not as good as it used to be, got a change in prescription. but the this missing was my memory. i saw a prevagen commercial and i thought, "that makes sense." i just didn't have to work so hard to remember things. prevagen. healthier brain. better life.
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we are still tracking results in the senate within the last hour. nbc news projected democrat mark kelly to win in arizona, so as of now, dead heat, it is 49 to 49 in the upper chamber. and we are expecting more votes to come in from nevada tomorrow. meanwhile, another massive new story crossing this week, cryptocurrency exchange ftx filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy today, following several days of enormous turmoil. founder and ceo, sam bankman-fried, has announced his official resignation. let's break it all down with nbc news tech correspondent, jake ward. all right, jake ward, loads of our audience don't know crypto, don't like crypto, don't get crypto. i want to say, i understand crypto better than 90% of people. but this story, this story has truly made my head explode. break it down for us because everybody is talking about it, and i want to inform our audience. >> so, the way, i guess, i
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would explain it, stephanie, is that, you know, crypto as a digital currency is really only worth what the market agrees it's worth. a group of people basically start treating this stuff back and forth and says, we are going to agree, as a group, that this price is going to be this much or this much. and we've seen that prices go up and up and up over the past few years, such that ftx, which was one of the two largest cryptocurrency exchanges in the world, went from being with just a few hundred million dollars in 2020, to be in court more than a billion dollars in 2021, and as of last week, it was worth 32 billion dollars but here is the problem. the big difference between the cryptocurrency and the rest of the cryptocurrencies that you are used to in this world is that there is no safety net whatsoever. there is no regulatory kindness, and as a result, when you see, you know, a bank, and novel bank, that bank has backing to it. the government would come in and rescue what you have inside that bank if there is trouble. what we had here it was the
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equivalent of what george bailey was trying to keep the good people of his town from doing, when they made that run on the savings and loan in it's a wonderful life, right? that's what happened to this company. essentially, a big frenzy was set off by a failed merger between these top two cryptocurrency exchanges. the one pulls out of the other, and then that sets off this one on ftx, such that everyone who comes for their money, they lose billions in a day, and now, they are entirely out of business because it turns out they've been flying without a net all this time, which is true for almost all cryptocurrency schemes out there, stephen. >> schemes, right there. cryptocurrency schemes. so, for people out there with no investment of crypto, when they hear a story about a business going from 32 billion dollars to essentially worthless, their worry is that going to affect them in any way? will it? >> this is the thing, it may not affect you and i, if we haven't put anything into
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crypto itself. but there are plenty of everyday people who went for this. you'll recall that during the super bowl, there was that famous commercial on which larry david, famously sits at her desk and says, no, i'm not gonna get any crypto, having been historically wrong about every other great invention of the past. that ad, along with ads from all sorts of other cryptocurrency, businesses, and all sorts of other celebrities, convinced everyday people to put huge amounts of money into this. you have entire retirement and pension funds, putting themselves into this stuff. so, although it is fine to look at somebody like, say, bankman-fried, the person who is running ftx, and say oh, that billionaire, he was just a ponzi scheme. here's the thing. every day people have lost those billions of dollars, and they are not coming back. and so, while it may not -- >> okay, fine -- >> directly, it is really important, a spear of thought for all the people that have been affected by the stop, stuff. >> absolutely, but of course, it is and what a scheme, and
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the governor will not be stepping into rescue anyone. the whole point of crypto is to some of the government, deregulate, don't be part of any of it. and so, now, you are out there holding the bag on your own. quickly, give us an update on twitter. things aren't getting better over there, are they? >> no, things are not getting better. you know, remember, they were just starting to charge $8 a month for you to actually be verified, without actually checking whether you'll be verified. today, we've been watching an incredible cascade of effects from that. you are seeing people impersonate companies like eli lilly, by buying a very legit -looking username, and then putting the word, eli lilly above it, and a check mark. and then, announcing, insulin is free. that cratered the stock price of eli lilly, such that it had to apologize, then suddenly, you've got bernie sanders jumping on top of that. just this absolute, it's every major brand basically it's gonna get on twitter. that's why they've stopped the verification process. it's a total nightmare.
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>> and one of the biggest advertising firms out there, telling consumer brands, time to take a pause on advertising on twitter. that is not going to move from the bottom line. jake ward, thank you so much. i will see you next, week my friend. coming up, a historic election, what does it call for? one of our favorite historians, michael beschloss is here on the web waved in it, and what all of this means for democracy, when the 11th hour continues. ♪ ♪ ♪ psst! psst! with flonase, allergies don't have to be scary. flonase sensimist provides non-drowsy, 24-hour relief. in a scent free, gentle mist. psst! psst! flonase. all good. (customer) hi? in a scent free, gentle mist. (burke) happy anniversary. (customer) for what? (burke) every year you're with us, you get fifty dollars toward your home deductible. it's a policy perk for being a farmers customer. (customer) do i have to do anything? (burke) nothing. (customer) nothing? (burke) nothing. (customer) nothing? (burke) nothing. (customer) hmm, that is really something. (burke) you get a whole lot of something with farmers policy perks. see ya.
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(kid) may i have a balloon, too? (burke) sure. your parents have maintained a farmers home policy for twelve consecutive months, right? ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪ ♪ hit it!♪ ♪it takes two to make a thing go right♪ ♪it takes two to make it outta sight♪ ♪one, two, get loose now! it takes two to make a-♪ get double rewards points this fall. book now at my most important kitchen tool? my brain. so i choose neuriva plus. unlike some others, neuriva plus is a multitasker supporting 6 key indicators of brain health. to help keep me sharp. neuriva: think bigger. breakthrough heartburn...
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i had no idea what to expect. ethnicity inheritance, nigerian east central from you. benin. my dad's side. there's 30% japanese. thank you, mom. i love how it gives you a little bit of history. yeah! i feel like reading this, like, these are my roots. there's just still so much to discover. discover even more during our holiday sale. [coughing] hi, susan. honey. yeah. i respect that. but that cough looks pretty bad. try this robitussin honey. the real honey you love, plus the powerful cough relief you need. mind if i root through your trash? robitussin. the only brand with real honeyand elderberry. i may be close to retirement but i'm as busy as ever. and thanks to voya, i'm confident about my future. voya provides guidance for the right investments. they make me feel like i've got it all under control. voya. be confident to and through retirement. with control of congress still
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up in the air, who better to discuss this very important week than our dear friend historian michael -- . michael let's take a deep breath and let this week sink. and what is your biggest takeaway? >> well, the biggest takeaway is that this election turned out in a way that many people did not expect. many people assumed that this would be a pattern of most midterm elections. most first term a president of the midterm election and they have a really hard time and it goes way against them. instead, to most people's surprise, joe biden and his democrats have turned into the best midterm performance of any midterm election of the last 90 years. >> the last few times united spoken, you have been very worried. you've been worried about the state of democracy, you met with the president and some other historians back in august,
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and warned him about what is at stake. you took him on a path of our history. given what we just saw, are you feeling a lot more confident. are you feeling better? >> i am feeling so much better, stephanie. because this was a situation where you were talking about earlier, mark finchem in arizona, one of these election denying secretary of states. look at how many of those people got elected. zero in the swing states. that is a very good sign. we were facing a week ago over situation where people could be denying elections, they were threatening violence, and the democracy that we know it. not tomorrow, but for the next decade or more you could've faced that. instead you have a situation where this week has been remarkably quiet. it is a triumph for our system, and it shows most of all that when a president of the united
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states says i know you are suffering from inflation, i know there are other problems, but this is a year like 1860 or 1940 when american democracy is in danger vote as if your life depends on it. he said that, that was not the only reason, but the result was that americas saw this as the historical election was. >> of course, there were people that could've voted because democracy was the number one priority. there are also people who voted because they care about inflation. the republican party did not offer any policy solutions around inflation. in fact, we are hearing from republicans, rick scott of says we need to get a more positive message out there. what are they talking about, michael? there are no positive messages coming out of the republican party. fox news and similar outlets have been hammering a fear, fear, fear, immigration, inflation, crime. they do not have a positive
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message, do you hear? one >> that is absolutely right. compared to 1994. i am no fan of newt gingrich or when the republicans took congress in 1994, but gingrich did have that contract with america that said, you elect as republicans, here are the ten things that we will do. it was published in tv guide and other places. you could say that he had a mandate. maga republicans want a sweeping victory, which is pretty clear tonight that that is not going to happen. they could not have said that voters voted for us to do the following things. >> tv guide for our younger voters used to be very important to people. >> it is like a typewriter, we can explain what that was. >> but, quickly, no election deniers one in crucial swing states. but they won in some deep red states. donald trump is not going anywhere, he wants to make some big announcement. what do we do about that? he's not going away. >> he can run. it looks as if members of his
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party are turning against him for reasons that they usually do. he cost them a big election that they feel they should have won, this tuesday of this week. that is the way parties began to die and less you cast out candidates that are dragging you down. there are at least the early signs that, despite the fact that he claims that he has a big announcement at mar-a-lago on tuesday, despite all of that, it could be that this is the week when the cheering stopped. >> we are not going to get dragged down as we close this evening. i would like to be lifted up. today of course is veterans day, and as we honor those who serve, who are you thinking about specifically tonight? what are you thinking about? >> i am thinking of all of those veterans and their families who risked and gave their lives a places like gettysburg, on the day in 1944, and also people at selma, for example. john lewis was almost killed
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demonstrating for the best in our country the equal rights. that is what we are all here for. if we lose our free and fair elections, which thank odd we did not this week, if we lose other elements of our democracy like the rule of law, we are scorning all of those sacrifices that our brave heroes made. thank god for them. i would like to celebrate veterans day. >> what a night to celebrate veterans day, and what a way to close our show and our week. michael, always wonderful to see you. thank you so much for joining us. >> thank you. >> and on that note i would wish you all a very, very good night. at the end of a very long week. from all of our colleagues across the networks of nbc news, thank you for staying up late not just tonight, but all week long. have a very safe weekend, i will see you at the end of monday. e end of monday ♪
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