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tv   Yasmin Vossoughian Reports  MSNBC  December 11, 2022 11:00am-12:00pm PST

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hey, everybody. everybody's switching to leakproof underwear from knix. like this model... your friend from yoga... and your sister-in-law. they're so absorbent and so comfy. let's not forget, ashley graham... you know i love knix! join everybody who loves their leakproof underwear at good afternoon. i'm yasmin vossoughian. a rare sunday meeting of
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members of the january 6th committee. and they are deciding on potential criminal referrals in their final report. >> the criminal referrals themselves aren't necessarily something that is going to wake doj up to something they did not know before. but i do think it will be an important symbolic thing that the committee can do, or even more than symbolic, it is very clearly congress thinks, you know, a crime has been committed here and the doj's should investigate it. >> plus, brittani reporting from the washington post. detailing plans for a very public defense of hunter biden. in the face of expected republican investigations in the house, i will talk to one of the reporters who broke that story. and breaking news, more than 30 years after the bombing, a new suspect under arrest today. we will have details on the alleged bomb acre now in u.s. custody. all of that plus the white house firing back at republican critics that the deal to free brittney griner -- the dangerous shortage of
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medicine as the flu season gathers control. dr. patel coming on later this hour. all that and more everybody. happening right now, the january six committee, they confirmed an hour ago now -- they may include in their final report. set to be released in just ten days or so time. here's what committee members adam kinzinger and adam schiff said earlier today. >> the criminal referrals themselves aren't necessarily something that's going to wake doj up to something they did not know before. but i do think it will be an important symbolic thing the committee can do, or even more than symbolic, making it clear that congress thinks a crime has been committed here and the doj should investigate it. >> we have been far out ahead in most respects of the justice department in conducting our investigation. i think they have made use of the evidence that we've presented an open hearings. i think they will make use of the evidence we've presented in our report to further their
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investigation. >> let's bring in and mississippi see news senior politics reporter, jonathan allen, along with msnbc legal analyst and former u.s. attorney joyce vance as well. let me start with you. aside from being a fly on the wall to the virtual meeting that's happening right now, give us the who, what, when's, and how many, right? what's going to be inside this final january 6th report? who's going to get possibly this criminal referral? how many are we expecting? >> sure. we are going to get a report before the end of the year. we will see a public hearing on december 21st. in terms of the referrals, that's what they are discussing right now. somebody should be on that call in a moment to hear back about what the determinations are. they are looking at possible referrals for criminal investigations over president donald trump, his longtime chief of staff mark meadows, rudy giuliani, jeff clark, an
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official at the justice department, and a couple of others. and john eastman, of course, who was heavily involved in the effort to put together the so-called fake electors. as adam schiff and adam kinzinger said, that justice report -- the justice department is investigating this. we know because this special prosecutor has initiated to look into both january 6th and also the classified documents that donald trump took from the white house. we will have to see what the committee doesn't terms of referrals. obviously, that's congress acting and speaking and encouraging the justice department. >> joyce, we heard from betty thompson, i believe it was last week, who let slip there would be at least one criminal referral. we didn't know to whom that criminal referral was going to. either way, depending on how many there are, this is really just a recommendation, right, at the end of the day. so what happens to them once they get the doj? >> so these recommendations are
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coming from a separate branch of government. something that doj is really hardwired to ignore in virtually every case. doj looks at facts, they look at the law and they make their own decisions. but representative schiff was right today when he said that doj in a very unusual way was able to capitalize on this investigation. in many cases the committee, surface witnesses and information apparently ahead of doj who then asked for testimony. i spoke with witnesses. these recommendations, i think it would be wrong to tell you that they will be heard in a great way. i think the justice department will very carefully look at the recommendations but more importantly the evidence that the committee compiles to support each of those recommendations. >> so, jonathan, here is what the hill is reporting. you've got five members of house gop that are going to
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likely skirt these criminal referrals. we are talking about kevin mccarthy, scott jordan, male brooks as well -- this is what the reporting is. they may get punted to the ethics committee which, by the by, it will be run by republicans. i don't know where that's going to land. i want to -- you've got kevin mccarthy in that list with andy biggs, both individuals running for republican leadership in the house. what do you make of this reporting? >> number one, and the ethics community -- will be split between the party. you always need bipartisan agreement to move forward with ethics committee findings, the equivalent of the ethics committee conviction. in this case, i think it's unlikely that the members will punch each other. but it's certainly possible. i think the key here is this evidence becoming public for various reasons. we've seen the hearings. we will see a report that makes
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a lot of the evidence public. this goes to the ethics committee, it makes findings -- ultimately, that's what a lot of this is about. to make sure that all the information, or as much as possible that the committee has ascertained over time, actually makes it into public hands so people can make judgments for themselves about who did what and, you know, who was right and wrong. >> joyce, as you think about the and then at this report, the summation of all the findings of the january 6th committee, what are the things you want to hear in that report? what do you hope the committee is focusing on? >> well, it's been apparent from the very beginning that the committee is focused on donald trump. there is been a straight line tying him to responsibility for the events of january 6th. that was important work they did. really before the committee began its hearings, focus had
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shifted. they managed to catalyze viewpoints across america, maybe not a majority of americans, trump still has his a hearings, but in a very real way, this committee brought the issues to the american people. what i would like to hear and what i suspect we will not is more about what permitted this sort of event on january 6th to take place. what were the blind spots in law enforcement, for instance, that permitted the fbi and other federal agencies to miss the information? congress has an important role to play here. they engage in oversight. they write new laws when necessary. i know that's a top prospect going into this a divided congress that will take over in january. nonetheless, congress has the obligation to think about how we can prevent a repetition of what happened in 2020. >> joyce vance, thank you. jonathan allen, thank you as well. all, right we have this big new
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report today that is suggesting some democrats are ready to fight back against what is expected to be a top target for republicans when they take control the house. we are talking about hunter biden. according to reporting from the washington post, an array of groups are preparing to defend the president son against and gop onslaught but lack a unified strategy. we want to bring in one of the authors of that scoop, the washington post white house reporter, matt. thanks for joining us on this. you have two tracks. you have the track that says, okay, hunter has to get out in front of this whole thing. and then the other track says, let's -- what republicans would not be doing while continuing to launch investigations like into the president's son. let's talk about that first track, right? we saw, it seems, according to reporting, some evidence of that track playing out recently at a state dinner in which hunter biden, we are now learning, walked up to a group of people, introduced him self to kevin mccarthy's mother.
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talk us through this. >> that particular exchange was one that was a little bit quintessentially biden family. sort of approaching an adversary, kind of warmly, almost, and saying hello to kevin mccarthy's mother initially and having a brief exchange between the man in mccarthy who wants to investigate hunter biden. it's emblematic of some of the strategy some of hunter's allies have been talking about, which is taking this more aggressive approach. they talked about potential defamation lawsuits into fox news, into rudy giuliani, eric trump. they've gathered a lot of research about potential witnesses who may testify against hunter biden, including john paul mckay's ick, the mac store owner who hunter allegedly drop his laptop off
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with. they are doing a lot to prepare for what is expected to be a year plus of scrutiny on hunter. some of his past activities. this is some of the first signs of his camp preparing for that battle. >> so, his camp essentially saying, okay, we want hunter to be personally involved in fighting back this narrative. >> potentially. i mean, they feel like his life has been put under scrutiny and cast in a much more negative way than it is. you are looking at him, even of the public signs over the past couple of weeks, he was at the state dinner, he was at the kennedy center honors with his father, he walked his daughter down the aisle at a white house wedding just recently. i think you are seeing more of hunter visibly. we may start to hear more from him. in particular, the people around him, i think, are
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gathering for this battle. i think one thing they will have to grapple with is whether hunter himself is testifying or what role he will play in some of that is yet to be determined. >> matt, you have the other side of the -- you quote someone who asked for anonymity to describe the conversations happening there in dealing with the investigations or the impending investigations into hunter biden, saying no one thinks this strategy of putting hunter biden front and center is smart. so how do they think democrats should be fighting back? >> essentially, taking the playbook that hunter has had for the past two years. which is, keep your head down, don't speak a lot. certainly, don't do anything to drive news coverage around some of the controversy, which is certainly would if they were filing lawsuits against hunter's adversaries. they want hunter to do as much as possible to stay out of the
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limelight even if it's sort of in the approach he maintained with house republicans. the thinking there is to lead house republicans, in their minds, overreach on issues in the american electorate does not care a lot about, even the republican base does. to do as little as possible to drive that news coverage. that's where the dispute comes in these different camps among democrats, as everybody tries to figure out how to handle these house republican investigations. >> matt, thanks for your reporting on this and checking in with us. we appreciate it. i wanna bring in now to expand this conversation congressman jim hines, democrat from canada connecticut -- republicans will have control of the house. they talked about these investigations they will be launching. they specifically mentioned hunter biden. hence why we are talking about
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this today. i'm sure you just heard my conversation with a strategy -- and do you think is smarter for democrats to take in anticipating something like this going down? do you put the president's son out front or do you point to what republicans are not doing and using their time to launch investigations like one into the president son, hunter biden? >> he has, minutes important to understand what's going on right now. what's going on right now is that you have a guy, kevin mccarthy, who really, really wants to be speaker of the house. because he have a fortified majority, any one of those 45 people can wake up, this can be marjorie taylor greene, matt digs, paul goes are, can wake up and say today what i'm going to ask kevin mccarthy to do is to be on hunter biden or be on trump's friends, whatever it's going to be. what up until he is speaker of the house, until -- you will see all these chen jen shull things be featured in his
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dialogue because he is working so hard to get some really marginal and idiosyncratic people to vote for him as house beaker. one thing could be serious here. i don't think there is anything serious here, but one thing could be serious. the core -- somehow hunter biden for all his challenges and personal struggles, that he somehow enlisted the president, joe biden, in the service of his private business interests. that's legitimate. that's a legitimate area -- i don't think anybody is believed that that has happened. this is the third thing i would say. the republicans just dramatically underperformed in elections. the senate remains the democratic. in fact, more democratic. part of the reason for that is that the american people looked at the most outlandish, maga narrative, the election was stolen, qanon, they looked at those outlandish narratives and said these are not the people i want running the country. to answer your question very directly, if they want to go down rambles and show they are not interested in addressing
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inflation, addressing the challenges americans have today, part of me says let them. they will play a huge price in the 2024 election. >> i want to talk about january 6th if we can, while i have you congressman, first and foremost the release of the final report we will be getting in the next couple of weeks and this meeting that we know is going on currently as to who to kind of defer criminal referrals towards. who are you expecting, what are you expecting come out of that meeting? what do you want to see in that final report and do you agree with the assessment we are getting in that they will focus more on and the former president and his culpability here versus the breakdown in security, for instance and at the capitol hill police. >> two things, number one, the work of this committee is largely done. they told in a remarkable way with video and voices of donald trump and his own people, they told the story of what happened on january 6th. which is a remarkably innovative approach in terms of how to run a committee of
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inquiry. their work is largely done, i think. what i was saying earlier about the american people stepping back and saying, wait a minute, these people have gone so far off the deep and that i don't want them in the senate, i don't want them in the white house, i think the january 6th committee did a great job of that. the other thing i would say could be very valuable here when we have conversations about will they make a criminal referral, as you know, at the end of the day, that would have no legal standing. what could be interesting would be if a committee explained to the american people some things that were really challenging. i'm not sure the american people understand the full criminal inquiry or meetings like disrupting -- seditious conspiracy. this is not grant have to auto, right? we were the committee to say here's why we believe crimes were committed and here's the way that were rational and reasoning works, that could be a valuable service to the american people. >> congressman, i don't want to let you go without talking about the documentary that you
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spearheaded that's coming out, one-of-a-kind, 30 minute documentary on economic inequality. embrace the fight for the american dream. you profiled three different individuals in their fight, their existence, their lives inside the united states. i believe it's narrated by sarah jessica parker as well -- you've got increases of amidst all of this from one of your colleagues, marcy kaptur, who said the midwest is not mentioned at all in the documentary and says you should ask jim hines about it. what is your response to that? talk to us more about this documentary. >> the documentary is really wonderful. i was determined in this committee i chair to not just produce a dry report with a long list of legislative recommendations. i wanted the americans to see each other, to understand what it's like to be, for example, one of our characters, african american who never finished college, or an immigrant in california trying to start a new business. this documentary is really wonderful. it tells those stories in a way that's not political, it's not partisan, it's not a list of policy recommendations.
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i really think people are going -- this documentary is going to speak to peoples hearts. i think it's going to do the country a service in terms of generating some empathy. miss captor, i saw those comments she made, i respectfully could not disagree with her more. our very first hearing was in her district in ohio where we spent a couple of days in the midwestern community that had been devastated. we did another one, a total of three hearings outside washington. another one was in wisconsin in the midwest. she's right that we don't have a character from the midwest. we also don't have a homeless -- someone from the city of bridgeport. this is a country of millions and millions of stories, thousands of different kinds of stories. we have to tell the story, we have to make some choices. i will tell you that i admire but marcy kaptur fight for her constituents and the economic challenges that affect the midwest. this is an -- really address those challenges in a comprehensive way. >> congressman jim hines of connecticut, thank you sir,
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appreciate it. still ahead, everybody, we will bring you developments on today's january 6th committee meeting to consider criminal referrals ahead of their final report. plus, a historic slashed and that sets the stage for the return to the moon. >> splash down from tranquility base to the tranquil waters of the pacific, the latest chapter of nasa's journey to the moon comes to a close. back on earth. >> oh ryan, back on earth. first, breaking news we are following. decades after the bombing of pan am flight that went down over the speck scottish town of lockerbie, and you suspect is finally in u.s. custody. we will be right back. be right back. e the love event, subaru retailers have supported over seventeen hundred hometown charities. (phil) have i witnessed and seen the impact of what we do? you bet i have. (kathryn) we have worked with so many amazing causes and made a difference.
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we are following breaking news in a decades old case. a living man suspected of making the bomb that blew up the passenger plane over the small scottish town of lockerbie in 1988 is now in u.s. custody. u.s. authorities telling nbc news the man is now being extradited to the united states. the blast on board the pan am 747 killed 270 people. -- following the story from -- astounding to think of this breaking news moment when it comes to that crash over lockerbie. so long ago, allie. this has been a decades-long effort. how did we get here? >> that's right, yasmin.
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it's been a long, painstaking process to finally bring which -- to justice. 34 years in the making, as you mentioned. initially, he wasn't even the focus of an investigation, the mastermind of the operation was -- abdelbaset al-megrahi he had masterminded the whole organization. he was -- released them from a 27 year in jail sentence in 2009, he had cancer. he went back to libya and died in 2012. he is the only person to have been convicted to date for the worst terrorist attack on british soil. but as they were investigating al-megrahi, masoud started to surface. and when the investigators made their initial investigations into him, the libyan government denied he even existed. but it turned out that he was in libya and an intelligence
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officer and a bomb making expert. the big break came in 2017 when u.s. officials received an interview with that libya law enforcement had done with masoud in 2012 where he admitted to making the bomb, delivering it to -- building the timer so it could go off on the pan am flight. that would then put a lot of focus on masoud. he was still at large for a long time. and then about a month ago, reports emerged that some groups in libya had captured masoud, had kidnapped him. there was some speculation that they may then hand him over to the u.s. to then stand trial. obviously, they did and here we are now. masoud now in u.s. custody facing trial for that bomb that killed 270 people with 34 years ago. a lot of people, a lot of the
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relatives of the families are going to want to know answers. the mechanism of how this was done. more importantly, why this was done. senseless killing of 270 people. >> ali rosie, thank you. as you mentioned, certainly a major moment for the families of all those victims on board that flight. and by the way, coming up in the next hour, i'm going to be joined by the sister of a pan am flight 103 victim to get her reaction decades after the loss of her brother. we are following an update on the tragic death of your u.s. oscar jenner journalists -- the journalist was suffering some kind of acute distress in the press room during saturday's match between argentina and the netherlands before collapsing. qatari officials saying he received immediate medical attention on site before being taken to the hospital where he passed away at the age of 49 the u.s. spokesperson said they are working with qatari officials to fulfill wahl family's wishes and the
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official cause of death has not been announced. up next, the white house firing back at right-wing critics questioning the deal that brought american britney griner home. and we continue to follow developments in that rare sunday meeting of the january 6th committee with criminal referrals on the table. the latest information coming up next. showed that centrum silver supports cognitive health in older adults. it's one more step towards taking charge of your health. so every day, you can say... ♪ youuu did it! ♪ with centrum silver. you've put your dreams on hold. remember this? but i spoke to our advisor, and our vanguard investments are on track. “we got this, babe.” so go do what you love. thanks for being our superhero. only at vanguard, you're more than just an investor—you're an owner. giving you flexibility to follow your dreams. that's the value of ownership.
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godaddy. tools and support for every small business first. flu symptoms hit harder than the common cold. so it takes the right tool for the job... to keep it together. now there's new theraflu flu relief with a max strength fever fighting formula. the right tool for long lasting flu symptom relief. hot beats flu. breaking news from texas, everybody. we are getting our first pictures of basketball star brittney griner since her release from a russian prison. take a look at this. the six foot nine olympic gold medalist scene here with the state department staff that helped bring her home over the weekend. big smiles from brittany and all those involved after the 18 hour flight between the uae and san antonio, texas. finally, a vote of brittani with her wife, cherelle. with them, a special presidential envoy for hostage affairs, roger carson's. we want to bring in nbc's -- at the white house on this
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story for us. this was an incredible achievement, i believe, for britney griner's family, for cherelle and her wife, the white house on the president as well. however, amidst all this, he has been getting criticism, especially from right-wing media. tell us more, josh. >> yeah, some of those critics including former secretary of state mike pompeo have pointed out the imbalance between the two individuals who were traded in this case, pointing out that the u.s. gave at a convicted arms dealer, someone who was known as the merchant of death in exchange for essentially a celebrity, someone who did not have the same kind of strategic national security value in that same vein of a convicted criminal had been given back. the white house has been very staunchly defending its decision, even in light of that criticism. we heard from white house national security council spokesman john kirby responding
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today to that criticism. watch. >> they weren't in the room. they weren't on the phone. they weren't watching the incredible effort and determination by mr. carson's and his team to try to get both paul and brittany out together. in a negotiation, you do what you can. you do as much as you can. you push and you push and you push and we did and this deal we got last week that was the deal that was possible, the deal we could get, now now is the moment we can get it, and we executed it. >> white house officials say this is not the end of the road for their efforts to bring paul whelan home. yasmin, they say they remain just as it's created in the future to make sure that finally happens. >> let's talk a little bit about paul whelan, if we can. the white house now knows, the u.s. now knows what it's going to take to bring someone like paul whelan home, considering this most recent exchange. we know the president has said repeatedly publicly he is committed to making sure that happens. we heard from wheatland's russian attorney who he said he
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believes wheeling could easily come back to the u.s. in the next couple months. what are we hearing about paul whelan's morale right now inside russia as he continues to remain in captivity? and what is next? >> white house officials were particularly taken aback by those comments from president putin suggesting he was open to more talks like this. potentially assigned the russians would be willing to move forward with returning paul whelan and an additional prisoner exchange. we know paul whelan's family has said that the griner trade was a catastrophe for paul whelan, despite the fact that they understood the decision the president made and supported that decision. but roger carson's, the u.s. hostage negotiations envoy said he was able to inform paul whelan parson we buy phone of the decision to bring back britney griner. he described that conversation with paul whelan. watch. >> i talked to paul on friday,
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about 30 minutes on the phone with him. in a russian prison. he was obviously unsatisfied. he would have loved to be on that plane. i told him it was either one or no one. we could either bring bring briy home or no one was coming home. he understood that. he said, congratulations for brittney griner, tell her that i'm grateful that she's released. he said, this is a big win for the united states of america. >> also spoke himself to our colleagues over at cnn and said he was disappointed the u.s. has not done more to bring him home, that he believes the president should do anything it takes at this point, whatever the cost, adding he believes he is in a precarious situation, yasmin. >> and josh for us, we thank you, josh. good to talk to you. back to washington, we are keeping an eye on a rare sunday meeting, the january six committee is holding it right now, virtually, to consider criminal referrals in their final report. and the most notable target, the committee could be
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considering is trump, of course. it could also include several allies of the former president. the criminal referrals could also include witnesses committed perjury, contempt of congress, or witness tampering. joining me now is an investigative reporter at the guardian. hugo, great to talk to you. i want to read for folks some of your reporting on this, especially as we know this meeting is ongoing. i'm going to ask of you if you've been in touch with any sources in side that meeting. here is what you wrote leading up to this. the decision to move forward with referrals comes days after a special for member that committee established to consider the issue recommended that the full committee seek prosecution from the justice department for a number of individuals connected to january 6th. and that the referrals could follow two tracks -- citations for things congress can request prosecution by statute, such as perjury or witness tampering, or wider ranging recommendations such as making the case that donald
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trump obstructed an official proceeding on january 6th. what more, in your reporting, hugo, have you learned about possible criminal referrals here and anything happening right now inside that meeting? >> look, the committee has been examining this issue of referrals for several months now. i think this should come as no surprise to anyone that the principal target in their sights is of course trump. trump was the focus of the hearings. trump has been the focus from the very first days of this investigation. ation. the question really is not so much who they refer but over what because that's what will make the difference with the justice department. is the committee going to repeat what they said in the court finding in march that trump engaged in a conspiracy to obstruct congressional proceedings and therefore the united states, or will they go a different route? are they going to do several different things, like perjury or witness tampering, particularly in trump's case. that's what we are looking
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forward to. that's what the committee has been assigned for this path forward. >> i want to talk about the small, minor when the trump team had over the last week. the judge ruling this week denying doj's request to hold the trump team in contempt. what other avenues and as the department of justice have, it is jack smith have in making sure that they have all the documents that former president donald trump took out of that white house, especially the highly classified ones? >> it's a real conundrum. part of the reason why the judge, the chief judge for the district of columbia did not hold trump's team in content is because what doj ultimately wants here is to get the documents back. there is the criminal investigation happening at the same time, obviously, but the principal issue is the classified documents and national security implications. doj once these. back in government possession as quickly as they can. the move to try to get trump's
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team to certify that all these documents have been returned is also trying to make sure that there are no outstanding documents left in trump's possession. forcing them to do that by just holding trump's team in contempt does not really solve the underlying issue here which -- trump team can probably find someone to sign their name, have it reluctantly in the cabinet that they like, but it does not solve the issue. doj has been working really hard -- to go to other trump properties and conduct a search, it doesn't seem like that is the case right now. certainly that's where we are heading because they weren't able to get a judge to hold trump in contempt and now are running out of options for referring indictment. >> hugo, thank you. coming up, everybody, concerns of a trickle damac as the flu, rsv, covid-19 as well serving surging across this country. drug shortages are becoming more common. and then next hour, an exclusive live interview with a
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man who has emerged as a potential major opposition leader to the iranian regime. a documentary about the pain that fuels him every single day. his wife and daughter killed in a plane that was shot down. >> this is my life. i'm not that kind of person who walks away. i'm going to stand until the end of this. i will die for something that is valuable, that is justice. announcer: derek jeter ...or plan? maybe... it's because in dreams, you can do anything. in dreams... you can hold your entire world in the palm of your hand. and turn time inside out... again and again. and you can do it all with your eyes wide open. ♪♪ subway's drafting 12 new subs for the all-new subway series menu
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are warning that three dangerous respiratory viruses, rsv, flu, covid as well, they are all spreading widely now. the cdc estimated more than 7000 people have died from the flu this season long. emptying pharmacy shelves -- soaring demand not a shortage in supply. that is what is leading to those empty shelves. dr. patel is an msnbc medical contributor and former obama white house policy director. it's great to talk to you. the other day i watch the doctor with my kiddos, tested for rsv, negative, tested for covid, negative, flu positive, it's one or the other two every single time. why is this happening at the same time? >> it does feel like it's literally the imperfect storm, the worst thing we could imagine. couple of things, a lot of our mask protocols have been completely dropped. it's been that way for months now. add in the cold weather, people are moving indoors and are
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moving into crowding spaces. and these -- we are seeing rsv and flew a lot earlier than we used to see them. usually, we are hitting our peak in the january timeframe and we are seeing that peak earlier. that could also be because of just the strange patterns over the last several years. no flew one year, a really bad flu season that we all knew what happened this year, rsv as well. these are all contagious viruses that you get by touching things, coughing and sneezing near people, we are a lot closer to each other with our masks off. >> we are learning of the shortage of over-the-counter prescribed medications as well, many of the drug companies saying it's because of the manse, not because of shortage of supply. what do you make of that? what is -- we are talking about homeopathic staff, and rvs, i believe it is, for instance, the cough medication that you give to toddlers, even that you cannot find in your local drugstore's in some states. >> if you can print a sub story around the pandemic, supply chain, right? formula, there were so many
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issues with supply chain. this is a classic one. there are drug manufacturers and full sail retailers that have relationships with big box stores and individual pharmacies. you don't go into one place and find all the brands because of those relationships. once that supply and demand kind of -- once you have more demand than supply at that one local retailer, then you go on the hunt for the areas and find anything in the local region. that's my advice to families. tried to look for some of the local pharmacies in your neighborhood and they might also have alternatives. then call your doctor's office because they also sometimes have some of these very common medications like tylenol and ibuprofen. they can have those in stock as well, even just a sample to get you through your flu. >> we are seeing, you talked about masking a little bit earlier. we are seeing now renewed calls for masking yet again. i've got to tell, you i'm seeing more people wearing masks again. >> yeah. >> where are you on this? >> yeah, look, los angeles county and other counties that
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had put into place protocols, they hit certain covid levels they would talk about putting it in a county or citywide ordinance. they are getting dangerously close. i've been wearing them indoors in places where i know i'm going to be, metros, shopping stores, grocery stores. i will say, in the country's fatigue, the world is probably fatigue. you are not likely to wear a mask in the last several months during the omicron surge is, it's probably unlikely that i can convince you to put a mask on. hopefully, knowing that, like you said, one of three viruses we are seeing some with two out of three, some with all three, which is a little more rare, imagine having a little one, especially those that are really young, under the age of four, and those that are old with a high chance of hospitalization, that might be a reason for people to we pause and have a normal holiday celebration without -- try to wipe down services. rsv can live for hours on services as well. >> very nerve-racking to see your little 16, that's for sure. doctor kavita patel, as always
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my friend, great to see you. nasa's artemis 1 moon mission returns to earth with a splash down in the pacific. -- lindsey reiser, -- she doesn't love that moniker, she joins me next. >> hey, there. i'm ayman one hygiene. tonight at nine eastern on ayman i will be joined by the former white house photographer. i will be joined by democratic congressman mondaire jones to discuss the historic passage of the respect for marriage act. tonight at nine eastern right here on msnbc. ♪ kevin! kevin! kevin? oh nice. kevin, where are you... kevin?!?!?.... hey, what's going on? i'm right here! i was busy cashbacking for the holidays with chase freedom unlimited. i'm gonna cashback on a gingerbread house! oooh, it's got little people inside! and a snowglobe. oh, i wished i lived in there. you know i can't believe you lost another kevin. it's a holiday tradition!
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plus the powerful cough relief you need. mind if i root through your trash? robitussin. the only brand with real honeyand elderberry. welcome back, everybody. nasa's artemis 1 is back on planet earth. the capsule splashed back down in the pacific ocean a short time ago. the 2016 mission was a test nasa's ability to return astronauts to the moon. no astronauts were on board this mission. nbc's lindsey reiser is with
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us. she will walk us through it. she will tell us when we can all go to the moon. take us through. it >> we are a few years away. >> sign me up! happy for everybody else who wants to go. >> let's go ahead and show some images from nasa tv. in the orion capsule is still bobbing off the coast of baja, california. they're getting really close, and maybe teams are, to going in and collecting the orion space capsule. they have been doing tests remotely here to make sure the heat shield stood up. this is a big test for artemis across the board here, for those parachutes you see on your's green. 116-foot silk parachutes slow orion down from 34 -- miles an hour to zero at splash down. the heat shield, those 3000 but -- 5000 degrees fahrenheit, half the heat of the surface of the sun from those extreme temperatures. a big test for this kit entry technique.
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this is a new technique that they try for the first human spacecraft ever, where orion dipped at hertz atmosphere and dipped back in, and shipped out again. this helps break up sort of the g forces to make it easier on astronauts once -- let's show you where orion has been. after successfully leaving earth's atmosphere, did a close fly by of the moon then went into distant retrograde, deep space the farthest of that a spacecraft without humans has ever been. orion went close to the moon, about 79 miles from the room and lose lunar gravity assist to slingshot it back on a trajectory to earth. we got mannequins on board. they have sensors. one of the mannequins was wearing a brand-new first generation orion spacesuit and then, yasmin, while we're going back again, artemis two is to put a crew on the iranian space capsule. artemis 3 is to go back on the
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moon. they are looking at the south pull right now. these are some possible landing sites. it's crucial here to understand how successful -- to overstate, rather -- how successful this was for nasa. let's look at at images orion captured, deep space, the crescent moon, the crescent earth. it has gone textbook. nasa will be celebrating tonight, celebrating crews on acetate he have been talking about getting a much deserved night of sleep. after this it's artemis two, artemis 3, and beyond, yasmin. >> let me ask you this, how did you do in astronomy? [laughter] >> i'm very well. >> i knew it! i knew it! this is -- there are so many things that can go wrong at any point. they are very happy. >> it's incredible. huge success mission. i just like to play with you sometimes. lindsey reiser, i enjoyed it.
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thank you. ahead in our next hour, a powerful new documentary tells the story about one man's search for justice after his family was killed in iran. plus democratic senator of hawaii joins me to talk about what's next for her party after kristen sinema shook it up. more developments in the arrest of a suspect in the 1988 pan am flight bombing. i will speak to the sister of one of the victims. i will be right back. om fidelity to envision what's possible and balance risk and reward. and with a clear plan, rayna can enjoy wherever she's headed next. that's the planning effect, from fidelity. one prilosec otc each morning blocks heartburn all day and all night. prilosec otc reduces excess acid for 24 hours, blocking heartburn before it starts. one pill a day. 24 hours. zero heartburn. this holiday master your kitchen with wayfair. blocking heartburn before it starts. ♪ ♪ keep it fresh with colorful cookware.
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ugh! but, we found other interests. i guess we have. [both] finch! let's go! oh yeah! it's not the same. what could you do to solve the problem? we could get xfinity? that's actually super adult of you to suggest. i can't wait to squad up. i love it when you talk nerdy to me. guy, guys, guys, we're still in session. and i don't know what the heck you're talking about.


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