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tv   The Mehdi Hasan Show  MSNBC  December 24, 2022 3:00am-4:00am PST

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just -- they're phenomenal kids >> as for crystal, lieck hopes she'll be remembered more as a loving mom than an up-by-the bootstraps survivor of awful abuse. >> she wanted that family that she never had. she wante children. she wanted to love something unconditionally an have some -- somebody love her unconditionally. >> i love you. >> and she was still looking for that love right until th hours before the winds began howling and the waters rose. >> that's all for this edition of "dateline. welcome to the show, i a
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melissa murray in for mehd hassan for nearly half a century it was an obvious, clear norm if you wanted to be th president of the united states you had to show the american public where your money came from it was a norm that began amazingly, with richard nixo during the watergate scandal i 1973, when nixon released hi tax returns to fight off accusations of corruption. in fact, it was nixon's ta filings sparked one of the mos famous quotes in america politics >> i look on this kind o examination because people hav got to know whether or not their president as a crook, am not a crook, i have earne everything i have got. >> since then, every america president has released their tax returns or a summary o their taxes. well, all but one. and, you know which one. and you know why, or, at least his explanation of why >> i will absolutely give my return but i am being audite for two or three years, so,
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cannot do it until the audit i finished, obviously. >> it is under, i i will revisit when the audit i completed. >> my tax returns are very simple, they are under a minor routine audit as they have bee for many years every year i get audited >> at the appropriate time hourly slumber right now amateur routine audit, nobod cares. >> now, when donald trump was candidate there was no way o verifying whether he was actually being audited as soon as he became president he became subject to a one lin provision in the irs handbook, also dating back to the 70s, the handbook specifies that th individual tax returns for the president and the vice president are subject to mandatory review so, during his presidency donald trump was being audited like every other america president, right wrong! that is the big revelation i tuesday's report from the hous ways and means committee which found that the irs did
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not perform any mandator audits of trump in his first two years as president in fact, the irs only bega auditing trump's pre-electio tax returns in 2019, and onl on the same day that house democrats asked the irs fo trump's tasks filings an audits the agency still has not finished those audits. it is not even worth asking wh trump lied, but why didn't trump get audited as require before congress started asking questions? or, we are likely to know an not more soon since the ways and means committee, which now has years of trump's tax returns. they also voted this week to release returns to the public. that move comes not long after the house january six committe issued to the department o justice a criminal referral fo trump stemming from hi activities on january 6th. including her starting and insurrection but, don't forget trump is still under criminal investigation for hi possession of those classified
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documents at mar-a-lago. they say that sunlight is th best disinfectant. but, after seven years o donald trump's cover-up an concealment, could it be tha some light is beginning to shine through the cracks, here is this a real turning point i the fight against executiv corruption or, is this just another flash in the pan let's turn now to juliá castro he served as obama secretary o housing and urban developmen and ran for the democratic presidential nomination in 2020 along with him is susan de percio, she is a republica strategist and msnbc political analyst. so, susan is this too little too late what is the benefit to the american people of learning at this late date about donal trump's taxes? >> i think first and foremost, melissa, what is important i that the american public not that it always catches up to you. donald trump did not get awa with not showing the america public his taxes, maybe they are a few years too late but i
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happened as far as the political fallout, probably for trump not much, except that it adds to a reall bad three or four weeks fo donald trump and, you know, people ar starting to look at othe potential candidates for 2024. so, i do not think thi necessarily hurts him with his base i am just happy to say that we get to have his taxes in ful view >> so, this is not all about donald trump, someone else has also failed here according to the house ways an needs committee the irs should have audited trump's tax returns, how did this oversigh even occur in first place? >> i think that is a 64,00 dollar question, melissa, wh did the irs not audit donald trump each year that they were supposed to, and only did so after they were prompted t audit by house democrats even at that, as the committee
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released this information in the audit that was performed was a very shoddy audit that did not ask for backup materials. basically did not make him prove his tax return at al even though we are dealing wit very big numbers, very complex tax return, each of these year of so, it is going to be fascinating for the committee, might be in the house but migh end up being in the senate because the house is changin over and leadership, i have feeling that the republicans are not going to touch this, they are going to try to mak sure that it dies quietly. the senate may be able to take up the question of what in the world happened with the irs? where they under political pressure from the white hous to not go further and audit hi every year it would also be interesting t see if this is the onl president where this has happened since this law wa included in the 1970s, i do no know that, maybe it was not as uncommon as we think for the irs to not actually audit
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president. we have to be open to that a well all of this undermines the irs's credibility. it is already an agency that over the years has been th target of a lot of republica ire, but even with every day americans they wonder wh they're seems to be a double standard when it comes t auditing of people who might make $100,000 a year or $50,00 a year but not folks who are worth hundreds of millions o dollars or billions of dollars like donald trump. it undermines their credibilit even more, just like i think i adds to the baggage that donal trump carries with him int 2024 >> that is exactly right, ther has been a lot of chatter on social media about what exactl the irs is doing there has also been some additional fresh reporting tha donald trump is not the only one who had some secrets in th back there is new reporting thi week that congressman-elec george santos likely falsified large portions of his resume including his attendance a
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college. together with the fact tha trump was able to conceal hi tax records while running fo president, does this suggest that we need to rethink the wa we've that political candidate during the campaign? >> yes, but, a lot of th issues that came up with santos, the congressman-elect from new york was resume questions like where he went to school an where he worked, and those wer readily available to dig into. i think you raise a very goo question about what, movin forward what we should expec from our elected officials perhaps filling out thos disclosure forms or your intended to run for office may come under a federal penalty should you be lying about an of the information and there i am not sure if that coul work exactly but i do want t follow up on one thing that th secretary mentioned, and tha is that these taxes go to th senate, and i am also lookin for them to go to the inte
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community, the intel committee because i want to know wha foreign entities if any, donal trump may have been in bed with, frankly. >> that is a great point julián, in addition to learning the trump lied about his taxes the former president also got criminal referral from the january 6th committee. so, these are a slew o negative stories that ar really adding up, here will they actually result in any consequences for the forme president? you've mentioned the fact that he may lose touch with som members of the republican party, other than that is there anything here that wil actually stick with him? >> well, that remains to b seen i do think that it sends a strong signal to the america people that nobody is above th law. frankly it also puts som public pressure on the department of justice and th special counsel to drill dow and to bring a crimina prosecution against donald trump. we did not know if that is going to happen, my guess is a
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good as anybody's gas. but, i do think the house ha set a marker and, if the choose not to bring prosecution, the bar is goin to be that much higher t explain why they are not bringing one against donal trump. on the political and it is n secret that there are more and more republicans these days wh are looking around and wondering if there is somebody else because this guy has so much baggage and we are risking losing the 2024 presidential election if we go with donal trump, just as this one exampl with the taxes what is he going to do is he really going to be abl to stand in front of even hi base of people, and especially people in the middle who could go either way, still, and sa no i am not going to release m tax returns as time, i'm going to do the same thing i did las time after, two weeks ago in new york the trump organizatio was convicted on 17 counts related to criminal tax fraud.
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and now we have found all of this hour his chapter turns. he cannot do, it he cannot replay the same thing he did before and get away with it. >> right, quick question switching gears, the biden administration has asked the supreme court to end title 42. this is the trump era policy that limits border crossings what is your reaction if someone from texas to the en of this policy how should biden administratio prepare for the potentia influx of asylum seekers >> title 42 really never shoul have been put in place, both the trump administration and the biden administration hel in place for a time, both of them really struggled to justify why it was in place. it is sensibly had a publi health rationale but basically it is a last bastion of an restrictions that are still ou there with regard to covid i am glad that a court of la found that it was those bogu flee in place, the biden administration says it has bee preparing to handle the influx
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of people by some estimates 10 to 14,000 people a day, becaus there is a bottleneck that was created with title 42, peopl waiting and sometimes crossing being sent back and so the frustration growing, they're waiting on the other side of the border and, it is understandable that you're going to see this bottleneck and influx when thi thing is listed. the important thing as the administration has been asking for more resources to be abl to provide for border contro and the infrastructure of care and concern. so you could handle this in th humane but orderly way but, republicans have not been willing to dedicate th resources necessary to do that it has fallen on churches, and nonprofits, humanitarians tr and fill in that gap that system is going to be tested whenever it does ge listed >> we will watch that space, thank you so much. we will see you soon still to come, harvard makes history by naming its firs
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black woman to serve a president of the university. is there a catch to the timing of this historic appointment we will discuss, after the break. [baby yawning] let's get you home for the holidays. ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪
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xfinity rewards. our thanks. your rewards. harvard, the ivy leagu university named its 30t president last week and th honor went to politica scientist claudine gay, wh
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currently serves as the dean o harvard faculty of arts an scientists she is set to become only th second woman to lead harvard and the first person of colo to serve in that role in the schools nearly 400 yea history. it is a remarkable achievement especially when you consider that exactly a century ago harvard's then president expelled all of these goal african american students, declaring, quote, we have no thought it possible to compe men of different races t reside together. wild harvard's new leader is turnin a different pass from he predecessor. >> my parents are haitia immigrants, they came to the u.s. with very little, and put themselves through college while raising our family they believed that education made everything possible if my presence in this rol affirms someone sensible longing at harvard, that is great honor. >> well, it is certainly a wel
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deserved honor, but, and there is a big but to the story, president gay will take over a harvard next july, right aroun the same time that the supreme court is poised to overturn th university's long-standing rac conscious admissions policy. this means the clotting gu will likely be stepping into a huge legal and political mes as soon as she is sworn in now, i feel this so acutely. in 2016 i became the interim dean at berkeley law after a major sexual harassmen scandal. it was obviously an amazin career opportunity for me bu it was also amazingly fraugh with career risks and i know i am not alone for a lot of women and especially women of color, claudine gays landmark appointment feels a little bit like another case of women getting a much deserve leadership opportunity, bu only in times when their institutions are undergoin some kind of profound crisis
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you have obviously heard of th glass stealing well, this is sort of like a glass cliff. the idea that women get better chance of breakin through that ceiling only when someone is needed to clean u and intractable mess the danger is that in cleaning up the mess he run the risk of falling off the cliff. now, it has hit women in universities and corporation like yahoo and gm, even at the highest levels of government i the united kingdom, where tw women were taps to be prim minister and cleanup that whol brexit thing how does this glass clif phenomenon actually work and what did the data say, and i is claudine gays well deserved appointment at harvard jus another case of the glass clif in action? joining me now to break it dow as christy glass, a professo of sociology at utah state university she has pioneered work on th glass crip and gende representation in th workplace. also with us is puttin immigrants graves. the president and ceo of the
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national women's law center. kristie, lots of us have heard of the glass ceiling but i think far fewer people are familiar with the glass clif idea what is it and what are some examples of the glass cliff. what does your research tell u about how it works >> sure, thank you, well, th glass cliff as you described i the tendency for white women and women of color to be appointed to highly visibl leadership positions durin times of crisis, when thei organizations are struggling o at risk to fail. i have started this for severa years with my colleague dr alison cook, we have looked at this in the corporate sector a well as in collegiate athletics, research reaches the sam conclusion regardless of the context in which we ar analyzing it white women and women of color men of color as well tend to b appointed ceo or head coach to
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losing teams or tw organizations in crisis. what way further find is tha they are often blamed for th crisis that was not of their making it created their leadershi trajectory, and held to accoun for the crisis so, we find that when thes leaders are not able to turn their organizations around in very short period of time, the often replaced by white men. a phenomenon we termed the savior effect. it is like we tried somethin you, it did not work, we are returning to the status quo. >> right, so this is fascinating, the team of one o the ironies is that this glass cliff research took off after british newspaper said tha women were less successful a ceos and man, when researchers dug deeper they found that man of those women ceos were being handed the reins of companie
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that were already in trouble so, again, this feels like a very vicious feedback loop where women are set up to fail and, when they do fail critics say c, should have never had a woman, that is affirmative action network what is your take on this, but emma >> part of this is the assumption that women an people of color are inherently risky hires or inherently risk to be in boardrooms. and, so, you put them in place when you are in crisis, but, the truth is that there is a extra part of this that you do not think about too often, tha is the expectation that you no only succeed in a risky moment and turn it around but that yo be this hero going forward that is not something that anyone can meet in fact. there is this idea that goes around about black women being magical, but they are no
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actually magical, there is not some sort of fairy jazz. >> we are a little magical >> well, i will say we are a little bit magical, but, the point remains we are not entirely saviors, your researc shows that women and people of color actually seek out thes high-risk roles as a means o career advancement this is surprising to me, what is going on and why woul people actually seek out roles where the risk of failure is s high >> sure, well my colleague and i spent several years actually talking to women, white women, women of color, men of color ceos who had actuall experienced a glass clif appointment. what they told us was that ver early in their career they realized that the barriers t being seen as viable leaders was difficult. difficult because of racial an gender bias. and so, from very early in the
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career they charted a career path where they were leaning into the most difficult, crisi appointments, the most risky leadership opportunities s that they could mute some of the bias but they were subjected to and be seen a viable leaders what that means is, when companies are in crisis they have developed a skill set tha actually is exceptional an positions them exceptionally t lead to a crisis now, what this means is that another aspect of racial and gender bias in our organizations is this risk tax that individuals perceive that in order to be seen as mor than just a woman at the table or a black man at the tabl they have to take around risky appointments across thei career one of our respondents speaking of magic one of our black women actually told us that if you do not produce
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magic in a short period of tim you are out. this perception. >> can i jump in here for minute and expand this to th present day. so, we know this phenomenon in real life, we have a sitting member of the supreme court, ketanji brown jackson here herself faces a glass cliff. she is the first black woman t serve all the high court but she comes on to the court just as a conservative supe majority is chipping away at civil rights what is her glass cliff and ho does she grapple with this and navigate it in this lifetime appointment? >> the already that she joined the court in the wake of jobs, during the arguments for the nerve action cases cases before the court o voting, on lgbtq equality an more, and in many ways she is singular voice around blacknes on the court right now
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it is a burden that no human can bear but, at the same time i thin about all the people who loo at her and are inspired by her more people looking to go to law school and lead, leaving that they can be in thes roles. so, you know, oftentimes peopl take on that weight and take o that burden because they kno and understand that it is fo them but it is for those who are coming after them as well. it is too much for any singula person's shoulders, but, it is exciting to see nonetheless, i have to say. >> well, we will leave it ther and keep watching this pace, professor christy glass and fo team across graves, like you s much still to come, the supreme court has put the brakes o biden's attempt and controversial trump er emigration policy. so, what is next for title 42? my thoughts, after the break
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the day, the and day, finally, for the trump era emigration policy known as title 42 this policy allows the unite states to expel immigrants seeking asylum at the border it is extensively a health order but it has allowed immigration officials to expel immigrants more than 2 million
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times. but, no more, right? well, not so fast, because o monday chief justice joh roberts put a temporary phrase on the biden administration' decision to end title 42 as th supreme court weighs a emergency appeal filed b several republican-led state that want to keep th controversial policy in place. these states warn that if th order to lift title 42 is no stopped it will, quote, cause crisis of unprecedente proportions at the border an an imminent catastrophe. the biden administration i asking for the state to remain in place for only a short time while it surges resources to the border as for what happens next, th question now is whether this supreme court will take up the case for review on its regular merit stop it. my bet, here, this court i definitely going to take thi case up on the merits docket and that means we are going to be stuck with title 42 for a
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while longer as the courts figure this one out. still to come, state supreme courts are in the spotligh with republicans hanging on to or gaining majorities in key swing states so, what does this mean fo issues like abortion and votin rights that are on the line? we will discuss on the other side of the break.
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big gains in congress that the were expecting in this year' midterms but, there is one place wher they did score important victories. state supreme courts, and they did so in key swing states lik ohio and north carolina, where the states high courts could hear cases on issues lik abortion and gerrymandering, and voting rights. in ohio, republicans held on t their 4 to 3 majority, fending off all democratic challengers
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and, ohio voters elected a new chief justice. one who is thought to be eve more conservative than her swing vote predecessor results were even more stark i the tar heel state, voters there flipped a supreme cour from the 43 democrat majorit to a 5 to 2 republican supermajority. remember, it was a democrat-controlled stat supreme court that invalidated the republican legislature gerrymandered destructing ma in 2020. let's not forget wisconsin where the state supreme cour elections are fast approaching in 2023. conservatives currently have a 4 to 3 majority in the wisconsin supreme court, but with one of those conservative retiring the entire balance of the court is at stake. with abortion rights and votin rights on the line in this heavily gerrymandered state. not only are these decisions hugely consequential for residents of these respectiv
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states, they have an eve bigger impact on people of color in those states, which brings me to a broader problem with state supreme courts. across the country there is stark lack of diversity on these courts as the brenna center reports on this issue has found. the brennan center reports tha in 20 states, that is 4% of th entire country, a whopping zer justices identify as a perso of color that includes 12 states with large minority populations across all states suprem courts just 18% of justices ar people of color. even the people of color mak up 40% of the united state population and, and these courts are stil very heavily male. with men occupying 59% of th state supreme court seats. as the brennan center notes, a diverse bench is crucial for both a fair system of justic and for building public trus in the courts. and, when you are right to
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bodily autonomy or your righ to vote is on the line, th question of who holds the gave makes a huge difference. joining me now to talk about this is the brennan center judiciary program director alicia bannon, welcome, alicia >> thank you so much for havin me >> thanks for being here, we just want to put all this in perspective, what is at stak in the state supreme court elections? we are trying to not talk abou state supreme courts, we tal even less about their elections. but, what does this mean about the individual state level and in the national landscape? >> well, states brim courts ar the sleeper seats of power 95% of all cases are filed i state court. and, state supreme courts, the states highest courts ar typically the final word and interpreting state laws an state constitutions. and they hear a whole bunch of really important, high stake cases. right now we have dozens o reproductive rights lawsuits that are working their way through state courts right now
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state courts have been hearing cases on voting rights and elections, on environmenta justice issues, on crimina justice issues all of which have a huge impac on peoples lives, and rights and on their communities as you are saying, across th country these courts do no reflect the diversity of the communities are being impacted by their decisions >> you are at the helm of th burn centers research on cor diversity and overall you foun that while court demographic have been relatively consistent, as of may this year 40% of new justices where people of color this is a huge increase from last year where it is just 27% in your view, why is diversity it all senses of race, ethnicity, gender. why is this so important for the state judiciary's? well, it is important for bunch of reasons, first off fo public confidence in the courts it is court to making decision
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that are having a huge impac on peoples lives and it is really important that when people are looking at who is making these decisions, that they can trust that they understand where they ar coming from and what the implications of those decision are going to be for th communities that are being impacted by them when you have bunches it looke nothing like the communities they are supposed to serve that is a real crisis fo judicial legitimacy. it is also really important fo the development of the law judges talk to each other, the learn from each other, the wearing their life experiences table when they are looking at the facts in front of them and interpreting the law when you do not have a diversity of life experiences, professional experiences, then you really have a very narro approach to judging that is loss for everybody >> so, the brennan center is a nonpartisan institution th tracks a bunch of deals dealin with democracy one of the things you have bee cracking is the amount of mone that flows into elections. you have recently looked at th money that is flowing into the
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state supreme court races, the 2019 to 2020 cycles of recor spending, about 100 millio dollars from big donors an special interest groups into state court elections. and, when this cycles number are tallied it is likely the number will be even bigger does this mean that stat supreme courts are the nex political frontline. if that is the case, how problematic is that for th courts or even the future of our democracy? >> it is a big concern, specia interests have already bee pouring millions and million of dollars into these races. and, oftentimes members of the public do not know a lot about their courts and so, the misleading attac ad might be the only piece o information that people ar getting about judicial candidates when you have this flood o money it is a real concern i terms of both what the public, how the public might b influenced and also th pressures that it is putting o
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judges there is a whole body of research that suggests tha election pressures impact ho judges rule in cases and that that becomes much mor stark as they become mor politicized and more money comes in i think this trend is somethin we should all be very worrie about. >> something to keep watching, thank you for your great wor at the brennan center, alicia. still to come, they were right wing has a new target for it full outrage, why they are s upset about, wait for, i american girl tells. up next. let's go! ♪♪ mom, let me see your phone. ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪
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for many years i was a frequen visitor to the american girl store. we were there for birthday parties, to get the doll harrod on, once to get the dol a new had when the dog not i to an on recognizable pop. suffice to say my kids wer incredibly stilled at findin ways to spend my money and tim at the store, but conservative may not be rushing to buy th kids american girl balls thi christmas. an american girl book abou body image generated countless outrage segments on right-wing media this month, why? because the book include passages on pronouns and gende expression and identity. but, the last straw for on
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right-wing host was a trip tha he made to the american girl store here in new york city. >> i took my six year old to the store at rockefeller center, the american girl experience and typically girls that are into american girls they get all that looks like them and i can get an outfit so that yo can match your dahl. we were in there and m daughter, cute littl six-year-old white girl, w could not find any buddy tha looks like my daughter, th whole place was like woke fide >> sir, what, you are an american girl store and yo couldn't find a daughter tha looked like your six-year-old, my, did seriously? also, that he just agree tha representation matters, becaus this is something that black mothers have been saying for a long time, it is important for kids to see people and all tha look like them in popula culture. so, if that is the case i am just going to chalk this up to growth and leave aside all o the woke of five and a lack of q white dolls, because
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seriously, if you have been to an american girl store, and have been more times and i car to count it is true, that th american girl staff has out of a selection of diverse stall their inventory for a recent years. but for every adult or melod there are 20 a kicker to dress even the cursory scroll of the company's catalog and websit shows that there is still mostly white inventory if that is not enough for, you sir, the company offers a just like meatball, so that you daughter can customize a tal so it looks just like her, s what exactly is this fak controversy really about let's bring in my nyu colleague, historian thompson grew, he is an expert in american politics and race, he is also the director of the nyu cities collaborative, and, most importantly for my purposes, h served on the advisory board that american girls al consulted with when they wer developing the american girl doll melody ellison.
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so, tom, what is your reaction when you hear these attacks on american girl from the right >> well, i think it is absurd, it is a reminder of the ways that questions of race and identity figure centrally in the way that the right envisions america. american girl increasingly represents the diversity of th united states, past an present. and, for some that is a pretty unsettling reality >> so, how did american girl land in the crosshairs this is a company that is know for historical dolls, they hav dolls with stories about the great depression, but th pioneers how did they get to be in th crosshairs of this right-win culture warriors >> i think it has a lot to d with the facts but if you do american history well you ar going to find reality in the past and the president that ar
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unsettling to folks on the right to envision the united states as a white nation american girl, early on in its history they began to represen moments in the american past like slavery or immigration in the early 20th century, or the 1960s third dolls that were no simply white dolls but represented the fact tha immigrants from southern eastern europe like a jewish girl who was represented b american girl and one of their dolls who are an important par of the country's history or that many children were enslaved in the united states, or, in the case of melody whos dahl i was an adviser on, this is a period of motown, of th civil rights movement and th transformation of the united states for the rise of african american voice in national politics so, they are representin pretty accurately the american passed through their dahl's.
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>> so, usually critics o american girl dolls are coming from the other direction black parents arguing there no enough calls that represent th full diversity, i want to play you a clip from a very popular television show, black-ish have a listen. >> hundreds of amazingly successful whitehall's, bu only two black dogs. >> african american. >> okay, let's see what th other winners, selma, a civi rights leader who marched on salma. that does not feel lazy? >> she is also a mother of 11. >> 11, seriously >> all right, again, i applaud american girl for adding dollars of color i will say, when you are advising american girl o melody you are a hero in m house, it was the first time m daughter was even interested i any of my colleagues, but this still feels like a very narrow representation why is it that the black dolls have to come with a civi rights or slavery message an
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what is behind this? could there be a more expansiv view not only of history but how we represented it? >> yes, i think ther absolutely can be a more expansive one. on the other hand, the america girl dolls have taken classi moments in american history, the revolution or the grea depression or pop culture in the 1950s. despite claims about wokenes they are going out there and representing real alternatives to the mainstream narratives for history. that said, i think a nine year old girl should learn somethin about the black freedo struggle or should lan something about motown or, a my daughter did when she was eight or nine and i took her t the american girl store. she did not go right for the dewitt looked like her, sh would for kyle who was the native american from the pacific northwest in the 18t century because that interes of her for her that was a way to bega to come to an understanding of
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the american past that started where most nine-year-old start but, also began over time to move her in new directions i think there is a possibility of dolls, especially as they tie them more into mainstrea questions that historians ar interested in like race, gender, feminism identity, that these stalls ca provide a good gateway into th bigger questions tha historians are exploring >> your daughter's experienc is interesting, she went wit it all that did not look lik her. we have been talking about thi is a question of representatio but the stalls can also be a medium for all children to explore a different side american culture that they don't know anything about. to understand a culture that they were not privy to so, in your role as an adviser to american girl how much of that factored into the wor that you did in advising the company and developing these stories and dolls? >> well.
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i was part of a great team the company put together to discus melody and how she would b represented. that included the great civi rights leader julian bond, i included joanne watson, who is a minister and a former detroi city councilman who had grow up in a period when melody was representing it included doctor gloria hous who is a great african america woman poet based in detroit. we really tried, as a group, t bring different vantage points to how melody would be represented in how her story would be told. so, joanne talked about he childhood in detroit, and whil we looked at swatches of fabri she said no one would wear tha to church on sunday, and she would recommend something else we were really in the proces of consulting, trying to com up with something that i historically accurate an compelling i think that was definitely th
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most fun project as a schola that i have ever been involved in and reaches a large audience then even my books, which is done okay in terms of thei sales. >> like i said, you are a hero in our house, thank you so muc for joining us and thank you for your great work on thi project. that does it for me, you can join the mehdi hassan show anytime on facebook, twitter instagram, antics talk, for now, from me happy holidays and goodbye from new york city
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