tv Velshi MSNBC December 24, 2022 5:00am-6:00am PST
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come here, kid. gimme a hug. have you gotten your updated covid-19 booster? they're designed to help protect against recent omicron variants. schedule yours at ♪ play a song! schedule yours at i couldn't possibly... once upon a time... a wishing star fell from the sky. that star... had one wish to grow on. play double time. ha, ha! i have to fine the wishing star. sniff him out. -all i can smell, is cats. oooh. good night. [ cheering ] you're still here? ok, one more number. puss in boots. only in theater, rated pg. >> today on velshi, the genesi committee dropped dozens mor when this transcripts last night. we are sifting through all the new details from that fina
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report from a damning ne evidence to potentia coconspirators in donald trump's coup attempt we are going to talk about wha we are learning in realtime. plus, forecasters are callin it almost unprecedented. a massive winter storm i bringing extreme temperatures, rolling power outages, and dangerous travel condition this holiday weekend and, a turning point in the wa in ukraine we are going to talk to a ke member of parliament about tha presidents trip to the unite states this week what ukrainians need from th american people, and what is coming next. then, a rare and pointed criticism of donald trump from republican leadership. what it means for the gop' ongoing power struggle, th next presidential election, an the future of american politics plus, stick around, after ou regular show starting at 10 am for a special year and meeting of the velshi banned book club you're gonna hear from some of our favorite authors lik margaret atwood, next on, an more including never befor broadcast clips from extende
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interviews with some of thos authors. velshi begins right now. good morning to you, it is saturday december 24th mary christmas eve i'm velshi quote, the central cause of th january 6th was one man. that is perhaps one of the mos important census from th january 6th committee's highly anticipated final report which was released late thursday night. in a sprawling 845-pag document, the panel lays the blame for the attack on th u.s. capitol, directly at th feet of one man, donald trump. writing quote, none of the events of january 6th woul have happened without him. that blockbuster final repor concludes with nearly a doze proposals on how to preven another january 6th, including asking congress to conside barring internal trump fro ever holding public office again. now, this is not without
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precedent. the committee cites the 14th amendment of the u.s constitution, which would ba those who have quote, engage in an insurrection and quote from holding federal or stat office now, this report comes jus days after the committee's historic move this week to issue criminal referrals against the ex president on monday, the committee voted two or four dollar trump to th justice department for prosecution on four criminal charges. those include, obstruction o an official proceeding conspiracy to defraud th federal government, conspiracy to make a false statement. and inciting or assisting an insurrection but the committee is not stopping with donald trump the panel has also referre conservative attorney john eastman to the justice department that is for his role in trump' fake elector scheme. while trump and eastman were the only ones formally refer t the department of justice, thursday's report referenced several unnamed others who could also face possible criminal prosecution
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the others who referred to a cast of coup enablers named in the report, like mark meadows, the ex chief of staff, trump ally lawyers like rudy giuliani, jeffrey clark, and kenneth cheese burrow. the panel named cheeseburger specifically as one of the potential quote, c conspirators in the disgrace ex presidents attempt to hol on the power the committee identifies him not eastman, as the architec of trump's bogus fake plot along the final report, th panel has released dozens of testimony transcripts to the public, a lot of that came out last night, including a neve before seen transcript o former white house aide cassid hutchinson's interviews with the committee. now, this is interesting and one of those interviews, hutchinson told investigator that her first lawyer, stefa passantino, i want you t remember that name to this guy's going to become very very relevant. he served as the deputy whit house counsel under trump.
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stephen passantino try t influence her testimony. hutchinson recalled passantino telling her to quote, focus on protecting the president following the release of the report, trump took to social media platform to respond. deflecting blame for the attac by the way on to the house speaker nancy pelosi and doubling down on his electio lies but thursday's report is not the last we're gonna hear from the committee. more of those transcripts abou 300 and total are expected t be released in the coming days the committee only has until january 3rd to release all o their material to the public that is when republicans tak over the house and the panel will be dissolved. let's bring in the democrati congressman-elect daniel goldman of new york. come january, he's going t represent new york's tenth district but he also served as th majority counsel for the house impeachment inquiry into donal trump. he was also an assistant u.s attorney for the souther district of new york congressman-elect, good to see
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you, thanks for being with u this morning >> great to be with you, americas miss. >> there are a bunch of things in both the transcripts and th report itself that were no made public. obviously, the committee picke and chose the things that woul be most interesting to the public but the stuff about cassid hutchinson, talking about he first lawyer i was talking to michael cohen the other day, and he said thi is our trump's playbook, but certainly the law playbook you get a lawyer whose interests lie somewhere othe than the truth or their ow clients testimony. this was a lawyer who wa telling her, you don't have to recall things. if you don't really recall things perfectly, just so yo don't recall the committee they won't know what you do an what you don't know. protect the president. basically, don't throw anyon under the bus. do you think this is a prett secures allegation that is mad in those transcripts by cassid hutchinson >> very serious. and it is straight out of th mafia playbook when i was prosecuting mafia
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cases, we used to call lawyers like that house council. we would try to remove the from representation because in many ways, they were coconspirators and in whatever the alleged climb -- the fact that she was not only in the white house counsel's office, but was also charged with overseeing ethics for the white house counsel, tells you everything that you need t know about ethics in trump world. but these are really serious allegations. the fact that he was so clearl trying to convince and control cassidy hutchinson to alter he testimony to protect donal trump is exactly out of th mafia playbook it is witness tampering. it may be perjury when he told her that she should just say that she doesn't recall thinks even as she was telling hi that she did recall things he said, well, we don't know
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what you remember in what yo don't. this is truly remarkable, if eyelets every oath a lawye takes. as being a member of a bar but i think the other thin that we really need to focus o here is the incredible heroism and patriotism of cassid hutchinson somebody who is, as i believe, 26 years old at the very beginning of her career. and for her ultimately to stan up to passantino, to trump, to mark meadows, to all these powerful people and come out t tell her story and tell it truthfully, even though sh knew that it was going to be damaging to trump and mark meadows. and she was going to get a tremendous amount of flak from them, and hurt her caree opportunities, and perhaps fou personal safety. it is truly remarkable that it took her 26 --
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it took a 26-year-old to stand up to donald trump when yo have all of these much older much more experienced, muc wiser, much more powerfu people or who cannot do so >> it is important that we remember people like thi because, as much as everybod gets the 50 minutes of fame, you get a lot of hell afte that you get a lot of threats, yo get a lot of intimidation. she's already faced it and she continues to there's only people like thi over the last five years who have put their own careers and their lives on the line fo standing up for democracy. thanks for bringing that up. gantt, good to see you, than you as always. congressman-elect daniel goldman of new york, forme majority counsel for the house inquiry into donald trump. former assistant attorney fo the southern district of new york we are going to get used to no calling him dan, he is a membe of congress. >> you can always call me down >> good to see you as always i want to continue thi conversation with th democratic representative of the u.s. virgin islands, also great friend of our show she served as the house manage
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for donald trump in 2021 you aiden goldman kind of have a similar perspective on how this is all unfolding. welcome back to the show thank you for being here i person by the way. let's just talk about, for a lot of people it is very satisfying that quote that thi was caused by donald trump the weight of the department o justice may come down on donal trump, and maybe a few others. you got to see the whole thing some of this is doing trump, and some of this is an anti-democratic movement tha has spread across the united states, we are seeing it i domestic terrorist attacks, we are seeing the hate and th descriptions some people use o an ideological civil war i love your take on this because you saw this the study from this beginning. from the moments when that mob started to invade the capital. where are you now when you think about this report an what conclusions have you drawn? >> thank you for having me here happy holidays to you and your
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family i just think first of all that the johnny six committee was remarkable the complexity at which they attacked this issue. the issue is not just donald trump, as you stated, the issu is threats to democracy. they're happening all over the world, this is not just an american problem we see this happening in italy in turkey, in other places hungary. and so, what are we going to d as americans donald trump used th frustration, the anger, this domestic hate that is going on right now and harnessed it for his own good, for his ow purposes along with his, you might call them the clown show. but they were more insidious than that. i don't want to diminish who these individuals are by putting that on them so, what i think is importan with this report is not just
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detailing the facts as the occur, but also th recommendations. how we ensure that this doesn' happen again one of course is dealing wit donald trump, not just disgracing him, but making sur that he is never in office again. people forget that the secon charge, the second instruction to the senate would have bee in the impeachment the first is, convict him of inciting an insurrection, an then the second would be, majority vote, not just the 60 that was needed initially to ensure that he never ran for office again i believe that that was one of the charges that we had, tha was one of the things that speaker pelosi was so smar about trying to get to stop him in his tracks i'm hopeful that we as americans, if the justic department doesn't do justic and do its job, that the american people do this with the information that is coming out. the fact that this report is not just putting these
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transcripts out there, but thi is going to be an interactiv website that individuals can g to and really dig in into what is happening in our country. >> like the end, you were prosecutor you were also appointed to the justice department, so you kno a little bit about how these things work. what would be be a satisfyin thing to happen next the department of justice ha all the stuff, we talked about cassidy hutchinson's testimony it doesn't meet the standard that the justice departmen would need because she faced cross-examination and there ha been investigation into thes things what does the justic department do that i satisfying to the american public at this point do they move quickly and proceed with the charges do they reinvestigate everyone what happens >> for us, we have a timeframe that we need to look at. we wanted to do this wild on trump was in office. we didn't have the scope and the time that the january si committee does i think -- >> the impeachment >> yes, sorry.
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i think now the committee ha done the work that hit has, th justice department has a lot o information, a lot o transcripts, a lot of things t work on. one of the things that i would say to them is, my son is in little league baseball you can stand at the plate whe you have a bad picture and jus walk onto a base and hit balls but you never hit a home run unless you take a swing. and so, i'm hopeful that the special prosecutor, th attorney general and other will see what the general si committee is giving them that fourth charge which is th one that is probably the hardest truth, but is the most impactful is the insurrectio charge that would bar him from ever running for office again so, while as a prosecutor i ca recall, you list many charge that you are gonna give. some are easy to prove, bu there is one in there that, if
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you get that person on that, justice is served. >> what do you say to people who have argued right from the beginning, in fact right befor the impeachment, that this i too political. we are already in a highly polarized environment, the impeachment was, some people more polarizing. the committee was polarizing charging the former presiden of the nine states who say he's running for president may be yet more polarizing most people tell me, justice should be blind to that kind o ideal. what is your thought as member of congress >> what we see in donald trump in some instances has nothin to do with politics. i think donald trump has jus refused the republican party a a conveyor for what he wants t do america, we have thi underlying issue that is going on in our country. they need to be addressed. one of those is the frustratio that some in america feel that caused them to gravitate
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towards maga republicanism and then there are others wh are downright hateful and ar using this to overturn the democracy. i think the bitter elections as you have said in ou discussions, it is one battl in a war that we are waiting right now. i think in that instance america has showed tha throughout our diversity, an our complexity, the one thin that we have in common, or the majority of americans have i common is that we want this to remain a democracy so i think that is what we are working towards. >> it's good to see you, merry christmas. >> by christmas, happy holidays >> we look for too many, man conversations. stacey, democratic representative for the unite states we are going to continue t break down the new details fro this historic -- plus, congress has passed massive 1.7 trillion dolla spending bill. among other things, it re-writes some election law. it provides billions of dollar in much-needed aid for ukraine and its defense agains
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russia's brutal invasion, whic is now on day 304. we're gonna break down what is inside that bill and what is still needed for ukraine plus, a massive bigger storm i affecting much of the countr this holiday weekend from blizzards and freezin rain to life-threatening extreme temperatures and deadl road conditions. you have a live report right after this after this detect this: living with hiv, i learned i can stay undetectable with fewer medicines. that's why i switched to dovato. dovato is for some adults who are starting hiv-1 treatment or replacing their current hiv-1 regimen.
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at least 17 people are dea this morning as the u.s. continues to grapple with th effects of a monstrous winte storm. deaths from weather relate incidents have been reported i kansas, kentucky, ohio oklahoma, tennessee, and wisconsin. after the storm system moved across the country blizzards are now hammering many regions and much of the country is waking up to dangerous weather here's a snapshot. zero degrees in indianapolis negative five in minneapolis
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minus 11 in bismarck north dakota here in new york, it's about seven degrees but with the windchill, it feels like negative nine. these bone-chillin temperatures are expected to continue through the weekend but this is the scene in buffalo new york near my hometown of toronto, where lake effect snow off o lake ontario is causing zero miles visibility on the roads. this winter storm also has delayed and canceled that sens of flights across the united states meanwhile, from new york, to florida. , hundreds of thousands of people are cold in the dar after reports of severe powe outages. including to power outage do u.s., as of eight in thi morning, more than 437,000 people are out of power in north carolina over 304,000 have outages in tennessee. more than 237,000 in maine joining us now from one of the colder places is nbc new correspondent shaquill brewster he's live in benton harbor michigan which is currently under a blizzard warning jack, i've seen you in a lot o things before the loca
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disappointing. >> i and that is very accurate. you know, it is very clear wha a blizzard warning is and i' learning that as i'm coverin the storm. one is blowing snow. you see it blowing around. many folks are expecting thi lake effect snow to continue into christmas day one thing i've been hearin from folks here is that they are used to this they get the snow, there use to this lake effect snow they know how to shovel, the have the clouds. what is unusual and what i dangerous for folks in thi area are the winds the fact that yesterday we saw wind gusts reaching 60 miles a hour you have that consistent win about 40 miles an hour for mor than 24 hours. what that does, you get a sens of it as i'm reporting right now. it blows up all the snow, this powdery snow that you have here, it was at into the air so on the, roads that is how you go from being able to se the car in front of you to having that zero visibility an whiteout conditions. and that is what people were facing here yesterday.
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we saw multiple roads. i-94, we saw that shut down at one point. there were pileups at one point, you had official going on twitter michigan state police. and essentially pleading wit people to stay off of the road until about four or five bmi esterdy because they said they had too many accidents along the road and they had to clean those off. and they were, saying it's too dangerous. conditions were going to worsen what we're expecting today i that some of those wind gust will start to die down they will start to stay back a little bit and it will com become a little bit safer fo folks to travel. but then, you have folks sayin use caution on the roads because there's still thes fresh frigid temperatures. here, we are dealing with th windchill about nine degrees below zero believe it or not, that feel about ten degrees warmer tha what we were experiencin yesterday, and what we are als seeing, this is kind of my favorite little nugget today across the lake in chicago benton harbor's right across lake michigan from chicago in chicago, this afternoon the
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chicago bears are hosting th buffalo bills at soldier field if you are familiar that stadium, it is open. there it is outdoors the tickets right now, i anyone is interested are about $10 at kick off the temperatur will feel like nine degree below zero good luck to those fans. >> well, at least there ar places that get cold and get snow but yeah, that is going to be rough one. well, shaq, stay safe. shaquille brewster i supporting in benton harbo michigan fresh off ukrainian volodymy zelenskyy's historic visit t washington, congress has approved approximately 4 billion dollars in additiona aid for ukraine. we are going to talk about wha is in that assistance packag and why it could be a turnin point for this war a key member of the ukrainia parliament, kyra brood x, join me next. me next.
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savannah: great having you. for softneshoda: resilience, wiincredible women!ag. savannah: i wish they had those kinds of cool careers for women when we were growing up... carson: so in this flashback, we're all the same age? hoda: yeah! teacher: what does everyone want to be when they grow up? savannah: if i say two jobs do i get extra credit? teacher: no. girl 1: i want to make immersive video games. girl 2: i want to revolutionize 3d printing. girl 3: i want to analyze data from the cloud. al: i want to be a meteor! girl 2: you mean meteorologist? al: no... girl 2: that's great al. follow your dreams. it is day 304 of russia's wa carson: for the record, i was a baby in the 70s.
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on ukraine fresh off an historic visi from the president vladimi zelenskyy, his first tri outside of ukraine since russi invaded, congress has approved another round of approximately 45 billion dollars i additional military an economic aid for ukraine this comes in addition to th two billion dollars that the biden administration announced during zelenskyy's visit to th white house, which includes potential game-changer the advanced patriot surface t air missile defenses and shoot down incoming rockets with hig precision. make no mistake about, it as a lynskey said in his historic speech before congress, that aid, that quote investment i the global security as h called it, continues to be needed that is especially true as temperatures and ukraine continue to drop russia continues to play strategy of trying to freeze the civilian population, using a zelenskyy calls it, winter a a weapon they are targeting
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infrastructure electrical infrastructure. they say, it is for military purposes but they are targetin infrastructure that in place that have no relationship to anywhere close to th frontline. but as you can see, they als target residential buildings so so much for that. right around the time that zelenskyy return to key vi poland, russia mounted another air attack focused on cities close to the front in the east of the country in the south firin more than 60 missiles, rockets and mortars, and as you can see, hitting civilian infrastructur including a school, a hospital residential buildings. killing at least five civilian and wounding at least 18 more. another reminder that russia's brutality is far from finished in fact, i am just looking now we have seen reports of pierre 74 missiles in the kherson area 36 in the city itself. and there are reports now of a number of fatalities just this morning. joining me now is kara riddick a member of the ukrainia parliament leader of the home's political party. she joins us from ukraine.
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kyra, thanks for being with us again. it is christmas eve. and not all ukrainian celebrat it on the state, but many do the bottom line is, the attack from russia are continuing there have been multiple missile attacks just thi morning, including som targeting kyiv itself. >> hello, ali. indeed today our days ar terrifying because, what w have seen people gathering t christmas markets in tears sun and we are targeted by the missiles and at least five of them ar killed and at least 16-hour wounded can you just imagine the cruelty chiraz it is just a terrorist attack. let us call it what it is. and this is why it is so critical for us to do receiv air defense systems. it is a real game-changer. not only because it will hel us significantly to reduce the effect of the attacks that are being made by russians, bu
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also, it is on an emotiona level a game-changer for the other countries that we ca receive and should receive sophisticated air defens systems. and so, we hope that they will start delivering on thei promises in supporting us an our defense. soon this is a matter of life and death. and especially right now and o christmas eve, we still feel s helpless people are dying on the street peaceful people. and no matter how hard we try, how hard are air defense i working, we still cannot prevent this and for that we need more of those systems in place much more than we have right now >> we were all watchin that speech. all of our american networks carried it i think all over the world everyone carried the speech in congress but you said something interesting. because on one hand, president zelenskyy used language in
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words and examples of american battles or the battle of the bulge and battle saratoga, tha were designed to appeal to american patriots and designed to compare what ukraine is fighting and one america thought of the revolutionary war. so, the americans where th audience, but you tweete something that i was thinkin as i was watching that speech. this could have been a speec for an audience of one there was one person who was watching that speech you mus have heeded it, and that was vladimir putin >> oh, we do hope that he wa watching and we do hope that he hated it because what he has seen i that it was a really histori speech, and it was a really eg maddox speech. and if hitler would have see that speech by churchill, he would probably also hate it. because he would know that i was the beginning of his and so, we are looking forward t any tiny hint of something tha could say, this is the turning point in the war this is the turning point in
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the war. and i do really want to hope that president zelenskyy's visit, and the province of giving us the weapons that w need, would be a turning point in this war. >> you know, i grew up i toronto where there were a lot of ukrainians. when they used to talk about how they came to canada an they would say we come from really cool place, we ca manage the cold. one of the things that you tal about are these electrical power plants getting hit now, when you get a power plan hit you worry about that where the damages and we worry about whether you will los electricity, which is abou 50/50. because they've taken out a lo of electricity in the middle o winter zelenskyy called it usin winter as a weapon but it is not crushing the ukrainian spirit we complain it is schooled her in the united states today, an it sort of precious people but this is not crushing the ukrainians tell me about this >> well, first of all. it is more than 50% of all the energy infrastructure destroye right now. so, every additional attac
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could mean like the tota blackout for the country and right now when you'r waking up in the morning, yo are checking if you have electricity. if you have running water, i you have heat and what level o heat you have and if you hav connectivity and it is really rare when you have all of that so, i can tell you that one of the happiest times that you're waking up and you have you phone charged and you ca gradually yourself on being person who took care of it but, it is not breaking up the spirits. people are anoint because we know that this is the exac intention of russia. to make sure that we start complaining and we start fighting between each other. and this is not what i happening. we take it as a challenge bu we are not taking it as tragedy. it is cold outside it is cold in our homes. but we know that same as the feeling of - as they attempt to break
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ukrainian's, the way we ar feeling right now. we are not being broken even b those terrifying conditions. watch us we are going to stand throug this we are gonna survive through this we are going to win this war no matter how hard it is on al of us right now. >> it is amazing to watch. i am sorry that we have to watch it, but thank you fo being with us. thank you for telling your audience about this. thank you for all the time you've taken to join us. here, rejects a safe here is a member of th ukrainian parliament and the leader of the house politica party. happy holidays to you. stay warm. coming up, after years o pandering and indulgence, mitc mcconnell is suddenly callin out donald trump among a litan of insults and complaints he referred to the twice impeache former president as diminished politicalig fure. diminished politicalig fure.
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you bet i have. (kathryn) we have worked with so many amazing causes and made a difference. (vo) by the end of this year, subaru and our retailers will have donated over two hundred and fifty million dollars to charity. (brent) it's about more than just selling cars. this year in the banned book (phil) the subaru share the love event going on now. club we've covered over tw dozen. books fiction,, memoir poetr even they've all been targeted or banned altogether. while the genres and ridin styles different each of these banned books we feature, they'll carry a crucial lesson today, starting at 10 am eastern i'll be back with special hour-long addition o the velshi banned book club. it is our year and meeting we are gonna take a look bac at some of the most poignant thought-provoking and injuring author interviews that we have done and we will give you enoug time to go and get one of thos
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books on the list of the son for the shooter from the shopping that is this morning, at 10 am eastern. in the meantime, i'm going t share with you one of my conversations with the award winning author, benjamin hally race size who wrote the book aristotle and daunte, discover the secrets of the universe. it is a coming of age story. masterfully crafted so that th writing style pierre matures i sync with our super tagging us after reading the book i had t know what compelled benjamin t put pen to paper as an author. here's what he told us >> i write to give people hope because i think the worl conspired to take their hope away and i know i also understand that as a writer animal senate accuser. and these are my children. i may be a gay man but, thes young people of the world ar my children and i think we should all think that way. they are children and we are responsible to educate them, love them, and take care o them and that is our job. james baldwin once famousl
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said, the children of the thir reich, when they were educated to the purposes of the third reich became barbarians. we are educating our childre to something and that is to be civil. and to be kind and realize the belong to one another. we all belong to one another >> i want to read one last quote. i don't have a middle after th show, but a major theme in the book is that companionship tween these two boys friendship, and love one passage, reads i wanted to tell them that dante was the first human being aside from m mother who had ever made m want to talk about the thing that scared me i wanted to tell them so man things, and yet i didn't hav the words. so i just to put the repeate myself dante is my friend give me 30 seconds on what you meant by that? >> i think that we don't kno how special friends are. that we, in fact, whethe sexually or not, all the friends that we have we fall i love with.
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and they are important and friend is a whole wayward. it really is to say, dante is my friend to call someone friend, to be friend, is to hold an office and that is a beautiful thing. it really is a beautiful thing and we like to say that friend are like family. friends our family they really are. who could live in this world without them ♪ ♪
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mcconnell added that trump who is currently entangled i several legal battles, quote have other things to do. he also blames trump for alienating swing voters by tarnishing the republica party's image. we lost support that we needed it among independents moderate publicans for merel related to the view that the had all of us as a party largely made by the former president, that we were sort o nasty and tended towards chaos and, oddly, enough even though that subset of voters did no approve of president biden they didn't have enoug confidence in us and several instances to give us the majority that we need it and quote. for after a quick break i' gonna discuss this widenin rift within the republican party with dino but, outle siriusxm host and politica columnist for the msnbc dail newsletter, and knowledge on fast, special correspondent fo vanity fair. vanity fair. more velshi, in just a momen jaycee tried gain flings for the first time the other day... and forgot where she was. [buzz] you can always spot a first timer.
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batteries and msnbc, i can hel but smile these mitch mcconnel interviews because it really twice himself into a pretzel not to insult donald trump too much but he gave an interview i which she called out donal trump for contributing to th poor quality of senate candidates in this year' midterms joining me now to discuss this two great friends of the sho and of mine. do you know is a political cal mueller mr. the newsletter he's the host of the one and only dean show on satellite, a radio that i've had th privilege of being on and, molly john fast, hos
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of the calm past podcast fas politics which i've also the privilege of being and welcome to both of you i can't, i can't just, malay with mitch mcconnell i, mean donald trump insulte his wife, insults him, he made some comments after ye and what's his name, the holocaust denier went over for lunch that that has no place in th republican party didn't say the thing about donald trump himself talk about the quality o candidates, now pushed to th wall he finally says, mayb trump suburb loom. >> well, and he goes on nbc. i mean, right? it's practically like. that's a very pointed move, think. but yeah, that's amazing look he's put up with trump fo a long time. i think this is the one time that i've ever agreed with mitch mcconnell. trump picked these terribl candidates and republicans los the midterms it is pretty easy to see tha even though biden didn't hav
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hugely fabulous polling, the american people rejected thi crazy, these crazy candidate because they don't wan division they want a more norma republican party and they're doing everything they can to say it but these republican leaders are such cowards that they jus can't stand up >> yeah, that train has left the station. if you wanted a more norma republican party, you had that chance in 2015 you have that chance in 2016 when the party abandoned policy it actually set the policy i the president. they had that chance in 2018 they had a chance in 2020, and they didn't take it. >> it's because this is wher they want to go. everyone gets this let's be honest. it's not like, oh my god what' going on this is very nuanced no melissa had the idea that go leaders are afraid of trump. i disagree i think they agree with trump. they either love his bigotry
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and his weight supremacy and his gender six attack, or they loved the power that tha delivered. so to me, they're complicit in either case. also, molly, you said we agree with mitch mcconnell no, mitch mcconnell agrees wit us a look at that way donald trump is horrible this is the same mitchel connell who voted to acqui trump after january 6th. but he gave a speech minutes later saying trump is th problem in all of this it is the gop, folks, that i the problem. this gop is at its core fascist party. and it at about 60% of polls can you imagine there is a attack by dems a democrati president 60% of democrats sai that attack was defendin freedom? a match with the gop are calling? us so look, the gop sauce to g through them stuff they sought to lose a lot more elections. the other to find any path embrace democracy, or new part emerges and that is happenin in american history before nic it happened here >> so, molly, that might take couple of cycles the truth, is it donald trum run once again, he may not win enough people to be th president but if he doesn't ru
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a space may not go over to rhonda scent is or whomeve else does that but, that doesn't mean tha democrats don't have to thin about their future and democrats are thinking about their future for 2024. which brings us to the vice, kamala harris. whom not everyone sort of gets what she is up to. so you had an interview with her, and i want to read an excerpt from what she wrot about it you interviewed her for vanity fair it was published on thursday and you have written, perhap it is a function of the worl and we all and have it, but th female vice president's wave friendlier and mor accommodating than a man in he position would ever be she is saddled with the burden of being first anything she says will attract more scrutiny. anything she doesn't do will attract more scorn there is a tension tha permeates the world around her being first is never comfortable. tell me more about this? >> so, i actually ha interviewed her for the podcas for a very short interview
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so i had some experience and i knew her staffers who ar really excellent and i had talked to them, and understood i've interviewed a lot o powerful women and men so i have been able to sort of see the contrast between the way they interact. but what i saw with her staf is, there is an anxiety. she is this is the highest a woman ha ever been elected in thi country. and, this is a country tha does not naturally elect women need leaders in fact, in a way, >> weirdl so, compared to most western marker, sees actually. >> exactly i mean margaret thatcher was 2 years ago in the united states has been very slow so, i do think there is a lo of anxiety i also think there is a lot of inherent misogyny and racism i the way that news is reported, in the way that people reduce, in ways that we don't even know there is an intersectionalit that we should be thinking
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about when we read about women when we read about people of color, that it is inadverten sometimes and sometimes it i not. but, it really is a problem. and i think it is a proble that has dogged vice president the vice president and so, what i try to do is tried to go into tha interview. and i knew a lot about her, an i talked a lot of people, and had read a lot of stuff. and you know, there's a lot of stuff that she had done over the last two years that just had either been reported in very pointed way, like her tri to the dnc she went to north korea. and it was reported that was i a way that was a little bit to make or seem diminished. and i tried to you look at all the work that sh had done is vice president vice president, very complicated job. you are not supposed to be president, you're supposed t work for the president so, it is a very nuanced thing to write about >> she's being the vic
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president that actually jo biden, was doing, staff gettin stuff done, maybe not having these people on tv all the tim is a good thing. that said, dean, you heard a lot, a whole bunch of people thinking, joe biden going to run again? the guy gets a lot of stuf done, the guy has brough russia to its knees, and yet all sorts of people are like, don't know, joe biden, 2020, for what do you think? >> this is what people in th media, do i'm sure they, notic but they love to have this horse racing going, on we have debates on the idea of joe biden running or not, he i running. if he runs, he will be the democratic nominee he has done an outstanding job vice president harris has been a great effective vice president, one day she might actually be our president of the united states in the hop so so of course we are going t debate what joe biden's runnin will be the nominee, who wil win the 2024 probably usher in a democratic-controlled hous and senate again - >> wow, all, right that is wha i love about the two, if you are both very definite, your great friends, thank you for being with us, dean is the
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