tv Politics Nation MSNBC November 27, 2022 2:00pm-3:00pm PST
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politicsnation. tonight's lead, uncovered territory. ♪ ♪ ♪ right now, i can believe america has to actually ask this question. will a former vice president having been one of the targets of a violent insurrection comply with federal prosecutors request for testimony? connected to a criminal investigation of a former presidents role in that insurrection. it is unprecedented. but here we are. as mike pence is reportedly considering the justice department's request for his
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testimony around january 6th, first reported in the new york times last week. after repeatedly rebuking the congressional probe and investigating former president donald trump's efforts to overturn the 2020 presidential election. will pence go through with it? or, how will trump, his former boss, respond if he does? also unprecedented, near congressman hakeem jeffries seems poised to become the first black leader of the house democratic caucus. house democrats vote for new leadership this week, and republican minority leader kevin mccarthy pledges retribution for some of donald trump's most -- critics in the house. when the incoming republican majority takes over next year. i will talk to one of the highest ranking house democrats in just a moment about what all of this means for the party and
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for the country. and of course, the georgia senate runoff, less than ten days away. early voting now in its second day. democrat reverend senator raphael warnock and republican herschel walker both out campaigning this holiday weekend. warnock about to get in assist from former president barack obama, who campaigned with him earlier this week. so let's get started. joining me now, house majority whip, congressman jim clapper in. democrat of south carolina. mr. majority whip, thank you for joining us tonight. and as i laid out in the entry out there, i am sure i am not the only person who finds it surreal that a former vice president is merely considering testifying to the justice department, in connection with his criminal investigation of pence's former boss and former
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president, donald trump. and his efforts to overturn the 2020 presidential election. now, former vice president pence has resisted testifying before the congressional january 6th probe because he views it as partisan. but he has no such excuse when it comes to the doj, which both parties have always recognized as an independent institution. how do you respond to this, congressman clyburn? >> well first of all, thank you very much for having me. you know, i find it very interesting that all of us in the office swear to uphold the constitution of the united states. we don't swear to uphold the limbs of any one person but the constitution. and i do believe that when we take those offices, we ought to do everything we can, not just to uphold the constitution, but
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to preserve democracy for our children and crown children. i am a little bit surprised, about mister pence. i was there that day. i went out of the same door that he went out of, we were escaping that mom. and he was a target of that mob. for him to not do what he can to make sure, that sort of thing never happens again? it's beyond me. i do believe that he has a responsibility to the people of this country to uphold the constitution and to do what he can to reserve our democracy and to continue our track to a more perfect union. >> now, congressman, as you know, early voting in the georgia senate runoff opened up this weekend. and both parties sending out their big names with less than ten days to go.
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former president barack obama will return on thursday to campaign with democratic incumbent senator reverend raphael warnock. in his contest against republican herschel walker. what does former president obama bring to the warnock campaign at this time? and what does warnock's senate victory do for the house democrats next year? >> well, you know, i think we have to remember that 50/50 does not constitute control. most issues that get to the senate floor first come through committees. and if those committees are 50/50, a 50/50 tie means the question will not prevail. if we get this seat, and we will have a majority in the committees. and that is where the real work is done. so this is a very critical
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election. people need to go out and vote for warnock. and i will say here, my good friend -- i spoke earlier today, he reminded me that december 6th in 1865 -- georgia became the 27th state to ratify the 13th amendment. so this december 6th is a very very historic day. and i am calling all people of goodwill in georgia to make december 6th, 2022, another historic day. >> that is a great point. and butterfield would come up with that. but for you that don't know, the 13th amendment that congressman clyburn and butterfield are referring to is what made it unconstitutional to have slavery. we were not freed by the estimation patient
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proclamation. that was a presidential proclamation that lasted from lincoln. we were freed by the 13th amendment on june 6th, that is very important date. congressman, current house minority leader, kevin mccarthy is in the mix of a front campaign to become speaker. to that and he has pledged to remove three of your colleagues. ilhan omar, adam schiff, and eric swalwell from house committee assignments in january if he is successful. republicans will have a very narrow majority next congress. do you see him getting the majority votes that he needs for these removals, if he becomes speaker, that is? >> well, you said it, -- i am a preachers kid, today is sunday. vengeance is mine says the lord. i would say it to mr. mccarthy,
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don't put yourself in the place of needing vengeance. let's try to run this country. let's do the things that are necessary to make peoples lives better. so that they can prepare to pass on to their children and their grandchildren a country better than they found it. going out, doing these retributions. doing to a member something that he perceived as being unfair to one of your members. when everyone knows that there is just cause for those people being removed from that committee. you cannot do it just because you have got to have just cause. and that is what we had. so i would say to my friend, please, let's go about the business of trying to bring this country to gather. let's do the things that are necessary to move an agenda that will improve the lives of all americans and stop all of
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this tit-for-tat. >> congressman, let me ask you this quickly. because we are out of time. but your colleague, congressman hakeem jeffries who i have known and worked with for decades now since he was a young man, he is still a young man. he is poised to become houston reddick later after this week's leadership vote. in addition, a massive to shift congresswoman, katherine -- is slated to become democratic whip. texas congressman pete -- is slated to become caucus chair. now, you are returning to your old post as assistant leader. what can you tell us about house democrats direction under this new era of leadership? >> just a little correction there, the house chair of our caucus will be -- of california will become lawyers -- if the votes go right.
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and sharing our message group, it's gonna be -- out of colorado. so he is gonna be the floor people who will be leading our party. i am looking forward to serving with our new leader. i think he is a very highly qualified aide member of congress. he represents new york well. i think he will represent our democratic partners in a way that will make us all proud. so i am looking forward to serving under him and under our new wig and under our new chair and under our new chair of the message group. >> all right, thank you for being with us, congressman jim clyburn. joining me now is california state senator and congresswoman-elect sydney come linger, she is said to represent california's --
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district in the house. and thank you for joining me on this holiday weekend. congresswoman-elect, i want to start by congratulating you on your win. and you are succeeding a friend of mine, los angeles mayor elect karen bass. you are coming in her seat at a record breaking number of 124 women will serve in the 118th congress this january. this new congress will include a record number of black, latina, and hispanic women in the house. 27 black women, 18 latina and hispanic. what do you think is driving the rise in the number of women in congress? >> well, thank you for having me. it is great to be on. we need to all raise a glass to congresswoman karen bass for becoming the first female to be the mayor of los angeles. women made great strides thanks
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to this election cycle. i think because our bodies were on the ballot like never before. and yet there are still hundreds of thousands of u.s. government seats that still have -- only been held by men. it is also important to note that the black and brown women getting to congress in record numbers. and, i like many of my colleagues, represent a district that is not majority african american. so my credibility to my constituents does not come because of my privilege. it comes because i, like my female colleagues, worked to get into these positions. and we do that by listening, by translating. by easing fears, by stepping into the gaps. and by pushing, pushing, pushing for legislation that sees all of us. >> now, when you take office, republicans will hold the house with a slim majority. it is not clear what action the
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gop might take on abortion in the next section. but some republican lawmakers have voiced support for a 15-week national ban for putting forward over the summer by senator lindsey graham. and in the last session, the life that conception act introduced by the junior republican congressman alex mooney had 166 cosponsors. that is more than the amount women currently, amount of women currently in the house of representatives. now, you sat on the board of directors of planned parenthood in los angeles. how do you plan to defend reproductive rights while in congress? >> well, first, i want to say that republicans are where they are today because they double down on silencing women. we just saw a national mandate happen in these midterm elections that say that when you legislate without thought to the real impact on a woman's
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body, you are going to fail. we are not talking in the abstract, our. we are talking about legislation that will impact our mothers, our sisters, our daughters, our aunties. criminalizing women and our bodies. and those that are providing care to us. and those that are helping us make the decisions that we need to make. so my hope is that folks get their heads out of the sand and look at the exit polls from this election and realize that we are going to continue to step up and vote when it comes to the ability for us to have autonomy over our own bodies. [inaudible] this is not in parallel with my values, is another thing to say that this is not -- cannot to do with your own body when it comes to health care. >> now, you have said you would like to carry on congresswoman karen bass's efforts to pass
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the george floyd justice and policing act. well, what do you think are the prospects for police reform in this divided congress? >> i am hopeful. i mean, there are police walking around in communities and neighborhoods across this country. whether they are blue communities or red communities. i worked on a number of bills when i was the state senator in the state assembly. on equal deal prospects, on probation reform. on the crisis act that will fund community based organizations to respond to certain i'm one calls so that law enforcement doesn't have to. qualified immunity, having a database where you can take out actors. those are all important. at the end of the day, we should be working with law enforcement to build consensus about how we can improve this system. because recidivism is a failure. and we should all be focused on how to address the
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discriminatory and over punitive nature of the system that is not making people hole and is not successfully rehabilitating people so that they can reenter community. and that should be something that everyone is focused on. >> now, as a california state senator, you advocated for the green new deal, and immediate climate action. and you have been a strong champion for environmental justice. what are your plans to act on climate policy and the environmental justice when serving in congress? >> well, i am gonna continue to lead and i'm gonna take my california playbook with me to washington, d.c.. we have a responsibility to lead in the international arena. by leading here ad home. the reality is that so many countries where black and brown people lived our disproportionately because of the actions that we are taking here in this country. we have also seen that gas
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prices really do affect what all of us put on our tables. so how do we lead? we have to talk about lowering our dependence on foreign oil. how we diversify our energy portfolio. how we are working with our brothers and sisters in labor to define what just transition really looks like. how we are building green. and how we are thinking, here in my district, i founded a number of urban farming programs. i want to continue to do that how we talk about green canopies. rather than concrete canopies. how we support initiatives that allow us to act locally in the climate space. because we will see dividends when we are talking about health care, transportation, emissions, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. there are so many things that we can do here. not just in our districts, but in our states, and across this country. they will make a difference. not only for us, but for our partners across the world.
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>> thank you, sydney color, and congratulations again. we look forward to continuing to talk with you as you are now a congress person. coming up, i will tell you how the rise up and make a difference this holiday season. and later, donald trump's third presidential campaign is already off the rails. republicans are looking to distance themselves from the former president after reports that trump broke bread with a white supremacist in mar-a-lago. my political panel will weigh in. but first, my colleague richard louis with today's other top news stories. richard? >> well, good evening to you. some of the stories are far right now. there were mass protests in major chinese cities overnight. they were rallying against strict zero covid lockdown policy. beijing, zhang do, and wuhan each with tens of millions of residents had a typical marches in the streets. protesters saying they are confined to their homes to stop
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the virus. in some cases, confined for months at a time. and new york councilman is urging the lgbtq community to be, quote, extra vigilant on going out after the two separate, after, rather, two separate cities just steps in that community. -- warned that the suspect may be targeting, drugging, and robin game and in various neighborhoods in manhattan. wabc reporting that there are some 40 victims so far with seven dead. and shoppers spending topped nine billion dollars on line for black friday. that is after a record thanksgiving day of online shopping. 5.3 billion dollars. most buying, by the way, happened on phones. at over 53% of transactions. more politics nation with reverend al sharpton right after this break. this break this... is the planning effect. this is how it feels to know you have a wealth plan that covers everything that's important to you.
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families, nearly 34 million americans, including more than 9 million children went hungry according to feeding america. in new york city, specifically, a total of nearly one and a half million people live below the poverty line. that is why on thursday i was at national action network's house of justice in harlem. alongside elected officials like new york city mayor eric adam clergy, and staffers, volunteers and advocates and community members. to hand out holiday meals to those in need. this is what true community looks like to those of us raised with the mindset and tradition that services power. and that spirit of generosity is more important than ever, because the times are tougher than ever for those struggling to meet and meet. inflation is over 7%, and joblessness rose to nearly 4%
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-- announced in september, its plans to end hunger in 2030. it's an ambitious goal that will take more than just government actions. the initiative includes private sector partnerships with companies such as public grocery store chain which has pledged over $23 million to fight hunger. charitable groups will play such a role in an important role as well as they always have. and that is where you can start to make a difference today. consider donating to your local food bank, or an organization that does outreach to homeless asylum seekers, or other vulnerable groups. this is the time of year for counting our blessings. and if you find your cup is full, consider rising up to pay
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run a marathon. instead, start small. with nicorette. which can lead to something big. ♪ ♪ ♪ start stopping with nicorette. welcome back, houston across will beginnings later leaders this week. the top of which is likely to be the groundbreaking ascension of new york congressman hakeem jeffries to house democratic leader. making him the first black person to lead the democratic caucus, as it navigates what will be a slight minority in the next congress. on the other side, the top republican in the house, kevin mccarthy, is navigating his own challenges to become speaker. trying to please both moderates in his caucus, and the far-right members that he now
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needs to get what he ultimately wants. joining me to discuss all of this is congressman greg meeks, democrat of new york. chair of the house foreign affairs committee. congressman wreaks, thank you for joining us tonight. let us get right into it. you colleague congressman hakeem jeffries is poised to succeed nancy pelosi asked house democratic leader after this week's leadership vote. jeffries has become the first black american to lead a congressional caucus, and as a fellow member of the new york state delegation, having worked with hakeem jeffries in the house for years. knowing him, i, mean you and i always talk about you and i and former government -- when we were the young guys in politics and civil rights, john louis and jesse jackson. we watched him come by. and had the same gap in age, about ten or 15 years.
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what can we expect from the next congress to be under his leadership of the caucus? >> well, i thank you for having me. i think that hakeem jeffries is the perfect person to come after and see pelosi. and at the perfect age. the way that he can communicate messages to the american people. the way that he has the ability to organize. i have watched. you know, now being one of the scene members of congress, sometimes you get to sit back and observe. i watched him on the house floor, for example, talking to members, members coming to him. him resolving issues that they may have and getting people to work together. i watched him when he was dealing with criminal justice reform and appropriate sentencing for individuals who are incarcerated. to make sure that they were not, those that were forcibly incarcerated, others, i've watched him work together. even with republicans to get things done. i think that you will also see that he is perfectly fit because he is the individual
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that can, you know, some will call him, you know, you can relate to the hip-hop generation, which is right below him. as well as an older generation. my generation, your generation. older, he again can bring the democratic caucus together. at the same time, has the ability to work with others if they truly want to work any bipartisan way. and the ability to deliver a message. he is one of the most articulate individuals in congress. but he is also an individual that is a thinker. and thinks and plans ahead. which i think is tremendously important as a leader. >> yeah, you and i are about the same year, about a year apart. but i do know hip-hop, mister congressman. but we will talk about that another night. >> i know it too! ! >> -- the kids keep us up today. >> that's exactly right. >> but i want to talk foreign aid. aid to ukraine, specifically.
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kevin mccarthy needs a support of the overwhelming majority of his caucus to become speaker. that includes republican who have been supportive by varying degrees of the american aid to ukraine, as a defense against russia's invasion. and it also includes some far-right members who have called for that aid to be cut once the incoming gop takes over the house. you have been to ukraine, and you have met with zelenskyy, along with speaker pelosi. the white house has recently asked for 37 billion dollars in aid to ukraine and its defense against russian's armed invasion. many republicans of yet to publicly take a position on the request out of this in shift in the house. now, as house foreign relations chair, which side do you think mccarthy alternately will stand on? the moderates? all of the small but noisy
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minority -- far-right minority that opposes aid. but mccarthy still needs to become speaker, he has to deal with him. how is gonna play out? >> it's gonna play out very interestingly, rev. now, look, you know, the current ranking member of the foreign affairs committee who is presumably the chair come january 3rd, he has to, you know, decide what he is gonna do. -- a strong partner about funding for ukraine. but then recently, i have also heard him talk about what the freedom party had been talking about as far as oversights and hearings in regards to that money. so whether mccarthy will put some pressure on him, because mccarthy has to make some deals. he doesn't have the vote yet himself to get 2 to 18. so he will have to cut some deals with some of the so-called freedom party. it's gonna be interesting what a moderate like mike mccarthy as to what pressure he is gonna
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feel. what is he gonna do? as you can follow what i think, what i know he believes. or is he gonna yield to mccarthy and the freedom party to go the direction that they go and? because clearly we saw the last vote, there is almost 50 members of the republican party that did not vote for the funding for ukraine. so the influence that they are gonna have on mccarthy, as well as macaw? it's gonna be something we will have to see. because it is unknown at this point, just as it is unknown at this point whether and how mccarthy's gonna get the 218 votes to become speaker. >> congressman, while there is still time left here, we still have the pending runoff in the georgia senate race between rafael warnock and herschel walker. early voting is currently underway. i had at the gym december 6th runoff -- democrats and republicans were returning to georgia to campaign for the contenders. that, of course, includes
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president -- president obama will be in atlanta for senator warnock on thursday. but also on the ground for warnock, grassroots organizers trying to drive black voters to the polls for the second time in two months. hoping that the drawn out senate race won't tamp down those voters enthusiasm levels. has senate democrats me -- watching this race from new york and from the u.s. house, what are the stakes in your view? >> it is huge. in fact, as chair is the congressional black caucus political action committee, we have sent and will send even more money down there and two members of congress who will be traveling to georgia, to also be part of that vote turnout effort. because what is on the line is huge. number one, that there was one of two votes that we always had a problem with getting th in the
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last congress. warnock there means that we don't have that one vote cushion, just that one vote goshen. you have more than that to get it done. so the policies are the thing that we want to get done. there is more likely or to get that. on top of that. the senate seat is for six years. you know, two years from now we have another election coming up. to have reverend warnock there for the next six years, that is a secret that you don't have to worry about. we haven't lost. that's a plus one already going into the next election. so that is important. but overall, the agenda that the american people want to get done, protecting social security, which is huge. you know, we see where herschel walker has been in that regard. so i hope that is a record turnout on december 6th. in fact, people start early voting and start in georgia already.
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because that is a hugely important election. >> all right, congressman, great words, thank you for being with us tonight. coming up, the holiday weekend hasn't deterred voters in georgia from getting to the polls and yet another special election for senate. we have all of the latest info on the rematch between reverend senator raphael warnock and herschel walker. that is next. that is next (woman) oh. oh! hi there. you're jonathan, right? the 995 plan! yes, from colonial penn. your 995 plan fits my budget just right.
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let's bring in my political panel for their insights on a few big topics. joining me now is daniel moody, host of the woke a f daily podcast. and rick tyler, republican strategist. dan, president biden is spending the weekend in nantucket where he is expecting to discuss with his family whether or not he will run for reelection. how do you think democrats stronger than expected showing in the midterms have affected the president's thinking as he mulls this decision over the holidays? >> well, rev., one, happy thanksgiving to you. >> thank you. . >> and the reality is that we have underestimated president biden. president biden has shown up in every single matchup that we thought that he was gonna fail at. particularly in the midterm elections. he showed up for generation z and generation z showed up for
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him. so do i think that he has any concerns about whether or not people will back him? as the next presidential candidate? no? i don't. because i think in every which way, he has been able to show up with student loan debt relief. with covid relief. with any which way in which the american people have needed him, he has shown up. and so i am good with this president being our democratic nominee. >> let's turn it down to trump, who is 12 days into his their bid for the white house. he is now facing backlash from having dinner tuesday at mar-a-lago with a white supremacist, nick fuentes. and, i mean, kanye west of was of course there and arranged they say. but fuentes is the one that is getting a lot of pushback on. trump claims that he didn't know when to his. republican congressman james cuomo of kentucky addressed this incident on meet the press
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earlier today. take a. listen >> he certainly needs better judgment in who he dines with. i know that he has issued a statement saying he didn't know who those people were. i would not take a meeting with a person, no. i wouldn't take a meeting with kanye west, either. but that is my opinion. >> let me just say, i said this earlier today. i have had meetings with former president clinton. former president obama. even bush on several occasions. and you always, you must remember, they still have a secret service detail. it is smaller than when they were in office, but there is a detail. you always have to submit who is coming. particularly if it is a down dinner or something like that for security reasons. how would trump not know who kanye was bringing. and how would this person not to be screened? and if you run on that loose off the, what do you have, it off the book kind of
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situations. why are you running for president again? and what do you make of republicans publicly criticizing trump over his actions and not coming to his defense. are the tides finally turning? in terms of republicans coming out? or at least holding back from defending him on such egregious actions? >> well, first of all, rat, for the reasons you point out, donald trump absolutely knew who nick fuentes was. and the fact is, it is a disgrace. he disgraced himself by having dinner with a known antisemite, white supremacist. but really nothing has really changed. donald trump was unfit for office before he had that dinner, and he is just proven that he is unfit again. to hold that office again. so there is not much more to say about that. it is disgraceful. >> danielle, switching gears now, tomorrow,, early voting
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will resume in georgia's senate runoff between democratic incumbent senator raphael warnock and his republican challenger herschel walker. according to the secretary of state's office, at least 70,000 people voted yesterday, putting the first day of early voting, that is nearly as many georgians who voted at the beginning of the general election. president obama is expecting to return to the peach state to campaign for warnock. and last week, walker got a boost from georgia's top republican, governor brian kemp. what are you hearing about the mood of the georgia electorate going into the race? >> i think that the people of georgia are ready for this runoff election. i think that the decision is very clear, rev. i mean you have a reverend warnock who is out there for the people of georgia. who has been there and been talking about the needs of the people of georgia. and then you have herschel
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walker who is a puppet for the republicans. he is the puppet for the republican right. we don't know what he stands for. we don't know what he is about. but we know that he is a great talking head for those white republican leaders in the senate. and so i think that the decision for georgia is very clear. and i am so grateful for the fact that the judiciary in georgia stood up for the democrats, stood up for justice and said, yes, the people of georgia should be able to vote on a saturday after the thanksgiving holiday, as opposed to what it is that the republicans were trying to stand on and say that they shouldn't be able to. so i think the people of georgia will once again show up like laden 2020 and tell the republican party exactly what it is that they need. they need a leader, not a walker. >> rick, earlier today colorado
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governor jerry policies laid the case for stronger national gun policy following the deadly lgbtq club shooting that happened last week. here is what he told choctaw'd earlier. >> this looks like this would have been a good instance for the use of colorado's new red flag law, which has been used several hundred times but could have been used even more to prevent these kind of tragic events. i think all of these things, including the red flag law, expand its use, it really should be looked at. but again, it is not just about gun policy. yes, that should be on the table to discuss any thoughtful and rational way. but we also need to talk about mental health, which took about the divisive rhetoric that even some people who aspire to positions of leadership in our country, unfortunately, use almost every day. >> now, president biden has also expressed interest in pursuing some type of gun control legislation in the lame duck session. do you think it will happen? rick? >> no, because he is proposing
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things that we know don't work. there are things that will work. red flag laws, i would be curious as to why the red flag law was not used in colorado. red flag laws should be looked at very carefully. background checks should be used, they should be -- [interpreter] no sale of a firearm -- doesn't go through a background check. important to keep weapons out of -- i'm a concealed carry hold, or i don't want people who have no business and no training and no stability or have a record of violence, domestic violence, of being able to get their hands on a gun. so i don't think it will pass, because there is just not enough people who are gonna support it. and he is aiming for things that really won't work when you could be aiming for things that actually will save lives. >> all right, danielle and rick, thank you both for being with us. up next, my final thoughts, stay with us.
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teenage years, all the way up to now. what is important to me about it, i had nothing to do with the editing of it, it was done by john legend's film company -- director josh alexander. no input from me. but they used raw footage, interviewed me. but they used footage going back to the 80s. the 90s. donald trump's new york, where people were chasing us and calling us the n-word. and when i would lead protest marches, they would come out openly and throw watermelons at us. you will see in this documentary, northern racism. you will understand that donald trump's playing to that crowd. that's what he grew up around. queens is where he was born and raised. watch loudmouth, i had to be loud for how issues will be heard in the new york. along with many others. go see loudmouth and learn about manicured racialism in the north. we will be right back.
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