tv Alex Wagner Tonight MSNBC November 29, 2022 6:00pm-7:00pm PST
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i mean, there's all kinds of complicated industries. yes, please. >> here's the story. the reason for it is, in order to increase their profits, over the last six years, chris, they have discharged, and reduce their workforce by 30%. they don't have many workers. you make more money that way when you put unbelievable pressure on your employees. >> there's lots of vital things like emergency rooms, for example, that fire departments, they're able to manage people calling in sick. it seems like we can figure this out for the railroads as well. senator bernie sanders, thank you very much. >> thank you. >> that is all in on this tuesday night, alex wagner tonight starts right now. good evening, alex. attaboy chris railroad strike is complicated. >> it is. what the senator set is just a big part of it, that's their bottom line. it does seem like there's a lot of really difficult logistically complex industries that managed to have people get
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sick leave. >> companies make choices about how they want to make the profits. let's hope so. thanks as always my friend and thanks to you at home for joining us this hour. the last time this happened was in october of 1995. ten defendants spent eight months on trial in a manhattan courtroom accused of conspiring to levy a war of urban terrorism against new york. there was an outburst of one of two defendants when the jury announced its verdict. >> police were all over the manhattan federal courthouse has the largest terrorism trial in u.s. history ended after one week of deliberations. the jurors known only by number found blind muslim shake rachmaninoff's followers guilty of seditious conspiracy to wage a war of urban terrorism to pressure the u.s. to change its middle east terror policy. but the shake as a religious
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leader and included bombing five new york met landmarks within a 12 square mile area within five minutes. there was a plot to murder egyptian president mubarak. >> he faces life imprisonment without him parole, the aid other your >> best seditious conspiracy is a big charge. it is an old one, it dates back to the civil war era. the statute defines it this way, if two or more persons in conspired overthrow for describe i force the government of the united states fertility war against them and oppose by force the authority thereof or by force to prevent them or delay the execution of any law of the united states, those convicted can face up to 20 years in prison. it is rare to see this charge filed. it is even more rare to get an actual conviction.
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that case from 1995 was the last seditious conspiracy case that ended in conviction. that is why it is such a big deal in january when the justice department charged 11 members of a far-right militia group called the oath keepers including their leader a man aimed stewart rhodes when they charged him with seditious conspiracy among other charges. the justice department argued that the defendants organized a violent tent to stop the transfer of power on january six. to oppose gum american laws and overthrow our government by force. to the 11 pleaded guilty in a cooperating with the u.s. government, for the love and face trial next week, leaving the five defendants whose fates were announced today. during the eight weeks of this trial, the government prosecutors argued that those five defendants concocted a plan for an armed rebellion to shatter a bedrock of american democracy. prosecutors argued that the oath keepers plotted against president biden because they didn't like the 2020 election
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results. the jury was told it roads desperately try to get in touch with then president trump after the 2020 election to convince him to seize voting machines and invoke the insurrection act to stay in power. in a letter to trump rhodes wrote, if you failed to act while you are still in office we the people will have to fight a bloody war against these two illegitimate chinese puppets. the puppets he was referring to where president biden and vice president kamala harris. earlier this month, rhodes testified in his own defense. and discussing his hope for trump to invoke the insurrection act, he claimed it anti-fascist attack the white house and he wanted to make clear the president trump could rely on us and other veterans to protect the white house. prosecutors presented evidence including text messages of roads telling his followers to prepare for civil war. quote, trump needs to go for it and do his duty. he should do it now, but if he
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does wait till january 6th, then he should still do it and we need to be ready to support him one hunted percent and then some. we will then be in a brutal civil war. more of the military will side with biden because the trader generals will tell the troops that congress official biden is president. trump will have two weeks to seize the evidence of treason and do the massive data dump to show all americans and especially the military who is the trader from top to bottom. be ready to roll in any way we are needed. get your fares in order, and get your gear squared away. that's what he wrote. prosecutors also showed evidence that rhodes who never entered the capitol building itself, that he was in touch with some of his followers millet minutes before a broke into the building. they argued that or rhodes was planning for more violent election until oath keepers are to getting arrested for the roles in january six. in closing arguments last week, one of the lead prosecutors, a man in jeffrey nessel or, they claimed saving the republic,
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but they fractured it instead. after all that, the jury took about one week to deliberate and today they returned a verdict. i found stewart rhodes and another oath keeper who ran the group's florida chapter a, group called kelly mags, found them both guilty seditious conspiracy. acquitted him of other two charges and found three other defendants not guilty of sedition. a split verdict in the most serious charge brought so far in the 900 plus criminal prosecutions january six insurrectionists. roads lawyers say they will appeal but as it stands roads may face up to 20 years in prison. this is a big moment in our country's history. it is the first time in 27 years that we have seen a successful sedition prosecution. and it has been 68 years since we have seen americans convicted of sedition. former members of the oath keepers go to trial next week on similar charges and in just
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a few weeks and other jury will have another chance to weigh in on a question of whether a different militia group is guilty of sedition for its actions on for its actions. what happened on january six was a violent action against the united states of america, as the rnc called it legitimate political discord. and those who are involved and orchestrating, if people like stewart rhodes, they may now be found guilty of one of the worst charges our country levies. all of this tonight casts the defense of january six insurrectionists in a slightly different light. >> you can call it an insurrection. it wasn't, by large it was peaceful protests. >> i thought everyone in the country beared some responsibility based upon what's going on, in the streets and others. >> we're actually gonna go walk the grounds that patriot americans walk from the white house to the capitol who had no intent of breaking the law or doing violence. >> i also asked him about if we
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would support investigations under the treatment of pre trial january 6th defendants. that's something that's also very important. >> people that walked in the capital and have been held in jail for nearly two years while anti toughen blm riders go free and are never held accountable. >> a senate homeland security committee as just released his november report in the rising threat of domestic terrorism. i found that incidents of domestic terrorism of increased over the past few decades not increase quotas been predominantly perpetrated by white supremacists and anti government extremist individuals and groups. so as you hear reporting about kanye west telling former president trump to free january six defendants, people who carried confederate flags and erected gallows and a news outside. while people tried to talk to the former president about paying january six defendants
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legal fees, while all that news is swirling, it's important to remember this verdict today and, what it tells us about the threats america faces. from white supremacists, anti government groups that are willing to support the former president by force. joining us now, is congressman adam schiff, democratic california, member of the january six committee as well as the chairman of the house intelligence committee. congressman, thank you so much for being here tonight on a really important night from an american democracy. i wonder if you think we are finally going to be able to reframe january 6th for what it was, courtesy of these guilty verdicts this evening? >> -- i think that up to this point january 6th committee also played a very important hole in establishing what took place, that this was a concerted plot to interfere with the peaceful transfer of power. but tonight, a dramatic
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exclamation point, a big victory for the justice department, a big victory for justice and the american people. to be convicted of using force to overthrow the government to interfere with a lawful functions of government is very rare, it's a very serious charge, and we will have other recur percussion's beyond the public impression. as you point out, there's another trial coming up a, couple of trials ones that includes different white nationalist and violent group and the defendants in that case may be thinking, perhaps we ought to plead guilty considering how this trial went. so big impacts here. and maybe more people willing to cooperate and light of this jury decision. >> what do you think the implications are for president trump and his potential culpability for january 6th given the fact that people who were intact with his adversaries if you will have now been charged and found guilty of seditious conspiracy?
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>> -- [inaudible] it shows the departments not afraid to bring some of the most serious charges. now have to look at okay who was, involved in inciting, giving aid and comfort to those involving can seditious conspiracy. i think it has consequences going up the ladder of responsibility. but i also think that the former president's got to be very concerned about other statutes that apply to these defenses, like obstructing a lawful functions of the congress, which these defendants were also convicted of. which the judges already said there's evidence against the former president. finally, these are people, the president is talking about pardoning should he ever hold office again. and the idea that the president
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of the united states would be dining with white nationalists, but also talking about pardoning these people who have now been convicted of conspiring to overthrow the government by force. that ought to be disqualifying for anyone including him. >> congressman, what about the committee work in terms of january six? some suggesting the committee may have some information they may not be aware of that can change their calculus. do you have new information? is there anything that emerged from all of this, this tour rose to office additions conspiracy as well as his codefendants that has changed your calculus or that you can foresee changing your calculus? >> we have certainly learned by what the justice department is doing in the sense that we watch what they charge in indictments, we watch what the evidence that they give per child. it helps fill in some of the gaps in our knowledge, and i
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think conversely, the hearings that we have held, the evidence that we have produced and when we submit our report and when we release transcripts and other materials it will further strengthen the government's case. so -- in terms of whether the jury verdict itself changes our thinking, it really doesn't change our thinking so much as validate exactly what we've been presenting to the country which was, this wasn't some sort of spontaneous ride getting out of control or people being swept away by a motion. now, this was a plot conducted in advance to use force to try to stop the peaceful pant transfer of power. i think this just highlights how premeditated it was and when you add the evidence that we've submitted to the public of the president's knowledge that these people were armed and dangerous and as you said on january six, he wanted the
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effing mags taken down because he was fine with those people marching to the capital with weapons because they weren't there to hurt him. >> i've got to ask you because there's been some reporting about what the actual public's going to see in terms of reports from the committee when your work is done. there's been some reporting that it's gonna be showcase is gonna be largely on president trump. given what we have today with the oath keepers, their role at all this, given the questions that are outstanding about the security apparatus, and we'll be talking later in the show but the secret service, and the sort of systemwide failures that led to january six, what should the public expect from the committee in terms of the totality of the findings that will be released once the work is done? >> our charter was a broad charter. to set out facts and circumstances that led to the violence, the reasons why the capital law enforcement were not better prepared for what took place. who is responsible, who was culpable?
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i think our report ought to reflect what our mission was. we also should be guided by the function of our committee, which is not just to inform the country but to prescribe remedies to protect us going forward and that's a broad charter. so i'm certainly urging that the report be as broad as possible i'm sure will reach a consensus on that. we also want to make sure that everything is documented, that everything is factual and i think part of our success in the past is making sure that everything is nailed out and we want to do that in the report, it's appendices and whatever accompanies it as well. >> i'd have one last question for you as well. i know the commission was talking with tony ornato, who is the head of the president secret service detail, it's also the two aide to the white house chief of staff. did you hear anything is testified today that conflicted with the account we got from
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cassidy hutchinson over the fighting whether the secret service would take the president back to the capitol on january 6th? >> as you imagine, i can't really go into the contents of his testimony. we did interview him. it was a lengthy interview. -- we have come to that opinion. i'm gonna let the report speak for itself when that comes out. but again, we are also going to be discussing what kind of referrals to make and i wouldn't want to suggest anything with refer back to mr. ornado. but we will be reporting to the justice department that they are looking to potentially that's also a matter of our discussion, will be wrapping that up very soon. we hope to put our pen down, cement the report to the printers in the near future so we can get that to the american
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people. >> while, the american public greatly await that report. congressman adam schiff of california and one of the january six and a member member the january six and intelligence committees, thanks for joining us tonight. max is always for your thoughts and wisdom congressman. >> thank you. >> coming up. the conviction today of oath keepers leader stewart rhodes on the charge of seditious conspiracy, that may be an headline development. but it was not the only news coming out of the january 6th investigations. today as we just talked about, trump's top secret service official and it's petry or they were both questioned by investigators in relation to the attack on the capital. we'll have details on that and more. coming up next. coming up ne xt
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today's guilty verdict and are just a higher profile there also was serious and rare in the department sprawling january six investigation. let's take a moment to step back here and contextualize the investigation. in the nearly 23 months since the attack on the capitol, over 900 of the jewels have been arrested and nearly all 50 states. nearly 450 those people of pleaded guilty to a variety of federal charges.
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roughly 300 of being charged with corruptly a, training or impeding an official investigation. today we get to add, five to that's to to stick, five oath keepers were found guilty of obstructing official proceeding. new york times a properly reminds us to today's guilty verdict is the first time in nearly 20 trials in the capitol attack for the jury decided the violence that erupted on january 6th was a product of an organized conspiracy. that part is really important. the oath keepers didn't operate in a vacuum. their contacts were far and wide. remember, during the trial, former oath keepers member testified that the group's leader stewart rhodes told him he had a contact in the secret service. this former militia member testified that he heard stewart rhodes in september of 2020 ahead of a trump rally talking to someone he believed to be a member of the secret service. the secret service even confirmed that later on saying
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quote, it's not uncommon for various organizations to contact us concerning security restrictions that are permissible in proximity to sites. court filings in advance of the trial and revealed that stewart rhodes attempted to connect with trump on the evening of january 6th and spoke to a purported middleman trying to get this message to the president. call it michelin ships like the oath keepers and stop the peaceful transfer of power. prosecutors allege that one of the other members of the group quote heard roads repeatedly implore the individual to top president trump to call congress like the other oath keepers to forcibly oppose the transfer of power. who was that individual? who is that inter-locker here? between right wing paramilitary leader not guilty of seditious conspiracy and president of the united states? it is against that backdrop that former secret service agent and white house official tony ornato is at the center of
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a lot of controversy. he met behind closed doors today with the january 6th committee. you remember that tony ornato had previously testify twice before the committee oversaw trump's movements on the day the capitol attack. mr. ornado was thrown into the spotlight during a public hearing in june when former white house staffer cassidy hutchinson told a world or not when trump got physical ornado told her this when they detail refused to take him to the capitol on january 6th. elsa people of disputed whether or not that physical altercation took, a bombshell testimony compelled the committee to commons thrown out o in for a third interview today to question him about his prior testimony. there remain a lot of unanswered questions about what exactly was going on inside the white house and inside the overall security apparatus on january 6th. joining us now is carol leonnig, pulitzer prize-winning investigative a national reporter for the washington post, an author of zero fail
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verizon fall of the secret service. carol thank you for joining us today. there are a lot of questions we have about where we are about getting to the bottom of what transfer buyer to be trying trump and a secret service detail in particular on january six. the fact that tony ornato is back at the committee for a third time, what does that tell you and do you have any reporting on what is happening behind closed doors vis-à-vis ornato? >> i have a little bit alex. i don't think it's gonna help you based on the questions you're asking tonight. what i know this went on for hours. i do know that he was in a remote interview with his private lawyer by his side. tony ornato used to be the head of president trump's security detail and then was the white house deputy chief of staff helping donald trump setting up events in campaign rallies to get reelected. very unusual.
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he is no longer in the government as an retired, and is now private lawyer. he's asked a lot of the cassidy hutchinson's testimony, including did you, tony ornato tell anyone or talk cassidy hutchinson and she testified under oath that there was some kind of altercation in which then president trump lunged at his steering wheel inside the car he was being driven from his speech to the he helped the capital. then he lunged at his security detail leader because that detail leader was so disappointed and infuriated and said i am sorry we are not taking you. we are going to the west wing we, don't have the assets to protect you at the capitol. and that was obvious there should be an obvious. there was a mob heading that way. that's overwhelmingly the centerpiece of the questions, as well as what did tony ornato know about the violence that was communicated to president
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trump that day? how much did donald trump know about what the secret service was fining on the ground the day of the rally? there are weapons, they were firearms, pistols, rifles, there were flagpoles, there were spears. there were people carrying bear spray, the rip people wearing bulletproof fasts. how much did donald trump know about the danger and the weaponry in the mob of supporters that he eventually encouraged to march in the capital with him? >> carol, it seems like their levels to what is being sought here. what is the practicalities what the president knew, what he actually did, what kind of firsthand account ornato can provide. but then it seems like there's another level here which is the involvement or the complicity, i don't know if that word is too loaded to use of the secret service apparatus itself right? seems to me from the outside there are real questions about how diligently the secret
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service was relaying security threats to for example, mike pence's office. the degree to which they were potentially trying to protect the president in terms of casting aside allegations like the one miss hutchinson testified to about being violently eager to return to the capital. is that something that or nadeau is testifying to? do you think the committee is trying to get to the bottom of the secret service's role to this as well? >> it's a great question because tony ornato as well as other agents, senior officials i should say in the secret service have been asked alex by the january six committee in the past to possibly again today about the degree to which they realized the threat that was sort of in motion right in front of all national security officials and heading towards the capital. for days and weeks before
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january 6th. the secret service the fbi and the department of homeland security were all on alert to various i wouldn't call them horrible threat assists but i would call them guardians. alerts and red flags that danger was coming that people who said they wanted to attack the capitol with weapons, people who said get ready to drawdown a law enforcement were headed towards the rally that day with the president. all of those warnings were to my mind quite frightening and question to the secret service not take them seriously enough? many agents and seek see senior leaders aminata question. and tony ornato's rightful question to ask that question to as well. because they were ascending essentially one of their most protectees, the vice president to a building that was targeted for attack according to all the intel that was coming in to the
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secret service and other branches of our government that is supposed to protect our country. >> you can't get away, that's inescapable reality. kara, one more question for you what do you think the downstream effects of the seditious conspiracy verdicts are? as it concerns other people who are in the hot seat if you will in terms of the sprawling doj investigations. do you think it increases the pressure for them to cooperate? what do you think is the practical effect of this sort of landmark verdicts we have this evening? >> so i think again, to your wonderful world contextualize, it cannot be understated, forgive me it cannot be overstated how important it is that the department of justice won these cases. one connection against police to oath keepers keeper leaders, against a charge that was pretty dusty in the statute book and many people thought was too novel, too bold a
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charge to bring. hadn't been tested very recently in our modern history, not in yours or mine lifetime. and here we had a situation that was literally unprecedented. they convicted someone for using violence to essentially attack a government proceeding that was an attack on our democracy, an attack on our country. that has downstream effects in one respect that i can think of right off the bat alex which is, when you convict someone like stewart rhodes of an organized violent conspiracy, the next potential charge is, who else was involved in organizing a conspiracy to block the peaceful transfer of power? and if you've won an seditious conspiracy with an individual who used force, your chances of winning and prosecuting someone might look a little brighter today for someone who was involved in a nonviolent
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conspiracy. we don't know who those people are at this moment, we don't know what the department of justice as uncovered in its investigation what i often called a white-collar conspiracy, but that should be a little bit of a wind under the wings of the department of justice as they consider what to do about that other conspiracy they are investigating. >> i would say even maybe a lot of wind of the. wings carol leonnig, national investigative reporter for the washington post. thank you as always kara. great to have you tonight. >> thank you alex. >> we have some other big important news to share tonight. good news. the senate in a bipartisan landmark vote has now passed the respect for marriage act which would codify into law federal protections for same-sex and interracial marriages. the bill would also repeal the defense of marriage act which the law signed by bill clinton in 1996, one to discriminate against same-sex couples. tonight's vote which passed
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with the sport of 12 republicans means the bill will now moved into the house, where it's expected to pass next week, before it heads to for president biden's desk for his signature. just ahead. what if i told you there was a little known club where he could wine and dine supreme court justices maybe even get in a good word with them about your favorite issue? that place actually exists. we'll tell you about it. next. ut it. next nicorette knows, quitting smoking is freaking hard. you get advice like: just stop. go for a run. go for 10 runs! run a marathon. instead, start small. with nicorette. which can lead to something big. start stopping with nicorette.
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president, how people started visiting mar-a-lago and booking trumps at d.c. hotel so they could get in good with all the maga people? maybe even get a glimpse of the president himself? well as, it happens the supreme court sort of has its own version of that. it's not a hotel, it's an organization and it's called the supreme supreme court historical society, and it's been around for decades. earlier this month, the new york times published an eye-popping investigation based on an interview with a man called reverend rob shank. reverend shaq is a former antiabortion activist who told the time that four years, he recruited wealthy conservative couples to try and get close to conservatives supreme court justices in an effort to advance the antiabortion
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crusade. and reverend shank did this by encouraging these couples to wine and dine the justices, invite them to their vacation homes in their private clubs and most importantly, this is the key here, to contribute an estimated $125,000 to something called the supreme historical society. and there they would get a chance to mingle with the justices at the society functions. quote, mr. shank gave his stealth missionaries close instruction. the justices were more likely to give let their guard down at the historical site is annual dinners because they soon detainees been properly vetted. see adjusted, rowley approach he told the couples. if given the opportunity, bear witness to biblical truth but don't push it he said. your presence along telegraph the very important signal to the justices. christians are concerned about the courts and the issues that come before it. now whether the strategy actually worked is yet to be
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department. whether the presence of christians that ultimately got the court to ultimately strike down roe, that is all unknown. after all, schenck was trying to influence justices who are already ardently pro life but. what is undeniable here in what is frankly pretty shocking, certain right-wing activists like reverend schenck have been successful in their attempt to gain special access to support him keep court justices with the extreme express purpose is pressuring them through wanting a dining them and donations to the favorite causes. we know this because mr. schenck told the times that one of these wealthy couples actually became friends with justice samuel alito and his wife. and this couple learned in advance about the course decision in a landmark 2014 case which if you remember concerned construe section of the religious rights of corporations. when we look at it that way,
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125,000 dollar donation to the supreme court historical society seems like a pretty big deal, for a heads up on a landmark supreme court case. not justice alito says there's nothing here. quote my wife and i became acquainted with the rights some years ago because of their strong support for the supreme yes wait for it to supreme court historical society, and since then we've had a casual and purely social relationship. but not everybody agrees with that. on november 20th, senator whitehouse and, congressman hank johnson wrote a letter asking the court to look into the justices conduct and to determine whether justice alito or any of the justices violated ethical rules as part of the events described. and yesterday, they received a letter in response from the courts legal counsel, a man named ethan torrent, which repeated justice alito's denial and pointedly ignored the questions put forward by these two lawmakers. it also omitted any details
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about which justices might have been winded nine as part of reverend schenck scheme. he said the term gift is defined to exclude social hospitality based on personal relationships well as modest items, such as food refreshments, offered as a matter of social hospitality. social hospitality. sounds like something you would get at mar-a-lago as well. we will keep an eye on the story. stay tuned. tuned
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election day in the state of georgia where a crucial runoff is gonna determine how much power the democrats holding this congress. photos of shatter previous records from the previous runoff. more than 300,000 by voters cast ballots in the single voting day. that's the most ballots any cast in a single voting day than any previous georgia's election, including special runoffs. could be a sign of record enthusiasm this year, and, but it may also be a symptom of voter suppression. let's explain. last year, georgia republicans passed a fairly draconian anti voting law which among other things dramatically shortened days of voters that voters have to cast ballots in a runoff. a lock at the early voting time and in from a minimum of 16, to a minimum of just five days. while that does not seem to have deterred people from voting in this election, it has led to images like this one.
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long lines of voting waiting to exercise their constitutional right in an election. trying to get those early ballots in, and with fewer days to do so. data from the georgia secretary of state's office show that black voters and women make up a disproportionate share of the people voting early. sunday, senator warnock himself waited in our four hour to cast a vote from self at the election. some day today some polling stations around the state set voting lines for two hours. right now the two candidates in that race are approaching the final stretch of this campaign in dramatically different ways. senator raphael warnock held six separate events this weekend across the atlanta metro area and is scheduled to hold a campaign rally with former president obama on thursday. by contrast, herschel walker took a six-day break from campaigning and has not taken a question from the campaign trail reporter since the month of october.
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it's november 29th okay? and the new york times reports today that former president trump will not be joining herschel walker on the campaign trail before election day. he's in that hosting campaign calls from supporters. in response to news to trump sting out of georgia, one aide told a constitutional reporter, thank god. but even without trump around, and walker campaign has to deal with his second liability, herschel walker. we're not campaign recently released this new ad featuring voters reacting to walker in his own words. >> the other night and watching this movie and, watching this movie called the white night, there's some sort of light, but it's about vampires. >> what the hell is he talking about? >> is he serious is he for? real >> why would you kill a vampire, did you know that? i don't to be a vampire, anymore i want to be aware. with >> you serious about this? right >> i'll tell this other story about this bull out in a
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field, six counts and three of them are pregnant. >> there's no substance, there's nothing. >> snow he's got something going. >> makes me laugh, mina makes me think we're in trouble. >> so with china -- >> no one is watching this, and saying oh man that guys gotta. together >> it's embarrassing, that's what it is, it's embarrassing. >> let's call it what it is, it's embarrassing. joining us now is t at mitchell, washington correspondent for the atlanta journal-constitution. téa, thanks for being here. how do you read these early voting numbers? is this a matter of necessity, enthusiasm or a combination of both? >> yeah, i think you hit the nail on the head. it's the combination of voters wanting to cast their ballots, participate in this runoff, having a much more limited time period to do so. so you know, usually before and election in georgia, there are usually two weeks of early
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voting, that happened in the last runoff that was nine weeks instead of four weeks. so, with less time to vote because, voting couldn't get underway into the previous election was certify, that even condensed the window further. with last time to vote, their less opportunities for early voting, and what we are seeing is how popular this method of voting is. voters don't want to wait on election day. they like the flexibility of early voting, but unfortunately with this condensed window, there isn't as much flexibility with this leading to the long lineups. >> what do you make of the decision not to have former president trump campaign in the state of georgia? from all outside assessments, this is a turnout election and trump for all of his negatives, does have a skill of turning at the base. what lessons do you draw off that the gop does not want him in the state? >> there is a lesson and there is the same thing happening on
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the democratic side when it comes with president biden. what they are calculating is the risk and rewards of having arguably the leader of the party on the democratic side, president biden, on the republican side, former president trump, yes they can rile up the base, energize the base, but they can also really rile up the opposition the other side, where they are not popular. so both candidates have decided that the leaders of the parties should stay away. trump and biden did not campaign with their candidates during the general election and are not planning to campaign with the candidates during this runoff election. for trump, i think it's more pronounced because herschel walker is so closely aligned with trump. he was trump's hand pick candidates for this race. trump took a lot of credit for herschel walker winning the primary. but yet, trump is not physically campaigned with herschel walker, despite their
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friendship, despite their long alliance politically and personally. and so that really is a contrast there. i >> think i would push back a little bit on that as to whether you see biden or trump in the same sort of liability if you will. you try to bring the biggest star if you can for all intents and purposes that person is still barack obama. one wonders if joe biden will get the stand still same turnout as his predecessor. trump seems like political kryptonite. is the warnock campaign just taking it has to specifically show the trump endorsement and it's effectively a mic drop this, is the guy that trump endorsed. take your pick. >> absolutely, absolutely. they are using as you showed herschel walker's words against him, but there are also adds that you noted that highlighted the trump endorsement of herschel walker, which came as recently as when trump announced he was running for
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president. and he said by the way don't, forget to vote for herschel walker if you are in georgia. so yes, trump is much more problematic for republicans than whether it is obama or biden or whoever you can name on the democratic side is for sure. trump is much more polarizing. but, herschel walker can't afford the trump factor. he can't avoid the fact that he was trump's handpicked candidate for this race. he can't avoid the fact that trump was instrumental in his career and all the ways that they have been delight aligned over the decades that they've known each other. but what herschel walker and and his advisers have said that physically appearing trump it's a bridge too far that we think would be problematic, so please stay away. >> for now he looks like he is playing ball on the.
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téa mitchell, washington correspondent for the atlanta journal-constitution. thanks for your time tonight téa. >> thank you. >> we have one more story for you tonight. team usa soccer fans rejoice! the team was a hard-fought victory in its world cup match against iran today. we'll have more details coming up. ils coming up unlike some others, neuriva plus is a multitasker supporting 6 key indicators of brain health. to help keep me sharp. neuriva: think bigger.
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