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tv   Katy Tur Reports  MSNBC  December 15, 2022 11:00am-12:00pm PST

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good to be with you, i'm katy tur. three quarters of americans say they want congress to compromise instead of the infighting and the partisan posturing, they
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want legislation. get things done is the message according to a new poll by npr, pbs and maris, it is the same message a big portion of the american public has been sending for decades. you don't need to like each other, but you do need to work with each other. there is a prime opportunity to do this next year, with a divided congress, when if lawmakers want to get anything done, they will have to compromise, and then there's the problem. even if a majority of republicans and democrats did want to work together, the incoming senate might make it next to impossible because the house gop majority still does not have a speaker. we've been talking about this for weeks. kevin mccarthy wants the gavel, and most of his caucus wants him to have it. but most is not enough. right now, there are five holdouts who could sink his chances, including andy biggs and matt gaetz who are both vowing never to support him. regardless of the concessions he makes. even without them, there are moving kevin mccarthy can make
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to hang on, but they're the sort of moves that would seriously hamper his control over the majority and thereby seriously hamper his ability to bring forward meaningful legislation that has any chance of making it through the senate, meaning if he wanted to find compromise, with the democrats, always an if in these times, he might not even have the power to do it. >> joining me now is nbc news senior capitol hill correspondent garrett haake and nbc correspondent vaughn hillyard and washington bureau chief of usa today, susan page. garrett, let's start with the five that are holdouts. who are they? what are they saying? >> well, you mentioned matt gaetz, and andy biggs, two of the five, gaetz has been kind of the longest tenured member of the never kevin caucus, always a foil to the republican leader. biggs is the man up for the job or has put himself up for the job to be speaker if kevin mccarthy can't get the notes. less well known ralph norman, he
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got notoriety this week when he had a text to mark meadows calling for martial law on the aftermath of the 020 election came out, matt rosendale who ran for senate in montana, a congressman, bob good of virginia, the fifth. they all have their own reasons for opposing kevin mccarthy. but by and large, they go to what you just described. they want to hold his feet to the fire and kind of force him to be more conservative, more pro-trump than he might otherwise be and to the degree they're interested in compromise, and again, it varies among the five, a lot of this has to deal with rule changes they might be able to extract to make it possible to give him the gavel and have it hanging over his head the ability to take it back if he tags too far to the left or too far away from the positions they would like to see him follow. interesting of note, people who used to be foils of kevin
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mccarthy, jim jordan, marjorie taylor greene, very much in kevin mccarthy's camp, and lobbying their fellow conservatives to join them in supporting him as speaker. so they can get anything else done in the next congress. >> there was a motion to vacate that you're talking about, that sort of damaclees, and only a few weeks to do this, and if kevin mccarthy doesn't get there, who else could possibly get there and could it be andy biggs? i feel like i know the answer before it comes out of my mouth. >> biggs is not going to get. there and we already saw a vote between him and kevin mccarthy behind closed doors on the republican side and he lost something like 188-30, the other name is steve scalise, kevin mccarthy's kind of loyal number two, backed mccarthy in this race here, but never kevin caucus, if it digs in here, in theory, they could come to someone like scalise as a consensus alternative. i still think that's less likely. it is worth to point out that at this point in 2018, nancy pelosi didn't have the note votes to be
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the next speaker either. there is a lot of time for the back room political, if you will, wheeling and dealing to get folks to the vote on january 3rd and kevin mccarthy is pretty good at that inside gig. >> it is interesting, because donald trump has been trying to lobby some house republicans to get kevin mccarthy the gavel, but donald trump doesn't seem to have the sway that he once did, and part of that has to be, vaughn, because donald trump doesn't have the sway with the american public that he once did, and all sorts of polling out there, showing that republicans don't want him to be the nominee. they would want somebody else, like maybe ron desantis, with the kind of caveat that we're two years away and a lot that might happen before then but talk to me about that. >> look at the numbers. the members of congress are looking at the exact same numbers you and i are looking at and the polling numbers are going down. the cnn poll, 38% of republican voters say they want donald trump. the other 60% said they want a
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different nominee. if you compare that to january of this year, 50% said that they wanted donald trump some of the that is a 12 point drop. however, at the same time, here, while you look at these numbers, desantis and trump, there's fluidity from npr to morning consult, to "the wall street journal" polling, showing both of these two men going toe to toe. at the same time back in 2016 when you and i were going around iowa and nevada and new hampshire, donald trump was still in the 30s. nationally. and these polling figures here, there should be some caution taken with these numbers. and again, this is going to be a republican electorate that chooses who their nominee is, it is not going to be the general populous. >> that is such a good point and this republican electorate could drag them more toward donald trump, more toward the extreme than they did earlier, which is what we saw, the republicans big problem, in the 2022 midterms, and 2020, and 2018, and that the vast middle is not so crazy about donald trump, and wants less, or more reasonable
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lawmakers. so when we add that dynamic, into how republicans in the house are going to try to legislate, i think we're holding out hope for compromise and doing what the american public wants to, and then which is to work together, how long should you be thinking you are going to be holding your breath? >> i'm not holding my breath on that. as you said, that is a pretty consistent theme. americans say they want to see, they would like compromise, even if it means you have to make some concessions, if it's in the interest of getting things done and what is the message that generally has not gotten through. things have gotten done, big things have gotten done in the past few years, including the last year, but mostly along party lines and mostly things get done when one party has control of both branches, of both houses of congress and the white house. and we are going into a divided government again for the next two years so expectations are pretty low, and that is based on experience. >> so if you are looking ahead,
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what do you see as the possible places where compromise can happen? are they just going to be these must do bills, like government funding next year? >> well, i think that's the first and most important place we'll look for. but i feel like there are some other areas, mainly around foreign policy. for example, support for ukraine is still widely popular. you see it on the senate side. and even now, mitch mcconnell is as outspoken as any democrat when it comes to making sure ukrainians have the resources they need. i also think there's a kind of rising hawkish attitude toward china that could drive the new parties together in the new year. if you're looking more legislative achievements, domestic achievements like the infrastructure bill and the funding for chips done in the last congress, you might be waiting a while. >> and you have the motion to vacate and one or two conservatives who say i don't like that we're funning ukraine, or i don't like our policy, mccarthy's policy, or the legislation he wants to bring up regarding china, does that make
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that next to impossible to get done, even if there is broad bipartisan for? or even a vast majority of republicans who say they want this? >> yes, potentially. and by the way, you said the motion to vacate, one it could be a democrat who brings it forward on any given day, one of mccarthy's talking points as he walks republicans away from this and mccarthy is trying to find a sweet spot where he says okay, we might bring the motion to vacate back and let's bring in 40 lawmaker swlos to sign on, or 50, so maybe a figure leaf for those who want to want to have a mechanism to threaten a future speak wer but making it so unwieldy and so difficult to use, he gets a little more room to operate freely. we will see where that lands sometime in the next couple of weeks. >> i would like to say that americans who are watching this debate and in the annex of the motion to vacate must say, what are you guys doing? what is happening with inflation? what about the rest of democracy? i mean i realize the motion to
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vacate, the vote is important to cobble together a majority to select a speaker but it is an example that americans think washington is so out of touch with the real concerns in their daily lives. >> you hear about that on the campaign trail. what do americans say to you, vaughn, about washington, and why there is so much frustration there? >> i think the general election here in 2022 showed us that a majority of americans are frustrated with how republicans have operated in washington, d.c., but on the flip side, there's also a great many republicans who i've talked to over the course of the last many years and perhaps their voices were louder these last months that they want to see the likes of marjorie taylor greene and matt gaetz cause chaos this. goes beyond the house freedom caucus that you and i used to have and garrett is covering on capitol hill. this is about putting your food in the sand, even if it means suspending the u.s. constitution and flouting federal law and taking documents to mar-a-lago. this is a republican electorate here.
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this is not an insignificant share of them that are cheering on this type of mechanisms or operations in washington for the very purpose of stalling what they believe is ineffective. >> a republican electorate with the primaries, continuing to see the candidates that push that sort of stuff. let me ask you about kyrsten sinema, since i have you, and since you know arizona so well, bucking both parties saying americans don't like them and she's right, americans don't like them. what's your take on what she is doing. >> and the american electorate chose democrats, and an alternative to the republican party, and you know, think really when you're looking at arizona, there is frustration among the democratic party, it took years of operational organizing in order to get democrats to have a fighting chance in the not only the senate races but governor's races. they want to knock on doors in the summer when it is 115 years and suddenly kyrsten sinema was elected to the senate on this idea she was an independent, but now, that she is actually in the u.s. senate, they feel like she does not represent them. and on the flip side, the one
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name that i will say is everybody should be able to look to congressman greg stanton. not just ruben gallegos looking to get into the rate but greg stanton could cob al coalition and he is willing to wear the big d on his chest, and also, win the general election there in arizona. >> we will see. hard for democrats to get behind another democrat if kyrsten sinema is still in the race because that is the worry about splitting the ticket and handing that ticket to the republicans, right? >> her figures are so low and the one constituency is the metropolitan phoenix conservatives who would like to vote for a democrat but have a hard time. >> all right, vaughn, thank you very much. garrett haake, thank you as well. susan page, thank you, for starting us off today for what is going on in washington. always a good conversation. and prosecutors have charged a washington man on seven counts of making int state threats for
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allegedly leaving hundreds of voice moils for multiple lawmakers and the man repeatedly used anti-semitic slurs and at times threatened to murder some of them. this is the latest in a string of increasing threats against lawmakers and their families and yesterday, the man accused of assaulting speaker pelosi's husband in court, his case is headed to trial. joining me is justice and intelligence correspondent ken dilanian. walk us through these threats and who this man is. >> reporter: this is an awful case on a lot of levels, katy, because it is pretty clear from the criminal complaint that the authorities believe this man is badly mentally ill. and they continue to visit him and try to understand why he was making these horrific threats that are so graphic and vulgar, i can't really repeat him here, except that he threatened to murder many members of congress. but he also didn't make sense when the police would go to talk to him. and law enforcement officers don't want to arrest mentally ill people, but this man really left them with no choice, after
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the threats, they started back in early 2021, and the most recent one is ten days ago. so the fbi finally decided, in this climate, they really had to take action, and file very serious charges. it is pretty clear that the person who attacked paul pelosi was mentally disturbed as well and they can't take the risk again in this climate of this thing spilling into actual violence. >> so you see, this and obviously, there has been an increase in threats and lawmakers have talked about the letters they've got ton their homes, their voice mails, on either the home voice moil or their office vase mail, the feeling of insecurity and the money that they've had to spend, the peshlg money, or campaign money on personal protection, and are the fbi getting more involved? is there a secret service element potentially widening, or a capitol police element, widening protection es for lawmakers not just the ones at the top? >> the fbi is certainly looking at this with more vigilance than
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in the past because again of the climate of violent rhetoric that is appearing to lead more people to violence. and the capitol police is discussing how, what it needs to do to better protect rank and file members of congress, who traditionally don't have very much protection. you know, look, the mentally ill and the disturbed people have always been among us, but it's this new climate of political violence, and on social media, that appears to be changing the situation here for the worst, katy. >> ken dilanian, thank you for that update. appreciate it. coming up, what happened before the 30-second fight that derailed one texas girl's life. but first, what is a u.p.s. driver from maine doing in ukraine? moderate-to-severe eczema. it doesn't care if you have a date, a day off, or a double shift. make your move and get out in front of eczema with steroid-free cibinqo. not an injection, cibinqo is a once-daily pill for adults who didn't respond to previous treatments.
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the front line have described bone chilling cold as a second straight winter of fighting. brad hen drid drickson a former u.p.s. driver from maine, on a one man issue to answer rescue calls that others cannot. joining us from kyiv is nbc news correspondent ellison barber. tell us what brad is doing. >> we met brad in kharkiv, and he said when he first came to ukraine, he didn't know what he was going to do or how he was going to help, he just knew that he wanted to help. today, he spends most of his time in a city where the most intense battles are happening right now, and it is under constant shelling, five days ago president zelenskyy described that city as burnt ruins. brad keeps going there and trying to perform these rescues. we will meet brad in this piece, and i think you will also see the very harsh realities of war, and we do want to warn you that
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some of it is difficult to watch. >> eastern ukraine. the latest front in russian's relentless war. bakhmut. 71,000 people used to live here. now, this is a no-man's land. and it is one where one american is carrying out his own operation to help ukrainians. >> that's the building that was just hit. >> documents scenes like this on social media where he is known as bakhmut brad. >> let me see. >> a lone wolf of sorts, taking rescue calls when others can't and won't. >> the two primary jobs are delivering aid and then evacuating people out. >> he will tell you he's just brad from the states. a guy who has had a lot of jobs,
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some with emergency medical training. but most recently, he was a u.p.s. truck driver in maine. now, he's driving routes few would dare to take. under bombardment at times, and alone. >> i'm sort of a last mile guy in a lot of different places. >> roughly speaking, do you have a sense of how many evacuations you've done since you've been here? >> dozens and dozens and dozens. surely more than 100. i'm bad at counting. >> hey, buddy. >> all of these videos are brad's. >> snapshots of humanitarian missions few at home could imagine. >> we have a call about a
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wounded person next door to an evacuation that happened recently. >> this was brad's thanksgiving. >> hello. >> at nightfall, a call came from eastern bakhmut, he was about to begin one of his most daring rescues. >> hello. >> 69-year-old tatiana was desperately trying to save her husband who was injured in an explosion. >> she tried to stop the bleeding with tourniquets and kitchen wrap. >> we have to go to a doctor now. >> brad tried to carry him on his back but couldn't do it alone. so he pulled him down every step to the temporary safety of his toyota land cruiser.
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>> finally, after a harrowing drive, they made it to a hospital. there was little time to spare. today, tatiana is in western ukraine, the memories of that night still haunt her, except for one. >> suddenly, out of nowhere, a voice on the street. hey, hey, hey. i yell. >> her husband of 48 years is alive. and she says it's only because of brad. >> translator: he is an unreal human. unreal. he is just an angel. i'm serious. it isn't possible for a person. it is impossible for an ordinary person. i just saw an angel. >> brad is still in eastern ukraine. >> are you surprised to be here as long as you have been? >> did you think you would be
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here? >> no, i did not. i thought i would not be. >> he says he is not going anywhere. >> there are a lot of people who go in and go back out. >> i keep looking at the need and keep looking at the grief and keep looking at the freezing world, and the animals left behind and the medical injuries and on and on and on. >> his reason for staying is simple. keeping the operation going is not. he runs off of donations and a belief encapsulated in the world of a ukrainian poet. >> when they bombed others, we protested but not enough. we opposed them. but not enough. in the country of mine, our great country of mine, we forgive. we have to. >> those words, he says, are a call to action. each delivery, against russia's
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war. >> at times, brad was a little skeptical of talking to us, and of this story, he was worried that it might look like he thinks he is someone special, or extraordinary, and he says that he doesn't think he is. he told us that he wanted to talk to us, to tell his story, because he hoped that through him, other americans would look at the images, the people that he has seen, and the work he is doing, and remember what is happening here. katy? >> really remarkable what he is doing. remarkable. and harrowing. and i don't use those words lightly. does very family back here that is worried about him? what could be pulling him back to the states? >> his mom had actually sent him that book of poetry right before we had spoken to him, he has family, he has a life back home, but for him, he has this great
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belief that this war, this invasion was wrong, and that ukrainian people are unfairly suffering here, and that he has the capability to do something. so he wanted to do it. when i asked, are you going to go home for the holidays, take a break, a lot of people do that, he said i have a car that can tow other cars, it is working, i have to stay here, and for him, i think this is in a lot of ways bigger than just who he is, he has a humanitarian group back in the states called assist ukraine that he works pretty closely with, and he takes this day by day, kind of doing whatever he can, wherever he can, and he has no plans of stopping. i was talking to him not even two hours ago, and he was on his way out of bakhmut and back today, doing another rescue, just keeps going. >> and the humanitarian group is called assist ukraine, if people here want to help him there? >> yes. hes will haz a facebook page.
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yes. >> i'm sure the story when he was reading the words, in the country of money, we live happily. there is a war. it says it all. thank you very much, ellison barber, for bringing us that story. and after months of pleading her classmate to stop, a texas girl snapped. what happened to her and what did not happen to him. first, we talk about the drama in the republican caucus, and what house democrats say they can still get done. we've got democratic congressman ro khanna in the studio joining me. khanna in the studio joinin me (vo) this holiday season verizon gives you the new iphone 14 pro. plus apple watch se, ipad and beats fit pro. all on us. and unlimited plans for everyone start at just $35 a line. verizon
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three quarters of americans say they want members of congress to compromise with the other side, but most have no confidence that they actually will. that is according to the latest npr/pbs news hour/maris poll and i'm sure you understand that and felt the same way for a long time. in a few short weeks congress will be more divided than ever across party lines in some cases, in all case, and within parties in some cases. so what can still get done? let us ask somebody who will be in a position to help get something done, democratic
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congressman from california ro khanna. americans and for a long time it has been the case, want congress to work together. they're tired of the yelling and the screaming and the posturing and whether you're a democrat or repu you, they want legislation that women improve their lives some of the as you look -- that will improve their lives, so as you look ahead to 2023, what get done? >> i couldn't agree more and senator rubio and i came out just this week, to bring out a bill to bring manufacturing back to the united states, to create an economic development council that says if you are creating critical industries, we will fund you and have manufacturing, and if you want a joint op-ed, that could be something that passes, the chips act, totally bipartisan. so i think when it comes to re-shoring and investing in our country, that can be bipartisan and get done. >> i know it is not your party but currently the republicans in the house, the next year, having a bit of a spat who will be the speaker, putting it mildly,
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kevin mccarthy might be in a position where he will be beholden to the more extreme parts of his caucus which he might need to compromise, and we talked about it at the top of the show and we don't need to explain it again, but do you see that as a situation as a problem for democrats even if they want to work with republicans? >> it will make it tough. i think what kevin mccarthy will realize that john boehner realized that nancy pelosi is pretty extraordinary to what she did and come to democrats on key votes, ukraine, funding, not defaulting on the debt, but at the end of the day, i hope for the sake of the institution, that he doesn't get into the hands that totally weaken the speakership where we are having to change every few weeks. >> how do you feel about the two party system. >> i support third party candidates. i always said that. i think it would be healthy for our democracy. but the question is, what are you standing for as a third party? i'm a proud democrat. i started interning for jimmy
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carter, and worked when barack obama was working for the state senate. >> and parties can't find compromise and we talked to kyrsten sinema at the top as well and moving to be a an independent and make deals with both sides and not beholden to one party and we'll see what she ends up doing next year in her role as senator. but do you see the two party system as limiting to get things done? >> no, because the chips act, i worked with senator rob portman and we just passed actually a quantum computing bill going to the president's desk, and senator rubio and i are working and here is the thing with senator sinema, it depends what you're standing for as an independent. the problem is many of us have, is she is standing for tax cuts, for hedge funds, you know, and that's something that actually populist republicans and populist democrats disagree. with i think it is fine to be an independent but the question is what are you going to be independent for.
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>> you talk about a new economic patriotism. and you clearly, with the bills you've gotten behind, the compromises that you sought, you are moving in that direction, and is there more ways of doing things, is there more room in certain sectors, to find compromise, than others? >> absolutely. and i think making america a manufacturing super power is one of these. we didn't make masks. tylenol, enough antibiotics. people say what happened. we don't make semiconductors. we offshored so many jobs, decimated factory towns, that's something republicans and democrats agree on, and there is an opportunity to do what others did, we need to build america in a manufacturing super power and republicans disagree on many things but agree on that go and are there part was country that doesn't expect to see you and what do you hear from people when you talk about these ideas and what are the messages that you want to send to other democrats in your party
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leadership, about how to message, how to bring back some of those voters that now see the republicans as their future, not the democrats? >> one is to listen, and list within respect. and two to acknowledge people's anger and grievance of the working class, i know it is hollowed out in this country. they say their jobs were shipped offshore to, china, to mexico, and all we offered was an unemployment check or trade adjustment assistance, we didn't care. and the first is acknowledging the anger and second having a situation that will deliver and not overnight. if we spent 30 years offshoring the jobs, we have to spend a decade delivering to earn back trust. it will be a slow painful process but we can start now. >> immigration is a big deal right now. they're seeing a surge in immigrants at the border in texas, so much so that some of the border cities can't handle the overflow. is there a bipartisan solution, an immigration compromise that can be had in 2023? >> there is in passing a
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bipartisan bill in the house, the modernization act. >> one that passes and goes to the president's desk. >> the challenge is the senate. >> the challenge is the house next year more so the senate. >> fair enough. and the question is can we come together on a basic principle, having border security, having people come here, to be able to work and then have some path to being able to have permanent status, as workers. that would make it far more orderly than having them cross the border at great risk to their lives and great destruction to the property of people in america, who are on the border. i think the ideas are there, and the challenge is look, candidly, it is very hard, to take that position, in a republican primary today, with marco rubio trying to do that in 2016, and he was attacked, and one of the reasons he didn't win. so i think that is honestly the challenge. >> and you are comfortable with elon musk right now? i mean he, and i mean this seriously, there is the erratic behavior on twitter, you are comfortable with him having the government contract for space-x
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do you feel like he is somebody who can still lead on that, given what we're seeing with twitter? >> i have concerns, obviously, on twitter, and i think we need to have an independent group that is making some of these decisions and not just concentrated power. but i don't think the two are separate. i think ash carter, the late ash carter helped establish space-x and it is an extraordinary partnership and it is leading to extraordinary possibilities in space. we should be for innovation. and we were talking about the future, and the most consequential thing, more than anything that happened, figuring out how to have more energy coming out than coming in, and collapse two hydrogen atoms and have helium, that is the holy grail if they develop that. >> you're not nervous with elon musk and space-x. >> not based on the facts so far. i mean if things come out that he's doing things incorrectly, absolutely, but twitter is a separate issue. i have concerns there. >> ro khanna, thanks for joining
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us. and the second part of the harry and meghan documentary is out. what harry said about a terrifying conversation he says with his brother, the future king. and what made a 17-year-old straight "a" student in texas snan? nap? tated skin. so, we switched to tide pods free & gentle. it cleans better, and doesn't leave behind irritating residues. and it's gentle on her skin. case, closed! it's gotta be tide. this... is the planning effect. this is how it feels to have a dedicated fidelity advisor looking at your full financial picture. this is what it's like to have a comprehensive wealth plan with tax-smart investing strategies designed to help you keep more of what you earn. and set aside more for things like healthcare, or whatever comes down the road.
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(silence) (sigh, chuckle) if you struggle with cpap, you should check out inspire. inspire. sleep apnea innovation. learn more and view important safety information at a 17-year-old girl says her life was derailed in a 30-second fight and what led up to the fight that her parents argue is the real problem. exclusive new reporting tells the story of the 17-year-old autumn, a straight a student and one of two dozen black students at the high school outside of lubbock, texas. since the start of the school year, autumn had been complaining about racial harassment involving three other classmates. boys repeatedly calling her the "n" word. when the alleged harassment continued, she said she started struggling to focus on her
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schoolwork. her parents complained. but she says the racist comments did not stop. that's why, when a boy in gym class kept saying the "n" word, she says she snapped. grabbing him by the hood of his sweatshirt, yelling at him and opened hand slapping him repeatedly. the school sentenced her to 45 days in an alternative school for students with severe disciplinary problems. autumn's family says she was so did straut she ran away and expressed a desire to kill herself. now, the naacp and other advocacy grouped have filed a civil rights complaint on autumn's behalf. and not just autumn. the naacp says her treatment is part of a troubling pattern at the slaton independent school district and broader lubbock region. senior investigative reporter, you spent time on this, and this
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is your story, and what sort of verbal abuse, harassment, was autumn dealing with? >> katy, it started the second week of school. it started with a boy telling her, she's new, she was new at the school, so he asked where do you live, and her, after she replied, she said, i run your block and called her the "n" word. and that continued for a few days. later, he and another boy started doing a little chant, autumn says that she caught on an audio recording where one boy would say the first half of the "n" word and the other boy would say the other half. kids told her you're kind of smart for a black girl, straight a student or kind of pretty for a black girl, and so by the time autumn was in gym class a couple of months later and a white student said the word four days in a row and four days in a row she asked him to stop, her mind set became, i reported this and he wouldn't stop it and i have
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to stop it. >> the school district, what did the school say that they did about her complaint? >> were they just -- i mean how do you say the "n" word repeatedly and not get in trouble? >> until very recently, the school district's policy was to issue a three-day inschool suspension for any use of racial slurs or racial harassment in class. no accelerating additional punishment for second and third and fourth and fifth offenses so the school says they were giving out three day in school suspensions. since autumn's story has come out, other parents have come forward and they say they made it for the third offense, they will send the kids to daep, the alternative school, and i think what our story demonstrates is what can happen when a school district at a time when parents are trying to, many conservative parents are trying to keep conversations about race and racism out of schools, difficult lessons out of these classrooms, where does the school district draw a line and say that behavior is so harmful that we won't tolerate it, we're going
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to draw a hard line. in this case, you know, the way autumn's family sees it and the naacp, they drew the line not as a result of well-documented and repeated racial harassment but only after a black student finally reacted to it. >> how is she doing right now? >> autumn's doing well. she's a very brilliant girl, i spent a lot of time getting to know her, and she's better, and she's, there was a point at the end of this, after she was sentenced to 45 days where she felt like she didn't see hope or purpose and continuing on, and it was a low point for her, but now, she sees a purpose, and that's why she is telling her story in this way. she wants to make people aware of what happened to her, and make it right, and to help other kids, because this is not just happening to her. >> is she back at that school, at slaton? >> she is not. she appealed the disciplinary
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hearing, the school district says they're willing to consider possibly a review based on the mental health diagnosis, but her family, she and her family are looking for other educational options. and so it is a lot, you know. >> it's a lot. and i feel badly for her. the naacp and other organizations say it is not just the school, it is the broader region. what can you tell us about this civil rights complaint? >> there are a pair of civil rights complaints. one against slaton, her school and another lubbock cooper isd, they're representing more than a dozen kids who, where kids talk about white students playing whipping sounds as black kids walked by in the hallway, and instagram page, it was showing black kids as monkeys. and so this is cultural, and these groups are calling for federal intervention. >> all right. so the superintendent said
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federal student privacy laws prevent the district from commenting on autumn's case but in a written statement to nbc news, the staff are trained regularly and how to address bullying allegations a and has zero tolerance for racism. the isd is working diligently to avoid all forms of discrimination and harassment and will continue to do so. nbc news, you also reached out to the student that autumn is accused of slapping, and we have not heard back. my thanks as well. thank you very much for bringing this to us. coming up next, what meghan markle alleges the royal family did to driver had to suicidal thoughts. this holiday master your kitchen with wayfair. ♪ ♪ keep it fresh with colorful cookware. whip up holiday treats with ease. slice and dice with the best of them. and with wayfair, you can express yourself.
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(scrooge) bah humbug! my signal is totally ghosting me! (cecily) 'tis the season to switch to verizon. (vo) this holiday season verizon gives you the new iphone 14 pro. plus apple watch se, ipad and beats fit pro. all on us. and unlimited plans for everyone start at just $35 a line. verizon the final three episodes of netflix's "harry and meghan" are out and in them meghan alleges to be driven to suicidal talks while the royal family had negative media coverage and the conversation with the brothers in front of the queen terrified harry. international correspondent keir simmons has the latest from london.
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>> reporter: three more episodes begin with the fairy tale wedding at windsor castle. and then detail a descent into increasingly negative headlines. the duke of sussex describing in the greatest ever terms the breakdown with his brother. there was a furious rau at a family summit. >> it was terrifying to have my brother screaming, shouting at me and saying things that were simply not true and my grandmother quietly sat down and sort of take it all in. >> prince harry says he was blocked from seeing the queen alone. >> part of it was this wedge created between myself and my brother, so that he's now on the institution side. >> and he accuses his brother's press officials of briefing the media against him and his wife. the palace even publishing a statement on behalf of both brothers, he said, that he did not approve. >> happy to lie to protect my brother and for three years,
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they were never willing to tell the truth, except us. >> we watched with the broadcaster and royal author. >> i think it really busts open here, a very dramatic and damaging way, how painful relations were and continue to be between the two brothers. this is a good old-fashioned fallout between two brothers, and i actually think there are insider parts. >> press coverage that the duchess questioned her life. >> all thereof would stop if i'm not shear. >> for the first time, her mom and husband talk about that theory. >> i remember her telling me that, that she wanted to take her own life. it's not an easy one for a mom to hear. >> i didn't deal with it particularly well. i dealt with it as institutional harry, as opposed to husband harry. and looking back right now, i
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hate myself for it. >> between harry and william, clearly broken relationship, that will leave lidgering questions. >> receiving a text from prince william. >> that's his brother. >> and would not say what was said. >> harry and meghan's main target is the media and the british press and there is a heart-breaking description of when meghan had a miscarriage, during her legal battle with the daily mail, a fight that she won, over a decision to print a letter that she sent to her father. prince harry says it was a time of huge stress, and he says that he thinks it was something to do with what happened to meghan, though he says he can't be certain. he said they hope now to move on. but left wondering how they do that. >> keir simmons from london. that is going to do it for me
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today. hallie jackson picks up our coverage next. y. hallie jackson picks up our coverage next. ♪ ♪are you ready for me♪ ♪are you ready♪ ♪are you ready♪ (scrooge) bah humbug! my signal is totally ghosting me! (cecily) 'tis the season to switch to verizon. (vo) this holiday season verizon gives you the new iphone 14 pro. plus apple watch se, ipad and beats fit pro. all on us. and unlimited plans for everyone start at just $35 a line. verizon when cold symptoms keep you up, try vicks nyquil severe. just one dose starts to relieve 9 of your worst cold and flu symptoms, to help take you from 9 to none. for max-strength nighttime relief, nyquil severe.
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12:00 pm


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