tv Alex Witt Reports MSNBC December 24, 2022 9:00am-10:00am PST
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you from msnbc and los angeles mayor christmas eve to all o you celebrating, welcome everyone to alex witt reports. we begin this hour with th latest on the deadly winte storms moving across the u.s., leaving dangerously cold win chills across much of centra and eastern states at least 20 people have died i storm related incidents across the country in, erie count police say ambulances are stil unable to respond to emergency calls, in a timely manner.
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>> the problem is in the hardest hit areas, up to two thirds of emergency response vehicles are stuck fire, ambulance, police, i addition, a man in vehicles ar causing significant problems, have to note this, it is not something we are proud of, but in the worst affected areas, there is no emergency servic available. there's no guarantee that life-threatening emergency situation, that they will be able to respond immediately. we are dealing with situations all night, including a situation with a baby at a hom location which is only a numbe of blocks away from the -- 's side of buffalo, and they could still not get emergenc personnel there. >> wow almost 1 million household remain without electricity thi last hour, north carolina,
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tennessee, maine, they are among the states hardest hit with hundreds of thousands unable to heat their homes blizzard conditions in the great lakes region have shut down that peace bridge, you se it right, they're a majo crossing between the u.s. an canada, and it has lef hundreds of drivers stranded i their cars airports in buffalo milwaukee are closed, airports in salt lake city akron area counties that we've been listening to the executive there also burlington vermont, they are deicing social media users are tryin to make the best of th horrible conditions, one perso tossing boiling water into the icy air, in georgia, look at that, that is an amazing experiment beautiful to see though you don't want to b there. we have several reports coming the storm as it sweeps acros the states and remains in some areas, let's begin with nb shaquille brewster in benton harbor, michigan once again, that was reall horrible having to listen to that every county official talking about two thirds o emergency vehicles being stuck like they can't even move to
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get there are you experiencing anything like that in michigan >> not anymore, but thos conditions are ones that folks here in michigan or facing u today and the day before we knew that was heading east, this part of that same system, and what we saw here, you get sense of why people are gettin stuck. when you hear that blizzar warning, what that means, this first lake effect, snow this going to be experiencing sno into christmas eve, or christmas day, and that will continue, but then you als have the winds, and the wind just whip up the snow that i on the ground, it whips around the snow that is already falling, and that is where you lose a visibility. what we saw here in this area, you saw those pileups yesterda there, there was a nine tracto trailer pileup on the majo interstate we had officials, michigan state police going on twitter, pleading with folks to stay of the roads because they kne that conditions were getting worse. so that wind has started t ease here but we know that now
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it has made its way furthe east and that is why you are hearing this message fro officials. i want you to listen to what w hear from new york officials >> i am actually doing thi briefing from home without power. >> an epic statewide hazard, there is no other way to describe this. >> last second shopping is not worth it if it will cost you your life. >> what they are experiencin is truly a historic blizzard and a historic winter storm an that is why you are hearin that message from officials, i is not worth venturing out, do not try to do that holiday travel in those areas, the conditions even if you are use to, snow even if you know ho to drive in, snow th conditions get to bad once you throw in the wind and th visibility is gone on thos roads. one thing we are also seeing i the idea that the travel i being impacted you talked about some of those airport shutdowns that i
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something you are seeing all across the country alex. >> yeah, we sure, our thank yo for reporting on it though many thanks for that let's bring in right now nbc meteorologist andrew last ma who is going to back u everything shaq just told us my question to you, who is getting hit the hardest righ now? >> it is really, alex, the people downwind of the lake. lake ontario, they, gary lak superior, lake michigan, you can see those lake effect snow bands have set up shop, they will be there for the rest o the day. so while the bulk of the northeast isn't dealing with the rain anymore, or the midwest, those folks along the lake they are still going to b hammered today as we get through the day today and even into tomorrow, finally be able to start cleaning up places like buffalo they hav already seen 27 inches of snow at the airport, and likely tha number has gone up since i'm even telling about it. we are looking at travel trouble in places like detroit buffalo, cleveland, that i where we are looking for the lake effect snow bands to, b maybe washington d.c.,, ne york, boston although we are
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starting to see some improvements there i-90, i would definitely not recommend being on the roadways, you heard check talking abou that, we already heard about the shovel trouble, we wil likely still see some issues u there as well as i-75 an saginaw also these winds, they ar problematic, they have als been - seeing these winds over 50 miles an hour since yesterda morning, so just imagine wha that is like we have snow falling, rapi amounts as well as these reall strong winds, power with the cold air, it is really a difficult situation for folk there and it is not just buffalo we will see winds abov 35 miles per hour in place like detroit, chicago even int green bay 39 miles per hour fo the peak wind gusts today. there is that cold air, this i what is really widespread th snows confined to the lake areas but the cold air as fa south as tallahassee it feel like 20 degrees right now, minus six for louisville, 22 for oklahoma city so tha brutal arctic air is in plac or basically anywhere east o the rockies and stays that way it's tomorrow, morning this is
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what you wake up to one degree for what it feels like i nashville we look to jackson 1 degrees and these are long hau conditions that we will se well into early next week, although, there is som improvement. so just look at this as we get into monday, tuesday still one, maybe minus one for minneapolis, might wednesday 2 degrees so a bit of an improvement, still going to be a bitter cold and a lot of places but you can see the trent washington d.c. found mix into the mid 20s by th time we get to wednesday now big picture look there i still 49 million people in these winter weather alerts, you can see much of that i focused along the great lakes, but also as we look to the northwest, they are now dealin with that second system that w are watching to move on shore, make snow to those highe elevations, the cold front i going to move into places like washington in oregon and w could even see some coasta flooding as we go through th day today. heavy rain possible and not to mention those gusty winds also so shaded with this, i continues to move to the eas we will watch for a secondar storm here as we go throug
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basically tomorrow and you could just see the amount of rainfall that we are expecting in those places anywhere maybe 2 to 3, along the coast like eugene medford all included in the and and again in the highe elevations we could see over a foot maybe a foot and a half o snow and in the lowe elevations maybe a coupl inches instead so lots to talk about of cours -- we still have that bitter cold lake effect snow to watch fo closely because it is dangerou for folks in the great lakes region right now >> i have to tell, you critica information you are, sharing thanks so much for doing, so w will see you again shortly in the meantime, if you're looking to get on a plane, today the word yikes we will check in wit passengers at philadelphia's airport, a live report in just a few minutes for you. in the meantime, let's go no to politics and the fallou going this weekend from th january six committee's fina report on the attack on th capitol, the panel releasing a new batch of witness transcripts late friday nigh including key figures in trump's administration lik bill barr and ivanka trump
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it comes as the impact of th committee's 845-page final report reverberates throughout the capitol hill, and beyond i fact this all of the weekend after it made very clear the central cost for the attack on democracy was one man, or ar president donald trump committee member jamie raski stressing that point right her on msnbc >> and it's just impossible to think -- even this happening withou donald trump being the central instigator of the whole thing, and, if somebody has got a theory about why it was antifa then bring the evidence forwar this is not an agatha christ novel, we know exactly who don it >> well, committee members are now hoping that their report helps the justice department's january six investigation into trump, earlier today congresswoman -- former impeachment manager tol msnbc the impact it could have >> i'm hopeful the special prosecutor merrick garland the
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attorney general and other will see what the january 6t committee has given them, that fourth charge which is the one that is probably the hardest t prove, what is the mos impactful, is the insurrection charge, which would bar hi from ever running from offic again. >> and former president trum unloading on his social medi platform slamming the fina report as highly partisan, meanwhile in new repor revealing bombshell new detail on donald trump's third whit house run, new york magazine calling it, donald trump's sad lonely, thirsty, broke in, basically portend run fo reelection it includes some shockin quotes from trump's advisers one saying his world has gotte much smaller, and another thin the magic is gone. in a historic 1.7 trillion dollar spending bill a awaiting president biden's signature this weekend after passing the house on friday, some of the major items in tha bill include 150 billion for defense, 770 billion for
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domestic spending, 45 billio in emergency military into ukraine, - prevent another january six. for more now on the 16 repor fall, out joining me we have tim o'brien, executive edito at bloomberg and - harry lippman former u.s attorney and host of the talking feds podcast two of my favorites, good to see both, here thank you for joining me, tim, here we are two years after the attack o the capitol, is there anything that jumped out at you fro this 100 - 800 page when he, mitt or th new trove of testimony tha trump last night that coul truly alter public or politica opinion? >> well, i don't know how much of it will alter public opinio i think the main themes, alex, we're pretty baked i throughout the last year o testimony and the executiv summary we got on monday, an there is much more luminous an detailed accounts of wha
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occurred is a very important that all of us become part o the public record it i important for historical reasons obviously but i thin there are new threads fo investigators and prosecutor to pursue, i think one of th most glaring things that comes out of this report is cassid hutchinson's testimony in term of what is new i think the overarching idea that trump was the orchestrato of this event that he was th prime mover is important t remind people of, he was not a passive participant, he was no merely doing what people tol him, he was directing people t try and engineer a coup. i think in terms of cassid hutchinson her testimony suggest that one of the trum camp lawyers who they were advising her to use as council told her essentially to lie to the committee and put her on a path towards lying to th committee which she ultimately
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resisted and perjury is a crime, and it would be hard to prov it is not clear that the doj would pursue that but as somebody who has been preppe twice for depositions and once when i was deposed in my litigation with donald trump honorable ethical lawyers do not advise their clients to li under oath in fact, they go out of thei way to say, we would never wan to see you lie you do not need to answe questions beyond the specifics of what you ask, do no volunteer information you have administer bell, but they neve tell you to lie if they ar honorable members of the law and, this is part and parcel o the whole trump camp has alway rolled, they do not really car about the law, and they tend t have in the camper do not care about either >> now look, i want to get t the specific verbiage that - by the way, cassidy hutchinson
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what she went through with literally heartbreaking, the way she -- she was so stern by all of this, she had a pivotal witnes during the hearings, but harry i will - i just want to ask you, here i what was that according to her testimony in - the last you remember, the better that is what stephen told, her right, he said specifically, i do not want you to perjure yourself, but i don't recall - but don't -- i do not recall is in perjury. he says, if you say i do not recall, that is not perjury. so, what kind of advice is tha from an attorney when, is it legit? >> notice completely contradictory, and - just say it was a wednesday. there is a difference between do not recall, and i do recall and, hutchinson of, course kne very vividly, so the depositio
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starts, she is six times say she doesn't recall, then asked for a break and in turmoil takes into an office and says, i just lied six times, and tha is when he presses her again and again, they do not kno what you don't, know your go-t is i do not recall, other time he says you have to protect th president, other times the offer her a job, this is reall loyally sophistry, saying yo do not recall when you do, i is a common form of perjury, but it is 100% perjury and h supported and obstructed justice and her count as accurate >> i will tell, you the girl being torn between her conscious in which is bein told to do, absolutely extraordinary to read abou that let me ask you though, harry with the once-committee joinin by the end of the, or how is the committee left behind comprehensive roadmap fo donald trump >> so the short answer is, yes
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but that is the phrase that is being banded about, and it i accurate in some senses, but i think it is clear the doj know how to drive for made me, an -- know how to proceed, and the committee did a phenomenal job probably the hardest not t crack which is a intent of president trump with ver little to go on and conspiracy of silence all around him. so, the committee needs, excus me the doj needs badly, i think, to crack a few bigger witnesses, cassidy hutchinson is fantastic, but i do not think you mak some of the cases we are talking about on her testimony alone, they will really need t get to the mark meadows, and chaz rose and others, and that involves some straight up -- pressure, but for sure it is a
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wealth of information, in migh think of it, roadmap you may think of as a jigsaw puzzle, huge with all these pieces, do already has many pieces, now know what the holes, are and where they have to look, and that is a big service to the country and the department b the committee. >> yeah. tim, you touched on, this th last part of your first answer they're among the 11 recommendations laid out in th report, the committee calls to invoke the 14th amendment that effectively bans trump for running for president in 2024, in, fact any office ever again but the question to you, i that a real possibility, wha kind of impact could that have >> well, it is a rea possibility alex, if law enforcement and our electora apparatus choose to enforce it that is always been the cloudy issue i think in the entir january 6th investigation of the intended prosecution i ultimately at the end of the
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day, i did not believe it is a question any longer, and it ha not been for quite a while whether or not donald trum broke the law. i think the -- win i think the boundaries o the drug proposal have all bee laid out, a lot of it filled in but still some missin pieces and i think prosecuting member of trump's orbit, when in thos blanks, people like mark meadows, john eastman, and others, but it comes down to a judgment call by our institutions at the end of the day, whether or not they wan to enforce the rule of law the insurrection them -- inside the constitution, it is on the, books it is there for reason, the framers of the constitution revolved agains england because they did not like -
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they did not like imperial power. the constitution was drafted t prevent a single individua from trying to take control of the state, or the country. and, trump is someone who ha done that. >> so chapter seven, real quic you guys, focuses on the hundred 87 minutes between president trump's reach in i at the ellipse, and when h tweeted the video telling hi not to leave we heard before how many peopl trump circle encourage him t call out - who by the way politically i the relation to the one sixt tack, that really hit home because he said we literally left right after president trump's for 17 p m video cam out, you know, to me, if you would have done that earlier today, the vma, be it wouldn't be this bad of a situation o something. tim, did he understand the magnitude of what was happenin and, harry, after that, real quickly, can he be held liable for that in a court of law? tim first. >> yes, yes, and yes
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he was completely negligent in his, duties it was watchin until a vision, who is being told by advisers, there is a car put on his desk that other witnesses said he saw that someone had been shot an killed inside the capitol. so he is of course he knew yes he should be hel accountable for it, because he was an eight minimum dereliction of duty, but als incited an insurrection at the capitol. and he witnessed the consequences, and didn't nothing. >> so legally speaking, harry. >> yeah, two points, first, th absence of documentation is on of the new things. it is stunning you can't in the oval office you cannot scratch your nose without being known. we will have to be helping him including -- and the like can he be held liable? not only can, he but that is the centerpiece your previou guest was saying is a hard act to prove it is the insurrection, an will be hard to, proof and the theory is, that he aided and
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abetted, and how did he do i exactly, this way by not actin during the hundred - knowing that it was ongoing, and having a duty as president to do something. so this actually theory unde the law, aiding and abetting and -- so that goes - to this sort of brass ring o can they make the 14th amendment by - him it would be the big pot of gold at the end of the rainbow here >> yeah, well, listen, i'm resisting having to wrap thi conversation, but i think yo guys nonetheless appreciate you both. bridging the gap in, america new insight into who can actually do it next. in our next hour, we hav michael, more he wants some bi
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government spending bill is on its way to president biden's desk after the house approve that bill estimate in th holiday rush to avoid government shutdown. nbc's julie tsirkin is joining us now from capitol hill welcome my, friend we have democrat sighing with relief that this bill passed and is turned over to republicans after the holiday. so, what finally made it int the bill >> yes, alex, good to be wit you. this is one of those pieces of legislation whose impacts ar not really obvious unless it didn't pass to the obvious american that is because it is one of those bills that congress ha to pass every single year, o else the government which ar down now the biggest reason why republicans and the senate wer able to get this over th finish line, ultimately it passed the house, is because defense pending in this bill i actually greater than no defense spending
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you see that on your screen, there's also 45 billion dollar in aid for ukraine, the senate passing that piece o legislation the day afte ukrainian president zelensky addressed congress thanking them for this money addressing them and saying i is not charity some of the things that will impact of day americans were best in the form of amendments on thursday. really interesting here, congress was able to squeeze into this bill - breastfeeding, mothers pregnan workers, giving more protections in the workplace and preventing against nondiscrimination for pregnant workers as well. that is really interesting -- 30% additional funding i childcare as well. i want you to take a listen to what kevin mccarthy, the republican leader, had to sa in the house floor yesterday when he was trying to obstruct passage of this bill watch. >> this is a monstrosity, on of the most shameful act i hav ever seen in this body the appropriations, process ha failed the american public, an there is no greater example of
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the nail in the coffin of th greatest failure of a one part rule of the house, the senate, and the presidency of this bil here our economy is all ready in tire condition, passing this only supercharge is this disaster >> despite his best efforts in trying to keep house republicans together and opposing this bill of course one democrat as well alexandra cause your cortez voted agains this bill because of the defense spending but still nin republicans voted for, it' seven of which are not returning to congress next year mccarthy, other hous republicans, aligned with th former president aligned wit having republicans having an influence bending and in the omnibus wanted this process to happen next congress whe republicans were in control of the lower chamber, obviously that did not happen, but mccarthy still vying for a speakership, that is a tight race and he's trying to keep the pressure on. >> yeah. that was quite clear
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thank you for that, juli tsirkin. well again, president bide expected to sign that bill pretty soon, he is als expressing optimism for th year ahead the president stressing unity, and kindness in what the white house called, a christma address. >> we are certainly making progress, things are getting better, covid no longe controls our lives, kids are back in school, people are bac to work, in fact more people are working than ever before americans are -- find that stillness in the heart of christmas, or is no the heart of christmas, yo look at each other, not us democrats or republicans, no as members of team red or blue but as who we really are fellow americans >> joining me now is chris whipple, new york time bestselling author of th gatekeepers, and the fight o his life inside joe biden' white house, that will be on sale january 17th.
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can't wait to get a copy o that, one chris. thank you for joining us i want to ask you if the president's message wa effective. one of the presidents promises when taking office was to tr and unite the nation among all the political discourse, do yo expect this to not b consistent effort over the nex couple of years, and is it eve possible to successfully unify this country getting the whitening partisan divide? >> i thought the christmas message was really effective it was vintage joe biden, that is the real joe biden, excus me the guy who wants to unit the country. it is, you know, i think wha the fascinating thing is here, we feel there's always bee this contradiction at the hear of the biden presidency betwee trying to unify the country, and calling out the big lie. and, as we saw, before the speeches that joe biden gave o january 6th, the anniversary o
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january 6th in the capital and then that union station, befor the midterms they were arguabl among the best speeches of his career so there's always been thi tension to unify the country o to call out the big lie and we saw how effective calling ou the eli was in the midterms, w are voters chose normal over crazy, so i think it will be interesting to see how strik the balance going forward, because trumpism is still with us >> yeah. >> you know the presiden reflected on the u.s. economy, he wrote the op-ed for yahoo news writing looking back in 2022, i feel more confiden about america than ever, h says we are making important progress, transitioning from historic recovery, to stable steady growth. for the last of months, we jus have been increasing faste than - at the lowest level since last summer, and year over year inflation has been slowing what kind of grade you giv president biden on his handlin of the economy, and is his
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confidence resonating with americans? >> well, i think you do -- for the treatments over th last year, and if you look at, it he has really had the legislative gender that rivals lbj. so i think he obviously wanted to take a bow with the up had, which was well deserved, but i a way now comes the hard part. biden has to now going forward try to tame inflation, and avoid a recession. he has to implement all of the legislation that was done in the first year, because it doe not mean anything until th rubber meets the road. he has to unify the nato and u.s., keep them united against putin defending ukraine. then i think to touch on wha tim and harry were talking about earlier, i think the defining test of thi presidency to some extent is going to be, what th
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department of justice does whe it comes to prosecuting donald trump. you know, the fate of richar nixon was the defining test of general ford's presidency, for pardon nixon, and he lost th election to jimmy carter i 1976 i think that that is going t be a real test for thi presidency you know, if the doj fails t prosecute donald trump, isn' it with a mountain of evidence that he tried to strangl democracy i think he will pay price for that - >> i will hope to have you o board more often thank you so much. it is a great day to stay at home everyone but some peopl have got to travel and in th midst of some horrible weather how is it looking we are going to check on e thsituation at the airport in philadelphi next
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glimpse at the impact in massive winter storm is having on travelers, that is the piec rich, it is a main link from buffalo to canada, it is close at this hour as you can see, i is deserted in this live look. meanwhile thousands of flights being delayed in canceled in airports around the, country leaving, many many peopl stranded ahead christmas eve let's bring in nbc's - philadelphia national airport, we have been checking in with, you how is it looking now? >> well, alex, just within the last hour, we are hearing from secretary of transportatio pete buttigieg, he reported 20 of flights were canceled yesterday, that is one in five flights. we continue to see the ripplin and lingering affects of thi week's severe weather today. so far today more than 200 flight cancellations, anothe 4300 delays on top of that according to one flights tracker. we are seeing not quite th same degree of fligh
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cancellations comparatively to yesterday, but it is still a widespread impact. several efforts continue t de-ice planes. we just learned from new york' governor kathy hochul th buffalo's airport will remai closed through monday, aroun 11 a.m.. so we are seeing this range of emotions from people here at the philadelphia airport understandably so many peopl frustrated, wanting to be with their families i will say, by and large people are keeping the speec pretty mary. take a listen. >> i don't care what time i ge in, today i just want to see - is it, but i think it is prett good, and the people at delta, the moral there is very good for what they are goin through. and they are doing a good jo trying to help us. >> okay, so if your flight was disrupted, a few things to kee in mind. first, you want to try perhaps the airlines international hotline,, so you are not i
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quite as long a wait time, experience quite the wait time when it comes to the domesti communications also, remember to multitask, you want to get on the phone used to airline chat, try to get a hold of people, all whil you are standing in line a customer service, and the othe feature, this is newly relaunched website, it is th faa airline consumer website and you can kind of understand what you are entitled to depending on the airline you'r flying, whether it be vouchers you can access, or what kind o refund you can expect, details like that. a number of things to keep i mind as we continue to experience this travel nightmare. alex >> listen, i think we want t get to where they want to ge to before they think about the refunds, we will see wha happens on the big picture thank you though, emily, all good advice. it is a new and epic examination of the beginning o president trump's 2024 presidential run, the fina campaign inside donald trump's sad, lonely, thirsty, broke in basically pretend to run for reelection which isn't to sa
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thirsty, broken, basically pretend to run for reelection, which isn't to say he can' win. the article includes som standout quotes from those close to the former president. among them, a trump adviso says, he just goes, plays golf comes back, at fc off. he has retreated to the golf course at mar-a-lago, and then his world has gotten muc smaller. the trump advisers are quote as saying, in this business yo can have it, and have it so hot, and it can go overnight, and i is gone. you cannot get it back i think we are just seeing i is gone. the magic is gone. joining me now is susan de percio, republican strategis and msnbc political analyst an tara setmayer, senior advise for the lincoln project. residents collar at uva center for politics, and former gop congressional communications director you guys have some great resum 's i'm glad you are both here susan, with those quotes fro trump's advisers, are they write for trump's reelection
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ever just -- title states and frankly i wil remind viewers, you have sai you do not think he is eve going to really run fo president again. so, what do you think? >> yeah, i've said he is not going to be on the ballot, and i think that this is a pretend run, but really the articl comes out and down to this is search for staying relevant. you see it at much lower level over former elected official but the need for the attention to be relevant to shap conversations and policies - policy in donald trump case, but at least have the headline so he seems to be doin everything possible to almos sabotage himself, and yet he still loves the headlines. i'm sure he would not have a problem with the story being written just the way it is >> well, this interview with trump offered a few noteworthy quotes, trump told her, quote, i think have always been
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relevant when it comes to hi legal issues repeating trump repeated the phrase i have nothing wron nine times and 30 minutes. and he said the whole trut about why he was running was this i wanted to put my cards on th table. i did that i think we did that very strongly so, tara, what does it tell yo about the state of donald trum right now? >> he is terrified he is terrified of anythin being small. we already know this throughou his career, the way he speaks. he is a brilliant wider, captured that throughout her article, he's afraid of being loser, afraid of being irrelevant, he has now become shot in retiree down in florid who has to create spectacles t stay relevant like the asinine digital and hefty cards that h put out. is this is serious person no. it is somebody who's crying ou desperately for attention. unfortunately with someone a dangerous as donald trump an someone as irrational as him
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and someone is vicious and malignant and narcissist lik him, he is very dangerou still. there's no telling what he wil do during his - this run now for president again, he has no interest in actually becoming presiden again. this is all just to protect hi in his mind from any legal consequences it is to keep him in the headlines. he does not care about the republican party or the stat of the country we will bring it to the ground first if that is what it means if that is what it takes for him to stay in the headlines she talks about his obsessio with sunset boulevard and think that is very insightfu as someone who's a municipal theater nerd my mom was on broadway and i grew up on thes musicals they are fantastic but the storyline of that movie is one of someone becoming irrelevant because of silent movies being pushed out by the talking, the he is obsessed with that movie he is obsessed with not bein relevant anymore, and anyone who knows donald trump or ha
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followed, him writte biographies, read, them thos that being irrelevant and loser is his biggest fear in m opinion. he's headed down the pat quickly. >> yeah, all that context, wha about moving on to what is happening right now with congress from lower boebert, mature taylor greene, of cours two of my guess most faithfu republicans. not taking swipes at each othe over kevin card these bid fo house speaker. so it started with boebert distancing herself from greene saying she does not believe in a number of conspiracy theorie posted online in 2018. then green responding accusing boebert of throwing her unde the bus for a cheap soundbit and for engaging a quote hig school trauma. susan, are you surprised tha these two are at odds? does this infighting rather, does it reflect the party' broader issues right now >> yeah, i'm not surprised a all, it reflects the immaturit of the people who are involved in the party and our elected officials on the republica
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side it is also a nightmare, and huge headache for kevi mccarthy to have these kinds o arguments and this kind of attention as to who is going t sway support for his speakership. it is -- it is the last thing he needs, and as far as these two wome going after one another, surel they both have better things t do with their time then do this i mean, it just, it is jus pointless. >> well, apparently not fo march or taylor greene, tara because she actually spent som time writing an op-ed this week, writing every publicans want t get things done, there is only one choice for house speaker a she keeps taking this really big public stand in favor of kevin mccarthy so the question is, is she hedging her bets on kevi mccarthy to grow her own power in the next congress, and if s what kind of dangerous wit that create? >> it is all of that all of a sudden, marjori taylor greene has decided to have to be a serious person,
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she is not a serious person. she has not been especially in the media, those platforms, they need t continue to remind people wh this despicable woman's. stop acting as if she has some normalized political playe here now what she is doing is prett normal play in politics, right she's maneuvering to gai power. but we cannot forget how disgusting she has, and what she stands for, and why she is not on any committee assignments now. she really hasn't had anything else about it to do that to be a professional troll on th text based on the last two years, because he was kicked off her committees because o all of her qanon and systemati jewish - nonsense that she has said now her and lauren boebert the haven't been getting along for quite some time. people may not remember bu back in the spring they almost went to blows at a freedom caucus dinner because of her - marjorie taylor greene's participation in nick fuentes' conference the white nationalist wh
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donald trump had lunch wit mar-a-lago recently. they got into an argument over that so they have not been buddie for quite some time, it is a mean girls, it is a very hig school-ish, but the issue here is, you need to pay attentio who these people, are and wh marjorie taylor greene is no all of a sudden becoming a political power play within th republican party kevin mccarthy desperately needs her, what has he promise terry, she should be on a path out, but he's obviousl promising her some kind of political power or she would not be behaving this way digging aside, because speakership is tinkering he may not get it, i've said the for a long, time he may no actually become speaker, - >> well, we know she has mad some demands, that is been public knowledge, we will se if - in the meantime, susan, tara thank you both so, much happ holidays coming up, next th investigation into a plane crash on a california beh,ac and who was on board itis or active psoriatic arthritis
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