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tv   Alex Wagner Tonight  MSNBC  November 22, 2022 6:00pm-7:00pm PST

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i think it's continually important for democrats to continually offer working class solutions and ideas that they want to put forward that a proactive. not just rest in the fact they have a loony bin to kind of debate on the other side. yes that's working to our vantage, but let's continue to press the case and here's a working class agenda like the stimulus checks of 2020, that we're gonna continue to promised deliver on for you. >> one more thing to throw into the heart of the investigations, as was noted. examining the examinations of a supreme court lake. think a little more oversight of the court would be good. abby. great mr. shapiro always great to have. yeah that is all in for this tuesday night. alex wagner starts right now. with ayman mohyeldin in four. alex and a man. hey chris, thanks for joining us at home and alex as the night off. during the 2016 campaign, donald trump gave a plethora of excuses as to why he would break decades of precedent and
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not released his tax turns returns. he said repeatedly, and being audited so i can't. then we offered this classic one quote, i don't think anybody cares. it was this one, quote the only ones that care about my tax returns are the reporters. he even said a handful of times quote, there's nothing to learn from them. now house democrats did not agree with any of that. in fact, during his presidency there were multiple house committee requests of trump's tax returns all to no avail. but one committee, the ways and means committee, a very powerful committee in congress, because it is a committee that oversees tax policies in taxes in general gum, they had something other committees did not have. it is written in federal law that the chairman could request any taxpayers tax returns. so they had the law on their side with their requests. in april, 2019 in the house
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ways and means committee's chairs requested six years of then president donald trump's enterprises tax returns, it seemed at the time like an open and shut case. chairman richard neil explained at the time that his committee need it to examine trump's tax returns for quote, legitimate legislative legal and oversight purposes. to examine the irs's policy of auditing the tax returns of sitting presidents to see what if any laws needed to be amended or clarified. to no one's surprise the trump treasury department refused to hand them over, and as you can imagine, a legal battle ensued. but then something happened in 2021. a new president took office and a deal was reached with the committee to finally get those tax returns. and then as again you can imagine trump sued the committee to block them from obtaining those tax returns. and finally today after a long court battle, today, just today,
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the committee finally got their answer. the supreme court of the united states and a two sentence order denied trump's request to block the tax returns from being handed over. trump's last-ditch attempt to stop the committee from obtaining those tightly held tax returns failed. and now the committee is cleared to get those six years of tax returns from donald trump and some of his businesses. but it's not exactly clear as to when they will get those tax returns. while that all is welcome news for house democrats, the reality is the clock is ticking in terms of what legislative priorities the committee can recommend by examining trump's tax returns. and just 42 days, the new republican controlled congress will be sworn in and democrats will officially be in the minority, meaning political terms, republicans as they have said will shut down that request for the tax returns. tiktok. over in one of the federal
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investigations into trump today, federal appeals court in atlanta heard arguments in the justice department's appeal of the special master appointment. you know, the special master who is reviewing the governments records that were found at mar-a-lago. now justice department today calling the appointment today and intrusion arguing that the trump nominating judge in florida should never have appointed special master in the first place. the three judge panel the 11th circuit court of appeals seem poised to agree with the government and tossed out that special master order. here's the washington post report about today's arguments. in part, reading quote chief judge william prior seem to criticize trump's team for asking for a special master without proving that the initial search was illegal. if you can't establish that it was unlawful he said, then what are we doing here? ouch! look, we all don't know when a
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ruling will be handed down, it could come at anytime, but the fact that in the last 42 days of being in a majority, democrats have finally cleared the way to obtain six years of trump and his tack's businesses and their tax returns that is a big deal. period. what could they learn? what are they planning on doing with that information and most importantly, when will they get their hands on those tax returns? joining me now is congressman bill postural of new jersey. he's a member of the house and ways and means committee and chair of its subcommittee on oversight. congressman pascual, thank you so much for being here. a very significant development today. let me start with this pressing question that i think is on everyone's mind. when do you expect your committee to receive donald trump's tax returns and will it be before the end of the session of congress? >> it better be a man. it better be. we have waited 1329 days.
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since the beginning of the litigation. i'm telling you a it's going to be the first subject comes up at our first meeting when we get back from thanksgiving. it has to happen. i already talked to the chairman of our committee richard neil, who's done a great job in using a very deliberative affair approach. this is not about one man. this is about the constitution. we say it all the time. doing it? we are showing that we mean it. i started this quest in february of 2017. i've introduced with my brothers and sisters in the congress 18 resolutions. i asked the chairman of the ways and means committee at that time, my very good friend from texas, i asked the
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chairman, let's do this together. in february of 2017, president has already been sworn in. let's do it together. and a question of partisanship. he laughed at me. i guess i should've known better. but i pursued, because that's my job. when i am elected, when i was elected 25 years ago, my job was to work for the american people not only in the district i was elected to bat the entire country. we don't have a constitution for every district. this is the same constitution for the entire nation. i'm proud of what we've done and i intend to pursue guaranteed a week from today when we get back into the congress, that will be the first question on my mind when the ways and means committee needs. we are not going to joke around. nobody is above the law.
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hear me. read my lips mister president former. >> yeah, very important words. obviously oversight is an incredible part of this. you just outlined that this is been years in the making. my question to you realistically, when democrats get their hands on this, or when the congress committee gets their hands on this, you're only going to be in power for a few more weeks. realistically, what can ways and means to with the information the committee leans from these tax returns? >> well, 60 13, subsection jay, subsection ethan story -- is very clear. we are not allowed to scream to the heavens when we get this top -- we have to honor, it's confidential, we will decide one way or another what will be made public. and i believe that the entire nation should have the main knowledge of this report of
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what happened and how did the president of the united states use the jive about having an audit of his own prevent him from telling us is showing us like every president since richard nixon have income tax returns made public. we will decide the. we can't just go really nearly and we're not going to do it. we will utter the law and that's why when i dusted off 61 or three back in 2017, no one understood what the heck i was talking about. because when you're talking with tax law, you have to understand that it's not just about how you put a budget together or whether you tax people or don't. it's the law itself. there are some caveats, there are some very important
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messages in the tax code, that's over 100 years old, before we even had income tax. our brothers and sisters back then knew what they were talking about. the public needs to be protected. so what nixon said, i'm not a crook, we'll show us that you're in your tax returns. we want to know if there's any special interest in their. the public has a right to know that. the public has a right to know where you invested in another country. this country knows right now with the knowledge that has been put in the papers, without having the taxes in front of us, we know that richard nixon, donald trump made deals with the oligarchs in europe all over the world. and what are the commitments that he made to mr. putin? or the oligarchs in the soviet union? one of those commitments to. that's another day, so i'm telling you when answering your
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question, we will be on this next week. we are already on us discussing it, when we get back into committee for we will do this. eamonn, this is critical for the nation. this is a big deal. this is something very important. >> i was gonna say, all very important questions and allegations worth looking into. we will see after next week what comes of these tax returns. congressman bill pascual, chair chair of the subcommittee in the ways and means committee, thank you so much for joining us tonight. really appreciate it. i want to turn out to neal katyal, former acting solicitor general during the obama administration of professor law georgetown university. neil it's good to see you again. thank you so much for being here tonight. let me hone in on trump's tax returns for a moment. is it surprising to you that the court clear the way for the house like this? >> it's not surprising eamonn. not a single justice, says a lot about trump's application.
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it reminds us what our chief justice john roberts was in practice and one day call his clients that i got bad news for you, we lost 9 to 0. and the client says, how could that have happened? and john roberts without missing a beat says, well it's because there weren't ten justices on the supreme court. >> >> and for donald trump today the weren't ten justices on the supreme court, you would've lost all ten. the third time is lost at the supreme court this year, most notably losing to the january six committee on executive privilege 8 to 1. it's significant because he's been trying to hide these tax returns for over three and a half years, first modern president to do so and the supreme court was having none of it. >> so neil, on the hearing today in the 11th circuit court of appeals in atlanta over the appointment of the special master in the mar-a-lago case which is the other case we have been tracking, you tweeted, you don't think you've heard an oral argument go worse for
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someone. why do you think their hearing went so poorly for trump? you just described all the legal setbacks he's had this year and a host of different fronts. now you have this one today, and you're describing it as pretty bad. >> yeah. this is a totally different thing than the tax returns. this is about the mar-a-lago investigation where trump stole a bunch of documents, highly classified and otherwise. he went to a judge that he basically shopped for that he said i need a special master. and you got that special master, but the government said, hey we're gonna appeal this thing, and today was the appeal. to i would say this was a train wreck, but i don't think that quite gives justice to how badly this went for donald trump today. the panel was skeptical of everything that trump's lawyer said and yes, i think it went about as poorly as any opponent argument i've ever seen. i don't think it's about trump's lawyer by the way. he's lawyers a good lawyer.
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it's not that. his argument was horrible. he had to defend the indefensible. and to defend this judge in florida, judge cannon who wrote a ruling that was to put it mildly, bonkers. and so, you can never totally predict but i think here we can predict what's going to happen, which is the justice department is going to get what it wants, which is two and the special master thing. they're not afraid of the special master, special master's a great judge, judge dearie, but they're just saying it's a matter of propriety. nobody gets to go and have a federal judge in the special master oversee the criminal investigation. there's literally no precedent where trump can come up or a lawyer can come up with a single time in american history that it ever happened. and so they are going to lose. the special master will be over, and then the criminal investigation into donald trump about stealing these classified documents and security documents will proceed. >> if i know anything about donald trump, and you certainly know more about his legal strategy that i do, it seems
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that this will probably get appeal to the supreme court. so how soon would you expect to get a ruling from the 11th circuit? anti-anticipate as he had done time and time again as a delay tactic, not as a legal argument that he will try to take this to the supreme court just to put a pause on it? >> yeah, he's gonna try, and i suspect he will lose exactly the way he lost today, 90. but here there is more time than of the tax return thing. because here ayman the justice department at least under merrick garland under president violent for the next two years. so there is no way the trump can trump that investigation. with a tax thing, that you're talking about with the congressman, the house is going to switch control and these tax returns only being given to the house. that suggests to me two things. number one, it seems that we the house should be thinking about how to work with the senate to transfer this tax investigation to the senate when control changes so that this in information won't be
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very never see the light of day. number two, with respect to the congressman and i appreciate that he's so forthright, but i don't see why they are waiting for thanksgiving. i think they should be in there tomorrow demanding these documents. cancel thanksgiving, these documents are important. they should be looking through these documents right now. the clock is ticking. >> part of me wishes i would've spoken you before bill pascual so i could turn around and asked you when you transfer those tax documents to the senate to continue the investigation? neil, we are always appreciative your insights rightfully so as you can see. i was a pleasure my friend good to see you. neal katyal, former acting solicitor general during the obama administration, now at georgetown university. much more ahead this hour. don't go anywhere. in just a moment we're gonna talk live with one of the heroes of the shooting at club q in colorado springs. he helped subdue the gover gunman that night. in the process saved many, many more lives. he joins us live.
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residents called on the city council leaders to do more to protect lgbtq plus members of their community after a violent attack at a local bar on saturday night. as of tonight, the suspect is in jail. just a few hours ago, the men suspected of shooting anchoring
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five people and injuring other at club q at colorado springs assurance heard from hospital to el paso colorado jail. carter state court administrator offices he's expected to appear in court virtually tomorrow and afternoon from joe. formal charges are expected to follow. officials say two people at the club tonight stop the gunmen from killing more people. the day, we learned that one of those heroes's tomasz james. james is a u.s. navy sailor, also recovering from injuries sustained wasn't doing the shooter. the other hero who helped take down the gunman is decorated combat veteran richard fierro, who left the army in 2013 after two tours in iraq and a tour of afghanistan. he said for 14 years. on saturday, he was at club q from his family, supporting one of the drip or mers, who was a friend of his daughter. he said he went into combat mode. when the shooter opened fire at, he race across the floor, pullman to the ground, the untapped of in, it's not hidden his gun met with his own
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pistol. carter springs mayor says that together, james and vero, quote, saved a lot of lives. we are today, what has prosecuted their peers on -- called fierro and his wife just to thank him for his bravery and to offer condolences. her daughter's boyfriend was killed on saturday night. joining us now is richard fierro, the armory veteran who served two tours in iraq and one in afghanistan and help stop the gunman on saturday at club q. richard, first of all, thank you so much for being here tonight, thank you for your bravery in that moment. let me start by asking you how your family is doing. how are you doing,? i know it's been a difficult time, as you mentioned. i know you lost a lot on the night, how are you coping? >> i do want to take this time, and i don't know if i have to think everyone. we are really overwhelmed by
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everybody's generosity and the kind words that people are putting out. i got it, people have differences opinions and things like that, i just hope that it continues to stay positive. there are five families that deserve a positive five, and i think that is where i am humbled by where people are doing right now. >> as the mayor said, you saved many lives, and i think that should not be lost on anyone, even in this chatterjee, that we continue to reform in this country. who helped to fight the gunmen that night, and how did you manage or prima bay from the authorities? tell me what happened exactly. >> i want through this so many times. i don't want to put families do that over and over again. i think the bigger piece there is that i was not at home. no one in there was a lone.
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everyone was doing rogue actions. the gentleman thomas there helped with the initial getting that person down and keeping him there. another individual came by and assisted -- i don't know what his injuries were, i still don't. i just know that i could feel that somebody was hurting him, and he was slowing down and kicking. we are both pushing each other to keep this guy down. i think you have to talk yourself into doing things sometimes. >> as i mentioned, the white house says that the president gave you and your wife a call today. can you tell us more about a conversation with the president or at least share with us how you felt receiving that call? >> for me, i am an old soldier.
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i am not a retiree. i just served as best i could for as long as i could. my family has served since my grandfather, my uncles, my cousin, my brother, my dad, was a drafty in vietnam. my grandfather was in world war ii, we served this nation. for a president to call a fierro a hero was honorable for us. i don't care what president it is or any of us to receive a call from a president, it's just an honor. >> how do you feel knowing that the gunmen will appear in court tomorrow and is expected to be formally charged after the appearance? what are your thoughts on what should play out for this government? >> i sometimes i probably shouldn't. i'm kind of going to pull back from all that stuff. bottom line is, the justice department will do what it's
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got to do. i am going to be an active participant to make sure that raymond receives justice and the other foreign officials receive justice. all 25 injured victims, including my daughter receive justice. that's all i care about. i'm trying not to be eventual person, i am very angry but the justice system needs to do -- i've confidence in that. >> we know that many people and the crowd of club q that night were celebrating transgender day of remembrance, honoring the lives of people killed due to trans violence. in the past year, we have seen a spike in violence and protests and even legislation targeting the anti lgbtq plus community. how do we as a country and as local communities like the one that you live in stop this amplification of bias and a full rhetoric which so often leads to violence. do you have hope that there is a way that we can, and if so,
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what is it? >> i am a political guy, i said this already. i was in the military as an officer. you're not supposed to talk about your political views or opinions, it's about the mission. for me, the issue of this country is that we need to start caring more about each other. i've got friends that i don't agree with, and we fight, but we shook hands and drink a beer. those folks that we fight, and it is the way it is. i don't live with hate and vengeance and i hope people will do the same. the rhetoric, i don't care about it. i don't waste my time on it. we only have a small time on the earth, and if you will waste it worrying about things that you have no control over or things that don't affect you personally, i feel for you, because there's not enough time to do that. >> we may not have known about
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club q, unfortunately, for this tragic headline. what is it that you want people to know about what you and your family were experiencing in that moment and what you know about that community other than this tragic headline? >> i am like every other american. everybody has a person in their life that has a different way of life, a lifestyle, a different culture. i have always been that way, i wasn't directed with folks that are outside of my group. my daughter has probably taught me more than anyone else and my son, on how to do that. these kids in the next generation, i have all the hope that they will do the right things and move forward, whatever that looks like, it's up to them. i don't in any way think club q is a bad place. i want them to have a good time. i treat it like any other place i will go to have a good time.
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colorado springs is a good community. the people need to understand that there are always things that can be improved but i've lived here, i finished my career here. i fell in love with this place, and it means something to all of us. for my children to finish school here, this is home, a second home. >> richard, you represent the best of our country, thank you so much for everything that you have done and everything you said tonight with so much moral clarity, i greatly appreciate your time and again, our best to your family and her daughter, who must be going through a difficult time. thank you so much, richard fierro, the army veteran who served three tours in iraq and afghanistan and one of the heroes who helped save a lot of lives up to, thank you sir. >> still to come tonight, i will talk to one of the survivors who was inside at club q, who is also injured. he joins us from the hospital, where he is recovering. later, we'll go to arizona, where election broadcasts perseveres -- push one election official into
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community continues to mourn the five lives lost at club q on saturday night. while many survivors continues recovering in nearby hospitals.
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one of those survivors named anthony was accompanied by his spouse, jeremy, as he spoke to the press from a wheelchair about what happened that night. he was injured in two of his friends were killed. what he has been going to ever since. >> first time something happened like this to me, we but i just want to say that we are all strong. the community is strong, and we all get through this. i lost two of my dear friends in the shooting, and being in here, i could not go up to any individuals. they took everything away, as if they were trying to take my life as well. >> anthony, who has decided to keep his form in private is one of several survivors remain in
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the hospital receive a treatment after saturday's attack. earlier today, i spoke with another survivor, 63-year-old at sanders, who was still in the hospital after being shot in the torso multiple times on saturday, he was just there for a night out with different. >> and, thank you so much for being with us tonight, i know you must be going through so much. we greatly appreciate your time -- >> my pleasure. first tell me how you are feeling physically, mentally, as you focus on your recovery? >> mentally, i put it off until i get out of the hospital. i think i can grieve privately, but i knew four of the victims, and kelly was the one that was standing next to me who did not make it and derek and daniel were standing to the right of me and did not make it.
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so, i am very grateful. >> we are very grateful as well. again, i'm really sorry that everything you had to experience and what you are going through. my heart goes out to you and everyone else. what do you remember about that night? what do you remember seeing and hearing when the shooting started? how did you and the people around you tried to care for each other once the shooting stopped? >> well, i first got here and the back. i turned around and looked at him. the first volley was over after the first hit, and then the second volley got my leg, and i collapsed on to kelly and why
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it. why it is one of the performers there. she does comedy routines. we were just quite a first, people were calling -- helping each other and somebody check on me, and i said i was okay but the lady next to me was in bad shape, kelly, and we tried to encourage her to breathe, and she faded away pretty fast. >> i can tell how emotional this is -- >> this chaotic, the police officer applied my tourniquet, and then four of them carried me out.
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they triaged us in the parking lot, and the ambulances were waiting, and they took me quickly, because of my leg was bleeding out, and it's a blair from there, the ambulance right and the e.d. people were so wonderful. i can't praise them enough. >> ed, i can tell how emotional this is by hearing it in your voice. you obviously knew people that were there and you called club q and everyone who goes their your family. you knew some of the people pretty well -- >> they are family. >> tell me more about what club q meant to you and everyone has been time there? >> i have been going there since they opened 20 years ago,
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and 2010, when i moved closer to club q, i became a regular. i go a couple times a week to support the drag shows and then we have bingo on wednesday easter i support. i call bingo sometimes, and it just meant the world to me. it's like home, home away from home. i am close to my family in missouri, but club q filled the void of not having family in town, and it's not us. they're wonderful people, i just can't say enough about the community here. is very close knit, and
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everybody knows everybody, and we treat each other like brothers and sisters. >> and, what would you like to say about all the people that were at club q, and what do you want to say to everyone around the country who is watching this about club q? >> well, club q is an example of they love their customers, they love their family, it's just about love, and i want to say to other people that have lgbtq france that they need a little love are now, they need a kind post on their facebook or whatever. reach out to your friends and your family that are lgbtq
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right now, i think it's more than appreciate it. >> had sanders, thank you very much for your time tonight, we are praying and wishing you a speedy recovery, and to everyone else, thank you so much. >> thank you. >> up next, the midterm elections are quite over, and in arizona, election fraud conspiracies have sent one election official into hiding, as republicans continue to delay the certification of key races that have been called. we will talk with the democrat who is leading the race for attorney general by just over 500 votes. stay with us. stay with us technically when enamel is gone, you cannot get it back. but there are ways you can repair it. i'm excited about pronamel repair because it penetrates deep into the tooth to help actively repair acid-weakened enamel. i recommend pronamel repair to my patients.
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for twice as long as pepcid. get all-day and all-night heartburn acid prevention with just one pill a day. choose acid prevention. choose nexium. >> many election denying candidates on the country have already admitted defeat. arizona is a different story, two weeks after election day, you have republican kari lake still hanging on, blaming her loss on voter disenfranchisement without providing any evidence. her campaign sent this fund raising email to supporters today asking them to chip in, so she can, quote, make sure that republicans know that their ballot may not have been counted. kari lake is not the only one using these kinds of claims to their advantage. in cochise county, the republican board of supervisors voted to delay certification of
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election results after conspiracy theorists persuaded them that they're voting machines were not certified. unsurprisingly, these men were also part of an effort to get the arizona election in 2020 dirt out. coaches county supervisors will certify those results on the same deadline next monday. in mojave county, republicans weren't supervisors ask no complaints for their own election director but they have decided to delay certification anyway as a protest against election voting issues in maricopa county. maricopa county was the epicenter for election denialism back in 2020 and the glitches that affected dozens of voter tabulation machines during this election have renewed false claims of corruption. the efforts of the county top election officials to push back on those claims have made him a target. he was moved to an undisclosed location for a night with a signed security detail after someone made a specific threat against him on social media.
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despite technical issues and threats maricopa county finished its ballot count and updated the tally of arizona's outstanding race stay attorney general. those results should democrat chris mays what a narrow lead of just 510 votes over republican abraham hamadeh, activating an automatic recount next month. the republicans in this race appear to be playing from a well known handbook. ape hamadeh is a trump endorsed candidate who promised on the campaign trail that he would prosecute and jail election officials over their handling of the 2020 election. he even tweeted this image of handcuffs alluding to arrest and saying that a, quote, day of reckoning was coming when he took office. does that sound familiar to you? joining us now is democratic candidate for arizona, attorney general, christmas. miss mays, thank you so much for being here and making time for us tonight. lots of concerning developments
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i would say taking place in arizona right now. how are you feeling going into this recap? >> thanks for having me, ayman, it's great to be with you. we are really confident going into the recount. as you know, we are up by 510 votes. we feel good about it, we feel as though the people of arizona has spoken loud and clear against these election deniers, against these dangerous candidates up and down the bell in arizona, as you just talked about, people who quite frankly don't believe in democracy, and i think the people of arizona came through for the country, and american democracy ran through the state of arizona, so we feel good about it. obviously, we have every count coming up. we will go through that process, but for the most part, recount stone and up overturning elections, generally speaking, so we feel good about it but boy, it was so important that
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we win this election. >> you're beginning to see, as i was saying there, that this election denialism is beginning to percolate back again, and ear opponent has not been shy about his view on the outcome of the 2020 election, which raises questions about what will happen now? do you believe that he will accept the results of this recap? >> you know, i don't know, ayman, and you are right, it really boggles the mind some of the things that he has set on the campaign trail. he has numerous times said that the 2020 election was rigged. he has already questioned this election. i don't know what he will do. i hope it does the right thing but at the end of the day this is a legal process, a process that is well established in arizona. arizona has fantastic elections, very well run elections.
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our election officials are terrific. as you pointed out during your lead in, we have election officials who are literally having to go into hiding, that because of the death threats that they are experiencing. when i am attorney general of arizona, we will put an end to the. i will prosecute anyone who engages in death threats against election officials. law and order includes protecting our election officials, are volunteers, regular citizens to participate in the democratic process. that kind of behavior has the stop. >> can i ask you, miss may's, finally, as you mention, if you become, the result holds and he becomes the attorney general, arizona has become ground zero for election denialism, how will you take on these challenges if you become attorney general? >> you know, ayman, we start by saying that i will be the attorney general for all of the
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people of arizona, whether you're a republican, democrat or independent. i will be a lawyer for the people, for all of the people of arizona. we really had to come together. we have to go out and do a lot of education, go out and come together as a community around our election system and make sure that people know that arizona counties and county recorders and election officials run fantastic elections, so it will be a long process to get over the situation that we have been put in by donald trump and by his acolytes and his followers, but we will get there. we will get there in arizona and across the country. >> democratic candidate for arizona, attorney general, christmas, thank you so much for your time tonight. up next, dr. anthony fauci is about to retire, but he is one last matches for all of us before he goes. that is next, stay with us.
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judge the value or not of my accomplishments but i would like people to remember about what i have done is that every day for all of those years, i have given it everything that i have, and i never left anything on the field. >> today, after nearly 40 years as the nation's top infectious disease expert, doctor anthony fauci gave what was probably his last briefing from the white house podium before he steps down in early december from his position as chief medical adviser or officer to president biden and director of the national institute of allergy and infectious diseases. dr. fauci's career has been marked by exceptional accomplishments. he has been a key figure in the fight against hiv/aids and most recently against the covid-19 pandemic. here reflected on that letter today, telling reporters that combatting misinformation and disinformation as one of the hardest parts of the pandemic response. dr. fauci talked about his own
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personal battle during the trump administration to correct those without medical expertise providing dubious advice to the american people. he also urged scientists to speak out more emit one final pitch for people to get vaccinated amid rising cases of covid, flu and rsv. >> so my message, maybe the final message from this podium, is that please, for your own safety and your family, get your updated covid-19 shots as soon as you are eligible to protect yourself, your family and your community. >> some important words to live by. that does it for us tonight. we'll see you tomorrow at this time for the last word with lawrence o'donnell. good evening, lawrence. >> good evening, doctor fauci is truly one of the greatest public servants in the history of the country. without doubt, that exception, despite -- >> whatever may happen in the future with the house taking control, republicans taking
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