tv The Reid Out MSNBC December 7, 2022 4:00pm-5:00pm PST
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deserve it. but tomorrow we go back down into the valley to do the work. >> i don't want any of you to stop dreaming. i don't want any of you to stop believing in america. i want you to believe in america and continue to believe in the constitution and believe in our elected officials most of all. >> the triumph of senator raphael warnock narrowly defeating his unqualified trump-backed opponent. will republicans do any soul searching? i think you know the answer. democracy was on the ballot in the mid terms. now it is on the line in the supreme court with conservative justices possibly set to give state legislatures the power to overturn the will the voters. shades of january 6th in germany where dozens of people are under arrest plotting to overthrow the democratically
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elected government. we begin with a reminder of what georgia voters rejected on tuesday. >> i have been telling a story of a bull in the field with six cows and three of them are pregnant, so you know he got something going on. >> i don't know if you know, vampires are cool people, are they not. i want to tell you something i found out. a werewolf can kill a vampire. did you know that? i don't want to be a werewolf, i want to be a vampire. >> this election is more than about herschel walker. this is about the peshl. >> why are they bringing pronounce into the military. what is a pronoun. >> georgia made history sending raphael warnock back to the senate giving only the 11th american senator in history a full six-year. georgia smacked down the cynicism of republican's decision to stand by walker who they freely admit was a
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disaster. one republican told "the atlanta journal constitution" herschel was like a plane crash into a train wreck that rolled into a dumpster fire. and an orphanage. then an animal shelter. you kind of had to watch squinting through your fingers. it is a huge blow to the former guy as another one of his hand-picked candidates went down in flames. while republicans are licking their wounds democrats are planning for the future. with an outright 35-seat majority with huge implications giving democrats more leeway on votes. it means relying less on vice president kamala harris to break ties and break the strangle hold of conservative democrats joe manchin and kyrsten sinema. it means more power over senate finance committees allowing for things like faster confirmation of judicial nominees. that is a big boost for president biden who called to congratulate senator warnock saying georgia voters stood up for our democracy, rejected ultra magaism and most importantly sent a good man back
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to the senate. senate majority leader chuck schumer said the new majority is a sigh of relief for the democrats. >> they say all good things come to those who wait and this outcome is absolutely worth the wait. the people of georgia are better off. the democratic senate caucus is better off, and america is better off because he ran and won. >> schumer was on hand later to welcome the newly reelected senator warnock to the capitol today as senator warnock proclaimed georgia had done it again. it is not just a win for senator warnock, it is a victory for georgia voters who weighted in long lines, combatting republicans making it harder to vote. it is a victory for the new georgia project who worked tirelessly in the face of voter suppression to get georgians registered to the polls. by the way, it is a victory to
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stacey abrams who didn't make it to the mountain top in his race for governor but who worked since 2014 on the ground, registering voters of color and young voters, laid the ground work showing democrats that they can win in georgia. but, importantly, senator warnock's win is a victory for black americans quite frankly who can definitely avoid the humiliation of enduring six years of herschel walker's incompetence in the senate after being propertied out by republicans as a cynical insult. as charles blow writes in "the new york times," the best that could be hoped for what a black person who was willing to fall in line and vote with the party. walker had proven that he would do that. he would be a willing puppet for their ventriloquism. he came close to winning. this will remain a stain on the republican party. joining me is don calloway and tom bonnier, democratic
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political strategist and ceo of target smarter. i want to start with you. you know, herschel walker was only one of several trump candidates who went down in flames. i'll read you the list. herschel walker, kari lake, blake master, tudor dixon in michigan, doug mastriano, who is, whew, diane cox, tim mick else, lee zeldin in new york, darryn bailey, all of his can'ts went down. the only one that managed to get through is j.d. vance who is an embarrassing, less interesting ted cruz but he was really peter fields' candidate. let's talk about herschel for a moment because herschel really was kind of a ventroloquist dummy for somebody like lindsey gra whom who i want to play a few. this is good. cut one. this was lindsey graham's case for elected herschel walker. here it is. >> he changes the entire narrative of the left. we're a party of racists, sean.
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me and you are a racist, the republican party is racist. what happens when the republican party elects and nominates herschel walker, an african american, black heisman trophy winner, right, olympian, it destroys the whole narrative. they're scared to death of herschel walker because if herschel walker becomes a republican, maybe every other young child in america of color might want to be a republican. >> nothing about that case, don, was about the state of georgia or about herschel walker's ability to be a senator. it was all about him being essentially a ventriloquist dummy for people like lindsey graham who want to say i'm not racist. i think the insult was to black people, but it was to black men particularly. >> yeah, you know, i think people smarter than i, including you last week, have been building this narrative over the last week. it is correct. this is an incredibly racist and
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insulting choice by the republican party who decided they could pick any black man off the fence with name recognition and it would be sufficient enough. that is how much they respect black people. i'm not asking for the modern-day republican party or political apparatus to respect black people, but they should recognize something very important which i think that they don't. maga-ism is not only racist but it is anti-intellectual. it is bad policy and it is bad strategy and it results in losses. yes, it did give us a very dark political period of seven years, but ultimately people don't like that stuff, black or white, because not even good white folks who some might even be republican -- that's a joke -- not even they want to be represented by these deeply unqualified, fundamentally bad people who have no business around the discussions that consider american leadership. so it is just dumb policy. in addition to being really fundamentally racist, and i'm glad that you put him in the context of that other island of
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misfit toys at the beginning, all of whom lost, because it is important to recognize that they're not moving away from maga-ism. you don't see lieutenant governor jeff duncan doing the rounds on all of the networks because their party is fundamentally now decoupled itself from these heinous policy values. you see it because you're starting to see cracks in the political apparatus of maga. all of the words coming out of mar-a-lago suggest it is katty wam pus there -- that's a kind word. we are really at the beginning of the end of maga as a political powerhouse. that's the reason they're moving away. that's the reason you will see the jeff duncans and glen young kins, but be not fooled. these people have the same really fundamentally oppressive political and priority policies. >> yeah, and you know, tom, the thing is i think -- i'm going to let everybody become a political pundit around your dinner table. let me give you the dirty little secret. the reality is math, politics is just a math game. i'm not teaching don calloway
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anything he doesn't know. six in ten white voters are republican. eight in ten nonwhite voters are democrats. nine in ten black voters are democrats. seven in ten asian-american and six in ten hispanics. that's just reality. so the game, the name of the game in politics is can you take that 60% of white voters and make it 58. you make it 58, all of a sudden you get barack obama to be president. you can't peel off all white voters, but if you get 2%, that's it. if you are a democrat you are getting 0% of the nonwhite voters, okay. so talk to me about this republican strategy because they want to now rethink. their whole policy and strategy is meant to be directed at white voters. it is not directed at black voters. so what they've said to them in that list i read to you is that you want show business, you want election denial, you want -- you now, dr. oz was the show biz piece. but you also can't vote early. you can't vote absentee.
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we are taking away the other thing, we will suppress the nonwhite people and focus on you and that's what you want. talk about that as a strategy numerically while they're getting rid of the right to choose. >> the republican party has been a strategic disaster certainly since trump came along. if we think back to ten years ago after they lost the presidential election in 2012, their postmortem said and acknowledged they will be a minority party if they cannot broaden their appeal beyond white working class voters. then they didn't follow their own advice. they dominated donald trump. they went in the wrong direction. you mentioned early voting. it is probably the biggest strategic blunder a party could make, and we saw after the november general election republicans acknowledging this and saying that democrats beat us, and you see that in georgia. you see that black voters turned out in the early vote and really delivered this election. republicans acknowledge that but they had a month to try to at least do a little bit better in
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georgia, but what happened, they actually did worse. democrats were a larger share despite governor kemp's sb202 voter suppression bill that shortened this period. we see those long lines. that was voter suppression in action, but despite all of that they actually -- enough -- they're making strategic blunder after strategic blunder. >> this is cut four from my wonderful director. this is the shift in the margin in the general election versus the run-off. everybody here will be a political pundit when it is over. look at this chart from "the new york times." they did the data. this is buried in their data. my good friend sent me this this morning, who used to be mayor of columbus, georgia. she is pointing out she knows what she is talking about. look at the bottom of that thing, tom bonnier. that's the rural part of georgia, that lower right-hand side. that is the shift from the
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general to the run-off in the rural parter where walker run the vote still shifted toward warnock. it shifted toward blue, right. the upper part of georgia still went toward red, but that means, tom bonnier, that warnock -- and we heard our great steve kornacki talking about this in each region after region. he was doing marginally better, warnock, in rural georgia. what does that say for long-term strategery for republicans, because let's be clear, rural georgia isn't all white. there are a lot of black people out there too. >> a lot of the african american counties was stellar and senator warnock did better in those communities. to your point it shows the problem in the republican strategy in that the notion was maybe they can mobilize enough of their voters. it is a pure mobilization strategy and frankly a voter suppression strategy on the
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other side. you see as you know, even in the republican rural counties they were not coming out for herschel walker. they were not excited about him. when you took kemp off the ballot, at least enough of those voters were staying home whereas senator warnock was running an incredible campaign and appealing to voters across the state and it shows in those maps. >> yeah, and to come back to you, don, getting rid of mail-in voting as an option, so basically democrats have three bites at the apple, mail, early and same day. republicans only have same day, so that was dumb. >> you have the killer mics of the world that were soft when it was stacey abrams but came back when it was warnock. talk a bit about the strategery that made it close but let warnock through. >> you know, one day when we have a family discussion outside of everybody's ears we will talk about taking atlanta political leadership to task because we saw some differences in their
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support of stacey abrams than what we saw of raphael warnock. now, i don't live there. i'm not going to take them to task right now, but we got some explaining to do and there's some conversations that need to be had. i will leave it right there at that. one thing we talked about, when we talk about how to flip that 60% to 5%, raphael warnock at the beginning of his speech last night said to god be the glory for the things god has done. that tells even good and decent georgians of any race that this is about people who are of good will, good feeling and that there is no longer a monopoly on christianity in the political -- >> that's right. >> -- >> democrats talk to cristian voters. they talk to asian-americans in language ads, they talk to latinos in english and in ads. they talk to everybody. i'm telling you, republicans, you just going to talk to white working class people you going to keep losing. you're going to learn something, you learn or you will feel it.
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don calloway and tom bonnier. we trying to help y'all out. up next, conservative justices on the supreme court could give the green light to republicans to smash the foundation of democracy in this country. "the reidout" continues after this. s country. "the reidout" continues after this even if you got ppp and it only takes eight minutes to qualify. i went on their website, uploaded everything, and i was blown away by what they could do. has helped businesses get over a billion dollars and we can help your business too. qualify your business for a big refund in eight minutes. go to to get started. powered by innovation refunds. dude, what're you doing? i'm protecting my car. that's too much work. weathertech is so much easier... laser-measured floorliners up here, seat protector and cargoliner back there... nice! out here, side window deflectors... and mud flaps... and the bumpstep, to keep the bumper dent-free. cool!
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seemed sympathetic to offender more than 230 years of precedent. the case before them was moore v. harper which hinges on an entirely made up doctrine, thank you chief justice rehnquist, called the independent legislature theory. a once fringe but not popular theory argues that the federal constitution gives state legislature total and unchecked authority over federal elections in their state. former judge michael whiting, the guy that had to tell mike pence he could not steal an election for trump, is co-counsel who argued against the theory before the indicate. he called it the most significant case in the history of our nation and here is why. >> it would in theory allow the state legislatures to appoint electoral slates, who would vote for a presidential candidate who did not win the popular vote in
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the states and transmit those votes to congress to be counted on january 6, in exactly the same way that donald trump and his supporters attempted to do in 2020. >> despite this warning, justice alito, the self-anointed judicial activist for aggrieved conservatives, welcomed the sweeping and expansive view of this made up theory. >> there's been a lot of talk about the impact of this decision on democracy. do you think that it further democracy to transfer the political controversy about districting from the legislature to elected supreme courts where the candidates are permitted by state law to campaign on the issue of districting? >> the three justices appointed by democrats were having none of it. >> it seems that every answer you give is to get you what you want but it makes little sense.
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>> what i don't understand is how you can cut the state constitution out of the equation when it is giving the state legislature the authority to exercise legislative power. >> this is a proposal that gets rid of the normal checks and balances on the way big governmental decisions are made in this country. and you might think that it gets rid of all of those checks and balances at exactly the time when they are needed most. >> joining me is democratic governor roy cooper of north carolina. governor cooper, thank you for being here. i want to give both a little bit of the concept of what you are dealing with in your state, just a little contest. your state of north carolina is the state that in 2016 passed voting laws that were said by an appellate court to target african americans with almost surgical precision. that was your state where they got rid of college id,
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registration, all sorts of things to make it harder to vote. they tried to strip you because you as a democrat were elected governor of your actual powers and to neuter the office of governor simply because it was held by a democrat. that's who they are. are you concerned that the supreme court -- how worried are you that the supreme court is about to give that legislature total power over choosing the presidential slates or choosing the electoral slates in 2024? >> they want to manipulate the voting laws for partisan gain. this independent legislature theory uses the donald trump formula. if you don't like the result, just rip off the piece of the constitution that you don't like. they engaged in extreme partisan gerrymandering. the state supreme court said it was outside the bounds of the state constitution. this case says, we're going to rip off the part of the state constitution that has to do with checks and balances.
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we alone get to decide the voting laws and rules when it comes to federal elections. no state supreme court oversight. no gubernatorial veto. we control it. and you mentioned, joy, some of the things that they've done in the past to try to manipulate elections. a strict voter issues d law that wouldn't even allow you to use a unc college id. elimination of same-day voter registration during early voting. cutting the amount of early voting. no provisional ballots for voters who come into the wrong precinct. one thing after the other. drawing judiciary -- excuse me, electoral districts so that it ended up being 10-3 republican over democrat in a fairly even state, and they said that the reason that was the case is because they couldn't find a way to make it 11-2. these are the people that you
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would be giving total control over the voting laws in federal elections, and it essentially would allow state legislatures across the country to rip off their state constitutions when it comes to checks and balances, just eliminating their supreme courts, eliminating their governors from the process. however you want to look at it in either lane, it is absolutely wrong. i hope the court does the right thing here. >> you know, your state is interesting because this is a state that barack obama, then-senator barack obama won in 2018 and barely lost in 2012 by 90,000 votes. but it is a state with a very extremist legislature. it used to have a majority democratic supreme court. cheri beasley was the supreme court chief justice. now it is a 5-2 republican court, and you have just had a major power outage because
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apparently someone was, you know, upset about a drag show, you know, shot up your electric grid. what is the state of republican extremism in north carolina and is it because north carolina is changing and can elect democrats statewide? is that what they're afraid of? >> well, first judges shouldn't even have to run in partisan races anyway. this is one of the things that they changed. they changed the law making these usually races partisan again, and they're the ones who have to rule on these voting laws. so that puts an air of favoritism over the whole process. the power outage here, we do not know the cause of this yet. we do not know who did it. we do not know the motive, but i do know that there has been a rise in hate speech, in threats, in violence against the lgbtq community, not only in north carolina but across the country. that's unacceptable in and of
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itself. we are glad in moore county that the power is back on now. we've got to be more vigilant about protecting our electric grid across the country. i talked to homeland security secretary mayorkas today about making sure that our -- these transformers and substations aren't vulnerable to attacks. we need to harden that critical infrastructure for sure. >> it is a sign of change and resistance to change in every way and north carolina is one of the states teetering on the brink and the election of a democratic governor, yourself, is one of the signs that north carolina governor rye cooper. thank you for your time. sir. appreciate you being here. >> we will keep working, joy. that's for sure. >> thank you very much. please come back soon. coming up there's no end in sight to trump's running legal nightmare as the bad news continues with a wake-up call for the donald. we'll be right back. r the donald we'll be right back.
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hard to believe it has been just three weeks since donald trump announced he was making another run at the white house, and i can't imagine a worse rollout. you have that freakish dinner with the man formerly known as kanye west and white nationalist dick fuentes. special counsel is already hard at work subpoenaing local officials in key 2020 swing
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states for communications with trump. yesterday the corporation bearing his surname was convicted on 17 counts in a tax fraud scheme spanning more than a decade. while trump himself was not charged in connection with that case despite evidence presented at trial presenting he knew about some of the scheming, manhattan district attorney alvin bragg says his work is not done. >> the work continues. the work never stops and we are going to continue to do that and there may be -- i don't know, i don't want to get ahead of the facts, but there may be other moments when we can report out publicly. in fact, i have committed to doing that when we reach a conclusion whether it is by indictment or some other way of closing the investigation. >> with regard to mr. trump? >> with regard to mr. trump. in time for the holidays the january 6th committee is expected to release its final report the week before christmas according to what two sources are telling nbc news. with me mary trump, donald trump's niece and host of "the mary trump show" podcast which i had the pleasure of being a
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guest on. thank you for being here. i want to go back to the thing to me that is the most jeopardy and the most glaring crime, alleged crime by your uncle donald, and it is taking those classified documents. more of them were found. according to "the washington post," at least two items mark classified were found at a federally run storage site in west palm beach. trump lawyers hired an outside firm to search his bedminster golf club and trump tower so there's more classified documents. what do you make of that and do you think that they will find the things even at trump tower? does he just have classified documents everywhere, everywhere he lives? >> well, joy, first of all i can't believe it has only been three weeks. it feels like three years. >> yeah. >> it is incredible. but you're right, this is absolutely the most serious crime of the many alleged crimes and i think at this point we should rule nothing out.
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there is no reason to think all of the documents were found. remember, they weren't handed over. they had to be removed by the fbi because they had a legally obtained search warrant. so i think there's every reason to expect we will find other documents elsewhere. now, another question is why were they in an off-site storage area. i'm pretty sure there's plenty of room in some of donald's other properties, unless he has run out of room because there are other documents. >> i might have asked you this before, but do you have some speculation as to what he wanted with this documents? >> i think that there are a couple of different reasons that can all be true at the same time. clearly he likes to hang on to things. he thinks they belong to him. it is sort of a way of establishing his street cred, if
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you will, but donald doesn't do anything without a financial motive. so i think it is also very likely that he had these documents -- remember, some of them are quite specifically about foreign powers and -- >> yeah. >> -- what was going on there, that he had them for leverage and/or financial gain. >> let's talk about the other -- i mean the other obviously major alleged crime here would be the insurrection. now you do have jack smith, this really aggressive counsel. how much fear do you think there is in the -- in trump land about that? >> well, first of all one of the biggest problems is that when you are going through the list of crimes earlier, alleged crimes earlier, i completely had forgotten about the insurrection. that's what happens. everything gets crowded out because more keeps getting piled on, and you are right.
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i think the insurrection is very possibly tied with the stealing of the top-secret classified documents. i think the appointment of jack smith is definitely sending fear down the spines of people in donald's inner circle, to which i think he's immune honestly because he's always been so protected. you know, the narrative after the mid terms was he's the biggest loser. my response to that was in what way? in what way? he's a free man. he's still raking in tens of millions of dollars from the people he's grifting off of. he is still at the top of the republican party. so in what way is donald trump losing at this point? >> right. and even the -- you know, alvin bragg, that prosecution was successful but the company is going to pay a fine. >> not a small one too. >> weisselberg will go to jail for a few months but, you know.
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>> yeah, there are no consequences. there continue to be no consequences. so i think it is a mistake to thank that we've passed the point of no return for him. we never have to date, so i think we need to see how all of these things play out and hope that there is a critical mass, which does seem to be happening. >> yeah. >> but i probably said something similar two years ago. >> yeah. i mean he'll be on ""the masked singer"" and people will act like all is forgiven. mary trump, thank you very much. appreciate you being here. up next, german authorities arrest, get this, dozen of far-right extremists for allegedly plotting to overthrow the government. why does that sound familiar? don't tell me, don't tell me. i've almost got it. hmm. i've almost got it hmm. every year you're with u, you get fifty dollars toward your home deductible. it's a policy perk for being a farmers customer. (customer) do i have to do anything? (burke) nothing. (customer) nothing?
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>> that was the one-and-only reverend al sharpton, reflecting on a speech he made in 1987 after three white teenagers were convicted of manslaughter after chasing a young black man, michael griffith, to his death in queens. reverend al sharpton's advocating in that case in his career. that career is depicted in "loudmouth" in theaters at the end of the new. joining me is reverend al sharpton. rev, it is good to see you. i remember because this is how i knew of you as a teenager back then in the michael griffith case, was the first of many, many cases you had to deal with. i want to play another clip. this is a fees from george floyd's funeral a generation later. >> what happened to floyd
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happens every day in this country and education and health services and in every area of american life. it is time for us to stand up in george's name and say get your knee off our necks. we don't want no -- just get up off of us and we can be and do whatever we can be. >> in case they forget your past, you're not just an activist, you do church when you do church. rev, i have asked you this probably privately before, but do you ever get discouraged by the fact that you are still having this fight for michael griffith to george floyd? >> well, it can discourage you but i think my faith is what bolsters me and gives me strength, that at the end of believe right will overpower wrong. when i started i became youth
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director of the new york chapter of operation bread basket, i was 13. when i started, it was unimaginable we would see a black president, and i lived to see that and i lived to see from working on shirley chisolm's campaign for president in '72, we have a black woman vice president. so that's some levels of victory. but the system -- the systemic change is what we must continue to fight for. we have 58 members of the black caucus now in congress. we have three black senators, one just reelected. but now how do we make law and how do we change legislation? we've done some in some areas. we have eric garner anti-choke law in new york state and we have racial profiling laws, many of which our movements have made come to being. but we still have to deal with the root cause that is systemic
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in our society and our government executes, and that's why i'm still fighting. when i think about dr. king and rosa parks and others, they boycotted the buses in '55. they didn't get a voting rights bill until '65. they didn't get a civil rights act until '64. this is about long-distance runners. this is not about one tweet. this is not about one march. this is about a continuation of the struggle, and that's what this whole documentary is about, is about things have changed in some ways and have not changes in others and that i have been able to keep fighting, and i'm representative of a lot of people that have maintained the fight even if we're not going to see all of the fruits of our labor. we will be able to say we made our contribution and we answered our call to duty. >> you know, you talk about dr. king and shirley chisolm, you kind of are our bridge
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between them, yourself and reverend jackson who came out of that movement. you guys entered politics was something dr. king didn't do and didn't have an interest in doing. you ran for president, you rain for mayor, you got involved with the process and you also convened with president. i want to talk with you a little bit about politics as you did enter it for a time. when you look at somebody like reverend warnock, who like you is a pastor and his sort of dignified presence and then you look at a herschel walker who is presented on the other side, what do you think about that dynamic? >> i think the same way i thought when they ran an allen keys against barack obama for u.s. senate and obama won and went on to become president. you can't separate quality from just somebody put there in a less-than effective and cerebral manner. it was an insult for the
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republicans, prompted by donald trump, to put any black with a celebrity name against someone who had already shown in two years they could be and effectively be a u.s. senator. these are distractions. that's why i went back to allen keys. we must look at the historic pattern and not be surprised when they use the same tactics over and over again, and those of us that have been in the protest movement, whether it was when i was younger or now, because i've gone from howard beach to george floyd to ahmad arbery, we are still out here. we have to understand our lane, our role, which sets a climate for people like warnock and eric adams and karen by raising the temperature outside, but keeping it within the means of doing it in a nonviolent, constructive way. but a dramatic way that keeps
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the focus of the nation on the inequities that still exist. >> the documentary is called loud, it's in theaters friday. i'm excited to see it. i thought i knew so much about you, big brother, but i want to watch it again and get all the subtleties and details. >> you've got to watch it because -- in 2000, about two years ago, i was getting ready to speak at a launch, a rally, in tulsa, oklahoma. and they said -- there's threats that they're gonna shoot you. and i said, i'm going anyway. they said, wait a minute, and i stop, and i did this show remote from a vehicle. so -- people need to see it, because you'll see people in brooklyn, new york, and queens, where donald trump grew up, and you'd understand donald trump. you see that kind of blatant racism yeah we had to face in the 80s, being called the
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n-word, i was stabbed, watermelons thrown, all that is in the documentary. people need to see it. >> amen to that. can't wait to watch it, reverend. thank you very much, my friend, really appreciate you. >> thank you. >> thank, you we'll be right back. ht back even if you got ppp and it only takes eight minutes to qualify. i went on their website, uploaded everything, and i was blown away by what they could do. has helped businesses get over a billion dollars and we can help your business too. qualify your business for a big refund in eight minutes. go to to get started. powered by innovation refunds.
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and all i have to say is, "here i am. it works." my advice for everyone is to go with golo. it will release your fat and it will release you. now, for some breaking news. an extremist plot to violently overthrow the government was foiled an early morning right. not here in the u.s. this time. this time, and germany. where 25 people have been arrested and the potential far-right coup. officials say members of the unknown terrorist group were motivated by a range of far-right conspiracy theories, including qanon. german prosecutors say the group was found no later than november 2021, and was in the process of planning an armed insurrection in order to install its own government. the group is closely associated with the german conspiracy group known as citizens of the right, which rejects the
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legitimacy of the german state. joining me now is -- author of beyond the wall. thanks for being here. tell me who this group is, how serious was this plot? >> well, i think it was quite serious. because for the first time, really, they have connections to the german army, and police. therefore, access to weaponry and organized people who knew what to do with the weapons. it's easy to forget that in germany, it's quite difficult to get a hold of firearms, if you're a normal citizen. so this is a new dimension to the movement that is existed for sometime, and that's what makes it quite dangerous. >> the thing is, i think people forget that qanon really is an international cult. it's not just in the united states. this insurrection attempt sounded a lot like january 6th. are there connections to the u.s.? >> there are indeed. the germans that love qanon -- it's one of the biggest outside
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the u.s.. there is indeed a connection there, and the u.s. military bases in germany -- are seen by these groups as the places where these conspiracies happen, where the supposed peter file rings are set up, the qanon people believe in. on german soil, and they to believe in the idea that donald trump is a sort of messiah figure that will free germany from that and kind of buy into some of the same conspiracies that you have in the u.s.. >> it's interesting. i think people do you forget that the not see is in the 1930s were inspired by americans southern jim crow. there's always been a connectivity between our extremists. this is what you roast in the latest piece in the washington post. >> -- high time that the political mainstream in germany took note of the scale of disaffection. are we seeing fascism returned to germany? it's a frightening idea. >> i think it's more borne out of a fear of the state. you see that on the far-right
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and the far left and germany, in the sense of people -- especially since covid, have fallen into all these conspiracy theories that basically claim that the states are too powerful and is controlling peoples lives on a day-to-day basis. this is something that so many people across the extreme ends of the spectrum can buy into, whether on the far-right or the far-left. >> and it's interesting you mention covid. i feel like that was part of one of the factors that ramped up extremism here in this country to. but we're seeing -- progress, the president has been ousted after moving to dissolve congress. -- just before congress voted to impeach him. you've got corruption and the sort of rolling fascist vibe and conspiracy theories. how systemic is this, and how global? >> i think certainly within germany, it was really boosted by covid. so this idea that suddenly the state will take over, and ordinary people need to rise times, is something that spread
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quite significantly, particularly in areas that are economically struggling, and because of that, inflation and the worldwide economic problems are kind of piling up on top of the things caused by the pandemic. i think it's a purpose fixed storm of factors that will make a lot of people feel that they need to look for, kind of, extreme politics, and particularly on the right, where certain charismatic leaders sort of stand ready to harness them. >> yeah. i feel like this is a global phenomenon. thankfully, and germany, as you said, it's not as easy to get your hands on a firearm. this come tree is unique in the fact that the lethality is much higher. -- thanks for filling us in on that really frightening development in germany. that's tonight's read out, everybody. thank you for tuning in. all in with chris hayes starts right now. all in with chris hayes st arts right now. >> tonight, on all in. will you help me
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