tv Yasmin Vossoughian Reports MSNBC December 4, 2022 11:00am-12:00pm PST
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there's no way this works like this." and threw it to the side. a couple weeks later, i seen it again after getting not so pleasant news from my physician. i was 424 pounds, and my doctor was recommending weight loss surgery. to avoid the surgery, i had to make a change. so i decided to go with golo and it's changed my life. when i first started golo and taking release, my cravings, they went away. and i was so surprised. you feel that your body is working and functioning the way it should be and you feel energized. golo has improved my life in so many ways. i'm able to stand and actually make dinner. i'm able to clean my house. i'm able to do just simple tasks that a lot of people call simple, but when you're extremely heavy they're not so simple. golo is real and when you take release >> hey, everybody it's good to and follow the plan, it works.
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see you on this saturday afternoon. i'm yasmin sudan. we have a lot to get to in two hours ahead. former president donald trump suggested that the constitution be suspended to make him president-elect again is getting swift reaction across the board. >> argument that we should disregard the constitution, the rule of law and all the other great traditions of our democracy and allow him to stay in office because he wants to. it's very dangerous. everyone should condemn it. >> we are also on the ground in georgia ahead of tuesday's election day, the crucial senate runoff, and we're following breaking news out of iran iranian. state media now responding to a report, the country's morality repeat police may have been disbanded. i'm getting firsthand reactions from inside iran. we will have that for you as well. all of that plus terror at sea. >> it was just a boom.
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like something huge hit the side of your house. >> to travelers speaking out after a roadway of killed a fellow passenger on their cruise ship more on that story ahead. as well as the images. you can see it there. it's just unbelievable. we want to start though with the. white house putting out of fiery statement reacting to former president trump's on american suggestion to suspend the constitution and declare himself the president. it reads in part of this. and i quote, attacking the constitution and all it stands for is an eight amount to the soul of our nation and should be universally condemned. you cannot only love america when you win. they're not feeling on speaking out, nbc's allie raffa joins us now to walk us through a stall. we just read in part the statement from the white house. what else are you hearing? >> yeah, yasmin. these comments yesterday brought congressional democrats to pretty quickly react to
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them. it was republicans who were hesitant to do so until asked specifically about what to do with him on the sunday shows this morning. take a little bit of a lesson to the reaction of both sides of the aisle from earlier today. >> i thought it was a strange statement. the republicans are going to have to work out of their issues with the former president and decide whether they are going to break from him and return to some semblance of reasonableness or continue to lean into the extremism. >> i certainly don't endorse that language or that sentiment i think the question for everyone is how we move forward. when >> yasmin, the reality here, we've covered this a vicious cycle for years now. we've seen far president trump say something or do something extreme and then we monitor how republicans are reacting to that. the big question looming over all of this, how much and for how long are republicans willing to be tested by him.
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remember, we saw a days ago the vast majority of them here on capitol hill condemn that dinner that they had with nick fuentes and kanye west at mar-a-lago. we've also seen a good number of them start to distance themselves from him in the past few weeks and months before and after the midterms. we saw the impact that had on candidates he, supported the impact to run for president in 2024. a lot of republicans on capitol hill even say privately that they would like to spend the next two years coalescing and unifying to have better chances of winning in 2024 then still dwelling on 2020. the question is, at what point do they say that enough is enough? point do tand then possibly have something better to offer. does this latest controversy fall as a drop in the bucket of things that republicans have fresh off that trump has done? this is definitely something we are going to be reacting
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republicans about tomorrow. >> pretty full bucket to say the least at this point. allie raffa, thank you. let's shift now to. georgia all eyes on georgia ahead of the tuesday. runoff warnock and the center are going to hold a meeting greek followed by herschel walker as well. holding the campaign event in the next hour as well. all of this coming two days, as i mentioned, before the runoff election. in total, get, this over 1.9 million early votes are expected to be counted ahead of election day. overall, the numbers are showing an edge for raphael warnock with democrats outpacing republicans by 13 points in early voting. i want to bullying and sahel kapoor in atlanta, also my king politics reporter for the new york times. let me start with you, sahil. unpack these early voting numbers. we have seen a single, i too i should say, single early deter -- you have high numbers for women, young people, people of color as well, democrats, obviously outpacing republicans when it comes to early voting.
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how is this all playing out in the lead up to tuesday? >> it's a huge early vote number, asthma. it shows that georgians are energized to vote in the runoff election, even those that there is no shiny prize like senate control. that's already been cleansed by democrats. yes, you are, right to the early voting numbers so far do look good for senator warnock, the electorate has been disproportionately female. it disproportionately diverse. democrats have that advantage in terms of party registration going into that early vote. in addition, among the 76,000 new voters who sat out the midterm out general election and i voted in the runoffs, the big jump's we've seen, the biggest shows we've, seen rather have been among voters under 30, hispanics and asian americans. these are all democratic-leaning cohorts. if there are numbers here, they reflect the norm or constituency in many ways. it's good news for raphael warnock. it's not necessarily all good news for warnock.
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there is some reason for walker to be hopeful in these early numbers. the electorate and the runoff early electric screws owes or, even older than it did in the mid term general election runoff about 70% of voters are 50 and up. we know from polling that herschel walker has an edge with that group. now, big picture, yasmin, two things are well understood. warnock is going to win the early vote. herschel walker is going to win the election day vote in two days. the big question, this is walker going to win that election day vote by and mitt to make up for this big margin, significantly that democrats appear to be building now in the early vote. >> sahel couple or, has always, we appreciate you. i want to talk through a couple different things if we can, maya. you talk specifically about how difficult this decision is and how difficult this race, as specifically for black voters in the state of georgia. you write this, nearly 2000 people have surged in the u.s. senate. only 11th of them have been
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black. mr. walker's troubled candidacy has clouded their pride and suspicion. even embarrassment. what are jordan saying to you but the predicament they are finding themselves in? casting ballots either for warnock and or walker? >> this race is historically significant on a number of levels. as we have reported any pointed out, only 11 of 2000 united states senators have been black americans. so, for black georgians having two black men on top of the ticket is certainly something to take note of it is a historical moment for all georgians. we know that black georgians are the biggest of the democratic constituency here. and they are really the constituency that could decide of this race. they overwhelmingly support warnock, that's not just because of their democratic
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bona fides, it's because they feel that he is the candidate who represents their interests. more though herschel walker is of course the -- georgia born. he is a republican. he is allied with the former president, donald trump, and a lot of the policies he put forward. many black georgia voters told me and my colleagues they felt it did not align with their interest and it would not help them in the long run. >> it also seems, correct me if i'm wrong, herschel walker is distancing himself from conversations about race, across the country. for the most part, the majority of folks that he is drawing to many of his rallies, it's not black voters. it is more and more white voters. it seems impossible and you have a black candidate who not will not be talking about race in this country, especially when you have a current president, who is the only south carolina as the first date in the primary run up to the presidential election
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because he feels as if, and we have seen representatives are so, that black voters are so incredibly important to the electorate. >> that is true. herschel walker has appealed more to his white supporters and beliefs about race. a lot of what he talked about on the campaign trail has had to do with absentee fathers and black households, the number of different races that he has in his family. he hasn't really explicitly leaned in to his being a black man, he knows that's not really a message that plays as well with these conservative face. really, the message that he has delivered has been more in mind, the culture war issues, not so heavy on policy, but also not really talking so much about race in his being a black man and a black jordan. >> maya king, as always, thank you, it's great to talk to you. i want to bring in -- the democrat of illinois, who
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joins us on the campaign trail in georgia. congressman, thank you for joining us on this. i know, i'm sure you're quite busy just a few days out from a runoff election in that state. campaigning for senator warnock. how are things going? . i >> think it's going great. the voters on the ground have a lot of energy and they're energized to vote for him i just came from another canvas launch where there were dozens if not hundreds of people going to fan out into the neighborhood and dornoch, warnock. warnock in favor of his i -- feel good about his chances. >> that is a good one, congressman. while i have you, congressman, i know you're down there campaigning on behalf of senator warnock. i want to talk about the news of the day. the reaction so many are given to the former president saying, you know, at throughout the
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election results, get rid of the constitution. suspended. i should be declared president once again. we should have yet another election. i want to read for you amidst all of this -- as i do strongly swear or affirm that awfully execute the office of president of the united states and i will to the best my ability preserve, protect, and defend the constitution of the united states. here is the congressional oath of office. i do solemnly swear that i will support and defend the constitution of the united states against all enemies, foreign and domestic, that i will bear true faith and allegiance to the same that i take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion. and i will well and faithfully discharge the views of the office on which i'm about to enter. so help me god. and any other former present to the united states saying suspend the constitution to make the present it again. >> i'm about to take that oath for a fourth time in just a couple of weeks here on january
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3rd, we know this oath well. we take it very seriously. as members of congress. obviously, with this individual donald trump you know that if he were given the chance to take that oath again it would be meaningless in light of what he said and what he has done. again, i come back to this race, the warnock and herschel walker trace. herschel walker is donald trump's handpicked candidate for senate here in georgia. herschel walker, i feel, would owe his allegiance more to donald trump than to the voters of georgia. and that's why the stakes are so high here. we're herschel oscar liked. it he would be supporting donald trump's crazy statements and potential actions in further desecrating the constitution. >> how worried are you about where republican investigations in the house are going to go? i say this of course because of the statement we heard him from mccarthy, which seems to be the likelihood of course is still
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in question are, the republican house majority saying this preserve all records and transcripts of testimony taken or during an investigation. we went on to say we will be investigating the investigators. >> on the one hand, i think that if there is going to be a reasonable responsible oversight of the executive branch, by the oversight committee are any committee, that is appropriate and we should do that on a bipartisan basis. however, if we're going to engage in these types of crazy exercises that mr. mccarthy has proposed or worse yet re-litigate the 2020 election and the quote unquote big lie which donald trump continues to propagate, that is a completes irresponsible use of our oversight powers. it is absolutely not what the voters wanted or the american people wanted as they demonstrated in the recent midterm elections. >> how do you fight back as the
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democratic majority in the house with these ongoing investigations if they're likely to go forward? >> i think there are a couple of. things i think whether it's kevin mccarthy or somebody else, given the very slim margins in the house, they are going to require democratic votes to get the normal business of the house to be performed. we know the house freedom caucus is going to be a big no vote, and everything becomes before the house even funding the federal government. we should use that leverage for the purposes of directing the business of the house. that includes investigations. we have to be absolutely vigilant on the communities with regard to these issues. i was in the minority for the first two years of the trump administration. we had a little practice in basically pairing some of these
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crazy investigations are happening at that time. we might have to put that back into practice now. >> one last thing, congressman, if you will. jamie raskin telling usa today about this, we are hoping it's going to be before the end of the year. they have two weeks left at this point. the report is half about the past and what we've just studied and half about the future and what needs to be done to protect ourselves from similar cycles of coup and insurrection, electoral sabotage and illegal violence. what do you expect from this report and what do you expect can realistically be done as a result of this report? >> to the extent that the re-port is going to prescribe certain remedies that perhaps the biden white house or the administration to take, the department of justice can dig, perhaps those particular steps can be undertaken regardless of what happens in congress or the
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house. i do think that unfortunately we're kind of in a situation where if as expected mr. mccarthy takes over as a speaker or somebody else does they are going to try to their stand in the gears with regard to whatever the doj does. so that's why i've been saying for months now the doj just has to hustle they. have to do everything in its power to move as quickly as possible with a guard to january six whether it's regard to the recommendations of the january 6th panel or if its own internal investigation too much rides on them getting this right. >> congresswoman krishnamoorthi, thanks for taking the time. we appreciate it. still ahead, we have a lot going on. the shaun watson back in the field after an 11 game suspension for alleged sexual misconduct. his victims are not letting him forget today. plus, the latest reaction from the iranian regime after a
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report that the reality please have been disbanded in the face of protest. i talked to one woman on the front line inside iran about the truth of what has happened on the ground. unveiling the b 21 stealth bomber, the massive price tag for the new beast in the air force fleet we will be right back. back ople can get it bad. and for those who do get it bad, it may be because they have a high-risk factor. such as heart disease, diabetes, being overweight, asthma, or smoking. even if symptoms feel mild, these factors can increase your risk of covid-19 turning severe. so, if you're at high risk and test positive, don't wait. ask your healthcare provider right away if an authorized oral treatment is right for you.
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out of iran. a short time ago state media questioning a report saying the morality police had been disbanded. this came after early reports that the country's attorney general said the controversial morality police would be quote unquote abolish amidst process. we also know that muhammad jeff are montessori who made the statement is not responsible for overseeing the morality police and his role as attorney general. after the story broke i talked to a protester inside of iran early this morning new is already questioning the idea that the morality police had in fact been disbanded. here is parts of that conversation. by the, way we are withholding her identity for her protection. >> several of us have gained more confidence. we fear, last we walk around with our head scarves even around our necks. you could say there's a lesser chance of someone formally approaching you to notify you. that doesn't mean that there was no threat at all. we get a lot of weird looks on the streets.
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we might seem confident on the outside, but we are not absolutely sure that nothing is going to happen to us aside from that there are hard-liners who having a tough time with this change that is their concerns there have been cries from certain parliament members to deny social services to women who don't observe the countries jobless. there are mobile videos of civilians -- who don't have a job at a bank or on a bus, basically the -- no official reese farm has been introduced. you can't get to a government office without a hijab. even outside friends of mine aren't all that confident without what the islamic regime deemed to be proper clothing. >> i want to reiterate, that was an inside of her on earlier this morning. i want to bring it raf sanchez who standing by in london with more reporting on this. i think as i have been sifting
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through thumb of this stuff, reading the statement, and hearing what the attorney general had to say as well as incredibly convoluted in what he was putting out there. i think what's important to note, as we did, the attorney general, the judiciary doesn't have it jurisdiction of love morality police. no one's really fessing up as to who has jurisdiction over the morality police. the fact is, i'm curious to hear what you are on the ground as well, women aren't necessarily being bothered by the morality police since the protests began. and that is becoming more and more apparent. >> yeah, yasmin. that is the key thing. like the protester you spoke to said, there has been a shift in recent weeks informal enforcement. if you went back a year ago, you're walking around central tehran, they're going to see the very distinct vans of the morality police. everyone in iran knows what
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they look like. everyone knows who they are driving around. there has been a shift in these last two months since these protests sparked by the death of mahsa amini. the ship has been noticeably enough, that when they were at a conference yesterday he was asked by a journalist why have the morality police disappeared? he didn't take issue with the premise of the question. he responded, the same institution that established that has now abolished it. he has been, with that seemingly very clear statement from the attorney general, time for the of the caveats. as you said, he is not responsible for the wrath of the police. they are under the interior minister. we have not heard from the in the terrier ministry tonight. as you, know, yasmin and iran nothing is final until the supreme leader ayatollah khamenei decides that it's final. we have not yet heard from him. even if it's possible some undecided that the round the
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police had been abolished, they could come back in a heartbeat if the supreme leader says that is the case. so, there is on the one hand this lived experience, people on the streets of tehran and other cities and tehran have been seeing this and reporting that there is not this formal enforcement. at the same time, we have this very murky pretty confuse picture, as you, set some elements of state media, not all are crumbling with this claim that the attorney general made. partly because they're seeing reported and western media and seeing it be reported almost as a kind of defeat for the traditionalist of the islamic republic. just the last few minutes, the white house has made weighed in on. this i want to read you a little bit of the statement from the national security council. it says, iran must and its use of violence against its own citizens simply for exercising their fundamental freedoms. from washington to tehran, people very, very closely watching what's going on here, yasmin. >> there is obviously a lot of reaction coming from the
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diaspora as well as to whether or not this means an embellishment of the morality police are not. what it means in the big picture of the moment that's happening on the ground in iran as well. just to add a caveat to all of this which you know, if you think back to the signing of the nuclear remain back in the day, there is a time in which the iranian president was saying, yes, we are in support of the agreements we made. and then you have -- the supreme leader as you speak of saying, out, now, now we are not in support of the jcpoa. that is just a small picture of the type of communication and the hierarchy that continually comes out of iran, hence all the caveats we had to put in the story. brad sanchez, as always, we thank you for your reporting on this. all right, some of the shroud of secrecy surrounding the latest technological investment in aviation has been lifted. take a look at this. the u.s. air force the sneak unveiling the stealth bomber called the b 21. radar the cost for all this technology is not cheap. the program suspected cost nearly 80 billion dollars total
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with the air force seeking at least 100 planes. all, right coming up, everybody, a cruise ship voyage turned deadly. >> if you are on your feet you're going to be knocked off your feet. >> what else as passengers are saying about the rough conditions that left an american dead. my next guest saying trump's post to declare him president it straight out of the authoritarian playbook and may push supporters to a new extreme. robert mcquade is up next. kevin! kevin! kevin? oh nice. kevin, where are you... kevin?!?!?.... hey, what's going on? i'm right here! i was busy cashbacking for the holidays with chase freedom unlimited. i'm gonna cashback on a gingerbread house! oooh, it's got little people inside! and a snowglobe. oh, i wished i lived in there. you know i can't believe you lost another kevin. it's a holiday tradition! that it is! earn big time with chase freedom unlimited. ♪
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barbara craig sees it. in researching my book, i have been learning a lot about how authoritarians use disinformation. this post uses many basic old tricks. robert mcquade is joining us now to walk us through some of these basic old tricks as she puts it. barr, block us through it. norman to put your entire post up. i had a similar conversation to this in yesterday's show as well, taking a page out of authoritarian, how to be authoritarian one-on-one. walk us through some of what you have found. >> yeah, everything about this post, yasmin, has a line that's right out of the authoritarian playbook. first, state and obvious lie. an outrageous lie. cloak it in some sort of corroboration that you can't really pinned. down here he says the revelations of massive voter fraud. what revelations? there's been no revelations other than his false claims. he speaks the coated language of the tribe.
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the tribe is those people who are the tribe of grievance and resentment. he refers to the democrat party. the democratic party, but that's the language of the far. the next thing he does, he shroud himself in the flag. the founders would never stand for this kind of voter fraud. traditions, symbols, patriotism. it's all on my side. so, once you have everybody wrapped up in your argument, now is where you push the base to follow you even farther off the cliff. that is this extreme line where he says we should terminate all rules and regulations and articles in even those found in the constitution. once people start saying it out loud, it's no longer becomes unthinkable. >> you, know it's interesting. donald trump doesn't necessarily do anything to push him over the, edge right? i'm wondering, i think a lot of folks are wondering if this is all a reaction to his very bad and terrible legal week.
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if you look at the 11 court of appeals, saying, okay, doing away with that special master i. no you have now made this point that jack smith kind of now has a clear path forward. looking at all the documents, making an expert charging decision when it comes to the former president. what could that time line now it looked like even with a possibility of further appeals from donald trump? >> donald trump may appeal to the full court of the 11th circuit or the supreme court. i don't see any change in the result. and fairly short order, the government, jack smith, and his team are going to have access to all of these documents. they're going to then move forward and make a charging decision. until they have their hands and all those documents, they really can't decide how to charge a case like this. there is concern about protecting the integrity of those documents and what's in them. they'll have to review all of them. it is a large volume. something like 13,000 documents. i imagine they will be on, it
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will look at it quickly. i don't see an indictment before the end of the year. i think that as long as the evidence is, there no reason it can't be returned sometime in the early part of 2023. >> amidst this, we saw pat cipollone on friday's give testimony -- as well amidst this very bad and terrible week for the former president. on two fronts, as so many reporting, cipollone and his deputy had information and only when it comes to those mar-a-lago documents being shipped from the white house to mar-a-lago. also the lead up to and on january 6th. how troubling is this pointing to you with their appearance on friday. >> it seems that the justice department is in the earn it and our circle in the white house. they started as merrick garland said building cases from the bottom up, that's how they proceeded here, they are at the top. they are now at the final stages where they are talking people who are the closest to donald trump. they want to do that after
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they've educated themselves about the other aspects of the case. they are closing in, whether they have sufficient charges for donald trump in his role in the genesis attack, it remains to be seen. they are inching closer to completing the work. >> barbara, before i let you, go i want to touch on another case that is still ongoing. this jury set to deliberate in the trump organization's tax fraud case. here is what an assistant da saying about that after closing arguments wrapped up, donald trump is especially sinks inning tax fraud and calling the ex president, quote, the elephant not in the room. what do you make of that? >> yeah, there was evidence that came up during the trial and that was discussed in the closing arguments that donald trump signed the checks. he signed the memos that allowed these kinds of tax fraud claims to go forward. they were getting these additional fringe benefits and luis sadler easton on had to pay taxes on them. tax cases are hard to prove.
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you have to prove willful intent. that is not only the person knew it was going on, they knew it was illegal. in this, case it's the corporation. so, you just need to show that somebody at the leadership level knew it was going on and was deliberately doing it to advance the interest of the corporation. so, we'll see if they're able to prove that. donald trump is certainly part of that control group that was making those decisions. >> barbara trade, as always, thank you, great to see you. all right, coming up next, everybody, making history. zoe zephyr set to become the first transgender woman in the state of montana legislature. joining me next. police in one major city get the green light for something that sounds like science fiction. >> thank you for your
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the war in ukraine is now in its ninth month. russia has lost more than half the land. this as u.s. director of intelligence avril haines since the war as running at a reduced tempo as we head into the winter. those comments were made at the wake of national defense forum in california in a conversation with nbc's andrea mitchell. haynes also had this to say about ukraine's prospects in the coming months. >> the question, is what will the counter offensive look like potentially in the spring. in fact, in march, in that area. . we expect that both militaries are going to be in a situation where they're going to be looking to try to refit and resupply and reconstitute so they are prepared for that counteroffensive. we have a fair amount of skepticism as to whether or not the russians will be in fact
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prepared to do that. i think, yeah, i think more optimistically for the ukrainians in that timeframe. here in the u.s., a holiday themed drag queen storytelling event in columbus ohio was canceled on saturday following intimidation efforts from right wing groups. more than 50 members of the proud boys and other far-right extremist gathered outside the unitarian church of columbus. many of whom brought protest signs and began shouting and chanting at the church. some members were armed with assault style rifles. the city council condemning the protest saying they're working to make sure the event can occur peacefully. it is far from the only instance of anti-trans hate. one day after a shooting, and an lgbtq nightclub and colorado left five people dead, georgia senate candidate herschel walker released this campaign ad targeting transgender women and girls who compete in women sports. take a listen. >> for more than a decade, i worked so hard to be the best.
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my senior year i was forced to compete against biological male. >> it is an and wrong. amanda swinney title that -- senator warnock voted to let that happen. >> afraid to stand out for hurt -- herschel walker stands up for what's right. >> it is attacks like that on anti-trans legislation across this country that inspired a record number of trans candidates to run and win in 2022 among them 34-year-old zoe zephyr. the first openly trans women elected to the montana state legislature and zoe is joining me now. congratulations, zoe, how incredible is that? what a win to pull through especially in a state like montana. i know you have a lot of work ahead, girl. let's talk through some of it, right? montana, one of the many states of course that has a handful of anti-trans bills in the last year, including a ban on trans women. i want to make sure i get this right.
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participating in women sports and the banning trans people from a bay neighbor certificates. you wants testified against these very bills and now you will have the power and the opportunity to change them. what work do you think you realistically can get done? >> so, there is a lot to be done about the anti-lgbtq bills that passed. thankfully, the birth certificate bill has an injection against it currently in the courts and will be going to the montana supreme court. the collegiate aspect of the ban was also shot a down due to infringing on the rights to set policy for the university system. so, there's a lot of work to be done to correct the narrative there. i know what i was when -- i was testifying about the governor's office alongside ten year old and 12-year-old trans kids who are just begging to be
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able to play sports with their friends. >> i know that many of these anti-trans bills, they pass by a slim margin. you said this recently, watching bills passed the legislature by one vote, i cried, i thought to myself, i bet i could change one heart. i bet i could change one mind. we need representation in that room. i am going to try to get in there. you are in there now, obviously. i know you're going to try to change. how important is representation not only for legislation but also for exposure amongst other lawmakers. >> representation is not a guarantee that we can stop the harmful legislation. it is the best offense we have against hate. part of the work is to help legislators understand the impact of the hateful rhetoric, the way in which when far-right people push the dangerous lie,
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calling us groomers, pedophiles around than go penned bills to legislators. when those legislators put forward bells blocking trans youth from accessing lifesaving health care or stopping drag queens from just teaching kids how to read a story hour. those bills and up cementing the hate that leads to the violence we see escalating in america. the violence we se>> zoe, what do yo other members of the lgbtq community -- at the nightclub. and then seeing a win like yours. what do you say to them? >> i say look, to be queer in america is to know this two simultaneous truth of it is an incredibly dangerous time. violence is on the rise in our personal lives and the legislative bodies against us
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and we see that and feel that every day. i have friends who fled montana after the last session. i have friends who took their lives. lgbtq people know that. we also know that we are off and cared about and loved in our communities and when you drop below the rhetoric that the right is pushing we see that we are cherished and many of us are able to get in that room and get a legislative rooms or school boards or any of the rooms across the communities and once we are in there we can make a difference. >> representative-elect zoe zephyr of montana. thank you and happy holidays. good luck to you in the years ahead. all right, coming up, we're going to take you to houston for a controversial return to the field for a football player accused of sexual misconduct by more than two dozen women with. we will be right back. bad. and for those who do get it bad, it may be because they have a high-risk factor. such as heart disease, diabetes,
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training session. the alleged incidents go back to 2020 when watson played for the houston texans, his opponents today one allegations as he forced women to perform oral sex in august. watson agreed to an 11-game suspension but still proclaimed his innocence. to texas grand juries declined to indict him criminally, and nfl disciplinary officer found watson engaged in sexual assault. the nfl fined him 5 million dollars and mandated treatment which the league says is ongoing. watson won't say what if any progress he's made. he is reportedly earning a record setting 230 million dollars worth. -- send donations are skyrocketing. according to their attorney 20, 3 women settled with watson while 30 accusers settled within texans. the shaun watson makes as much anticipated to return to regular season nfl football for the first time in nearly 2 years today, an attorney for several women said about 10 of watson's accusers will be watching him in person at this
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stadium. back to you. st adium. >> jesse cares for us, thank you. new developments in the story about a deadly wave that slammed into a cruise ship off the coast of argentina killing one american and injuring 4 others. a passenger on board the viking cruz telling nbc news, what she experienced when the waves struck the shift. take a listen to this. >> it was a boom. just like something shook the side of your. how's >> we if you are on your feet you are going to be knocked off your feet. i think the thing that amazed me is how stable that ship was. it didn't rock back and forth. it really took the brunt of the waves. there was a foot of water in the hall. everything came in. the ceiling was coming down in the hall. >> wow, incredibly scary moment for many passengers there. coming up in the next hour, everybody, no arrests, no murder weapons in the deaths of 4 idaho students.
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the white house out with a new statement reacting to donald trump's suggestion. we suspend the constitution and declare him president yet again. for some republicans, even this is nowhere near where they draw the line. >> whoever the republicans, think they end up falling behind. even if it's donald trump and his call for spent in the constitution, again it's going to be a big field. i think donald trump is going to clear out the field. the remarkable statement. you support a candidate who's going up for suspending the constitution. >> it says a lot of things you have to take into context. >> he was the president of the united states. we are also down to the wire in the last minute campaigning in georgia. we are seeing one candidate a lot more than the other. also this hour, iranian state media question reports morality police has been disbanded. a claim already met with skepticism by one activist inside the country. >>
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