tv Dateline MSNBC November 27, 2022 11:00pm-1:00am PST
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sadness. >> it was just-12 minutes that changed so many lives, in so many tragic ways. byron smith will live out his retirement, in prison, having received an automatic-life sentence. and nick brady and haile kifer, two young cousins, who made a terrible decision to enter that home, paid for it with their lives. and their loved ones are left to mourn a future that will never be. you had a little, baby girl, not too long ago. and nick and haile weren't here to see that. >> i think that's probably one of the hardest parts about all of it. i would have loved to see my brother hold her. >> he would have been uncle nick. >> uncle nickel baby. that's all for this edition of "dateline. " i'm craig melvin. thank you for watching. we lived in a fairytale where
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everything was perfect. >> first day of school! >> then, all of a sudden, there is that demon. that blacks period, that darkness. >> he just points the gun at my forehead. the first thing i started thinking of was my children. >> at first i was saying what this kid at me? my dad was stolen by bad guys. >> i lost everything that i knew just like that, gone. >> it was such a mystery, who was behind this. it was just tearing me apart. >> i was suffering so much. >> we -- >> if it takes everything we have, everything i can humanly do. >> i saw things that no 12-year-old should see. >> i mean just the cruelty of incredible fear and agony. >> i, mean one was this going to. and all the hell that we went through on all the pain has made us unbreakable.
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the green and white taxi parallel down the highway, something was wrong. why had the man paid ten times the fair for a simple package delivery? we can didn't pry open the alarm full of. was that someone's finger? and why was that mantle telling him? cold fear rising. he pulled into a gas station. he begged the police, come quick. but, the cabbie had no idea. any more than this family done that their terrifying story, more than a decade in the making was about to come to an astonishing climax. which ♪ ♪ ♪ >> i was 12 years old, 12 years old when it happened. and then, all of a sudden you need the dark in life. in a really ugly way. >> it's hard to imagine what it would be like if none of that
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happened. >> we -- >> i never going to detail, it's always like well something happened now i'm here with. >> and here is where it happened. to the week valseca children, we -- in mexico. a little slice of paradise is what it seemed like to them. >> like, my mom used to call it a little bubble. >> honestly, i was living my dreams and then some. >> this is their mother, jane. j a y e by attila detail that would matter. >> my whole, life i worked as an actress and i did love television commercials. a big role in so movies and offers. >> and then, in 1982, it happened -- pure chance! well it's kind of like one of these fairytale stories. >> she was 25, she was in a payphone near washington d.c. when she just happened to lock eyes with an art dealer named
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eduardo valseca which she would find out was a divorced dad of two and the offspring, himself, of a famous mexican -- we are checking. >> carlos who founded over 40 newspapers in mexico was one of the biggest newspaper people publishers in the country. >> it would be the equivalent in united states of who? >> -- >> that's one -- run's newspaper empire from a luxury pullman train car. the one in which, years later, and wonder on. >> though, when he invited this beautiful woman he had just met to mexico for a train ride, she had no idea that the train was his. >> we were walking towards it and then this man comes out with a white jacket, white gloves, black people tie with a silver tray. i mean i was just completely speechless. >> she soon discovered the
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train car was about all eduardo had, a family fortune. the rest, along with the newspaper empire headlong, since withered away but we jaye felt for the man not money. and what eduardo locked in -- and a huge enveloping personality. jaye was in love and soon married and swept off to mexico. >> one thing that eduardo's heritage did afford was a chance for them to live anywhere they wanted in mexico and this is where they chose. with -- a colonial town, a place so lovely as attracted people from all over the world to come here and the. we jaye and eduardo loved fixing up and selling old houses. so, they made that their business. and they made children. >> it had big a big dream of mine to live in the country and to have a big organic garden and fruit trees and horses and lots of animals for the kids to
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play with. >> it was luck when this place came up, a rundown ranch in foreclosure, perfect. >> it was a great deal, at the time it was a pile of rocks, literary. there was no roads going out here, it was a dirt road, almost impossible if you didn't have a deep. and we started building little by little. every little bit of money that we made, everything we could managed to save we started putting it into the ranch. >> they build a real wrench house among the musky trees. and to find it there were big gates and outbuildings. a garden for her, a riding ring of fine spanish horses for him. and, no surprise, part of their building plan involved that safety old railroad car. >> one of the marvelous parts about ending up with this piece of property was it just happened that the railroad track went right through it. >> jane was behind a movie camera as the car was totaled on its new rant. >> we and for three growing
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children, a magic place, have the insecure. fernando, emiliano, and baby naya. >> 100%, yeah! it was paradise. >> that baby was 18 when we sat down with her. >> i remember we use topic each full of rabbits like tons of bunny rabbits. and that was my favorite thing. >> emiliano remembers a life lived outdoors. i didn't really have an xbox or playstation or, you know, electronics. i had dogs i had a donkey that would take me to school every morning. >> how is that possible? >> we jayne wanted the kids to get an education beyond what public schools offered so she ended model founded a waldorf schools. bill to write on the ranch, recruited other families to join in. we jayne the ranch's eldest fernando loved. and >> we knew everybody that
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went to that school. everybody on the faculty. >> every morning, the house won the commute of their old quiet country linked to school and became a family ritual. >> and the morning routine was singing all the way to school, which is really the only routine that we had. >> so now, it was the perfect morning, june 2007. and they bumped and saying, noisy unhappy down the dusty road. and, of course, they did not understand, how could they that this was the last moment of pure innocence any of them would never know. >> coming -- up >> a violent awakening -- >> immediately, were hit from behind. >> he just points the gun at my forehead. the first thing i said time was please don't kill me i have three children. a terrifying road was ahead. and the journey that would test them all. >> i lost everything that i knew about life just like that. gone. >> you have to know that i would do everything humanly
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possible. if it takes everything we have, everything i can humanly do. >> when dateline continues. when dateline continues it's lying dormant, waiting... and could reactivate. shingles strikes as a painful, blistering rash that can last for weeks. and it could wake at any time. think you're not at risk for shingles? it's time to wake up. because shingles could wake up in you. if you're over 50, talk to your doctor or pharmacist about shingles prevention. with new chapter multi-vitamin gummies, you get so much more than just... mmm. ... more nutrients. more research and more organic ingredients. you also get less sugar and that means less candy posing as vitamins.
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just look around. this digital age we're living in,r thing. it's pretty unbelievable. problem is, not everyone's fully living in it. nobody should have to take a class or fill out a medical form on public wifi with a screen the size of your hand. home internet shouldn't be a luxury. everyone should have it and now a lot more people can. so let's go. you know, life was so good for the digital age is waiting.
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so long for us, it was almost like living in a fantasy. it was almost like like on a daily basis, pinch me, it wasn't real. >> it was june, 2007. two weeks before summer vacation. >> eduardo and jayne valseca, arrived at the country school not far from the rentals outside of san miguel de allende in mexico. as we pulled into the parking lot, i noticed that there was a small compact car in the far corner of the parking lot. and there was a man at the wheel who had a fisherman's cap on and glasses. >> the perspective parents, perhaps, for next year's class. we jayne walk the children to their classrooms. she stopped at the school office. >> and ask the administrator if
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she news who -- if he needed help. and she looked over and looked across the parking lot and said, i don't know who he, is he must be waiting for someone. >> eduardo was behind the wheel of the deep, listening to the radio. the stranger's car was beyond it at the back of the lot. >> as i walked to the jeep, i looked across and made eye contact with him and actually smiled and he smelled back. >> if you are to put the deep in gear, pulled away, the strange car fell in behind him. >> a pick up truck comes out of nowhere. it catches up to us and the man driving turns and looks at us. and the look was really scary. >> you saw him? >> we both got just a really creepy feeling, just the way the man looked at us. >> now, that dangerous car in the pick up race to positions beside and in front of the jeep. >> eduardo said something is definitely not right, what is this guy doing? >> and then, in moments, it was obvious. jane and edward were being chased, herded like cattle into
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a shoot with no escape. >> in the distance, we see the compact car that has raced up in the interior road cut in front and -- >> here, she relived, it's the horrified moment does the car in front of them suddenly stopped and eduardo slammed on his brakes. >> we were immediately hit from behind. and, at that point, it was a split of a second. and there was a man coming out of the passenger side of the car, coming at eduardo. he's got a hammer in one hand, and the gun in the next. >> the masked man shattered the window, -- a hard blow into eduardo's head that sent blood rushing down his face. >> the first thing i started thinking about was my children. are my children going to lose their print right now? >> the second attacker run at jayne, he yanked open or door, pulled her out of the g, she screamed, kicked him, and grab the fence behind. in the bob wire slice through her finger. her tech, or forced her down. well >> i'm ling on the ground he just points the gun at my forehead and tells me, in spanish to get a. the first thing i said time was please don't kill me i have three children. >> then, they hustled jayne and
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eduardo into a waiting suv. unseen accomplices -- pillow cases over their head and tightly bound their hands and feet. >> eduardo was hysterical. i don't think he was completely hearing me. he probably had a concussion. >> and the suv sped away. jayne tried to comforted margot. one of the abductors threat in more pain. >> he kept saying shut up [bleep] or i'll give you another one. >> at that moment, eldest son, fernando was that -- on the bus right behind the suv. >> i shot at two cars, flying down the street roared and took a left that -- and it was weird to for me to see two suvs going that fast. >> you saw them being taken? >> no, i didn't see them being taken but you know they were there and i just didn't know. i had no idea. >> in the suv, under that gag and pillow, case we jayne struggled to breathe, she reached offered are the. >> i felt blood, all down his arm. then, she felt the blood pouring from her own slashed finger, she tried to memorize each bump in turn as the suv veered onto the highway towards
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we san miguel de allende, then, minutes later, pulled over and stopped. someone yanked eduardo from the suv. he screams. >> i hear the doors of that vehicle open. and after i hear them shut, i can no longer hear my husband's muffled screams. >> we jayne managed to lift the pillow case had just in time to see eduardo vantage. and, realized she was alone, they'd all left. >> i was bound so i threw myself over the seat, ended up on the floor, pulled myself up, open the door, and literally hopped as if i was in a sack race to the highway, in flip-flops. >> an elderly man stop to help. he had a machete but no cell phone to call police. frantically, jayne tried to flag down passing cars, all hit the accelerator, not the brakes. >> i imagined it was pretty scary to see a woman bleeding, desperate, bound and duck tape next to a guy with the machete. >> then, in sheer desperation, we jayne stepped in front of an
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oncoming bus. >> i jumped in front and i just put my hands up like this. and i hope to stop. >> but, no cell phone on the bus either. now, the bus driver flagged down a taxi, and the taxi driver called the police. >> i said like, for sure, that the police would run off in every direction, steal off san miguel de allende, and of story. but, it didn't go that way. >> no it didn't. into our dough had been kidnapped. and, then as if more terror was possible, police took jayne back to the place where she was abandon. and they're on the ground was a letter. it was addressed to her. >> and i realize that they had spelled my name correctly, my name is jayne with so it was really scary to see on the envelope that they actually spelled my name right. >> nobody spells your name right? >> no, no. >> and inside the envelope -- >> around some note. it says, sonia, go home open this email with this password
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and we have eduardo, eduardo is with us. wait for our message to arrive. >> it was then she understood, the kidnappers had been watching them, stocking them, researching every small detail. >> it immediately made me realize i needed to be very careful and very smart about the choices i was about to make. my husband's life was on the line. >> coming up -- reality sets in. what would she tell the children? >> i was confused. >> we were very confused. i didn't know how to take. and whether to cry, whether to be mad. >> and who would she turned to for help? >> i thought, this is what you're sending me to deal with this? >> when dateline continues. n dateline continues
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dirt by the highway, on the outskirts of san miguel de allende, a cop helped her strip away the duck tape around her hands and feet. >> she tried to stop the blood from her injured finger, gushed on the barbwire fence. she tried to tap down the tear, grab that her throw. >> jayne had read about brutal kidnappings in mexico city where victims fingers were cut off and delivered with ransom. ♪ ♪ ♪ but >> this was safe little san miguel de allende, where eduardo had always said -- >> do you think anybody's gonna come out here in the country? you know, that's not gonna happen. >> but it had happened. and all she could think of was finding, help fast. >> i'm sitting there, in the
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dirt, in need of stitches and, at that point i have to sell phones going. >> why wouldn't the police just take over? well, no. jane herself in the supremely vulnerable moment would have to decide which police, if any she could trust to get her husband back. >> you can allow the local of state police to handle the situation. you can go to the mexican -- fbi which is the aefi or aefi. or you can go to a private consultant but you have to pay out of your own pocket and they will negotiated privately. >> so as cars whisk by and the dirt blood dried on her skin. we jayne called all the around the world to talk about kidnap negotiations. >> they knew about all the questions to ask. how many vehicles were involved? what did the notes say? can you describe the people? what did their guns look like? -- >> must be a sophisticated operation, they told jayne
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negotiating would be difficult and expensive. at least 2500 u.s. dollars a day plus expensive, far more than she can afford. so, jane decided to enlist the mexican version of the fbi. the fe. the elite unit of the mexican police. she made the call. went back to the ranch, cleaned up her wounds and told six-year-old nayah and seven year old emiliano that their father was on a business trip. i was confused. >> i was very confused. i tried to ask questions about the whole situation but the best that i can get was a pg version of what was really going on. >> but, fernando was 12, he had to be told. and anyway she needed him now. she told, me this morning that both your dad and i were on the way back from dropping guys off at school, we were kidnapped. and they took her father. >> i just said to him, you know,
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you have to know that i will do everything humanly possible to get your father back if it takes everything we have, everything i can humanly do. >> suddenly, fernando understood the speeding suvs that he'd seen that morning. i didn't know how to take it i didn't know whether to cry, whether to be mad with -- just a shock. >> fernando flood, then went to his secret, private place we. arise from where he could see the rest of the ranch. >> i grabbed the key, is there on the helmet and one for a ride. and we started crying and balling my eyes out. >> women jayne will have one more crucial called to make to her mother, also named we jayne. she >> lived in her own house, on the ranch most of the year but, that day, she was home in virginia. >> jane calls and she said mom,
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sit down, i have something to tell you. and of course i didn't sit down. i, said what? is it while she said eduardo's been kidnapped. >> what's it like to hit that? >> well, i lost, did i grab the suitcase and i threw in a toothbrush and i couldn't bring over what i needed to take. >> now, it was evening. >> i hope that i'd get home like they told, me i'd open the email, there would be a message and whatever i have access to, they can have it all just give it back. so, i'm at that point hoping that this is going to be an open and shut deal unless than 24 hours. >> jim got ready for the arrival of the federal police. they promised aid moving right away, live on the ranch until they got a quarterback. she felt like she was waiting for the cavalry to arrive. she let hope grow. >> i expected him to roll in in some kind of bulletproof suburban, be big and barely and hopefully a little bit mature and having done this for quite awhile. >> and then, finally, at 3 am.
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the wind afi agent called. could someone come and pick him up in town, he has? he had come from mexico city by bus. >> he looked like a high school or maybe freshman college student with a backpack, a baseball cap, glasses we will, tiny -- and i thought, what was going on? you, mean this is what you're sending me to deal with this? and so the first thing i asked him after shaking his hand was, are you armed? with and he said no. and i said why not for god sake. we >> seasoned criminals had engineered a scene with plante to steal her husband. and all she had on her side was a short skinny kid with no apparent backup, no car and no gun. we're >> coming up -- >> she felt like her whole world collapsed and i could see
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that through her eyes and i couldn't really communicate and tried to help her because i didn't know how. >> kidnappers sent a message from the shadows. a demand impossible to keep. >> now i'm thinking that they're just going to kill him. >> when dateline continues -- n dateline continues - ♪ because it stinks. ♪ tell me why ♪ i don't know i've washed it so many times. ♪ tell me why ♪ no you tell me why i can't get rid of this odor. ♪ have you tried new downy rinse and refresh ♪ it doesn't just cover up odors, it helps remove them 3x better than detergent alone. guess the odor went bye bye. no, that's not us. sorry. rinse odor away with new downy rinse and refresh. customize your kitchen at lowe's with the samsung bespoke refrigerator. buy more save more on samsung appliances plus get $350 off instantly when you buy any 4 pieces. shop daily steals this black friday exclusively at lowe's. with gold bond...
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dismay. her husband, adored, all had been kidnapped. she was frantic. and now, the federal police had sent an unarmed boy. the young man took one look at, jane saw her disappointment. and then spoke. >> he had a very confident smile on his face, takes office glasses in hat and says, look, would you really want me arriving in a suburban and coming up with the machine gun? how would that look if you're being watched? we can be putting your husband at risk. >> the agent, but jayne looked, was older than he. looked he was a negotiation -- he brought his weapons into jayne's house. it was a laptop computer. he actually selected the place, the dining room, where he would be the only one to c's computer screen. he was in a spot where he could see all the goings on in the house. >> his name is a federal secret. his face, a blank. our interview request went to the highest level we were denied. we do know he was constantly on line with the team of agents in
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mexico city, analyzing what clues they had, advising james agent on strategies. not just james agent, of course. >> we have as many as 25 kidnappings at a time. >> and, here, in a giant room that looks massive, more agents attract hundreds of civilian sites around the country. >> but, on day, won all of that expertise coughed up only this one a very piece of bad news. the people who grabbed eduardo, they were almost certainly, said the police, part of a fringed marxist political group called the dpr. james agent considered the evidence and offered additional protection. >> this is not gonna be over in 24 hours like you'd like. as a matter of fact, this is not a matter of days or weeks. based on previous experience with this particular group, this is going to be months if you're lucky. >> what was it like to hear that? >> i thought i was going to go crazy, i thought for sure i'd have a nervous breakdown right then and there. >> we jayne's seven year old
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emiliano looked on, helpless. >> i remember the whole thing very clearly like it was yesterday, i remember opening the door and seeing that look at her eyes. >> what look? >> she looked like she was heartbroken we, she looked like she filled, like she felt like her whole world collapsed, and i could see that through her eyes and i couldn't really communicate and tried to help her because i didn't know how. and i expected her to be strong and fine which, of course, no one is strong and fine when something like that happens. so we i gave her her space. >> in historic san miguel de allende, though, eduardo was a prominent local citizen, life went on as if nothing had happened. even though he had been unknown anti-property activists. the panelists on a local tv show, in, fact this is a recording of the very broadcast
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air the night before he was taken. this is the host of the show, -- , co-owner of the tv station. , but what was she able to do to free her friend eduardo or find his kidnappers? not a thing. >> how often was it reported on television or radio? >> no, we never said anything. >> a request, she, said from the federal police. >> they said no comments in the radio station, no comments on the channel because we don't want these people to be afraid or whatever and they could do something to eduardo. so it was like -- mouth coast. everybody was acting as if nothing was happening. >> everybody, perhaps but we jayne. remember, the good number said go home, you'll get an email with our demands. but, on day one, there was no email. nor on day two, north three, nor day four. and then, after five full days and nights of sleepless torture,
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jane turned on her computer and read the news. >> we for deliberation of eduardo, we are demanding the amount of 8 million u.s. dollars. >> 8 million? >> send the money said the email, and u.s. currency, 100 dollar bills. >> not thinking that they're just going to kill him because i didn't have that kind of cash. >> anybody familiar with the win ranch outside of san miguel de allende, anybody who heard of eduardo, signing of a famous publishing empire might have recently assume that he was among mexico superrich. >> the kidnappers made a mistake. because the wealth that they had was all in the property. and, besides, whatever sending authority existed was with eduardo. not jayne. they took the wrong valseca. >> i didn't have access to anything really beyond what was in our checking account.
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>> the fact of the matter was the wheelhouse valseca for. they put everything they had into the ranch. and, at recession prices, even if she could sell, it she get a small fraction of 8 million. >> there, in the dining, room jane showed the email to her afi agent and realized he was not surprised. >> you know, jane, you have to realize that this is the way that this works. we're gonna be learning the ropes, here they hope to get that amount. but, this is where we start negotiating. >> the kidnappers set the rules. row one, jane must communicate with, him only through want ads in a specific newspaper. her first said, they demanded, would go on the analysts and tax section. she wrote, looking to buy a child child dog vaccinated with complete pedigree. >> they started out 8 million. we >>. >> what did you respond? >> we're very concerned for the puppies well-being and your request is beyond our economic
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possibilities we. >> just that? we >> yes. >> and then, what did -- waited? >> we waited. >> coming -- up >> i snapped that day, i couldn't cry, i didn't react. >> at last, word from adored, oh heartbreaking letters, harrowing photos. >> i have the urge to know. >> so, what did you do? >> i opened up pictures i wish i hadn't seen. >> oh my god. >> there was blood everywhere. >> and, one agonizing phone call. >> i told him oh much i loved him. and that i do anything to get him back. >> when dateline continues. when dateline continues then own it support your immune system with a potent blend of nutrients and emerge your best every day with emergen-c with new chapter multi-vitamin gummies, you get so much more than just... mmm. ... more nutrients. more research and more organic ingredients. you also get less sugar
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was divided -- and the somber after. >> jane's mother moved in with her daughter and the children, clearly hurting. >> emiliano had a meltdown saying that we were all lying to him. and, at that point it's really amazing how fernando is such an amazing kid, he just put their bets together and he said, come on emiliano we know dad's
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coming back but we're not lying to you. >> jane decided she had to tell the two young once the truth. there was no business trip. >> we still didn't understand, like, at first i was wondering what does kidnapped mean. >> she said, look, your father has been taken from us by bad guys weeks. and we need to keep this as secret. you may not tell anyone in school. >> did you keep the secret? >> i kept it a secret, 100%. >> why a secret? the federal agent knew that the family was being watched, spied, on days and nights. if the kids talk, maybe the kidnappers would hear. >> we had a bonfire out on the cobblestones and we were saying prayers for eduardo with. suddenly, jane says, get in the house! get in the house! and the we afi agent had signal to her and they knew that there
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was somebody watching us nearby in the grass, which was really close by. >> we jayne under federal police advisors doubly place those want that saying that they didn't have the 8 million u.s. ransom. and the response? a few weeks into the ordeal, eduardo's kidnappers turned up the pressure. they began including in their untraceable emails, letters from eduardo himself. we i am suffering more than i could manage. they beat me, the timing, up i'm nick and, i haven't eaten, i'm going crazy. i can't handle this torture anymore. >> it was horrible. it destroyed me. >> so, she began selling things. first to go, the spanish horses eduardo loved so much. sold for a fraction of their value. >> i sold sheep. i sold machinery. everything i could sell, i sold. >> we? >> i remember taking up all the money from my piggy bank and just giving it to my mom and sing, here, please just use this to get that back, i just
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want him back. >> all of it made hardly a dent we. they wanted 8 million, she raised 20,000. >> they had started saying in their emails to me that, if i didn't come up with the money on a certain day that they were going to start cutting off his fingers. >> and, when jim couldn't, didn't pay, the officer was swift. >> it's set that we i had been willing around enough and that eduardo had sent me a package and that i needed to go immediately to a certain place on a highway with to assert, and specific mile marker and that a certain number of meters of the highway in a specific direction there would be an open area with the patch of dark that was darker than the surrounding dirt. and that i needed to on earth the package. >> she was horrified. was it his fingers? the federal agent, afraid for
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doing safety send someone else to follow the kidnappers direction to the very package wrapped in plastic. and it was not severed fingers. it was a sheep of which bio used signed by eduardo. with these, told the kidnappers, jane could get a loan for the ransom. >> i was supposed to, now, hopefully be successful and raising funds that way. >> oh, she tried. but local businessmen dismissed the ious as likely forgeries. we summer past. and then, october, four months into his captivity, we the children pulled out home videos and huddled in their mother's been. we're >> a long time, the kids watched it every single day after the school. and sometimes they weren't around i'd go in and just what the part where he blew the case and say i love you. i get, it i get it. >> i love you.
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we >> day of the dead revelers paraded st. michaels treat us the cannot for showed jane how near death they were willing to take adora her >> the email, it what it was going to receive this first gunshot and his left leg unless there was a change in the total amount offered to lessen severe -- severe fingers. there was on the block with the bloody truth. >> i snapped that day. i couldn't cry, i didn't react. >> did you see these photographs of a georgia? >> i told my agent that he needed to start being my filter. that i >> would not >> be reading anymore letters and i would not look at any photographs. if you want to need to get through this and get through this saying. >> nor the genes showed the photos and letters with the children. or so she thought. >> i completely understand where my mom was coming from not telling me exactly what's going on. but i had the search to know. >> so, what did you do? >> i went on to her email and
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opened up pictures that i wish i hadn't seen. it was a picture of my father with no clothes on, in a box with duck take over his, eyes aranda said. >> oh my god. >> there was blood everywhere. >> what did you do with that information, that picture, that energy? >> i kept it inside. we and just kept it inside. >> two weeks later they shot eduardo again. this time, in a norm. and then, the phone calls began. >> i thought it would be someone discussing their voice we have been prepared dialogue for her to memorize, and kept this irish board memory for him to pump or we but it wasn't the kind of person got on the phone. >> i was shaking. i didn't know what to do. >> it was a dorado but this is said, this could not be the man she loved. but, it was. >> and then he started calling me names. you're such a --
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good to start calling this, -- >> she turned to the young federal agent during you've been preparing for this you could do this, the worry just relax. we >> would both going a rule after it got my question we -- >> i change my tone and then inky me. and i told him a much above them. -- and then i would do anything to get them back, i thought i
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could do everything and then i could hear the trump change completely, is that i know was him. >> he told me he love me too and then they hung up on -- >> coming up >> kids would come up to my children and say her dad these, that they found him dead in the parking lot. >> i continued my heart that i would never see my father again. >> despair, citizen. >> she threw the telephone across the room and they hit the wall. shoes ivory -- a shot on the headlines, was
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way of sneaking past even the most hermit efforts of official secret keepers. and soon, san miguel de allende true, worley on a story that made around. eduardo valseca, kidnapped. he must have made enemies, what the story. and this was payback. he was probably already did. >> friends would say things to me, like oh, jane, i'm so sorry about eduardo. we liked him so much. and speak about him in the past tense as if he was dead. >> even on the playground, classmates told jayne's children to give up. all the >> little kids will go up to my children and say things like, oh, i heard you daddies that that they found him in a plastic bag in the plastic waters. >> i would say that's around the six month that i would never see my father again. >> and, even if they did.
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she would cry and know them on the telephone, and once, she true the telephone across the room and both -- >> you can either collapse or challenge. -- -- i need you like never before, help me, be compassionate towards me. i can't take it anymore. she had troubles of her own, by the way. breast cancer. but she kept that to herself. , and as the ordeal continued, she occasionally slipped off to america for test.
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>> i just got, there i got mris, blood, test visits with the oncologist whatever what was necessary. and i get back on the plane and come back. >> she got an idea, the kidnappers were obviously watching her, so, jane very publicly pulled up a moving, truck got out some bubble wrap us if she was giving up. anything. >> she was packing up that furniture. and she didn't even tell me, i had to ask or, are you moving? are you going back to the states. but that bit of theater seemed to work. >> after that, moving the furniture around begins to drop the amount of money that they were asking. >> now, instead of millions, the cup thousands -- that was one she said she may be able to borrow from some friends. >> so, i started asking people
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was them would -- they would've to my call -- >> why? >> well a -- but they didn't have that kind of money. and, so they all felt very alone as they tried to keep going -- i love them so much. and he's the best that in the whole wide. world and i know he's coming back soon. >> then, quite literally, in the depth of their despair, something completely unexpected, one person home jayne had not approached for loans wrote a big check. demanded no repayment or
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collateral. there was one to condition -- and jane finally received the email the shoe with her do with -- >> the phenomenon that the -- >> what i had to be in u.s. 100 dollar bells -- >> and, a -- couple of people recognize me. >> -- >> so i stopped to, people even put the back between my feet as if it was a yoga mat. i felt like i was stuck in a movie that i couldn't get out of. >> the afi views the demand that the family deliver the ransom. instead, two employees,
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brothers, volunteered to deliver the money. but was eduardo alive. she demanded proof and got a return heart stopping for them. it was him right. but the one is it dorado their gun to. -- >> coming up -- >> my steps and found our afi aging crying. >> her work, or kidnap to. >> now you have lovely -- >> when dateline continues. n dateline continues xclusively at lowe's.
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desperate to get the ransom paid for your husband. let's directed to give the social putt with catch of the brothers, dropped at a designated hotel in mexico city. and return to san miguel de allende, while the brothers waited with the bag of money, two days. and, then finally, an email with instructions. where is summer clothes. though it was winter. mark a little tea on their car with duct tape. bring no weapons. no cell phones. the address was a fried chicken place. where they found a note taped to a payphone, more directions. and, on it went. and the cops scavenger hunt from restaurant to convenience store to restaurant, he'd stop with a note on the pay phone on a map to the next location. four hours they drove the giant city. >> all of these steps out to be followed to make sure that no one was following me to make sure that they were well identified. typical kind of handoff. >> so, they follow the steps.
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they started at 5:00 in the afternoon and, from what i understand, they didn't get the final message until about 1:00 in the morning. >> wow. >> in the final note, on the, inside the note said this is a photograph, make sure that the person that needs to at the next destination has the missing piece. >> it was the proof of life photo with a hole where eduardo's face should be. he was instructed to go down a dark alley at a specific spot and meet this person who would have the other piece of the photograph. we >> now, the brothers understood that it was not an n, and they followed the kidnappers direction with complete precision. they had eyes on them. they knew. did they pull up to an all of the alley. one of the brothers picked up the bag of money, open the door, got out of the car, walk down the alley, and to the remaining brothers who were, disappeared. >> a strange car hovered nearby
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as if to guard the exchange. it was a police car. at the valseca ranch house -- hours passed. and an eternity. tension in the room became unbearable. and then, finally, one of the two brothers jayne had to drop the ransom make contacts. he was still sitting in this car. at the mouth of that dark road he was terrified. >> finally, the afi agent told the younger brother of the two had been left behind to go back to the hotel room and stay by the phone. >> the rest of that night, and all the next day, jayne we afi, and the man in the hotel room in mexico city watch the phone, waiting effort to, bring. it did not. it took about 24 hours and then i got in the email it said in a cynical way, we have the person you sent with the money, we counted the money, it's all there in unmarked built as we
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had requested. >> but now, said the kidnappers, now they were holding jeans employee and we keep holding him so that when they released a door to me and jane would have to cough up more money to get them and, why? >> you have no employee. you have no husband. and you have no -- >> these people not only want everything that you, have everything that you could, sell everything that you could get a loan for, everything that you can borrow, they want to wipe you out. no one, not even the season federal afi agent predicted that they would take the money and the man who delivered it. that agent, was by now, practically a member of the family. he befriended the employees chosen to go to mexico city with the money. he had been the cool one, kept jayne going through the months of crisis. and now he left the room. stunned my son came back to the
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house shortly after. he found the afi agent crying in the back alley. he had always been very professional, very detached from a motion. he obviously didn't say. coming and i don't think he would've intentionally, ever sentiment the harm's way. so, it was very, very hard. >> they had phil. and they killed him after all. and if not, where was he? the kidnappers promised to do our just released 48 hours after the drop. but there wasn't a word, no call, nothing to suggest the kidnappers had or would make good on their claim. and he had the rent, there was the family to be cared for. two days terminally and drop unmarked fernando 13th birthday. the only thing i wish was that if my dad is alive, please bring in. by >> the next day -- routine, routine in limbo. forced normalcy.
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there were small teeth to brush, but time stores to read. the next morning, her heart heavy, jane wielded herself out a bed, it got breakfast for the kids. >> as i'm cleaning the dishes, someone walked by. it was very quick. and, it was someone who looked very thin and frail, very, very old. and had a baseball cap. a fluorescent yellow baseball cap. on dark clothing. >> now what? she knew the kidnappers had been watching the house. was this one of them? here was some fresh order. >> coming up -- >> my mom looks out there and she walks over to the window and looks closer. >> who was that quite stranger? face to face with the ghost. >> i pulled him into me and i put my arms around him and he just felt so cold. it was a literally as if he was already dead. already dead
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harness the power of 7 moisturizers & 3 vitamins to smooth, heal, and moisturize your dry skin. gold bond. champion your skin. ♪ i like to vöost it vöost it ♪ ♪ my vitamins can boost it ♪ ♪ i like to vöost it vöost it ♪ ♪ we like to (vöost it) ♪ ♪ (sfx: tablet fizzing in glass of water) ♪ find your vöost: uplifting vitamin boosts. ♪ (vöost it) ♪ it was her 16th winter in
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mexico. it water have been gone, seven and one half months. she sold what she could, sent the money, plater hand and still didn't know that they murdered the love of her life, after all? >> it was morning in the kitchen. jane stared out the back door of the ranch house in st. michael. and that's when she saw it. there was a skeleton out, they're walking dedmon. >> my mom works out there and she walks over to the window and looks closer. >> it took a moment to register. it was eduardo. she opened the door. >> his face was completely expressionless and his arms were by his sides. i pulled him into me and put my arms around him and he just felt so cold. it was a literally as if he was already dead. he didn't even have the energy
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to raise his arms towards me. and i just started kissing him, all over his cheeks. he could barely talk. he just whispered. and he told, me i love you so much. >> it was as if his freedom had come at the last possible moment before death. and there, by the, door as she held them in her arms, he begged her for her special banana pancakes. >> he said, what i was trying to dream about what it could be like coming back if i was ever able to, i could always see you standing in that stove -- [crying] >> it was the morning after fernando made his wish after the birthday cake for this very feet to happen. >> that's some birthday gift. >> just grateful. >> best birthday gift of my life, i got my dad back. >> i just sprinted down the hallway and i saw him in the kitchen, kneeling down like this with this arms open. and i gave him a hug and the
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first thing that i noticed was touching his bones and he was pale and he looked dead. but conscious. >> i remember, i didn't believe that that was my dad. i thought my mom hired an actor to play my dad. >> the old eduardo kept back into that cadaver body, surrounded by his children and the plates of food, and the woman who fought firm every moment of those, months who cried for, him who saved his life. always jane. >> he followed me allowing the law, he never let me out of his side, everywhere. >> and, here he was, restored. >> when my kids first saw, me and my wife, they said i have no expression in my face. and that moment, i hadn't seen myself in the mirror for seven and a half months. i didn't know how i looked like. i didn't know if i had
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expressions. >> i am living extra hours, now he told us. but, in those first hours of freedom, he found it hard to stand, he could barely walk. he had lost half his body weight, we'd barely 80 pounds and could not believe how truly awful he looked. >> the first time that i saw myself against the mirror and i lifted my t-shirt, i put it back on immediately. i couldn't believe i look like pure bones and skin. i just -- it was too much. >> of course, given what he'd been through, he probably shouldn't have survived at all. the doctor who finally examined him noticed that late stage severe starvation, severe damage, three broken ribs and severe stomach infections. he hobbled around, benton burgled, had to be supported up and down the stairs. >> it was like they sucked the life out of me. they just took everything away. >> that in a way?
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alive and. that >> exactly. exactly. >> and yet, within those first hours and days of freedom -- >> he was already laughing and it was a sieve drip by drip, life is coming back into the skeleton. >> kind of like the first day of the rest of your life. >> completely, absolutely, it with a new life in a big way. and i was just so thrilled that i actually, it felt like a miracle after so much to be able to have him there. >> and then she saw a cloud on his face, or since the torments of -- heat certainly be haunted again. >> i've had these flashbacks of, i'm not sure if i'm dreaming and is this true not amount? or is it just a reflection of my thought. >> i would wake up early and go check that it wasn't a dream. >> i'd wake up and i'd run up to his room knock and see him get up and --
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>> but they all, knew they're living nightmare wasn't over. the kidnappers still held their employee, they were still threatening the whole family with death. and, eduardo needed to tell jane as he was about to tell us about his astonishing ordeal. we >> coming up -- >> this is unbelievable. how do you keep your sanity? >> more than seven months in how. >> since the first, minute that's the only thing i ever saw, just that box. >> exactly what had he endured? >> i thought this is a. he's going to shoot me. and then i start hearing these sounds and we now i know what he was going to do. >> when dateline continues. hen dateline continues about exciting medicare advantage plans that can provide broad coverage and still may save you money on monthly premiums and prescription drugs. with original medicare you are covered for hospital stays and doctor office visits but you
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and outgoing man. >> happy new year! >> do you have a message for us in the year 2000? >> with a righty laugh and an infectious smile for life. how, do you wonder, given what you're about to hear is that still possible? because of the box. >> so, this is exactly the same size? >> exactly. >> we built a replica, a precise copy of the miserable container in which eduardo was held for seven and one half months. here is where the air goes in, here's where it's pumped up. >> you know, i wouldn't fit in
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this damn thing. >> no, no just like the original, the inside surfaces is covered in abrasive rock. a single ball but the ceiling. electronic eye, watching. the boxes only slightly wider than our own shoulders. barely long enough to lie down in. >> this is unbelievable. how do you keep percentage? >> when i first arrived here and i repeated to myself over and over, calm your mind down. >> when he first came here, that was the violent ambush in the chief outside of the school. then, the bloody senate headed right that followed, a blind house onto a building up a stairwell on someone soldiers, the stripping of all his clothes, the sudden confinement in a box. >> since the first minute that's the only thing i ever saw, just that box. >> then the vicious daily beatings and the rules.
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row one, no talking, ever. communication was by handwritten notes, the kidnappers would signal when they want to enter the box. always knocked, always like that. >> and that was your signal to do what? >> to put a pillow case over my head and immediately go like how i am right now and put my head against the wall. >> so, you never see their faces? >> never, ever, ever, ever. >> they watched him on the web cam, kept him naked, fed him an occasional piece of fruit. a small buckets services toilet. it was really emptied. it's kidnappers kept the light burning, day and night, blasted the inside of the box with high volume music. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> i said, please just turn off the music, just one, please. they said if we turn off the music and you are able to hear what we talk about then we have to kill you. >> how loud was this music? >> very loud.
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to the point that i lost 50% of my hearing on the right side. >> the beatings, said eduardo, intensified each time he was ordered to write jane in your letter, begging her to pay. >> he broke my bones and all of that. just kicking. me i couldn't feel the shape of my head anymore. it was full of bumps. >> he secretly marked off the passing days on mask up to paper, slowly, he starred. if they gave him a bit of chicken he deep the bonus well. and a, he did the shell. , and the tortures intensified. the kidnappers sent him notes telling him, jane didn't care about him, had moved on to another man to the ranch delivered there. , and in the, end we -- in the coffin like saluted, doubts aided his mind. >> we are started feeling mixed feelings. i thought maybe she is feeling that they are going to kill me anyway and they are going to take the little bit of money that we had. >> they forced him to write those accusing letters to jane,
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he said. and when she still didn't pay, they gave him a note announcing they would shoot him. >> they came in, they covered my face, they handcuffed me, they put me face down on the floor. so, they put the -- on my leg and they shot me right there. and the pain is tremendous. it's like a bomb coming from inside of your body, out. >> and, then two weeks later, again, the announcement in advance, you will be shot. >> and now he shot me in the left arm and, right here and i will definitely didn't want him to shoot the bone so it went from here and it came out on the other side. i was not afraid of dying because i couldn't take it anymore. if i had had a piece of glass or if i had had anything, i would've killed myself. >> and so he thought of home, of his wife's banana pancakes,
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you imagine the faces of his children,. i would hear the voice of my kids, i would hear from them saying, that, i miss you. and, i would, see immediately we, i'm so confused. that they couldn't comprehend what i'm not there, how i'm not there to tone bed night stories, every night, and i would miss nayah's beautiful green eyes. >> it was in this box for a total of 225 days. and, then one morning we -- >> put me against this wall with the handcuffs and i, thought this is. it he's going to shoot me, i was heard. and then i saw hearing the sound and now you know what he was going to do. but, they didn't shoot him, instead, they shaped him and dressed him and took the proof of life photo jayne was about to find in her email.
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and then they tied the hood back on his head and put him in a car and brought him here. >> they ordered, face the wall, it was a cemetery will to die? the voice behind him said, start counting. >> so, i started counting from 1 to 2, hundred right here. and -- did >> you get all the way, the 200? >> yes, absolutely. i was so scared, you know i didn't want to screw it up. >> and then, he turned around and they were gone. >> you had been in that box all the time and here you are standing all alone in the middle of the night, and of the sky. what was that like? >> the first time in seven and a half months that i could feel the wind. and, i could move my legs and just move away from the wall and it felt really like walking on a different planet. >> it is like for so, week he
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stumbled and fell as he hobbled to a nearby road, he felt, in his, pocket a few pesos in the. we had no idea where he was. and, there was an old man already sitting there waiting for the bus from mexico city. and, i told him where i was going, the ranch -- >> which is, how early that morning, eduardo valseca arrived at this one back door and asked his wife to make banana pancakes. >> unmitigated joy, and tear. tear? oh yes, it wasn't over. i couldn't even relish in the moment of having my husband back because we were still dealing with these people. >> now, remember, the kidnappers were holding jane and adored those in play, the man who volunteered to deliver the ransom and who was snatched at the drop site. so, now, a new round of email demands begin arriving. >> we started negotiating, it
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was like it's happening all over again. >> but, this, time the kidnappers promised to kill not just the employee but the whole family. all of them. >> so he's really terrifying, you know. >> i just couldn't believe it wasn't over. >> the federal police asked him to go to medical safety to be de briefed by senior officials. but, they weren't prepared, how could they be for what they'd hear there. >> coming up -- >> the entire family, suddenly, in danger again. >> i lost my best friends, i lost my home. >> everything changed from one day to another. everything. every single thing that you can imagine. it's literally two different lives. >> and, the coolest setback of all. >> that was the worst thing in my, life more than the kidnapping. that was terrible. >> when dateline continues. when dateline continues powerful relief so you can restore and recover.
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listen carefully while jane and eduardo told their terrifying story. but, what the officials said in response was shocking and final. you must leave the country, now they were told for your safety. their guard hustled them back to the ranch. a lot of $40 to prepare. and then, in a moment, it was over. the gathered what they could carry left behind clothes, dolls, and money rabbits and they left -- the kidnappers would've left eduardo, life is barely. but paradise, paradise was lost. >> i lost everything that i
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knew about life, just like that, gone. >> they came to america, to jane's mother's voice to start over again. >> i want to change after that happened was a new environment -- >> we kidnapped employee, by the, way the kidnappers simply released in. nearly two months later, no ransom at all. the federal police continue to maintain that the kidnapping was a work of a marxist revolution party called the epr but there were no arrest, there were no answers. and, gradually, the memory of the terral was mixed with nostalgia for the life that they left behind. which is in part why a year and a half after eduardo's release, he and jean decided to return with us to their beloved ranch.
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but it had to be secret, eduardo told us. no one could know they were coming. >> because you never know who is forming these people. because you know everything about us everybody tonya >> -- >> i like the, in your own bed, in the house, was it a bit weird? >> it was great. and i slept good knowing that we had bodyguards. >> it was just as they left, they're close still filled the closet, family portraits decorated the room. even the dogs greeted them as if their force departure had been yesterday. there was a happy reunion at the school jane helped fund.
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the letter around the campus to show off the progress being made in her absence. >> while! it looks amazing. how painful that absence had been. >> their trip back to the ranch coincided with eduardo 65th birthday so -- >> it was just wonderful, for all of us it was just 100 percent there p to go back to the place and feel happy about in and feel safe about. it was fantastic. >> the unease, if that's what it, was that a company jane undaunted back in the rant and send me girl had vanished.
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this was home. and it was talking hard. come back. and then, what does happen? >> okay well eduardo came through with the lawyer and they said the entire train has been destroyed on the inside. it's been ransacked. >> it was the pullman car. and guaido's inheritance from its favor father, the trainers they would jane as they follow. -- -- someone, while they were right here at the ranch smashed it up. they were being watched. it felt like a warning. and the police? >> they called him to say we couldn't call him but imagine the add to the -- wealth over --
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>> -- i just cannot burn anymore. i want to get for reform. >> so eduardo said goodbye to his native land, jayne was this country. now the woman he saw the phone booth, all those years ago, which he would on a string card. who made a family and saved his life. who, as he said crumpled in his box kept him alive. and in low. >> -- >> i had to be a dark time for
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you. >> travel times. >> now, her presence hovers over everything. but she's a realist. nothing they could do. so, it didn't matter anymore finding out who kidnapped and tortured adored almost 125 days? or catching whoever was? >> i put that away. i wasn't even thinking about. it of course, i want to justice
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-- >> so you except that you probably won't get it? >> i was pissed off and i was sick and tired of suffering up there that i was happy to be back her and all i wanted to do was not think about what happened. did you, at some point along the way, say i'm never gonna find out who did this to me -- >> who did this to us? >> and then you just give up. >> after time went by, i know that the police and the goldman and all of that, they would never call me back and they didn't care about it. i totally lost. >> and then, how does a, blue total fluke. something amazing happened. all because of one nervous cabdriver and the severed finger and a harrowing too. >> coming up -- numbers really just think that it's the same guy who grabbed. >> after all these years and
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arrest and could it be? was this's prison? >> she started with the way that i was captured, he on the cells and nobody else was living here. so, that's a great possibility >> when dateline continues. n dateline continues such as heart disease, diabetes, being overweight, asthma, or smoking. even if symptoms feel mild, these factors can increase your risk of covid-19 turning severe. so, if you're at high risk and test positive, don't wait. ask your healthcare provider right away if an authorized oral treatment is right for you. want your clothes to smell freshly washed all day without heavy perfumes? try downy light in-wash freshness boosters. it has long-lasting light scent, no heavy perfumes, and no dyes.
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-- he says, i would for reporter. i don't know if you are aware that they want in saint mcgill, a very dangerous kidnapper. and we really seriously think that it is the same guy that grabbed you. >> wait, his kidnapper? now, eduardo had to know. and so did we. was it true? >> so, november 2019, more than a decade since he'd been taken, we took him with us to saint mcgill to find an answer that suddenly mattered a great deal,
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indeed. reporters veronica espinosa and analysts so these were reporting on the expertise and saying. in the is gonna >> -- -- but now, by all apparent differences, they got. i'm the person behind it all. >> there were a series of statements made by federal authorities in from the state attorney generals office that said if he wasn't fact the leader of all of these kidnappings including a doritos. >>, and after he was caught, the kidnapping stop.
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and of those took us to the place. the kidnappers was apprehended. tell the story as a can be who was paid ten times the fair to deliver a package that felt disturbing. and what he felt the kind words listening really strange in there. he said the finger of the kidnap woman and the ransom letter. but the cabbie could see that the man who gave him the package and the money was telling. in >> the taxi came along and parked and stopped up here? >> right where you see that car coming, that's where he came. >> the county was terrified. hurry, you beg the police. the >> police told him just pull up like you are putting gas on the car and that's when they came in. the cops arrested the man. but had no idea who he was and while they figured, out that man made a phone call. >> did, this mom and days --
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there are some shocks, some bows trails. almost beyond those who are being. that could suck up faith and humanity. interest -- >> look at here. >> like this photo of what looks like a loving husband. his name israel escobar on and he is a kidnapper. >> that was really incredible. >> the man who tortured, smell, shot, cut off his finger and as many new him, as charming. the life of any party got married in a beast house does not affect them. >> and the connection between escobar and putin he enroll doesn't though if it was the
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year sentence for the last kidnapping, for the woman's finger he severed. and according to the, evidence it links him to, many if not, all the kidnappings including a doritos. >> several of those who were also touched by the trauma, at one, point agreed that perhaps they would like to talk to us and told the story. some of them held even longer than eduardo. but, when it came, time no, they did not want to appear on camera, they were afraid. the reason? >> the kidnappers know that accomplices fled the story after his arrest. but maybe there were more no one knows for sure. some say that they moved on to another part of mexico and
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escobar poblete -- >> -- >> from 1 to 10, zero. i know the authorities don't give a damn. >> the federal government won't comment on potential prosecution of escobar for the other setting the goal killing, but as for the jayne valseca children. >> i don't want anything to do without. i don't want them to rot in jail for the rest of their life. i wish that i could say that i forgive him mbs because my mom and my father are but it's just not the case. >> it's not. >> but they had moved on. relocated to colorado, and inherited from their parents as stubborn refusal to live in the past. >> i just tried to stay grateful every single second that i get up in the morning and i know that i am okay and that i have these people in my
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life. i mean after all the hell that we went to together and all the pain, it has made us unbreakable. you guys went through together. >> yeah, we're finally settling in. it >> the ranch side of mcgill was sold to developers. who started digging away on 16 new home sites here? >> what's it like to see her place carved up this way and change in the significant way? >> a lot of emotions for sure i do not see myself like here at all. i try not to be emotional bothered. i try not to think so much about it. because it is just painful. >> and so is this. the waldorf school has left the voelcker ranch. the classrooms, playgrounds, dreams are abandoned. >> it took forever to do these
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things, slowly, little by little. i planted those big trees now. another big. so that tells me that, well, i'm really getting old. yes, beautiful memories i can't just feel sadness and my hard, life is too short. >> here you don't exit. >> no, you have to find excuses to be happy every day instead of bringing excuses not to be happy. >> -- >> - ♪♪ this sunday, mourning in america. two mass shootings two days apart, at a walmart in virginia, a nightclub in colorado.
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